phrasal verbs

LIST OF PHRASAL VERBS Phrasal Meaning Translation Example Add up I. Find the total of numbers II. To have sense* * Solo con negativa I. Hacer la suma II. Tener sentido I.You made a mistake when you were adding the bill up / Cometiste un error cuando sumaste la cuenta II. I can't stand this. It doesn't add up. No entiendo esto. No le encuentro sentido. Add up to I. Become an amount II. Result or effect I. Ascender a II. Resultado I. The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes. Los diversos programas de construcción ascienden a varios miles de viviendas nuevas. II. It all adds up to this: she is entirely untrustworthy. / Todo se puede resumir así: ella no es para nada de confianza. Blow up I. Break into pieces, or be broken into pieces, by an explosion II. Fill with air or gas I. Volar, explotar, estallar II. Inflar I. Suddenly the whole barrel blew up. De repente, el barril entero explotó. II. He is blowing up the balloon. Él está inflando el globo. Break down I. Use force on (a door) to cause it to open. II. Stop working properly. III. Be overcome with emotion. IV. Fail I. Derribar, echar abajo II. Estropearse, averiarse. III. Derrumbarse, sobrepasarse . IV. Fracasar I. The thieves broke down the front door. Los ladrones derribaron la puerta delantera. II. My car has broken down. Mi coche se ha averiado. III. When she heard the news, she broke down and wept. Cuando escuchó las noticias, se derrumbó y lloró IV. The talks have broken down. Las conversaciones han fracasado. Break in/into Get into a building or car using force, usually to steal something Forzar, entrar a la fuerza. The burglars broke in/into through the kitchen window. Los ladrones entraron por la ventana de la cocina My car's been broken into/in twice this month. Han entrado en mi

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Phrasal verbs in English for FCE, CAE




Add upI. Find the total of numbersII. To have sense** Solo con negativa I. Hacer la suma

II. Tener sentidoI.You made a mistake when you were adding the bill up / Cometiste un error cuando sumaste la cuentaII. I can't stand this. It doesn't add up.No entiendo esto. No le encuentro sentido.

Add up toI. Become an amount

II. Result or effectI. Ascender a

II. ResultadoI. The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes.Los diversos programas de construccin ascienden a varios miles de viviendas nuevas.II. It all adds up to this: she is entirely untrustworthy. / Todo se puede resumir as: ella no es para nada de confianza.

Blow upI. Break into pieces, or be broken into pieces, by an explosionII. Fill with air or gasI. Volar, explotar, estallar

II. InflarI. Suddenly the whole barrel blew up.De repente, el barril entero explot.II. He is blowing up the balloon. l est inflando el globo.

Break downI. Use force on (a door) to cause it to open.II. Stop working properly.III. Be overcome with emotion.

IV. FailI. Derribar, echar abajoII. Estropearse, averiarse.III. Derrumbarse, sobrepasarse.

IV. Fracasar I. The thieves broke down the front door.Los ladrones derribaron la puerta delantera.II. My car has broken down. Mi coche se ha averiado.III. When she heard the news, she broke down and wept. Cuando escuch las noticias, se derrumb y llorIV. The talks have broken down. Las conversaciones han fracasado.

Break in/intoGet into a building or car using force, usually to steal somethingForzar, entrar a la fuerza.The burglars broke in/into through the kitchen window.Los ladrones entraron por la ventana de la cocinaMy car's been broken into/in twice this month. Han entrado en mi coche dos veces este mes.

Break outI. Appear or happen suddenly (wars, fires, epidemics)II. Escape (from prison, restrictions...)I. Desatarse, estallar, aparecer de repente.II. Escapar, evadirse.I. War broke out in 1939.La guerra estall en 1939The sun finally broke out./ Finalmente sali el solII. A prisoner has broken out. Un prisionero se ha escapado.

Break up (= Break off)I. Divide, separate or break into piecesII. Finish or end

III. End a relationshipI. Dividir, separar, romper en trozos.II. Terminar, acabar.III. Romper una relacinI. The old ship was broken up by the waves. El viejo barco fue destrozado por las olas.II.Classes broke up and students went back home. Terminaron las clases y los estudiantes volvieron..III. Mary and James broke up their engagement. Mary y James rompieron su compromiso.

Breathe inInhaleInspirar, inhalarWe went out to the garden and breathed in the fresh air. / Salimos al jardn y respiramos el aire fresco.

Bring aboutCause to hapenProvocar, causar, ocasionarHis disregard for danger brought about his death. Su despreocupacin por el peligro caus su muerte

Bring upI. Rear or educate

II. Introduce (a topic) for discussionI. Criar, educarII. Sacar a relucir, presentar, sacar un temaI. Her parents brought her up to be polite. Sus padres le educaron para ser educada.II. Bring the matter up at the next meeting. Menciona el tema en la prxima reunin.

Build onUse a success or achievement as a base from which to achieve more successContruir sobre, basarse en, aprovecharA good relationship is built on trust.Una buena relacin se basa en la confianza.We must build on our reputation to expand the business. / Debemos basarnos en nuestra reputacin para ampliar el negocio

Build upIncrease or become larger or stronger, or to cause someone or something to do thisAcumular, incrementar, aumentarTension is building up between the two communities.La tensin entre las dos comunidades est aumetnando.

Bump intoMeet (someone) by accidentEncontrarse por casualidad, toparI bumped into him in the street.Me top con l por casualidad en la calle.

Burst into song/tears/laughterSuddenly begin to sing/cry/laughEmpezar repentinamente a cantar, llorar o rerMuch to my surprise, Caleb suddenly burst into song. Para mi gran sorpresa, Caleb de repente empez a cantar.

Burst out laughing/cryingSuddenly start laughing/cryingEmpezar a rer/ llorar (de repente)I walked in and everyone burst out laughing.Entr y todo el mundo se ech a rer.

Call backReturn to a place in order to see someone or collect somethingVolver a un lugar para ver a alguien o recoger algoShe said she'd call back later to pick up that report. / Dijo que volvera ms tarde para recoger el informe

Call (for/round/over)Visit someone, make a visitVisitar a alguien, pasarse por un sitioHe was out when I called (for/round/over) to see him. No estaba cuando pas por su casa para verle.

Call offCancel something that has been scheduled, not startedCancelar, suspender, anularThe couple decided to call off the wedding.La pareja decidi suspender la boda.

Calm downStop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or make someone stop feeling this wayCalmar/calmarseShe was angry at first but we managed to calm her down. / Al principio estaba enfadada pero conseguimos calmarla.

Carry onI. Continue

II. Manage (a business etc)I. Continuar

II. DirigirI. The widow carried on as if nothing had happened / La viuda continu como si nada hubiera pasado.II. He carries on a business as a grocer. Dirige un negocio como tendero.

Carry outAccomplish, perform, put in practiceLlevar a cabo, poner en prcticaIt's not easy to carry out this task. No es fcil llevar a cabo esta tarea.

Catch up onDo sth that you haven't been able to do recentlyPonerse al da conI have to catch up on my reading.Tengo que ponerme al da con mi lectura.

Cater forProvide what is wanted or needed by someone or somethingProveer, atenderThe club caters for children between the ages of four and twelve. / El club atiende a nios de 4-12Our company caters for every kind of food.Nuestra compaa provee todo tipo de alimentos

Check outLeave (a hotel) paying a bill, register departure.Dejar el hotelYou have to check out before 12 oclock. Debe pagar la factura y marcharse antes de las 12

Close down(of a business) Close permanentlyCerrar definitivamenteTrade here is so bad that many shops close down. El comercio aqu es tan malo que muchas tiendas cierran definitvamente.

Close upI. Come or bring closer togetherII. Shut completelyI. Acercarse, aproximarse.II. CerrarI.He closed up the space between the lines of print Redujo el espacio entre las lneas de impresin.II. She closed up the house when she went on holiday./ Cerr la casa cuando se fue de vacaciones

Come acrossMeet or find by chanceEncontrar por casualidad, toparse conHe came across some old friends.Se encontr con algunos viejos amigos.I will tell you if I come across the book you are looking for. / Te avisar si encuentro el libro que ests buscando

Come alongI. Come with or accompany II. ProgressI. Acompaar

II. Ir, marcharI. Come along with me! / Ven conmigo!II. How are things coming along?Cmo te estn yendo las cosas?

Come downDecrease, become less, descend Bajar, disminuirTea has come down in price.Ha bajado el precio del t.

Come down withStart to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not seriousCoger una enfermedad leve, caer enfermoI think I'm coming down with flu.Creo que estoy cogiendo la gripe.

Come outI. Become known, be revealedII. Be published, available to buy or seeIII. Be developed

IV. Be removed

V. StrikeI. Revelarse, salir a la luzII. Salir publicado

III. Salir, resultar

IV. Salir, quitarse

V. Declararse en huelgaI. The truth finally came out. La verdad al final sali a la luz.II. Her new book will come out next week. Su nuevo libro se publicar la prxima semanaIII. Everything has come out as we wanted. Todo ha salido como desebamos. IV. Tomato stains do not usually come out. Las manchas de tomate no salen fcilmente.V. The men have come out (on strike). Los hombres se han declarado en huelga.

Come roundI. (come around) Visit

II. Regain consciousnessI. Hacer una visita

II. Volver en sI. I could come round tonight if you are not busy. Podra pasar por tu casa esta noche si no ests ocupadoII. After receiving anesthesia, dont expect to come round for at least twenty minutes.Despus de recibir la anestesia, no esperes volver en ti por al menos 20 minutos.

Come up againstHave to deal with a problem, meet an obstacleEnfrentarse a un problema If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out. (help out = echar una mano)Si encuentras alguna dificultad, hzmelo saber y te echar una mano.

Come up withThink of, produce, suggest an idea or planOcurrirse una idea, proponerHes come up with a great idea.Se le ha ocurrido una gran idea

Cope withManage, deal with problems successfullyHacer frente a, soportar, llevar bien una situacinHe could cope with that difficult situation.Pudo hacer frente a esa difcil situacin.

Count onRely on (a person or happening), depend onContar conIm counting on you to persuade her.Cuento contigo para convencerla.You can count on me, I won't fail you.Puedes contar conmigo, no te fallar.

Cut back (on)Reduce considerablyReducir The government cut back (on) public spending.El gobierno ha reducido los gastos pblicos

Cut downI. Cause to fall by cuttingII. Reduce in size or amount (cut down on)I. Talar, cortar

II. ReducirI. They cut down the huge oak tree.Cortaron el roble enorme.II. Try to cut down (on) your expenses.Trata de reducir tus gastos.

Cut offI. Interrupt or break a telephone connection

II. Separate, cause to be or feel aloneIII. Stop or prevent delivery of, discontinue supply I. Cortar

II. Aislar

III. Cortar, reducir suministro energticoI. I was cut off in the middle of my phone conversation. / Me cortaron en medio de la conversacin telefnica.II. You will be cut off if you go to live in that small village. / Te quedars aislado si te vas a vivir a ese pueblecito.III. The company has cut off our electricity supply / La compaa nos ha cortado el suministro de electricidad

Cut outI. Stop working, because of a safety deviceII. Stop, leave out, omitI. Pararse

II. Dejar deI. The engines cut out. Los motores se pararon.II. He's cut out smoking./ Ha dejado de fumar.

Deal withI. Be concerned withII. Take action about (especially in order to solve a problem, get rid of a person, complete a piece of business)I. Tratar de, sobre

II. Abordar, ocuparse de, encargarse de algoI. This book deals with methods of teaching English. / Este libro trata sobre los mtodos de enseanza de ingls.II. She deals with all the customer inquiries.Ella se ocupa de todas las consultas de los clientes

Die downLose strength or powerbecome less, become gradually calmerApagarse, extinguirse, ir apagandoseI think the wind has died down a bit.Creo que el viento se ha calmado un poco.

Do upI. Fasten something or become fastenedII. Repair, restote or decorate a building so that it looks attractiveI. Abrochar, atarse

II. Reparar, redecorar, restaurar.I. She did up the zip on her dress and went out.Se subi la cremallera del vestido y se fueII. I'd like to buy a run-down house and do it up. Me gustara comprar una casa deteriorada y repararla.

Do withoutManage without having someone or somethingArreglrselas sinThere's no mayonnaise left, so you'll just have to do without. / No queda mayonesa, asique tendrs que aparte sin ella.

Draw upArrive somewhere and stop (a vehicle)Llegar y detenerse (un vehculo)A car drew up outside and a few moments later the doorbell rang. Un coche lleg y se detuvo fuera y unos momentos despus son el timbre.

Dress upPut on special or formal clothes, dress elaboratelyDisfrazarse, ponerse de punta en blancoHe dressed up as a clown for the party.Se disfraz de payaso para la fiesta.Allan dressed up for the ceremony. / Allan se puso de punta en blanco para la ceremonia

Drop outWithdraw from a group, from a course at university, or from the normal life of societyAbandonarOne runner twisted his foot in the race and dropped out.Un corredor se torci el pie durante la carrera y abandon.

Eat outEat away from home (in a restaurant or at a friend's house, etc.)Comer/cenar fuera de casaThere was no food in the home, so we decided to eat out. / No quedaba comida en la casa, as que decidimos comer fuera.

End upI. Reach or come to an end, usually unpleasant, finally beII. Do something in the endI. Acabar, terminar

II. Terminar por hacer algoI. If you continue to act like this, you will end up in prison.Si sigues actuando as, acabars en prisin.II. He refused to believe her, but he ended up apologizing. Se neg a creerle, pero acab pidiendo disculpas.

Face up toMeet or accept boldly, deal with, admit toAfrontar, plantar cara, enfrentarse aLearn to face up to the truth no matter how much it hurts. Aprende a afrontar la verdad por mucho que duela

Fall apartI. Break into pieces

II. Fail or stop working effectively (an organization, system, or agreement), start having problems that you cannot deal withI. Romperse, caerse en pedazos

II. Fracasar, dejar de funcionar correctamente, empezar a tener problemasI. My poor old boots are falling apart.Mis pobres botas viejas se estn cayendo a pedazosII. Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.Su matrimonio dejo de funcionar cuando se enter de la aventura de su marido.

Fall behind onBe late in paying a regular amount of money or in completing workRetrasarse, atrasarse en un pago o trabajoThey offer advice to people who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments.Ofrecen consejo a la gente que se ha atrasado en sus pagos hipotecarios.

Fall down/overFall to the ground, lose one's balanceCaerseCharles tripped over a stone and fell down.Charles tropez con una piedra y se cay.

Fall in love (with)Develop feelings of love and sexual attraction (for)EnamorarseHe fell in love with her straightaway.Se enamor de ella inmediatamente.

Fall out (with)Quarrel, argue with, stop being friendlyDiscutir con, reir, pelearseI have fallen out with my sister.He discutido con mi hermana.

Fall through(of plans etc) Fail or come to nothing, not happen, miscarry, not be accomplishedFracasar, quedar en nada, no llevarse a caboA brilliant plan for a new bridge fell through after a year.Despus de un ao, fracas un plan brillante para un nuevo puente.

Fed up (with)Tired, bored and annoyedEstar harto deIm fed up with all this work!Estoy harto de todo este trabajo!

Feel likeI. Have the feelings that one would have if one wereII. Feel that one would like to, be willing toI. Sentirse como

II. Tener ganas de algo, apetecer I. I feel like a princess in this beautiful dress.Me siento como una princesa con este hermoso vestido.II. Do you feel like going to the cinema?Te apetece ir al cine?

Fight backDefend yourself when someone attacks you or causes problems for youDefenderseDespite being wounded he fought back from the attacks of the adversary.A pesar de estar herido se defendi de los ataques del adversario.

Figure outUnderstand, solveEntender, comprenderI cant figure out why he said that.No logro entender por qu dijo eso.

Fill inI. Add or put in (whatever is needed to make something complete). Complete (forms, application...) by putting in the information requiredII. Give all the necessary information to someone.III. Occupy (time)

IV. Do another persons job temporarilyI. Rellenar, cumplimentar, completar

II. Poner al corriente

III. Hacer tiempo

IV. Suplir, estar de suplenteI. Please, fill in this form by tomorrow.Por favor, rellene este formulario para maana.Now that we know in general what happened, we need to fill in the details.Ahora que sabemos lo que sucedi en general, tenemos que completar los detalles.II. Ive been away, can you fill me in on what has happened?He estado fuera, puedes ponerme al corriente de lo que ha ocurrido?III. She had several cups of coffee at the cafeteria to fill in the time until the train left.Se tom varias tazas de caf en la cafetera para hacer tiempo hasta que el tren sali.IV. Im filling in for her secretary.Estoy sustituyendo a su secretaria.

Fill upMake or become completely fullLlenar, colmarI need to fill the car up with petrol.Necesito llenar el coche de gasolina.

Find outDiscover, learn, discover the truth (about sb), usually that he has done wrong.Descubrir, averiguar, enterarse.He had been stealing from the company for years, but eventually they found him out.Haba estado robando a la empresa durante aos, pero finalmente le descubrieron.

Fold upBend or lay so that one part covers the other.Doblar, plegarPlease fold up the newspaper after reading it.Por favor, dobla el peridico despus de leerlo.

Get along (with)Be friendly or on good terms (with someone), have a friendly relationship.Llevarse bien con alguien, tener una buena relacinThe children just cannot get along together.Los nios simplemente no se llevan bien.I get along very well with him.Me llevo muy bien con l.

Get atI. Reach (a place, thing)

II. Suggest or imply (something)III. Point out (a persons faults) or make fun of (a person)I. Llegar a, acceder

II. Insinuar, querer decirIII. Meterse con, tomar el peloI. The farm is very difficult to get at because it is so remote. / Es muy difcil acceder a la granja porque est muy aislada.II. What are you getting at?Qu quieres decir?/ Qu ests insinuando?III. Hes always getting at me.Siempre est metindose conmigo.

Get awayI. (be able to) Leave, have a holiday because you need to restII. EscapeI. Poder salir

II. Escapar, darse a la fugaI.I usually get away (from the office) at four-thirtyNormalmente salgo de la oficina a las 16:30.II. The thieves got away in a stolen car.Los ladrones se dieron a la fuga en un coche robado

Get away withDo (something bad) without being caught or punished for it Salir impune, quedar sin castigoMurder is a serious crime and people rarely get away with it. El asesinato es un delito grave y rara vez la gente sale impune

Get back (into)I. Move away, return intoII. Retrieve, obtain backI. Retroceder, regresarII. RecuperarI. The policeman told the crowd to get back.El polica dijo a la multitud que retrocediera.II. She eventually got back the book she had lent him. Finalmente recuper el libro que le haba prestado

Get byManage, survive financially, barely succeed Salir adelante, arreglrselas, apaarseThe whole family had to get by on the mother's salary. / Toda la familia tuvo que arreglrselas con el sueldo de la madre

Get inI. Send for (a person)

II. Arrive, enter (at a station, at an air-terminal, at a port)I. Llamar, hacer venir

II. Llegar, entrar (un vehculo)I. The television is broken, well need to get a man in to repair it. La televisin est rota, necesitaremos llamar a un hombre para que la repare.II. What time does the bus from Alicante get in? / A qu hora llega el bus de Alicante?

Get in onStart to take part in an activity that is already happening because you will win an advantage from it, manage to participate inParticipar, entrar enA Japanese company tried to get in on the deal.Una empresa japonesa intent participar en el acuerdo.

Get intoI. Become involved withII. Put on (clothes...)

III. Begin to be in a particular state or behave in a particular wayIV. Affect strangelyI. Involucrarse

II. Ponerse (ropa), meterse enIII. Ponerse (emocin)

IV. Pasar algo a alguien "qu mosca te ha picado?"I. I don't want to get into any argument with you. No quiero involucrarme en ninguna discusin contigo.II. Get into your pyjamas. / Ponte el pijama.III. He got into a temper.Se puso de mal genio.

IV. I dont know what has got into him.No s qu le ha pasado.No s qu mosca le ha picado.

Get offI. Take off or remove (clothes, marks etc).

II. Change (subject which one is talking, writing ... about)III. Leave a transportI. Quitarse, sacar, quitar

II. Cambiar de temaIII. Dejar, bajarse de un medio de transporteI. Ill never get these stains off (my dress).Nunca conseguir quitar estas manchas de mi vestidoII. Weve rather got off the subject.Mejor hemos cambiado de tema.

III. They got off the train at 5 p.m.Se bajaron del tren a las 5 de la tarde.

Get onI. Make progress or be successfulII. (with) work, live... in a friendly wayIII. Grow old

IV. Put (clothes...) onV. Continue doing somethingVI. Board a vehicle, mount.I. Progresar, avanzar, irle II. Llevarse bien con, congeniarIII. Envejecer, hacerse mayorIV. Ponerse

V. Continuar, seguirVI. Subirse a un vehculo, montarseI. How are you getting on in your new job?Cmo te va en tu nuevo trabajo?II. I get on well with himMe llevo bien con l.III. Our doctor is getting on a bit now. Nuestro doctor est envejeciendo un poco.IV. Go and get your coat on.Ve y ponte el abrigo.V. I must get on with my work.Debo seguir con mi trabajo.VI. They got on the bus as soon as it arrived.Subieron al bus tan pronto como lleg.

Get outI. Leave or escape

II. (of information) Become knownI. Salir, escaparse

II. Salir a la luz, hacerse pblico, llegar a saberseI. No-one knows how the lion got out.Nadie sabe cmo se escap el len.II. Ive no idea how word got out that you were leaving. No tengo ni idea de cmo se supo que te ibas a ir.

Get overI. Recover from (an illness, surprise, disappointment etc)II. Manage to make (oneself or something) understoodIII. (with) to do (something one does not want to do, unpleasant but necessary piece of work or duty)I. Recuperarse de, reponerse, superar, vencerII. Hacerse entender, hacerse comprenderIII. Quitarse de encima, acabar con, hacer de una vezI. Ive got over my cold nowMe he recuperado de mi resfriado ahora.

II. We must get our message over to the general public / Debemos hacer que el pblico entienda nuestro mensajeIII. Im not looking forward to this meeting, but lets get it over (with)No espero con ilusin esta reunin, pero quitmonosla de encima de una vez.

Get/be rid offHave removed, remove, free oneself fromLibrarse de, quitarse de encimaI thought Id never get rid of these weeds.Pens que nunca me librara de esas malas hierbas.

Get round toManage to (do something)Poder hacer, encontrar tiempo o el momento para, tener tiempoI dont know when Ill get round to (painting) the door.No s cuando tendr tiempo (podr) para pintar la puerta.

Get through toI. Succeed in making someone understand or believe something

II. Establish communication with

III. (without to) Use up or finish something*Use up = Go through (USA)I. Hacer a alguien que entienda algo o que crea en algoII. Comunicarse con

III. Acabar, gastar I. We can't get through to the government just how serious the problem is!No le podemos hacer entender al gobierno lo serio que es el problema.II. I don't seem to be able to get through to him these days / No parece que vaya a poder comunicarme con l esos dasIII. I can get through a lot more work when I'm on my own. / Puedo acabar mucho ms trabajo cuando lo hago por mi cuenta.We're getting through a lot of coffee/toilet paper. Estamos gastando mucho caf/ papel de bao.

Get to know someone or somethingSpend time with someone or something so that you gradually learn more about him, her, or it.Conocer, familiarizarse conI'll need a few weeks to get to know the systemNecesitar unas pocas semanas para familiarizarme con el sistema.The first couple of meetings are for the doctor and patient to get to know each other.El primer par de reuniones son para que doctor y paciente se vayan conociendo.

Give awayI. Give (something) to someoneII. Cause or allow (information ...) to become known, usually accidentallyI. Dar, regalar, deshacerse deII. Descubrir, revelar, dejar escaparI. Im going to give all my old clothes away to charity / Voy a darle toda mi ropa vieja a la caridadII. Although I had asked Luis not to do it, he gave away my secret during the meeting.Aunque le haba pedido que no lo hiciera, revel mi secreto durante la reunin.

Give inI. Stop fighting and admit defeat, yieldII. Hand or bring (sth) to someone (often a person in authority)I. Rendirse, ceder, admitir la derrotaII. Entregar algo a alguien I. The soldiers were outnumbered and gave in to the enemy / Los soldados fueron superados en nmero y cedieron ante el enemigo.II. Please, give in your examination papers now. Por favor, entreguen sus exmenes ahora.

Give outI. Give, usually to several peopleII. Come to an end

III. ProduceI. Distribuir, repartirII. Terminar, llegar al lmiteIII. Producir, causar, emitirI. The headmasters wife gave out the school prizes La mujer del director reparti los premios escolaresII. My patience gave out.Mi paciencia lleg a su lmite.III. The fire gave out a lot of heat.El fuego emiti mucho calor.

Give upI. Stop, abandon

II. Stop using, resign

III. Hand over something to someone surrender IV. Devote (time...) to doing somethingV. (as/for) consider (a person, thing.) to beI.Dejar de, rendirseabandonar II. Renunciar a, desistirIII. Ceder, renunciar a, sacrificarIV. Dedicar, consagrar, sacrificarV. Dar por, tomar porI. Don't give up!No te rindas!II. I wont give up all my hobbies for you.No voy a renunciar a todos mis hobbies por tiIII. He was eventually persuaded to give up the stolen jewels / Finalmente fue convencido para renunciar a las joyas robadas.IV. He gave up all his time to gardening.Dedic todo su tiempo a la jardinera.V. You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost). /Tardaste tanto en llegar que casi te habamos dado por perdido.

Go aheadI. Start to do something

II. Said to someone in order to give them permission to start to do something (INFORMAL)I. Seguir adelante, empezar

II. Adelante I. We've received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents. Hemos recibido el permiso para seguir adelante con el festival de msica, a pesar de la oposicin de los residentes locales.II. "Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, go ahead." / Puedo hacerte una pregunta muy personal? Claro, adelante

Go forI. Choose somethingII. Try to have or achieve somethingI. EscogerII. Intentar, tratar de, ir a por I. Instead of butter, I always go for margarine.En lugar de mantequilla, siempre escojo margarinaII. She tripped me as I went for the ball. / Me puso la zancadilla cuando intentaba ir a por el baln

Go offI. Explode (a bomb...)II. Ring (an alarm...)

III. Leave

IV. Begin to dislike, stop liking or being interested inV. Become rotten

VI. Stop workingI. Estallar, explosionarII. Dispararse, sonarIII. Marcharse, irse, partirIV. Perder el gusto porV. Estropearse, echarse a perderVI. Apagarse, pararseI. Luckily the bomb went off outside the station. Por suerte, la bomba explosion fuera de la estacinII. When the alarm went off, the thieves ran away. Cuando se dispar la alarma, los ladrones huyeronIII. She went off without saying goodbye.Se march sin despedirseIV. Ive gone off that kind of films.Han dejado de gustarme ese tipo de pelculas.V. That meat has gone off.Esa carne se ha estropeado.VI. The fan has gone off.Se ha parado el ventilador.

Go onI. Continue

II. Talk a great deal, usually too muchIII. Hapen

IV. Base ones investigations ... onI. Continuar, seguirII. Hablar sin parar, demasiadoIII. Ocurrir, pasar, sucederIV. Basarse en, apoyarse en, fundarse en I. Go on reading, I wont disturb you.Sigue leyendo, no te molestar.II. She goes on and on about her health.Habla sin parar sobre su salud.III. What's going on here?Qu est pasando aqu?IV. The police had very few clues to go on in their search for the murderer.La polica tena muy pocas pistas en las que basarse en su bsqueda del asesino

Go outI. Become extinguished, stop burning (= Put out)II. Go to parties, concerts, meetings...III. Be frequently in the company of (a person, usually of the opposite sex) (with)I. Apagarse, extinguirII. Salir

III. Salir con alguienI. The fire has gone out./Se ha apagado el fuego

II.We dont go out as much as we did when we were younger. / No salimos tanto como cuando ramos ms jvenesIII. Ive been going out with him for months.He estado saliendo con l durante meses.

Go overI. Examine or look at something in a careful or detailed wayII. Study or explain somethingI. Examinar, revisar cuidadosamente

II. Explicar o estudiarI. Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer.Los cientficos forenses estn examinando el piso de la vctima en busca de pistas sobre el asesino.II. Could you go over the main points of your argument again, Professor?Podra explicar de nuevo los principales puntos de su argumento, profesor?

Go throughI. Search in, examine in detail

II. Suffer, experience a difficult or unpleasant situationIII. Use up (= Get through)IV. Complete

V. Be completedI. Registrar, rebuscar

II. Pasar por, sufrir

III. Gastar

IV. Cumplir

V. Concluirse, hacerseI. Ive gone through all my pockets, but I still cant find my key. / He registrado todos mis bolsillos, pero aun no he encontrado mi llave.II. You have no idea what I went through to get this finished in time. / No tienes ni idea de lo que he pasado para acabar esto a tiempo.III. We went through a lot of money on holiday. Gastamos mucho dinero en las vacaciones.IV. You have to go through certain formalities to get a visa. / Tienes que cumplir ciertas requisitos para obtener una visaV. After long hours of negotiations, the deal went through. / Tras largas horas de negociaciones, se hizo el acuerdo

Go upI. Increase in size, value etcII. Be builtI. Subir, aumentar incrementarseII. ConstruirseI. The temperature/price has gone up.La temperatura/ el precio ha aumentado.II. Many factories have gone up in the last decade / Se han construido muchas fbricas en la ltima dcada

Go withoutManage without, abstain fromPasar sin, prescindir de, abstenerse deI will have to go without any vacation next summer / Tendr que prescindir de vacaciones el prximo verano

Grow upBecome an adultCrecer, hacerse mayorHe wants to be a pilot when he grows up.Quiere ser piloto cuando se haga mayor.

Hang around withSpend time with someonePasar tiempo con, perder el tiempo con, andar conI got into drugs because I was hanging around with the wrong people.Me met en las drogas porque estaba pasando tiempo con la gente equivocada.

Hang onWait, continue to do somethingEsperarCould you hang on while I change my clothes? Podras esperar mientras me cambio de ropa?

Hang out withSpend time with someonePasar el rato conI hung out with my friends this evening.Pas el rato con mis amigos esta tarde.

Hang upI. Hang (something) on somethingII. (on) Put the receiver back after a phone conversationI. Colgar algo en

II. Colgar el telfonoI. Hang up the washing up on the rope to dry.Cuelga la ropa en la cuerda para secar.II. I tried to talk to her, but she hung up (on me).Intent hablar con ella, pero me colg.

Have to do withBe of importance or concern to (a person or thing), be aboutTener que ver con, tener relacin conYour remarks have (got) nothing to do with the subject we are discussing.Tus declaraciones no tienen nada que ver con el tema que estamos discutiendo.

Head off toGo to, go somewhere, start a journey or leave a placeIr a, partir, dirigirse aWhat time are you heading off?/A qu hora te irs?We headed off to a field that belonged to a family friend. / Nos dirigimos a un campo que perteneca a un amigo de la familia.

Hold onI. (to) keep (a grip on) (something)II. Stop or waitI. Agarrarse, sujetarII. EsperarI. She held on to me to stop herself slippingSe agarr a mi para dejar de resvalarse.II. Hold on, Im not quite ready yetEspera, an no estoy listo.

Hold upI. Stop or slow the progress ofII. Stop and robI. Retener, realentizarII. Parar para robarI. Im sorry Im late, I got held up at the office. Lo siento, llego tarde, me retuvieron en la oficina.II. The robbers held the bus up.Los ladrones detuvieron el bus para robar.

Keep away from(cause to) Remain at a distance, avoid coming near, stay away fromMantenerse a distancia, alejadoKeep away from the crocodiles, theyre dangerous! / Mantenerse alejados de los cocodrilos, son peligrosos!The woman shouted the thief to keep away from her / La mujer le grit al ladrn para que se alejara de ella.

Keep inMake a child stay inside as a punishment, or make someone stay in hospitalQuedarse en casa como castigo, o dejar a alguien en el hospitalThey kept her in overnight for observation.Le dejaron durante la noche en observacin.

Keep offI. Stay away

II. Prevent from getting to or on to (something)I. Mantenerse a distanciaII. No dejar acercarse, no dejar entrarI. The rain kept off and we had sunshine for the wedding. / La lluvia se mantuvo alejada y tuvimos sol para la boda.II. This umbrella isnt pretty, but it keeps off the rain. / Este paraguas no es bonito, pero no deja pasar la lluvia

Keep on+ verb -ing or sentencePersist in, continue (doing something or moving)

Continuar, seguir, persistirHe just kept on going until he was too exhausted to continue. Sigui avanzando hasta que estuvo demasiado cansado para continuar.They kept on until they came to a petrol station.Siguieron hasta que llegaron a una gasolinera.

Keep outNot to (allow to) enterNo dejar entrar, no dejar pasarThe notice at the building site said "Keep out!" El aviso en el edificio decia "No entrar!"This coat keeps out the wind.Este abrigo no deja pasar el viento.

Keep toDo what you have promised or planned to doMantener, cumplir, no cambiar los planes /prometidoI think we should keep to our original plan.Creo que deberamos mantener nuestro plan original.

Keep upI. (with) to move fast enough not to be left behind (by) / Be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fastII. Continue, or cause to remain, in operationI. Seguir (el ritmo), alcanzarEntender, coger, comprender

II. Mantener, seguir I. Dont run, I cant keep up with you. No corras, no puedo seguirte el ritmo/ alcanzarte.He talks so fast, I can't keep up with what he's saying.Habla tan rpido, que no puedo entender lo que est diciendo.

II. I enjoy our friendship and try to keep it up.Disfruto de nuestra amistad y trato de mantenerla.

Key inPut information into a computer or a machine using a keyboardTeclear, introducir informacin con un tecladoPlease key in your nickname and your password to log in. Por favor, teclea tu nombre y tu contrasea para iniciar sesin.

Knock overCause to fall from an upright position, turn overVolcar, tirar, voltearThe cat knocked over our expensive flower vase. El gato volc nuestro caro florero.

Lay outI. Arrange over a wide area (according to a plan)II. Spread so as to be easily seenIII. Knock unconscious

IV. Spend (money).I. Disponer, colocar, organizar, disearII. Extender

III. Dejar fuera de combate, inconscienteIV. DesembolsarI. He was the architect who laid out the public gardens / l fue el arquitecto que organiz los jardines pblicos.II. He laid out the contents of the box on the table Extendi el contenido de la caja sobre la mesaIII. A blow to the head laid him out.Un golpe en la cabeza le dej inconsciente/fuera de combate.IV. She laid out a lot of money. Desembols mucho dinero.

Leave outNot to include or put in, omit, forgetOmitir, excluirYouve left out a word in that sentence.Has omitido una palabra en esa frase.

Let offI. Fire (a gun) or cause (a firework) to explodeII. Allow to go without punishment..., excuse sb from doing sthI. Hacer explotar, hacer estallar.II. Perdonar, dejar ir sin castigo, absolver I. They let off fireworks at Christmas.Hicieron explotar fuegos artificiales en NavidadesII. The policeman let him off (with a warning).El polica le dej marchar sin castigo (con un aviso)

Live up toBehave in a manner worthy of, maintain a standardComportarse de una forma digna de, cumplir conShe has lived up to her reputation as a singer.Ha vivido de acuerdo con su reputacin de cantante.

Look afterAttend to or take care of, watchCuidar, ocuparse deShe gave up her job to look after the children.Renunci a su trabajo para cuidar de los nios.

Look down onRegard as inferior, look with disdainDespreciar He always looks down on the students who don't catch on inmediately. Siempre desprecia a los estudiantes que no encienten inmediatamente.

Look forward toWait with pleasure for, feel happy and excited about sth that is going to happenEsperar con inters, con ganas e ilusinI am looking forward to seeing you/to the holidaysEstoy deseando verte / las vacaciones.

Look intoInspect or investigate closely, examineInvestigar, inspeccionarThe manager will look into your complaint.El director estudiar tu queja.

Look forTry to find or notice someone or somethingIntentar encontrar o vigilar, buscarLook out for Anna while you're there.Estate atento a Anna mientras ests all

Look overExamine, check, reviewExaminar, echar una ojeadaWe have been looking over the new house.Hemos estado echando un vistazo a la nueva casaThere may be some mistakes in my report. Could you look it over?Puede que haya algunos errores en mi informe. Puede echarle una ojeada?

Look upI. Improve

II. Pay a visit toIII. Search for in a book of reference or on a computerI. Mejorar

II. Visitar, ir a ver, hacer una visitaIII. Buscar en un libro,diccionario, pcI. Things have been looking up lately.Las cosas han ido mejorando ltimamente.II. I looked up several old friends.Visit a varios viejos amigos.III. You should look the new word up in a dictionary.Debes buscar la nueva palabra en el diccionario.

Look up toRespect the conduct, opinions... of, admireRespetarHe has always looked up to his father.Siempre ha admirado/respetado a su padre.

Make forGo towards, move towards a placeDirigirse haciaWe were making for home when something unusual happened. Nos estbamos dirigiendo hacia casa cuando sucedi algo inslito.

Make outI. Understand, see or hear with difficultyII. Make it seem that, pretend

III. Write or fill in, draw up a documentI. Distinguir, divisar, apreciarII. Pretender, hacer como si, hacer creer, fingirIII. Hacer, rellenar, escribirI. He could make out a ship in the distance.Pudo divisar un barco en la distancia.II. He made out that he was earning a huge amount of money. / Haca como que ganaba una cantidad enorme de dinero III. The doctor made out a prescription.El doctor hizo una prescripcin.

Make upI. Invent, create imaginary informationII. Apply cosmetics to (the face)III. Become friends again (after a quarrel)

IV. Complete

V. Compose or be part(s) ofI. Inventar

II. Maquillar

III. Reconciliarse, hacer las paces

IV. Completar

V. Componer, formar, integrarI. He made up the whole story.Se invent la historia completa.II. She was making up her face in front of the mirror /Se estaba maquillando frente al espejo III. They quarrel every morning and make it up every evening. / Se pelean cada maana y se reconcilian por la tarde.IV. We need one more player, will you make up the number? / Necesitamos un jugador ms, completars el nmero?V. The group was mainly made up of doctors and lawyers. / El grupo estaba formado principalmente por doctores y abogados.

Make up forCompensate for, supply a reward, substitute... for disappointment, damage, loss (of money or time) ...Compensar, suplir, sustituirNext week well try to make up for lost time.La semana que viene trataremos de compensar el tiempo perdido.

Make up withRe-establish a relationship end a quarrel.Reconciliarse, hacer las paces conAfter the misunderstanding, Charlie made up with Jane. / Tras el malentendido, Charlie hizo las paces con Jane.

Mix upI. Confuse, muddle, upsetII. Blend togetherI. Confundir

II. MezclarI. Im always mixing the twins up.Siempre estoy confundiendo a los gemelos.II. I need to mix up another tin of paint.Tengo que mezclar otra lata de pintura.

Pass awayDieMorir, fallecer, pasar a mejor vidaThe old man passed away last year.El anciano falleci el ao pasado.

Pass outI. Faint, become unconscious II. Give to several different peopleI. Desmayarse, perder el conocim.II. Repartir, distribuirI. I feel as though Im going to pass out.Siento como si me fuera a desmayar.II. The teacher passed out books to her class.La profesora reparti los libros a su clase.

Pay backI. Return what is owing, give back II. Punish, take revenge onI. Devolver, pagar, reembolsarII. Hacer pagar aI. Ill pay you back as soon as I can.Te lo devolver tan pronto como pueda.II. Ill pay you back for that!Te har pagar por esto!

Pay inPut money into a bank account, deposit money with a bank to one's own or another's accountDespositar en una cuenta bancaria, ingresarThe auditor has found that more was drawn out from the bank than was paid in.El auditor detect que se haba extrado del banco ms dinero del que fue depositado.

Pay offBe successfulValer la penaAll her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam Todo su esfuerzo vali la pena al final, y finalmente aprob el examen.

Pay outSpend a lot of money on sth, or to pay a lot of money to someonePagar, desembolsar mucho dineroI've just paid out 500 on getting the car fixed. Acabo de pagar 500 para arreglar el coche.

Pick outI. Choose or select

II. Distinguish, see or recognize III. Play (a piece of music), especially slowly and with difficulty, especially by ear, without music in front of oneI. Escoger, elegir

II. Distinguir, ver, reconocer, identificar

III. Tocar de odoI. She picked out one dress that she particularly liked /Escogi un vestido que le gust especialmenteII. He must be among those people getting off the train, but I cant pick him out. Debe estar entre esa gente que baja del tren, pero no puedo distinguirle.III. I dont really play the piano, but I can pick out a tune with one finger. Realmente no toco el piano, pero puedo tocar una meloda con un dedo.

Pick upI. Learn gradually, without formal teachingII. Let (someone) into a car, train etc in order to take him somewhereIII. Get (something) by chanceIV. Right (oneself) after a fall..., stand upV. Collect (something) from somewhereVI. Receive signals (a radio, radar...)VII. Find, catchI. Aprender

II. Pasar a recoger a, recoger a, pasar a buscar aIII. Conseguir, encontrarIV. Levantarse, ponerse de pieV. Coger, recoger algo

VI. Captar, recibir, sintonizarVII. Encontrar, cogerI. I never studied Italian, I just picked it up when I was in Italy. Nunca estudi italiano, aprend lo justo cuando fui a Italia.II. I'll pick you up at the station.Te recoger en la estacin.III. I picked up a bargain at the shops today.Encontr una ganga en las tiendas hoy.IV. He fell over and picked himself up again.Se cay y volvi a levantarse l mismo.V. I ordered some meat from the butcher. Ill pick it up on my way home tonight.He pedido algo de carne en la carnicera. La recoger de camino a casa esta noche.VI. We picked up a foreign broadcast last night. Captamos una emisin extranjera anoche. VII. The police picked up the criminal.La polica cogi al criminal.

Plug in Connect an electrical device to an electrical system or device so that it can be used, by pushing its plug into a socketEnchufar, conectarThe keyboard plugs in at the back of the computer. /El teclado se enchufa en la parte trasera del ordenador.Of course the radio isn't working, you haven't plugged it in! / Por supuesto que la radio no funciona, no la has enchufado!

Point outIndicate, draw attention Sealar, destacarHe pointed out his house to her/Le seal su casa

Pop intoGo into or visit for a short timeVisitar, entrar enAll I have to do on the way home is pop into the drugstore. / Todo lo que tengo que hacer de camino a casa es visitar la farmacia.

Pull awayStart moving (a vehicle)Empezar a moverse, alejarse (un vehculo)There was a roar and a cloud of smoke as the car pulled away from the traffic lights.Hubo un rugido y una nube de humo cuando el coche se alej del semforo.

Pull inAttractAtraerThey put this posters to pull in costumersPusieron esos carteles para atraer clientes.

Pull on = Slip onPut on clothes quicklyVestirse, ponerse rpidamenteI pulled on/ slip on my jeans and ran downstairs.Me puse los vaqueros rpidamente y baj corriendo las escaleras.

Pull outStart moving onto a road or onto a different part of the roadSalir un vehculo, salirse de la vaA car pulled right out in front of me.Un coche se sali justo delante ma. The train pulled out at 6 o'clock./El tren sali a las 6

Pull out ofLeave a place (a vehicle)Salir de, partir de (un vehiculo)The train pulled out of the station.El tren sali de la estacin.

Pull upStop for a short time (a vehicle)Pararse, detenerse (un vehculo)A car pulled up outside my house.Un coche se par fuera de mi casa.

Put awayReturn to its proper place, especially out of sightPoner en su sitio, guardar fuera de la vistaShe put her clothes away in the drawer.Guard su ropa en el cajn.

Put downI. Lower

II. Place on the floor or other surface, out of ones handsIII. Subdue (a rebellion...)IV. Kill (an animal) painlessly when it is old or very illI. Bajar

II. Dejar en el suelo, soltarIII. Sofocar

IV. Sacrificar un animalI.The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. / El profesor le pidi al alumno que bajara la mano.II. Put that knife down immediately!Sulta ese cuchillo inmediatamente!III. The revolt was swiftly put down by government troops. / La revuelta fu rpidamente sofocada por las tropas del gobierno.IV. The dog was so ill that it had to be put down. El perro estaba tan enfermo que tuvo que ser sacrificado.

Put offI. Switch off (a light)II. Delay, postponeIII.Cancel an arranged meeting... with IV. Cause (a person) to feel disgust or dislike (for), discourage to do I. Apagar una luzII. Aplazar, posponerIII. CancelarIV. Repugnar, dar asco, disuadirI.Please put the light off!/Apaga la luz por favor!II. He put off leaving / his departure till Thursday. Aplaz su partida hasta el jueves.III. I had to put the Browns off because I had flu. Tuve que cancelar el Browns porque tena gripe.IV. The cheese looked nice, but the smell put me off El queso pareca bueno, pero el olor me di asco.

Put onI. Switch on (a light)II. Dress oneself inIII. Add or increase

IV. Present or produceV. Provide

VI. Make a false show of, pretendVII. Bet (money) forI. EncenderII. Ponerse ropaIII. Aumentar, engordar

IV. Dar, echar, presentarV. Poner, proveer

VI. Fingir

VII. ApostarI. Put the light on! Enciende la luz! II. Which shoes are you going to put on?Qu zapatos vas a ponerte?III. Ive put on weight. / He engordado.The car put on speed. / El coche aument la velocidadIV. Theyre putting on Hamlet next week.Echaran "Hamlet" la semana que vieneV. They always put on extra buses between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m./Siempre ponen buses extra entre 8-9VI. She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on / Dijo que se senta mal, pero estaba fingiendo.VII. Ive put a pound on that horse to win.He apostado una libra en ese caballo para ganar.

Put up a fightShow or express a particular type of opposition to sthOponerse, oponer resistenciaWe're not going to let them build a road here without putting up a fight. / No vamos a dejarles construir una carretera aqu sin oponer resistencia.

Put up withBear patiently, endure, tolerate, sufferSoportar, aguantarI cannot put up with all this noise.No puedo soportar todo ese ruido.

Rule outLeave out, not to consider, exclude, remove fromExcluir, descartarWe mustnt rule out the possibility of bad weather. / No podemos descartar la posibilidad de mal tiempo

Run awayEscapeEscaparse, huirHe ran away from school. / Se escap del colegio.

Run downI. Finish working, stop functioning (machine)II. Knock downIII. Speak badly of, disparage, express a negative opinion ofI. Pararse, agotarse

II. AtropellarIII. Criticar, hablar mal de, desacreditar, desacreditarI. My watch has run down, it needs rewinding. / Mi reloj se ha parado, necesita darle cuerda.II. I was run down by a bus.Fui atropellada por un autobs.III. He is always running me down.Siempre me est criticando.

Run intoI. Meet accidentally, meet by chanceII. Crash into or collide withI. Toparse con, encontrarse conII. Chocar con

I. I ran into her in the street.Me encontr por casualidad con ella en la calle.II. The car ran into a lamp-post.El coche choc con un poste de luz.

Run outCome to an end (a supply), expireAgotarse, acabarse, expirarThe food has run out. / Se ha agotado la comida.The policeman told me that my license had run outEl polica me dijo que mi permiso haba caducado

Run out ofHave no moreAcabarse, quedarse sinWeve run out of money. Nos hemos quedado sin dinero.

Save upSave, spend sparingly, avoid the waste ofAhorrar, guardar dineroHes been saving up for a new bike.Ha estado ahorrando para una nueva bici.

See offAccompany (a person starting on a journey) to the airport, station...from which he is to leaveDespedirse de alguien que se va de viajeHe saw me off at the station.Se despidi de mi en la estacin.

Send offSend a letter, document or parcel by postEnviar por correoHave you sent off your application form yet?Has enviado ya tu solicitud?

Send outI. Distribute

II. ProduceI. Enviar, mandar, distribuir, repartirII. ProducirI. A notice has been sent out to all employees. Un aviso ha sido enviado a todos los empleados.II. This plant has sent out some new shoots.Esta planta ha producido algunos brotes nuevos.

Set offI. Start a journey

II. Cause to start doing something

III. Explode or igniteI. Ponerse en camino, partir, salir II. Hacer empezar, provocar, desencadenar

III. Hacer estallar, explotar.I. We set off to go to the beach.Salimos para ir a la playa.II. She had almost stopped crying, but his harsh words set her off again.Casi haba parado de llorar, pero sus duras palabras le hicieron empezar de nuevo.III.You should let your father set off all the fireworks. / Deberas dejar que tu padre explote todos los petardos

Set upI. Establish

II. Arrange, construct, place in position, erectI. Establecerse

II. Montar, instalar, colocarI. When was the organization set up?Cundo se estableci la organizacin?II. He set up the apparatus for the experiment. Mont el aparato para el experimento.

Settle downI. Become quiet, calm and peacefulII. Make oneself comfortableIII. Begin to concentrate on sthingI. Calmarse, tranquilizarseII. Acomodarse ponerse cmodo, instalarseIII. Ponerse (a hacer algo)He waited for the audience to settle down before he spoke/Esper que el pblico se calmara para hablarII. She settled (herself) down in the back of the car and went to sleep. /Se acomod en la parte trasera del coche y se fue a dormir.III. He settled down to (do) his schoolwork.Se puso con su trabajo escolar.

Shoot offStart moving very quickly, leave in a hurrySalir disparado, irse pitandoI clambered on the bike and shoot off.Me sub a la moto y sal pitando.

Show offI. Show or display for admirationII. Try to impress others with ones possessions, ability...I. Exhibir, exponerII. Exhibirse, lucirseI. He showed off his new car by taking it to work. Exhibi su nuevo coche llevndolo al trabajo. II. She is just showing off, she wants everyone to know how well she speaks French. Solo se est luciendo, quiere que todos sepan lo bien que habla francs.

Sink inGradually start to believe, understand, or realize the effect ofAsimilar, comprender, creerHow many times do I have to tell you something before it sinks in? / Cuntas veces tengo que decirte algo antes de que te lo creas?

Sort outI. Arrange, organize, separate (one lot or type of)things from a mixtureII. Correct, improve, solveIII. Attend to, usually by punishing/reprimandingI. Organizar, ordenar, separar, clasificarII. Arreglar, solucionarIII. Meter en vereda, meter en cinturaI. Ill try to sort out some books that he might like Tratar de separar algunos libros que quiz le gustenII. You must sort out your business affairs.Debes solucionar tus asuntos de negocios.III. Ill soon sort you out, you evil little man!Pronto te meter en cintura, diablillo!

Speak upSpeak (more) loudlyHablar ms alto/ fuerteSpeak up! We cant hear you!Habla ms alto! No podemos orte!

Stand byI. Watch something happening without doing anythingII. Be ready to act

III. Support, stay loyal toI. Presenciar, ser testigo, no poder estar quietoII. Estar a la espera, preparadoIII. Apoyar aI.I couldnt just stand by while he was hitting the child / No puedo quedarme quieto mientras est pegando al nio.II. The police are standing by in case of trouble. La polica est esperando por si hay problemas.III. She stood by him throughout his trial.Le apoy durante todo el juicio.

Stand outI. Be noticeable, be prominentII. Go on resisting or to refuse to yieldI. Destacar

II. Resistirse, negarse a cederI. She stood out as one of the prettiest girls in the school / Destac como una de las chicas ms guapas del coleII. The garrison stood out (against the besieging army) as long as possible.La guarnicin se neg a ceder tanto tiempo como pudo (contra el ejrcito enemigo).

Start outBegin your life, or the part of your life when you work, in a particular wayComenzar, empezar My dad started out as a sales assistant in a shop. Mi padre comenz como asistente de ventas en una tienda.

Start upI. Be created and start to operate (business, organization or someone)

II. Start to work (engine or vehicle)I. Poner en marcha, crear

II. Encender, poner en marcha, arrancarI. Many small businesses started up in the 1980s to cater to this growing market.Muchas pequeas empresas se pusieron en marcha en los 1980 para atender el creciente mercado.We ought to start up a drama group.Deberamos poner en marcha un grupo de teatro.II. The car wouldn't start up this morning.El coche no arrancaba esta maana.

Stop overStay at a place for one night or a few nights on the way to somewhere else or before returning homeHacer escala en, hacer una parada en algn sitio durante un viaje para pasar la nocheThey're stopping over in Malaysia for a couple of nights on the way to Australia.Harn escala en Malaysia por un par de noches de camino a Australia.

Sum upGive the main or important points ofResumirHe summed up the various proposals.Resumin las distintas propuestas.

Switch off/onPut or turn on/off (an electric current / light)(off) Prevent electricity (on) Allow electricity Encender/ apagar, conectar/ desconectar la luz o una corriente elctricaHe switched on the light / Encendi la luz.Switch off the electricity before going on holiday.Desconecta la corriente elctrica antes de ir de vacaciones.

Take afterBe like (a relative) in appearance or characterParecerse a, tener parecido conShe takes after her father.Ella se parece a su padre.

Take awayCarry, conduct or lead to another place, removeLlevarse, sacarHe has locked the room and taken the key away. Ha cerrado la habitacin y se ha llevado la llave.

Take downMake a note or record of, write downAnotarHe took down her name and address.Anot su nombre y direccin.

Take inI. Include

II. Give (someone) shelterIII. Understand and rememberIV. Make (clothes) smallerV. Deceive or cheatI. Incluir, abarcar, comprenderII. Acoger, dar cobijoIII. Entender, captar, asimilarIV. Meterle, encogerV. Engaar, embaucar, dar gato por liebreI. Literature takes in drama, poetry and the novel. Literatura incluye teatro, poesa y novela.II. He had nowhere to go, so I took him in.No tena a donde ir, asique le di cobijo III. I didnt take in what he said.No comprend lo que dijo.IV.I lost a lot of weight, so I had to take all my clothes in /Perd mucho peso, asique tuve que encoger toda mi ropaV. He took me in with his story. Me embauc con su historia.

Take offI. Remove (clothes...)II. Leave the ground (an aircraft)III. Not to work during (a period of time)IV. Imitate someone (often unkindly)V. Be a success, become established, suddenly start to be successful or popularI. Quitarse, II. Despegar

III. Tomarse libre, no trabajarIV. Imitar

V. Tener xitoI. He took off his coat. / Se quit su abrigo.II. The plane took off for Rome.El avin despeg hacia Roma.III. Im taking tomorrow morning off.Me voy a tomar maana por la maana libre.IV. He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh. / Sola imitar a su profesor para hacer rer a sus amigos.V. Her singing career had just begun to take off / Su carrera como cantante acaba de empezar a tener xito.

Take onI. (at) challenge (someone) to a game...II. EmployIII. Get, assume

IV. Allow (passengers) to get on or inV. Be upset VI. Agree to do (work...), undertakeI. Desafiar, jugar contra II.ContratarIII. Tomar, asumirIV. Recoger pasajerosV. Tomrselo mal, alterarse VI. Aceptar, asumir responsabilidadesI.Ill take you on at tennis/ Jugar contre ti al tenisII. They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory.Van a contratar 500 hombres ms en la fbricaIII. His writing took on a completely new meaning. / Su escrito asumi un significado completamente nuevoIV. The bus only stops here to take on passengers. El bus solo para aqu para recoger pasajeros.V. Dont take on so! / No te lo tomes as!VI. He took on the job. /Acept el empleo.

Take outI. Reach out for and grasp, hold, lift, pull, remove, extractII. Carry, conduct or lead to another place, escort outsideI. Sacar, extraer

II. Sacar, llevar

I. Ive had a tooth taken outMe han sacado un dienteHe opened the drawer and took out a gun.Abri el cajn y sac una pistola.II. I took the dog out for a walk Sac al perro a pasearHe took her out for dinner. / Le llev a cenar

Take overI. Take control (of)II. (from) do (sth) after someone else stops doing itI.Tomar el control, hacerse con el poderII. Relevar a, tomar el relevo de alguienI. He has taken the business overHa tomado el control del negocio.II. He retired last year, and I took over (his job) from him. / Se retir el ao pasado, y le relev

Take pity onFeeling of sympathy and understanding for sb else's unhappiness or difficult situationCompadecerse de alguienWe took pity on a couple of people waiting in the rain for a bus and gave them a lift.Nos compadecimos de una pareja que estaba esperando el autobs y les dimos una vuelta.

Take toStart doing something often, be good at, enjoy something new.Empezar a, acostumbrarse a, aficionarse aHe's taken to staying out very late. / Se est acostumbrando a estar fuera hasta muy tarde.She was so depressed she took to drink.Estaba tan deprimida que empez a beber.

Take upI. Use or occupy (space, time...)II. Begin doing, playing...III. Shorten (clothes)

IV. Lift or raise, pick upI. Tomar, robar, ocupar un espacioII. Empezar a, emprederIII. Acortar

IV. Recoger, levantarI. I wont take up much of your time.No te robar mucho tiempo.II. He has taken up the violin/teaching.Ha empezado a tocar el violn/ ensearIII. My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up Mis faldas eran demasiado largas, asique tuve que acortarlasIV. He took up the book in his right hand. Levant el libro con la mano derecha.

Talk intoPersuade someone to do somethingConvencerHe's against the idea, but I think I can talk him into it. Est en contra de la idea, pero creo que puedo convencerle.

Tell apartBe able to see the difference between two similar things or peopleDistinguir, diferenciarAs babies, the twins were so alike that I just couldn't tell them apart. / De bebs, los gemelos eran tan parecidos que no poda diferenciarlos.

Tell offSpeak angrily to someone because they have done sth wrongRegaar, reir The teacher told me off for swearing.El profesor me rega por decir tacos.

Throw away/ outGet rid of something that you do not want any moreDeshacerse de algo que ya no quieresSo when are you going to throw away those old magazines? / As que cundo vas a deshacerte de esas revistas viejas?

Top upAdd more of something, especially money, to an existing amount to create the total you needRecargarThis is the easiest way to top up your mobile phone card. / Esta es la forma ms fcil de recargar tu tarjeta del telfono mvil.

Turn awayI. Move your face so you are not looking at somethingII. Not allow someone to enter a placeI. Apartar la mirada, girar la cabeza II. Rechazar, no permitir la entrada enI. When they show an operation on TV, I have to turn away. /Cuando sale una operacin en la tele, tengo que girar la cabeza para no ver.II. They turned us away at the entrance because we hadn't got tickets. / Nos rechazaron en la entrada porque no tenamos entradas

Turn downRefuse an offer or requestRechazar una propuesta u ofertaHe turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. / Rechaz el empleo porque implicaba demasiados viajes.He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down/Le pidi que se casara con l, pero le rechaz

Turn intoChange and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do thisCambiar, ser diferente, convertirThe council was hoping to turn a children's home into a residence for adolescent girls.El consejo estaba deseando convertir el hogar para nios en una residencia para chicas adolescentes.The town turned from a small seaside resort into a major commercial centre when oil was discovered. / La cuidad paso de ser una pequea localidad costera a ser un importante centro comercial cuando se descubri el petrleo.

Turn off/onSwitch a piece of equipment, a power, water supply on or off, increase/reduce what it's producingApagar/encender Turn off/out the light. Apaga la luz.Who turned the telly on?Quin encendi la tele?

Turn outI. Happen in a particular way or have a particular result, especially an unexpected oneII. Be known or discovered finally and surprisingly [+ to infinitive / that]III. Go to be there or to watchI. Salir, resultar de forma inesperadaII. Resultar, descubrirse finalmente o de forma sorprendente

III. Ir a o ir a verI. As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early. / Por como salieron los sucesos, hicimos bien en decidir irnos pronto.How did the recipe turn out?/Cmo sali la receta?II. The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. / La verdad result ser ms extraa de lo que habamos esperado.It turns out that she had known him when they were children./Resulta que le haba conocido cuando eran niosIII. Thousands of people turned out to welcome the England team home. / Miles de personas fueron a dar la bienvenida a casa al equipo de Inglaterra.

Turn upArrive or appear somewhere, usually unexpectedly or in a way that wasn't plannedLlegar, presentarse, aparecer de forma inesperada o sin estar planeadoDo you think many people will turn up?Crees que aparecer mucha gente?She turned up at my house late one night.Se present en mi casa a altas horas de la noche.

Watch overProtect someone and make certain that they are safeVigilar que alguien est seguro, velar porThe prince has two bodyguards watching over him every hour of the day. / El prncipe tena dos guardaespaldas vigilndole cada hora del da.

Wear offGradually disappear (a feeling or the effect of something)DesaparecerMost patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour.La mayora de pacientes encuentran que el entumecimiento de la inyeccin desaparece despus de aproximadamente una hora.

Wear outI. Make someone extremely tiredII. Use someth so much that it is damaged and cannot be used any more, or to become damaged in this wayI. Cansar, agotar

II. DesgastarI. Walking around a museum all day really wears you out. / Caminar por el museo todo el da realmente te agota.II. Moving parts in engines wear out much more quickly than stationary parts.Las partes mviles de los motores de desgastan mucho ms rpido que las partes fijas.

Work onI. Spend time repairing or improving somethingII. Try to persuade or influence someone [+ to infinitive]I. Trabajar en algo para mejorarlo o repararlo.II. Intentar convencer, persuadir, influenciar I. I need to work on my pronunciation if I'm to pass the exam. / Tengo que trabajar mi pronunciacin si quiero aprobar el examen.II. I'm working on my father to get him to take me to the airport. / Estoy intentando convencer a mi padre para que me llegue al aeropuerto.

Work outI. Gradually become better or satisfactory, or make something better or satisfactoryII. Do a calculation to get an answer to a math questionIII. Understand the reasons for sb's behaviourIV. Exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your bodyV. Understand or find the answer to something by thinking about itI. Salir bien, funcionar

II. Calcular

III. Comprender, entender el comportamiento

IV. Ejercitarse

V. Resolver, meditar, comprenderI. Don't worry about anything, it'll all work out (for the best) in the end, you'll see.No te preocupes por nada, todo saldr bien (a lo mejor) al final, ya lo vers.II. We need to work out the total cost of the project. Necesitamos calcular el coste total del proyecto.III. Why does he behave like that? I can't work him out at all. / Por qu se comporta de ese modo? No le entiendo en absoluto.IV. Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week. / Huw se ejercita en el gimnasio 2 o 3 veces a la semana.V. There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident.Debera haber una completa investigacion para comprender qu causo el accidente.