phs keynote january

The KEYNOTE Parsippany High School Issue 5, January 2013 KEY CLUB

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The Keynote: Issue 5, January; PHS Key Club


Page 1: PHS Keynote January


Parsippany High School

Issue 5, January 2013


Page 2: PHS Keynote January

What’s Inside... Contents & Editors’s Note 2 Message from the President /LTG Election 3 Eliminate Project 4 Upcoming Events 5 Key Club Scholarships 6 The Jersey Key 7 The Eliminate Games 8 DCON 9 Contact Information 10

Editor’s Note Hey Guys! So the service year is rapidly coming to a close, but our club is busier than ever! Make sure to participate in all of the fun events that are com-ing up and make this service year count! We have a little less than four months to make it count, so really, come to events, find a way to help out, and just have fun with your friends! I hope to be seeing a lot more of all of you in the next few months! Your Editor, Aleena Kazmi


The Keynote Issue 5

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Message from the President… Hey Key Club,

Welcome to 2013! We have a LOT of events coming up including our annual

Baldwin Oaks Dinner, the Eliminate Games, and Class Projects. They're all

really great ways to raise money for Eliminate, to do hours of service, and

also to have fun and meet new people. The Eliminate Games is our first divi-

sional event with Division 20 and 21. If you like the Hunger Games and hav-

ing fun with new people, be sure to go. So get ready to get busy with service.

It won't be long before it's time to go to DCON!

Christina Hum

PHS Key Club President 2012-2013




Character Building



On January 7th, Elections were held for the coveted position of District 19 Lieuten-ant Governor. Of the many eligible candi-dates, Ms. Klesa Achaibar of Montville-Township High School was awarded the prestigious honor of winning the election. Congratulations to LTG-Elect Klesa, who will be officially inducted this spring at DCON by our very own Penny Xu!

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With just a few months left in the year, it’s time to really focus our energy on our district project, the Eliminate Project. For anyone who is still unfamiliar with the project, the Kiwanis organization and UNICEF have come together to eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus from this world. The disease claims the lives of thousands of women and their children and turns what should be the miracle of life into something much worse. As fresh cuts on both the mother and child are exposed to tetanus spores (found in the soil almost everywhere), women and their children begin to suffer the excruciating effects including painful convulsions and sensitivity to light and touch. While the disease strikes largely in impoverished areas where health care is practically nonexistent, there is a way to stop it. With three doses of a $0.60 immunization, women and their babies can be protected from the disease. In fact, in 28 countries, maternal neonatal tetanus has been eliminated completely! There are 31 countries counting on us as an or-ganization to help them! As a school, we have to reach our goal in order to help Kiwanis reach its goal of $110 million in order to fully eliminate this disease from the world. I know I’ve mentioned all of this before, but this is a reminder of what our Key Club stands for and what our goal for this year is. Come on Key Clubbers, it’s time to play an even bigger role and play a part in this project!

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Upcoming Events

Baldwin Oaks— January 29th, 5-7 pm For those of you who signed up to bring in food, make sure to drop it off by 4:30! Anyone attending be sure to be prompt and bring your smiles! Also, for those of you attend-ing, sign up for a performance! Let’s show these people just how great we really are.

Class Projects— Congratulations to all the elected Class Project Directors! Freshmen: Anne Cheng Sophomores: Samuel Wu Juniors: Prachi Gupta Seniors: Angela Arcinas General Members: make sure to listen to these directors and help out as much as you can! This will help you get a lot more hours and is a great chance to directly serve our com-munity. Get working guys!


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Attention seniors! It’s time for all of your hard work in Key Club to fi-nally pay off! Applications for Scholarships are due by February 20th! Fill out the form, get recommendations and gain a scholarship for all the effort you’ve contributed to your school and your society! The steps are listed right in the packet sent to all of you recently. Fill out the Application Information Sheet Obtain a copy of your school transcript Describe your Key Club activities and have it signed by Club Advisor and President Provide a summary of any service outside of Key Club Description of your most important achievement Two page essay on your most memorable Key Club Project Obtain two letters of recommendation Include a Advisor Verification Form (filled out by advisor) I know its senior year for you guys and this seems like a lot of work, but if you put in the time and effort to get all of this together, it could end up paying off, literally!


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The Jersey Key

The Jersey Key is the official publication of the state of

New Jersey. Our District Edi-tor, Zachariah DeGuilio has worked hard to put together

this edition, filled with articles from various board members

as well as articles from Ki-wanis and Circle-K District Governors. This newsletter holds lots of information

about district wide events as well as international events.

Take a look and find out about DCON and other excit-ing Key Club events coming

up soon!

Read more online at:

The Keynote Issue 5

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The Keynote Issue 5

Inspired by the Hunger Games and modeled after the Minute To Win It challenges, the district of New Jersey has come up with an event for people to compete “to the death” in a series of mini challeneges. The winner is awarded a $20 prize and will qualify for the District games! The games were a success in Division 16, held by LTG Christina Xiao, and soon enough they’ll be here too! Come watch or partici-pate, either way the money you spend will go to-wards the Elimi-nate Project!

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Join us this year at the 67th Annual District Convention at

Ocean Place Resort and Spa in Long Branch, New Jersey. This years

convention theme is the 1920s! Watch the New Jersey Key Club Dis-

trict Board bring the Jazz Age back to life. However, don’t dress like

a flapper, keep it dapper! Come ready to have a blast, meet other

Key Clubbers, and revel in all of your accomplishments this past


Speaking from my own experience, I have to urge you all to try

to attend DCON at least once throughout your Key Club years. My

experience last year opened my eyes to a whole new level of ser-

vice, dedication, and leadership. The people are great and its hard

not to fall in love with everything and everyone.


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Officers: President Christina Hum [email protected]

Vice President Christine Yuan [email protected]

Vice President Alice Zhou [email protected]

Recording Secretary Julia Hong [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary Toobah Wali [email protected]

Treasurer Shakti Gurikar [email protected]

Webmaster Amar Kakirde [email protected]

Historian Jasmine Chen [email protected]

Editor Aleena Kazmi [email protected]


Our Website: Facebook Page: New Jersey District Key Club: Kiwanis of Greater Parsippany:




The Keynote Issue 5