pink floyd dogs you gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need. you gotta sleep on your toes. and...


Upload: giacinto-paoletti

Post on 03-May-2015




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  • Slide 1
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  • PINK FLOYD DOGS You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need. You gotta sleep on your toes. And when you're on the street. You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat With your eyes closed.
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  • TO BE ABLE TO Past simple = was/were able to Present perfect= have/has been able to Past perfect = had been able to Future simple will be able
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  • Si usa quando can non si pu usare, esprime capacit Could was/were able to Capacit/abilit abituale capacit/abilit con riferimento o permanente del passato ad un preciso momento del passato (imperfetto) (passato remoto o p. prossimo)
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  • ATTENZIONE! Could possibile: forma negativa anche riferimento ad un preciso momento del passato. si usa con i verbi di percezione.
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  • FORME ALTERNATIVE To be capable of+ v ing To know how + infinito con to To manage + infinito con to To succed in + v ing
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  • PUT THE CORRECT FORM OF EITHER "CAN" OR "BE ABLE TO" FOR EACH SENTENCE. ONLY USE "BE ABLE TO" IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! 1. I haven't____ concentrate recently at work. I don't know what it is. 2. My brother____ cook very well. He is a chef in a French restaurant. 3. When he was only 2, my friend Lee____ speak quite well. 4. I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow night so I ____ (not) come to the party. I'm very sorry. 5. Kevin lived in Italy for six years, so he must____ speak Italian quite well. He will help you with your homework. 6. This telephone is terrible. I____ (not) hear you at all.
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  • 7. When the car drove into the lake, one of the passengers____ (not) open the door and had to be rescued. 8. Despite the arrival of the storm, they ____ finish the football match. 9. When I was very young, I used to ____ touch my toes, but I can't now!! 10. The house was totally empty all day yesterday and I____ finish that book I was reading. 11. My mother tells me that her grandfather was one of the best musicians of his time in the city and____ play the piano like a professional. 12. I hope to____ speak English very well after this course finishes.