physician know thy customers

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Australia | Canada | France | India | New Zealand | Singapore | Switzerland | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States ©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

Physician, Know Thy User!Physician, Know Thy User!Using Personas to Target Content and UsabilityUsing Personas to Target Content and Usability

Joe SokohlDocTrain Life Sciences

June 2008

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June 2008 2©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

User Experience Design Solutions

Defining Experiences that Meet Users’ Needs

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June 2008 3©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

Product Design Team

BusinessBAs, SMEs

Employ established, industry-standard user-centered design (UCD) techniques to:

• Understand users’ goals and objectives• Research, observe, and interview users to analyze and prioritize their needs • Plan and design high-quality experiences that enable user and business success• Apply a philosophy of continuous improvement to rapid design iterations

Prioritize smaller initial investments to yield user and business insights that guide long-term user experience implementation and management strategy

A UCD Approach


User-Centered Design TeamInformation Architects, Visual Designers, Web Developers,

Technical Writers

Architects, Engineers

“You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction site.” — Frank Lloyd Wright

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June 2008 4©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

User personas and scenarios aggregate key findings of user research to describe “real people” and how they will use the future application. Instead of mere system abstractions, they describe complex functionality in a way both system developers and client stakeholders can understand.

People-Based Design


Fictionalized representations of real user groups upon which application design decisions can be based, personas include descriptions of users’ goals, pressures and pain points, work environment, critical requirements of the site, key opportunities to address those requirements, and other contextual information.


A critical first step in translating personas into detailed design insight, scenarios demonstrate key tasks that target users need to perform when interacting with the system, and describe at a high level how the system will help users accomplish those tasks.

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June 2008 5©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

“…all aspects of the user’s interaction with a company, its

services, and its products.”

What is User Experience?


Users perform Tasks to achieve their Goals

Users interact with features and functions in your products, Websites, applications, and devices

Positive Experience•Loyalty• Increased sales•Referrals•Brand enhancement

Negative Experience•Dissatisfaction•Loss of business• “Stay-away” word of mouth

•Brand deterioration

Expectations Frame the Experience

Users filter their experience through

•Brand perception•Prior experience

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June 2008 6©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

A Good User Experience is Intentional

If you go to a fine French restaurant, you park your car, go inside, and order food from a human being who brings the food to you. If you go to McDonald's, you park your car, go inside, and order food from a human being who brings the food to you.

The dining experience, however, is vastly different. The quality of food also plays a factor. But even if both restaurants served the same fare, it is the overall experience that will ultimately satisfy users and make the experience a pleasurable one.

– Alan Cooper

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June 2008 7©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

Using Research to Define the User

Case Study

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June 2008 8©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

What the Project Was All About

With the integration of the various business divisions into one digital portal, Icon Medialab helped the customer provide a wide range of services to assist healthcare professionals in better serving patients. These services include training, education, consulting and access to clinical protocols, as well as a guide to products that helps healthcare professionals accomplish their clinical and business goals.

The uniqueness of this special B-to-B e-commerce site was marked by state-of-the art information service; a wide range of clinical product specification; and easy support, pricing and ordering. Icon Medialab would support the client's existing brand strategy by focusing strongly on the users as well as clear usability.

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Existing information• Cooper Research• CT Web study• BCG workshops

Interviews• 43 interviews• 10 GGs plus Women‘s Health• 4 countries• Predominately face-to-face• More than 50 hours of interviews

Heuristics• How do people use the Internet?• How do people interact with information sources?

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Our Task

Constraints• Time• Materials• Expectations• Politics

Cooperation• Speed of reaction from GGs• Multiple offices of multiple companies

“The problem with ‘quick and dirty,’…is that ‘dirty’ is remembered long after ‘quick’ is forgotten.”___Steve McConnell, Software Project Survival Guide

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June 2008 11©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

Interviews and Such

“I still hear far too much dogmatism about what people really ‘want,’ what they ‘believe,’ or how they ‘really’ behave, but I see very little data. It doesn’t take much data....[Jakob Nielsen says that] three to five people will give you enough for most purposes. But they need to be real people,

doing real activities. Don’t speculate. Don’t argue. Observe.”___Don Norman, “Affordance, Conventions, and Design” interactions

May/June 1999

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User ProfilesPurpose and Goals

Create archetypes of people to achieve understanding for—• Interaction design• Concept development• Visual design• Goal-reaching

Use these profiles to— • Achieve agreement on who is using the site• Create use case model survey (high-level use cases)• Achieve agreement on the use case model survey• Create information architecture that leads to navigation design• Ensure throughout development that all features meet key goals of

key users

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June 2008 13©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

User Profiles (summary)

The Imagist• Radiologist, anesthesiologist

The Empathist• Radioncologist, OB/GYN, oncologist, cardiologist, urologist

The Financialist• Administrator (often director of a department), CFO, purchaser

The Technologist• Sonographer, mammographer, radiation therapist, medical technical

assistant (MTA), medical technical radiology assistant (MTRA), anesthesia nurse

The Physicist• Physicist

The Maintainist• Med tech, engineers, IT/system administrators

The Insider• Sales, demo, applications support, trainer, marketing, software developer

The Generalist• Referring physician, patient

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Imagistradiologist, anesthesiologist

Attributes & Attitudes• Highly educated and focused• Focused on own specialty• Technically aware• High visual analysis capacity• Technical, not personal focus• Self-centered, self-assured• Pragmatic• Social skills not primary focus—little

continual patient contact• Competitive• Short attention span

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June 2008 15©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

Information Needs & eSelling Impact

• Clinical & imaging practices

• Product information concentrating on new features and capabilities (differentiation)

• Narrow, known-item searching

• Conferences, courses, literature

• Quick-loading pages very important

• Publishing possibilities interesting

• Not interested in chat or interactive features

• Not interested in technology for technology‘s sake

Imagistradiologist, anesthesiologist

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June 2008 16©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

EmpathistRadioncologist, OB/GYN, cardiologist, urologist

Attributes & Attributes• Highly educated• Patient focused• Long hours• Long-term patient contact• Science as art concept (RO)

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EmpathistRadioncologist, OB/GYN, cardiologist, urologist

Information Needs & eSelling Impact• Interested in downloadables for patients• Long hours mean little time for browsing• Chat/interactive interesting as a

recommendation for patients, not for self-education

• Ongoing professional development needed

• Clinical & imaging practices• Product information concentrating on

new features and capabilities (differentiation)

• Conferences, courses, literature

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FinancialistAdministrator (often director of a department), CFO, purchaser

Attributes & Attitudes• Highly educated in broad sense

(MBA/MHA as well as often clinical background)

• Tough, matter-of-fact, can be pushy• Overtime and rarely a moment to rest• Budgetary, planning, problem-solving,

and communication skills• Decisive multitasker• Strong management skills• Interested in price/value, not features,

of products• Might manage the team that

investigates new equipment

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June 2008 19©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

FinancialistAdministrator (often director of a department), CFO, purchaser

Information Needs & eSelling Impact

• Pricing and features comparisons• Contact & company info• Trends in helathcare admin• Logistics• Equipment lifecyle, patient

throughput, uptime, spare parts, upgrade

• Chat/interactive not needed, but personal relationship important

• Information visualization must be clear

• Data-rich environment OK.

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June 2008 20©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

TechnologistSonographer, mammographer, RT, MTA, MTRA, anesthesia nurse, physicist

Attributes & Attitudes• Mostly female• High social & interpersonal skills—

first contact with patient• Technically oriented• Product specialist—learn about new

methods• Ease of use key• Attention to detail• Fast workflow key• Automated processes important• Lots of standing• Work according to schedules• Rarely has own workspace other

than the equipment room

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June 2008 21©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

TechnologistSonographer, mammographer, RT, MTA, MTRA, anesthesia nurse, physicist

Information Needs & eSelling Impact

• Need for alternative training channels

• Conferences usually in not-so-great places (contrast to Imagist/Empathist)

• Product info (procedural, tips, techniques) and shared experiences by other users

• Teach and inform patients• Rare to have Internet access in

work environment. Can have home access

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June 2008 22©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

MaintainistMed tech, engineers, IT/system administrators

Attributes & Attitudes• Mostly male, technical/ engineering background• Interfaces with service entities• Follows documentation and regulatory documents• Rare patient contact• Generates statistics and analysis for equipment lifecycle history

Information Needs & eSelling Impact• New equipment, options, upgrade news• Information on recalls and technical issues (FAQs)• Contact information

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June 2008 23©2008 Keane. All rights reserved. Confidentiality: The concepts and methodologies contained herein are proprietary to Keane. Duplication, reproduction or disclosure of information in this document without the expressed written permission of Keane is prohibited.

InsiderSales, demo, applications support, trainer, marketing, software developer

Attributes & Attitudes• Wide background, usually university educated• Often sales or marketing background/experience• Interfaces with service entities on lifecycle issues, specialists and

technologists during product evaluation, and financialists during sales negotiations

• Follows documentation and regulatory documents• Rare patient contact• Strong interpersonal skills

Information Needs & eSelling Impact• Product and clinical information to provide to customers• Regulated, scheduled life leaves little time for browsing and

experiential learning• Contact information updated• Tools to help shorten sales or demo lifecycle

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GeneralistReferring physician, patient

Attributes & Attitudes• Strong interpersonal skills• Physician concerned about patient‘s experience with specialists• Longer-term doctor-patient relationship

Information Needs & eSelling Impact• Clinical information to provide to patients, who need

understandable information in stressful situations• Secondary, browsing interest in other fields • Information about health care administration and costs• Limited overall Internet experience, ability, and connection.

Therefore, information needs to be directed, easy to access, and clear.

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Impact of Good Research

Putting It All Together

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Q & A


Thank You!

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Questions / Feedback

Thank You!Thank You! Keane Corporate Headquarters

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Joe Sokohl

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