pine street life - february 2011

Check us out on the web at Pine Street Life Volume 31, Issue 2 February 1, 2011 Just who might these “broken-hearted” people be? We may not see ourselves exactly as broken-hearted. at may be too dramatic a phrase. We may feel somehow disconnected, though, from our faith when the realities of daily life present themselves. Or, we may feel somehow unable to draw on our faith resources when we most need them. It seems to me that Jesus was talking about our wholeness when he says we are broken hearted. Being broken hearted, in this Christian context, is not about sadness. It is about our lives being disconnected from our faith. If you sometimes feel disconnected from your faith or isolated from others because of our faith, Pine Street’s Winter Seminar may be just what you need. Inside is Issue Session Notes 3 Stewardship 3 DDB 5 Church Family 6 February Calendar 7 February Scripture 8 February Dates at a Glance Feb 6 . . . . . . Bagels & Belief (p.2) Feb 6 . . . Sign up for Lenten Breakfast begins (p.6) Feb 11 . . . Valentine Cabaret (p.6) Feb 12 . . . . . Men’s Breakfast (p.6) Feb 20 . . . . . . . Crazy for You (p.6) Feb 26 . . . . . Winter Seminar (p.1) PSL deadline Articles, photos and items of interest for the March issue of Pine Street Life are due by February 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at [email protected] (See Seminar on page 2) (See Safe Church on page 2 Winter Seminar 2011 – February 26 th CONNECTING ROLE AND SOUL: INTEGRATING F AITH AND DAILY LIFE by Ron Poorman Pine Street — A Safe Church, part 2 by Cheryl Goode & Diana Robertson Last month we told you that the Safe Church committee met, created a policy and presented it to session, which they approved. If you have seen the policy you will have noted that we included training of our staff and volunteers, and education for the congregation as a whole. We will shortly be announcing a training session with a professional counselor. is will be mandatory for staff and all volunteers working with children, but it will also be open to the officers and the congregation at large. Additionally we will be bringing you information from time to time which will enlighten you as to I n the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, following his baptism in the Jordan River and after being tempted by Satan, he was “full of the Holy Spirit.” When he returned to Nazareth, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and read from the scroll of Isaiah that was given to him. Jesus said: “e Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Older translations of the Bible use the phrase “…to bind up the broken-hearted” to refer to those in need of spiritual healing.

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Page 1: Pine Street Life - February 2011

Check us out on the web at

Pine Street LifeVolume 31, Issue 2

February 1, 2011

Just who might these “broken-hearted” people be? We may not see ourselves exactly as broken-hearted. That may be too dramatic a phrase. We may feel somehow

disconnected, though, from our faith when the realities of daily life present themselves. Or, we may feel somehow unable to draw on our faith resources when we most need them. It seems to me that Jesus was talking about our wholeness when he says we are broken hearted. Being broken hearted, in this Christian context, is not about sadness. It is about our lives being disconnected from our faith. If you sometimes feel disconnected from your faith

or isolated from others because of our faith, Pine Street’s Winter Seminar may be just what you need.

Inside This Issue

Session Notes . . . . . . . . . .3Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . .3DDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Church Family . . . . . . . . .6February Calendar . . . . .7February Scripture . . . . . .8

FebruaryDates at a Glance

Feb 6 . . . . . . Bagels & Belief(p.2)

Feb 6 . . . Sign up for LentenBreakfast begins (p.6)

Feb 11 . . . Valentine Cabaret(p.6)

Feb 12 . . . . . Men’s Breakfast(p.6)

Feb 20 . . . . . . . Crazy for You(p.6)

Feb 26 . . . . .Winter Seminar(p.1)

PSL deadlineArticles, photos and items of interest for the March issue of Pine Street Life are due by February 15, 2011. Please e-mail to Sue Black at

[email protected]

(See Seminar on page 2)

(See Safe Church on page 2

Winter Seminar 2011 – February 26th ConneCting Role and Soul:

integRating Faith and daily liFeby Ron Poorman

Pine Street — A Safe Church, part 2by Cheryl Goode & Diana Robertson

Last month we told you that the Safe Church committee met, created a policy and presented it to session, which they approved. If you have seen the policy you will have noted that we included training of our staff and volunteers, and education for the congregation as a whole. We will shortly be announcing a training session with a professional counselor. This will be mandatory for staff and all volunteers working with children, but it will also be open to the officers and the congregation at large. Additionally we will be bringing you information from time to time which will enlighten you as to

In the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, following his baptism in the Jordan

River and after being tempted by Satan, he was “full of the Holy Spirit.” When he returned to Nazareth, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and read from the scroll of Isaiah that was given to him. Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Older translations of the Bible use the phrase “…to bind up the broken-hearted” to refer to those in need of spiritual healing.

Page 2: Pine Street Life - February 2011

Volume 31, Issue 2Page 2

Safe Church Continued from page 1

where a threat might be. What follows are some statistics about child molesters for you to consider. These statistics are presented not to scare you but rather to educate you.:

This year’s seminar is titled Connecting Role and Soul: Integrating Faith and Daily Life. Our leader will be Marjorie Thompson, a widely sought-after retreat leader and speaker in the area of Christian Spirituality. Says Thompson: “Many of us feel a sense of disconnect between our true selves and our work related roles. The culture, even in the church, tends to support certain role competencies without necessarily affirming the deeper gifts and needs of our soul-life. What stories, teachings and spiritual practices might help us reconnect the divide between role and soul? How do we help heal the divide by knitting our understanding of our faith more fully into the fabric of our daily work?” These questions and concerns will guide our retreat time together. The workshop will use stories, poems, sharing, scripture and discussion of spiritual practices to examine ways to reconnect role and soul.

Connecting Role and Soul will take place on Saturday, February 26, 2011 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Registration (with light refreshments) begins at 9:00 am. A light luncheon will be served. The cost for the event is $10 per person. The event is underwritten by Pine Street’s Spiritual Formation Fund. A registration form and event brochure are available at or in the Gathering Place at the Welcome Center. The event will be held in McCormick Hall. Enter from South Street. Handicapped access will be via the Third Street Ramp.

Marjorie J. Thompson is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church(USA). She received her Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Swarthmore College and her Master of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary. Following a post-graduate pastoral internship, she became a Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School where she studied Christian spirituality with Henri Nouwen and did independent research in ecumenical traditions of prayer.

Ms. Thompson has served as adjunct faculty for several seminaries, including McCormick, Auburn, Wesley, and Vanderbilt Divinity School. She has taught in The Upper Room’s Academy for Spiritual Formation, and directed the foundational program for Stillpoint (Programs in Spiritual Direction and Contemplative Prayer) in Nashville.

In 1996, Marjorie took a full-time position with The Upper Room as Director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership, which is now called Pathways for Congregational Spirituality. After 13 years of serving Upper Room Ministries, Marjorie returned to freelance work in retreat leadership, teaching and writing.

It is sometimes said that human beings take themselves too seriously. I don’t believe that Jesus would level that criticism at his followers. In fact, it may be just the opposite…that we don’t take our roles and our souls seriously enough. Try this year’s Winter Seminar as a way to begin binding up your broken heart. x

SeminarContinued from page 1

• 90 to 95% are male• 91% are heterosexual• 91% are religious• 75% are married or

have been married

• 73% are Caucasian• 65% earn middle

income or higher• 80% have normal


• 48% are college educated• 71% are under the age

of 35• 30-50% start abusing

as teens

• 80-90% are known and trusted by their victim x

Many of us feel a sense

of disconnect between our

true selves and our work related roles.

Bagels and Belief Topics & Speakers

February 6, 2011What we believe about the

TrinityDr. Lee Barrett

March 6, 2011What we believe about God’s Ultimate Purpose

Rev. Russell Sullivan

April 3, 2011What we believe about the

ChurchRev. Heather Sigler

May 2, 2011What we believe about Evil

Rev. Alex Lang

June 5, 2011What we believe about Christianity and Other

ReligionsGuest Presenter

Bagels & Belief meets in Fellowship Hall

at 9:40 a.m.

Page 3: Pine Street Life - February 2011

Pine Street Life Page 3


can be found in your box of Offering Envelopes this year. We ask members to use this envelope to defray the costs of both offering envelopes and also the per capita expense. “Per Capita” is what we pay per active member to underwrite the administrative costs of General Assembly, the Synod of the Trinity, and our own Presbytery of Carlisle. The connectional nature of our church requires our support. Together the cost of envelopes and per capita is approximately $25 per member. Please contribute as soon as possible to help defray this early expense. Use the INITIAL OFFERING envelope and place it in the offering plate or note “initial offering” on the check and mail it to the Church Office.

Stewardship PuzzleBy Chris Ewing

Unscramble each of the clue words.

Take the letters that appear in boxes and unscramble them for the final message.

Answers on page 7

Session Notesfor January

The Session will experiment with a new meeting format in the upcoming months . Time will be spent on planning, studying and problem solving .

Did you Know?You can access Pine Street’s library catalog of over 2500

books, CDs, DVDs, and resources online at

Page 4: Pine Street Life - February 2011

Volume 31, Issue 2Page 4

The Giving Tree-2010 Reportby Eileen A. Kunkle

The Mission Committee would like to thank everyone who helped make the Giving Tree project a success this year. Special thanks are extended to the individuals who helped with sign-ups and gift delivery. This is a project that creates a lot of excitement and helps many less fortunate individuals in Harrisburg and around the world. If you have not participated before, you are encouraged to do so next year. Total monetary donations of $2260, an increase of approximately $600 from last year, given to:

Becky & Eric Hinderliter PCUSA mission co-workers, Lithuania

The year 2010 was divided into two parts: one doing ‘mission interpretation’ in the USA and one part back in Lithuania as teachers. While in the US Becky and I were guests at 30 Presbyterian churches. This included seven sermons and six presbytery meetings. We were mission advisory delegates to the 219th General Assembly in Minneapolis. It was good for us to reconnect with fellow Presbyterians. We are refreshed when we visit supporting churches like you folks at Pine Street Presbyterian. Warm Christian hospitality is a virtue that we experience with great joy. We enjoyed our time with all of you last spring.

The year 2010 was one of personal milestones. Psalm 90:12 advises, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” We have now been at LCC for ten years. On our return to Lithuania we quickly assumed our role as classroom teachers. The students were anxiously awaiting us. Becky had 118 students in accounting; Eric had the same number spread over four subjects. We helped a number of students with admission to graduate school and to new jobs. Becky was recognized with an award for her teaching excellence at the end of the semester. We also resumed teaching at the men’s prison. These men were even more anxious to see us. They most want to know that someone on the outside cares about them and is waiting for them, as they easily imagine that they will be forgotten.

Our present appointment with the PC(USA) runs through 2013. Our hope and dream is to finish out our working lives as mission co-workers. This means we hope for six more years (until you know who is eligible for Medicare). Three things will be required for this to happen. First, we’ll need health, patience and energy. Second, the Presbyterian Church will need to support us—both spiritually and financially. And third, God will need to ‘give the increase.’ The fruits of our work depend on God: Paul writes, “as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building” (I Corinthians 3: 5-9).

Other events in 2010 were full of disappointment. Mother Ruth died at age 90 in July. We remember her with joy. She was a faithful Presbyterian all her life and she did much to pass on her faith. We long to hear her admonitions again. Some were very practical: “you can never have too much education,” “be home by dark,” and “stay in town.” She said many times, “love comes from God” and we now know how right she was. Her favorite verse was, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4: 13). Daughter-in-law Elizabeth has had many health setbacks this year as her debilitating condition is worsening. This is not what one hopes for. Son Paul is an excellent caregiver with the patience of Job. For us the cost of mission is measured in these losses—and the family moments when we are too far away to help.

As we enter 2011, we are grateful to members of Pine Street for being faithful friends and mission-minded Presbyterians. Thanks for sending us to Lithuania—and thanks to Pine Street Presbyterian for keeping us at the teaching task God has called us to do.

Eric & Becky Hinderliter

Annual Report 2010

• Heifer Intn’l – $1396

• HELP Ministry – $300

• Delta Community – $200

• DDB– $225

Various contributions were also made to

• Delta Community – gifts for 12 individuals

• Promise Place – gifts for 13 individuals

• YWCA – various gifts to be distributed as needed

• Downtown Daily Bread – warm hats, scarves, gloves, and toiletries distributed to individuals on December 19

• Community Check-up Center – several boxes of books to be given to children

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Pine Street Life Page 5

Presbyterian Citizens in Action by Barb Taylor

Presbyterian Citizens in Action (PCIA) has disbanded as a formal organization as of October, 2010. Founded in 1995 by members of Market Square and Pine Street

Presbyterian Churches, the group eventually included members from 10 churches in Carlisle Presbytery, individual Christians seeking to live out their faith by learning about public policy issues, communicating with their elected officials, and helping others to become more involved in the public square.

Meeting monthly, the group’s members chose issues for study and action, including children’s health insurance, education, the environment, welfare, the death penalty, and others. Materials and resources were used from the PA Council of Churches, Pa Partnerships for Children, PennFuture, the Washington Office of the PCUSA, and Good Schools PA. Some churches formed email networks to share alerts and information.

Over its 15 year history, PCIA sponsored workshops and forums, including “Making a Difference in the Public Arena” , “ Putting Children First- -Advocating for Children in Your Fast-Track Life”, a Commonwealth briefing, and several Candidate Nights before major elections. The most memorable of these included a debate between Rep. George Gekas and Rep. Tim Holden at the time of the re-districting which made them opponents.

A culminating accomplishment of PCIA was writing the draft of a “Commitment to Social Justice” which was eventually adopted by five Carlisle Presbytery churches, including Pine Street, adapted to fit each church’s particular emphases.

Jane Wilshusen of Market Square PC and Elizabeth Kury of Pine Street PC have been the co-chairpersons of PCIA for its tenure. Barbara Taylor was a founding and continuing member. Forty-two Pine Street members were in our email network.

Christian involvement in the public square is more important than ever, and the huge expansion of the internet makes this both possible and less time-consuming.

Go to ; click on “Resources” link, and use software developed by the Rev. Sandra Strauss, Director of Public Advocacy for the PA Council of Churches. In moments you can register your opinion with your state or federal representative or senator on issues that are timely. You just click on the issue and sign your name with whatever comments you like.

From Stewardship in Public Life (PCUSA) we read, “In this complex age, one way we can love our neighbors is to help shape the laws and policies that define how we live together in God’s world.” x

DDB is in need of a volunteer from 9 – 12 a.m., 3-days a week to help with lockers, mail, phone, etc. For more info please call Elaine Strokoff at 238-4717.

Lenten BreakfastPine Street’s long-held

tradition of observing the beginning of the Lenten season by gathering around the breakfast table continues on Sunday, March 13th at 9:40 a.m. This year the men of Pine Street will serve the annual breakfast. It will be followed by a devotional time to prepare us for the six weeks of prayer and reflection that follow. The cost is minimal ($5.00 for adults, $3.00 for ages four to twelve, and children under three are free.) The Congregational Life Committee cordially invites all members of the Pine Street family to attend. Sign up at the Welcome Center starting February 6th.

Reaching Out To The Communityby Debbie Olson

Members of the Mission Committee and other members joined residents of Presbyterian Apartments for a Christmas party on December 17. Bonnie Peckham began with a reading of the Christmas story followed by Barbara Sieber leading the singing, accompanied by Barb Taylor on piano. Debbie Olson shared some Christmas traditions from other countries, and then it was time for food and conversation. At the end of the party, gifts and all of the table decorations, made by Joanne Alwine, were raffled off to the residents. Everyone had a wonderful time. Watch Pine Street Life for future opportunities to connect with these special friends.

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Volume 31, Issue 2Page 6

Pine Street Life (USPS 574-510) is published monthly by Pine Street Presbyterian Church, 310 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.Periodicals Postage paid at Harrisburg, PA 17105.Postmaster: Send address changes to Pine Street Life, Pine Street Presbyterian Church, 310 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.


December 23, 2010 Lucy Ryan Sastre

daughter of Jose & Jaclyn Sastre


January 9, 2011Elijah Robert Lang


Tessie Danner June 18, 1921 –

December 24, 2010

R. Lamar Gilchrist August 2, 1945 –

December 29, 2010

Snow Tubing at Ski RoundtopRound up the mittens and scarves — it’s time for

Pine Street’s second annual snow tubing outing! The date is Saturday, March 5. Meet the gang at Round Top Mountain Resort in Lewisberry at 10 a.m. for two hours of exhilarating fun followed by lunch at Cheryl and John Goode’s home. All this for just $25 per person. (Kids ages two to five use the Kiddie Tubing area for $8.) Sign-ups have begun at the Welcome Center.

Crazy for You The Congregational Life Committee invites you to

attend Theatre Harrisburg’s matinee performance of the Broadway musical Crazy for You at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 20th at the Whitaker Center.

This Gershwin extravaganza is filled with song, dance, and hilarious dialogue. It’s a boy meets girl tale set in the Wild West, where they spread goodness and ultimately fall in love. Tunes such as “They Can’t Take That Away From Me,” “Nice Work if You Can Get It,” and “Someone to Watch Over Me,” will fill your February afternoon with delight.

Just $15.00 assures you a seat for this award-winning musical. Pay for your reservation when you sign up and pick up your ticket at the Welcome Center after 9:40 a.m. on the day of the performance. Tickets are limited, so don’t delay — sign-up today!

Filling Our WellsThe annual Pine Street

Women’s Retreat will be held March 11 – 13, 2011 at Camp Hebron in Halifax. The theme for the weekend — led by our own Heather Sigler — is, “Filling Our Wells.”

Begin the weekend with Bible study, fun and fellowship. Saturday brings more Bible study, along with time for hiking, horseback riding, massages, games and crafts, or just plain rest and relaxation. A wonderful worship service Sunday morning will set you off on your Lenten journey filled to the brim with God’s spirit.

The cost of the weekend is $140, which includes two night’s of comfortable lodging and five terrific meals. There are a limited number of spaces, so sign-up at the Welcome Center today.

Men’s Breakfast Pine Street Men will

meet for breakfast on Saturday, February 12, 2011. It’s not too late to keep that New Year Resolution and join in with other Pine Street Men for breakfast on the second Saturday of the month. There is no better way than to start your Saturday than with a hearty breakfast and great fellowship.

Breakfast will be served at 8:00 a.m., conversation and fellowship will follow. Sign-up at the Welcome


Tickets are still available for an evening of gourmet desserts and love songs from Broadway and Hollywood presented by

the Pine Street Choir and friends. Plan your

rendezvous for Friday evening, February 11 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available at the Welcome Center.

Love Songs for Valentines … a Cabaret!

There will not be a hike in February for the Pine Streetwalkers due to heavy snow cover in the area. No, really no hike (not sure about the amount of snow), just take the day off from hiking and exercise on your own before curling up in front of the fire for the afternoon.

Pine StreetWalkers

Page 7: Pine Street Life - February 2011

Volume 31, Issue 2

Page 7February, 2011

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

30 8:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 9:30 AM Children's Choir Practice (Pre-K-5

Grade) - Rm. 108 9:40 AM Church School - All Ages 11:00 AM Worship –Sanctuary

12:30 PM Children & Youth Teachers Mtg – Rm. 308 4:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir Bell Room

5:00 PM SYF – Fellowship Hall & Boyd


1 8:45 AM Staff Worship

9:15 AM Staff Meeting 7:30 PM Session

Meeting -- Boyd

2 12:00 PM Revelation Bible Study – Room 308

6:00 PM JYF - Boyd 6:00 PM KOALA 7:30 PM Adult Handbell

Choir - Bell Room

3 6:30 PM Chamber Singers Rehearsal - Rm. 303

7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Rm. 303

4 5

6 8:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 9:30 AM Children's Choir Practice (Pre-K-5 Grade) - Rm. 108

9:40 AM Bagels & Belief – Fellowship Hall 9:40 AM Church School - All Ages 11:00 AM Worship –Sanctuary

4:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir Bell Room 5:00 PM SYF – Fellowship Hall & Boyd

7 6:30 PM Stephen Ministry Supervision – Room 102

8 8:45 AM Staff Worship 9:15 AM Staff Meeting

7:00 PM Program Committee Meetings

9 12:00 PM Revelation Bible Study – Room 308 6:00 PM JYF - Boyd

6:00 PM KOALA 7:30 PM Adult Handbell Choir - Bell Room


6:30 PM Chamber Singers Rehearsal - Rm. 303 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Rehearsal - Rm. 303

11 7:30 PM MAPS Event – Bi-Coastal Love Songs for


12 8:00 AM Pine Street Men’s Breakfast – Fellowship Hall

9:30 AM Kitchen Maintenance Cleaning

10:00 AM Shawl Ministry

13 8:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 9:30 AM Children's Choir Practice (Pre-K-5 Grade) - Rm. 108

9:40 AM Church School - All Ages 11:00 AM Worship –Sanctuary 4:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir Bell Room

5:00 PM SYF – Fellowship Hall & Boyd


15 8:45 AM Staff Worship 9:15 AM Staff

Meeting 12:00 PM Trustees Meeting

6:30 PM Deacons Admin Comm Mtg. – Boyd

7:00 PM Deacons Meeting – Boyd

16 8:30 AM Downtown Ministerium – Fellowship Hall

12:00 PM Revelation Bible Study – Room 308 6:00 PM JYF - Boyd

6:00 PM KOALA 7:30 PM Adult Handbell Choir - Bell Room


6:30 PM Chamber Singers Rehearsal - Rm. 303 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Rehearsal - Rm. 303

18 19

20 8:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 9:30 AM Children's Choir Practice (Pre-K-5 Grade) - Rm. 108

9:40 AM Church School - All Ages 11:00 AM Worship –Sanctuary 2:00 PM Crazy For You – Whitaker Center

4:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir Bell Room 5:00 PM SYF – Fellowship Hall & Boyd


Church & Boyd Offices Closed

22 8:45 AM Staff Worship 9:15 AM Staff

Meeting 7:00 PM Admin. & Finance Mtg. – Room



6:00 PM JYF - Boyd 6:00 PM KOALA 7:30 PM Adult Handbell

Choir - Bell Room


6:30 PM Chamber Singers Rehearsal - Rm. 303 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Rehearsal - Rm. 303 7:30 PM Personnel Committee Mtg.- Rm. 308



9:00 AM Winter Seminar – Fellowship Hall

27 8:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 9:30 AM Children's Choir Practice (Pre-K-5 Grade) - Rm. 108

9:40 AM Church School - All Ages 11:00 AM Worship –Sanctuary 4:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir Bell Room

5:00 PM SYF – Fellowship Hall & Boyd

28 6:30 PM Stephen Ministry Supervision – Room 102

1 8:45 AM Staff Worship 9:15 AM Staff

Meeting 6:30 Joint Board Meeting


6:00 PM JYF - Boyd 6:00 PM KOALA 7:30 PM Adult Handbell

Choir - Bell Room


6:30 PM Chamber Singers Rehearsal - Rm. 303 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Rehearsal - Rm. 303

4 5

Answers to Stewardship Puzzle: 1. Tithe 2. Treasure 3. Time 4. Talent 5. Fellowship 6. Pledge 7. Communion 8. Feast 9. Messiah 10. Praise 11. Bible Final Answer: Stewardship

Page 8: Pine Street Life - February 2011

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Harrisburg, PA 17105

Pine Street Life Page 8

Lectionary Readings for February

Tuesday February 1Psalms 12, 146Isaiah 52:1-12Mark 8:1-10

Wednesday February 2Psalms 96, 147:1-11Isaiah 52:13–53:12Mark 8:11-26

Thursday February 3Psalms 116, 147:12-20Isaiah 54:1-10 (11-17)Mark 8:27–9:1

Friday February 4Psalms 84, 148Isaiah 55:1-13Mark 9:2-13

Saturday February 5Psalms 63, 149Isaiah 56:1-8Mark 9:14-29

Sunday February 6Psalms 112:1-9Isaiah 58:1-9aMatthew 5:13 -20I Corinthians 2:1-12

Monday February 7Psalms 5, 145Isaiah 57:14-21Mark 9:30-41

Tuesday February 8Psalms 42, 146Isaiah 58:1-12Mark 9:42-50

Wednesday February 9Psalms 89:1-18, 147:1-11Isaiah 59:1-21Mark 10:1-16

Thursday February 10Psalms 97, 147:12-20Isaiah 60:1-22Mark 10:17-31

Friday February 11Psalms 51, 148Isaiah 61:1-9Mark 10:32-45

Saturday February 12Psalms 104, 149Isaiah 61:10 – 62:5Mark 10:46-52

Sunday February 13Psalms 119: 1-8Deuteronomy 30: 15-20Matthew 5:21-27I Corinthians 3:1-9

Monday February 14Psalms 135, 145Isaiah 63:1-6Mark 11:1-11

Tuesday February 15Psalms 123, 146Isaiah 63:7-14Mark 11:12-26

Wednesday February 16Psalms 15, 147:1-11Isaiah 63:15–64:9Mark 11:27 – 12:12

Thursday February 17Psalms 36, 147:12-20Isaiah 65:1-12Mark 12:13-27

Friday February 18Psalms 130, 148Isaiah 65:17-25Mark 12:28-34

Saturday February 19Psalms 56, 149Isaiah 66:1-6Mark 12:35-44

Sunday February 20Psalms 119:33-40Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18Matthew 5:38-48I Corinthains 3:10-11, 16-23

Monday February 21Psalms 57, 145Ruth 1:1-14Matthew 5:1-12

Tuesday February 22Psalms 54, 146Ruth 1:15-22Matthew 5:13-20

Wednesday February 23Psalms 65, 147:1-11Ruth 2:1-13Matthew 5:21-26

Thursday February 24Psalms 143, 147:12-20Ruth 2:14-23Matthew 5:27-37

Friday February 25Psalms 88, 148Ruth 3:1-18Matthew 5:38-48

Saturday February 26Psalms 122, 149Ruth 4:1-222 Cor. 4:13 – 5:10

Sunday February 27Psalms 131Isaiah 49:8-16aMatthew 6:24-34I Corinthians 4:1-5

Monday February 28Psalms 62, 145Deuteronomy 4:9-14Matthew 6:7-15