piano different ''the soap that's · moose lodge will ko to moundsvlllesun-day for a...

This PLAYER PIANO AD. Is Small But the Opportunity IS GREAT! It Will Pay to Investigate! We are calling your attention to a very unusual as¬ sortment of fine Player Pianos . taken in exchange (during our recent Anniversary Sale) for our very latest designs in case work and finish. Carefully Note the Following: EMERSON ANGELUS This Player sells when new at $800. Yon will find it in fine condition and worth twice what we ask. A Pricc tPe/ejU AERIOLA Mahotrany ease. This Player will be one of the first to sro. Has a fine tone, and wiil give years of good (£OC|P\ service. Sale price tp&tJt) COLUMBIA We have overhauled this Player and, a wonderful bareain at the &QQPT price, we ask vOuO BEHNING This is one of the real high grade Player Pianos and sells at $1000 when new. Our price isV^OO AEOLIAN In other words, the Pianola Player action in a very fine piano. A Sale price HARDMAN AUTOTON£ A Player Piano that looks very fine and has been gone over thor- OA ounh.'y. AVe ask only Vvvv EVERARD This Player was used but 4 months, and lookr. like new. You get a bargain by buying this one $525 MILTON An 8S-note Player with standard all- metal tube action. The EI price on this one is FAEJtAND This Player is not as modern in ease r.s the others, but well worth $250 what we ask. Sale price. AUTO PIANO % Mahograny ease, Studio model, 88 note; worth $650. $465 Sale pricc UNIVERSAL In modern 1920 design . used about 7 months, and a good buy ...$485 ANDERSON In a beautiful oak case. Standard S8 note plaver action. Sells when new $500 I LOW TERMS NO INTEREST C. A. HOUSE CO. 1 144 MARKET ST. WHEELING, W. V A. fti.. BELLAIRE PUy Xlm Orore ToAzn. At the Sixteenth street ball park Sun- i- day afternoon the fast Central Athletic clab ball team of this city will <-lash with the fast team of Kim Grove. ... Earlier m the season these two t«an>. met at Elm Grove, and a victory resulted for the locals. yriday X»art X>ay. l*riday Is the last day candidates will have for filing petitions with the county election board for the different "efffinty and district offices. Thus far r great number of petitions hav« been filed. «. The primary election will be held Aug. .. JOth. Saturn Home. Rev. J. V. Orin. of the First M. iv church and Rev. Gcv.*rge W. Byrnes, of the South Bellaire M. K. church, re¬ turned yesterday from Hannihnl where they attended the district M. E. conler- ence. A score of Bellaire people who were at Barnesville for the county Sunday school convention returned to their homes here last night. JTcighbor*' JTlyht. The Rock Hill grange observed Neigh¬ bors' Night last night at the Rock Hill school house. A fine program was ren- . dered and a great number of persons at¬ tended the meeting. *. ' B#turnwl to Xoundrrllle. Earl Tinkerton. young m^n of Mounds- iTille. arrested in the B. and O. camp earn here by the police on a charge of desert¬ ing from, the service, was taken back to the West Virgima city. It is said he ran away from Camp Shprman just a few days before his enlistment expired. Xs Marksman. Private Joseph Trolley, of this city, who enlisted in the marines at 'Wheel¬ ing las t November and who is now on the superdreadnaught Arizona has quail- fled as a marksman in the mirine corps, according to official report fro ni Wash¬ ington. The new honor entitles him to a medal as well as increased pay. To Charge Mater Kent. Servfce Director Charles E. Gates an- "nounces that a hie.ter rent is to be charged local water consumers who are "on a meter basis. By charging the meter rent the city will retain posses- . sion of the meters. The city will also m be obliged to purchase the meters and . pay for their Installation. furnace Blown In. vi . On« of the furnaces was "blown in" at mt the t'arnegle steel works plant here late m yesterday. Although a dat? has not _ been fixed for the time the plant Will wume in full. It is said the resumption will be probably Sunday night. Snjoyed Picnic. "* The more than 50u boys and girls of ¦* th»' St. John's school of this < itv enjoyed their annual picnic at Wheeling park yesterday. The event proved \ ery en- . Jovable with nearly all of the l»>ys and ."girls present. Today will !... the final . day for the parochial schools. Klee Soy Enlistsi. » Robert Rouse, of Kiev, was accepted . for enlistment in the army at the local <ai recruit ing office yesterday. He selected « the infantry branch of the service. He ^ wits sent to th.* Columbus barrack*. _ From there he will go to Camp Sherman for duty. To XlTt BoM Side The Colored Masonic club of this city ** has completed arrangements for a boat fide and outing on July 9. The outing ¦" will be at r*re«ap's Grove, below fow- """hatan and the 'rip will be made by boat. oT Entertain Class. " Mrs. Hupp Johnion, ol Belmont street, will entertain the members of' the King's Business Bible clans of tho ' First Reformed church at her home this I evening. The usual diversion* will be I enjoyed anil n lunchcon served. I Ml»«loaju-y Gonvsatton. # . The annual convention of the Home ! Missionary society of the Methodist Kpiscopul churches of the Barnesville district will be held at the Bethesda church on June 17 and 1*. It in an-, nounced. An interesting program has been prepared for the sessions. Enjoyed The*tr» party. Members of the Flint club of this city enjoyed a theatre party at the KIk-Urand theatre last night. Following movie show they enjoyed refreshments at a local confectionery. Meet at Church. The members of the Mary and Martha Bible class of the South Bellaire Meth- I odist Episcopal church will be enter- ( tain*d this evening in the church base¬ ment. Mesdames Ceo. Byrnes and Wil¬ liam McClcary will have charge of the entertaining. Briefa. Miss Mary Kggiman entertained the members of the T. B. club last night at I her home on Franklin street. Albert Wilson, Jr.. has returned to Bethesda after a visit with relatives here. I Mrs. John Gulley. of South Bellaire. I delightfully entertained members of the Patriotic club last night at her home. | Tho J ungietow n tlshing camp at, Shadyside has again been opened by local parties for the season. The Roma theatre, under the manage¬ ment of Raymond Beuter, now has an orchestra to furnish music. Councilman John T. Johnston will Ifkely fllo a petition today as a candi¬ date for county commissioner. Patrolman Josuph Me Ma ho n has re- turned from a visit at Steubenville. A d*legatlo of members of the local Moose lodge will ko to Moundsvllle Sun- day for a meeting of tho Mooseheart l^egton. James Brush, a South Bellaire lad. Is Improving at his home from injuries re- ceived in a fail from a wagon. William L>orcr is at Columbus where he Is attending a meeting of the Ohio) Optical association. I William H. Boy is at Columbus at- tending a meeting of the executive board of tl;e mljiers. T«»day will be pay day for persons who have been working at the mill as well as for the coal miners. Children s day will be observed at the Christian church on Sunday. June JWli. - -j I*n1h..rlsiin ill iristinn cnumi v.. i>n«. drunk faced Mayor Culbertson in police court last night and he was lined 55 and costs. I rv.x,..,. |.")Mhert v. who has ben in Pel-' Captain Flaherty, who has j^.-n in nei- J laire doing special army recruHing I work, wus > ailed to Columbus yesterday. .Mis* Margaret Ault has been taken to a Wheeling hospital for an X-ray ex¬ amination of an injured shoulder re¬ ceived some time ago. At a meeting i-f Daughters of America held 'at the t ». I A, M. hall last night p!an-« were made to attend the rally at Ka?t Liverpool. Clearance snle on Trimmed Hats. C. H. ABBKCROMBIK. je-S-l lHi Main it. rrifSUS riOUAES WASHINGTON. June 9. . Census fig¬ ures announced to-day follow: Saginaw. Mich. 61,903, increase 11,- 39^ or per cent. Ch illicot he, Mo., 6.562. Increase ISO or 1.1 per cent. BRIDGEPORT Leave news Items for The Intelli¬ gencer at Hickey's News aland, Selby & Reed's Drug Store or the Hridgeport Hardware Company or c*i; Mart-n's Ferry .'27 J. Albert W. Otte, Local Correspondent. Eaolir# Party. The members of the Women's BeneiU association of the Maccabees have all plans completed for the euchre t>arty which will be held in their lodge rooms in the Heinlcin building, following their usual lodge meeting tonight, and all friends and members of the order ha\e been invited. Coroner Banders Verdict. Co.-oner John R. Wyat, of Uelmont ! county, held an inquest into the death of Lawrence J. Wacker, who met death at Martins Kerry Tuesday evening wh'le at work as a car inspector for the Haiti- more and Ohio Railroiid company. A verdict of death iluc to internal injuries, from being crushed about the hips and abdomen by two cars, was rendered. The victim of the accident whs one <>f the bc't known young men of this city. Orx*Jilxa Toulfht. The mooting of the organization of the new tribe of the Red Men will he held jn the l-'agles' building this even¬ ing. The work will he In charge of Al¬ bert W, Otte. district great chief of the order, and all Interested in the new or¬ ganization have been Invited to attend the meeting. Show Pictures Saturday. The fish and game pictures s*nt here by the state department will he shown at the Home theatre on Main street Sat- I urday evening of this week, and good crow ds are expected at each of the showings. Missionary Meeting. The June meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of Ktrkwood Presby- (terian church will be hel dat the church I this evening at 7:30. All the women of , the. church are urged to he present. Mrs. tS. O. Cummins, of Hellalre, will report the Philadelphia meetings. Mrs \V. AV. | Scott. Mrs. Nell Thompson Dill and Mrs. Albert Jutnes will furnish special music. A social hour and refreshments will follow the program. tntertataeU For Bride. Tuesday evening at her homo In Kirk- wood Mrs. Helen Woodcock entertained for Miss I i race Hi 1»-. whose marriage to Mr. A. 11. Molschuh. of Toledo, will I tuke place Wednesday. The evening ' was spent uith the usual diversions anil \ at a late hour a delicious luncheon was served Those present were; Misses- Orace Lillie Margaret Roberts i Florence Stillwell Ruth Woodcock Orace Hoge Kathenne Hunter I Virginia^ lleil Helen Woodcock Ruth Tliomns Helen 1") It- Mildred Kochullne Mr. A. H. Holschuh MARTINS FERRY Leave Items for The Intelligencer at the Burd News Agency. South Fourth street, or call Martins Ferry 227 J. Albert W. Otte, Local Corrwpondent. / I,e<aTe on Auto To nr. ' Mrs. L. W. iitnith aud 5juu Lester ol this city. end Mrs. Ira Owens, leave to¬ morrow for Morgantown. W. Va. whcie thov will be met by Mis* Thelma Owens before makifig » trl|» t«» Cumberland. Md. in their si u t . > M iss Owens is attending school Ht West Virginia University ai , I Morgantown. Mtror.nl PliJU Complete. All plans of the vnrtous committee .. In cna.rge are completed for the annual, services of the L'nlted j-Ynternal Mem-, oral Assoc lution. composed of live lodges of this city, which will be held in the | Fenrtiy theatre, Sunday at'ternon This, is expected to be one of the most sue- cessful affairs ever held by the assocla- tiijn and Hon. Frank Murphy will dc-j liver the memorial nddress. Tag Day Saturday. The annual tag day t'-r the benefit ot the local plt«>grounds association will be held Saturday and the committee in | charge are looking forward to ,t great success. Much money is needed for the grounds, and there is no doubt that it will be received. Indastriouu Dames. Mrs. John Ice will be the hostess to. the Industrious Dames at her home 0:1 Indiana street this afternoon The us- j ual social diversions of the club will be followed out. and an interesting meeting; is promised. Uimbtrs to Bayland. The Maids and Matrons of th.S city, are looking forward to :i line time thl- i afternoon when they will be cntci tained j as guests of Mrs. Will Hoge,, #t he:-] home in Kayland. Many of the member.* | will drive to that place in auto.s and a: special program of social diversions has I beta planned, W. A. If. Club. Mrs. William Shane will be the hos¬ tess to the members of the Popular \\ . 1 A. N. club, at her home of Concord street ; this evening, and all of the memb.rs nro I planning to be present. Special arrange- 1 I incuts ha\c been made for an interesting ' Miilng ot social activities. Many Plczuoa Planned. The members oi the Primary depart- | ment class taught b.v Miss Lena Schaal of the l.'n to<l Presbyterian chun h have, arrangements made l or a picnic this al-l . ternoon The primary department ofj [the First Methodist church will picn i . this week, and tlv members of the! Westminster Guild of the Prc>bv terian church ha\e plans made lor a punic to, be held at the home ot Miss Virgintt Loy on Virginia street this evening, Oxmlrai Next Week. The Smith Shows company have this city booked for a carnival, and their ] paraphernalia will arrive here Sunday, The license lor the week will amount to i a total of $3i5, and the shows w ill be j located on the i.eague I'ark grounds. Alpha Pi Dance. j The mem be i s ot Kin chapter of the Alpha I'l fraternity have all plan- coin- pl»*ied for their dance which will be giv¬ en ai Steele's grove, west of tins city, ! Tuesday evening, June I frth. and elao<.- ' rate arrangements have been inpde for the affair. The trip to the grove will be made In motor truiks and a wiener j roast w 111 he one of the features of the evening's enjoyment. Initiation Tomorrow. A class of several candidates will be , given the degrees at the meeting of the local tribe ot the improvod Order of Jtcd I Men. at their meeting to be held In UK- | Fraternal hall on North Fitth street thi s evening, and a good number of the ineiii- bcrs arc panning to witness the wort-. I Married Today. The marriage, of Aliss Flora Marker. J daughtt r of Mr. and Mrs. Sum. MarK« r of this city, and Lloyd Cope, well known local nil worker, "win take place at the j home of the parents of the bride tofla.v .and the many irieiids of the couple wii-. I hasten to extend their heartiest cou- gratulations. Pupili CMre *ecital. ' The piano pupils ot Miss Mary McM'i- I hon, well known music instructor of this .city will give a, recital in the rooms ofj Ih" Hoard of Trade, In the Citizens JtaoK 'building on next Thursday evening. L> - ) ginning at * o'clock. An interesting program is being prepared lor the even . and all of the parents and friends of tile . pupils ure planning to be resent. Business Houses Closed. The employes of the most of the local I business houses enjoyed their first hair) I holiday oft work for the summer month.i yesterday afternoon, and tho clsing .s ¦ going to he appreciated bj th.' clerks.] i Several persons were fooled by the clos- ing of the stores yesterday, but all willl i learn of the closing in n short lime. Social and Buur. The members of th" Daughters of lsi- ! bella opened their social and bazaar on j the lawn of St. Mary's school, on North Fourth street last night. The nr.u nig it was a complete success, and the event will continue this evening. Mfcrtinj Ferry Uriefi. Mrs. Han Lee left yesterday for I.o- , rat no, ti.p to attend the commencement [exercises of the school where a nephc>v will graduate. The conditions of George Scheid. Jr victim of the accidental shooting ai '. Wheeling Cr>ek Tuesday night, is re- ' ported lnipro\ Inff: Mrs. David Lewis, a former local res:- dent is here from Sidney. Neb., for a visit with friends, I Albert Otte. district great chief, and .Charles Kills, deputy, of the local tribe I of Red Men. will have charge of the or- guni&at ion of the new tribe at Bridge- ! port tonight. Mrs. Herbert Cnrmlcnel of this city will arrive hmc this evening after U- tending the Belmont County Sunday Sunday school meeting at Harnesville. 6 Mrs. w. w. Da,v lea of this city leaves today for Canton, O.. to assist 1 with the organilation ot a new post of the Service Star Legion. The new furniture for the office of the Davies Glass company will be in¬ stalled in ihelr rooms in the Jlalstoi. building tins week. Mrs. Karnost 'i'|-..,rng«te is -pending a few days visiting with friends at Kp- worth Park. Hot hesda, o. Howard H. Wilson, Hridgeport under- , taker, was a business visitor in this c.ty j yesterdu.v. Mrs. Haker Royd of Sharon, Pa., is j spending a few days as the guest of h<T Ixi rents, Air. and Mrs. Jame* Tannehill. Barclay iMoore of Cadiz. one of the .well known attorneys, spent jcsterd'iy J visiting with Arthur Dickson of thii I city. .a « The Juno meeting of the Woman's I club was held Tuesday evening in the parlors of the Christian church with j .Mis h. 1!. Fish, Mrs. John J.. Caldwell and Mrs. Harry Hays as hostesses. Thi' I ofilct-rs elected in M») presided and the beginning '.>1' the new year gu\e promise of splenuid things to come. Owing to uiim oidable delay in th'- print shop, the I new hooks were not distributed, but it is th^ intention of the lommittec to net ! them into the hands of the members within a few days. The July meeting i ik planned a* a basket picnic to be held ai the home of Miss Mary Crawford at I L>i lie's Station. The hospitality com- iniittee Is looking ahead to having auto, mobiles in which to make the trip. Mr. John Kouty, of West 4 :: r«i street, is having building at the r^ar of his | property remodeled Into a house for j renting I Miss Oladys Murphy, of Barnesvllle. Is la j;ues>t of Mrs. Robert Kuthey, of kin- I coin aienno. Mr. W. M. Smith and wife, who have spent the pyst three months here with their son and daughter, left yesterday to spend a short time at their former I home in Sistersville, \V. Ya. Mr. Clyde Baker and mother, of Klee, Ohio, are moving to the Guilty house on I#inc»ln avenue, which they recently purchased. Mrs. linker is the widow of the late 1. 0. Haker and the family for¬ merly resided on South Lincoln avenue. Mrs. K. Timberlake, Miss Zell.i . Potts. 'Miss I»oan<* Caldwell, Miss Kdith Ward. Mr. Nile Schramm. Mr. Korain Ault and Rev. R. M. I'riee were among the Sunday school workers of Shadyside who attended the Belmont county Sun¬ day school convention held at Barnes- vi ie~on Tuesday. Mrs. C. K. Hoskinson and children, of Rrooklield. Ohio, are expected here to¬ day to spend about two weeks with re!a- I l«"..n « . ¦- .. .Mrs. Henry Davis, uf Sebrinir. is at the homo of hfr parents, Mr. and Mr*. Jacob Schramm. Iltr mother continues to lose stri-iiKth and no hope is enter¬ tained now for her recowry. She Mif- ff red a stroke of paralysis about six ni'rks ago. Mrs^L, 1,. CuniiitiKham. of Highland avomn-. will be a bit' t«< return 10 her h"UK* this we«*k from the ItHlairo hos¬ pital where sh»> underwent an operation three weeks kkii. Mrs. A. S. Workman, <'f Baltimore, u ho had bef-n 4 suest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. Workman, and other relatives here for about four weeks, left Tuesday for her homo Mr. O'Toole an<l family, of He I la ire. are moving to the property of Mr. Joe Summons on North huooln incnur. Little Miss Karan 10 vans, who spends th»- winters with hrr irrandinother at Venetla. I'a.. Is here to visit her father. Mr. U. J. Kvans, through th^ sumnirr. Miss Marcarot l.uras and hT little Kirls in the Methodist Sunda\ school pn- ,io>ed a picnic yesterday afternoon on Cash llill. mm# ¦ imi ar ; W 4* ~ ''The Soap That's Different" Contains No Grit or Alkali For toilet, nursery, fine fabrics and general household, automobile and mechanics' use. ....... ¦ Motorists and mechanics will find Wink-o far superior to anything they have ever used for cleaning their hands. Tt will instantly remove grease, grime, paint and other stains from the hands, leaving them soft and white. Xo grit or sand to scratch the flesh. This is just the starting of an extensive advertising campaign to cducate thc#coplc of the many uses of Wink-o, and its merits. TO THE HOUSEWIFE . A lady demonstrator will call in a few days to tell you about Wink-o and our premium offer. Watch for Wink-o DEALER . Our representative will eall on you in a few days, and your co-operation will be greatly appreciated WIKKO WILL SOON BE ON SALE AT ALL GROCERS, DEPARTMENT STORES AND AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY HOUSES The Wink-o Products Co CHARLESTON, W. VA. A MEN m Planning CXlUldrtn'a Wnt The members of i lie Maocabee lodge of ihi.s city arc making plajis for Child¬ ren's week *hith is to begin Juno Jltst. The purpose of 1 1)0 week is to have a membership campaign for children. | Children hi the age of two and up may I Join. N'o definite plans have been mad'- lor the campaign but at the nevj meet- insr further steps will bo taken, and i otnmit lees will be named. runerai Today T)u<« morning at nine o'clock from the St. .lames church funeral services will l»e held over the remains of Albvrt Ktrimzki. who wan electrocuted at the Hilchman coal mine. Father Coiway will officiate. The hody will be laid to rest at the Mount Calvary cemetery. Wlli Xntertaln' Mr->. Kins Cu*a<*k will entertain the nvmbers of Division 1 of the I>adies Aid Society of the M. E. church thia evening it her home on Fifth street Mrs t'tisack has named the meeting1 Tom Thumb and it promises to be dif- I. rent from anv thing yel given by the society. Mrs. \v"m. Wiiliani will enter¬ tain the members of Division 4. Surprising wedding Tho many friends of Miss Gertrude Torsion will be surprised to learn of h'-r marriage to Mr. Bryon Shriher of this city. The couple left yesterday morning for Fairmont where they will united in marriage bv Hev. Claude I Mood win, pastor of the M. E. church of j th;it city. Following a short honey* | moon they will reside In this city. | Mi.*s !x>gston 'is well known in this ei| j «nd is :t Kroat favorite among the younger set, while Mr. Shriber is also well known here and tho couple have the hearty congratulations of their many friends. j Community Frayar Strrla# The I'onimuniiy prayer service which was held last evening at the M. E. « hiirch by the different churches of the city was well attended. Several talks were made by the ministers, and after uhi.h the remainder of the evening was : pent in prayer and song service. Will CMt# social Everything is in readiness for the so- cuil which is to be given Saturday even¬ ing by the members of lh«- Indies Aid Soc.ety of the Chriatian church. They j will have pi°*. cake and ice cream for *al<\ and a d time is in store for all j those anticipating to attend. A short program will be rendered throughout the evening Will PUT Bridgeport Tli" R & O. shop team will go to Bridgeport this aftcroon where they will meet the shop team of that city. The locals feel confident of the victory, ns they defeated the Bridgeport s sever¬ al days ago by a large score. Many of tiie locals are planning to attend" the game. L*ft Tor ralrmont Mesdnmes Alice Peterson and Marg¬ aret Hod", left last evening for Fairmont where they will attend the Mrand Circle meeting of the Protected Home Circle. Mr*. Peterson is state treasurer, while Mr.-. Ttode Is representing the local cir¬ cle They will return to this city and i. will make reports on the affair at the next meeting. AUUi« 4 ruut Perry Ooxen, of the 1'nlvorpity of Pit«bur,ph. spondm« a number of days here with bis parents Ho experts to return to the 1 "nivi-rsit y in n few weeka and take up «=iirnrr>«»e work. Childrtn'g D*7 The Children's |>(|\ cm. ripe" in (his e'ty w ill K" held Sunday * vent tier "I th« I'i^t M K church <"Tiil>*ron from th» r>rim«r> department to the Woman's 1 1 1>7. 1 .. class arc tulunjc iwrt In the ex- «>rc-ij"*.s. It premises tn tie exceedingly jriu>d tliis year. r.s much time lttis been spent up<>n it Attcadvd P*rty Mes>»rK h'hI Mc«dumi,H. Elmer f\*n- [ ner. .1. O XJcHrldire, and .1. J. Miller w> »u to Caldwell's Hun 1 t evening j where they attended a party given by Mrs. JIarrv I'.int.rr i MrMfchm p«rci>a*ls ' Mr® Hausi'tuiuer is confined 'o I her Ihiiiii' mi Marsli.il! -trot slightly ill. Mrs IV |; Hlanford of Washington. T> is visiting friends in this city f(.r i nuiiilx i- «if days M A Turvrw Mid family have lefl for !»in\ «'r where thev will spend the miniiih r r ji 1 |i Howard »irn> left fur Roberts Hidire Where tie Will spend the summer with relative'". Mr and Mrs 1 It Khvznr of Kair- [ rii'ii. are xbctliiK here with friends i Chas St ("lair «»f Pittsburgh Is visit- Inc wnh friends for w number <>f day a hire William Keller left for f,inletnn whiTf he will \ islt fa ra number of d;i v « Paul NndTsnn has purchased a new ! J-Vrd toiirinc ra r Mrs. -Julian 11*11, who underwent an operation at the Olendale Hospital is getting along nicely. Walter Johnson continues ill at his home on Third street. Robbie Lyons, wlio has been ill for some time, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Higgins have Imo^ed from Moundsville to the Durst prop- rty on CartiHd street. Miss Delia Mar< holnmcw and Mrs. 'William Cosser is visiting with friends | ' In Bowerstown for a number of days, Viss Thclma Scott was visiting1 with friends in Wheeling yesterday. Misses Mildred Cusnck and Wilma , Mernnar. who have bm n calling on ' I frlfnda at Fairmont, have returned I homo. * j Dr. William Mackev of Baltimore, Is spending a number or days here. A. .1. Hiatt has returned to his home 1 'at Shawsville, Va.. after visiting here j for a number of days. New Sport Hats beinjr shown. C. H. ABEROROMBfE, je-D-i 1144 Main St. BETHESDA Jlev. J. R. Fretts. pastor of the M. E. I church, is attending the District Con- fere nee. held at Hanmbul, the first of this week. I A number from here will attend the i Belmont Tounty Sunday School Conven- tin at Barne«\ illc, June 8th and Sth. Addresses will be given by Rev. Law- rencej Rev. 1'. B. Van Blarcom. Rev. M'leland. Dr. K. W. Thornton and Rev. C. W. ("noper. Miss Cora Spencer and brother Ho- , hert. of Coal Hill, spent Tuesday with their grundma. Mrs. R. E. Perkins, and | left here in the evening for the home of their sister, Mrs. Roy Workman, of Kansas. Miss l.ura Perkins Is on an extended visit with relatives at McConnellsville. Mrs. Beatrice Shaffer, of Chestnut ! Level, attended services at the Christian church here on Sunday and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Lucas. Mr. Elmer Lucas and wife, of Wiscon¬ sin. are visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Lucas. Miss Ethel Gordon, of Belmont, spent ( Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Rose La¬ tham. Dr. I. X. Beall. of Barnesville. was a professional caller here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bolon had for their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Bolon's sister, Mrs. Grayham and family, of Lima. O., and Dr. and Mrs. I. X. Beall and dauKhter, Virginia, of BarncsviJIe. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bctts sold their personal property on Saturday afternoon and will move to Columbus. . Mrs. Andrew Gill was at Cambridge, on Saturday, visiting her brother, Mr. Barnes, at the Kecnan hospital. Mr. Barnes has undergone an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. David I.ucas celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, last Saturday. About 70 of their immediate family and friends were present to en¬ joy the association of friends and tha most bountiful dinner. Mrs. Willard Hoge and son.'Alden, at¬ tended the family reunion, at the home of her father. Mr. Westley Goodman, of Speldel. on Monday. Mr. Frances Okey and brother, of Can¬ ton, spent the week end with friends here, and attended the Lucas celebra¬ tion. A pleasing feature of the day was the gift of .1 $50 gold piece, which Mr. David Lucaa tcave to each of hit chil¬ dren. * Mrs. Lucas gave 150 to each child on' Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd are re- joicinn over the arrival of a new daugh¬ ter. born on Monday morning. Dr. Sloan and wife, of East Liverpool, are conducting evangelistic services at the Mtssln hall. Three services wera held on Sunday. Dr. Sloan, district superintendent the Xazarine church, of the Pittsburgh district, preached In the morning. Dedi¬ catory services in the afternoon, and Mrs. Sloan proaehing in the evening. The meetings were all well attended. BOT SOOVT »mm>L ^ A meeting of the drum and bugU corps of the Wheeling council of Boj Scouts was held last evening in the as< sembly room at the Market Auditorium, Following a short rehearsal the re* mainder of the evening was spent i( discussing matters relating to tha sum* mer camp. , / B e tter^Qiial i ty AndiVv?brthjl^ore TOASTIES TKeiSUtreriori ty of these improvea^orn^flakes win . * * r ^ . jt * .*'*' V .'4f« >V| i "^r immediate recognition becauseV more attract¬ ive fl ay or.' fi rme r texture and greatervsatisfaction in* nourishing value. You'll like .these best of all corn flakesiand - AHy Tells Why MadeJryPostam Cereal CflJnc.Battle Crtet Mich.

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Post on 18-Jan-2021




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Page 1: PIANO Different ''The Soap That's · Moose lodge will ko to MoundsvllleSun-day for a meeting of tho Mooseheart l^egton. James Brush, a South Bellaire lad. Is Improving at his home


Is Small

But the OpportunityIS GREAT!

It Will Pay to Investigate!We are calling your attention to a very unusual as¬

sortment of fine Player Pianos.taken in exchange(during our recent Anniversary Sale) for our verylatest designs in case work and finish.

Carefully Note the Following:EMERSON ANGELUS

This Player sells when new at $800.Yon will find it in fine condition andworth twice what we ask. APricc tPe/ejU

AERIOLAMahotrany ease. This Player will be

one of the first to sro. Has a fine tone,and wiil give years of good (£OC|P\service. Sale price tp&tJt)

COLUMBIAWe have overhauled this Player and,

a wonderful bareain at the &QQPTprice, we ask vOuO

BEHNINGThis is one of the real high grade

Player Pianos and sells at

$1000 when new. Our price isV^OO

AEOLIANIn other words, the Pianola Player

action in a very fine piano. ASale price

HARDMAN AUTOTON£A Player Piano that looks very fine

and has been gone over thor- OAounh.'y. AVe ask only Vvvv

EVERARDThis Player was used but 4 months,

and lookr. like new. You get a bargainby buying this one $525

MILTONAn 8S-note Player with standard all-

metal tube action. The EIprice on this one is

FAEJtANDThis Player is not as modern in ease

r.s the others, but well worth $250what we ask. Sale price.


Mahograny ease, Studio model, 88note; worth $650. $465Sale pricc

UNIVERSALIn modern 1920 design.used about 7

months, and a good buy ...$485ANDERSON

In a beautiful oak case. Standard S8note plaver action. Sells when new



fti.. BELLAIREPUy Xlm Orore ToAzn.

At the Sixteenth street ball park Sun-i- day afternoon the fast Central Athleticclab ball team of this city will <-lashwith the fast team of Kim Grove.

... Earlier m the season these two t«an>.met at Elm Grove, and a victory resultedfor the locals.

yriday X»art X>ay.l*riday Is the last day candidates will

have for filing petitions with the countyelection board for the different "efffinty

'¦ and district offices. Thus far r greatnumber of petitions hav« been filed.

«. The primary election will be held Aug... JOth.

Saturn Home.Rev. J. V. Orin. of the First M. iv

church and Rev. Gcv.*rge W. Byrnes, ofthe South Bellaire M. K. church, re¬turned yesterday from Hannihnl wherethey attended the district M. E. conler-ence.A score of Bellaire people who were

at Barnesville for the county Sundayschool convention returned to theirhomes here last night.

JTcighbor*' JTlyht.The Rock Hill grange observed Neigh¬

bors' Night last night at the Rock Hillschool house. A fine program was ren-

. dered and a great number of persons at¬tended the meeting.

*. ' B#turnwl to Xoundrrllle.Earl Tinkerton. young m^n of Mounds-

. iTille. arrested in the B. and O. camp earn

here by the police on a charge of desert¬ing from, the service, was taken back tothe West Virgima city. It is said heran away from Camp Shprman just a

few days before his enlistment expired.Xs Marksman.

Private Joseph Trolley, of this city,who enlisted in the marines at 'Wheel¬ing las t November and who is now on

the superdreadnaught Arizona has quail-fled as a marksman in the mirine corps,according to official report fro ni Wash¬ington. The new honor entitles him toa medal as well as increased pay.

To Charge Mater Kent.Servfce Director Charles E. Gates an-

"nounces that a hie.ter rent is to becharged local water consumers who are

"on a meter basis. By charging themeter rent the city will retain posses-

. sion of the meters. The city will alsom be obliged to purchase the meters and. pay for their Installation.

furnace Blown In.vi . On« of the furnaces was "blown in" atmt the t'arnegle steel works plant here late

m yesterday. Although a dat? has not

_ been fixed for the time the plant Willwume in full. It is said the resumptionwill be probably Sunday night.

Snjoyed Picnic."* The more than 50u boys and girls of¦* th»' St. John's school of this < itv enjoyed

their annual picnic at Wheeling parkyesterday. The event proved \ ery en-

. Jovable with nearly all of the l»>ys and

."girls present. Today will !... the final

. day for the parochial schools.-» Klee Soy Enlistsi.

» Robert Rouse, of Kiev, was accepted. for enlistment in the army at the local<ai recruit ing office yesterday. He selected« the infantry branch of the service. He^ wits sent to th.* Columbus barrack*._ From there he will go to Camp Shermanfor duty.

To XlTt BoM SideThe Colored Masonic club of this city

** has completed arrangements for a boatfide and outing on July 9. The outing

¦" will be at r*re«ap's Grove, below fow-"""hatan and the 'rip will be made by boat.

oT Entertain Class." Mrs. Hupp Johnion, ol Belmont

street, will entertain the members of'the King's Business Bible clans of tho '

First Reformed church at her home this Ievening. The usual diversion* will be Ienjoyed anil n lunchcon served.

I Ml»«loaju-y Gonvsatton. # .

The annual convention of the Home !Missionary society of the MethodistKpiscopul churches of the Barnesvilledistrict will be held at the Bethesdachurch on June 17 and 1*. It in an-,nounced. An interesting program hasbeen prepared for the sessions.

Enjoyed The*tr» party.Members of the Flint club of this city

enjoyed a theatre party at the KIk-Urandtheatre last night. Following movieshow they enjoyed refreshments at a

local confectionery.Meet at Church.

The members of the Mary and MarthaBible class of the South Bellaire Meth-

I odist Episcopal church will be enter-

( tain*d this evening in the church base¬ment. Mesdames Ceo. Byrnes and Wil¬liam McClcary will have charge of theentertaining. Briefa.

Miss Mary Kggiman entertained themembers of the T. B. club last night at

I her home on Franklin street.Albert Wilson, Jr.. has returned to

Bethesda after a visit with relativeshere. I

Mrs. John Gulley. of South Bellaire. Idelightfully entertained members of thePatriotic club last night at her home. |Tho J ungietow n tlshing camp at,

Shadyside has again been opened by localparties for the season.The Roma theatre, under the manage¬

ment of Raymond Beuter, now has an

orchestra to furnish music.Councilman John T. Johnston will

Ifkely fllo a petition today as a candi¬date for county commissioner.Patrolman Josuph MeMahon has re-

turned from a visit at Steubenville.A d*legatlo of members of the local

Moose lodge will ko to Moundsvllle Sun-day for a meeting of tho Mooseheartl^egton.James Brush, a South Bellaire lad. Is

Improving at his home from injuries re-

ceived in a fail from a wagon.William L>orcr is at Columbus where

he Is attending a meeting of the Ohio)Optical association. I

William H. Boy is at Columbus at-

tending a meeting of the executive boardof tl;e mljiers.

T«»day will be pay day for personswho have been working at the mill as

well as for the coal miners.Children s day will be observed at the

Christian church on Sunday. June JWli.- -j I*n1h..rlsiin illiristinn cnumi v..

i>n«. drunk faced Mayor Culbertson in

police court last night and he was lined55 and costs. I

rv.x,..,. |.")Mhert v. who has ben in Pel-'Captain Flaherty, who has j^.-n in nei-

J laire doing special army recruHing

I work, wus > ailed to Columbus yesterday..Mis* Margaret Ault has been taken to

a Wheeling hospital for an X-ray ex¬

amination of an injured shoulder re¬

ceived some time ago.At a meeting i-f Daughters of America

held 'at the t ». I A, M. hall last nightp!an-« were made to attend the rally at

Ka?t Liverpool.Clearance snle on Trimmed Hats.

C. H. ABBKCROMBIK.je-S-l lHi Main it.


WASHINGTON. June 9..Census fig¬ures announced to-day follow:Saginaw. Mich. 61,903, increase 11,-

39^ or per cent.Ch illicot he, Mo., 6.562. Increase ISO or

1.1 per cent.

BRIDGEPORTLeave news Items for The Intelli¬

gencer at Hickey's News aland,Selby & Reed's Drug Store or theHridgeport Hardware Company orc*i; Mart-n's Ferry .'27 J.Albert W. Otte, Local Correspondent.

Eaolir# Party.The members of the Women's BeneiU

association of the Maccabees have allplans completed for the euchre t>artywhich will be held in their lodge roomsin the Heinlcin building, following theirusual lodge meeting tonight, and allfriends and members of the order ha\ebeen invited.

Coroner Banders Verdict.Co.-oner John R. Wyat, of Uelmont

! county, held an inquest into the deathof Lawrence J. Wacker, who met deathat Martins Kerry Tuesday evening wh'leat work as a car inspector for the Haiti-more and Ohio Railroiid company. Averdict of death iluc to internal injuries,from being crushed about the hips andabdomen by two cars, was rendered. Thevictim of the accident whs one <>f thebc't known young men of this city.

Orx*Jilxa Toulfht.The mooting of the organization of

the new tribe of the Red Men will heheld jn the l-'agles' building this even¬ing. The work will he In charge of Al¬bert W, Otte. district great chief of theorder, and all Interested in the new or¬ganization have been Invited to attendthe meeting.

Show Pictures Saturday.The fish and game pictures s*nt here

by the state department will he shownat the Home theatre on Main street Sat-

I urday evening of this week, and goodcrow ds are expected at each of theshowings.

Missionary Meeting.The June meeting of the Woman's

Missionary society of Ktrkwood Presby-(terian church will be hel dat the church

I this evening at 7:30. All the women of, the. church are urged to he present. Mrs.

tS. O. Cummins, of Hellalre, will reportthe Philadelphia meetings. Mrs \V. AV.

| Scott. Mrs. Nell Thompson Dill andMrs. Albert Jutnes will furnish specialmusic. A social hour and refreshmentswill follow the program.

tntertataeU For Bride.Tuesday evening at her homo In Kirk-

wood Mrs. Helen Woodcock entertainedfor Miss I i race Hi 1»-. whose marriageto Mr. A. 11. Molschuh. of Toledo, will

I tuke place Wednesday. The evening' was spent uith the usual diversions anil\ at a late hour a delicious luncheon was

served Those present were;Misses-

Orace Lillie Margaret Robertsi Florence Stillwell Ruth Woodcock

Orace Hoge Kathenne HunterI Virginia^ lleil Helen Woodcock

Ruth Tliomns Helen 1") It-Mildred Kochullne

Mr. A. H. Holschuh

MARTINS FERRYLeave Items for The Intelligencer

at the Burd News Agency. SouthFourth street, or call Martins Ferry227 J.Albert W. Otte, Local Corrwpondent.


I,e<aTe on Auto Tonr. '

Mrs. L. W. iitnith aud 5juu Lester ol

this city. end Mrs. Ira Owens, leave to¬

morrow for Morgantown. W. Va. whciethov will be met by Mis* Thelma Owensbefore makifig » trl|» t«» Cumberland. Md.in their si u t . > M iss Owens is attendingschool Ht West Virginia University ai ,

I Morgantown.Mtror.nl PliJU Complete.

All plans of the vnrtous committee ..

In cna.rge are completed for the annual,services of the L'nlted j-Ynternal Mem-,oral Assoc lution. composed of live lodgesof this city, which will be held in the |Fenrtiy theatre, Sunday at'ternon This,is expected to be one of the most sue-

cessful affairs ever held by the assocla-tiijn and Hon. Frank Murphy will dc-jliver the memorial nddress.

Tag Day Saturday.The annual tag day t'-r the benefit ot

the local plt«>grounds association will be

held Saturday and the committee in |charge are looking forward to ,t greatsuccess. Much money is needed for thegrounds, and there is no doubt that it

will be received.Indastriouu Dames.

Mrs. John Ice will be the hostess to.

the Industrious Dames at her home 0:1

Indiana street this afternoon The us- jual social diversions of the club will befollowed out. and an interesting meeting;is promised.

Uimbtrs to Bayland.The Maids and Matrons of th.S city,

are looking forward to :i line time thl- iafternoon when they will be cntci tained jas guests of Mrs. Will Hoge,, #t he:-]home in Kayland. Many of the member.* |will drive to that place in auto.s and a:

special program of social diversions has Ibeta planned,

W. A. If. Club.Mrs. William Shane will be the hos¬

tess to the members of the Popular \\ .1

A. N. club, at her home of Concord street ;this evening, and all of the memb.rs nro

I planning to be present. Special arrange- 1

I incuts ha\c been made for an interesting' Miilng ot social activities.

Many Plczuoa Planned.The members oi the Primary depart- |

ment class taught b.v Miss Lena Schaalof the l.'n to<l Presbyterian chun h have,arrangements made l or a picnic this al-l

. ternoon The primary department ofj[the First Methodist church will picn i

. this week, and tlv members of the!Westminster Guild of the Prc>bv terianchurch ha\e plans made lor a punic to,be held at the home ot Miss VirginttLoy on Virginia street this evening,

Oxmlrai Next Week.The Smith Shows company have this

city booked for a carnival, and their

] paraphernalia will arrive here Sunday,The license lor the week will amount to

i a total of $3i5, and the shows w ill be

j located on the i.eague I'ark grounds.Alpha Pi Dance.

j The mem be i s ot Kin chapter of theAlpha I'l fraternity have all plan- coin-

pl»*ied for their dance which will be giv¬en ai Steele's grove, west of tins city,

! Tuesday evening, June I frth. and elao<.-' rate arrangements have been inpde forthe affair. The trip to the grove willbe made In motor truiks and a wiener

j roast w 111 he one of the features of theevening's enjoyment.

Initiation Tomorrow.A class of several candidates will be

, given the degrees at the meeting of thelocal tribe ot the improvod Order of Jtcd

I Men. at their meeting to be held In UK-

| Fraternal hall on North Fitth street thi s

evening, and a good number of the ineiii-bcrs arc panning to witness the wort-.

I Married Today.The marriage, of Aliss Flora Marker.

J daughtt r of Mr. and Mrs. Sum. MarK« r

of this city, and Lloyd Cope, well knownlocal nil worker, "win take place at the

j home of the parents of the bride tofla.v.and the many irieiids of the couple wii-.I hasten to extend their heartiest cou-gratulations.

Pupili CMre *ecital.' The piano pupils ot Miss Mary McM'i-I hon, well known music instructor of this.city will give a, recital in the rooms ofjIh" Hoard of Trade, In the Citizens JtaoK

'building on next Thursday evening. L> -

) ginning at * o'clock. An interestingprogram is being prepared lor the even .

and all of the parents and friends of tile. pupils ure planning to be resent.

Business Houses Closed.The employes of the most of the local

I business houses enjoyed their first hair)I holiday oft work for the summer month.i

yesterday afternoon, and tho clsing .s¦ going to he appreciated bj th.' clerks.]

i Several persons were fooled by the clos-ing of the stores yesterday, but all willl

i learn of the closing in n short lime.Social and Buur.

The members of th" Daughters of lsi-! bella opened their social and bazaar on

j the lawn of St. Mary's school, on NorthFourth street last night. The nr.u nig itwas a complete success, and the eventwill continue this evening.

Mfcrtinj Ferry Uriefi.Mrs. Han Lee left yesterday for I.o-

, rat no, ti.p to attend the commencement[exercises of the school where a nephc>vwill graduate.The conditions of George Scheid. Jr

victim of the accidental shooting ai'. Wheeling Cr>ek Tuesday night, is re-' ported lnipro\ Inff:

Mrs. David Lewis, a former local res:-dent is here from Sidney. Neb., for avisit with friends,

I Albert Otte. district great chief, and.Charles Kills, deputy, of the local tribeI of Red Men. will have charge of the or-

guni&at ion of the new tribe at Bridge-! port tonight.

Mrs. Herbert Cnrmlcnel of this citywill arrive hmc this evening after U-tending the Belmont County SundaySunday school meeting at Harnesville. 6

Mrs. w. w. Da,v lea of this cityleaves today for Canton, O.. to assist

1 with the organilation ot a new post ofthe Service Star Legion.The new furniture for the office of

the Davies Glass company will be in¬stalled in ihelr rooms in the Jlalstoi.building tins week.

Mrs. Karnost 'i'|-..,rng«te is -pendinga few days visiting with friends at Kp-worth Park. Hot hesda, o.Howard H. Wilson, Hridgeport under-

, taker, was a business visitor in this c.tyj yesterdu.v.Mrs. Haker Royd of Sharon, Pa., isj spending a few days as the guest of h<T

Ixi rents, Air. and Mrs. Jame* Tannehill.Barclay iMoore of Cadiz. one of the

.well known attorneys, spent jcsterd'iyJ visiting with Arthur Dickson of thiiI city.

.a «The Juno meeting of the Woman's

I club was held Tuesday evening in theparlors of the Christian church with

j .Mis h. 1!. Fish, Mrs. John J.. Caldwelland Mrs. Harry Hays as hostesses. Thi'

I ofilct-rs elected in M») presided and thebeginning '.>1' the new year gu\e promiseof splenuid things to come. Owing touiim oidable delay in th'- print shop, the

I new hooks were not distributed, but it isth^ intention of the lommittec to net

! them into the hands of the memberswithin a few days. The July meeting

i ik planned a* a basket picnic to be heldai the home of Miss Mary Crawford at

I L>i lie's Station. The hospitality com-

iniittee Is looking ahead to having auto,mobiles in which to make the trip.

Mr. John Kouty, of West 4 :: r«i street,is having building at the r^ar of his

| property remodeled Into a house forj rentingI Miss Oladys Murphy, of Barnesvllle. Isla j;ues>t of Mrs. Robert Kuthey, of kin-I coin aienno.

Mr. W. M. Smith and wife, who havespent the pyst three months here withtheir son and daughter, left yesterdayto spend a short time at their former

I home in Sistersville, \V. Ya.Mr. Clyde Baker and mother, of Klee,

Ohio, are moving to the Guilty house onI#inc»ln avenue, which they recentlypurchased. Mrs. linker is the widow ofthe late 1. 0. Haker and the family for¬merly resided on South Lincoln avenue.

Mrs. K. Timberlake, Miss Zell.i. Potts. 'Miss I»oan<* Caldwell, Miss Kdith

Ward. Mr. Nile Schramm. Mr. KorainAult and Rev. R. M. I'riee were amongthe Sunday school workers of Shadysidewho attended the Belmont county Sun¬day school convention held at Barnes-vi ie~on Tuesday.

Mrs. C. K. Hoskinson and children, ofRrooklield. Ohio, are expected here to¬

day to spend about two weeks with re!a-I l«"..n

« . ¦ - ..

.Mrs. Henry Davis, uf Sebrinir. is atthe homo of hfr parents, Mr. and Mr*.Jacob Schramm. Iltr mother continuesto lose stri-iiKth and no hope is enter¬tained now for her recowry. She Mif-ffred a stroke of paralysis about sixni'rks ago.Mrs^L, 1,. CuniiitiKham. of Highland

avomn-. will be a bit' t«< return 10 herh"UK* this we«*k from the ItHlairo hos¬pital where sh»> underwent an operationthree weeks kkii.

Mrs. A. S. Workman, <'f Baltimore,u ho had bef-n 4 suest of her parents.Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. Workman, and otherrelatives here for about four weeks, leftTuesday for her homo

Mr. O'Toole an<l family, of He I la ire.are moving to the property of Mr. JoeSummons on North huooln incnur.

Little Miss Karan 10vans, who spendsth»- winters with hrr irrandinother atVenetla. I'a.. Is here to visit her father.Mr. U. J. Kvans, through th^ sumnirr.Miss Marcarot l.uras and hT little

Kirls in the Methodist Sunda\ school pn-

,io>ed a picnic yesterday afternoon on

Cash llill.

mm# ¦ imi ar ;W 4* ~

''The Soap That's Different"Contains No Grit or Alkali

For toilet, nursery, fine fabrics and general household, automobile andmechanics' use. .......


Motorists and mechanics will find Wink-o far superior to anything theyhave ever used for cleaning their hands. Tt will instantly remove grease, grime,paint and other stains from the hands, leaving them soft and white. Xo gritor sand to scratch the flesh.

This is just the starting of an extensive advertising campaign to cducatethc#coplc of the many uses of Wink-o, and its merits.

TO THE HOUSEWIFE.A lady demonstrator will call in a few days totell you about Wink-o and our premium offer. Watch for Wink-o

DEALER.Our representative will eall on

you in a few days, and your co-operation will be

greatly appreciated



TheWink-o ProductsCoCHARLESTON, W. VA. A

MEN mPlanning CXlUldrtn'a Wnt

The members of i lie Maocabee lodgeof ihi.s city arc making plajis for Child¬ren's week *hith is to begin Juno Jltst.The purpose of 1 1)0 week is to have a

membership campaign for children.| Children hi the age of two and up may

I Join. N'o definite plans have been mad'-lor the campaign but at the nevj meet-insr further steps will bo taken, andi otnmit lees will be named.

runerai TodayT)u<« morning at nine o'clock from the

St. .lames church funeral services willl»e held over the remains of AlbvrtKtrimzki. who wan electrocuted at theHilchman coal mine. Father Coiwaywill officiate. The hody will be laidto rest at the Mount Calvary cemetery.

Wlli Xntertaln'Mr->. Kins Cu*a<*k will entertain the

nvmbers of Division 1 of the I>adiesAid Society of the M. E. church thiaevening it her home on Fifth streetMrs t'tisack has named the meeting1Tom Thumb and it promises to be dif-I. rent from anv thing yel given by thesociety. Mrs. \v"m. Wiiliani will enter¬tain the members of Division 4.

Surprising weddingTho many friends of Miss Gertrude

Torsion will be surprised to learn ofh'-r marriage to Mr. Bryon Shriher ofthis city. The couple left yesterdaymorning for Fairmont where they will

united in marriage bv Hev. Claude

I Mood win, pastor of the M. E. church of

j th;it city. Following a short honey*| moon they will reside In this city.| Mi.*s !x>gston 'is well known in thisei| j «nd is :t Kroat favorite among the

younger set, while Mr. Shriber is alsowell known here and tho couple havethe hearty congratulations of theirmany friends. j

Community Frayar Strrla#The I'onimuniiy prayer service which

was held last evening at the M. E.« hiirch by the different churches of the

city was well attended. Several talkswere made by the ministers, and afteruhi.h the remainder of the evening was

: pent in prayer and song service.Will CMt# social

Everything is in readiness for the so-

cuil which is to be given Saturday even¬

ing by the members of lh«- Indies AidSoc.ety of the Chriatian church. They

j will have pi°*. cake and ice cream for*al<\ and a d time is in store for all

j those anticipating to attend. A shortprogram will be rendered throughoutthe evening

Will PUT BridgeportTli" R & O. shop team will go to

Bridgeport this aftcroon where theywill meet the shop team of that city.The locals feel confident of the victory,ns they defeated the Bridgeport s sever¬al days ago by a large score. Many oftiie locals are planning to attend" thegame.

L*ft Tor ralrmontMesdnmes Alice Peterson and Marg¬

aret Hod", left last evening for Fairmontwhere they will attend the Mrand Circlemeeting of the Protected Home Circle.Mr*. Peterson is state treasurer, whileMr.-. Ttode Is representing the local cir¬cle They will return to this city and

i. will make reports on the affair at thenext meeting.

AUUi« 4 ruut

Perry Ooxen, of the 1'nlvorpity ofPit«bur,ph. i« spondm« a number of dayshere with bis parents Ho experts to

return to the 1 "nivi-rsit y in n few weekaand take up «=iirnrr>«»e work.

Childrtn'g D*7The Children's |>(|\ cm. ripe" in (his

e'ty w ill K" held Sunday *vent tier "I th«I'i^t M K church <"Tiil>*ron from th»r>rim«r> department to the Woman's1 1 1>7. 1 .. class arc tulunjc iwrt In the ex-

«>rc-ij"*.s. It premises tn tie exceedinglyjriu>d tliis year. r.s much time lttis beenspent up<>n it

Attcadvd P*rtyMes>»rK h'hI Mc«dumi,H. Elmer f\*n-

[ ner. .1. O XJcHrldire, and .1. J. Millerw> »u to Caldwell's Hun 1 r» ?¦ t evening

j where they attended a party given byMrs. JIarrv I'.int.rr

i MrMfchm p«rci>a*ls' Mr® Hausi'tuiuer is confined 'oI her Ihiiiii' mi Marsli.il! -trot slightly ill.

Mrs IV |; Hlanford of Washington.T> is visiting friends in this cityf(.r i nuiiilx i- «if daysM (» A Turvrw Mid family have lefl

for !»in\ «'r where thev will spend theminiiih r r ji 1 |iHoward »irn> left fur Roberts Hidire

Where tie Will spend the summer withrelative'".Mr and Mrs 1 It Khvznr of Kair-

[ rii'ii. are xbctliiK here with friendsi Chas St ("lair «»f Pittsburgh Is visit-Inc wnh friends for w number <>f dayahire

William Keller left for f,inletnnwhiTf he will \ islt fa ra number ofd;i v «

Paul NndTsnn has purchased a new

! J-Vrd toiirinc ra r

Mrs. -Julian 11*11, who underwent an

operation at the Olendale Hospital isgetting along nicely.Walter Johnson continues ill at his

home on Third street.Robbie Lyons, wlio has been ill for

some time, is able to be out again.Mr. and Mrs. Huston Higgins have

Imo^ed from Moundsville to the Durstprop- rty on CartiHd street.

Miss Delia Mar< holnmcw and Mrs.'William Cosser is visiting with friends |

' In Bowerstown for a number of days,Viss Thclma Scott was visiting1 with

friends in Wheeling yesterday.Misses Mildred Cusnck and Wilma ,

Mernnar. who have bm n calling on'

I frlfnda at Fairmont, have returnedI homo. *

j Dr. William Mackev of Baltimore, Isspending a number or days here.

A. .1. Hiatt has returned to his home 1

'at Shawsville, Va.. after visiting herej for a number of days.

New Sport Hats beinjr shown.C. H. ABEROROMBfE,

je-D-i 1144 Main St.

BETHESDAJlev. J. R. Fretts. pastor of the M. E.

I church, is attending the District Con-ferenee. held at Hanmbul, the first ofthis week.

I A number from here will attend thei Belmont Tounty Sunday School Conven-

tin at Barne«\ illc, June 8th and Sth.Addresses will be given by Rev. Law-rencej Rev. 1'. B. Van Blarcom. Rev.

M'leland. Dr. K. W. Thornton and Rev. C.W. ("noper.Miss Cora Spencer and brother Ho-

, hert. of Coal Hill, spent Tuesday withtheir grundma. Mrs. R. E. Perkins, and

| left here in the evening for the home oftheir sister, Mrs. Roy Workman, ofKansas.Miss l.ura Perkins Is on an extended

visit with relatives at McConnellsville.Mrs. Beatrice Shaffer, of Chestnut

! Level, attended services at the Christianchurch here on Sunday and spent theday with her sister, Mrs. Lucas.

Mr. Elmer Lucas and wife, of Wiscon¬sin. are visiting his parents. Mr. andMrs. Emmet Lucas.Miss Ethel Gordon, of Belmont, spent

(Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Rose La¬tham.

Dr. I. X. Beall. of Barnesville. was aprofessional caller here the first of theweek.

Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bolon had fortheir guests on Sunday, Mrs. Bolon'ssister, Mrs. Grayham and family, ofLima. O., and Dr. and Mrs. I. X. Bealland dauKhter, Virginia, of BarncsviJIe.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bctts sold theirpersonal property on Saturday afternoonand will move to Columbus. .

Mrs. Andrew Gill was at Cambridge,on Saturday, visiting her brother, Mr.Barnes, at the Kecnan hospital. Mr.Barnes has undergone an operation forappendicitis.

Mr. and Mrs. David I.ucas celebratedtheir fiftieth wedding anniversary, lastSaturday. About 70 of their immediatefamily and friends were present to en¬

joy the association of friends and thamost bountiful dinner.

Mrs. Willard Hoge and son.'Alden, at¬tended the family reunion, at the homeof her father. Mr. Westley Goodman, ofSpeldel. on Monday.

Mr. Frances Okey and brother, of Can¬ton, spent the week end with friendshere, and attended the Lucas celebra¬tion. A pleasing feature of the day wasthe gift of .1 $50 gold piece, which Mr.David Lucaa tcave to each of hit chil¬dren. * Mrs. Lucas gave 150 to eachchild on' Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd are re-

joicinn over the arrival of a new daugh¬ter. born on Monday morning.

Dr. Sloan and wife, of East Liverpool,are conducting evangelistic services atthe Mtssln hall. Three services weraheld on Sunday.

Dr. Sloan, district superintendent o£the Xazarine church, of the Pittsburghdistrict, preached In the morning. Dedi¬catory services in the afternoon, andMrs. Sloan proaehing in the evening.The meetings were all well attended.

BOT SOOVT »mm>L ^A meeting of the drum and bugU

corps of the Wheeling council of BojScouts was held last evening in the as<

sembly room at the Market Auditorium,Following a short rehearsal the re*

mainder of the evening was spent i(discussing matters relating to tha sum*mer camp. ,


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