photos during filming 207e

Photos showing evidence of our work during filming By Erika White

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Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Photos showing evidence of our work

during filmingBy Erika White

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Here is the set up for one of our scenes. We shot it in our editing suite because of the low key lighting and desk. We printed off images like ‘The Girl with the Pearl Earring’, a map of Brighton and a blueprint. We decided to print these because it links with the crime genre (the blueprint). We also wanted to show the location of where the film is set (a map). Then we printed a copy of the famous painting as it’s included in our narrative.

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This is an idea we had for our poster. We thought that we should use a still image from the trailer to represent the genre.

A comic book effect adds an element of postmodernism. We’d achieve this by editing in Photoshop and adding a filter.

We would make it black and white because that’s typical of crime.

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Here are some bulletpoint ideas for our soundtrack and sound effects.

We think Untwisted Nerve would be a complimentary soundtrack, it goes well with the footage at the beginning of our trailer. This soundtrack is a copy from Kill Bill.

We’d add sound effects that emphasise some of the action, for example, footsteps, a gunshot, door opening and closing.

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This is an image which shows how we shot the tracking shot at the end of the trailer. We had to reshoot this part because our initial ideas had changed.

We chose to film here because of the background of bricks. We didn’t want any distraction from the main action of the character walking.

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Here are the props we used for some of our shots. We got a jiffy bag and stuffed it with paper to make it look like money. Then we painted a frame to make it look expensive and stuck a print out of a painting to it.

These props allow the audience to begin questioning the trailer. What’s in the jiffy bag?Why is she selling the painting?

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This is an image which was taken during filming. We used a tripod to ensure the camera was steady. We also rearranged the classroom so that no posters were visible in the shot.

We used this location because it was of easy access. We didn’t use all the footage filmed for our trailer because it revealed too much of the narrative. We decided to only use the high angle view of the dealer passing over the money. This enabled a sense of enigma for our film trailer.