photosynthesis chapter 6

7 Photosynthes is chapter 6 Using the sun to make food

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Photosynthesis chapter 6. Using the sun to make food. 1. Which of the following directly uses the sun’s energy to make its own food?. A. Autotroph B. Chemoautotroph C. Scavenger D. Heterotroph . 2. Heterotrophs. A. Get their energy directly from the sun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Photosynthesis  chapter 6


chapter 6

Using the sun to make food

Page 2: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

1. Which of the following directly uses the sun’s energy to make its own food?

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25% 25%25%25%

A. AutotrophB. ChemoautotrophC. ScavengerD. Heterotroph

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2. Heterotrophs

1 2 3 4

25% 25%25%25%A. Get their energy

directly from the sunB. Make food from

chemicals they ingest.

C. Get their energy from other organisms

they eatD. Must only eat dead

things in order to survive

Page 4: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

3. The five components of ATP

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25% 25%25%25%A. Ribose, thymine, and

3 phosphatesB. Ribose, adenine, and

3 phosphatesC. Ribose, adenine and

2 phosphatesD. Ribose, thymine,

and 2 phosphates

Page 5: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

4. Energy that is stored in ATP becomes available when

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25% 25%25%25%A. Phosphate #3 is added to the molecule

B. Phosphate #2 and #3 are both added to the molecule

C. Phosphate #3 is released with the help of an enzyme

D. Phosphate #2 is released with the help of an enzyme

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5.Energy used to make ATP comes from

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25% 25%25%25%

A. Other ATP molecules

B. ADPC. The enzymes

involved in the reactions

D. The food we eat.

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6. The organelle responsible for photosynthesis is the

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A. LysosomeB. MitochondriaC. EpidermisD. Chloroplast

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7. The light reactions take place in the

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A. GranaB. StromaC. ThylakoidD. Cytoplasm

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8. What color appears when all of the colors of the spectrum of light are absorbed

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A. WhiteB. GreenC. BlackD. Red

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9. Blue has shorter wavelengths than red

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A. TrueB. False

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10. Which pigment is directly involved in the light reactions?

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A. Chlorophyll aB. Chlorophyll bC. CarotenoidsD. Xanthophyll

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11. Other pigments that are present are called accessory pigments because they

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25% 25%25%25%

A. Absorb more of the same wavelengths of light as Chlorophyll A

B. Absorb wavelengths of light that Chlorophyll A cannot.

C. Are like coenzymes and help absorb light

D. Reflect light that Chlorophyll cannot

Page 13: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

12. What is leaf part is A?

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20% 20% 20%20%20%A.

A. Air spaceB. stomataC. Guard cellD. mesophyllE. Palisade layer

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13. The end products of photosynthesis are

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A. glucose and oxygen

B. carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

C. oxygen and ATPD. lactic acid and ATPE. pyruvic acid and

carbon dioxide

Page 15: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

14. Energy trapped by chlorophyll is stored

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20% 20% 20%20%20%

A. in ATP and NADPH2 B. As radiant energyC. in coenzymes D. as an excited

electronE. all of these

Page 16: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

15. Another name for the colors of the rainbow

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20% 20% 20%20%20%A. light pigmentsB. the visible spectrum

C. radiant energyD. accessory pigments

E. prisms

Page 17: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

16. A photon is

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25% 25%25%25%A. Single particle of lightB. Is a photo of the

stream of light coming into the leaf

C. Is the light that leaves the plant after glucose has been made

D. What is made in the leaf and passed onto animals for energy

Page 18: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

17. Which of the following must directly have sunlight?

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20% 20% 20%20%20%

A. PGAL formationB. glycolysisC. trapping of light

energy by chlorophyll

D. synthesis of glucoseE. A, C and D

Page 19: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

18. What products from the light reaction are needed in the dark reactions?

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25% 25%25%25%

A. ADP and NADPB. Glucose and

OxygenC. Carbon Dioxide and


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19. Which two colors are absorbed the most by the chloroplast?

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25% 25%25%25%

A. Green and RedB. Green and BlueC. Red and BlueD. Yellow and


Page 21: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

20. What type of reaction would Photosynthesis be classified as?

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A. oxidationB. endergonicC. autotrophicD. exergonic

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21. What are 2 reactants of photosynthesis?

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25% 25%25%25%A. Glucose and

waterB. Glucose and

carbon dioxideC. Water and

carbon dioxideD. Water and


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22. Pigments

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25% 25%25%25%A. Absorb glucose in order to help absorb ATP

B. Absorb wavelengths of light

C. Reflect molecules of CO2

D. Reflect molecules of O2

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23. The food in a leaf is transported by

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25% 25%25%25%

A. phloemB. spongy cells

C. xylemD. cutin

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24. Photosynthesis occurs in these cells in the leaf

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25% 25%25%25%A. Spongy, palisade,

guardB. Cutin, palisade,

epidermisC. Spongy, Cutin,

palisadeD. Guard cells,

epidermis, cutin

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25. The Calvin Cycle occurs in the…

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20% 20% 20%20%20%A. ThylakoidB. StromaC. GranaD. Electron Transport


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26. The energy for dark reactions comes directly from where?

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33% 33%33%A. PhotonsB. Products from the light

reactionsC. Electrons energized

from sunlight

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27. What is the energy currency for cells?

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33% 33%33%A. GlucoseB. ADPC. ATP

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28. When an enzyme adds a phosphate to an ADP molecule it becomes ATP.

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A. TrueB. False

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29. Photosynthetic rate depends on which of the following?

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A. Amount of waterB. Intensity of sunlightC. TemperatureD. All of the above

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30. Enzyme activity depends on what?

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A. pHB. TemperatureC. Substrate

concentrationD. All of the above

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31. Water is split during what reaction(s)?

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A. Light ReactionsB. Dark ReactionsC. Both D. Neither

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32. NADPH + accepts hydrogen during what reaction(s)?

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A. Light ReactionsB. Dark ReactionsC. Both D. Neither

Page 34: Photosynthesis  chapter 6

33. The leaves of a plant appear green because…

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50%50%A. They absorb green

wavelengths of light and reflect others

B. They reflect green wavelengths of light and absorb others

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34. Converting ADP to ATP requires energy to be…

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A. ReleasedB. CreatedC. DestroyedD. Stored

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35. Which of the following transports water and minerals in plants?

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A. XylemB. PhloemC. Palisade layerD. Guard cells

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36. This leaf part controls the opening and closing of the stomata

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%

A. EpidermisB. Spongy layerC. Guard cellD. Veins

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37. What leaf part is B?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%

A. CutinB. Guard cellC. Air spaceD. mesophyll B.

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38. Cell power comes from

A. B. C. D. E.

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A. a change of ADP to ATPB. EnzymesC. formation of RuBD. breaking of the chemical

bond of ATP and forming ADP

E. breaking the ADP high energy bond