pic - university of hawaiiskcv olnby'fl col'ksk watched. plenty ef capital iu ametica...

Pic C .ill:' " - Established July 2, 1836. VOL,. XXII.. JSO. 4U HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TIIUUSDAW OCTOBEK IT, 1S9 VRICE: 5 CENTS. Business (farbs. Business Carols. BRAVE BOSTON 'BUSTERS. COOTE'S CABLE COMING AMERICAN ANNEXATIONISTS, VJ P, BREWER & CO., LIMITED.. LORRiN A. THURSTON Attorney at Law, HE. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. -- : Dentist The Cuban Revolution Will Help Hawaii Toward Annexation. The Effete East With a Plan to Restore Ex-Qaee- n Liliuokalaci. I 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. ofn- - Hoars, o n m. to 4 p. m. LEWIS & CO., wtioiesole and Retoil Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. MIO. P. O. Box ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY F LONDON. ASSETS - - - $10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. H. MAY & CO., Whoiesa e and hi Grocers, US I ORT STREET. Telephone 32. P. O. Ilox 47D. J. T. LUND, 128 and ISO Fort St., opp. Club Stables, Practical Gun and Locksmith. Repairing of AH Descriptions. Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. HICYCL.KS FOB SALE. Tel. 607' PACIFIC TRADING COMPANY, Successors to Itohan, liiijMrter nml Dealers In Joponese Provisions, Dry Goods. Etc.. 1" rfc-2- 06 FORT ST., HONOLULU. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Boilers, Sugsur Mill. Cooler, Bthum ami I.ud uatlns. And Machinerv of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' bl.icksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Materia!, 0. M FORT STWF.ET, HOyOLT?LtT. H. JAOUEN, Practical Gunmaker, Will do anv kind of repairing to Firearms, also Browning and Blueing and Rettock-in- g equal to factory work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter. Herten Livery qrii Booming SfoDies. Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. J.IVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hears. ULEi'iioNi: MO. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Cor. Kim and Nuuaiiu Otl'Mtfl. Just Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters OB - K TAILS. Telephone 805. KAHULUI HOTEL, KAHULUl, Maui. BAM SCtG - Proprietor. Special Attention to the Traveling Public. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. " HALF AND HALF" Is a Great Appetizer. Makes the weak stout and purines the btood. SOLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Two for a." i nt. BEAVER SALOON, Fort Street, opposite Wilder fe Co. 'a H. J. NOLTE. Proprietor. first-Clas- s Lunches SarvcJ With Tea. Csffee. Sola Water. Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers' Keaujsjtes a Specialty. 1 113 KuhnmMQ St., Honololn. 11. I. EDMUND P. DOLE, Attorney at Law, 31S FORT STREET. T'lphon 91. WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND 1 Agent i Take Aclcnowledjgnaeiitau Office, 1 j Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 345. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, HILO, HAWAII. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon, - KUKUl 1. am:. Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. 589. DR. R. H. REID, Physician and Surgeon. Office Hours, 1:30 to 4. p. m. Associated vltli Ir. Day, I It-r- et aula reel . DR. E. C. SURMANN Has Removed to Garden Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 25 Qneen St net. Honolulu, EL I. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Elocution and Dramatic Art, HONOLULU. H. I. mTw. McCHESNEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in IEATHER SIS SHOE FINDINGS Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannery. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware :;oT TOUT STREET. H. HACKFELD & CO.. ggflgfEl CMi W, Cer. Fort and Qncou Si ltn t , HoDolnln. mi m f He Is Tired. Feed H'.m Our Oats. A. Em MORRIS cfc CO., Telephone 51 Fort Street. Baking Shrewd Sir Andley Worki ng Hard PKOM Ol BKNS1.AND lO MOJJTEKEY The Celebrated Promoter En RoiHe to Washington Proposition From a French Company to be Presented to the ( nlled ttatea Government Sir Audley and Lady Coote were among the passengers who arrived on the Australian steamer Alameda yes- terday, says the San Francisco Call. At present they are guests at the Grand Hotel. The coming of these distinguished visitors at this particu- lar time is not of their own doing, as A J mm SIR AUDLEY COOTE, the prevalence of cholera at Honolulu prevented their landing at that port, for which they had sailed. It was the intention of Sir Audley to visit Washington in December next with a view of laying before Congress certain business proposi- tions, and now that he is in America perforce so much ahead of time, it is his intention to spend the intervening months pleasure hunting. Sir Aud ley Coote is advisory counsel of the Societe Fraucaise de Telegraph le, an English and French company that is now lay- ing a cable, which it is proposed to run from Queensland to Monterey Bay, this State. What has already beeu accomplished, as well as the future work of the company, is told in the following interview accorded a Call representative at the Grand last night: "The Societe Francaise de Tele- graphic is a company made up of English and French gentlemen, backed not only by their capital, but by moneyed men of America and Ger- many. In fact if we accomplish our desire, the company will be practi- cally international in its interests and workings. The company has already laid 1000 miles of cable line between Bunderburg, Queensland and Gorman in New Caledonia. It is our purpose to build from the last-nam- ed poiut to Fiji, thence to Samoa, Honolulu and to Monterey Bay. In addition to this we have sent an agent to Japan with a view of securing favorable conces- sions toward laying a cable from Ho- nolulu to the Mikado's realm, by way of the Midway Island. We are also negotiating for a line from Samoa to Tabiti. "The Hawaiian Government has readily conceded every point asked by our company, so that the cable is assured to at least that point. The object of my visit to America is to place before Congress the importance of the projected line, and to ask their aid and co-operat- ion. It is not a sub- sidy we want, but a simple guarantee of interest. For instance, if it cost the company $1,000,000 to place the cable in operation, and it requires $50,000 to pay the interest on this, we want Con- gress to guarantee just that much and no more. If the company should earn $49,000 over and above its running ex- - penses, men me Aiuenuau uuvau-nien- t would only be called upon to pay $1000. Of course, these are mere- ly illustrative figures, for we are un- determined as yet what amount of in- terest we shall ask Congress to guar- antee. This is in no sense a subsidy, and there is consequently no reason why your Congress should oppose such a measure. " It may be of interest to relate that while we were laying the cable be- tween Bunderburg aud Goman we discovered some 500 miles out a range of submarine mountains, whose top-mo- -t peak was some b3 fathoms be- neath the oceau's surface. It was also found that they averaged something like Toihi feet high. After locating the mouutain we laid the cable around its side, just as you would around an or- dinary hill.'7 Sir Audlev Coote is the original pro jector of this trans-Pacifi- c cable, and to bis individual interest and efforts is due much of the present success of the company backing the scheme. Sir Audley will spend several weeks inSan Francisco, visiting in the meantime the principal points of interest iu the interior. Queen Street. Honolulu. H. 1. AGENTS FOR iwauan Agricultural Company, Onomea Company. Hon.m v tympany, ricu Sugar Compairv. Waihee Sugar my, H.ik-- e ugar tympany, rl2m-- R tru h f1ftnn.tiiv. KaDaTviLt KuncK. inters' Line San Francisco Packets, lias. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Jackets. Agents Boston Board of Lkiderwritr:-- . Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-pwrfter- s. List ot OfTkers: P. C. Jones, preUdent; Geo. H. Robert- - rrtarv. Cvl. W. P. Alien, AudKor; C. ( . - H. VVaterhouse, A. W. Carter, :ctors. CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire Insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE INSURANCE COM Of Boston. Hi Fife insurance Gown Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS, Honolulu, H. I.. Im Sight and Time Bills of Exchange, dto Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit on the principal parts of the world. Purchase approved Bills. MAKE LOANS ON ACCEPTABLE SECURITY. Receive deposits on open account and allow interest on term deposits. Attend promptly to collections. A General Banking Business Transacted. HONOLULU CARRIAGE MM. W. W. WRIGUT, Proprietor. CARRIAGE BUILDER AND REPAIRER. All orders from the other Islands in ths Carriage Building, Trimming and Painting Line will meet with prompt attention. P. O. Box 341. 228 and 130 FORT STREET. TAimimrn GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII H. M. Whitney, Publisher. Oil; Complete Guide Pablished. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. For Sale fey Hawaiian News Co., n Islands. wmm iron win Queen Street. U Between alakea and Richards st. BRONZE, BRASS -:- - and -:- - Iron Castings Housework a Specialty. IRON DOORS.SHUTTERS.EtC. PartLuL.r attention paid to Ships Black-smithin- g. JOBRI(. PBOSIFLT ATTESTED TO, F. E. LYNN. Proprietor. The Hawaiian Gazette Company manufacture rubber stamps of all descriptions. SKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for In vestment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized .January 1. 1896. CHICAGO, Sept. -- S. Hawaii wants to come in also. The little Pacific Ocean Republic is keeping its eyes : the policy of the Cnited States as re- lated to the Cubau struggle for liber- ty In the event that the govern men : at Washington recognizes the belig-erene- y of Cuba, Hawaii will make a direct demand on the United States to be annexed. The Dole Administration, which has all along been in favor of annexa- tion, will make the demand. Advices to this effect were received in Chicago today from Washington. Although Fred W. Job, representing the Hawai- ian Republic here, claimed he had not received it as official information, he admitted it was among the strong probabilities. There are commercial interests in Chicago representing several million dollars of capital which have for six menths past been considering perma- nent investments in the Hawaiian Islands. These investments would have been made last summer if the permanency of the Dole Government could have beeu assured. This assur- ance could not be given, owing to the fact announced by President Dole and his friends that, although their re- quest for annexation bad once been refused by the United States, they in- tended to renew it as soon as a new administration came into power. The Dole factiou gave it out clearly until within the last month that it would iiot again demand of President Cleveland that he should take Hawaii under the wings of the eagle. But the recent agitation of the Cuban question, the quasi official statement of Secretary Olney that he intended to recognize Cuba not later than Jan- uary 1st, and the radical position tak- en by the government toward Eng laud in regard to the Venezuela boundary dispute, have filled the hearts of the Hawaiiau colony in Chicago and the Government of Ho- nolulu as well, with hope. They have watched every diplo- matic move between Spain and the United States, and their counsellors iu Washington today were o confi- dent that Cuba would be recognized that they made the statement that if the United States could afford to sep- arate Cuba from Spain forever, then the Hawaiiau Provisional Govern- ment had a new basis for demanding annexation. From semi-offici- al sources it was learned that the cours of Secretary Ol- ney in regard to Cuba has been closely watched by Hawaiian commercial agents in Chicago, Washington and New York, and that regular report-- 1 have been forwarded to Honolulu. That which Secretary Olney in- tends to say to the Spanish Min- ister, as it appeared in tbo press dis- patches to the Chronicle yesterday, was known to these Hawaiian repre- sentatives on Monday. They for- warded their information to Chicago and sent long mail dispatches to Hon- olulu. They also gave out the information that the instant Cuba was recognized, an American-Hawaii- an party would spring up in this country which would make it impossible for the Ad- ministration to ignore further the claims of the distant islands. WHM PABTl'KR DEAD. Death of tlte Digtingulnherj Bacteri ologigt. Paris, Sept. 28. Louis Pasteur, the eminent bacteriologist, died this after- noon at 5 o'clock. M. Pasteur died at Garches, near St. Cloud, in the en- virons of this city. Professor Louis Pasteur has suffered from paralysis for a considerable pe- riod of time. About eight days ago he sustained a violent paralytic stroke and yesterday suffered still an- other attack. He grew worse rapidly and remained in a comatose condition during his last hours. At o o'clock this afternoon he ex- pired The end was absolutely with- out pain. His wife devotedly watched by his bedside. His son, his physi- cian, his daughter and his son-in-la- w. M. Valteryadot, and two children were present when he passed away. It is believed that the funeral of M. Pasteur will be national in character. Professor Pasteur has been gradually failing In health for some months and ntly the French papers announced the beginning of the end. This report was emphatically denied by his fam- ily and friends. They acknowledged the feeble condition of t;ie distin- guished bacteriologist, but attributed it to locu. rather tbau to general causes. SFKC1AI. At.KM SALARl Smn Frsuriv ii in I Chicago Uum-oe- d by 'Baxters the Kate of Operation Is Moietl Eastward Arms and A m mu- nition Plentiful hnt No Order Filled. Boston (Mass.:, Sept. 27. Agent9 of the Hawaiian Government have beeu active iu the East for the past week, and as a lesult of their efforts a well-develop- ed plot looking to the restoration of the royal dynasty of Queen I.iliuokalani has beeu un- earthed. Here in the Kast there have beeu many who thought that the ex-Quee- u had beeu despoiled of her rights, and this fact having become kuown to ageuts of the lloyalist party they have been actively at work trying to secure recruits. The work has been rendered very difficult, owing to the fact that the late Brazilian rebellion has taken the greater part of repruitable men out of the country. The man who, it is alleged, has taken the most active part in the matter is an Englishman, Joseph Adams, a former resident of the Islands and a follower of the Royalist party during the recent struggle. He has visited nearly all the cities in the East, and as a result of his ef- fort has gathered together quite a miniature army, which he was to send to Hawaii next month. A number of these people were re- cruits who had served with the insur- gents in Cuba, and the promises of position and wealth, if the revolution is successful, has been offered to each, and in most cases the offer has been too tempting to refuse. The agents of the government allege that Adams Las already a band of sixty men gath- ered together, and that several large arms companies iu the East are man- ufacturing war materials, to be ship- ped as soon as possible, as a coup d'etat is expected to take place with- in a few months, at the latest. The Winchester Arms and Ammu- nition company, who are the largest manufacturers of arms in thecoudtry, say that they have received no orders in large qautities for arms and am- munition, but they have had a great many small orders. The matter will be investigated by the Federal auth- orities at once and action taken to prevent aDy breach of the neutrality laws. When seen by the Call correspon- dent tonight Adams denied being in the service of the Hawaiian Govern- ment, but did not deny the rumor that he was getting recruits, although for what purpose he would not state. He merely said that he was acting as an agent, and that he was not in a position to reveal the plans of his em- ployers. Now that the plan has been discovered, however, he will be close- ly watched and any effort to send re- cruits out of the country stopped. NOT A CANDIDATE. Mr. Harrison Declines to Enter the Karf for the Presidency. Indianapolis (Ind.), Sept. 2S. Colonel John C. New, manager of the Harrison campaigns for nominations to the Presidency, and who was United States Consul-Gener- al to London during his administration, today authorized an interview in which he says that General Harrison says he does not desire to run again for the Presidency. "In no sense is he a candidate," said Colonel New "but the stories that he has withdrawn in the interests of any one are without foundation. In fact, were his advice solicited, " continued Mr. New emphatically, "he would se- lect neither Reed nor McKinley as Republican candidates." New posi- tively declined to state whom Harri-so- u would prefer. Cleveland Against Third lerms. Washington (D. C), Sept. 25. A close friend of President Cleveland says that when the latter visits the Atlanta Exposition October 21st, he will in his address disavow entertain- ing a third term ambition, and will declare that he does not believe in a thiid Presidential term for any man. Ito-- s Ufa IhreatencM. Yokohama, Sept. 28. -- An attempt was made today ou the life of Marquis Ito, Prime Minister and President of the Council of Japan. The would be assassin, wt.o is a member of the Anti-Forei- gn League, was arrested. Great excitement prevailed when the news of the assault was made pub- lic. ioid Mayor of Loiiilou. London, Sept. 28. Lieutenant-Colon- el B r Walter Wilkin, A. T., Alderman for Lime-stre- et Ward, to- day was t- - lected Lord Mayor of Lon- don for the ensuing year, to succeed the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Renai-- . Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Lrr.est U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTES. PUEE

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Page 1: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January


.ill:' " -

Established July 2, 1836.




Attorney at Law,HE. GROSSMAN, D.D.S.

-- : DentistThe Cuban Revolution Will Help

Hawaii Toward Annexation.The Effete East With a Plan to

Restore Ex-Qaee- n Liliuokalaci.



ofn- - Hoars, o n m. to 4 p. m.


wtioiesole and Retoil Grocers,



F LONDON.ASSETS - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

H. MAY & CO.,

Whoiesa e and hi Grocers,

US I ORT STREET.Telephone 32. P. O. Ilox 47D.

J. T. LUND,128 and ISO Fort St., opp. Club Stables,

Practical Gun and Locksmith.Repairing of AH Descriptions.

Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns andBicycle Repairing a Specialty.



liiijMrter nml Dealers In

Joponese Provisions, Dry Goods. Etc..

1" rfc-2- 06 FORT ST., HONOLULU.


Steam Engines,Boilers, Sugsur Mill. Cooler, Bthum

ami I.ud uatlns.And Machinerv of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' bl.icksmithing. Job work executedon the shortest notice.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Materia!,


H. JAOUEN,Practical Gunmaker,Will do anv kind of repairing to Firearms,also Browning and Blueing and Rettock-in- g

equal to factory work. Satisfactionguaranteed.

Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter.

Herten Livery qrii Booming SfoDies.

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.J.IVERY AND BOARDING STABLES

Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhears.

ULEi'iioNi: MO.

MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE,Cor. Kim and Nuuaiiu Otl'Mtfl.

Just Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersOB - K TAILS.

Telephone 805.


BAM SCtG - Proprietor.

Special Attention to the Traveling Public.


" HALF AND HALF"Is a Great Appetizer.

Makes the weak stout and purines thebtood.


BEAVER SALOON,Fort Street, opposite Wilder fe Co. 'a

H. J. NOLTE. Proprietor.first-Clas- s Lunches SarvcJ With Tea. Csffee.

Sola Water. Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.Smokers' Keaujsjtes a Specialty.


113 KuhnmMQ St., Honololn. 11. I.


Attorney at Law,31S FORT STREET.

T'lphon 91.

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law


Agent i Take AclcnowledjgnaeiitauOffice, 1 j Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 345.


Attorney at Law,HILO, HAWAII.

DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon,

- KUKUl 1.am:.Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m.

Mutual Tel. 589.

DR. R. H. REID,Physician and Surgeon.

Office Hours, 1:30 to 4. p. m.

Associated vltli Ir. Day, I It-r- et aulareel .


Has Removed to Garden Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181.

& CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,25 Qneen St net. Honolulu, EL I.


Teacher of Elocution andDramatic Art,HONOLULU. H. I.


Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in


Agents Honolulu Soap Works Companyand Honolulu Tannery.


Cutlery and Glassware:;oT TOUT STREET.


ggflgfEl CMi W,Cer. Fort and Qncou Si ltn t ,


mi mfHe Is Tired. Feed H'.m Our Oats.

A. Em MORRIS cfc CO.,Telephone 51 Fort Street.


Shrewd Sir Andley Worki ng Hard


The Celebrated Promoter En RoiHeto Washington Proposition From aFrench Company to be Presented tothe ( nlled ttatea Government

Sir Audley and Lady Coote wereamong the passengers who arrived onthe Australian steamer Alameda yes-terday, says the San Francisco Call.At present they are guests at theGrand Hotel. The coming of thesedistinguished visitors at this particu-lar time is not of their own doing, as


J mm


the prevalence of cholera at Honoluluprevented their landing at that port,for which they had sailed.

It was the intention of Sir Audleyto visit Washington in Decembernext with a view of laying beforeCongress certain business proposi-tions, and now that he is in Americaperforce so much ahead of time, it ishis intention to spend the interveningmonths pleasure hunting. Sir Aud leyCoote is advisory counsel of the SocieteFraucaise de Telegraph le, an Englishand French company that is now lay-ing a cable, which it is proposed torun from Queensland to MontereyBay, this State. What has alreadybeeu accomplished, as well as thefuture work of the company, is told inthe following interview accorded aCall representative at the Grand lastnight:

"The Societe Francaise de Tele-graphic is a company made up ofEnglish and French gentlemen,backed not only by their capital, butby moneyed men of America and Ger-many. In fact if we accomplish ourdesire, the company will be practi-cally international in its interests andworkings. The company has alreadylaid 1000 miles of cable line betweenBunderburg, Queensland and Gormanin New Caledonia. It is our purposeto build from the last-nam- ed poiut toFiji, thence to Samoa, Honolulu andto Monterey Bay. In addition to thiswe have sent an agent to Japan witha view of securing favorable conces-sions toward laying a cable from Ho-nolulu to the Mikado's realm, by wayof the Midway Island. We are alsonegotiating for a line from Samoa toTabiti.

"The Hawaiian Government hasreadily conceded every point askedby our company, so that the cable isassured to at least that point. Theobject of my visit to America is toplace before Congress the importanceof the projected line, and to ask theiraid and co-operat- ion. It is not a sub-sidy we want, but a simple guaranteeof interest. For instance, if it cost thecompany $1,000,000 to place the cablein operation, and it requires $50,000 topay the interest on this, we want Con-gress to guarantee just that much andno more. If the company should earn$49,000 over and above its running ex--penses, men me Aiuenuau uuvau-nien- t

would only be called upon topay $1000. Of course, these are mere-ly illustrative figures, for we are un-determined as yet what amount of in-terest we shall ask Congress to guar-antee. This is in no sense a subsidy,and there is consequently no reasonwhy your Congress should opposesuch a measure.

" It may be of interest to relate thatwhile we were laying the cable be-

tween Bunderburg aud Goman wediscovered some 500 miles out a rangeof submarine mountains, whose top-mo- -t

peak was some b3 fathoms be-

neath the oceau's surface. It was alsofound that they averaged somethinglike Toihi feet high. After locating themouutain we laid the cable around itsside, just as you would around an or-

dinary hill.'7Sir Audlev Coote is the original pro

jector of this trans-Pacifi- c cable, andto bis individual interest and efforts isdue much of the present success of thecompany backing the scheme. SirAudley will spend several weeks inSanFrancisco, visiting in the meantimethe principal points of interest iu theinterior.

Queen Street. Honolulu. H. 1.

AGENTS FORiwauan Agricultural Company, Onomea

Company. Hon.m v tympany,ricu Sugar Compairv. Waihee Sugarmy, H.ik-- e ugar tympany, rl2m-- R

tru h f1ftnn.tiiv. KaDaTviLt KuncK.

inters' Line San Francisco Packets,lias. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

Jackets.Agents Boston Board of Lkiderwritr:-- .

Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-pwrfter- s.

List ot OfTkers:

P. C. Jones, preUdent; Geo. H. Robert- -

rrtarv. Cvl. W. P. Alien, AudKor; C.( . - H. VVaterhouse, A. W. Carter,:ctors.

CASTLE & COOKE, Ld,Life and Fire

Insurance Ag'ts.AGENTS FOR

New England Mutual


Hi Fife insurance GownOf Hartford.


BANKERS,Honolulu, H. I..

Im Sight and Time Bills of Exchange,

dto Commercial and Travelers' Letters of

Credit on the principal parts of the world.Purchase approved Bills.


Receive deposits on open account and

allow interest on term deposits.Attend promptly to collections.

A General Banking Business Transacted.




All orders from the other Islands in thsCarriage Building, Trimming and Painting

Line will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 341.

228 and 130 FORT STREET.


HAWAIIH. M. Whitney, Publisher.

Oil; Complete Guide Pablished.


PRICE 75c.For Sale fey Hawaiian News Co.,

n Islands.

wmm iron winQueen Street. U

Between alakea and Richards st.BRONZE, BRASS

-:- - and -:- -

Iron CastingsHousework a Specialty.


PartLuL.r attention paid to Ships Black-smithin- g.


F. E. LYNN.Proprietor.

The Hawaiian Gazette Companymanufacture rubber stamps of alldescriptions.


Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waitingfor In vestment Hawaii All RightWhen Affairs are Settled Outia tTie Kecognized .January 1. 1896.

CHICAGO, Sept. -- S. Hawaii wantsto come in also. The little PacificOcean Republic is keeping its eyes :

the policy of the Cnited States as re-

lated to the Cubau struggle for liber-ty In the event that the govern men :

at Washington recognizes the belig-erene- y

of Cuba, Hawaii will make adirect demand on the United States tobe annexed.

The Dole Administration, whichhas all along been in favor of annexa-tion, will make the demand. Advicesto this effect were received in Chicagotoday from Washington. AlthoughFred W. Job, representing the Hawai-ian Republic here, claimed he hadnot received it as official information,he admitted it was among the strongprobabilities.

There are commercial interests inChicago representing several milliondollars of capital which have for sixmenths past been considering perma-nent investments in the HawaiianIslands. These investments wouldhave been made last summer if thepermanency of the Dole Governmentcould have beeu assured. This assur-ance could not be given, owing to thefact announced by President Dole andhis friends that, although their re-quest for annexation bad once beenrefused by the United States, they in-tended to renew it as soon as a newadministration came into power.

The Dole factiou gave it out clearlyuntil within the last month that itwould iiot again demand of PresidentCleveland that he should take Hawaiiunder the wings of the eagle. Butthe recent agitation of the Cubanquestion, the quasi official statementof Secretary Olney that he intendedto recognize Cuba not later than Jan-uary 1st, and the radical position tak-en by the government toward Englaud in regard to the Venezuelaboundary dispute, have filled thehearts of the Hawaiiau colony inChicago and the Government of Ho-nolulu as well, with hope.

They have watched every diplo-matic move between Spain and theUnited States, and their counsellorsiu Washington today were o confi-dent that Cuba would be recognizedthat they made the statement that ifthe United States could afford to sep-arate Cuba from Spain forever, thenthe Hawaiiau Provisional Govern-ment had a new basis for demandingannexation.

From semi-offici- al sources it waslearned that the cours of Secretary Ol-

ney in regard to Cuba has been closelywatched by Hawaiian commercialagents in Chicago, Washington andNew York, and that regular report-- 1

have been forwarded to Honolulu.That which Secretary Olney in-

tends to say to the Spanish Min-ister, as it appeared in tbo press dis-patches to the Chronicle yesterday,was known to these Hawaiian repre-sentatives on Monday. They for-warded their information to Chicagoand sent long mail dispatches to Hon-olulu.

They also gave out the informationthat the instant Cuba was recognized,an American-Hawaii- an party wouldspring up in this country whichwould make it impossible for the Ad-

ministration to ignore further theclaims of the distant islands.


Death of tlte Digtingulnherj Bacteriologigt.

Paris, Sept. 28. Louis Pasteur, theeminent bacteriologist, died this after-noon at 5 o'clock. M. Pasteur died atGarches, near St. Cloud, in the en-virons of this city.

Professor Louis Pasteur has sufferedfrom paralysis for a considerable pe-riod of time. About eight days agohe sustained a violent paralyticstroke and yesterday suffered still an-other attack. He grew worse rapidlyand remained in a comatose conditionduring his last hours.

At o o'clock this afternoon he ex-pired The end was absolutely with-out pain. His wife devotedly watchedby his bedside. His son, his physi-cian, his daughter and his son-in-la- w.

M. Valteryadot, and two childrenwere present when he passed away.

It is believed that the funeral of M.Pasteur will be national in character.

Professor Pasteur has been graduallyfailing In health for some months and

ntly the French papers announcedthe beginning of the end. This reportwas emphatically denied by his fam-ily and friends. They acknowledgedthe feeble condition of t;ie distin-guished bacteriologist, but attributedit to locu. rather tbau to generalcauses.


Smn Frsuriv ii in I Chicago Uum-oe- d by

'Baxters the Kate of Operation IsMoietl Eastward Arms and A m mu-

nition Plentiful hnt No Order Filled.

Boston (Mass.:, Sept. 27. Agent9of the Hawaiian Government havebeeu active iu the East for the pastweek, and as a lesult of their efforts awell-develop- ed plot looking to therestoration of the royal dynasty ofQueen I.iliuokalani has beeu un-

earthed.Here in the Kast there have beeu

many who thought that the ex-Quee- u

had beeu despoiled of her rights, andthis fact having become kuown toageuts of the lloyalist party they havebeen actively at work trying to securerecruits. The work has been renderedvery difficult, owing to the fact thatthe late Brazilian rebellion has takenthe greater part of repruitable men outof the country.

The man who, it is alleged, hastaken the most active part in thematter is an Englishman, JosephAdams, a former resident of theIslands and a follower of the Royalistparty during the recent struggle.

He has visited nearly all the citiesin the East, and as a result of his ef-

fort has gathered together quite aminiature army, which he was tosend to Hawaii next month.

A number of these people were re-

cruits who had served with the insur-gents in Cuba, and the promises ofposition and wealth, if the revolutionis successful, has been offered to each,and in most cases the offer has beentoo tempting to refuse. The agents ofthe government allege that AdamsLas already a band of sixty men gath-ered together, and that several largearms companies iu the East are man-ufacturing war materials, to be ship-ped as soon as possible, as a coupd'etat is expected to take place with-in a few months, at the latest.

The Winchester Arms and Ammu-nition company, who are the largestmanufacturers of arms in thecoudtry,say that they have received no ordersin large qautities for arms and am-munition, but they have had a greatmany small orders. The matter willbe investigated by the Federal auth-orities at once and action taken toprevent aDy breach of the neutralitylaws.

When seen by the Call correspon-dent tonight Adams denied being inthe service of the Hawaiian Govern-ment, but did not deny the rumorthat he was getting recruits, althoughfor what purpose he would not state.He merely said that he was acting asan agent, and that he was not in aposition to reveal the plans of his em-ployers. Now that the plan has beendiscovered, however, he will be close-ly watched and any effort to send re-

cruits out of the country stopped.


Mr. Harrison Declines to Enter the Karffor the Presidency.

Indianapolis (Ind.), Sept. 2S.Colonel John C. New, manager of theHarrison campaigns for nominationsto the Presidency, and who wasUnited States Consul-Gener- al toLondon during his administration,today authorized an interview inwhich he says that General Harrisonsays he does not desire to run againfor the Presidency.

"In no sense is he a candidate," saidColonel New "but the stories that hehas withdrawn in the interests of anyone are without foundation. In fact,were his advice solicited, " continuedMr. New emphatically, "he would se-

lect neither Reed nor McKinley asRepublican candidates." New posi-tively declined to state whom Harri-so- u

would prefer.

Cleveland Against Third lerms.Washington (D. C), Sept. 25. A

close friend of President Clevelandsays that when the latter visits theAtlanta Exposition October 21st, hewill in his address disavow entertain-ing a third term ambition, and willdeclare that he does not believe in athiid Presidential term for any man.

Ito-- s Ufa IhreatencM.Yokohama, Sept. 28. -- An attempt

was made today ou the life of MarquisIto, Prime Minister and President ofthe Council of Japan.

The would be assassin, wt.o is a

member of the Anti-Forei- gn League,was arrested.

Great excitement prevailed whenthe news of the assault was made pub-lic.

ioid Mayor of Loiiilou.

London, Sept. 28. Lieutenant-Colon- el

B r Walter Wilkin, A. T.,Alderman for Lime-stre- et Ward, to-

day was t- - lected Lord Mayor of Lon-don for the ensuing year, to succeedthe Right Hon. Sir Joseph Renai-- .

Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Lrr.est U. S. Gov't Report


Page 2: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January



At- - CollegeThe Szechuen Riots Has thetention of the British. General Staple

h:is been ordered to Swatow, and thatthe Catholic missions of the district of

hantung have been placed under(ierman protection.

The Cxzrcyvltcb Fit Sinking.Lonion, Sept. 2v A dispatch from

Copenhagen to the Central News says:The condition of the Czarewitch ofRussia is steadily growing worse, andprayers are being said for him dailyin the Russian church here.

Departure of Dunraen.Nkwi'ort, R. I., Sept. 2s. Mr.

Lay cock's big yacht Valhalla, whichcame especially to witness the Amer-ica cup races, left this morning, hav-ing on board Lord Dunraven and bistwo daughter-- , Lady Kllen and LadyRachel.

0Tract ! 0ANDMCKRiM i- . i s i I 1 . i: i : i .

O O VTAS 3 TR TFancy Dry Goods.1 tie KrltUh Consul at Ku lieog Inultt-I-.

(itnntn War Veiidt Ordered toHwaton. An Io'ipenilrnt- - A merfcanI'nmmlatiun to In -t icet I lis. i(IflfP Mil


r lJN

: 4

T 4


House iiimBIG





An Antarctic Expedition.London, Sept. 27. A dispatch from

New South Wales says that PremierReid has invited the Australian colo-nies to co-opera- te in a New South

New Goods Constantly Arriving.

UEEN CTREET CTORESQWales Antarctic expedition.Tasmaniahas accepted the invitation, and theother colonies are expected to do like-wise.

Out- - Hundred Inliaoitatit Killed.Constantinople, Sept. 25. The

town of Huyeda, in the province ofBuilding lots in that beautiful tract of land directly opposite

Punahou College, facing Punahou and Makiki Streets, and Wildes'- a f mYemen, was overwhelmed by a land-

slide from the mountain near by,

New Prints, Ginghams, Duoks, Denims, Towels.Napkin-.- , Marseilles Quilts, Navy Blue Serges,

Navy and White Sweaters, Ladies' Cloth,Gents' Kangaroo Gloves, Pearl Buttons in great variety

1'eki.no, Hept, 2i. The British ul-

timatum of the matter of the Hzechueiiriots ha.-- t just been issued. Withinfourteen day9 an edict must he issueddegrading the Viceroy of the pro-

vince, otherwise the British Admiralwill act.

The American commission, consist-ing of the Consul at Tien-tsi- n and the'iaval officers, accompanied by Chi-nese soldiers and interpreters, arestarting overland.

New York, Sept. ii. A iispatehto the World from Foochow, China,says : The whole Foochow com mis --

ion of inquiry into the Haw Sangmassacre is disgusted with Chinese

winch killed loo persors.Speedy TrottllC- -

Dubuquk (Iowa), Sept. 25. Acrowd of .iff people witnessed thethree-cornere- d match race betweenJohn R. Gently, Joe Pate hem andFidol this afternoon. Gentry wonthree heats easily, equalling his markof 2:03$, and placed to his credit thefastest heat of tbe year and the fastest

INew Stock of Groceries

euue are now oncrcd lor sate.The location is one of the choicest in Honolulu for llomcseeh

ers. We claim every advantage for these lots High and Dry, awayfrom the noise of the city. On the street car line (5 cent fare.City Water. Electric Lights. The pleasantcst drive on macadamizedstreets the entire distance from the city. The night blooming)Cereus is in constant view. Luxuriant shade tress line the street.This is one of the most select and retired districts of Honolulu.

The elevation is sufficient to give you a magnificent panoramioview of the city and surroundings, and the location is far enoughfrom the business center to reduce to a minimum the danger of cantrading the contagious diseases peculiar to the low lands of tike;city. A cool and invigorating breeze is constantly wafted dawatffrom the valleys.


By purchasing a lot from us in our PUNAHOU COLLEGETRACT we will build you a house thereon according to your own,plans and specifications, payable in monthly installments to sinyou.

tnird heat ever paced or trotted in arace.

Salmon in Barrels and I -- 2 Barrels.FULL LINE OF CROCKERY AND GLASSYShell Hardware, Enamel and Granite War



Prepared Paints in leading Colors. Princess Metalic Paint,Iurpentine. California Lime, Etc., Etc.

Seventeen Itritith Warfthipa.Constantinople (Turkey), Sept.

28. Seventeen British warships havearrived off Lemnos, near the entranceto the Dardanelles. Much commenthas been caused by the appearance ofthe fleet and a distinct impression hasbeen made in official circles here.

Lowered Kritlah Record.liOXOON, Sept. 27. At Catford to-d- ao

A. W. Harris, the bicyclist, rodea mile in 1 minute 58 3-- 5 seconds. Hemade the half-mi- le in 57 3-- 5 seconds,

official duplicity. All of the membersfeel that unless they are more stronglysupported than now they bad betterreturn to Foochow.

The Chinese officials are openlyfurious toward Christians forgivingto the foreign Consuls the names ofthe murderers. The perfect, it is re-porte- d,

threatens vengeance upon thedeparture of the commission.

The magistrate issued three weeksago an offensive proclamation. Ondemand of the Consuls another pro-clamation was issued publicly, butthe offensive one was reissued private-ly to all heads of villages. The resultis that disorder is spreading. Thecommission's position is perilous. Thetotal destruction of the Christians'work is probable.

Honokono. Kept. 28. Obstruction

For further information and particulars apply to,

The Newest ! The Latest ! The Best !


FORT STREET STOREPi RCALESjin great ariety, new stvle FLUTTER and COTTON DliCKS.SCOTCH GlNOHAMSjand SEERSU K ERS, ZEPHYRS in stripes and checks.CREPE GRENADINES.REALMALTF.SE. PLATTE and VALENCIENNES LACES. Ladies' SWEDE, KID, LISLE andTaffeta Gloves and Gauntlets, Silks and surahs. Black. Plain, sbtoeinr.d tigered. White SWISS MUSLINS, BiacU.White and Cream PaSSEMENTRIe"" LACKBLADING, SILK GIMPS. Ladies' and Gents' Cotton and lJSLE HOSE, SWEATFRS forBoys and Men in Navy Blue and White, SILK BELTINGS.

ami the three-quarter- s in 1 minute 233--5 seconds, beating all British profes-sional records.

BRUCE WARING & CO.,503 FORT STREET, near King Street.

Price of the above Lots is $500 each.No Charge for Making Deeds

WHAT TO DRINK!f the inquiry by the foreign Consulso


Which Will i n i Which TH PKODUCT OF THEWire iiteeswoven KMKNot Knst: MUII LfUUU. FolA

Consolidated Soda Water Works

into the Kucheng massacre of Augusti9 still kept up by the Chfnese offi-cials. Forty men suspected of com-plici- ty

in the riots have been liberatedby the local authorities without theconsent of the Consuls.

Mr. Mansfield, British Consul atKucheng, baa been insulted by Chi-nese soldiers. The Consuls are con-sidering the advisability of returningto Foochow and referring the matterto their respective Governments.

Kkrlin, Hept. 28. The Nord Deut-- -

her Allgemeiu-Zeitungsay- s that heGerman men-of-w- ar in the far eastwaters have been ordered to Swatowand Cbefoo to protect foreigners.

THK :Hfc0 TU ACfr'AlK.MMsl to b tted "oon Degrading the

Virerey.Washinoton, Bept. 2s. Minister

Denby cabled the State Departmenttoday from Pekin as follows:

"The Yamen have telegraphed . theAft a m m



Everlasting IRON FENCING, ETC., ETC.One of Honolulu's Industries. Help it by buying of its manufactures.


J.S.BAlhKY, Quenii Street, Next Door to L.B Kerrs.


All fountains in City supplied by themare filled with water which has been




uuinormes 01 rieusi to appoint anofficer to escort the Commission. Thedict will issue in a few days punish-

ing officials and degrading the Vice-roy. Will telegraph it."

This message refers to the indepen-dent American commission formed toinvestigate the Cheng Tu missionaryriots. The edict to which reference ismade 1 supposed to be about to issueas a result of the French investigation



Honot.cix, H. L, October 1$9.".

The Itepulation of the Board of Healthrelating to the quarantining of islandvessels at the port of Honolulu has beenrescinded.

The Kegalation forbidding the making ofl'oi in that portion 01" Honolulu lying be-

tween the Nuuanu stream and Liliha street

o- -

Boat HoiiHe and Ten Beautiful PleasureBoats Complete.

In tirst-clas- s condition. Also ONEPLEASURE YACHT, cat rigged. This isjust the business for an energetic youngman. Apply to


71 Telephone yjof tbe Cheng Tu affair, and the Vice-roy concerned is probably L,iu. It isexpected that tbe American commis-sion, beaded by I'nited States ConsulKeid. will be on tbe road from Tien-tsin to Cheng Tu in a few days.

you often wish you hada soda fountain at home.

This desire can lxovercome by takinghome a bottle of



has also been rescinded.By order of tbe Board 01 Health.

WILLIAM . SMITH,-- 125 It President.

THE STANDARD STALLION4150-t- f Next to Postoffice.


The addition of a BOARD AT $5 PBR WEKKfamily 84 Beretania street.

i'lll V ATE40!4-t- f Record, 2:15.

Champion Hawaiian Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Onomea Sugar Com-

pany will held at the office ot C. Brewer& Co. (Limited), in Honolulu, on TQES-- D

Y, October 22d. 1895, at 10 o'clock a.m.Dated at Honolulu, Ortober 8, 1895.

E. F. BISHOP.4118-t- d Secretary.



Krltih .tleu-nf-W- ar Moving up theVans Tmm Kiang Biirr.

Inik)n (Kng.), Sept. 28. The de-monstration of a powerful Britishsquadron proceeding up tbe Yang TseKiang Is tbe sequence of the tacit re-fusal of tbe Peking government tosatisfy tbe demands of tbe Maniuis ofSalisbury for tbe punishment of thelate Viceroy of Szechuen, whom Brit-ish Minister O'Connor reported to beresponsible for tbe outrages beginningin May at tbe mission stations atCheng Tu, wbich were followed bythe massacre at Kucheng.

The Viceroy's term of office expiredand he left Cneng Tu, and tbe Pekinggovernment tried to induce MinisterO'Connor to believe that the with-drawal of the Viceroy had been en-forced and that this action on the partof China ought to satisfy the Britishgovernment. Lord Salisbury, how-ever, instructed tbe British Ministerthat nothing would suffice less than a

small quantity to a glassof water makes a deli-cious drink. It is supe-rior to grape juice ; doesnot have that "sickishtaste but possessingall the fine flavor thatonly good fruit can im-parl Try a bottle.

Quart bottles 50c.


Mules 36 MulesFOR SALE.

Parties desiring Mulee will makemoney baying of me, as 1 raise all mystock in California and can sell cheaperthan those who buy 10 Fell My Mulesare from 4 to 6 vears old, and weigh from1000 to 1250 pounds.

BLUE BULL (PrtldtB'a). M

KITE BULL 75.Sire Of Georgetown. :16i;

Zoe B, 2:1714; Beesla, 2:17J4; (.QUBBlf.uiu o oinera es!aes. 33sires of 60 and 48 dams of 702:30 performers fFLAXTAIL 8131WAILUKU l"GAB COMPANY. Sire of 2 in list and d

PBOMPTFR 2305Bire of Creole. 2:15; Eagle.

2:19; Apex, 2:36; Transit,2 . i6i; wlker. 2 : 23S;Wales. a; Chico,and of the dame of Bnili&n-lln- ,

2.17: Vior, 2:2i



Call or address of 9 trotters and 2 pacersR. T. McCULLOUGH, PRAIKIK RTRD, 3:28 1-- 4

Dam of Flight, 2:29; damof Fl8t, ?;1K; Sid Fleet,2:26;4110-- tf Arlington Hotel I FASHION

Dam of2:2ti4

Prairi Bird,public imperial decree banishing the TO LET.viceroy beyond the frontiers of China,

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Wailuku Sue:ar Com-

pany will be held at the office of 0. Brewerit Co. (Lim ted), in Honolulu, on MON-DAY. October 21st. 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m.

Dated Honolulu, October 8, 1895.E. F. BISHOP.

4U-f- l Secretary.


IOWA CHIEF 528.Sire of 6 in 2:30 list

DWELLING HOUSE ONwith a statement that tbe crime forwhich he was punished was neglect to UN- -lit iriNSLEY MAIDitionl protection to the missions. This

BUCCANEER 2G36Sire of Bulwer, 2 : 26H !

Flight. 2:29: Shamrock (2),2:25; and dams f MonroePrince, 2:29; Fal rose, 2:19;Frou Frou fl, 2:25J4; Kose- -

ion street. Apply toM. D "MONSABRAT4111-t- f

--action of Lord Sal! -- bury appears tohave been prompted by the convic-tion, doubtless baaed upon Foreign V,a 1J22; Goiita, 2:24; f FLA XTAIL

( QRACCDam of

Eagle, 2:1981S2.... .0. 2 : 15;

sire 01 uan, 2:W:Office reports, that the Chinese liter


Horizontal Slide Valve Engine

Made hy Honolulu Iron Work? Com-pany in 18S5.

Bore ofl Cylinder 13 mchee. Length ofStrike 4 inche, Orank fhaft on left ofCylinder, Hand Keverving Gear. Dia-meter of K!y Wheel 14 feet ize of Fd-gin- e

Bed :i feet wid b 20 feet long.

HALEAKALA RANCH COMPANYmuiui, :zia; anta Kita,2:24V4; Sid leet, 2 : 26;rleet, 2:184

press, 2;294 ; anddamiolBicycle for Sale.

VKW COLUMBIA BICYCLE, LATESTimproved, weight 21 pounds, is offered

for sale cheap. Applv at thi- - office.4in-t-f


LMART, 2:42(trial 2:25)

Dam of Apex, 2:26; Ster-ling, sire of 5 in 2:30; Lfctty,dam of 3 in 2 : 80; Grace,dam of Creole, 2:15 I DAUGHTER

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Haleakala Ranch

Company will be held at the othce of C.Brewer A Co. (Limited), in Honolulu, onMONDAY. October 28th. 1895, at 10O'clock A. M.

Dated Honolulu. October B, 1S9".K. P. BISHOP.

411s-t- d Secretary.


'For further particulars, applv toDESCRIPTION AND TERMSThn. H Panel & Co., I'i the fastest andpamept, best bred stallion IW ho. a.Creole is

imported into TT T 1 , . . " M "


feet condition. Applv at office ofBRUCE WARING fc CO..

41 19--1 w Kort Street.


nawa'ian isianaR. tin rexiori via rA r.-- rinu o.on . a.ia t.pHrn'nma Pol A,o i ccLi . i;.: , Z . , ,?w,u. w-i- o

ati abetted by most of the higher offi-cials, foment agitation against Euro-peans generally and not against themissions alone, and that the degredation of the Viceroy of Szechuen wouldbe a blow to tbe literati and an effect-ive example to tbe whole of China.

The decisive attitude of Englanddisposes of the report that the ForeignOffice eutertained a proposal to with-draw the missionaries to treaty ports,it is understood the United Statesgovernment, although not actively

-- operting with the British govern-ment, has been informed of and ap-proves of the latter's plans to protectthe missions, wbich involve thestrongest practical measures in theevent of the pquadron demonstrationriot proving sufficient to wake up thegovernment at Peking.

German 9 ar&hip &tut.London, Sept. 2S. A B-rl- iu Jis-pat- cu

to tbe St. James Gazette saysthat a squadron of German u--


" 7 ,x . " xv ' u,riBUUUis mB wnoie neia in tne hrst heat; tbemaiiaic l to 2:15 in Stockton Cal September 23, 18M4, winning the first heatfourth heat in 2:15, and fifth heat in 2:19 J, proving that he is a remakaWy gameSwed as a speedy race noree. ("Creole by Prompter out of Grace by Buccaneer abowttthat he is capable of cettiner a mark of 2:10 and is one of the gamest stallions seathis year, and besides beine game, is one of the best formed, and remarkabtrintelligent. "-B-

reeder and Sportsman, Sept. 25, 1894.) He is 164 hands biskand of powerlul build throughout. His color is glossy black with one white hinrfloot. His disposition is all that could ha H


12th, and continuing for 3 davs I

ommwsioi; M'ivhantfsure foal getter.

ANNUAL MEKTING OF THEI stockholders ot the Paukaa Sugir Com-

pany will he held at the office of C. Brewer.V Co. (L mited), in Honolulu, on WED-NESDAY. October 23d, 1893. at 10O'clock A. M.

Dated Honolulu. October 8. 1S95.B. F. BISHOP,

4118-t- d Secretary.

No 3 California st , ati Francisco.

will inaugurate my fall opening of Mill-inery, consisting of "Pattern Hats. BibbOBaand Novelties. Wings Feathers, Birds, etc.The goods are the verv late-- t stvles, directfrom New York for 1895.

.MISS C AH ILL.Arlington Block, Hotel Street.

4111-- 1 w

Terms, $50, with usual return privilege. Will mak6 the season at ths

Ilntid orders promptly tilled. CLUB STABLES CO.

Page 3: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January



Quarantine Raised Artesian Wa

ter W. 0. Smith s Vacation.


II, ii r 11111 ;, ".No h..ler AiA hootias LADIES'

pointed as (lovernment trustees ofthe hospital : John II. Paty, J. I.Dowsctt. Bruce Cartwright, J. F.HackfeM and G. W. Smith.

lrs. C. Ilyder and K. Surmannwere added to the list of honoraryphysicians to the hospital.

The committee appointed to lookiiito the matter of admitting Ha-waiian peamen to the hospital freeof charge, made majority andminority report. There was muchdiscussion on the subject. It wa3referred again to the committeefor further investigation.

Messrs. John Ena, J. F. Hack-fel- d

and G. W. Smith were ap-pointed to constitute the visitingcommittee for the present quarter.



Japanese Prieoner' Complaints AndWa ists SoAre

The statements of the eleven Japan-ese prisoners (including one soldierand ten coolies), who were recentlyreturned by China, show that theywere robbed of all the money they hadcarried with them and subjected tothe crudest treatment and tortures.Kvery one of them had his hairshaven off in the Chinese style, leav-ing a lock in the center of the head soas to make a queue in time. Whenthey were returned, they were givenChinese dresses and shoes and fourtaels each. But this favor was amockery as the sums they had beenplundered of were much more thanthey received. Japan Gazette.

We!B F. Ehlers & Co

At a meeting of the Uoarci ofHealth yesterday afternoon, it wasdecided to lift the quarantine onsteamers entirely. Firat-clas- 3 pas-

sengers will be allowed to go tothe other inlands on permits, afterhaving undergone a thorough fumi-

gation of person and effects.The city water supply will con-

tinue to come from the Governmentpumping statiDn oa IJeretaniastreet.

It was recommended that Nuu-an- u

reservoirs be emptied one byone and cleaned ; also that Nuu-an- u

stream he flushed.Regulations prohibiting the mak-

ing of poi in certain places, wasrescinded.

The following request from cer-

tain excursionists was read :

Hon. W. O. Smith, President Boardof Health.

Dkak Hik: A party of gentlemendesire to make a flailing and huntingtrip in the H.rt. 'IJehua," leaving hereFriday evening, 18th in.it., proceedingto coast of Lanai and reaching thatloint Saturday morning, 19th inat.

They respectfully ak permission toproceed as above. On arrival ofl Ia-na- i,

Saturday morning, five of theparty wish termissiou to land for thepurpose of shooting game. The hunt-ing party consists of Meesrs. H. M.Whitney, Jr., W. Austin Whitney,Sam Wilder, W. Lanze anil GeorgeRobinson. If permission to land isgranted, Mr. F. H. Hayaelden willaccompany the party and take chargeof same.

Saturday evening the "Iehua" willproceed to Labaiua, and permission isrequested for any of the party to landwho mav so desire. The party will

The 19th Centnry Idea !Your Stock "Heywoodis in it.

1. 1. HIWill dt, better onFIRST-CLAS- S FEED. 1 We

lay special stress onthe excellence of ourgoods, always keepingthe quality up to thehighest point, and while

maintaining our reputation in this.respect, wego to the other extremein Keeping prices down to the lowest point. We know of iiothtug

HAY AND GRAINthat builds up business like th

Offer t the Public Their EntireStock at a

Reduction of40 Per Cent

selling of first-cla- ss goods. Vcsell them and don't sell anythingelse.


Is the very bet at theVERY LOWEST PRICES. THE . 9

$ 15.00ACK Manufactitters' Shoe Co18.00S o.oo$5uits at ;22.50HHH 1MMPANTS at $4-.5- 0

$5.50$6.50Nuuanu and Queen Streets. WE PROMISE

TO PAY111 SjfflffllM

Our name is sufficient guaran-

tee for good workmanship.



CHL0R0DYNE.Original and Oily Genuine.



consist of some twenty to twenty livegentlemen.

It is proposed to return so as to ar-rive back in Honolulu Sunday even-ing, and permission is requested toland fish caught by the excursionistsoff Lanai.

I am. respectfully yours,Austin Whitnig.

For excursionists,J. H. Fisher.Sam'lO. Wii.dkk.H. M. Whitney, Jk.

A communication from Dr. Sur-man- n

in regard to cholera wasread. The doctor claimed that therecent epidemic was not that ofcholera Asiatica.

Dr. Campbell's letter was readand filed. In it were given rea-sons for the action of the people ofKauai in regard to the late epi-

demic.President Smith said be intend-

ed leaving for New Zealand, Oct.24th, to return Dec. 12th.

A petition signed by members ofthe military companies askingthat Dr. J. T. Wayson be retainedas physician at the Kalihi Receiv-ing Station, was read and referredto the committee of physicians incharge of the Station.

You the same attentionwhen you buy a Chairas if you were buying o

house full of goods.

It matters not whatthe article is, how ex-

pensive or low-price- d, we

have it in greater variety

than elsewhere.



" PERKINS WINDMILLS." We Want Your Trade.We have 92 packages of these Mills

on the bark ''Albert," now discharg-

ing and will tell you all about themsoon.

J. HOPP & CO.,Cor. of King and Bethel Streets.

Dr. J. Collls Browne's Chlorodyne.Vice-Chancell- or SIR W. PAGE WOODstated publicly in court that Dr. J. COLLISBPOWNE was undoubtedly the INVEN-TOR of CHLORODYNE, that the wholestory of the defendant Freeman was de-liberately untrue, and he regretted to say ithad been sworn to. See The Times, July13, 1864.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyneis a liquid medicine which assuages PAINof EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refresh-ing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, andINVIGORATES the nervous system wheaexhausted. Is the Great Specific forCholera, Dysentry, Diarrhoea.

The General Board of Health, London,report that it ACTS as a CHARM, onedose generally sufficient.

Dr. Gibbon, Army Medical Staff, Cal-cutta, states : M Two doses completelycured me of diarrhoea."Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne

is the TRUE PALLIATIVE inNeuralgia, Qout, Cancer,

Toothache, Rheumatism.Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne

Rapidly cuts short all attacks ofHpilepsy, Spasms, Colic,

Palpitation, Hysteria.Important Caution. The Immense

Sale of this Remedy has given rise to manyUnscrupulous Imitations.

N. B. Every Bottle of Genuine Chloro-dyne bears on the Government Stamp thename of the inventor, Dr. J. CollisBrowne. Sold in bottles is. ijd., is. gi.and 4s. 6d., by all chemists.

Sole Manufacturer,J. T. DAVENPORT.

38 Great Russell street, London, W. C.

o- -

New Goods,New Goods.E. O. HALL & SON,


New Goods,New Goods,

fj-iv-e us Another Shot at YouNew GoodsNew Goods,




Satisfactory Report Made NewTrustees Appointed.

The adjourned quarterly meet-

ing of the Board of Trustees of theQueen's Hospital took place yester-

day morning. Rev. Alex. Mack-

intosh occupied the chair tem-

porarily.The expenses of the hospital for

the last quarter, as shown by thereport of the treasurer, were$6339 39.

The report of the visiting phy-sicians, as read by Secretarygchaefer, was as follows :

- The number of patients at presentiu the hospital is 73, viz: 40 Hawai-ian- s

(31 males, 9 females), 4 Chinese,) Japanese and 20 of other nationali-ties, including 29 paying patients.The number of admissions during thequarter was 12S, viz. : 62 Hawaiians(42 males, 20 females , u Chinese, 19Japanese and 41 of other nationalities.The number discharged was 114, viz. :

r0 Hawaiian (32 males, 18 females), 3I'binese, 15 Japanese and 44 of othernationalities.

44 The number of deaths for thequarter was IS. of whom 8 were Ha-waiians 6 males, 2 females), 1 Chineseand 4 of other nationalities. Causesof death were: Apoplexy 2, carcinomauteri 1, general dropsy 1, general tu-berculosis 1, organic heart disease 1,

phthisis pulmlnaris 2, pneumonia 1,remittent fever 1, shock followingoperation 1. thrombosis 1 and uterinefibroid tumor 1. Of the above onedied within twelve and one withinforty-eig- ht hours of admission.

The highest number of patients inthe institution at any one time dur-ing the quarter was 85 and the lowest59, giving a daily average of 69. Thenumber of prescriptions made up dur-ing the quarter was 434. In the sameperiod six major and ten minor opera-tions were performed, together withone post-morte- m examination. Thewhole number of patients treated dur-ing the quarter was 34H, as follows:July, 106; August, 130 and September,110."

This report was signed by Drs.Chas. B. Cooper and C. B. Wood.

A letter from the Minister of theInterior was read. Iu it were con-tained the following r.araes ap


1 l'ost Streft, - - Sa P"rncico.FOR SEYENTY-FIY- E DOLLARS

This college instructs in Shorthand, Tvpe--

k Bookkeeping, Telegraphy, Pen J. J. EGAN'SSTCPTKIVlITCli 1st.

manship.Drawmg, all the fcngnsn Drancrxand everything pertaining to business f(full six months. We have 16 teachers an

Every one who saw our "NO. 2 BULLET" was more than pleased ith thework done by them . The only fault we had to find was that we did not haveenough of them to satisfy the demand. Come and look at the

Pocket Kodak $5.50.Loaded for 12 Pictures.

Makes pictures large enough to be good for contact printing and good enoughto enlarge to an v reasonable s?ze. "One button doe3it. You press it." Weighsonly 5 ounces. HERE !j (ANOTHER !


Loaded for Twenty-fiv-e pictures.

This little camera can be carried in the pocket. Nothing is left undone to makeit a perfect little gem of a camera. Can be used as a snap shot or time exposure. Sosimple that a 1kv or a girl can use it. Twenty-fiv-e perfect exposures one loading.Every KOMBI guaranteed.

give individual instruction to all ourpupilsA Department of Electrical Engineering

Has been established under a thoroughlyqualified instructor. The course Is tboroughlv practical. Send for circular.

C S. H.Al HY. crec3ry.

Doerolech?r Funrturrf Mfg. Co..

INCORPORATED.733 to 741 Mia f ion st. San Fran-circ- o,


TABLES. CHIFFONIERS.Catalogue eent to the trade only.


Geo. W. LincolnIs building a fine building called

the Von Holt Block.

Watch Progress of the new homeof this paper.

Both of tnese camerts can be loaded or film changed in daylight. We have onhibition an assortment of pictures taken with these cameras which are perfect inex

every detail.


Page 4: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January


Quitman, who had proved a hard f1 Pcciiic mcm Mm. LADIES, ATTENTIONfighter in the Mexican campaign,Lxcett volunteered to head a filibusteringIssuci Every Moraine

Surtay. ty the




-- O-October 2, 2805.Hawaiian Gazette Company


expedition and see to it that Cubawas turned over to the Republic.Mr. Polk, however, would not listento such a plan, but set to work tomake a formal offer for the pur

L. B. KERRBelow is a list of goodsFarrington. Editor.Wallace


Has just


openedwhich arrived ex Australia


the most completeup one ofissortment of

Especijl facilities for handling Estates,Trusts, Guardianships and Private Busi-ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated. Re:,;-- . Dividends and Interestscollected. Property sold or leased for asmall commission.

General Manager for the HawaiianIslands for the following Insurance Com

and will be kept on theThe beat way for the California

wine merchants to eettle the eakimeetion in to turn to and work forannexation. DREpanies;

Oceanic wharl for shipment i Equitable Life Assurance Society ofUnited States. , tslS5.(W4,3K 06

Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,

chase of the island. This offer wasmade through Minister Saunders atMadrid, the limit of the purchaseprice being placed at a hundredmillion dollars. The overture wasrepulsed, in a few weeks a WhigPresident was elected and the an-

nexation plans were indefinitelypostponed.

Should, as numerous correspond-ents predict, the annexation ofCuba become a live question dur-ing President Cleveland's adminis-tration he will find a strong pre-cedent for an aggressive policy inthe history of the closing days ofPresident Polk's term of ofiic1.

of London. $16,517,786 00to the other islands. Ever Imperial Insurance Company. Limited, ofLo.-ido- n. assets $9,3S2,20 OO

Lion fire ir.jrat.ce t-wipan- L.fmiteo, otLondon, assets $4.12S,OUO

The Board of Underwriters of New York.


During the whole of this month he will continue to sell atreduced prices Black and Colored Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings,Serges, Ginghams, India Linens, Nainsooks, Dimities, VictoriaLawns, Lace Stripes, Sateens.

Straw Hats thousands to select from. Feathers, Ribbons,Flowers, etc., etc.

The National Board of Marine Underwriters of New York.

thing in the list can be ship-

ped without Board of Health

permits and the attention of

The supposition that the mys-

terious movements of British warships portended something seriousfor China has proved to be wellfounded. It will be a source ofgratification to the whole civilizedworld that Great Britain has takenpositive action to assure protectionto the missionary workers of theHast. Should this move in theause of humanity prove to be a

screen to gain a selfish end it isrtain that China cannot be under

a more irresponsible and unsatis-factory Government than the pres

FOR LEASE.V. 5. THAT JKIKAHI.i: LOT ON Call earlv and set first choice.the Wot side of J add street. n the Waiki

ki side of the residence of C. Bolte, KiThi afford: one of the tinest building site

MAccording to our prediction ofin the citv. A long lease m moderatea lew idvs? aso, as tne tJuLetmterms to a desirable tenant.

buyers is called to the assort-

ment :

NO. ;. 30 ACIIKS OF LAND (MOREor less) convenient to Honolulu; suitable

would put it, a filibuster yarncomes from Boston. Undoubtedlythis contingent will be a large one,

for rice plantation . A long lease and easyterms will b- - made with party SinJUne anartesian well on same.ent regime.

' as the itinerary must include apleasant trip across the continent FOR SALE.

L. B. KERR. Wholesale and Retail ImporterQUEEN STREET.



cant lot on Young street, near Thomastiuare. Desirable location near the resiWater Closets,

: Jenccof L. Dee. Price $2200.

with a good opportunity to drop offby the way and count railroad tiesin getting back to the fair land ofbean eaters and the homeof John L. SullivaD. Possi

NO. 6. LAND AT KUMUELI, KAMAJo, Molokai. frice $- -. One-Iia- ll expense

Paint Burners, ot deeds.No. 8. 1 ACRE OF FINE TARO LAND

all in taro, located at Kaniakela: waterright goes with the land. Last year's tarorrop sold for over $300. Trice $1300. Onehalf expense of deeds.

NO. 9. BUILDING LOT AT A A LA,Palaraa. 50x15 feet, on Aala lane. Trice$1400. One-ha- lf expense of deeds.


If there is one official in the Gov-

ernment whom the people wouldvote a vacation 'on fall pay" it isAttorney General Smith. Mr. Smithin his capacity as President of theBoard of Health has gained a repu-tation and a place in the hearts ofthe community that will not be for-

gotten in a day. His successhas been no sudden flight, nopopular stroke of policy madeto catch the transient praise ofa wavering public. Mr. Smithhas shown himself the man forthe emergency, when that emer-gency called for the display ofstrong executive ability, hard, fear-less work, and the complete sub-jection of all personal interests in awork for the public good.

For Pipes aud Cigarettes.

bly tne next story will oe tothe effect that John L. has been in-

duced to desert his farm and leadthe Boston division of the armythat is to occupy Hawaii. All thatremains to make our predictioncomplete is for some bright St.Johns newspaper man to set JohnJohnson, or some of the Smiths orJoneses, to enlisting Nova Scotiawood choppers, who are disgustedwith the cold "snaps" of loggingcamps and are desirous of takingup their residence in a warmercountry flowing with milk andhoney.

Auction Salts.

A Fresh Lot of This Well-know- n Brand Just to Hand.

NO. 10. 2 LOTS, EACH WITH TWO-stor- vhouse, at Aala, Palama. Price to-gat- her

$1650, or singly $1000 and $750. One-hal- fexpense of deeds.

NO. I!. LOT WITH COTTAGES ONPunchbowl street, below Queen street, nearwater front, will ultimately become tinebusiness property. Price $3500. One-ha- lf

expense of deeds.NO. 13. 328 ACRES GRAZING, COF-f- ce

and feed hinds at Honokua, SouthKona, Hawaii.

NO. 14. LAND AT PU1WA. NUUANCvalley, maiika ef "Hanai a Kamalama."Queen Knima's old residence; area 3 77-1- 00

acres. Planted to strawberries and taro.Price $500.

NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and Kekaulikestreets. Area 1425 square feet. House hasrecently been repaired and shingled. Arare business opportunity. Deed, stampsand acknowledgments at expense of pur-chaser. Price $1200.

NO. 17. THOSE EXTREMELY D LSI li-able premises centrally and conveniently,nearlv opposite Emma "Square, Honolulu,

For Sale by all Dealers

Hendry's Mixed Paints,

Hose in all sizes and qual-


Ideal Coffee Pots,


Bicycle Lamps,

Metallic Paint in Oil,

Tanks, 3000 to 5000 gals.,

Steel Wire Cloth,

Shooting Coats.

Flour Sifters,

Blacksmiths' Bellows,



By James F. Morgan. BROS 3James Schouler in an article on

President Polk's administrationwritten for the Atlantic Monthly ofSeptember gives many interesting

next door and mauka of the residence ofTHIS DAY. J. M. Oat, Esq. Certainly a bargain. Forparticulars apply to the undersigned.

incidents of the inside history ofAUCTION SAJLE Besides the above 1 have other desirable

property for sale and lease. Fw informstion call at the office,


the acquisition of Mexican terri-tory by the United States and ofthe final annexation of Texas.The facts are called from Presi-dent Polk's diary and throw many

Cartwright Block. Merchant StCARRIAGES CARRIAGES

BRUCE CARTWRIGHTinteresting side lights upon theconsummation of a policy that is AT

Wholesale Importers of General Merchandise


Importers and Dealers in

Groceries, Provisions and Feed..New and Fresh Goods received by every packet from California, Eastern States

and European Markets.Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.Island trade solicited.

P. O. BOX 145. TELEPHONE NO. 92.

regarded by many as one of the !

darkest blots on American history. MOBGAN'S THISPresident Polk's own writings show

DAYAT 12 O CLOCK NOON.him to be, like the head of the

present administration, a man who,when he decided upon a mode ofaction would stop at nothing incarrying it out. Thoroughly loyalto the continuance of the Union of


Horse for Sale.


And Investment CompanySTOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!

The favorable weather daring the pastsummer gives promise of a large crop for189(J, and with an estimated shortage of theworld's production of One Million Tons ofSugar, higher prices are looked for.

Persons alive to the situation are begin-ning to purchase now. During the presentmonth we have made more sales of First-Cla- ss

Stocks than for the past twelvemonths.

We are now buying and selling the fol-lowing:

Hawaiian Sugar Company Stock,Kwa Plantation Company Stock,Haiku bugar Company Stock,Honomu Sugar Com pan v Stock,Hawaiian Agricultural Companv Stock,Paia Plantation Company Stock,"Mutual Telephone Stock,Hawaiian Electric Companv Stock.Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, andPlantation first Mortgage Bonds.We have some very secure boxes in the

Safe Deposit Vaults to let bv the month orby the year at very reasonable rates.

States he saw all too late :

that his determination to gain , ROMPING CHILDRENFOR NON-PAYME- NT OKboard, we will sell on TUESDAY,October 29th, 1895, at Public Auc-tion, at the Auction rooms of

James F. Morgan, in Honolulu, one BavMare. CLUB STABLES COMPANY.

Honol - hi. September 27 ', 1SJ5. 4109-l- m

Wire Mats,


Feather Dusters,

Hoe Handles,

California Lawn Sprinklers,



Rice Plows,

W. W. Heads,

Paint Brushes,

Bath Tub Enamel,



For particulars ap?fy totrvv tt x wr 1 it r ay 0 1 vi nmmflTfP

Will be parading our streets on Monday toschool. Clothes that were good enough lastiyear have been worn out during the long vaca-tion. Every mother's heart beats with pleasurewhen her children leave for school clad fromhead to foot in a good, clean, substantial outfit.This fitting out for the school children will haveour special attention for the next wek. Do youwant to be one of the many parents to be able tosay that your children look as nice as so andsoys ? Let me assist you.

New stock of Blankets, Quilts, BedspreadsMosquito Nets, Towels, Sheetings, Shoes, etc.,DRESS GOODS, ,r T mT

And Investment Company,408 Fort Street, Honolulu.


issued out of the Circuit Court, onthe sth day of October, A.D., Ls95. againstS. K. KI LA and MAAHA Kl LA defend-ants, in favor of W. C. ACU1, plaintiff', forthe sum of $100.75 : I have levied upon andshall exjose for sale at the Station House,in the District of Honolulu. Island ofOahu.at 12 o clock of SATURDAY , thelGth dav of November. A.D . 1895. to thehighest bidder, all the right, title and inter- - 9

new territory, had resultedin an agitation of the slavery ques-tion which he feared would des-

troy "Democratic institutions audperhaps the Union ;" though hebelieved that slavery "had no legi-

timate connection with the warinto Mexico, being a domestic, nota foreign question."

That President Poik was anardent annexationist and believedin the United States controllingnot only the country between thetwo oceans, but also all of thenatural island outposts is clear-ly demonstrated. His Mex-ican campaign was hardly com-

pleted before he began to lay planGot the annexation of Cuba. Onthe 30th of May, 1S48, just as anew presidential canvass was open-ing and before ratifications hadbeen exchanged securing placewith Mexico, the President broach-ed his new scheme to his Cabinet.This body was divided in its opin-ion but as Cass, the party candi-date bad declared himself as will-

ing to take his chances upon ?uchan issue, the objecting membersof the Cabinet assumed a quies-cent attitude and let theirchief executive and his supporters

est of the said S. K. kila and If. KilaI defendants, in and to the following prop- -

erty. unless said judgment, interest, costs' and my expenses be previously paid.

List ot property for sale:If I Y ? n

1 1 w 1



FORT STREET.Assorted Hardware.

All tbose premises situated at Kuwili,llouolu u. Oahu. containing an area of 20-1-00

of an acre : and being a part of Apana2. described in Royal Patent ISO I on L.C.A.4 F L., together with all buildings thereon ;

subject nevertheless to a mortgage madeby S. K. Kila and Maaha Kila to HarrietCarter for $1100. dated April 29, 1895, andrecorded in Liber 153 P. H:j; also subject to

Disston's No. Cane --IEfintn 1UTUALia second mortgage made by S. K . Kila and TfInsH

Maaha Kila to Wonr Va Fov. dated AprilKnives, Life Company of New Yoflranee

2!. isy5. and ncorded in Liber 153. P. IGtifor $192 A. M. BROWN.

Marshal. Republic of Hawaii.Honolulu. Oahu. October, 15, 1895.

4124-5- t Mill Saw Files,!


Assets December 31, 1894, $204,638,783.9iA Good Record the Best Guarantee for tne Future.Sole Leather.


DRESS UP.Appearances riore often than not de-

termines a man's standing. If yon willrome to us tor your clothes we will seeto it that you leave with a good appear-ance and it won't cost you much. Lat-es- t

fashions now in.Dress up and make an impression".Crystal Fashion Flates display the


MEDEIHOS & CO.,S. Decker. Manager.

Hotel street, opposite King Rros.

The Hawaiian Gazette is ifisuedon Tuesdays and Fridays.

go on with their work. Cubans ;

were in insurrection and President S. B. ROSE,General Agent for the Hawaiian Istanfefte Mii mm 60.. in

Opposite Sprocket' Bank,

Folk thought it a favorable oppor-tunity to help Spain out of itstroubles by taking the island ofif

307 FORT Daily Advertiser, 75 Cents per Monththat country s hands. General' Hmwm&mm Gazette Coxnvaxi v.

Page 5: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January


JUST RECEIVEDPortraitsEnlarged


SAM'L. louisson dead.Sodden End of a Bright Life

Faneral on Sunday.

9amnd Louieson died of iorla-matio- n

of the stomach and bowelsa! a quarter to seven o'clock Wed-

nesday morning.Up had suffered from a slight at-..i- ck

of the same disorder a few-week- s

ago, but it va not serious-- nough to confine him to his homemore than a few days. Last weekhe was in his usual good healthand on Friday was it the Pacific


Akina of Kailua, executor underthe will of Akona, of the same place,being unable to secure the tenthousand dollar bond required bythe Court, has secured permission ofthe creditors of the estate to appointAkona of Hookena administratorwithout bonds.

The case of Nahaolelua vs. Kaa-ah- a

which hcs been before thecourts off and on during the pastfive years was being heard by Com-

missioner Smith yesterday after




in vry Latest Styles of 6 inch 1

noon.tennis court playing with othermembers of the club. At that time

wide Mouldings.

Packed and Shipped to any Ad-

dress od the Islands.



$10 For tbt ExtremelyLow Price of $10

The decision in the water rightcase of Wong Leong et al againstW. G. Irwin which was decided bythe water commissioners for thedistrict of Koolaupoko in favor ofdefendant has been appealed.Cecil Brown and A. B. Hartwellare Attorneys for appellants.

In the petition to declare W. C.Lane a spendthrift J. C. Lane hasfiled a notice of withdrawalfrom the suit. His sister MariaKna is now the only petitioner.

Tn the matter of the bankruptcyproceedings against J. J. Affonso ofHonokaa, in which case a bill hasbeen filed to set aside a certainmortgage, argument was heard in

HOLLISTEB & CO.,1r f-- iih

Call and Sec Samples at



too At xobaeconistschambers yesterday and case submitted.



Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen. Honoteiu, H. L


Is onlv "case deep."' It is mucheasier to mfcke a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the onethe otherrequires the best thought of a musicalartist. The

Kroeger Pianos


The Hyacinth at San Diego.San DiEio, Sept. 26. H. B. M.

steamer Hyacinth, Captain May,arrived this morning en route fromEcquimalt to Callao. She cameinto this port for water, and willremain until Saturday, when shewill sail for Acapulco. There shewill recoal.

H. B. M. steamer Satellite is atCallao, and it is probable the Hya-cinth will relieve her from duty inChilean waters, though CaptainMay said so far as he knew the

. .m t r 1

Doors. iIII! m


iie was in very jovial spirits. Dur-

ing tbe evening be remained athome entertaining some friends, retiring in apparently perfect healthat his usual hour. Saturday morn-.n- g

about two o'clock, Dr. Howard,at whose house he made his home,was awakened by the young man'sevident cries of distress. While hisillness was at once severe, it wasnot considered serious. DuringSaturday and Sunday there werevarying changes in his condition,


611 KINO STKEET, SEAR FORI Prompt attention to all orders. TELEPHONE:All have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant.careful, studious attention is given to


YOKOHAMA BAZARCor. Nuuanu and Hotel Streets.Furniture s Cpholstery

cruise ot tne wyacintn naa nospecial object.

The steamer has been on theNorth Pacific station about threeyears, the limit fixed by the Ad-miralty, and she may proceed toEngland after leaving Callao to goout of commission. The Satellite,if relieved, will return up coast toEsquimalt.

the production of a perfect and lastingtone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken in Part Payment.

Tuning and Repairing a Specialty.



Crepes, Silk Goods and Kimonos, Handkerchiefs, Screens,Furnishing Goods, Bamboo, China and Porcelain

Ware and Japanese Drugs.all Goods at bedrock prices.ii n J. W. BERGSTROM,

Office. Thrum's Book Store.EMBALMING.Mil RATA & CO., Proprietors.


Grand Opening

but it was not until Sunday nightthat any really alarming symp-toms developed. Other physicianswere then called in consultation,and Dr. Herbert remained in con-stant attendance until bis death.

He was conscious all through hisillness, and during Monday nightwas entirely free from pain ; realiz-ing that death was imminent, hisbattle for life was the greater. Dr.Herbert, who so assiduously la-

bored to prolong the young man'slife, received from him instructionsas to the disposition of his personaleffects as well as the direc-tions concerning his funeral. An-drew Prown, John S. Walker andDr. Grossman, representatives ofHawaiian Lodge No. 21 A. F. fc

A. M., of which the deceased was amember, and H. M. Whitney, Jr.,Paul Muhlendorf and Theo. Wolff,intimate friends, remained at thehouse through the night. He willbe buried with Masonic rites fromthe residence of Dr. Howard, Piikoiand King streets, on Sunday next.

The deceased, third son of

I AMTELEPHONES: Office 179, Res. S27.

: ON -:- - MlC. E. Williams. Ed. A. Williams.' t I -1 Ittt , I II .Ml l ,


S 5 S $ s 3 m sr

5 g " E S 3 - 5"w g g"o-- c T B x a p S"

a c o S r ? 5 - o o S ?n 1?3 E: cb S. p rMTTr? to 5


Saturday, October 19th

FRENCH DINNERWill be ntvciI Gram SsflO to 7::;p. in.Ice Cream, Cake and Coffee served till 12.


Tailor,323 Nl'UANU STREET







rf o 3 m - i; . rr--IS it ts y. 30 SZ.3;fT o . r-- --r rz " 5"

sPr'-- ( 'o - - &g r o r. o x o 5" rpTEL. 66S.

ZT. 2 -

Quintette Club in Attendance

firs. B. Freimann.. o o o 5"o o rr cS ts 3 csffi V.s



If there is one tiling aloveanother that will depress thespirits and make life miserable,it is faulty digestion.



cs 3O

72 5; - V r,sb - o sr--? CD O S T

3New Goods! New Goods! cx9 o or2 S

I can fit as well as the best and betterthan some who claim to be first-clas- s

tailors. All clothes guaranteed to be thebest of workmanship.

Au Tim does not represent me, and afterthis date, August 9th, I will do my owndelivering and collecting.

If you cannot spare the time to call ringup 668 and I will call and see you.


. AT THE 2 H5 P 3





P3 Petroleum H


Cor. Fort and Beretania Sts.TEL. 560

Emulsionis soothing, healing, strength-ening to the stomach andtxtwels. It aids digestion, neu-

tralizes and removes poisonousproducts from the intestinesand regulates the digestive or-

gans, making them able to prop-erly perform their part in theeconomy of njrftrre.


Schr. -- ALOHA," and Bk.

W. W. AHANA,Merchant Tailor. 323 Nuuanu Street.

H. G. BIART,Jeweler and Watchmaker,


ex"ALBERT,' can be found

assortment ofanSO t.. nnd M.im.

Ojr books"Health" and " Beamy" m

M. LouiseoD, senior memberof the firm of M. S. Grinbaum ACo., was born in Honolulu, Novem-ber 16, 1871. He early attendedthe Fort Street school and receivedthe beginning of his educationthere. When old enough he wassent to the University of Cali-fornia from which institution hewas graduated. Returning herehe was taken into his father's storeand by strict attention to hisduties advanced steadily to a posi-tion of importance. Though ayoung man he was consideredshrewd in his business dealings.His manly qualities were the ad-miration of a large circle of friends.

Mr. Louisson's parents are re-

siding temporarily in Californiaand during their absence haived with Dr. and Mrs.

H. W. Howard, and in whosehouse he has been as one of thefamily. The only relative of thedeceased in the city at present isan elder brother who came here a-- iiort time ago in search of health ;

the father and mother are expect-ed to arrive on either the Alamedaor the China next week.

Mr. Louisson was a member ofHawaiian Lodge No. 21 A. F. AA. M. : Mystic Lodge No. 2 K. ofP., Pacific Tennis Club and theMyrtle Boat Club.

411 KING STREET, NEXT DOOR CASTLE & COOKE'S,Formerly Occupied by Ndn Yu Shosha, Honolulu, H. L

Fine Japanese Goods,Crepes, Dress Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton Crepes, Silk Shirts and Necktiesv,Cotton Shirts. Silk and Cotton Pajamas, Straw Hats and Cloth Capes Umbreltaland ail kinds of Purses, Toilet Soap, Japanese Canned Goods and Soy, Porcelain artCurios and Fancy Articles, Japanese Bamboo Screens.

. . . VERY LOWEST .'. OF . . PRICES. . . .


Reed FurnitureRugs. Mats. Tabic Covers,

Fasels. Parlor Rockers,

Dining Room Chairs,Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry


ETC. ETC. ETC. Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.

P. O. Boy r5o.j.


Undertaker and Embalmer.



'ireat strikes as a rule entail muchhardship and loss to both sides.Blacksmiths are always striking:they also employ strikers. We donot hearof many strikes in Hono-lulu, but one occured here the otherlay the clocks in Brown & Kubey's

-- tore struck because the knives andscissors made ome cutting andsarcastic remarks about Brown'sstamps being "stuck up" thingsCome and see our stock and pricesnefore buying elsewhere.



Work Speaks Plainer Than Talk

PRINTERSOrders on Telephone 872 will receiveprompt attention.

Fresh Pies Every Day on Sale at Nolte'sBeaver Saloon.BROWN

Hotel street.

KUBEYfArlington Block.


HoNOLrLC, H. L, July 20, 1895.TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN :

This is to certify that C. Afcima hasmade several mits of clothes for me andthe workmanship Las been of the best.I take pleasnre in recommending himand hi work to any and all.


9663 Seattle. b... U. S A

Drawing and Painting Lessons.

To Live in California.California society will receive

an acquisition in the near future inthe world-famo- us personage of Mrs.Langtry. When the divorce isgranted the '"Jersey Lily" intendsto make California her home. Shewill take up her residence on the$30,000 ranch which she owns inLake County. S. F. Call.

Chr for ( ah Cah : : Cash I ! !

Ktery Day : WhyHEAD OF

FINK MUI BINDERSBecause the deznan : is go great we cando nothicg 2!se.


Agentp for Popeltons Home-ma- de

Br-a- d fie.--h every morning. Promptdelivers.

Welching from lOOO to 1 200 lbd.,

From 5 to 6 years old, all thoroughlybroken, are offered for sale.I) UOWAUU HLT4JHCOCK HAS UK-opene- d

his classes in Drawing and Telephone 6S0. P. O. Box 381.Can be seen at IndependencePark.

Painting. Special attention will be givento object drawing and still life painting.Out-do- or and figure sketching classes willbe organised. Studio and classroomscorner Fort and Hotel streets, entrance onHotel, next door to Tregloan's. 411H-i-w

I WILLI AM NORTON Telephones 88.VOELLER & CO.,Waring B!ock,Fort andBeretania streets.AX Hawaiian Gazette Of 4105-- tf

Page 6: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January

TIIE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOIj UIU, OCTOBER 17, li95.he fought for Ancrica'r freedom.COLLECTING CURIOS I Cordiallvmand it-- 3 soldier- - went to the field of Beyond Description

The Misery Before TakingCASTLE & COOKIbattle hoping that they might die

for their country.A"D

LIMITED,The Happiness After TakingHOOD'S.

White Owls From Alaska and Oo'sFrom Hawaii.

A moet unique vessel is now onher way Id an Francisco en routefor Alaska says: the S. F. Call ofSept. 20. On her return to SouthHaven. Mich., she will be placed

Invite YouTo call and see mv new import. 1! Ion of

HI DRESS 18A Good Watch Dog

The CM8 of Jack Kane for keep-ing a ferocious dog came up in theDistrict court yesterday morning. 1MP0KT 8RS,

t . ion the great lakes as a noaiiug John h ranch . the romnlainant. tes




BAUD WAKEtified to having been bitten by thedog on October 4th. The story ofthe attack is as follows : Frenchwa3 in the habit of going intoKane.--- yard for peppers. The latter

museum. Dr. V. C. Ransome, whowaa formerly court physician toKing Kalakua, of Hawaii, is thepromoter of the scheme and he ex-

pects to make a big success of it.In order to create this museum a

collection of curiosities and speci- -

Which have just been received.Connoisseurs will greatly admirethese goods. They are beauties.No duplicates.


had gone to town to work and had GENERALleft the dog in charge of his wife It Showsin' ns 13 necessary, ana these arebeing gathered in all parts of the thinking she would be a fit guar- -

MA DKdian. Upon the day mentioned.world. The vessel in which theFrench walked to the gate and had Mr. R, H. Bishop

II .i mm on ton, K. J. MerchandiseThat every item of my advertise-ment is read by men and women.My Silk counters have been aS. Akao, Yokohama."CI. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 2

just opened it when the dog inquestion sprang at him. The bitereceived was cause for immediate "Dear Sirs: I have been ia poor health for

to or 25 years, and have been taking doctors'lodgment of the complaint which

cruise is being made was built in1885 and was for a time in thegrain trade on the lake9. She is144 feet long, 27 feet wide and car-ries 300 tons of salt ballast. Thereia ample accommodation for theparty of twenty who will make thevoyage around the world in her.

Each member of the partv wa3

meuicines more or less all the time. I did notget much relief. My Mood wa In & Lad shapgot Kane into trouble. The defend

ant was found guilty of maintain ana my system was all run down. I thought Imast die, but noticing several testimonials inthe papers ia behalf of Uood'e Earsaparilla I

Ladies' wide brim low crown StrawHats, Bamboo Balcony Screens, 8x10,9x10 and 10x10. Bamboo Portieres,Lunch and Traveling Faskeis.

real beehive.Aside from this I received a

large consignment of

Gents' Fancy Shirts.Gents Full Dress Shirts.

Gents' Plain Shirts.

We wish to call your attention to a liusof Goods just received from

England, such as

WILLOW, RUSHaoucnt tnree bottles and found that it did me somuch good th:it I continued taking It. I waswithout appetite--, slothfull lc fnT nnii Kiirl arequired to fit up his own state-

room, and, to become a member ofthe expedition, had to subscribefor at least five shares, valued at$100 each, and pledge his servicesto the exclusive U3e of the com-pany for three years. Time is


ing a common nuisance, but sen-tence was suspended as Kanepromised to kill the dog.

Football Matter a.Although there have been

many rumors afloat of late tothe effect that the Pun ahou Collegeboys had formed a football team,the H. A. A. C. have received noanswer to their letter asking infor-mation regarding the matter. TheH. A. A. C. will hold a meeting in

lieaaa'-n- e most all the time. In fact I cannotdescribe my feelings. After using on bottle ofHood's SarsaparilU I found it wa doing mo

HoocTsCuresmuch good and now I eannot prals the medi-cine too much for what It has done for me. Iam a disabled soldier 69 years old and was af-flicted with many ailments, Including kidney,bronchitis, and catarrh. Since using 6 bottlesof Hood's Sareaparllla I am like another man.In fact I think Hood's Sarsanarilla saved mylife." K. H. liisnup.liox 4j0. 1

Hotel Street, Robinson Bloolc

UNDERWEARIn Cotton, Balbriggan, Flexible Seams

and Silk.


given, nowever, tor each memberof the expedition to make a smallprivate collection for his own use.

Of the party Dr. Ransome is thechief navigator and personal direc-tor. He is accompanied by his


LIME & STONE9 Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yetaasy in action, bold Ly all uxuista. 25o.a day or so and it is to be hooetlr - i ii i . i . j - x

HOBRONwne, wno wm cnaperone uie party. tney will be able at that time to DRUG COMPANY,,Wlolepale Agents.


Picnic and School Baskets

Boiled Clothes Baskets,

Long and Short Handled Feather Dusters,

Hair Floor Brooms,

Whisk Brooms,Shoe Brushes,

Pope's Head Brushes,

Scrubbing Brushes

Horse Brushes.


Among the other members are: make some move toward formingMiss Laura V irginia Baldwin, Roy their team. They will not do this,GllSOn, H. E. Clippenger, F. Lee hnwPVPr nnlpna Pnnbmi oonrla an


Wide Brim Straw Hats, 75c each.Don't Overlook Me In the Hush.

K. FURUYASlocum, V A. Jennings, George answer. It is thnmrht that th col line flume MBlege boy3 have had ample time to

consider the matter.OJfc'FKH FOB SAXlE i ll 1 ; BEST


Ruling Market Rate.NEW


AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.


Simons, W. H. Doolittle, Miss AnnaNetobyby and others. Everythingnecessary to the collection of speci-mens and the study of the landsand people of the countries visitedwa- - taken along.

The voyage is to embrace all thehistorical points in Europe andAsia, but the bulk of the time is tobe spent in the Southern Seas.There the specimens of the great-est interest are to be found. Japanwill be explored, and then Alaskawill be thoroughly ransacked forits treasures. Going to and return-ing from Sitka the party will stop

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

We PreferPeople who demand the best thatcan be had for mone'. The se-

lection of our goods is under the


This Lime is the genuine article, pure andsimple. No foreign substances used.

Ring up 247 andLeave Your Orders.


Bird Cages, Bag Twine,

Bail Twine, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Ebon y and Silversupervision of experienced buyerswho have made it their study.mm 111 id sroNETOILET WARE





Consisting article in

Faucy Decorated Screens, S4 anil np.Silk Dress Ooods,New Pattern Crepes,

of every useful

that line is CASTLE & C00KE,L'd

at Sao r rancisco. r rom here theywill go to South America and willmake a 200-mil- e tour up the Amazon. Thence they will go to theWest Indies and home. Only threeexperienced sailors outside of thecaptain and first mate are onboard, and all the hard work of the

Ladles' Furnishing.Gent's Furnishings,VACUUM I M POKTKK8.NOW READY !

cruise outside of the cooking will A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. FreeMen's Straw Hats.

We guarantee our prices to beas low, if not lower than others.

be performed bv Iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.the men andHardware ni General Mercliandist

FOR SALE.women of the partv

We have a full stock of the popular bead

If a new biooin sweeps

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and the homes, Dr. Price's Creap .

Baking Powder holds its supremacy.

40 Years the Standard.LB WIS dr CO.,

Agents, Honolulu. H. I.

clean, a well oiled piece ofmachinery ought to run S. OZAKI,


Walter G. Smith's Comparison Be-

tween China and Japan.A large and deeply interested

audience listened last night inGolden Gate Hall to an instruc-tive lecture entitled 'Thf War

Two High Grade Bicyclessmooth. There is a saving of 313 King Street, Corner Smith. Street.

ed and rococo border patterns than which

there is nothing more desirable or in keep-

ing with the prevailing styles.

The most desirable, however, has been

aud always will be the plain ebony backwith handsome raised silver monogram.

These we make up in a variety of styles,to suit each individual tate.

Prices on these goods will be found lowerthan similar goods in the I'nited States,being direct importations from Europe,

whereby we save the high tariff on suebgoods into America.

150 per cent, to those who useVACUUM OIL. An engineer

x METEOR MODEL "B."23 pounds, latest improve

Between Japan and Chiua," deliv-ered by Walter Giflurd Smith, as-sistant city editor of th Chronicle ments, Morgan & Wright

Tires.of one of the principal plan-- Price $IOO.oo.and war correspondent of thatBARNES' SPECIAL.tatioLS says of 600 Cylinder Oil

"That one barrel is as good 19 pounds, nickled ntting.s,woou rims ana m. iVj.TirrPrice $IOO.OOand goes as far as three

barrels of other kinds."Enquire


This Office

OIK410Sur to n in DAda bicycle riD

111 I 111i. 1 XJL A J 5

paper in Japan, China, Korea andHawaii, says the San FranciscoCall. A hundred stereopticonviews from photographs, takenwhile on the march or under thefire of Chinese guns, were displayedduring the narrative, bringing theOrieutal campaign vividly beforethe mind.

Mr. Smith was introduced byFred d'Evelyn, president of theGeographical Society, and said inpart :

The war between China aud Japan,although it seemed to come suddenly,was in preparation by the Japanese asearly as LS70. For a hundred yearsthe relations between the two nationswere strained ; but China, then in herbow-an- d arrow stage, was not anxiousto eugage in hostilities.

Not until the summer of 194 didany Kuropean cabinet believe it pos-sible that Japan would take the offen-sive. China was always regarded asa brooding lion by all the world thatneeded only to be awakened to causehavoc among the greater nations.

ATHotel Street, Arlington Block,

5 O Cents,N?stlc's Milk Food for infa:.t- - ha dunnii 25 I

la a gem. You have one. years, crown in t;ivor with Imrti A,t.,r i.!

Those who are agents forother oils are forced to getVACUUM OIL to send to theirown mills.

Hundreds of competitivetests have been made with the600 W Cylinder Oil againstother grades, and it has de-

monstrated its value for eco-

nomy and utility beyond allquestion.

We also handle this oil inthree other grades known asVacuoline Engine, Arctic En

Keep constantly receivingvia every steamer fromJapan, freshest and new-est of Dress Goods.

Full stock of everythingJapanese.

liiiP 1

coHfqrt I

mothers throughout the world, aud is n..w on-- '!questionably nor. only the best subtitute formothers' mil!:, but the food which agrees with S

the larsjtst percentage of infants. it givesstrength and stamina to resist the weakci.int;rF-c- ts of hoc weather, and has saved the Hv ? o!thousands of infants. To nu mnh.i- - J- -H. F. WICHMAN - J ...... ..t I .

Jl her address, and mentioning this paper, we wsena samples ana description ot Nestle S Food.

I Thos. g & Co., Solo Ag'U, S3 Murray St. K Y.

ineimnese at nrst refused to re fer mauy days is repre-sented in a bottle of thenow famous

ceive the Kmbassadors of foreign na-tions, aud afterward only on conditionthat thoy crawl before the Emperor's


MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO,CHAS. BREWER & CO.'SAlhamtra The Agency fov

NESTIjE'S milk foodProprietress.gine and the Heavy Dark Lu-

bricating Oil.

It is about time to think of IS WITH THEIts just pure, unadul-terated rich fruit juices,with not a grain of im-purity nor an atom ofalcoholic poison in it.It is a tonic that tastes

Hollister Drug Company, Limited

523 Fort Street, Honolaln, H. I.

X. L. Corner is our Stand,


pood, and its as good asit tastes, too. It goes cdown with a palate-tick- -ling tingle and refreshes ithe drinker.

presence, iney neid the Japanese tobe not men but "baboons, "' and worthyof no consideration whatever.

A great change came over Japannear the year 1S70. Her court wastransferred from a fantastic oriental-ism to a condition bordering on themodern European. Her Kmperor wasgarbed in European uniform. Hiswife was attired after Prisian mode.Japan knew the difference betweenpolitical and geographical greatness.She was ambitious to become theEngland of the East.

Her army was well clothed, weilrationed and well armed. It was un-der the finest discipline, and had edu-cated oflicers at its bead.

Japan, by a system of espionage be-gun years before the war, had thor-oughly acquainted herself with theenemies country. When her troopslanded in Korea they even found buu-dle- s

of fuel stored up, prepared fortheir use.

The speaker concluded with aglowing eulogism to Japansse valor,and a prophesy of the coming great-ness of the island kingdom. Itsgenerate possessed the same fire ofpatriotism that Marion had when

placing your orders for pictureframes for the holidays. Wehave the finest assortment of

new and unique designs eversent to the Islands. Spare us

a few minutes of your timeand we will show you thesamples. They are BEAUTIES.

Boston Line of PacketsSHIPPERS will Please Take Notice

that the

Bark HOLL1SWOODWill Leave New York for this port on or

about SEPTEMBER 30th.For further information applv to Chas.

Brewer & Co., 27 Kilby street, Boston,Mass.. or to

C. BREWER & CO., LTD..Honolulu, Agents.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers in

Wood and Coal,also White and black Sand,

Which we will sell at the very lowest marketrates.

quartAVill you try abottle? 50 cents.

ED- ?- DRUG 00.

--45 is our telephone.LARSi.N'8 EXPRESS ia our name.We move furniture by the job or $2

to $0 by the load according to qualityor distance and we guarantee all workdone by us.

Intending passengers on island orforeign steamers will find us prompt an :up to all de'ails in handling, markingand checking Baggage.

All work superintended by competentmen.

WM. LARSEN,Proprietor Larsen'a Express.

4076HE 60.I DThe Gazette issued every Tuesday

and Friday. Telephone No. 414,- m.m- - m. At Gazette Office.

Page 7: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January



iiig carriage eale at Morgan to-

day.There were only three arreate

yesterday.The Board of Health will pay

out f 300 in bills today.D. Alexander, Jr., returned

home on the Rithet yesterday.The Board of Education will hold

a regular meeting at 3 p. m. today.The new time table of the Oahu

railway will go into effect on Mon-

day next.

The Y. H. I. will practice in Fos-ter Hall at 7 o'clock this eveningfor the annivereary concert to begiven in the near future. At 8o'clock there will be a businessmeeting and an election of officersand the transaction of other un-finished business. All members areearnestly requested to be present.

The Lei Ilima dance Fridayevening promises to be a mostbrilliant affair. It will be -- trictlyby invitation. The many friendsof the club who are anticipating at-

tending the event are looking for-ward to it with much pleasure.Mrs. Paul Neumann. Mrs. John


C. V. Sturdevant, - Sole Agent,Warix; Block,

P. O. Box 4o Telephone W4.


Cook' Music School.Prof. Cook, for fifteen years prin-

cipal of Cook's Musical Institute,Portland, Oregon, is prepared to givePIANO, VOICE aud HARMONY LESSONS.For terms, apply at the Studio, War-ing- 's

Building. Beretuuia street.

Reserved for ProfessorWESTFAIX,


Hawaiian Boat House,

Foot of Richards street,Have Hue pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day.Moonlight Boating Parties.

City Carriage Companyhave removed to the corner of Portand Merchant streets, Telephone No.113. First-cla- ss carriages at all hours.

John 8. Andrade.

Pd& To My Patrons and FriendsI have just opened at my office, 113

Bethel street, Honolulu, H. I., anArt Exhibition of the latest designsand novelties in Embroidery Work,Drawn Work, Rope Silk, KensingtonWork and Etchiugs. I would respectfully invite you and your friendsto call aud inspect these goods.

B. Beroeksen.

Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ioe Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the L X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

When you wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its entirety.It will avoid inconvenience of sellingin pieces or sale. King and Alakeastreets.

Chas. Hawkins make estimates on all classes of painting, wallpapering and upholstering. All workguaranteed. King and Alakea streets.

'New and secoud-han- d furniture, all kiuds of second-han- d bocks,jewelry and diamonds bought andsold. Contracts for painting.

Chas. Hawkins.

you want to sell outyour Furniture in its entirety, callat the I. X. L.

Beach Grove, Waikiki, nearBishop's Switch Bathing and PicnicResort. Reserves for families, ladiesand children. Terms reasonable.

Chas. F. Warren, Manager.

Patronize Ilaniwai Baths,Waikiki. Tramcars pass the door.

W. S. Bartlett, Proprietor.

For Batstxin m New andSecond-han- d Furniture, Lawn Mow-ers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the L X L., corner ofNuuanu and Kinsr streets.

99" G. K. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will receiveprompt attention. All work guaran-teed to be the same as done in factory.


Maui, will not bo responsible tor anydebts incurred in his name without writtenorder t'.om him.

( ATTAIN 1). TAYLOR,October 12. L89& Lmhaina. Maui.


having been declared a bankrupt, allpi r-- on fKivitii: cl tinis against said h -- !at.are rt'uested to hand in the same to theundersigned. Ad persons indebted to saidEstate, must make payment at once to theAssignee.

;i:o. roe dick.112.'-3t Assignee.

iSODA!That coo.'s and quenchesthe thirst is our hot-weath- er

merchandise.Fine Soda is drank for

its fineness, not for cold-

ness alone.Fruit flavors: the juice

of fresh ripe fruit, no sub-

stitute; kept without acidor anything else. This is

the Soda that flows fromour foufain.


Alharabra and


PHOSPHATE.They are the latest com-

binations of fruit flavors.Those who have triedthem say they are delicious.

jillHift)E. VANDOORN & CO.,

Dealers in

HOM Manila Cigo is.

We also carry a full line of Tobaccos,Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.Step in on your way to the city front

and get a cold drink and a good cigar.


t. a. sfmpso?;

JONES & SIMPSON,Accountants and Commission Agents.


Genero bib tan.Conveyancing and Legal documents drawnup. Drawing and tracings made. Trans-

lations in French, German, Spanish, Por-

tuguese, Dutch, Italian and Hawaiian.Bills collected and accounts adjusted.

Office: 308 Merchant St.

CRITERION SALOONFort. 'ear Hotel Street.

Have ju&t received a consignment ofthe famous

Seattle Brewing and Malting Co.'s

BEER "Popular 15 rand 8 of Straight

Goods always on hand.

C3AS. J. MCCARTHY, - Manager.3853


13 AC RES ORANGE GROVE; ALE INgood bearing; one mile from centre of townand situated at corner of Main street andtatario avenue. The above is in a high

state of cultivation, well watered and inone of the most beautiful localities in Cali-fornia. The party owning the same is. nowresiding in these islands, and needingready money, is willing to dispose of at abargain for cah, or in exchange for cityproperty. Parties wishing to purchase willte furnished with jrood references at River-side. Full particulars will be cheerfullygiven bv calling or addressing

GEO. A. TURNER,Real Estate and General Business Agent,

:08 Merchant street. 4059-t- f


tfISS R1CHA.RDS HAS CHANGEDthe location of her vocal studio to

Ko mi No. 2, Y. M. C. A. Building.4120-t- f


MRS. SOTT WTSHE3 TO ANNOUNCEto the Ladies of Honolulu tbat she hasopened the BON T N PARLORS, formerly atconducted by Mr. Strain. All workguaranteed MKS. NOTT.

Corner Fort and Beretania streets.40534m

Rpntincr houses, storks.1 1 I 1 OFCTCBS, ETC.I can fin J you a tenant or rent you

what you want.

Buying and SellingRESIDENCE PRO PSBTT .


If you want to buy call on me. If youwant to sell list your property with me.

Notary Public,Urokeracf. Cinoral Rnslnos Ascent,Accident Insurance, Safes, Safes.

C. D. CHASE,4-0- Forr Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or only marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the Gorhams,Silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you c.:n rest assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourists especially)to make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-factured In unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wcnner A Co.'s Old Stand.

F. W. MAKINNEY,Searcher of Records,


Certificates of Title.Having had fifteen years' experience as

a Searcher I am prepared to do all work in-m- y

line reasonably and accurately.All Work Guaranteed to te Absolutely Correct.

Office: 318 Fort Street.(W. O. Smith's Office.)

W. J. STODDART,(Successor to Farrer A Co.)

Watchmaker and JewelerREPAIRS OF EVERY -:- - -

-:- - -:- - DESCRIPTION.Wire Jewelry made to order.Musical Boxes repaired

Clocks Called For And Delivered.Ffrgt-la8- 8 Work, Moderate Prices.

HOTEL STREET,Opposite King Bros.' Art Store.

$ $ I $ $$ $ DO $ $

$ BUSINESS $!n Real Estate, Negotiate Loans, Buy,

Rent or Lease Houses.


GEO. A. TURNER,Telephone 139. 308 Merchant Strttt.

S. NISHIMURA,Foster Block, - - Nmianu str-'t- .

Ex Gaelic. NEW GOODS,

Consisting of


DRESS .- GOODS,Straw Hats. Scarfs, for Ladies and Gents.

Choice Japan Teas and Provisions atWholesale and Retail at lowest figures.


Hand -- made and imported Harness, 8ad- - j

dies. Bridles and all Hore and CarriageGoods. Prices are rijrht.


CJ. K. COLLINS,P. O. Box 49o. .337 King street.

4079 near Nuuanu.

Notice to the Public.

THE SUBSCRIPTION OF THEHawaiian Relief Society is now open at theoffice of the I'nion Feed Company. Sub-scriptions fr anv amount will he gladlyreceived. GEO. H. FAIRCHILD,

P. W . M A C F A K L A N E ,

403 -- ff Subscription Committee.


bourne, have located on King t. Wai-kiki of J. B. Atherton, and will take pupilsfor tuition in Pianoforte and Sineing. I ele-pho- ne

8S6. 4040


the Y. M O. A. Hall, beginning FRI-DAY EVENING, October 18th. anl con-tinuing for twelve weeks. $2 for the course. 1

Hand in vour name at once to Mr. Corbett, ';

or to Prof. Cook 1116-u- l

FLO U RHas sained the cafih

fidence of all con-


Prices below am

other No. 1 Sfc

Flour in the




Theo. HL

DaviesI & Co.,

Safe Agents,

Mutual Tel. 2C6. P. O. Box 155.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cigars,Chinese ;ind Japanese Crockeryware,Mattmgs, Vases of .ill kinds, Camphor- -wood irunks. Kattan Chairs. A FineAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Teas oflatest importations,

fnscection of New Goods respectfully solicited.

Commercial Saloon.Cor. Nnuanu and JJeretania Sts.

T. KEVEN, Manager.

COOL FRESH BEEROn Draught and the Standard Brands

of Bottled Beer.Fine Whiskies. Brandies. Wines and French



COCKTAILS when you havea thirst on (Thurston).


Wm. G. Irwin President and ManagerClaus Srreckels - - - Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. GiffardTheo.

Secretary and TreasuresC. Porter - Auditol



Oceanic Steamship CompanyOf ati Kranciwu. al.


First-Clas- s Market in Every Respect.

Besides carrying a Full Line of Meatswe make a specialty of



WESTBR00K & GARES,Proprietors.


Old Stand, King StreetSANDERS' EXPRESS

Telephone 86.Pianos removed for S2.5C.Save money by idling on us, as we

quote the lowest prices on all kind ofhauling. SANDERS1 EXPRESS.

Telephone S6.

Fish are very cheap at the mar- -

ket, even cheaper than previous tohe cholera.The social to be given by the

.adie3 of Central Union church willtake place in the church parlorsthis evening.

W C. Chamberlain has with-drawn from the militia and en- -

-- ted in the cavalry company,Citizens' Guard.

A private class in methods inteaching will be organized at theHigh School. Teachers and oth-ers interested are invited to attend.

There will be a dance at Arienaall thi.--; evening given by the Lo-it- a

Club. The Kawaihau Clubwill furnish music for the occasion.

Hon. Y O. Smith's visit to NewZealand is on business relating toland matters. He will leave on theAlameda unless something shouldinterfere.

The new Chinese theater at Aalawas opened last night. The housewas crowded with an appreciativemdience. The same play will becontinued tonight.

There will be a grand opening ofthe Hotel Richelieu Saturdaynight. A French dinner will beserved from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m.and the Quintette Club will be inattendance.

'Quarantine on poi and crews ofthe various steamship companieswas raised at G o'clock last night.It may be added that by the arri-val of the Kithet the quarantine onnews is also raised.

James F. Morgan, the wellknown auctioneer, will have an auc-tion sale of carriages at noon today.The carriages offered are first classin every particular and well adapt-ed for Honolulu roads.

Company D turned out for a veryspirited drill last night. The veryhot weather produced a ratherwetting effect on the collars andshirts of the soldiers, but they didnot seem to mind it in the least.

Four western league baseballteams will spend the winter in Cal-

ifornia. In the spring two of theteams will continue their journeyaround the world and may pos--ibl- y

stop here and give some ex-hibition games.

A. P. Ryan was arrested yester-day on the charge of larceny in the

urth degree. The charge waspreferred by Mrs. H. Luning, thekeeper of a boarding house, whoaccuses him of stealing a moEjuitonet. towels, napkins and other artic-le-.

Miss Anna, daughter of JudgeWidemann, was severely injuredMonday night by being struck byi heavy piece of lumber whichfell from the upper part of thehouse. Absolute rest and quiet isordered by the attending physi-cian.

It is stated that Captain J. W.Pratt will be asked to take the firstlieutenancy of Company B, N. G.H.. Jacobsen having withdrawnfrom the race. On the score ofseniority a well as for other rea-sons Mr. Pratt would be an excel-lent choice.

The courts of the Pacific andBeretania tennis clubs were bothunoccupied yesterday out of respectfor the memory of Samuel Louissonwho was a member of the formerclub. There will be no tennis atthe courts of the Pacific Tennisclub throughout the week.

Two cases of toads shipped fromJapan on the Rio Janeiro addressd to Commissioner Marsden

not reach here on account of thecholera, in ban rrancisco thesteamship people insisted on turn- -

nir them over to the customs auth- -

rith. who sold them at auction.A teacher in one of the Chinese

-- caools took one of his pupils yes-terday and charged him with tru-ancy. The mother of the boy madea statement to the effect that shehad requested the teacher to takethe action owing to the fact that itwas impossible to manage the lad.

F. M. Swanzy of Theo. H. Davies4 Co. has written the Minister ofInterior calling attention to theShone system of whichhas proved a success in many citieshaving the same conditions to com- - !

bat as Honolulu has. Mr. rfwanzvsuggests that Mr. Dodge extend ;

bis trip to England where the !

workings of the system may be j

thoroughly investigated.

Wright and Mr. David Dayton.' 1 A 1 A i 1nave conseniej 10 ac; a- - nosies.-e.- -

for the evening.The Pacific Trading Company, a

Japanese hrm on .bort street, formerly itohan it Co., has failed. Thegeneral impression abroad seemedto be that the house was a payingone, but appearances seem to havebeen misleading. The liabilitiesare said to be in the neighborhoodof f 20,000. Two large firms in thecity are principal creditors in thesums oi tuou ana tauuu respectively.


FRIDAY AT 2:80 P. M. A PRIVATElass in Methods oi Teaching will be organ

izes! at the Mitrii SCHOOL inree or lourlessons per week are contemplated.

learner-- ; ana otners interested are m- -

vited. 4 125-- It

New York Dress Making Parlors,Nuuanu Ave.,

.". doors above Eagle House.

Fit Guaranteed ReasonableCharges.

4121 lm MRS. BOLTON.


1 PORTUGUESE WANTS A POSITIONas d river, gardener, yard man or team

ster. Has had experience on farms in theI'nited State. Address "F. S.'' this office.


FOB s a LE.


lished. Al bargain.4 120-- J w


Beretania street. No. 9!, at present occupied by A. M. Snroull. h !.. and contain-ing 6 rooms, kitchen and bathhouse. besidesouthouses.

4121-t- f H. AV. SCHMIDT A SONS.


4 SMALL COTTAGE OF TWO KOOMS.Bath, etc., centrally situated, suitable

for two gentlemen. Annlv toI)K. JOHN 8. McQBEW,

1120-t-f Hotel Street.



4107-- tf

i LD POSTAGE STAMPS. ON ORIGI- -' nal envelopes are often valuable.Examine old letters. Good prices paid for

.ch stamps sent me, also for current usedpostage stamps in ouantitv. collectionsboimht Stamps for sale. H. A. M ED- -

BE KG, Station S, New York. U. S. A.UOM-l- m

W. H. RICE,Stock Raiser and Dealer



ES 1 MilFrom the Thoroughbred

Standard-bre- d Stallion Norwood, fcy

Nutwood Jr.Norman Stallion Captain Grawl.

Native-Bre- l Stallion Bosweil.

Also a Choice Lot of

BULLS. COWS AND CALVESFrom the Celebrated Bulls

Sussex. Hereford. Ayrshire & Durham.A Lot of

HM badUle iM jmiitfMW.FOR SALE.

2 PUfi-Bffi- ll MM BflllS FOf SOfe.

Tourists and Excursion Parties desiringSingle, Double or Four-in-Har- .J Teams orS.iJJIe Horses can be accommodated at W.H. Rice's Livery S abJes.

AU communications to te a33ressel toV. H. R1CF. Lihue. Kauai.

t Gazette OfBce


Page 8: Pic - University of HawaiiSKCV OLNBY'fl COl'KSK WATCHED. Plenty ef Capital iu Ametica Waiting for Investment Hawaii All Right When Affairs are Settled Outia t Tie Kecognized.January


SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Eiiiiiii3 '1G IndurineA Cold Water Paint Especially

Designed for Inside Work on

Factories and Public


over the fact that when they returnto this port they will be allowed tocome ashore. Over forty days inquarantine is not calculated to putmen in the best of humors.

The schooner Laura Pike, An-derson master, has been charteredby Alexander :.r;d lialdwin of SanFrancisco to load for Makaweli,Kauai.

Repairs on the Iwalani are aboutcompleted, and she will probablybe put in service on the Hamakuaroute next week, in command ofCaptain Smythe. who is now onthe Kauai.

The barkentine S. G. Wilder ar-rived from Honolulu in ballast,and was properly quarantined byDr. Chalmers. She will be taken


35- --

3W - -

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Lv. Heroic ic . , 6:4C ;XS Mi 6;10) rl City... '. 31 mi 5:5.J

M KwaMlU .... S:10 lf.:19 2:49 :MAt. Wi!tw) J 4 6:49


is-3- 5

A.M. P.M. P.M.:44 3:1

EwaMlU. 9:10 3:51Pearl City. 7:C Mi 4:22

A. Honolulu.. MM :i 4 66

On htinday.s train will leave Waianae at: 1 p.m. instead of 1 p. in. arriving in

Honolulu at 4:55 p.m.Freight Trains will carry Passenger ac-

commodations.G. P. Dkx mob, r OL Smith,

Bnperin tendent. Uea. Pass. Sc Tkt. Agt.


Issued Every Morning. ExceptSunday, try tne

Hawaiian Gazette CompanyAT 318 MERCHANT BTBSBT.

Subwrlptlon Itate:The Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser,

Eight Pages.. l--

1 mentte if paid in advance 2 odyear in advance - 8 co

Per vtar, postpaid to United States: America, Qraada or Mexico --


i y?ar, postpaid other foreign 14 coHawaiian Gazette, Semi-Weekl- y, Eight

Pages, Tuesdays and Fridays:Per year, 104 numbers 5Per vea foretm countries - - 6

Piyatte IssarUMy In Aivacce.

Arfveitiseraentsunacornpanied by specifichistjwtrons inserted till ordered out.

Advertisements discontinued before ex-gtrati- on

of specified period will be chargedas if continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertisementsdiscontinued must send a written order tothat effect.

Where cuts are inserted they must beJHJL METAL, not mounted on wood.4feerwse we a 0 risk of t!

preservation. GEO. H. PARIS,Business Manager.




VKS4JSI.8 IM WJK7.U KBCfi A NTM t ;. .

fT...u -- is; does not Include coa:?:.,LT8S Olympia, Head, l.ahaina.i Bfi Bennington, Plgman, Hilo.Ger bk J C (ilade, Stee, Bremen.An bin b P Hitchcock, Gates. Kan r'ran.lik Andrew Welch, Drew, fcjan Francisco,i'.k ; D Bryant. Jacoben. Laysan Island,hhip Marie Hackfeld, Walters, Liverpool.Bark Albert, iinlrith.-- . Kan Francisco.!;k Ceylon, Calboon, Departure Bay.15k B r Bithet, Morrison. Kan Francisco.

rr.KKIC.7C TIS9ELI EZfaCIKO.Vessel. Where from. Due.

Baric Amy Turner. .New York DueBr bk Alden Grove.. Liverpool JueGerbk J 0 Pfluger. .Bremen DueGersh H Hackield..New York DueR M 8 8 Mariposa. ..Colonies Oct 17O 8 8 Australia 8 F Oct 21CASK Miowere Colonies Nov 1CASK Warrimoo . . .Colonies Nov 2O A. O K 8 Coptic China Nov iO 6c O 8 S City of Peking, China Dec HBk Paul isenberg. . . Liverpool Dec 3u

ki:i vai.s.Wkd.vksday, Oct, 16.

Ktmr James Makee. Peterson, tromKauai.

Ba B P ilithet. Morrison, from SanFrancisco.

oKHA RTUKJCb.Weonksdat, Oct. 1.

htmr James Makee, Peterson, for Kapaa.Btmr Kaaia. Brown, for circuit of Oahu.

IMPOSTS.Per James Makee 110 bag rice, and 14

pkgs sundries.Per bk B P Rithet 1309 tons general



From Kauai, per jtinr James Makee,Oct 16 Adam Lindsay, Thomas Bartow,and 18 on deck.

From Fan Francisco, per bk B P Bithet,Oct 1 W D Alexander, Jr, and MissMorri-- .


Diamond Head, Oct. 1G. 10 p.m.Weather, cloudy ; wind, light E.The brig Consuelo is on her way

to Hilo from San Francisco.The Kauai and Ke Au Hou are

expected today and the Waialealetomorrow.

Ollicers of the Olympia andBennington came ashore yesterdayafternoon.

The buoy which used to lay offthe railroad wharf was replacedyesterday afternoon.

The cruiser Philadelphia sailedfrom San Francisco for Port An-geles September 2Sth.

Officers of the Olympia complainabout the exorbitant prices chargedfor supplies at Lahaina.

The Moiwahine and Luka willfinish the work of coaling the IT. S.S. Olympia today or tomorrow.

The barkentine Retriever hasbeen released from quarantine atPort Townsend and is now at PortHadlock.

A large number of bunches ofbananas were taken to the Oceanicwharf ye&terday for shipment bythe Mariposa.

The custom house ollicerssearched the quarantine stationTuesday but failed to find anyopium. A few joss figures werebrought in.

The James Makee came in fromKapaa, Kauai, yesterday morningand sailed again in the afternoonfor the same port. She brought asmall amount of freight.

The Albert finished discharging i

rill-i-?-of general merchandise

csiciuoy at i p. m. onehauled out into the stream to makeroom for other vessels expected.

The Andrew Welch has a sign"No Admittance" at the head ofthe gang plank. It is not usualfor vessels in port to warn offeverybody who might happen to gonear.

The damaged machinery of theKaala was repaired sooner than wasfirst anticipated. She sailed forOahu ports yesterday afternoonwith a heavy cargo. She will re-

turn by Sunday.All the Chinamen who were at

the quarantine station have beenfreed from confinement. Abouthalf the number have already goneto the other islands. The Kaalatook a number yesterday.

Interest in shipping mattersseem to be very slight just at pres-ent, and the so-calle- d cholera atHonolulu la the only thing thatkeeps the au frequenterstalking, says the S. F. Examiner.

The officers and men of outgoingisland steamers are much elated

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, running inconnection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRailway Company between Vancouver,3. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., and caJKngat Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Suva(Fiji).

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, via:

Ru ty$m ni M. ler Viciwis

Ynver. B. ta. W A II R I MOO ..November 28. "MIOWERA". . . December 2

f. B.C.. Iff

Shvo and Wffl:B. 8. WAIIRIMOO" November 24S.B. MIOWERA" December 24

Through tickets issued from Honokiluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,GENERAL AGENTS.



Mill maFor San Francisco:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship


Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

OCTOBER 17th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

OCTOBER 24th,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Undersigned Are Mow Preparedto Issue

Through Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

For further particulars regarding Freightor Passage apply to

1. 6. II NIL Ifl.,

General Agents.




S.S.AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.September 30 October 2October 2 1 October 2HNovember 1 5 November '20

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Svdney for

Sydney. s: f.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

MONOWAI. Sept. 26 Mariposa, Oct. 17ALAMEDA, Oct. 24 MONOWAI, Nov. 14


Tiles for Floors and for Deco-

rating: Purposes.MATTING OF ALL KINDS




-. .Manila Cigars . .


?,ri.r STREET.

It is a cry powder which can be prepared for use by mplv stirring in COLDWATER, and can be applied by any oneand will always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflective and hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will Iat for years and is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes work. even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Laborers Quarters. It is a thick paste to bediluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and costsbut a fraction as much.

WillAdapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublKDwellings, or any other place whereKALSOMINE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

Douea; is superior to unseed, ana coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon

P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


1. 6. twin I Co.. iii,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Housekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,



Tin. copper X Steel iron Hforfc.


S. KIMURA,sue Deoiei in Jcpqk nes



NewGoods, New Goods-- : at

GOO KIM S; 411 Nuuanu Street,Importer and Dealer in


Dry and Fancy Goods.By the latest vessel we received a Full

Line' of Gents' White and Brown PanamaHai and a Full Line Lawns, Ginghams,and Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' Hatsin Latest Patterns, etc., and a Full Line ofBest Black and Green Chinese Tea inpounds or boxes. Call on us for your finsSaitings. We guarantee a fit. Pricesm ) ate. GOO KIM, Proprietor. !


A Model Plant is not complete withoutElectric Power, thus dispensing withsmall engines.

Whv not generate your power from ooeCENTRAL Station? One generator canfurnish power to vour lumps. Centrifugals. Elevators, Plows, Railways andHotsl; also furnish lignt and rower Iona radius f from i ; to 20 miles.

Electric Power Iving used saves thelabor of liauline coal in vour field, ahaiwater, and does away with high-price- d

engmeers, and only have one engine tolook after in axir mill.

Where water power is available it costsnothing to geiterate Electric Power.

IKE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANY4s now readv to furnish hlectnc Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, and also has on hand a largostock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt attention, and estimates furnished for Lightingand Power Plants; also attention is givento House and Marine Wirinir.



lis 1 mmImporter and Dealer in

Carriage Mater i alsOf Every Description, including


Spokes, all sizes; Savern Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims from 1 to 2) inches.Dump-Car- t Shafts, Wagon Poles.

Double Trees, Single Tree-- .

Wagon and Cart Hubs, ail sizes,

And a Full Assortment of

Trimmers' Materials,Carriage Hardware. Norway iron,

and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience In the carnage husiness 1 am prepared to supplycarriage builders, plantations, etc., withfirst-clas- s materials, personally selected, atthe very lowest cash prices.

All Island orders will receive promptattention.

MASONIC BLOCK,Corner Alakea and Hotel Street.

Telephone No. 350.

Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want use

FERTILIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company haa

just received per " Helen Brewer "50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,

150 Tons Double Superphosphate300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also per " Martha Davis" and othervessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kaistt

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always on hand or

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.


HORSESHOERS.Neat Work and Satisfaction Guar-



QUEEN STREET,Three doors Waikiki of Richards Street.

A Cholera Epidemic

Is a Sure Thing

Unless every precaution is takentoprevent the spread of the dread dis-

ease. Is your houFe and grounds ina good condition? If not,ring up telephone 44 and I will puteverything in gcod condition atshortest notice and at lowest possi-ble prices for cash. Give me a call,get my prices an 3 b? convinced.

into twenty fathoms of water andher ballast discharged, after whichshe will be fumigated and allowedto dock, says the S. F. Call.

Eureka (CmL), Sept. 2S. Thesteamer Humboldt is on the rocksoff Point Gorda and is a totalwreck. A. H. Buhne and PurserLaird, who got ashore in a smallboat at 11 o'clock this morning,have reached this city. Mr. Buhneis laid up with an injured leg.

The R. P. Rithet, Morrison mas-ter, arrived early yesterday after-noon, seventeen days from SanFrancisco. She experienced fineweather all the way : lay off Molo-ka- i

all Tuesday night. The Rithetbrought two passengers and a largecargo of general merchandise.

The eagle eyes of Custome In-spector Johnson and his men wereexercised at searching the bark Al-

bert yesterday. Operations will becontinued today. Should anythingcontraband be found it will behauled from its hiding place anddeposited in the hunting bags ofthe inspectors.

The U. S. S. Bennington willsail this afternoon for Kauai, returning to this port on the 21stinst. for the mail. After that shewill sail for Hilo to remain there ashort time. Captain Pigman willtake advantage of the orders hehas from Washington to see allthere is to be seen of the islands.

Fears for the safety of the Brit-ish ship3 Star of Austria, LordDownshire and Lord Spencer pre-vail in mercantile circles says theS. F. Call. Lloyds has postedthem as missing, and as much asninety guineas per cent, is offeredto reinsure. The Lord Spencersailed from San Francisco forQueenstown last April. An ad-

vance of forty per cent, is offeredon her reinsurance. The Star ofAustria is from Santa Rosalia forFalmouth and the Lord Downshire from Caleta Buena for Ham-burg. For the former eighty-fiv- e

per eent. and the latter ninety percent, reinsurance is offered. Cap-tain Willis of the Star of Austriaand Captain Davie3 of the LordSpencer were both well known inSan Francisco.

Big Coal Fleet ComingThe bark City of Adelaide sailed

from Newcastle, N. S. W., for thisport on September 10th, coal laden.The following vessels have beenchartered at the same port to loadcoal for Honolulu: Ship C. P.Sargent, barks Corypbene, Sono-ma and Seminole, barkentineWillie R. Hume, schooners RobertSearles and King Cyrus, and bark-entin- H

Chas. F. Crocker.

reJSr a Faidou fur tlatiaou.Washington (D. C), Sept. 2S.

Captain James F. Smith and Repre-sentative James G. Maguire arrivedtoday. The former is particularlyinterested in securing executiveclemency for Hans Hanson, undersentence to be executed October21st. He will try to see the Presi-dent and place the case before himorally, and in thi3 he will be aidedby Maguire. They filed with thepardon clerk papers asking for thepardon, among the petitioners be- -

-- 1 r .1 a i ain& tAfcveu Ul lIlt? Jur' lue capiaiuQf tfae He e on which the crimewas committed, but the pardon isopposed by Foote, while Garter hasnot taken sides.

To be Built at Seattle,Seattle (Wash.), Sept. 24.

United States Senator Watson C.Squire received a telegram fromSecretary of the Navy Herbert to-

day, stating that the Seattle Dry-doc- k

and Shipbuilding Companyhad been awarded the contract forbuilding one of the governmentsnew torpedo boats. The contractprice is 100.lK)0, and Puget Soundtir is to be used in the constructionof the boat.

' roCWJLPeetce.who makes a s;.c E ::- - psy,baa without doubt treated and cure -. - tin:.::ny liviojj Physic iau ; h is success i s ling., V


b whatrdofc eacCWy ttfatwai i.reii i ii. m.rmblUhe.a valuablework on tin leasewhich he

-t nL with a lanre bottle of hi absolute cure, free toany suffer, r who may fend their P.O. and Expresaad-,:- p

-- -. W a; - anvor.e vi?hin a cure to addreaa,; "rot W. EL PEEKS, P. !.. 4 Cedar New York.

.--a. ra.i

Iw. TD. Fr. Its, MOON'S FHAME4.

3 4 Full Moo aOt A.

6 8 10 1T Lst gu'rct 11.

13 14 15 16 17 is" 19 Mew XIoouHo 22 ?4 23 IT?' Oct 18.

Jfint 4jur17 US 71 30 j Oct 23.

vouauxtoi HAIL 1X161 i.t

Steamsl.Ip? wi'.l leave for and arrivefrom ban Vancouver andSydney on the following dates, till the. :ose of ls)6.

K. 1 i -- OLOi.C LAV HovolvlvWU. SABf rJtKthCO For &ax Frajicisco

os Vascorrvss oa VancouverOn of Abut Oh or About

Australia. ..Oct. 21 Mariposa Oct. 17Varranoo. ..Oct. 24 Australia Oct. 2;Aiarueds ..Oct. 24 Miowera Nov. 1Cdina .Ocz Cotf Nov. 6Austm-- .

1 ...Not. 15 Mon .vai .Nov. 14Maripo 1 . . Nov. 21 Anstmttr.. .Nov. 20alloera Nov. 24 Warrimoo. . . . Dec. 2Co, .v City Peking. .Dec. 6

v'rri:.-;i- .. Oec 24 1886.Mir !Vi uic..i)eC.2S M ;uwr Ian. 1

ar Vila jiaSTr crs.ITE.iT HOif OAT.

"8nn 30.1V. 97 II j; .ft) Kl 1' k-- n

Hon 7 S9.C80.0. 71 .w) 69i 4 knb 3Tne. s8o.OA.-n.o- v. 8:1 .o? 6 4 kb sWed 9 30.06 39 97 72 8t .041 64 3 B i 4ThU 10' 89.94 S9 97 78 S .01 f" 4 ems! SFri. llU0.a29 9K 7 831 .tH 61 1 mm 3Sat. l- -' O 9329.891 661 8X1 64 1 7 r. 3

Caroceter corractM for ticpertar sod ele--iUob, bot not for Utttade.

Tide. Sua and Mooo.

a m i irI 4 3 r s

3 c srm

v.xn. p.ra A.m.14 12.61 7. 6. 6.5 M7

Il lj 1.40i

8 7. 30 5. :.19a m.

IK 3.1.1 ! 8. :l 8.2T. I.M 5 35 4 22. icr.. 17 2.65 3. 1 Ml 9.17 5.S6 5.54 6.1. :

I sets.rld. . 1 I 9.27 10.13 5. ft? 5.53 6. O

m 4.2J l.U 9.8-lt.- ll 5.57 5.32 6.47I'.m.

. 7 4.4.'. 10.27 5.58 5-3- 7.37

Nw moon oa the 17th at 7h 3Sm. p. m.

Seized a British Schooner.Wa-hinoto- n, D. C Sept. 24.

Captain Hooper, in command ofrevenue cutter Rush, reports to thetreasury, under date of August

2-lt- from Unalaska. that on Aug-ust 20:h he seized the Pritishschooner Deatrice in Bering sea.She had on board 140 fur seal-skins, but only entered on her log70. She was turned over to theBritish war vessel Pheasant. J&m NOTT, JB