phytoplankton growth conditions during autumn and winter...

MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 334: 47–61, 2007 Published March 26 INTRODUCTION While physical, chemical and biological factors con- trolling spring and summer phytoplankton growth in the North Atlantic have been the subject of much research since the mid 20th century (e.g. Sverdrup 1953, Barton et al. 2003), autumn and winter cruises in this part of the Atlantic have been sparse as a result of the extremely inclement weather that often occurs at this time (Backhaus et al. 2003). Two such cruises were undertaken in the Irminger Sea as part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Marine Pro- ductivity Thematic Programme, and these are analysed here with a view to defining the physical and chemical controls of autumn and winter productivity in this region. Physical processes in the ocean dictate where phyto- plankton occur, and the conditions they experience there. This paper focuses on such processes occupying horizontal-spatial scales mesoscale, and temporal scales of weeks to months. Sverdrup’s critical depth hypothesis states that net phytoplankton blooming will only occur when cells are trapped near the surface, where enough light is available to allow photosynthe- sis to compensate for loss processes, as long as nutri- ents are available (Sverdrup 1953). The depth at which daily depth-integrated loss processes first exceed daily depth-integrated production is labelled the ‘critical © Inter-Research 2007 · *Email: [email protected] Phytoplankton growth conditions during autumn and winter in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic Ben A. Ward 1, *, Joanna J. Waniek 2 1 National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK 2 Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Seestraße 15, 18119 Rostock, Germany ABSTRACT: Physical and chemical properties of the water column, along with meteorological condi- tions were examined for their relationship with phytoplankton biomass in the Irminger Sea during late autumn and early winter. Data were collected during 2 cruises to the region in November and December 2001 and November 2002. Phytoplankton biomass was approximated by (chl a) concen- trations within the water column. When examined during autumn and winter alone, the Irminger Sea was suitably described as one biogeochemical region responding to varying meteorological forcing. Hydrographic differences within the region were not observed to have a significant effect on phyto- plankton growth during this period. Strong correlations with latitude were seen in chl a concentra- tions, physical conditions (including mixed layer depth) and meteorological forcing (including net heat flux). Variability in autumn/winter phytoplankton growth conditions appears to be driven by light limitation modulated by meteorological forcing. The temporal and spatial scales of locations sampled in 2001 represent a progression in the physical and biological conditions from late autumn to early winter. Along this ‘virtual transect’, a baseline value of approximately 0.1 mg m –3 is seen in the mean chl a concentrations within the mixed layer. We postulate that convection provides a mech- anism for reduction of net losses of phytoplankton, by helping to keep phytoplankton within the mixed layer. Under such conditions, a deeper and therefore more accurate estimation of the critical depth would be valid. Evidence of the extended maintenance of phytoplankton within the mixed layer is presented in the form of the relative dominances of different phytoplankton groups. KEY WORDS: Phytoplankton · Winter production · Physical forcing · Light limitation · Meteorology · Irminger Sea Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

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Page 1: Phytoplankton growth conditions during autumn and winter ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 334: 47–61, 2007 Published


Vol. 334: 47–61, 2007 Published March 26


While physical, chemical and biological factors con-trolling spring and summer phytoplankton growth inthe North Atlantic have been the subject of muchresearch since the mid 20th century (e.g. Sverdrup1953, Barton et al. 2003), autumn and winter cruises inthis part of the Atlantic have been sparse as a result ofthe extremely inclement weather that often occurs atthis time (Backhaus et al. 2003). Two such cruises wereundertaken in the Irminger Sea as part of the NaturalEnvironment Research Council (NERC), Marine Pro-ductivity Thematic Programme, and these areanalysed here with a view to defining the physical and

chemical controls of autumn and winter productivity inthis region.

Physical processes in the ocean dictate where phyto-plankton occur, and the conditions they experiencethere. This paper focuses on such processes occupyinghorizontal-spatial scales ≥ mesoscale, and temporalscales of weeks to months. Sverdrup’s critical depthhypothesis states that net phytoplankton blooming willonly occur when cells are trapped near the surface,where enough light is available to allow photosynthe-sis to compensate for loss processes, as long as nutri-ents are available (Sverdrup 1953). The depth at whichdaily depth-integrated loss processes first exceed dailydepth-integrated production is labelled the ‘critical

© Inter-Research 2007 ·*Email: [email protected]

Phytoplankton growth conditions during autumnand winter in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic

Ben A. Ward1,*, Joanna J. Waniek2

1National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton,Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK

2Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Seestraße 15, 18119 Rostock, Germany

ABSTRACT: Physical and chemical properties of the water column, along with meteorological condi-tions were examined for their relationship with phytoplankton biomass in the Irminger Sea duringlate autumn and early winter. Data were collected during 2 cruises to the region in November andDecember 2001 and November 2002. Phytoplankton biomass was approximated by (chl a) concen-trations within the water column. When examined during autumn and winter alone, the Irminger Seawas suitably described as one biogeochemical region responding to varying meteorological forcing.Hydrographic differences within the region were not observed to have a significant effect on phyto-plankton growth during this period. Strong correlations with latitude were seen in chl a concentra-tions, physical conditions (including mixed layer depth) and meteorological forcing (including netheat flux). Variability in autumn/winter phytoplankton growth conditions appears to be driven bylight limitation modulated by meteorological forcing. The temporal and spatial scales of locationssampled in 2001 represent a progression in the physical and biological conditions from late autumnto early winter. Along this ‘virtual transect’, a baseline value of approximately 0.1 mg m–3 is seen inthe mean chl a concentrations within the mixed layer. We postulate that convection provides a mech-anism for reduction of net losses of phytoplankton, by helping to keep phytoplankton within themixed layer. Under such conditions, a deeper and therefore more accurate estimation of the criticaldepth would be valid. Evidence of the extended maintenance of phytoplankton within the mixedlayer is presented in the form of the relative dominances of different phytoplankton groups.

KEY WORDS: Phytoplankton · Winter production · Physical forcing · Light limitation · Meteorology ·Irminger Sea

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Page 2: Phytoplankton growth conditions during autumn and winter ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 334: 47–61, 2007 Published

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 334: 47–61, 2007

depth’. When the mixed layer penetrates below thisdepth, net daily production within the mixed layer is,by definition, unable to sustain net growth of phyto-plankton populations.

Over the entire North Atlantic subpolar gyre, wintermixed layer depths (MLD) are generally greater thanmost estimations of the critical depth which are usuallycalculated from levels of photosynthetically activeradiation (PAR) (Dutkiewicz et al. 2001, Follows &Dutkiewicz 2001, Siegel et al. 2002). According to thecritical depth theory, loss processes within the mixedlayer should exceed production, yet phytoplanktonpersist within the mixed layer throughout the winter inthe region (Backhaus et al. 2003). In the present study,winter levels of chl a in the Irminger Sea were investi-gated, and mechanisms allowing for maintenance ofwinter phytoplankton populations are discussed.

The presence of different water types, each charac-terised by variations in temperature, salinity and nutri-ent concentrations, can influence the magnitude andduration of spring phytoplankton blooms, eitherthrough variation in the nutrient concentrationsbetween water masses (Ga<ic et al. 2002, Thomas et al.2003), through variation in the propensity to stratifica-tion as a result of hydrography, or a combination of thetwo (Santoleri et al. 2003, Waniek 2003, Waniek et al.2005, Holliday et al. 2006). Holliday et al. (2006)defined 7 different zones with distinct hydrographicproperties seen during the Marine Productivity Pro-gramme, and analysed 6 in terms of stratification,nutrients and biological parameters within the contextof the annual cycle. They presented a unique set ofearly winter observations in the context of the seasonalcycle, but pointed out that the surveys were conductedin late autumn, and thus do not provide a usefuldescription of true winter conditions (Holliday et al.2006).

In the present study, the water types proposed byHolliday et al. (2006) are used as a starting frameworkfor the analysis of the cruise data. However, it will beshown that the hydrographic zone analysis is less use-ful in describing autumn/winter conditions in isolation,and that it is more useful to consider the data as vary-ing continuously with the changing seasons and withlatitude. Thus we present data in 3 ways: (1) accordingto the hydrographic zones defined by Holliday et al.(2006), (2) split between the 2 legs of Cruise D258 and(3) in relation to the latitude of sample stations. Theaim of using this format is to assess the importance oflatitudinal variability (and thus meteorological forcing)in comparison to hydrography within the context ofthis investigation. Finally, the Irminger Sea data willbe analysed to find evidence of the winter baselinephytoplankton population, and the mechanisms bywhich the stock is maintained will be investigated.


Study area. The Irminger Sea is located in the north-ern North Atlantic within the North Atlantic subpolargyre (Longhurst et al. 1995). It is bordered by Green-land in the northwest and Iceland in the northeast. TheDenmark Straight links the Irminger Sea with the Arc-tic Ocean, and Reykjanes Ridge, extending for approx-imately 750 miles southwest of Iceland, marks theboundary with the Iceland Basin to the east. TheLabrador Sea marks the southwestern boundary be-tween Cape Farewell and the tip of Reykjanes Ridge.Circulation within the basin is generally cyclonic(Lavender et al. 2000, Reverdin et al. 2003, Pollard et al.2004). A branch of the Irminger Current heads northalong the west side of Reykjanes Ridge, beforeretroflecting towards the southwest, south of Iceland.Here it merges with cold, dense northern overflows, be-fore heading southwest in the relatively fresh EastGreenland Current (Bacon 2002). The general cycloniccirculation leads to Ekman pumping across the base ofthe Ekman Layer; thus the water column may becomepreconditioned to convective overturning. It has beenshown that strong meteorological forcing, particularlyan orographically enhanced wind known as the‘Greenland Tip Jet’, can cause deep convection in theIrminger Sea to depths of 2000 m (Pickart et al. 2002,Bacon et al. 2003, Moore 2003, Pickart et al. 2003). Con-vection to such depths is rare, but winter overturningwithin the region may often reach depths between 200and 500 m (Pickart et al. 2003, Holliday et al. 2006). Fora more detailed description of the hydrography of theregion, particularly in relation to biology, the reader isreferred to Holliday et al. (2006) and Read (2001).

Surveys and data. In situ data were collected as partof the NERC Marine Productivity Thematic Pro-gramme, itself part of the international Global OceanEcosystem Dynamics project (GLOBEC). Data pre-sented here are from the 2 autumn/winter cruises ofthe RSS ‘Discovery’: November to December 2001(D258) and November 2002 (D267). Surveys duringD258 were collected over 2 legs, dated 1 to 22 Novem-ber 2001 and 28 November to 12 December 2001 (Pol-lard & Hay 2002). Data from D267 were collectedbetween 15 and 25 November 2002.

CTD casts yielded data for pressure (dbar), in situtemperature (°C), salinity, potential temperature (°C)and density (kg m–3) with a vertical resolution of 2 dbar.Salinity data from the CTD were calibrated againstdiscrete bottle samples to World Ocean CirculationExperiment (WOCE) standards (±0.002). Mixed layerdepths were estimated from profiles of potential densityusing the algorithm described in appendix 1 of Thom-son & Fine (2003). This technique approximates thedepth profile of potential density using a number of


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Ward & Waniek: Phytoplankton growth conditions in the Irminger Sea

linearly connected breakpoints. An algorithm is used toadjust the position of the breakpoints along the depthprofile such that an error threshold is not exceeded,whilst seeking the minimum number of breakpoints.

The resultant profile has the top 3 breakpoints locatedat the surface, the estimated base of the mixed layerand the estimated base of the pycnocline, respectively.See Fig. 1 for the study area and location of CTD casts.

Meteorological and sea-surface parameters weremeasured underway from a shipboard instrumentpackage throughout the cruise with a temporal resolu-tion of 2 min. The parameters recorded include: seasurface temperature (°C), sea surface salinity, sea sur-face chl a concentration (mg m–3), air pressure (dbar),solar irradiance (W m–2), wind speed (m s–1), winddirection (°) and humidity (%). Hereafter, these para-meters shall be referred to as ‘underway data’. Theunderway data were linked to each sampled station byfinding all values recorded within 0.01° in each com-pass direction of the location, finding the median of allthese data in time and calculating the mean from 12 hon either side of the median. In this way, underwaydata were acquired for approximately the same timesand positions of the CTD casts.

The net heat flux at the surface boundary was calcu-lated according to the parameters and formulae intable 2 of Waniek (2003), as the sum of the sensible andlatent heat fluxes, longwave back-radiation and sur-face irradiance.

Discrete samples for nutrient and chl a analysis werecollected from Niskin bottles on the CTD-Rosette sys-tem. All nutrient samples were collected in new 40 mlvials and refrigerated at 4°C until analysis. Analysis ofall samples took place within 12 h from the time ofsampling (Sanders & Jickels 2000). Concentrations ofthe dissolved inorganic nutrients nitrate and nitrite(hereafter collectively called nitrate), orthophosphate(hereafter phosphate) and silicate were measured onunfiltered water samples using a Scalar SanPlus seg-mented-flow autoanalyser based on the analyticalmethods of Kirkwood (1995). Throughout each samplerun, wash and drift standards were run every 10 to15 min to enable baseline and drift corrections. Nutri-ent concentrations were calculated using calibrationcurves obtained from dilution of the in-house stan-dards, analysis of Ocean Scientific International (OSI)nutrient standards, and measurement of deep oceanbulk seawater standard. The precision of the nutrientmeasurements was estimated to be better than±0.18 μM for nitrate and ±0.15 μM for silicate (1% ofstandard nitrate and 0.5% for silicate).

CTD and shipboard (underway) fluorometer readingswere converted to chl a concentrations by calibrationagainst discrete bottle samples. Water samples weredrawn into 5 l carboys. For the chlorophyll analysis, two200 ml aliquots were filtered through Whatmann GF/Ffilters. The filters were placed in amber glass vials con-taining 90% acetone and stored in the dark for 24 h toextract chl a. Samples for chl a were warmed to room


Fig. 1. Locations of the stations from (a) Cruise D258 and (b)Cruise D267. Circles: stations sampled during Leg 1 of D258;squares: stations sampled during Leg 2; triangles: all stationssampled during Cruise D267. Solid symbols: CTD casts; opensymbols: towed CTD (ARIES, Auto recording instrument sam-pler) casts; (*) the EGC(P) station was sampled by a towedCTD during Leg 2. Isobaths: 1000, 2000 and 3000 m. Watermasses — EGC(A) and (P): East Greenland Current (Atlanticand polar, respectively); CIS: central Irminger Sea; NIC andSIC: northern and southern Irminger Current, respectively;RRmw: Reykjanes Ridge mode water; IBW1 and IBW2:

Iceland Basin water (Leg 1 and Leg 2, respectively)

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temperature before the fluorescence was measured us-ing a Turner Design Fluorometer (TD700). Chlorophyllstandard solutions (Sigma) were used for calibration ofthe fluorometer prior to analysis of each set of samples.The chl a concentrations were calculated from the ab-sorbance measured at 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm in aCecil Spectrophotometer using the equations of Jeffrey& Humprey (1975). The Sea-Bird calibration was usedto convert the fluorometer readings in volts to nominalchl a in mg m–3. Calibration of the CTD fluorometer wasperformed by calculating a linear fit between the bottlesamples and CTD fluorometer readings. The calibra-tions for all stations was as follows: chl a = –0.028 +2.812 × fluorometer value with r2 = 0.96, σ = 0.05. TheSD of the residuals after applying the calibration to theCTD fluorometer data was 0.2 mg m–3. The detectionlimit of this fluorometer was 0.01 mg m–3. According toWaniek et al. (2005) there was no bias due to photo-inhibition in surface waters during daylight.

Phytoplankton samples were taken for laboratorymicroscopical identification at the surface, at thechlorophyll maximum and at 100 m depth. Upon analy-sis, total cell counts and carbon biomasses wereyielded for diatoms, heterotrophic and photosyntheticdinoflagellates of approximately 20 μm, 2 and 4 μm fla-gellates, picoplankton and ciliates. Duplicates of 100ml samples at each depth were preserved with 1%Lugol solution and 2% buffered formalin. Taxa wereenumerated using inverted microscopy. Counts forindividual species were converted to volume measure-ments of cells (Kovala & Larrance 1966) and then to cellcarbon using the cell volume to carbon relationshipsgiven by Eppley et al. (1970), as described by Holliganet al. (1984). Picoplankton samples were preservedwith glutaraldehyde and were enumerated with aLEICA DMIRB microscope at ×1000 magnification. Forfurther details, see Pollard & Hay (2002).

Attenuation of light and critical depth. Surface irra-diance data from shipboard underway measurementswere converted to PAR using an empirical algorithm(Kirk 1994):

(PAR = 0.49 · Isurface (1)

where Isurface is the downwelling irradiance at sea sur-face, in W m–2. As a first approximation, Ze (depth atwhich the downwelling PAR is reduced to 1% of thesurface value) was estimated using an empirical rela-tionship between the mean concentration of chl a inthe euphotic layer, C, and the depth of the euphoticlayer, Ze (Morel 1988) such that:


Eq. (2) was solved numerically for Ze at each stationusing the distribution of chl a within the surface layer

and assuming case 1 (i.e. sediment free) water (Jerlov1968). Given an approximation of the mean chl a con-centration within the euphotic zone (C), it is possible toderive spectral values of the light attenuation. Con-stants Kw(λ), χc(λ) and e(λ) are given for wavelengthsevery 5 nm between 400 and 700 nm in Table 2 ofMorel (1988). Combined with C in the equation:

(K(λ) = Kw(λ) + χc(λ)Ce(λ) (3)

a value of the attenuation coefficient K(λ) can bederived for each 5 nm band in the given range. As thespectral composition of PAR was not available, themean of K(λ) was taken over the spectral range, yield-ing a value of K that could be applied to the surfacePAR data. Using this technique, an estimation of thedownward flux of PAR was available at every depthfrom 0 to 500 m at all stations with irradiance and chl adata. The attenuation coefficient for the irradiance wasassumed to be the same as the attenuation coefficientfor PAR, based on the fact that most radiation outsidethe PAR spectral range is attenuated in the uppermetre of the water column (Sverdrup 1953).

The critical depth (ZCr) is defined by Siegel et al.(2002) after Sverdrup (1953) as the depth where depth-integrated, community loss processes balance depth-integrated production by photosynthesis. Communityloss processes are defined as all processes that lead toloss of phytoplankton biomass from the mixed layer(e.g. respiration, mortality, sinking, grazing, etc.).Siegel et al. (2002) also defines the community com-pensation irradiance (Ic) as the daily average irradi-ance within the mixed layer required for production tobalance community loss processes, assigning a valueof ~3.9 W m–2 based on satellite observations and insitu measurements in the North Atlantic between 50and 70° N. In practice, this is an estimate of the amountof light required within the mixed layer for the initia-tion of a spring bloom under nutrient replete condi-tions. If the mean daily surface irradiance (I0) and thediffuse attenuation coefficient (K) are known for eachstation, then they can be used in Eq. (4) to find an esti-mate of the critical depth (Siegel et al. 2002). Underconditions where light is sufficient for a bloom, thisvalue should be greater than the MLD:

(K ZCr)–1 (1–e–K ZCr) = Ic I0–1 (4)

Classification of hydrographic zones. Stations weregrouped into 7 zones according to surface hydro-graphic properties after Holliday et al. (2006). Thesezones were named: East Greenland Current Atlanticand polar (EGC[A] and [P], respectively), CentralIrminger Sea (CIS), Northern Irminger Current (NIC),Southern Irminger Current (SIC), Reykjanes Ridgemode water (RRmw) and Iceland Basin water type(IBwt). Further to the classification of Holliday et al.

z z C Zz

− −= =∫1 2 340

4190chl d e.


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(2006), IBwt is subdivided into 2 groups (IBW1 andIBW2), according to whether they were visited duringLeg 1 or Leg 2, respectively. Data were analysed withrespect to these classifications. Further details may befound in Holliday et al. (2006).

Statistical analysis. Wherever sensible, comparisonof 2 groups (e.g. the 2 cruise legs in D258) was doneusing Student’s t-test; comparison of multiple groups(e.g. different zonal classifications) was done usingANOVA and Tukey tests. All tests were carried out tothe 95% confidence level. When the data were not nor-mally distributed, or data were incompatible as a resultof nonhomogenous variances, statistical tests were notperformed.


Initially, only Cruise D258 was analysed, as it pro-vided a more extensive data set than Cruise D267.Cruise D267 is examined to verify patterns seen duringD258, and the 2 cruises are briefly compared in termsof interannual variability.

Mixed layer depths

Mixed layer depths (MLD) from Cruise D258 wereanalysed individually by station (Fig. 2a–c), accordingto the zonal classifications described in the Materialsand Methods (Fig. 2d–f), and according to cruise Legs(1 and 2) (Fig. 2g–i). It should be noted that zones CIS,SIC and IBW1 were sampled at 17 stations, 16 of whichwere sampled during Leg 1. Conversely, zonesEGC(A) and EGC(P), NIC, RRmw and IBW2 were sam-pled entirely during Leg 2, at 21 stations. Hereafter,these 2 groups will be referred to as Leg 1 zones andLeg 2 zones.

Analysis of the MLD from each zone reveals thateach of the Leg 1 zones has a mean value significantlydifferent from each of the Leg 2 zones. However, nosuch significance was found within each of the 2groups.

The mean MLD was 85 ± 27 dbar during Leg 1 and220 ± 49 dbar during Leg 2 (Figs. 3c,d & 2). The mixed-layer has a deeper mean value during Leg 2 than Leg1, and analysis of these 2 groups revealed that there isa statistically significant difference between the meanMLD of Legs 1 and 2.

Chl a

As with the MLD, chl a profiles were analysedaccording to hydrographic zone and cruise leg. The

mean chl a profiles (surface to 500 dbar) for each zoneare shown in Fig. 3a. Fig. 3b shows the correspondingpotential density profiles. For the sake of clarity, SDsare not shown in these figures. Fig. 3c,d shows themean chl a and potential density profiles for Leg 1 andLeg 2 ±SD.

Once again it should be noted that 94% of the sta-tions described by zones IBW1, CIS and SIC were sam-pled during Leg 1, and all stations described byEGC(A), EGC(P), NIC, RRmw and IBW2 were sampledduring Leg 2 .

Visual inspection suggests that variation in the verti-cal distribution of both chl a and potential density isbest described by the demarcation between Legs 1 and2. No statistical comparison of these profiles was possi-ble. However, in Fig. 3c, it can be seen that the distrib-utions of chl a, as described by 1 SD either side of themeans, are distinct in approximately the upper90 dbar, and between 150 and 200 dbar. The surface90 dbar contain higher concentrations of chl a duringLeg 1 than Leg 2, but between 150 and 250 dbar, theopposite is true, with concentrations distinctly higherduring Leg 2.

The pattern seen in the chl a profiles does not resolvewhether deepening of the mixed layer leads to achange in overall chl a biomass or simply causes aredistribution within the water column. To investigatethis, chl a concentrations were integrated over 3depths corresponding to the approximate range of themixed layer seen during the cruise. Fig. 2 shows theresults of these integrations in relation to the stationMLD: individually by Stn (a,b,c), by hydrographic zone(d,e,f) and by cruise leg (g,h,i).

Fig. 2a,d,g shows the chl a biomass integrated be-tween the surface and 50 dbar. Unsurprisingly, the in-tegrated chl a concentrations are lower at stations withgreater MLD. This can be partly explained by the50 dbar integration accounting for a greater proportionof a shallower mixed layer. Leg 1 has a mean MLD of~86 dbar (Fig. 2g), thus the 50 dbar integration repre-sents 58% of the mean mixed layer; Leg 2 on the otherhand has a mean MLD of ~226 dbar (Fig. 2g), and sothe 50 dbar integration covers only 22% of the meanmixed layer. Fig. 2b,e,h shows the chl a concentrationsintegrated between the surface and 125 dbar. This cov-ers over 100% of the Leg 1 mean MLD, and 55% in thecase of Leg 2. As a result of this, the concentrations ofchl a are higher during both legs than for the 50 dbarintegration. The final 3 panels — Fig. 2c,f,i — cover thesurface 325 dbar, which is the maximum MLD of allstations. Because this integration includes the entiremixed layer at all stations, it allows fair comparison ofthe total levels of chl a biomass in the water column,but only if it is assumed that there is negligible chl abiomass below the mixed layer. This assumption is


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supported by the chl a profiles in Fig. 3a,c, where chl aconcentrations drop off at the base of the mixed layer.Furthermore, it can be seen that increasing the inte-gration from 125 to 325 dbar has little effect on the re-sultant chl a concentrations during Leg 1, because bothdepths integrate to below most of the mixed layers dur-ing this leg. The 3 depths of integration were chosen toreflect the 2 deepest plankton-sampling depths duringthe cruises, and the deepest observed MLD.

Because of unequal variances, statistical tests couldnot be performed on the 50 dbar and 125 dbar data.However, for the 325 dbar data, it was revealed thatonly for the zone pairs EGC(A):SIC and EGC(A):IBW1

were the differences in chl a concentrations signifi-cant. Both of these pairings are between zones sam-pled entirely during different legs. There were no sig-nificant differences between zones sampled during thesame cruise leg.

The mean 325 dbar chl a concentrations from eachleg were found to be significantly different at the 95%level. So even when redistributions within the watercolumn are accounted for, the chl a concentrationsare significantly lower during Leg 2, in comparison toLeg 1.

MLD and total chl a can be thought of as manifesta-tions of the general physical (in terms of stratification)and biological oceanography of a region.


The distribution of nutrients within the surface500 dbar is shown in Fig. 4. Note that nutrient datawere only used from CTD stations. The distributionsof nutrients are quite distinct between the 2 cruiselegs. Statistical comparisons of the integrated nutri-








Surface − 50 dbar Surface − 125 dbar Surface − 325 dbar

















th in




a (m

g m

−2 )


0 100 200 300 4000






0 100 200 300 400

Mixed Layer Pressure (dbar)

0 100 200 300 400


Leg 1

Leg 2

a b c

d e f

g h i









Fig. 2. Depth integrated chlorophyll a (mg m–2) within the surface (a,d,g) 50 dbar, (b,e,h) 125 dbar and (c,f,i) 325 dbar, plottedagainst mixed layer depth. (a–c) Values at each station, (d–f) mean values within hydrographic zones (±SD), (g–i) mean (±SD) of

stations grouped by cruise leg. Circles: Leg 1, Squares: Leg 2 (except EGC[P] zone, shown by asterisk)

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ent data revealed that in the surface 50 and 125 dbarlayers there are significant differences in nitrate,phosphate and silicate from Leg 1 to Leg 2. However,concentrations of these nutrients, integrated over thesurface 325 dbar, are not significantly different be-tween Leg 1 and Leg 2. The profiles in Fig. 4 showthe expected effect of redistribution in winter, wheredepleted surface waters were replenished frombeneath due to convective mixing. At the end of win-ter all the profiles will have similar vertical structureand will differ only by the actual surface valuesbecause of differences in vertical mixing. Unfortu-nately, no useful conclusions regarding the overallnutrient distribution can be drawn from these statisti-cal tests, as the 325 dbar integrations will often becorrupted by the high nutrient concentrations belowthe mixed layer.


Stations sampled during Leg 1 had a mean latitudeof 57° N (SD = 2.4°); stations sampled during Leg 2 had

a mean latitude 62° N (SD = 2.5°). A t-test revealedthese 2 distributions were significantly different.Analysis using simple correlation coefficients (not pre-sented here) revealed that the spatial distribution ofstations was more useful in describing variability in therelevant physical and biological oceanography thanthe temporal distribution. To investigate this further,a range of parameters was plotted with respect tolatitude, and the results are presented below.

Fig. 5 shows a selection of vertically integrated bio-logical and physical parameters plotted against lati-tude. Also included in this figure are correspondingvalues from Cruise D267 (November 2002). DuringCruise D258, significant and strong (r < –0.7) negativecorrelations are seen between latitude and chl a bio-mass across the 3 depth ranges. Latitude and potentialdensity show similar, but positive correlations acrossthe same depth ranges. Strong negative correlationsare seen between latitude and potential temperatureacross the surface 50 and 125 dbar, with a modestnegative correlation across the surface 325 dbar. Nocorrelation was seen between latitude and salinityacross any tested depth range.




e (d






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6−500

























Chl a (mg m–3)

26.5 27 27.5 28

σθ (kg m−3)


Leg 1 Leg 2

Leg 1 Leg 2


Fig. 3. Mean chl a (mg m–3) and potential density (σθ, kg m–3) profiles from surface to 500 dbar for (a,b) all zones and (c,d)both D258 cruise legs. Dotted lines in panels c and d: ±1 SD. Points plotted beside lines (in c,d): mean mixed layer depths for each

leg (±1 SD) (circles: Leg 1; squares: Leg 2)

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During Cruise D267, a strong negative correlationwas seen between latitude and chl a biomass in thesurface 50 dbar, which is reduced to a modest negativecorrelation in the surface 125 dbar. There is no sig-nificant correlation over 325 dbar. There is a strong

positive correlation between latitude and potentialdensity in the surface 50 and 125 dbar, with a modestpositive correlation in the surface 325 dbar. Potentialtemperature is modestly negatively correlated withlatitude over 50 and 125 dbar, with no significant cor-


Fig. 4. Nutrient concentration (μM) profiles grouped by cruise leg for nitrate, (+ nitrite) phosphate and silicate. Solid lines: Leg 1;dotted lines: Leg 2; Middle lines: mean at each depth; outlying lines: ±1 SD. Plotted points beside lines in each panel: mean mixed

layer depth for Leg 1 (circles) and Leg 2 (squares)

Fig. 5. Integrated chl a (mg m–2), mean potential density (σθ, kg m–3), mean potential temperature (°C) and mean salinity, betweenthe surface and 50, 125 and 325 m, all plotted against station latitude. Circles and squares: Leg 1 and Leg 2 stations, respectively,for Cruise D258; triangles: D267 stations. Bold numbers: correlation coefficients (r) for D267 (top of panel) and D258 (bottom

of panel), where significant

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relation over 325 dbar. Again, there is no significantcorrelation with salinity at any depth.

Fig. 6 shows 3 meteorological parameters plottedagainst latitude. The net heat flux shows a modestnegative correlation with latitude, with the strongestnegative fluxes clearly at the most northerly stations.Similar, negative correlations are seen in the 2 para-meters describing the irradiance.

The surface irradiance describes the light at thebottom of the atmosphere, and is thus independent ofattenuation by water and particulates in the surfacelayers. An estimate of the mean light within the mixedlayer was made using the attenuation coefficient, K.Both of these irradiance variables show a modest neg-ative correlation with latitude, indicating that lightmay become a more important limiting factor towardsthe pole.

Fig. 7 illustrates how the MLD exceeds the criticaldepth in terms of absolute scale (upper panel, whereboth are plotted on the same axis in relation to latitude)and in relative terms (the ZCr:MLD ratio, lower panel).It can be seen that at the higher latitudes the MLD isseveral hundred meters deeper than the critical depth,yielding ZCr:MLD ratios as low as 0.01.

The relative dominance of different phytoplanktongroups within the surface waters shows some signifi-cant correlations with latitude (Fig. 8). The carbonbiomass of 3 groups is shown as a percentage of thetotal phytoplankton carbon biomass. Of the signifi-cant patterns seen, diatoms decrease as a percentagetowards the north at both 10 and 50 m, while flagel-lates are seen to increase as a percentage at thesame depths. Picoplankton significantly (but weakly)increase as a percentage towards the north at 50 m,but no significant pattern was seen at 10 m withinthis group.


The data collected during Marine ProductivityCruises D258 and D267 provide a multidisciplinarysynopsis of late autumn and winter conditions in theIrminger Sea, describing a range of important physical,chemical and biological parameters. Analysis of theresults presented in this paper allows a description ofthe mechanisms by which abiotic factors dictate theperhaps unexpectedly high chl a concentrations seenin a high latitude ocean during the winter months. Ashort summary of these results is presented below.

During the 2 autumn/winter cruises, the MLD wasseen to increase with latitude, apparently caused byconvective overturning as a result of thermally-drivenbuoyancy fluxes. These fluxes also increased towardsthe pole. In combination with reduced irradiance athigher latitudes, this deepening of the mixed layer wasseen to cause lower mean irradiances available tophytoplankton within that layer.

As the MLD increased and light was reduced withlatitude, mean chl a concentrations within the mixedlayer declined. Furthermore, chl a concentrations inte-grated across the upper 325 dbar (the maximum extentof the mixed layer observed in this study) also de-creased. This suggests that while mean phytoplanktonconcentrations fell as the existing population wasredistributed over the deepening mixed layer, theeffect was augmented as the overall biomass wasreduced by light limitation at high latitudes. This lightlimitation hypothesis is supported by the consistentlyhigh concentrations of nutrients observed throughoutboth surveys.

Despite the extremely low PAR seen at higher lati-tudes during the winter months, the chl a concentra-tions within the mixed layer never fell below approxi-


Fig. 6. Individual station values for net heat flux, irradiance at the surface and mean irradiance within the mixed layer (ML), allplotted against latitude. Circles and squares: D258 Leg 1 and Leg 2 stations, respectively; dotted black line: zero net heat flux;

bold numbers: correlation coefficients (r), where significant

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Fig. 7. Individual station values for (upper panel) mixed layer depth (MLD) and critical depth (ZCr) and (lower panel) ZCr:MLD ra-tio, all plotted against latitude. Closed symbols: MLD, open symbols: ZCr; circles and squares: D258 Leg 1 and Leg 2

stations, respectively; dotted line: ZCr:MLD value of 0.4; bold numbers: correlation coefficients (r), where significant

Fig. 8. Phytoplankton assemblages from Cruise D258 for diatoms, flagellates and picoplankton, as a percentage of totalcarbon biomass, at 10 and 50 m. Circles: Leg 1 stations, squares: Leg 2 stations; bold numbers in graphs: correlation coefficients

(r), where significant (includes significant but weak correlations)

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mately 0.1 mg m–3. This baseline value was ubiquitousand constant across the entire mixed layer during peri-ods of strong light limitation, regardless of the depth ofthe mixed layer. Conversely, chl a concentrationsbelow the mixed layer were always close to the detec-tion limit of 0.01 mg m–3.

In the following sections, an attempt is made toanswer 2 questions: (1) How is spatial and temporalvariability in mean chl a concentrations (as a proxy forphytoplankton biomass) controlled?; and (2) Why dothese concentrations not fall to zero under extremelylight-limited winter conditions? The maintenance ofthe over-wintering stock is an important problem,because it is this stock that provides the seed popula-tion for the spring bloom (Backhaus et al. 1999). Thespring bloom occurs every year in the North Atlantic,to a greater or lesser extent, and the initial growth rateof the bloom has been shown to be dependent on thepre-bloom phytoplankton composition (Waniek 2003).The magnitude and duration of the spring bloom is animportant factor in the global carbon and nutrientcycles and has been a perennial subject of interest foroceanographers for over 70 years (Gran & Braarud1935, Sverdrup 1953, Menzel & Ryther 1961, Fasham1995, Follows & Dutkiewicz 2001, Waniek 2003,Waniek et al. 2005).

It has been noted that during the seasonal bloom inthe subpolar gyre, chl a concentrations decrease withconvective mixing and increase with stratification(Waniek 2003), while in the subtropical gyre chloro-phyll concentrations increase with convective mixing(Menzel & Ryther 1961). Follows & Dutkiewicz (2001)hypothetically split the North Atlantic into 2 distinctregions, according to the ratio of the critical depth tothe MLD, ZCR:MLD (Hc:Hm in Follows & Dutkiewicz2001). The subpolar gyre is defined by ZCR:MLD ratiosof less than 0.4, where the MLD is much greater thanthe critical depth, and production is generally limitedby reduced light availability with increased mixingrather than by nutrient limitation upon prolongedstratification. Fig. 7 shows that the ZCR:MLD ratios dur-ing Cruise D258, unsurprisingly, lie firmly within thesubpolar regime. Different estimations of the criticaldepth (Siegel et al. 2002) and MLD (Thomson & Fine2003) were used in this study, but the underlying prin-ciple is the same. This suggests that light, as a functionof latitude and depth of mixing, is the most importantlimiting factor in the Irminger Sea, and this is sup-ported by observed nutrient concentrations that arewell above limiting values (Sambrotto et al. 1993,Fasham 1995).

During both cruises analysed in this study, atmos-pheric conditions, hydrographic conditions and chl abiomass are all strongly correlated with latitude andmoderately correlated with time. It seems that as the

cruises move forward in time and northward in space,the meteorological forcing increases, leading to deep-ening of the mixed layer and shoaling of the criticaldepth. This ultimately leads to a deterioration of thephytoplankton growth conditions and a reduced bio-mass. The shift from moderate–late autumn biomassconditions to low–early winter biomass conditions iscontrolled in this way. Specifically, towards the ArcticCircle, stronger and colder winds lead to greater heatfluxes and buoyancy losses from the surface waters,causing a deepening of the mixed layer. Phytoplanktonare thus mixed further away from the surface, reduc-ing the amount of light they receive. This process isaugmented by the changing irradiance, which alsofalls towards the pole; and production is increasinglylimited towards the winter baseline concentration of0.1 mg m–3.

In summary of the underlying causes of spatial andtemporal variability, the shift from autumn to winterand from south to north is accompanied by increasinglight limitation and reduced chl a concentrations, inagreement with previously published work (Sverdrup1953, Menzel & Ryther 1961, Follows & Dutkiewicz2001). What the conventional theories cannot explain,however, is why the mean chl a concentrations in themixed layer never fall below the baseline level seen inthis study and also in Backhaus et al. (2003).

During Leg 2 of D258, the ZCR:MLD ratio falls to 0.01(Stn 14287: ZCR = 3 m, MLD = 297 dbar) (Fig. 7), with thedaily mean irradiance in the mixed layer falling to 0.4 Wm–2 (Fig. 6). Yet the mean chl a biomass in the mixedlayer remains about 0.1 mg m–3, never falling to thedetection-limit concentrations consistently seen belowthe mixed layer. Furthermore, in the underway data, theminimum surface chl a value seen during the entirecruise was 0.09 mg m–3. So, despite the extremely lowirradiances in the mixed layer seen during most of CruiseD258 and all of Cruise D267, it appears that there isalways a baseline phytoplankton population within thesurface mixed layer. This supports the observations ofBackhaus et al. (2003) that a winter population ismaintained even under conditions of very deep mixing.Complimentary evidence has been presented heresuggesting that while chl a concentrations do fall withincreased MLD during the autumn regime, once theconditions are characteristic of the winter regime, meanconcentrations remain constant at around 0.1 mg m–3

across the entire mixed layer (Fig. 3).Assuming that the community loss processes

described earlier are ongoing in winter, it is surprisingthat the biomass concentrations can be maintained insuch low light conditions. To realign this imbalancewith conventional theories, it will be necessary toeither find a greater capability for production, giventhe strong light-limitation of growth, or to reduce the


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community loss processes. By re-evaluating thesequalities, it may be possible for estimates of the criticaldepth to be revised downwards (deeper), thus allowingfor an explanation of the sustained biomass.

Looking at the first of these 2 approaches, Backhauset al. (2003) sought extra primary production withinthe winter mixed layer and described how convectiveoverturning may provide a mechanism by which phy-toplankton are exposed to mean irradiances muchhigher than was previously estimated. Through regu-lar convective cycling, individual phytoplankton arerepeatedly moved in and out of the euphotic zone ontimescales on the order of 1 d. Thus phytoplanktonwithin the winter mixed layer can be said to occupy a‘virtual euphotic zone’, where daily light intensity maybe averaged over the entire depth of the mixed layerbecause of the redistribution of phytoplankton by con-vection.

Backhaus et al. (2003) suggested that constant con-vective redistribution of individual phytoplanktoneliminates the importance of the Sverdrup (1953) com-pensation depth, which is defined as the point whereproduction of biomass equals losses by respiration,sinking and mortality at that particular depth. How-ever, the compensation depth is only relevant to localprimary production/loss balance at an individualdepth. The more useful parameter is critical depth,defined as the depth where daily community loss pro-cesses (to use Siegel et al.’s (2002) term) and primaryproduction balance when integrated between thatdepth and the surface.

It is true that the original theory reported by Sver-drup (1953) may not account for all the primary pro-duction in the mixed layer, as the theory ignores anyprimary production between the critical depth and adeeper MLD, but it can be shown that this is not impor-tant, because the theory also ignores the greater com-munity loss processes across the same depths.

The depth profile of irradiance decreases exponen-tially with depth, and it is assumed that primary produc-tion is linearly related to irradiance in the predominantlylight-limited conditions. Thus, primary production alsodecreases exponentially with depth. The community lossprocesses, however, remain constant with depth. At thecompensation depth, primary production exactly bal-ances losses, and below this, the local budget for netcommunity production can only be negative.

During the winter, the MLD is deeper than the criti-cal depth, almost by definition. What Backhaus et al.(2003) do with the virtual mixed layer is to increase theintegration from the critical depth to the MLD acrosswhich range the local balance between primary pro-duction and community loss processes is always nega-tive. This may actually be a more accurate approxima-tion of the production vs. loss balance, but it does not

find the extra production needed to answer the ques-tion of how a baseline of phytoplankton population ismaintained. This is not to say that convection is notimportant in redistributing the phytoplankton withinthe mixed layer. In fact, over such depths of mixingthat are reported here, convective motions are the pri-mary cause of the vertical homogeneity that is seen.Convection does not, however, allow for any extra pro-duction to be found that is not already accounted for bySverdrup (1953).

Convection may yet play a role in maintaininghigher than expected phytoplankton biomass, becauseof the upward vertical motions implied by the conser-vation of mass. As dense water sinks from the surface,less dense water must also rise from deep in the mixedlayer to replace it. These upward vertical motions mayplay a role in maintaining the phytoplankton in themixed layer for a longer period, and thus reduce theloss terms (Backhaus et al. 1999).

Instead of looking for extra production, the secondapproach is to see if losses by respiration, natural (non-grazing) mortality, herbivory and sinking across thebase of the mixed layer are erroneous, in which casethe critical depth could also be wrong.

In our study, the community loss processes are de-rived from an assumed community compensation irra-diance of 3.9 W m–2. This was calculated from Siegel etal. (2002) as the mean value between 50° and 70° N,based on spring and summer data. Because of the highvariability in growth conditions during the seasonal cy-cle, it is most likely invalid to assume that this value isconstant throughout the year, so a reassessment of theloss processes seems sensible. Firstly, sinking losses arereassessed with respect to convection.

Convection involves an overturning of dense waterin narrow plumes with vertical scales of the order of100 to 1000 m and horizontal scales of a few km. Thenarrow downward flux of water is accompanied by amore diffuse upwelling within a convection plume,which is required to satisfy conservation of mass (Mar-shall & Schott 1999). This cyclic motion may serve totrap particulate matter, including phytoplankton,within the mixed layer for longer (Backhaus et al. 1999,Williams & Follows 2003).

Huisman et al. (1999, 2002), examined the role of tur-bulence within the mixed layer using a turbulent diffu-sion model, and thus they suggested that phytoplank-ton with relatively low sinking velocities may bemaintained longer above the critical depth under con-ditions of moderate turbulent mixing (Huisman et al.2002). The speed at which phytoplankton sink in thewater column is dependent on their size, shape, buoy-ancy and motility (Smayda 1970). For phytoplanktonwith greater sinking velocities, sinking exceeds theeffects of turbulent mixing earlier, and thus the win-


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dow of intermediate turbulence where populations canbe maintained is reduced (Huisman et al. 2002).

The modelling study of Huisman et al. (2002) showsthat phytoplankton with relatively low sinking veloci-ties may be maintained above the critical depth underconditions of moderate turbulent mixing. While theconvective regime of the Irminger Sea in winter will behighly turbulent, it seems that if there can be competi-tion between sinking and turbulence (Huisman et al.2002), there may also be competition between sinkingand convection at the base of the mixed layer. If this isthe case, phytoplankton with lesser sinking velocitieswill be maintained for longer periods in the mixedlayer by tight coupling to convective motions of thewater (Backhaus et al. 1999). This means that slowersinking phytoplankton will have a deeper criticaldepth, and thus they will gain a selective advantage inthe severely light-limited mixed layer during the win-ter (Huisman 1999).

Fig. 8 shows observed phytoplankton biomasses bygroup as a percentage of the total phytoplankton bio-mass. Picoplankton biomass percentages are seen tosignificantly increase with latitude at 50 m depth (inline with the postulated move from autumn to winter),while diatoms show the opposite pattern at 10 and50 m. Picoplankton are by definition very small (0.2 to2.0 μm, Nybakken 1997), and according to Stoke’s law,they are less prone to sinking than larger groups(Gardner 1997). Diatoms are characterised by a largeand fairly dense silica-based structure, making themprone to sinking (Billet et al. 1983). The apparentselection of picoplankton in favour of diatoms underwinter conditions seems to support the hypothesis thatthey will be maintained in the water column for longerperiods, because they are more closely coupled to(mostly) convective motions of the water column (Huis-man et al. 2002). Because the export of the smallerphytoplankton is reduced, the community loss termsare also diminished, and thus the critical depth canalso be revised downwards.

It is important to note that even though diatoms fallas a percentage of the total phytoplankton biomass,this is not evidence that they are directly disadvan-taged by convection; it is simply that they are favouredless than the flagellates or picoplankton. The typicalwater velocities in a convective regime are in the orderof 1 to 10 cm s–1, while a relatively fast phytoplankton-sinking rate of 200 m d–1 corresponds to only 0.23 cms–1. ‘With this large difference between convectiondynamics and sinking rates, it is very likely that thevertical motions induced by convection will …overridethe effect of sinking’ (Backhaus et al. 1999). Thisincludes diatoms.

Diatoms are typically the first species to bloom in theIrminger Sea (Wassman et al. 1999), and thus if they

were not present in the winter population it wouldraise a difficult question as to where they came from.However, it seems that even the fast sinking diatomsare maintained by convection to some extent, as evenduring Leg 2 of Cruise D258, they account for 3% ofthe phytoplankton biomass at 10 m, and 4% at 50 m.This is compared to 6 and 9% at the same depthsduring Leg 1.

Another mechanism by which phytoplankton main-tain themselves within the mixed layer is throughmotility (Sverdrup 1953). If this is true, then the motilegroups should be favoured in winter conditions overnon-motile, fast-sinking groups like the diatoms. It hasalready been shown that diatoms decrease as a frac-tion of the total biomass in winter, and it can be seen inFig. 8 that the motile heterotrophic and photosyntheticdinoflagellates show a significant positive correlationwith latitude at 10 and 50 m depths. Again this is indi-rect evidence that species which are maintained withinthe mixed layer for longer periods have an advantageover those species that are not.

If the observed patterns in the phytoplankton com-munities represent a genuine selection process, then itis indirect evidence that one of the ways by which anover-wintering stock is maintained in the mixed layeris by reduction of the community loss through reduceddetrainment from the mixed layer. This is a similar con-clusion to that of Backhaus et al. (2003), but the mech-anism by which ZCr is revised is different, and ZCr is notfixed to the base of the mixed layer.

Community loss processes also include grazing pres-sure from zooplankton (Siegel et al. 2002). Modellingstudies have shown that in a deeply mixed, light-lim-ited mixed layer in winter, phytoplankton production isvery low, and herbivorous zooplankton populationscan not maintain concentrations as high as during thesummer months (Evans & Parslow 1989, Fasham 1995).Copepod species in the northern North Atlantic havealso been shown to spend the winter deep in the watercolumn in a dormant, non-feeding state (Hirsche 1983,Bathman et al. 1990). Furthermore, in a sparsely popu-lated ocean, the encounter rate between phytoplank-ton and zooplankton will be less than in a densely pop-ulated ocean, and so grazing will be further reduced inwinter. It has also been suggested that while moderatelevels of turbulence may enhance encounter ratesbetween plankton (and hence grazing pressure),strong turbulence, as might be seen during a convec-tive regime, could have a detrimental effect on thefeeding currents used by zooplankton to ingest phyto-plankton (Saiz et al. 1992).

At the time of writing, zooplankton data wereunavailable from either cruise. It has therefore beenimpossible to draw any firm conclusions regarding therole of herbivory in the observed ecosystem. However,


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if some of the ideas presented here are to be examinedfurther, i.e. a reappraisal of community loss processes,then analysis of such data, in the context of the sea-sonal cycle, would be the logical next step.

Further to this, use of a biological-physical modelthat utilises discrete functional phytoplankton groupswould allow for a useful test of the hypothesis that cer-tain groups gain a selective advantage during winterby means of a low sinking rate. How this relates to theubiquitous 0.1 mg m–3 baseline chl a concentrationshould also be investigated.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank the crew of the RSS‘Discovery’ and the scientists involved in the Marine Produc-tivity Thematic Programme cruises, funded by the NaturalEnvironment Research Council (NERC, UK), a contribution toUK GLOBEC. The authors thank the 3 referees for their valu-able comments on the submitted manuscript and for theirhelp to clarify and improve the manuscript.


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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor-in-Chief), Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany

Submitted: August 11, 2005; Accepted: June 19, 2006 Proofs received from author(s): February 1, 2007