pinewood menu card

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Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 Pinewood Menu Card


    Healthy Options

    A optoal 10% srvc charg wll b addd to yor bll. Plas advs a mmbr of staff f yo sffr from ay food allrgy, w caot garat ay of or dshs do ot cota ts.

    Pwood Sop of th Day 4.95Sop of th Day Srvd wth Warm Crsty Brad

    Classc Praw Coctal 6.25Srvd o Shrddd Lttc, Toppd wth SafoodSac Accompad wth Brow Brad & Lmo

    Whtbat 5.50

    Bradd Whtbat, Lmo & Pppr Mayo

    Brad Stcs & Psto Dp

    Fta Chs & Olvs

    M Crott 5.95Warmd Goats Chs, S-blshd Tomatos,Roct Salad & Balsamc Drssg

    Smod Macrl 5.95Smod Macrl Pat, Toast & Crm Frach

    Pwood Trr 6.25

    Dc ad Parsly Trr, Frt Chty & Toastd Focacca

    ~ STARTeRS ~

    ~ GRAze 2.75 ~

    S-blshd Tomato, Frsh Orgao,Moarlla & Roct

    Parma Ham, Portablla Mshroom & Qal egg

    ~ HOMeMADe STOne-BAkeD PizzAS 9.95 ~All Pa bass ar had rolld to ordr wth or ow frsh Tomato sac ad toppd wth Chs cood or ow Wood sto Pa ov.

    Tha Chc, Gr Pppr, Jalapos Chll& Sprg Oo

    Smod Salmo, Watrcrss, Ta & Crm Frach

    Fllt of Scottsh Salmo 15.50Fllt of Scottsh Salmo, eglsh Asparags,nw Potatos & Hrb Bttr

    Old Spot Por Blly 14.50Slow Brasd Por Blly, egg noodls,Swt Chll & Ssam Ol

    Pwood Brgr 12.95100% Bf Brgr Toppd wthCaramlsd Oo, Baco & Chddar Chso a Toastd Bap wth Had-ct Chps & Tossd Mxd Salad

    ~ MAin COuRSeS ~Spaghtt Carboara 10.95Cood wth egg Yol, Dobl Cram, Smod Baco,Cracd Blac Pppr & Choppd Parsly

    ed Tha CrryAll Srvd wth RcVg 13.95Chc 13.95kg Praw 17.95

    Chc Brast 14.50Chc Brast Wrappd Baco, Fodat Potato,Gr Bas & Rd W Sac

    Gocch 10.95Potato Gocch, Smmr Grs, Psto & Roct

    Fsh ad Chps 11.95Br Battrd Haddoc Fllt wthChy Chps, Tartar Sac & Pas

    8o Rb ey Sta 18.9521 Day Agd eglsh Rb-ey Sta Srvd wthTossd Mxd Salad, Had-ct Chps & Hrb Bttr

    ~ Join us for our TradiTional sunday luncH ~see ee week 12 - 9.30p the Ee rett

    ~ room sErvicE ~f r see thee t 3 hge

    The l cte me ee 12 - 9.30p m t st& Tt s lh me ee 12 - 9.30p s


    Hrtag Tomato & Bffalo Moarlla Salad 5.95Wth Roct & Psto

    Sharg PlattrMat: Choro, Parma Ham, Salam, 9.95Brsaola, Smod Vso & PclsVg:Artcho, S-blshd Tomato, Hmms, 8.95

    Olvs, Fta & Psto

    Mxd Provcal Olvs

    Swt Chll nts

    Spcd Pats

    Roastd Pstachos

    Choos Yor Ow 9.95Pa Bas coms wth Tomato Sac& Chs Pls ay 4 ToppgsTomato, Moarlla, Olvs, Ham, Ppprs, Oo,Mshroom, Ta, Smod Salmo, Goats Chs,Chc, Artcho & Pppro

    Mat Balls & Wholmal Pasta 9.50Tomato & Basl Sac

    Qoa wth Roastd Vgtabls & Psto 8.95

    Casar Salad 7.95Baby Gm, Parmsa, Crotos & AchovsAdd Chc Brast 10.95

    Ta ncos 10.954o Pacfc Ta Sta, Baby Gm,Frch Bas, Tomatos, egg & nw Potato

    ~ DeSSeRTS 5.50 ~Chocolat BrowRch Chocolat Brow Srvd wth Valla ic Cram

    eto MssMrg, Whppd Cram, Strawbrrs & Mt

    Slcto of ic-CramPlas As yor Watr for Todays Chocs

    Crm BrlHommad Crm Brl Srvd wth Shortbrad Bsct

    Wht Chocolat ChscaWht Chocolat Chsca Toppd wth Smmr Brrs

    Lmo PosstSrvd wth Frsh Raspbrrs

    Corsh Br, Stlto 8.50& Qcs Trcl ChddarSrvd wth Frt Chty, Graps, Clry & Savory Bscts

    Glass of Dsrt W 3.85

    Chata d Lvat (Satrs)

    ~ SiDe ORDeRS 3.10 ~Mxd Salad

    Gr Vgtabls

    Garlc Brad

    Chy Chps

    nw Potatos

    Oo Rgs

  • 7/31/2019 Pinewood Menu Card



    Stll Ditala Proscco nV 6.80 29.00

    Los Dorr et Fls nV 8.50 39.00

    Tatgr Prstg Ros nV 56.00

    Tatgr Brt Rsrv nV 71.00

    Dom Prgo Brt 2000 125.00

    WHiTe WineS 175ML 250ML BOTTLe

    Pot Grgo, Va nova, italy 4.60 5.20 15.50

    Chardoay el Campso, 5.10 6.10 18.00Vall Ctral, Chl 2009/10

    Savgo Blac Pal, 5.80 6.40 19.00Colchaga Vally, Chl 2009/10

    Trr d Lmr Vogr Cllrs Ja dAlbrt, Frac 2010 24.00

    Ch Blac Lowys Pass, Soth Afrca 2011 25.00

    Rhga Rslg QbA Schloss Schbor, Grmay 2010 26.00

    Th Frost Poct, Savgo Blac, 2011 27.00

    Sacrr Blac Doma Tssr, Lor, Frac 2010 35.50

    Chabls Ls Dx Rvs O. Lflav, Brgdy, Frac 2010 38.50

    ROS WineS 175ML 250 ML BOTTLe

    La Brott Ros, Prodctrs Plamot, 5.10 6.10 18.00Frac nV

    Pot Grgo Blsh Va nova, italy 2010 20.00

    ~ Wine LiST ~DeSSeRT WineS 50ML BOTTLe

    Cocbrs F Rby Port 3.65

    Ch. Bratt 2003 Satrs, Frac Half Bottls 3.75 25.00

    ReD WineS 175ML 250 ML BOTTLe

    La Brott Rog Prodctrs Plamot, 4.60 5.20 15.50Frac nV

    Cabrt Savgo Carmr el Campso, 5.10 6.10 18.00Chl 2009/10

    Mrlot Pal, Colchaga Vally, Chl 2009/10 5.80 6.40 19.00

    Tmprallo Campo nvo navarra 2010 22.00

    Malbc Chamyo Mdoa Vyards, Argta 2010 22.50Shra Hywood estat, Se Astrala 2010 24.00

    Massra d Trllar Prmtvo dl Tarato, Pgla, italy 2011 25.00

    Pot nor Rsrva Va Mar, Casablaca, Chl 2011 26.00

    Chat Forro, Ccch, Tscay 2010 27.00

    Solar d Samago Roja Rsrva, Roja, Spa 2003 36.50

    Chataf D Pap, Chata Bach 2006 39.00

    A optoal 10% srvc charg wll b addd to yor bll. Plas advs a mmbr of staff f yo sffr from ay food allrgy, w caot garat ay of or dshs do ot cota ts.


    ~ HOT DRinkS 2.50 ~

    ~ COLD DRinkS ~

    Slcto of Frt Tas Avalabl

    W also hav:

    Laf Tas

    Fltr Coff


    Staropram 5.0% 2.30 4.50

    Stlla Artos 5.1% 2.20 4.30

    Bcs Vr 4.0% 2.00 4.00

    Gss 4.1% - 4.30

    Boddgtos 3.8% 1.90 3.80

    BOTTLeD DRinkS

    Bcs 5.0% 4.00 (275ml)

    Coroa 4.6% 3.80 (330ml)

    erdgr 5.3% 4.60 (500ml)

    Lodo Prd 4.7% 4.00 (500ml)

    Magrs 4.5% 4.50 (568ml)

    Smroff ic 4.5% 3.80 (330ml)

    Wh t h e wth exg t .

    SOFT DRinkS

    Frobshrs Frt Jc 2.75Orag, Pappl, Tomato,Crabrry, Appl & Grapfrt

    J2o 2.90

    Appltr 2.90

    Co/Dt Co 2.00 (Half Pt)

    Co/Dt Co 3.00 (Pt)



    Hot Chocolat



    Lqr Coffs 6.20