photos of richmond

Richmond from the Air October 2006

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Photos of RIchmond and the Fraser Valley taken from a plane


Page 1: Photos Of Richmond

Richmond from the Air

October 2006

Page 2: Photos Of Richmond

A few years ago I flew to Edmonton to visit my daughter and her family. I took photos every moment. The flights were particularly exciting to me.

You have to be patient to get to the photos of Richmond. I wanted to put our little island in context with other parts of B.C. and even another province.

I left the photos untouched so they are often blurry and crooked. I wanted them to be realistic.

--- Carmela August 2008

Richmond from the Air, October 2006

Page 3: Photos Of Richmond

Take Off

Sea Island and Vancouver. Sea Island has some agriculture. Empty fields are shrinking because there is development here too.

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English Bay

UBC and English Bay. Somewhere at UBC is the University Farm. There are sports fields and condomiums also.

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Lulu Island

West Richmond, most of which is housing. There are some farms and a big park at north west corner, and farms south of Steveston Highway. And the Steeves farm along the west dyke.

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West Vancouver

The side of a mountain.

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Howe Sound

Steep slopes.

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Near Edmonton.

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Southern Interior of B.C.

Farmland between the mountain ranges.

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Fraser Valley

Matsqui Island in upper centre of photo. Some of the farmland to the south may be in the State of Washington.

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McMillan Island

On the mainland to the south in 2007 I saw signs advertising a new housing development-- in a secluded area outside of Fort Langley. On farmland.

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Somewhere in Langley/Surrey area

Suburbia and industry over farmland.

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The Nicomekl Valley

Farmland between Panorama Ridge and the Semiahmoo Peninsula. Washington in background across Semiahmoo Bay.

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Southeast Richmond

Industry and farmland.

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Westminster Highway

Farmland between industry and golf course. Is that a village of large lot housing in the middle?

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Number Six Road

Shopping centres to the southeast across the freeway, Riverport (theatres and new housing) by the ocean just east of the freeway. Industry to the east. A few golf courses. And yes– farmland.

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Blundell Road west of Number Six Road


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The Garden City Lands

South of Westminster Highway is housing, some still unfinished in October 2006 (date of photo).

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West Side of Garden City Lands

High density housing just across the street. Note that huge parking lot around the towers.

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Further West to Number 3 Road

Remember, this is 2006. No Skytrain construction yet.

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South Airport and Middle Arm

I live over there across the river, behind the new riverfront condos. I believe there was farming there once. Not now!

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end of the show!