physical models of lenr processes using the bsm-sg atomic models

WORLD INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION STOYAN SARG 2014 4 rth International Conference Nanotek & Expo 1 Physical Models of LENR Processes Using the BSM-SG Atomic Models Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev, Toronto, Canada

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Analysis of the recent progress in LENR (cold fusion) by using of BSM-SG atomic models (A talk presented at the 4-th International conference on nanotechnology Nanotek & Expo, 1-3 Dec 2014, San Francisco),


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Physical Models of LENR Processes Using the BSM-SG Atomic Models Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev,

Toronto, Canada

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The observed large energy in some LENR processes require a new physical understanding

• Quantum mechanics (QM) cannot predicts some processes in LENR QM by definition work only with energy levels. The overcoming of Coulomb barrier is unexplainable problem in QM.

• Nanotechnology and particular LENR need of some complimentary theory that deals with a physical dimension of length.

• A new methodological examination of scattering experiments leads to the conclusion that the data interpretation is strongly dependent on the assumptions that all particles including the nuclei are spherical


• The atomic models derived in the BSM-SG theory shows that a nonspherical shape of nucleus may have the same data from scattering experiments. • BSM-SG reveals existence of a space microcurvature around the atomic nucleus. This explains why QM mechanics cannot work with a dimension of length. QM models works with energy considering a linear space. • Conclusion: QM is a mathematical model only. Understanding the LENR processes requires a complimentary theoretical model dealing with the dimension of length.

Recent advances in LENR open a new field in nanotechnology

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• Protons and neutrons possess one and a same superdens matter having only a different external shape.

• At close distance they interact with Super Gravitational (SG) forces which appear as nuclear forces.

•According to BSM-SG, the superdense nuclear matter makes a space microcurvature. Nuclear reactions causes a change of this micro-curvature and the energy stored in the lattice structure of physical vacuum is released as nuclear energy. The stored energy is equal to the mass deficit expressed by the Einstein equation E = mc2.

BSM-SG models of atomic nuclei as 3D fractal formations of protons and neutrons

Fig. 1 Simple atomic nuclei

FSG = GSG m02/r3 - Supergravitation Law (SG forces are detectable as Casimir Forces)

Proton and neutron posses one and the same superdens material structure but with a different shape

proton a twisted torus with externally detectable E-field

neutron a double folded torus with a proximity locked electrical field

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Panel 3. Atomic nuclei of second and third rows of the Periodic Table and magnetic field interactions between the electron orbitals

Note: The principal chemical valence increases with z-number until the deuterons (protons) from the two poles are at different planes passing through the polar axis. In further z increase the deuterons (protons) are bound at equatorial region and excluded from principal valence. At noble gases all deuterons are bound at equatorial region by SG forces and excluded from any chemical valence.

Magnetic field interactions between the different orbitalsin atoms and molecules

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Atomic nuclei of some selected elements

Types of nuclear bonds(Chapter 8 of BSM-SG)

Panel 2. Build-up trend of protons and neutrons apparent from Periodic table

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a. TEAM microscope image of a single wall Carbon sheet b. Processed image showing a signature of 2 parallel planes

Panel 4. BSM-SG atomic models and nanotechnology Example of analysis of Single sheet graphene


The plane of P1 & P2 is perpendicular to the plane of P3 &P4. This provides a slight displacement of the locations of the electronic orbits. This feature is detectable by the TEAM microscope.

Nanotube, Courtesy of A. Javey et al. Nano Lett., 4, 1319, (2004

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• BSM-SG models exhibit an angular restrictions of the chemical bonds corresponding to the VSEPR models in chemistry. They show why the three atomic molecule of H2O is bent, while CO2 is linear.• BSM-SG shows that the Brown gas (HHO) molecule is a different state of H2 O molecules. Its FIR spectra is different and its quantum energy estimated by the BSM-SG models is greater that the ordinary water molecule.

(Left) A cluster of three water molecules. Theexistence of this cluster is proofed by FIRspectroscopy.

Panel 5. Graphycal modeling of in simple molecules

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Panel 6. Modeling of Colloidal silver nanopyramids using the BSM-SG modelsSupergravitational forces play a very important role in nanotechnology

Silver nanoparticles. Courtesy of R. Jin et al. Nature, 2003 Oct 2;425(6957):487-90.

The trend continues in the upper level fractal formations in XY plane and in Z axes as stacks. This leads to formation of triangular prisms in the nanoscale range.

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Panel 7. A Coulomb barrier of the atomic nucleus formed by the near proximity fields of protons and neutrons.

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Panel 8. Rydberg state and Rydberg matter in EM activated plasma

The Rydberg matter from hydrogen or deuterium exhibits a strong EM signature (experimentally observed)

The anomalous magnetic momentum of the electron at its confined motion velocity of 13.6 eV provides a constant driving momentum. This provides a significant driving momentum to the Rydberg atom due to the helical trace of the electron. This momentum become much more stable if an external magnetic field is applied.

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Panel 9. Nuclear fusion in plasma involving the Rydberg state of hydrogen

Conclusion: The magnetic field of the Rydberg hydrogen (or deuteron) interact constructively with the internal shell electrons of Ni nuclei that are in a proper spin state. This provides a proper alignment of hydrogen with the Ni nucleus and overcoming the Coulomb barrier.

Detailed analysis of (Ni + H) LENR:

This graphical modeling illustrates the proton capture reported by Focardi and Rossi for the reactions:

S. Focardi and A. Rossi, A new energy source from nuclear fusion, 2010.

Some nuclear transmutations reported by Defkalion group, by using a plasma method also may involve a proton capture due to the Rydberg state of hydrogen.

Two effective mechanisms for producing a Rydberg state of hydrogen (or deuterium) are known: (1) electromagnetic - by plasma discharge or microwave radiation, (2) by beta or gamma emitting isotopes.

62 63

64 65


Ni p Cu MeVNi p Cu MeV

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• The analysis of H2 and D2 spectra using BSM-SG models allows to determine the product CSG of the SG law (§9.7 of BSM-SG).

• The obtained constant was verified by theoretical estimate of the binding energy of deuterium nucleus, using a simplified method. The obtained value is 2.158 (MeV). (The experimental value is 2.2246 (MeV).• Based on the derived CSG factor and the fact that the protons and neutrons have equal SG masses a method is developed for evaluation the change of the center of the nuclear SG mass of the heavier element before and after the fusion.• The method uses the following input data

- total binding energy of the heavier elements before and after the fusion- CSG product constant- number of nucleons (protons and neutrons)- fine structure constant (appears to be involved in derivation of CSG)- binding energy per nucleon – takes into account the hidden energy of the space

microcurvature responsible for the mass deficit• The calculated change of the center of the SG mass permits to find out where the nucleus of the lighter element (hydrogen or deuteriun) is bound to the heavier nucleus • The method is presented in §1.4.1. of the book Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion and examples are provided in Table 3.2 of the book.

][102651.5 33320 NmmGC SGSG

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Calculated distances between the recipient and receptive nuclei for some achieved and predicted nuclear fusion reactions

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Panel 10. BSM-SG analysis of the LENR transmutations reported by Yasuhiro Iwamura (2012)

Our analysis predicts deuteron capture processes involving a Rydberg state of deuteron.

244 4820 22

DCa Ti

488 9638 42

DSr Mo

6137 14956 62

DBa Sm

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Panel 11. Graphical modeling of some nuclear transmutations and cold fusion reactionsPd + D Ag

Ni + H Cu Cr + H Mn

Using the derived SG product GSG mo2 a method is developed for estimation of the bound position of a proton or deuteron to

the recipient nucleus, by calculating the shift of the center of mass. (“Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion” (§1.4).

(Exp. Verified,by Rossi & Focardi)

(Exp. Verified) (Experimentally verified, Taleyarkhan et al., 2008)

(Predictedby Sarg)


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Panel 12. Explanation of the neutron emission effect from 7Li bound to a proper metal lattice due to a Coulomb field distortion caused by energetic positive ions.• The neutron emission effect is observed by a few researchers, when 7Li is bound to a palladium surface loaded with deuterium or hydrogen and activated by some processes (heating, arc discharge and etc.)

7Li isotope with undisturbed Coulomb field

A disturbed Coulomb field of 7Li isotope. It must be attached to a metal lattice. The close or impact with an energetic proton will cause instability between the strong nuclear forces and Coulomb forces of the 7Li nucleus and this could lead to emission of one neutron.

• Li has the lowest binding energy per nucleonReferences (for neutron emission of 7Li )M. Nakada et al., “Frontiers of cold fusion”, 1992, Japan;

Thomas Passel, 10th Ann. Conference on Cold Fusion, 2003;

Edmund Storms, Infinite Energy, 2002.

7 6HLi Li n

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Panel 13. BSM-SG analysis of migration of Lithium to Pd and Ni metal surface

• The penetration of Li in the porous Pd is experimentally observed

• The BSM-SG models shows an important similarity between Pd and Ni nuclei


• The attraction of lithium to the boundary surface of palladium and nickel is cause by magnetic interactions between the aligned electronic orbitals.

• A Coulomb barrier disturbance of 58Ni and 7Li may lead to migration of one neutron from 7Li to 58Ni.

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Our analysis of E-cat test using the Lugano report data (G. Levi, E. Foschi and H. Essen), (2014)

• Change of isotopic ratio 7Li/6Li in Pd surface loaded with deuterium and hydrogen and a neutron emission is reported by a number of researchers (T. G. Passel, M. Nagada et al., E. Storms, Y. Oya et al. etc).

Fuel Ashes6Li (5.9 mg) -> 6Li (57.5 mg)7Li (94.1 mg) -> 7Li (42.5 mg)58Ni (27.6 mg) -> 58Ni (0.3 mg)60Ni (27.6 mg) -> 60Ni (0.3 mg)61Ni (1.3 mg) -> 61Ni (0 mg)62Ni (4.2 mg) -> 61Ni (99.3 mg)

Anticipated reactions using BSM-SG models

7 6

58 59

59 60

60 61

61 62

(1)(*) (2)


HLi Li nNi n NiNi n NiNi n NiNi n Ni

Test data

• The LiAlH4 hydrate becomes decomposed at high temperature, so 6Li and 7Li become stacked tothe metal lattice surface of Ni.

• The positive hydrogen ion (proton) might play a role of a catalyst in reaction (1)• The trace of 59Ni may not be found since the reaction (2) is intermediate• The reactions (3) & (4) are also intermediate leading to the stable isotope 62Ni at (5)• The neutrons emitted by 7Li could be slow because part of energy is carried by thebouncing H+.

They could be also slowed due to a scattering within the Ni powder (the same is valid for the

rays).• According to BSM-SG a nuclear energy comes from the change of the space microcurvature around

the nucleus. This causes a mass reduction, known as a mass deficit, which can be estimated by theEinstein equation E = mc2. As a result, we get nuclear energy in both processes: fission and fusion.

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Conclusion about LENR processes with potential for nuclear energy

• Our analysis of the third party E-cat tests leads to the conclusion that Andrea Rossi might have two different energetic LENR processes: one involving a proton capture (discussed in our article in General Science journal) and another one described in this talk, which involves a neutron emission and capture.

• The neutron emission and capture seams to be a better solution, since it uses abundant natural isotopes and does not produce radioactive waste.

• The LENR processes invoked by activated plasma have a disadvantage that they may produce some radioactive fission products.

• For neutron emission process the emitting isotope must be stacked to the metal lattice of the neutron recipient element. The 7Li isotopes is the most suitable one.

• Using the BSM-SG models we predict that chromium stable isotopes with lithium also might be suitable for the neutron emission and capture process.

• The application of the BSM-SG models for LENR and the anticipated reaction environment are discussed in my book “Structural Physics of Nuclear Fusion”

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Potential application of the BSM-SG atomic models.

• BSM-SG theory provides atomic models with 3D geometry and dimensions.

• BSM-SG models permits classical explanations of the boundary size of excited states, nuclear spin, angular restriction of chemical bonds and mutual magnetic interactions between orbitals.

• The Atlas of Atomic Nuclear Structures (ANS) provides BSM-SG models for the elements in the range 1<Z<103, using symbolic shapes for protons and neutrons. The derived models perfectly match the shape of the Periodic table.

• BSM-SG models could be used for 3D graphical modeling in chemistry, nanotechnology and LENR with a sub- angstrom resolution

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