phytochemical analysis of plant extracts


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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Phytochemical Analysis is devoted to the publication of original articles on the utilization of analytical methodology in the plant sciences. The spectrum of coverage is broad encompassing methods and techniques relevant to the extraction separation purification identification and qualification of substances in plant biochemistry plant cellular and molecular biology plant biotechnology the food sciences agriculture and horticulture. The Journal welcomes papers on the analysis of whole plants (including bacteria and algae) plant cells tissues and organs plant-derived extracts and plant products (including those which have been partially or completely refined for use in the food agrochemical pharmaceutical and related industries). All forms of physical chemical biochemical spectroscopic radiometric electrometric and chromatographic investigations of plant products (monomeric species as well as polymeric molecules such as nucleic acids proteins lipids and carbohydrates) will be included. Phytochemical Analysis is intended to serve as a major resource for information on analytical and instrumental methodology in the plant sciences.


PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OFPLANT EXTRACTSArizaldo E. CastroLecturer I, S!O"#ecti$es%Orie&t o&esel' (it) t)e co&ce*t o' *la&t e+tract *re*aratio&.%Carr, out *),toc)e-ical scree&i&. o' *la&t e+tracts 'or co-*ou&ds suc) as as/%Al0aloids%Cardiac .l,cosides%Sa*o&i&sI&troductio&%P),toc)e-ical a&al,sis i& Et)&o"ota&, is a rele$a&t e+ercise to "e co-*leted. %Medici&al *la&ts )a$e "ee& used ", rural d(ellers (orld(ide si&ce a&ti1uit,.%T)era*eutic *ote&tials o' -edici&al *la&ts2 !i$ersit, o' Seco&dar, -eta"olites t)e, *roduce.%Medici&al a&d t)era*eutic a**licatio&s o' *la&ts i&clude t)e 'ollo(i&. %A&tio+ida&ts%A&ti"acterial%A&ti$iral%A&ti*arasitic%A&ti3i&'la--ator,%A&ti&eo*lastic.P l a & t M a t e r i a lI d e & t i t , o ' * l a & t - u s t " e e s t a " l i s ) e d a & d " e , o & d1 u e s t i o &4 o u c ) e r s * e c i - e & - u s t " e 0 e * tP l a & t E + t r a c tS o l $ e & t E + t r a c t i o & , S u * e r ' i c i a l F l u i d E + t r a c t i o & ,M i c r o ( a $ e 3 A s s i s t e d E + t r a c t i o & , S o l i d P ) a s eE + t r a c t i o &P ) , t o c ) e - i c a lS r e e & i & .T e s t s ' o r t ) e * r e s e & c e o ' / a l 0 a l o i d s , s t e r o i d s ,t e r * e & o i d s , a & t ) r a 1 u i & o & e s , ' l a $ o & o i d s , s a * o & i & s ,t a & & i & s , * o l , * ) e & o l s5o $s. 6o Pla&t Meta"olites7)ic) is *roduced i& "ul0, *ri-ar, or seco&dar, -eta"olites8Pri-ar, Meta"olites i&clude Car"o),drates, Protei&s, a&d Li*idsSeco&dar, Meta"olites i&clude Al0aloids, Steroids, a&d Fla$o&oidsPHYTOCHEMICALS%Alkaloids%Glycosides%Saponins%Fla$o&oids%Ta&&i&s%Ter*e&es%A&t)ra1ui&o&esAl0aloids%Lar.est .rou* o' 6o -eta"olites%C)e-icall, -ade u* o' a--o&ia co-*ou&ds 9&itro.e& "ases: (it) $arious radicals re*laci&. o&e or -ore o' t)e ),dro.e& ato-s i& t)e *e*tide ri&., -ost co&tai&i&. o+,.e&.PROPERTIES OF AL;ALOI!S%Al0ali&e i& reactio& 9tur&s red lit-us *a*er to "lue, ca& "e attri"uted &itro.e& ato-s:%Reacts (it) acids to 'or- cr,stal salt (it)out t)e *roductio& o' (ater%Most e+ist as solids%So-e e+ist as li1uids%Readil, solu"le i& alco)ol%itter taste%et 5 -l o' e+tract, add 6 to ? dro*s o' Ma,erFs rea.e&t. Record ,our o"ser$atio&s.9G: = Sli.)t Tur"idit,9GG: = !e'i&ite Tur"idit,9GGG: = Hea$, Preci*itatio&%B.2 Analysis for Cardiac glycoside contents%Ta0e a& e1ui$ale&t o' 5@ . *la&t -aterial 'ro- t)e stoc0 solutio& *re*ared i& Procedure A. %E$a*orate sa-*le to i&ci*ie&t dr,&ess o$er a (ater "at). Cool to roo- te-*erature.%!e'at ", ta0i&. u* t)e residue (it) H -l o' )e+a&e a&d (ater, 6/5 $A$.%Partitio& ", .e&tl, s)a0i&. t)e -i+ture i& a test tu"e.%Pi*ette out t)e u**er )e+a&e la,er.%Re*eat t)e treat-e&t (it) )e+a&e u&til -ost o' t)e colored *i.-e&ts )a$e "ee& re-o$ed. !iscard all t)e )e+a&e e+tracts *ro*erl,.%Heat t)e de'atted a1ueous la,er o$er a (ater "at) to re-o$e t)e residual )e+a&e. Cool to roo- te-*erature.%B.2.1 Keller-Kiliani Test%Add ? -l 'erric c)loride to o&e o' t)e *ortio&s o"tai&ed i& *rocedure .6. Stir.%7it) t)e test tu"e i& a& i&cli&ed *ositio&, add 5 -l o' co&ce&trated sul'uric acid allo(i&. it to tric0le o& t)e i&sides o' t)e test tu"e.%Allo( t)e -i+ture to sta&d u*ri.)t a&d o"ser$e 'or a&, coloratio& at t)e i&ter'ace o' t)e acid a&d t)e a1ueous la,ers.%B.3 Analysis for Saonin Contents%Load a ca*illar, tu"e 95E -- + 5 --: (it) t)e *la&t e+tract o"tai&ed 'ro- *rocedure A. O"tai& *la&t e+tract (it) a )ei.)t o' 5@ --.% Load a&ot)er ca*illar, tu"e (it) sa-e $olu-e o' distilled (ater.%Li't t)e ca*illar, tu"es a&d 0ee* "ot) i& a $ertical *ositio& to allo( t)e li1uid i&side to 'lo( out 'reel,.%Co-*are t)e )ei.)t o' t)e li1uids i& t)e t(o tu"es.T)a&0 You