photometry with adaptive optics: a first guide to expected ... · adaptive optics system. it also...

ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS MAY I 1998, PAGE 617 SUPPLEMENT SERIES Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 129, 617-635 (1998) Photometry with adaptive optics: A first guide to expected performance ? O. Esslinger and M.G. Edmunds Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wales, Cardiff, CF2 3YB, UK e-mails: [email protected], [email protected] Received March 21; accepted November 12, 1997 Abstract. This paper aims to help prospective observers estimate the likely performance of adaptive optics for pho- tometric observations. Both real and simulated adaptive optics data are used in specific examples covering the ma- jor observational situations. These illustrate the differ- ent sources of uncertainty: seeing fluctuations, presence of both a large halo and residual fluctuations in the point spread function, and angular anisoplanatism. The astro- nomical cases studied include isolated sources, faint struc- tures around a star, and crowded stellar fields. The photo- metric performance image deconvolution is also examined. No attempt is made to investigate exhaustively all possi- ble atmospheric conditions and observing configurations, but the discussion should be a useful guide to the feasibil- ity of using adaptive optics in astronomical programmes requiring particular photometric accuracies. Key words: turbulence atmospheric effects instrumentation: miscellaneous method: data analysis techniques: photometric stars: individual: Betelgeuse 1. Introduction Although several papers have dealt with the image quality of an adaptive optics system (see e.g. Wilson & Jenkins (1996) for theoretical performance and Tessier (1997) for real results), none has focused specifically on the qual- ity of photometry possible with these images. Since the accuracy of photometry is often crucial in the astrophys- ical conclusions drawn from observations, we attempt to give a guide for the average observer of the performance and limitations that can be expected when an adaptive optics system is used. Most of the examples given here Send offprint requests to : M.G. Edmunds ? Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile. use Strehl ratios between 0.15 and 0.3, which is typical of fair correction currently achievable in H and K wave- length bands, and have been obtained with the ADONIS system at the 3.6-metre ESO telescope. We do not try to estimate performances in a complete set of atmospheric conditions, since such a complete error analysis would re- ally only be appropriate to a particular adaptive optics system, and our intention is to provide “rule-of-thumb” estimates rather than investigating the ultimate accuracy achievable under special circumstances. Table 6 at the end of this paper gives a brief summary of typical achievable accuracies for near-infrared photometry in a range of as- tronomical programmes. Using adaptive optics introduces problems which are not usually encountered in normal photometry: global variations of the PSF with time, fluctuations in the large halo surrounding the core of the PSF, the presence of fea- tures in the PSF due to residual aberrations and varia- tions of the PSF with the position in the image (due to the dependence of phase perturbations on position in the sky, called angular anisoplanatism). The influence of these problems on photometric performance is considered in sev- eral cases: uncrowded fields, faint structures around unre- solved bright objects, and crowded fields. These examples should give a useful guide to performance in most astro- nomical photometric programmes that might be tackled using adaptive optics. We also study the effect on photom- etry of image deconvolution. This article looks at errors directly linked to the use of adaptive optics, and therefore most of the time ignores issues such as the presence of noise (sky background, photon or readout noise) or other problems with which the astronomer is used to dealing (for instance, flat fielding). Section 2 introduces photometry with arrays and re- views the particular problems introduced by the use of an adaptive optics system. It also describes the observational data which is a vital input to our estimates. In Sect. 3, the potential advantages of using adaptive optics for pho- tometry are illustrated by two examples. Section 4 then studies the impact of the limitations of adaptive optics in

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Page 1: Photometry with adaptive optics: A first guide to expected ... · adaptive optics system. It also describes the observational data which is a vital input to our estimates. In Sect



Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 129, 617-635 (1998)

Photometry with adaptive optics: A first guide to expectedperformance?

O. Esslinger and M.G. Edmunds

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wales, Cardiff, CF2 3YB, UKe-mails: [email protected], [email protected]

Received March 21; accepted November 12, 1997

Abstract. This paper aims to help prospective observersestimate the likely performance of adaptive optics for pho-tometric observations. Both real and simulated adaptiveoptics data are used in specific examples covering the ma-jor observational situations. These illustrate the differ-ent sources of uncertainty: seeing fluctuations, presenceof both a large halo and residual fluctuations in the pointspread function, and angular anisoplanatism. The astro-nomical cases studied include isolated sources, faint struc-tures around a star, and crowded stellar fields. The photo-metric performance image deconvolution is also examined.No attempt is made to investigate exhaustively all possi-ble atmospheric conditions and observing configurations,but the discussion should be a useful guide to the feasibil-ity of using adaptive optics in astronomical programmesrequiring particular photometric accuracies.

Key words: turbulence — atmospheric effects —instrumentation: miscellaneous — method: dataanalysis — techniques: photometric — stars:individual: Betelgeuse

1. Introduction

Although several papers have dealt with the image qualityof an adaptive optics system (see e.g. Wilson & Jenkins(1996) for theoretical performance and Tessier (1997) forreal results), none has focused specifically on the qual-ity of photometry possible with these images. Since theaccuracy of photometry is often crucial in the astrophys-ical conclusions drawn from observations, we attempt togive a guide for the average observer of the performanceand limitations that can be expected when an adaptiveoptics system is used. Most of the examples given here

Send offprint requests to: M.G. Edmunds? Based on observations obtained at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile.

use Strehl ratios between 0.15 and 0.3, which is typicalof fair correction currently achievable in H and K wave-length bands, and have been obtained with the ADONISsystem at the 3.6-metre ESO telescope. We do not try toestimate performances in a complete set of atmosphericconditions, since such a complete error analysis would re-ally only be appropriate to a particular adaptive opticssystem, and our intention is to provide “rule-of-thumb”estimates rather than investigating the ultimate accuracyachievable under special circumstances. Table 6 at the endof this paper gives a brief summary of typical achievableaccuracies for near-infrared photometry in a range of as-tronomical programmes.

Using adaptive optics introduces problems which arenot usually encountered in normal photometry: globalvariations of the PSF with time, fluctuations in the largehalo surrounding the core of the PSF, the presence of fea-tures in the PSF due to residual aberrations and varia-tions of the PSF with the position in the image (due tothe dependence of phase perturbations on position in thesky, called angular anisoplanatism). The influence of theseproblems on photometric performance is considered in sev-eral cases: uncrowded fields, faint structures around unre-solved bright objects, and crowded fields. These examplesshould give a useful guide to performance in most astro-nomical photometric programmes that might be tackledusing adaptive optics. We also study the effect on photom-etry of image deconvolution. This article looks at errorsdirectly linked to the use of adaptive optics, and thereforemost of the time ignores issues such as the presence ofnoise (sky background, photon or readout noise) or otherproblems with which the astronomer is used to dealing(for instance, flat fielding).

Section 2 introduces photometry with arrays and re-views the particular problems introduced by the use of anadaptive optics system. It also describes the observationaldata which is a vital input to our estimates. In Sect. 3,the potential advantages of using adaptive optics for pho-tometry are illustrated by two examples. Section 4 thenstudies the impact of the limitations of adaptive optics in

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the simple case of an uncrowded field. Section 5 assessestheir influence in the more complex case of a crowdedfield. This includes the detection of a faint companion orcomplex structure around a bright object, and the case ofa field containing a large number of objects. The effectsof deconvolution on photometry are considered in Sect. 6.Conclusions are drawn in Sect. 7, including a brief discus-sion of the implications of the use of laser guide stars, andsimple advice on estimating photometric errors.

2. Photometry with arrays

There are currently two different methods of perform-ing photometry with arrays: aperture photometry, foruncrowded fields, and point spread function fitting, forcrowded fields. Aperture photometry is the equivalent ofclassical diaphragm photometry applied to an array frame:a given aperture is chosen and the light of the object stud-ied is integrated on this aperture. The sky background isestimated by a measurement in an annulus around theobject of interest. This area must be close enough to thestar so that its background and the aperture’s are thesame, but not too close in order to minimise the contri-bution of the object in the annulus. When dealing withcrowded fields, aperture photometry is no longer applica-ble as several sources can contribute together to the in-tensity in an aperture. In this case, another method hasto be used: point spread function fitting. This consists offitting a model of the stellar images to the data via a least-squares algorithm, allowing the study of several stars atthe same time.

Both photometric methods rely on some strong as-sumptions. Basically, the point spread function has to beknown very accurately and it should be smooth, stablewith time and constant over the whole field of view. Thisis approximately the case in normal ground-based observa-tions. The PSF is then seeing-limited, most of the energyis contained within a circle of diameter 1 arcsec or so, andthe profile is fairly smooth and constant with time andposition. But the requirements are no longer met when anadaptive optics system is used. As we will soon see, theglobal shape of the PSF then varies a lot with time andalso with the position of the object on the field of view.Furthermore, the PSF is surrounded by a halo which isaffected by strong fluctuations as well. Last, the PSF isnot smooth but shows irregularities due to residual aber-rations. All these factors mean that performing photome-try with adaptive optics is much less straightforward thanwith a seeing limited system - although the use of thistechnique can still bring considerable improvement.

2.1. Variations with time

The first drawback of adaptive optics as far as photome-try is concerned is the variability of the PSF with time.The variations of the PSF with time have two causes.

First, the shape of the PSF and its Strehl ratio dependstrongly on the seeing, which is known to vary rapidly withtime. The variations of the seeing therefore imply strongfluctuations of the PSF with time. Secondly, some PSFvariations are also due to wavefront sensor noise and tofluctuations in the high-order spatial modes of the wave-front that are not corrected by the adaptive optics system.These fluctuations would be present even if the seeing wereconstant. Tessier (1995) showed that the first possibility,seeing fluctuations, is probably the predominant sourceof PSF variations, even if it has not yet been proved deci-sively. Whatever the reason, the PSF cannot be consideredstable with time, which poses a major problem for bothphotometric methods.

The usual procedure in aperture photometry is to ob-serve both the objects of interest and photometric stan-dards for calibration purposes. The science objects andthese standards are unlikely to be very close in the sky,which means that they have to be observed at differenttimes. The time variations described above therefore meanthat the PSF changes slightly between the images of thetargets and the standards. In the case of point spread func-tion fitting, the problem is more obvious as the methodrequires an accurate knowledge of the point spread func-tion, even when only relative photometry is performed.But in most applications of adaptive optics in crowdedfields, search for faint companions around a bright objector stellar clusters, no independent PSF can be found in thescience frames, either because only the bright object itselfis available or because the field is too crowded to yield anisolated star. This means again that a calibration star hasto be observed at a different time and therefore in slightlydifferent conditions, hence the problem. Note that a possi-ble way to overcome the problem of global PSF variationscould be to reconstruct the PSF using control loop data,as proposed by Veran et al. (1997)

We have only considered global variations of the PSFlinked to Strehl ratio variations so far. Another problemarises when the purpose of an observation is to detect faintstructures around a star. In the common case where theadaptive optics correction is not perfect (i.e. the partialcorrection regime), the PSF is in fact the sum of two com-ponents: a central core which approximately correspondsto the diffraction-limited Airy profile and a large halo sur-rounding this core and due to the uncorrected or partiallycorrected high-order modes. The presence of this halo isgoing to be a major drawback for the detection of faintstructures around a star. First, given its origin, the halostrongly fluctuates with time. This means that from oneframe of an object to another, the faint structures in thePSF are different, a tendency which is enhanced by theunavoidable presence of noise in the image and in thewavefront sensor measurements. Secondly, even if this halowere stable with time, it would still depend on parame-ters such as the brightness of the object, its shape, itscolour or its position in the sky. Changes in the halo can

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therefore appear in the usual case where several stars haveto be compared. This second type of variation can be re-duced by a careful choice of the calibration stars and byapplying the procedure presented for example in Tessier(1995) (calibration star near the astronomical object, withthe same flux, long integration time, short delay betweenobservations). But the first type will always be present.Longer integration times can reduce the variations butnever completely eliminate them. This is a serious prob-lem when trying to detect structures such as a companionor an extended source around a star, but obviously alsoaffects photometric measurements of such faint structures.We can add to this problem the fact that, for any naturalguide star system, a bright star is needed if the scienceobject is too faint to be used itself. This bright star is go-ing to be surrounded by a halo whose fluctuations mightdominate the faint science object and prevent any accu-rate photometric measurement.

2.2. Other sources of error

A third problem is the presence of residual features in thePSF: spikes due to the secondary mirror supports, lumpsin the diffraction ring due to some imperfectly correctedmode (for instance the coma) and also faint artifacts allaround the core due to fixed residual aberrations in theadaptive optics system. All these features are affected byglobal variations and halo fluctuations with time, and byphoton noise. They therefore vary with time in a way thatcannot be predicted, and introduce a new source of diffi-culties in the detection of a faint objects and their pho-tometry.

The last major problem of adaptive optics is angularanisoplanatism. The phase deformations induced by theatmosphere in two different directions are not the same.As a consequence, the PSF varies with the position in thefield of view. This is a serious problem for aperture pho-tometry in moderately crowded fields and for point spreadfunction fitting as both methods rely on a constant shapefor the PSF. In the case of aperture photometry, the frac-tion of light contained in a given aperture will dependon the position of an object. For point spread functionfitting, slicing the field of view into subimages can help,but it requires determination of a PSF for each area andalso introduces some calibration problems between differ-ent subimages.

We have only considered performing photometry outof direct images so far. Thanks to a very sharp core inthe PSF, adaptive optics images can directly yield verygood results. Nevertheless their full exploitation requiresthe use of efficient deconvolution methods such as themaximum entropy method (Gull & Daniell 1978) or theLucy-Richardson algorithm (Lucy 1974; Richardson 1972)The use of these methods introduces a new kind of error.Deconvolution methods usually yield images that are inqualitative agreement with the true images. But this is

not enough because a quantitative agreement is requiredto perform photometry. We therefore have to check if de-convolved images can be used to obtain quantitative dataor if the deconvolution algorithms introduce large errorsin the brightness of the different objects. Such a problemis not new and can be compared to that faced by usersof the HST before correction of spherical aberration (seee.g. White & Burrows 1990). The problem is even moreserious with adaptive optics because the PSF is usuallynot known precisely. Thus, another source of error has tobe taken into account: the influence of a badly determinedPSF on the photometric accuracy of deconvolved images.

To conclude this section, we can briefly summarise theproblems of photometry with adaptive optics:

1. Global PSF variations between the science objects andthe photometric standards or calibration stars.

2. Fluctuations in the faint halo surrounding the core ofthe PSF.

3. Presence of residual features in the PSF.4. PSF variations on the field of view due to angular

anisoplanatism.5. Biases introduced by the use of deconvolution

methods.6. Deconvolution using a badly determined PSF.

This study is devoted to the errors directly linked tothe use of adaptive optics. We will not take into accountother sources such as the precision of the flat fields orcolour transformations. In most cases, we will also assumethat no noise (photon noise or sky background) is presentin the images.

2.3. Origin of our data

Two kinds of data have been used in this work:actual images and simulated point spread functions.The actual images were obtained with the COME-ON-PLUS/ADONIS system installed at the 3.6-metre tele-scope of the European Southern Observatory in La Silla(Beuzit et al. 1994). Images acquired during different runsin 1993, 1995 and 1996 were used. These included observa-tions of Betelgeuse (Esslinger 1997) and of several massivestars (see e.g. Heydari-Malayeri et al. 1997a,b). The ob-servations of Betelgeuse were carried out with a narrowband filter at 2.08 µm. The others were performed in theH and K broad bands, and a few in the J band. The sci-ence objects were bright enough to be used as their ownwavefront correction reference.

To illustrate the theoretical benefits of using adaptiveoptics and to assess the consequences of angular aniso-planatism, we used simulated point spread functions con-structed using the method described in Wilson & Jenkins(1995) and kindly provided by the authors. The atmo-spheric model assumed two thin turbulent layers, one atan altitude of 1 kilometres and another at 5 kilometres.The lowest layer was twice the strength of the upper one,

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which is believed to be a reasonable model for the atmo-sphere above another good astronomical site, La Palma.Note that these simulations assumed no central obscura-tion of the telescope and a correction of 20 modes (thiswas a computation time limitation).

3. The benefits of adaptive optics

Before dealing with the consequences of all the problemspresented above, we first present the benefits of usingadaptive optics in two illustrative examples. The theoret-ical advantages of using an adaptive optics system in or-der to perform photometry are clear. For isolated objects,the increase in Strehl ratio means a much better contrastagainst the background noise, and the higher concentra-tion of flux allows a reduction in the size of the apertureused for measurement, which means a significant reductionof noise. For crowded fields, the use of adaptive optics hasa further advantage: by sharpening the image, it reducesconfusion and separates close sources which could other-wise have been considered as single objects by the pointspread function fitting algorithm. In this section, we givean illustration of the theoretical benefits of adaptive opticsin two such cases, a single star observed against the skybackground and a small star cluster, without taking intoaccount any of the sources of noise described before. Weuse the simulated PSF constructed using the method de-scribed in Wilson & Jenkins (1995) and kindly provided bythe authors. The PSFs are obtained on-axis for three val-ues of D/r0: 10, 7.5 and 5, corresponding approximatelyto the J , H and K bands on a 4-meter telescope in goodseeing conditions (0.75 arcsec seeing at 0.5 µm).

3.1. Isolated objects

We first simulated a single star observed against the skybackground in the three bands J , H and K. In each band,we considered three cases: an uncorrected image, an im-age obtained with only tip/tilt correction, and an imagewith an adaptive optics correction of 20 modes. The valueof the noise in each band was chosen to yield a signal tonoise ratio of 2 for the peak for the uncorrected image.The IRAF/NOAO APPHOT aperture photometry pack-age was then applied to each image in order to work outthe flux contained in a given aperture. The radius of thisaperture was chosen to be 1.22 times the Full Width atHalf Maximum of each image. In the diffraction-limitedcase, this corresponds to 1.22 λ/D, i.e. the radius of thefirst dark ring. This choice of aperture is not optimisedbut simply serves as an illustrative example.

For each band and each level of correction, we createda set of 10 images with a different statistical realisation ofthe background noise. We computed the flux of the starin the chosen aperture for each image, and finally workedout the rms variations of the corresponding magnitudes,which gave us an estimate of the error on the magnitude.

Table 1. Error in the magnitude measured through aperturephotometry for different bands and different level of correction.The noise was gaussian and its rms level set in each band toyield a signal to noise of 2 for the peak of the uncorrected PSF

Correction J H K

No correction 0.05 0.05 0.05Tip/tilt 0.015 0.010 0.010

20 modes 0.002 0.003 0.005

The results are presented in Table 1, which gives the un-certainty on the magnitude in each band and for each levelof correction. In the case of no applied correction, the un-certainty is approximately the same whatever the bandbecause we set the same signal to noise for each uncor-rected image. When a tip/tilt correction is applied, thesignal to noise ratio of the peak is multiplied by 2.6 in J ,3.7 in H and 5.3 in K. This leads to a decrease in theuncertainty on the magnitude by a factor 2 or so in J andabout 3 in H and K. When a correction of 20 modes isapplied, the signal to noise is multiplied by 40 in J , 33 inH and 40 in K (compared to the uncorrected case). Theuncertainty of the magnitude is then divided by 25 in J ,17 in H and 10 in K, the relative improvement being bet-ter at shorter wavelength because the increase in signal tonoise is greater. This example clearly shows that the useof adaptive optics on isolated faint objects theoreticallyleads to a huge improvement in the accuracy of photom-etry, by at least a factor 10, thanks to a better contrastand a higher concentration of the flux.

3.2. Crowded fields

In order to illustrate the advantages of adaptive opticsin the very usual case of a crowded field, for instance astar cluster, we created artificial images of a cluster con-taining 15 objects: one bright star whose magnitude wastaken as a reference, 2 stars 1.25 magnitudes fainter, 4stars 2.5 magnitudes fainter and 8 star 3.75 magnitudesfainter. One image was created with an uncorrected H-band PSF (Strehl 0.016), one with a tip/tilt-correctedH-band PSF (Strehl 0.061) and one with a corrected H-band PSF (20 modes, Strehl 0.55). The 15 stars were scat-tered on a area of 3 × 3 arcsec2, which yielded a densityof about 1.7 stars per arcsec2. Some gaussian noise wasadded on the three images with a level chosen to be 5magnitudes fainter than the peak of the brightest star inthe uncorrected case. Figure 1 presents the three images,uncorrected on the left, tip/tilt corrected in the middleand and fully corrected on the right. In the corrected im-ages, all the components are clearly visible, whereas inthe uncorrected one, the faintest components can only be

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identified after a subtraction of the brightest stars. Thisclearly has consequences for the precision of photometry.

Fig. 1. Uncorrected, tip/tilt corrected and fully corrected im-ages of a star cluster created with simulated PSFs in theH-band were used. A logarithmic scale is used to show thefaintest stars. The use of adaptive optics clearly brings a hugeimprovement, both for detection of objects and for photometry

To assess the improvement in photometric accuracy inthis case, we applied the IRAF/NOAO DAOPHOT pointspread function fitting package to the three images to workout the magnitude of each component of the cluster. ThePSF was supposed to be perfectly known. Comparing theresults to the actual magnitudes in the original artificialimage, we were able to work out the error on each mea-surement. We then computed the rms error for each groupof star with a given flux in order to obtain a final value:the average uncertainty on the flux of a star with a givendifference in magnitude relative to the brightest objectof the field. The results are presented in Table 2. In thiscase again, the use of adaptive optics leads to a huge in-crease in precision. For the three differences in magnitudeconsidered, the improvement in precision between the un-corrected and the fully corrected images varies between 15and 35 and very accurate results can theoretically be ob-tained. For instance, for a difference in magnitude of 3.75,the uncertainty in the uncorrected image makes the mea-sured values virtually useless, whereas the corrected imageyields very useful results with a precision better than 5 percent. Here again, thanks to the increase in contrast andthe better concentration of energy, adaptive optics theo-retically leads to much more accurate photometric results.

The problem is that the two situations in this sec-tion have been simulated without taking into account thesources of noise introduced in Sect. 2, and these resultsmust therefore be considered optimistic. The rest of thisarticle is an assessment of the influence of each source ofnoise on photometric accuracy, and it will show that theimprovements illustrated above cannot be fully achievedin reality.

Table 2. Error in the magnitudes of the cluster’s componentsobtained by a point spread function fitting algorithm. Threedifferences in magnitude relative to the brightest object andthree levels of correction are considered. The results are ob-tained with simulated PSFs in the H band

Correction ∆m = 1.25 ∆m = 2.50 ∆m = 3.75

No correction 0.07 0.08 0.65Tip/tilt 0.005 0.025 0.07

20 modes 0.002 0.003 0.04

4. Uncrowded fields and aperture photometry

4.1. Variations of the PSF with time

Aperture photometry involves measuring the amount oflight contained in a given aperture for each object. Thesame procedure is usually applied on the science objectsand on a few photometric standards. In most cases, thescience objects and the standards have to be observed atdifferent times. This introduces two problems. Because ofthe constantly changing PSF of an adaptive optics sys-tem, the fraction of light contained in a given aperturealso varies, which introduces an error in the calibrationprocedure. Note that this is a drawback because in or-der for adaptive optics to produce a gain, the size of theaperture has to be reduced. The second problem is alsorelated to PSF variations, but this time because of a dif-ferent correction for the science objects and the photo-metric standards. The difference is essentially created bya different level of noise in the wavefront sensor and canbe minimised by carefully selecting the brightness of thestandard stars and their spectral type, even if some slightdifferences caused by their colour or brightness might re-main. Tessier (1995) showed that when the different ob-jects are carefully matched, the main source of variationsin the PSF is seeing fluctuations. In our assessment of theaccuracy of aperture photometry, we therefore assumedthat the second source of error was negligible comparedto the first one - but note that this does require carefulmatching.

In order to estimate the errors induced by PSFvariations on aperture photometry, we analysed severalsets of data of Betelgeuse and massive stars using theIRAF/NOAO APPHOT package. We considered sets of4 or 5 successive frames of single stars taken in the Hand K bands or in a narrow band filter at 2.08 µm dur-ing these runs. The individual observations had integra-tion time varying from 1 to 90 seconds. For each set offrames, we worked out the rms variation of the magnitudemeasured in a given aperture. To define the sizes of theseapertures, we decided to use areas defined by the threefirst dark rings of the unobstructed diffraction limit of the

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telescope (even if the images were not actually diffraction-limited). The corresponding sizes were given by Born &Wolf (1970):


D, 2.2


Dand 3.2


D. (1)

In K for example, this corresponded to aperture diametersof 0.31, 0.56 and 0.82 arcsecs.










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90



de fl




Integration time (s)


Fig. 2. Rms fluctuations of the magnitude measured in a givenaperture as a function of the integration time of a single frame.The size of the aperture is defined by the second dark ring ofthe diffraction limit of the telescope. Crosses are data takenin the H band and diamonds data taken in the K band. Thedata were obtained during four different runs with ADONIS

Figure 2 presents the results in the case of an aperturedefined by the second dark ring. The rms variation of themagnitude measured in an aperture is given as a functionof the integration time for one frame. The pixel size waseither 35 or 50 milliarcsec and the four observing runsgave results consistent with each other (for example, foran integration time of 1 minute, different data from thefour runs all yielded fluctuations of 0.015 magnitude orso). The signal to noise ratios of the images (defined bythe peak of the PSF and the background noise throughoutthis article) varied between 300 and 45 000, with most ofthem above 7 000. In H, the Strehl ratios were between0.05 and 0.15, and in K, between 0.15 and 0.35. Each rmsfluctuation of the flux was computed from measurementson 4 or 5 successive images. We verified in each case thatthe error due to photon or background noise was clearlysmaller than the total error (it always amounted to lessthan 0.01 magnitude).

Figure 2 shows that globally the rms variations be-have like 1/

√T , where T is the integration time. Such

a behaviour can be expected if the fluctuations of themagnitude are completely uncorrelated from one frameto another. The data globally follow this trend even if

the spread is quite large and some points stand out. Thespread is not surprising as parameters other than the inte-gration time (such as the seeing fluctuations or the bright-ness of the guide star) are also important.

Figure 2 gives an estimate of the precision of aperturephotometry when the science objects and the photomet-ric standards have to be observed at different times. Notethat the results apply only to near-infrared observations,as they depend on the rate of change of the Strehl uponthe coherence length of the atmosphere, and therefore onthe wavelength. For exposure times between 20 and 90 sec-onds, seeing fluctuations impose a limit to the accuracy ofphotometry at a level of about 0.01 or 0.02 magnitudes.For exposure times of a few seconds, this limit increasesto 0.04 magnitude and more. We also tried to work outthe magnitude variations for longer exposure times. Theseattempts showed that the variations tend to get largerthan 0.02 magnitudes rather than smaller. This can beexplained by the fact that for long exposure times, theamount of light in an aperture is determined by the slowvariation in the atmosphere turbulence and the successivemagnitude estimates are no longer uncorrelated. The fluc-tuations are then controlled by the amplitude of the slowvariations of the seeing and increase with the exposuretime. A first conclusion that can be drawn from Fig. 2is the fact that aperture photometry measurements withadaptive optics are unlikely to yield results more precisethan 0.01 or 0.02 magnitude. The theoretical accuraciesobtained in the previous section for a 20-mode correctionare, for instance, far too optimistic. Nevertheless, this limi-tation still allows much better precision than in the seeing-limited case.

4.2. Influence of the aperture size

An important parameter which determines the amplitudeof the fluctuations is the size of the chosen aperture. Thelarger the aperture, the smaller the variations. In order toestimate the influence of the aperture size, we analysed aset of 8 frames from our observations of Betelgeuse. Theintegration time was 6 seconds and the observations werespread over a little more than 1 hour. The signal to noiseratios varied between 25 000 and 30 000, with one excep-tion at 17 000. The Strehl ratios were between 0.20 and0.26, with the same exception at only 0.14, and the aver-age value was 0.22. In each frame we measured the Strehlratio and the flux contained in three different apertures,defined as before by the three first dark rings.

Figure 3 presents the result. The magnitude computedin the three different apertures are given as a functionof the Strehl ratio in the frame. Magnitudes are givenrelative to the average magnitude for each aperture andStrehl ratios relative to the average Strehl ratio. Figure 3gives variations in flux induced by fluctuations in Strehlratio. Parameters like the exposure time or the brightnessof the object do not influence these variations. Figure 3 is

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0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15


or o

n th

e m



Strehl / Average Strehl

1st ring2nd ring3rd ring

Strehl variations

Fig. 3. Variation in magnitude as a function of the variationin Strehl ratio. All values are given relative to the averages onthe whole set of data. Three different aperture are show: onedefined by the first dark ring (diamonds), the second dark ring(crosses) and the third one (squares). The data were taken inthe K band with an exposure time of 6 seconds and a pixelsize of 0.035 arcsec. The average Strehl was 0.22

therefore very general and will be the same for any otherobservation (at least for a similar range of Strehl ratios anda similar PSF shape). The line denoted Strehl variationsrepresents a case where the variation in flux is exactlyequal to the variation in Strehl ratio. Its equation is:

m−m = − 2.5 log (S/S). (2)

Figure 3 shows that the actual variations are smaller,which could be expected as the use of a large apertureattenuates the fluctuations. It also shows that the varia-tion in flux for an aperture is approximately proportionalto the variation in Strehl. We could plot three lines whichapproximately fitted the data for the three different aper-tures. Each line has the following equation:

m−m = − κ× 2.5 log (S/S). (3)

where κ is a factor depending on the size of the aperture.The values of κ that best fit the data are 0.61 for the firstdark ring, 0.55 for the second and 0.45 for the third, withan uncertainty of about 0.02. Note that another framewith a poor Strehl ratio (S/S about 0.64, not shown onthe figure) also fitted these lines very well.

Figure 3 gives a way of estimating the influence ofStrehl ratio or seeing fluctuations on the variations of themagnitude measured in an aperture. It therefore makes acorrection possible from one frame to another. But giventhat some data do not fit the three lines well, an uncer-tainty remains in this procedure, of about 0.02 magnitudein this particular case. Moreover, to correct for the Strehlratio effect, a way to measure this parameter is needed:the Strehl ratio cannot be measured in the usual way from

the images, because this method requires an absolute mea-surement of the total flux, which we do not have. From theestimates of the factor κ, we can also assess the improve-ment brought by using a larger aperture. First the use ofan aperture defined by the first dark ring decreases thefluctuations of the magnitude of 40 per cent compared topure Strehl variations. When going from the first to thesecond dark ring, magnitude variations still decrease by10 per cent or so. When going to the third dark ring, thevariations still decrease by about 25 per cent.

Finally, we also tried to apply point spread function fit-ting. Of course, this method normally applies to crowdedfields, but it was nevertheless interesting to assess its be-haviour. The results showed that the magnitude variationscould also be approximately described by Eq. (3), eventhough the fit was less accurate than before. The coeffi-cient κ was found to be 0.77 or so, well above the valuesfor aperture photometry, vitiating the use of the methodin the case of a single source in an uncrowded field.

4.3. Improvement from a real-time selection

One possible way to reduce the fluctuations between differ-ent frames would be to perform a real-time selection dur-ing the observations. For example, during each exposure,the Strehl ratio or another parameter could be checkedat a very fast rate, say every hundredth of a second, anda fast shutter would close the camera when this parame-ter is beyond a threshold value. Different selection crite-ria could be applied. For example, only the Strehl ratiosabove a given level can be taken into account. Or, in or-der to favour consistency, only the ones near an averagevalue could be chosen. Obviously, such a procedure shouldonly be applied to bright objects, when seeing fluctuationsdominate the effects of photon or read-out noise.

We assessed these two possibilities using a set of 30020-ms exposures of Betelgeuse. We considered 5 sets of 60frames in order to simulate 5 successive 1.2-second frames.We then applied a selection criterion to the frames. Inone case, we rejected all the frames with a Strehl ratiobelow a certain level, in the other one, we rejected all theframes with a Strehl ratio too far from the average value(on the 300 frames). We could then compute an averageimage for each 1.2 s-exposure frame and work out the rmsvariation of the magnitude measured in these 5 frames.We considered 3 different levels of selection: rejection of50, 75 or 150 frames, corresponding to one frame out of 6,one out of 4 or half the frames. The results are presentedin Table 3.

Table 3 shows that such a selection can be quite ef-fective in reducing magnitude fluctuations. For example,keeping the shutter open during only half the exposuretime reduces the magnitude fluctuations by about 60 percent. In our simulations, we kept a constant integrationtime without taking into account the time during whichthe shutter was actually open, which leads to a variable

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Table 3. Rms variations of the magnitude from frame to framewhen selection is applied, relative to the variation in the casewithout selection (which corresponds to 0.06 magnitude)

Selection Best Strehl sel. Average Strehl sel.

1 out of 6 0.038 0.0411 out of 4 0.033 0.0361 out of 2 0.025 0.023

effective integration time. For instance, when we rejectedan average of half the frames, the number of frames actu-ally used in each 1.2-second exposure varied between 12and 47 (instead of the theoretical average value of 30). Abetter way to perform the selection would be to considera variable integration time, dependent on the variationsof the Strehl ratio, in order to obtain a fixed effective in-tegration time. This would not greatly affect the level ofmagnitude fluctuation and yield a coherent set of imageswith the same effective integration times and signal tonoise ratios.

4.4. Angular anisoplanatism

The second problem as far as aperture photometry is con-cerned is angular anisoplanatism. Because atmosphericphase distortions depend on the direction in the sky, thePSF varies over the field of view. Basically, the furtherfrom the centre of the image, the lower the Strehl ratioand the larger the FWHM. This means that the fractionof light contained in a given aperture is going to vary andthat the brightness of the objects far from the centre willbe underestimated.

To assess the consequences of anisoplanatism on ac-curate photometry, we used simulated point spread func-tions constructed using the method described in Wilson& Jenkins (1995) and kindly provided by the authors. Wesimulated PSFs corresponding to different distance fromthe reference star (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 arcsec). For eachPSF, we applied the IRAF/NOAO APPHOT package towork out the flux contained in the three different aperturesdefined as before by the first dark rings. We performed theoperations for three values of D/r0: 5, 7.5 and 10. Thesecorrespond approximately to the K, H and J bands ona 4-meter telescope in good seeing conditions (0.75 arc-sec seeing at 0.5 µm). The variation in magnitude due toanisoplanatism is given in Table 4 for the three bands andthe four separations. All results are relative to the mag-nitude of an object placed at the centre of the image (theguide star).

Table 4 shows that the variations in magnitude aremuch higher when the size of the aperture is defined bythe first dark ring, rather than the other ones. The reason

Table 4. Variation in magnitude due to anisoplanatism asa function of the distance to the reference star. Results aregiven in the J , H and K bands for a 4-meter telescope in goodseeing conditions. The number of the dark ring defining theaperture is given in the second column. The variations are givenrelative to the magnitude of an object placed at the centre ofthe image. As a comparison, the angle for which the Strehlratio is attenuated by 50 per cent compared to the on-axisvalue is 17.5′′ in J , 20.8′′ in H and between 24′′ and 25′′ in K

Band Ring 5′′ 10′′ 15′′ 20′′

1 0.035 0.130 0.25 0.44J 2 0.006 0.020 0.04 0.10

3 0.006 0.023 0.04 0.08

1 0.022 0.082 0.16 0.29H 2 0.002 0.015 0.03 0.06

3 0.003 0.013 0.02 0.04

1 0.012 0.045 0.09 0.16K 2 0.002 0.008 0.02 0.03

3 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.02












0 5 10 15 20



n of





Distance from the reference star (arcsec)

J 2nd ringJ 3rd ring

H 2nd ringH 3rd ringK 2nd ringK 3rd ring

Fig. 4. The effect of anisoplanatism on aperture photometry.The error on the estimated magnitude is given as a functionof the angular separation in the J , H and K bands and forapertures defined by the second and the third dark ring

for such a difference is easy to understand: the effects ofanisoplanatism consist not only in a decrease of the Strehlratio with the distance to the centre but also a distortionand a broadening of the core of the PSF. When an objectis far from the centre, a significant part of the core spreadsbeyond the first dark ring, thus the large variations in themagnitude. For larger apertures, this effect has no signif-icant consequence and the variations are much smaller.Globally, this means that the use of the smallest aperture

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should be avoided in most cases, except maybe in the Hand K band for a small field of view.

Figure 4 presents the variations of the magnitude asa function of the angular separation for apertures definedby the second and the third dark ring. The curves foran aperture limited to the first dark ring have the sameshape but at a higher level. Figure 4 allows an estimateof the variations due to anisoplanatism for apertures de-fined by the second and third dark ring. Of course, thevariations in a real case depend on several factors like theseeing, the number and strengths of turbulent layers, thecentral obscuration of the telescope and other parametersof the adaptive optics system. For this reason, Fig. 4 can-not be used to compensate accurately for the effects ofanisoplanatism. But it can still be used to illustrate thebehaviour of the error. Basically the variations in mag-nitude are quite small near the centre of the image andstart to increase to significant levels at a distance whichdepends on the band and the chosen aperture. As an ex-ample in our case, for an aperture defined by the seconddark ring, the variations reach a level of 0.02 magnitudeat 9 arcsec in J , 12 arcsec in H and 16 arcsec in K.

5. Faint structures around a star

5.1. Detecting structures around a star

When trying to detect a faint structure around a star,either a companion or an extended object, the easiestsolution is to subtract a point spread function, properlyscaled and placed, from the image of the main star. Thisprocedure should theoretically remove the light from thestar and leave only the surrounding structures. But hereagain some problems appear. The adaptive optics PSFis the sum of two components: a diffraction-limited coresurrounded by a large halo due to variations of uncor-rected high order modes and imperfectly corrected loworder modes. This halo is therefore affected by strong vari-ations with time which are independent of the fluctuationsof the central core. These variations are even higher whentwo different objects are compared because of the halo’sdependence on parameters like the brightness of the guidestar.

To assess the limits for detection of a faint companionnext to a star, we used observed images of the single starsHR 2019 and HR 2076, and subtracted one from the other.For each image of HR 2019, the integration time was 75seconds, the signal to noise ratio 7 500 and the Strehl ra-tio 0.26. For HR 2076, these parameters were respectively200 seconds, 10 000 and 0.22. The delay between the twosets of images was 10 minutes. The subtraction methodwas applied to four different couples of images in order toobtain different residuals. Finally, we computed the stan-dard deviation of these residuals. To work out the averagedetection limit for a point like object at a given distance of

a bright star, we computed an azimuthally averaged radialprofile of the standard deviation of the different residuals.

Figure 5 shows the radial dependence of the detectionlimit. The full line corresponds to the profile a star. Thedotted line shows the radial profile of the standard devia-tion of the four different residuals. For example, we coulddetect on this basis a companion fainter by about 7 mag-nitude at 1 arcsec from the main star and fainter by morethan 9 magnitudes at 2 arcsecs. This result is in excellentagreement with the observations by Tessier (1995). Notethat far from the star (more than about 2 arcsec), the un-certainties are dominated by readout and sky noises. Animportant point is that Fig. 5 shows azimuthally averagedprofiles. But the shape of the PSF is far from having a cir-cular symmetry. Lots of non-axisymmetric small featuresappear, especially on the first diffraction rings. Figure 5should therefore be considered as an over-optimistic esti-mate.

As an illustration of this method, we used adaptiveoptics data taken on January 21st 1996 to look for a pos-sible companion to the star Betelgeuse. We subtractedthe images of different calibration stars from images ofBetelgeuse. No companion was visible down to the ap-proximate limits indicated above. Near to the star, themain problem was the presence of several residual fea-tures whose position and intensity changed depending onthe calibration star used. One of these features stood outby being always present at a position approximately con-stant. If this feature were real, it would lie at about 0.5arcsec to the south-west from Betelgeuse and be 4.5 mag-nitude fainter. These data would be consistent with a re-ported detection by Karovska et al. (1986) using speckleobservations. More details are given in Esslinger (1997).

The previous test gives us an estimate of the globalnoise affecting the subtraction procedure. It would be in-teresting to work out the part due to the each main causeof noise. With this aim in mind, we compute the standarddeviation of our set of 75-second exposures of HR 2019.This gives us the detection limit if we only had to dealwith variations of high order modes and photon noise,and did not have the difficulty of mismatch between PSFsfrom different stars. The radial dependence of this limitcorresponds to the dashed line in Fig. 5. This shows thatthe main source of error in our procedure is indeed thevariation of the PSF between the observations of the sci-ence object and the reference star, confirming the resultsby Tessier (1995).

We can also compare the relative contribution of pho-ton noise compared to the noise introduced by uncorrectedor imperfectly corrected modes. We can work out the pho-ton noise from the number of photons per pixel in theoriginal image at a given distance from the peak. We findfor instance that, at the centre of the PSF, the level ofphoton noise is about 7 magnitudes fainter than the peakintensity, thus 3 to 4 magnitudes fainter than the dashedline in Fig. 4. At a distance of 1 arcsec, photon noise is

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100 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5



ce in




Distance in arcsecs

Fig. 5. Three radial profiles (in magnitude and relative to themain star). The full line is the profile of the star before subtrac-tion. The dotted line shows the radial profile of the standarddeviation of four different residuals. This gives us the limitingmagnitude for detection of a companion at a given distancefrom the main star. The dashed line (the lowest) correspondsto the standard deviation of a set of four images taken on thesame star

10 magnitudes fainter than the peak intensity and thus1 magnitude below the same line. From this, we see thatphoton noise is usually not important compared to thenoise introduced by uncorrected or imperfectly correctedmodes.

These results are obtained in a direct mode. Obviouslythe search for faint structures around a bright object canbe much improved by using a coronagraph. For exam-ple, Beuzit et al. (1997) used a coronagraph with theAdonis system to study the circumstellar disk around BetaPictoris. In their observations, they would have been ableto detect a companion fainter by 11 magnitude at 1 arcsecand by 13 magnitudes at 2 arcsecs. This is an improvementof 4 magnitudes compared to our results.

5.2. Measuring structures around a star

The subtraction procedure can be used to carry out pho-tometric measurements. Another possibility is to use aphotometric method designed for such cases: point spreadfunction fitting, as for example in DAOPHOT (Stetson1987). To assess the accuracy of photometry in this case,we took images of the star HD 5980 and its calibration starSAO 255763 observed in December 1995 in the K band.For HD 5980, the integration time was 200 seconds, thesignal to noise ratio was 7 000 and the Strehl ratio 0.32.For SAO 255763, these parameters were respectively 120seconds, 45 000 and 0.35. The delay between the images ofthe two objects was 20 minutes and the pixel scale 0.050arcsec. With the image of HD 5980, we artificially createdan image of a main star and its faint companion situated

at a given distance and with a given difference in magni-tude. The position of the companion was chosen to avoidthe diffraction spikes of the main star and to limit the in-fluence of the other residual features. We also performedthe same procedure on images of Betelgeuse and its cali-bration star HR 2076. The integration time for the imagesof Betelgeuse and HR 2076 were respectively 6 and 200seconds, the signal to noise ratios 25 000 and 10 000, andthe Strehl ratio 0.22 for both objects. The delay betweenthe two observations was 10 minutes and the pixel scale0.035 arcsec.

We then applied the point spread function fitting al-gorithm DAOPHOT to these images, providing it with animage of the right calibration star. Comparing the resultof DAOPHOT and the known magnitude of the compan-ion then enabled us to work out the error in the magnitudeestimation. As a comparison, we also performed the sameprocedure with other stars but no significant differencesappeared in the results.

Fig. 6. Error in the photometry of a faint companion as afunction of the distance and the difference in magnitude. Theoriginal image was created with an image of Betelgeuse andDAOPHOT used an image of HR 2076. The contours are 0.001(1), 0.003 (2), 0.01 (3), 0.03 (4), 0.1 (5), 0.3 (6), 1 (7) and 3(8) magnitudes

5.3. Performances

Figures 6 and 7 present results of such investigations ascontour plots. They show, for given separations and dif-ferences in magnitude, the error which is made in the mag-nitude estimated by DAOPHOT. Figure 6 was created us-ing an image of Betelgeuse and Fig. 7 using an image of

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Fig. 7. Error in the photometry of a faint companion as afunction of the distance and the difference in magnitude. Theoriginal image was created with an image of HD 5980 andDAOPHOT used an image of SAO 255763. The contours are0.001 (1), 0.003 (2), 0.01 (3), 0.03 (4), 0.1 (5), 0.3 (6), 1 (7)and 3 (8) magnitudes. Note that the range in separation is notexactly the same as in the previous figure

HD 5980. For Betelgeuse, we varied the separation from0.25 to 1.98 arcsec with a step of 0.25 arcsec. In the caseof HD 5980, this was done for a separation between 0.21and 2.12 arcsec with a step of 0.21 (the difference is mainlydue to the different pixel size). In both cases, we consid-ered differences in magnitude between 0 and 10 with astep of 1.25 magnitude. The contour plots were smoothedto minimise the small irregularities induced by residualfeatures in the PSF.

Figure 7 can be considered representative of the per-formances of DAOPHOT in good conditions. It gives anestimate of the best performance an adaptive optics sys-tem can achieve when measuring the light of a faint com-panion next to a bright star. The figure shows that a verygood photometric accuracy (an error of about 0.01) canonly be achieved further than about 1 arcsec and for adifference in magnitude not larger than 3 or 4. Good pho-tometric accuracy (an error between 0.01 and 0.1) can onlybe achieved for a difference in magnitude less than 2 nearthe star, and for a difference of 6 or 7 magnitudes furtherthan 1 arcsec. Only a poor accuracy (more than 0.1) isavailable near the main star in most cases and, beyond 1arcsec, for differences in magnitude larger than 6 or 7.

When comparing the two figures, it can be noted thatthe results are slightly better in the case of HD 5980. Thisis due to a longer exposure time (200 seconds instead of6), therefore smaller fluctuations in the halo, and also to amore careful choice of calibration star. But note that the

two figures, even though they were obtained in very differ-ent conditions and during different runs, are neverthelessvery similar, which indicates that they can be consideredtypical and unlikely to be much improved in similar at-mospheric conditions. We carried out a similar procedureusing images of HD 5980 and SAO 255763 obtained in theH-band. The integration times were respectively 200 and100 seconds, the Strehl ratios 0.13 and 0.15, the signalto noise ratios 5 500 and 35 000, and the delay betweenthe images 15 minutes. Again the results were very simi-lar, only slightly worse. For a difference in magnitude of2.5 between the main star and its companion, the errorsin the magnitude estimation were respectively 0.15, 0.02and 0.002 at 0.5, 1 and 2 arcsec, compared to 0.15, 0.015and 0.001 in the K band for the same couple of objects.For a difference in magnitude of 5, the errors were 0.6, 0.2and 0.02 in H, compared to 0.6, 0.15 and 0.01 in K. Thisresult confirms that only slight improvement is obtainedwhen the Strehl ratio is higher, at least in the range 0.10 to0.35. Better results could obviously be obtained for higherStrehl ratios, say above 0.4.

6. Crowded fields

6.1. Accuracy of PSF fitting

The most usual case of a crowded field is a star clus-ter. The accuracy of photometry in such a situation asbeen assessed by several authors for HST images (see e.g.Malumuth et al. 1991 or Sodemann & Thomsen 1997).These studies showed that the errors on the magnitudeof fainter stars could become large very quickly. For in-stance, Sodemann & Thomsen (1997) studied two differ-ent crowded field observed with the HST and showed thatthe magnitudes of most stars were overestimated and thatthe errors could easily reach several tenths of a magnitudefor faint stars. In this section, we assess the accuracy ofphotometry in crowded fields in the case of adaptive op-tics observations. This case is linked to the previous one,but in a way that can be complex.

We created several images of random crowded fieldswith a uniform mean density using the IRAF/ARTDATApackage. As point spread functions, we used observed im-ages of HD 5980 taken in the H and K bands. The Strehlratios were respectively 0.13 and 0.32 and the signal tonoise ratios 5 500 and 7 000. The integration time was 200seconds in both cases and the pixel size 0.050 arcsec. Weused the Bahcall and Soneira luminosity function providedby the package with a 10-magnitude range (Bahcall &Soneira 1980). This function with its default parametersgives a good fit to the observed main sequence in severalnearby globular cluster. To simulate different densities ofstars, we changed either the total number of stars or thesize of the field of view, but kept a fixed spatial scale. Wewere careful to keep a number of stars large enough (at

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least 50) to provide a good representation of the averagebehaviour.

After creation of an image, we used the IRAF/NOAODAOPHOT package to compute the magnitude of itsstars. This was done with two different point spread func-tions. First, the right one, which enabled us to assess theperformances of the DAOPHOT algorithm itself and theproblems due to the very complex shape of the PSF, espe-cially the presence of numerous residual features aroundthe core, but also the unavoidable numerical errors ap-pearing during the fitting process. Then, a different PSFwas used to study the problems due to the mismatch be-tween the actual PSF and the one obtained from a cali-bration star (required when no suitable PSF can be foundin the cluster). As a second PSF, we used an image of thereference star of HD 5980 in the same band. The integra-tion times for these reference stars were respectively 120and 100 seconds, the Strehl ratios 0.35 and 0.15, and thesignal to noise ratios 45 000 and 35 000. The time delaybetween images was 15 minutes in H and 20 minutes inK. DAOPHOT yielded magnitudes that could be com-pared to the real ones used in the simulation of the starfield. We worked out the photometric errors for 7 differentdensities: 0.15, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 5 and 15 stars per arcsec2

(it would, of course, be impossible to do photometry onuncompensated images for the higher densities). No noisewas added to the artificial image as we were concentrat-ing on the problems due to the shape of the PSF, noton the influence of other sources of noise. Note that wesupposed the positions of the stars known before applica-tion of DAOPHOT as a starting point, which would forexample be the case if a star detection algorithm using adeconvolved image had been applied first (see e.g. Snell1996). We nevertheless let the algorithm try to recentrethe stars afterwards.

Figures 8 and 9 present typical results obtainedthrough this procedure. The magnitude estimated byDAOPHOT for each star is given as a function of its realmagnitude, and this is compared to the theoretical linethat would be obtained if the measurement were perfectlyaccurate. Figure 8 has been obtained with an H-band PSFand two different stellar densities: 1.5 and 15 stars perarcsec2. DAOPHOT was provided with the right PSF, thesame as used to create the artificial cluster (an image ofHD 5980). Figure 9 has been obtained with K-band PSFsfor a density of 15 stars per arcsec2. In this case, two re-sults are compared, the ones obtained when using the rightPSF and the ones obtained when using a wrong PSF (thereference star SAO 255763 instead of HD 5980).

Consider first the case where DAOPHOT is providedwith the right PSF, as illustrated in Fig. 8. The first thingto notice is the fact that the magnitudes of the brighteststars are in general accurately estimated, even if a few ofthem are clearly underestimated. There is nevertheless ascatter that can be considered large for many astronomicalpurposes. We computed the errors on the magnitudes of












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



ed m



Real magnitude

1.5 stars/arcsec^215 stars/arcsec^2


Fig. 8. Stellar magnitudes estimated by DAOPHOT in a starcluster as a function of the real magnitudes. Two densitiesare presented: 1.5 stars per arcsec2 and 15 stars per arcsec2.The dotted line corresponds to a perfect agreement betweenestimated and real magnitudes and the zero point for the mag-nitude scale is arbitrary. Theses results have been obtained byproviding DAOPHOT with the right PSF, the same used tocreate the artificial cluster. The PSF was an H-band image ofHD 5980

the brightest stars for each density and PSF. The rmserror in the magnitude determination varied between 0.05and 0.1 magnitude for densities lower than a few starsper arcsec2 and could reach 0.15 for higher densities. Thiswas true for both H and K band PSFs. From this, we canalready conclude that crowded fields do not allow a verygood photometric precision. Even for the brightest stars,the accuracy is at best 0.05 magnitudes, which can alreadybe a major drawback for a large number of projects.

The second feature visible in Fig. 8 is the fact that theerrors increase as the star become fainter, and as a conse-quence the faintest stars can have their flux overestimatedby several magnitudes. Of course, the lower the density,the fainter the level at which this increase of the errorsoccurs. Not all the faint stars are affected and the curvespresent a large scatter. This could be expected as the mag-nitude of a star is not the only important parameter in theerror on its photometric estimation. Other factors are thedistances to the nearest bright stars and the magnitudesof these objects.

This behaviour where stars, especially the faintestones, have their intensity systematically overestimated canbe attributed to three effects, two of which are alwayspresent in crowded fields and are not due to the use ofadaptive optics. The first effect is confusion: two starsthat are too close cannot be distinguished and are there-fore considered by DAOPHOT as a single object, whichdirectly leads to an overestimation of the flux. The sec-ond effect is blending: stars too faint to be detected canincrease the estimated brightness of the brighter sources,

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



ed m



Real magnitude

Right PSFWrong PSFTheoretical

Fig. 9. Stellar magnitudes estimated by DAOPHOT in a starcluster as a function of the real magnitudes. Two cases arepresented: one where DAOPHOT was provided with the rightPSF (a K-band image of HD 5980) and one when the algorithmused a wrong PSF (a K-band image of SAO 255763). The den-sity was 15 stars per arcsec2. The dotted line corresponds to aperfect agreement between estimated and real magnitudes andthe zero point for the magnitude scale is arbitrary

which also lead to an overestimation. These two effectsare not linked to the use of adaptive optics. On the con-trary, the sharper the PSF, the less confusion there is, andthe more faint sources can be detected. For this reason,adaptive optics yields a large improvement compared tonormal ground-based images (see the end of this sectionfor an illustration).

The source of uncertainty linked to the use of adaptiveoptics is the presence of numerous residual features in thePSF. As a consequence, some of the light contained in theresidual features associated with the bright stars of thefield might be redistributed into the faint stars, thus in-creasing their measured brightness and at the same timeslightly decreasing the measured flux of the bright stars.This would be even more true when a wrong PSF is usedby DAOPHOT, because of the fluctuations of these fea-tures. The importance of this effect can be estimated fromFig. 9, which compares the results in given conditions foran estimation with the right PSF and one with the wrongPSF. It can be seen that more bright sources are under-estimated when DAOPHOT uses the wrong PSF, and therms error for these sources is therefore larger. The differ-ence is less obvious as far as fainter sources are concerned.The increase in the estimated error is then similar and noobvious difference is visible (which will be confirmed belowin this section). The residual features therefore introducesome uncertainty for the brightest stars, but confusion andblending are still the major sources of noise for faintersources. Note that the presence of large errors in the es-timated magnitude of the brightest stars only occured forthe highest densities, say a few stars par arcsec2.

6.2. Influence of the stellar density

In order to study the behaviour of photometry in crowdedfields as a function of the stellar densities, we workedout for each density, the difference in magnitude relativeto the brightest star at which a given level of error wasreached. Given that the error are already quite significantfor the brightest stars (between 0.05 and 0.15 magnitude),we chose a value of 0.2 magnitude as a threshold for theerror. The measurement of the limiting difference in mag-nitude was carried out by viewing the previous curves withan adequate magnification. Given the very irregular dis-tribution of points as illustrated in Fig. 8, this limitingdifference is sometimes difficult to estimate precisely, andthe uncertainty in it is of the order of 0.5 magnitude or alittle more.







0.1 1 10



ce in




Number of stars per arcsec^2

K, right PSFK, wrong PSF

H, right PSFH, wrong PSF

Fig. 10. The difference in magnitude relative to the brighteststar at which the error on the estimated flux reaches a level of0.2 magnitude, as a function of the stellar density. Four setsof values are shown, corresponding to PSFs obtained in the Hand K band and to either the right or the wrong PSF for theapplication of DAOPHOT. The uncertainty on each point is ofthe order of 0.5 magnitude

Figure 10 gives the limiting magnitude defined aboveas a function of the stellar density. Four curves are pre-sented, two with H band PSFs, two with K band PSFs,two when DAOPHOT used the right PSF and two whenthe algorithm used a wrong PSF. It can broadly be seenthat for low densities, an error of 0.2 is reached for starsbetween 8 and 9 magnitudes fainter than the brightestsource in the field. Note that the limiting magnitudes inthis case is partially due to the limited signal to noiseof the PSFs used for the creation of the artificial cluster(5 500 in H and 7 000 in K, corresponding to 9.4 and 9.6magnitudes between the peak and the background noise).When the density increases, the limiting difference in mag-nitude goes down, reaching about 3 in H and 6 in K for adensity of a few stars per arcsec2. At more than 10 stars

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per arcsec2, the limiting difference reaches 2 in H andabout 4 in K. But note that in the case of mismatchedPSFs in the K band, an error of 0.2 magnitude is alreadypresent for the brightest sources. This might be due to ahigh level of fluctuations in the residual features as ex-plained before. Several other features can be noted. First,with the exception of the highest density, the curves ob-tained in a given band with the right or the wrong PSFare very similar. This confirms that the mismatch betweenPSF is less important than the confusion and blendingproblems at this level. Second, still with the exception ofthe highest density, the results are better in the K band.This is clearly the result of a better Strehl ratio, whichdecreases the effects of confusion and blending.

As a conclusion, we can note that photometry in acrowded field leads to inaccurate results, with errors be-tween 0.05 and 0.1 magnitude for the brightest stars, andreaching several tenths of a magnitude and even one mag-nitude for fainter stars. But adaptive optics is not directlyresponsible for this problem. On the contrary, the useof this technique strongly reduces confusion and blend-ing and therefore allows a linear behaviour until faintersources. To compare adaptive optics and normal results,we also created artificial images of a cluster using a seeing-limited PSF with a gaussian shape and a FWHM of 1.0arcsec We chose two densities, 1 and 10 stars per arcsec2,and performed the same procedure as for the adaptive op-tics images, using the same PSF for the fitting algorithmand the creation of the artificial image. Figure 10 showsthat adaptive optics images yield a precision better than0.2 magnitude down to ∆m = 6.5 for a density of onestar per arcsec2 and down to ∆m = 2 or 4.5 for 10 starsper arcsec2 (assuming the right PSF is used). Moreover,for the brightest stars, the errors in the estimated magni-tudes are respectively 0.05 and 0.1 magnitude or so. Forthe seeing limited images, the measurements of the bright-est stars were already wrong by about 0.5 magnitude forboth densities. In the case of a density of one star perarcsec2, for stars fainter than ∆m = 3, some measure-ments were affected by errors between 1 and 2 magni-tudes, and beyond ∆m = 6, the errors kept on increasingrapidly. For the higher density, an error of 1 magnitudealready occured at ∆m = 2. The use of adaptive opticstherefore brings a significant improvement in the photom-etry of crowded fields compared to seeing-limited image,but it has to be kept in mind that the error on the flux offaint sources can rapidly become very large.

6.3. Angular anisoplanatism

We also assessed the performances of point spread func-tion fitting in clusters as far as angular anisoplanatism isconcerned. We used the same simulated PSFs as in thestudy of angular anisoplanatism in aperture photometry.For each value of D/r0 and each separation, we tried tofit the on-axis PSF to the off-axis one using DAOPHOT.

Comparing the result with a fit of the on-axis PSF to itselfgave us an estimation of the error due to PSF distortionsinduced by angular anisoplanatism. Note that DAOPHOTneeded an aperture size to make a first guess of the magni-tude. We checked that the final estimate was independentof the choice of this aperture size.

Table 5. Error in the magnitude estimated by DAOPHOT inthree bands and as a function of the distance to the centre inarcsec

Band 5′′ 10′′ 15′′ 20′′

J 0.07 0.28 0.53 0.95H 0.05 0.17 0.34 0.62K 0.02 0.09 0.17 0.32

Table 5 presents the results of this study. The errorin the magnitude estimation is given in the J , H and Kbands for four different distances to the centre. ComparingTable 5 to Table 4 shows that the level of error is muchhigher in this case, by about a factor 2 compared to theerror for aperture photometry using an aperture size de-fined by the first dark ring. This high level is obviously aimportant drawback. Even in K for a distance of 5 arc-sec, the error is already about 0.02 magnitude. Note thatsome work is in progress to enable DAOPHOT to takeinto account large variations of the PSF in the field ofview and the situation should therefore improve (Stetson1994). Also note in a real case, the level of variation of thePSF depends on several factors like the seeing, the num-ber and strengths of turbulent layers or the central ob-scuration of the telescope. The results obtained in Table 5should therefore only be considered as illustrative.

7. Photometry on deconvolved images

7.1. Deconvolved images

So far, we have always applied photometric methods onoriginal images (i.e. without post-processing). But even ifthese carry a lot of information, the full exploitation ofadaptive optics images often requires the use of decon-volution methods. It is therefore also important to studyhow accurate photometry using deconvolved images canbe. The method in this case is to use aperture photom-etry on the restored image with a very small aperture.It would be awkward to use a PSF fitting algorithm asthe stellar images in the result of the deconvolution arevery sharp (basically each point like object has its fluxcontained in a single pixel) (Cohen 1991).

Several studies of the photometric accuracy of de-convolved images have been published, especially in thecase of the HST before correction of spherical aberration.

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Cohen (1991) studied the accuracy in the photometry ofa crowded field after deconvolution using the maximumentropy method. She showed that the algorithm recov-ered faint sources systematically too faint and that itcould therefore not be used when accurate photometry wasneeded. She also introduced a standard procedure whichconsisted in performing deconvolution on the original im-age in order to generate a list of stars and applying a PSFfitting algorithm to the original image using this list. Linde& Spannare (1993) concentrated on the Lucy-Richardsonmethod. They showed that in a crowded field the bright-ness of most faint stars and some bright stars was system-atically overestimated, whether using the original image ora deconvolved one. This was due to the confusion problem,where close stars were measured together as a single ob-ject. They also showed that the Lucy-Richardson methodcould decompose many such instances and allow a linearbehaviour at slightly fainter levels of brightness. Othermore recent papers on this subject include Lindler et al.(1994) and Busko (1994) which compare the results forseveral deconvolution techniques.

Several authors have studied the performances of dif-ferent deconvolution methods in the case of adaptive op-tics images but concentrating on the appearance of thereconstructed image rather than photometry. Christou& Bonaccini (1996) applied several linear and non-linearmethods, including blind and short-sighted deconvolution,to observations of the double star T Tauri (separationabout 0.7 arcsec). When trying to determine the differencein magnitude between the two components, they obtainedvalues varying from 1.46 to 1.85 depending on the methodused, a very large range of 0.4 magnitudes or so. Tessier(1997) also applied different methods to a binary starswith a separation of about 0.13 arcsec. His estimation ofthe difference in magnitude varied from 0.74 to 0.96, thatis to say a range of about 0.2 magnitudes. From these re-sults, we can easily see that the problem of photometryon deconvolved images is far from being settled.

7.2. Deconvolution with a correct PSF

To estimate the precision of photometry on deconvolvedimages, we considered the detection of a faint companionnext to a bright star, a case easier to analyse than starclusters. We first started with the case where the PSFwas accurately known (for example if an isolated star isavailable in the field of view). Again, we created artificialimages of stellar couples with different separations andmagnitudes. We first applied DAOPHOT as a reference,then applied a deconvolution method to the image usingthe same PSF as for the creation of the image. Finally, weused aperture photometry with a very small aperture toperform photometry on the deconvolved image. We usedthe two main deconvolution algorithms currently popularin the adaptive optics community: the maximum entropy

method and the Lucy-Richardson algorithm, as providedby the IRAF/STSDAS RESTORE package.






0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


or o

n th

e m



Distance (arcsec)

5 mag MEM5 mag LUCY5 mag DAO

2.5 mag MEM2.5 mag LUCY2.5 mag DAO

Fig. 11. Error in the magnitude of a faint companion as a func-tion of the separation. Two differences in magnitude betweenthe main star and its companion are considered: 2.5 and 5.Results are given for DAOPHOT on the original image (DAO)and for aperture photometry on the image deconvolved by themaximum entropy method (MEM) and the Lucy-Richardsonalgorithm (LUCY). The PSF used was an image of HD 5980and no noise was added to the original frame

Figure 11 presents the resulting error on the estimatedmagnitude as a function of the separation. Two differencesin magnitude between the main star and its companionwere considered: 2.5 and 5. In each case, three values aregiven: the result from DAOPHOT applied to the originalimage and the results given by aperture photometry onthe images deconvolved by the maximum entropy and theLucy-Richardson methods. The PSF used was an imageof HD 5980 in the K Band. The star had been observedwith an integration time of 200 seconds, a Strehl ratio of0.32 and a signal to noise ratio of 7 000. We wanted toestimate the errors due specifically to the shape of theadaptive optics PSF and therefore assumed there was nonoise in the original image.

Figure 11 shows that the two deconvolution methodsyield larger errors than PSF fitting, as could be expectedfrom previous studies. For a large difference in magni-tude between the main star and its companion, the er-rors after deconvolution are more than 10 times the errorswith DAOPHOT, the maximum entropy method perform-ing a little worse than the Lucy-Richardson algorithm.When the difference in magnitude is smaller, the error af-ter deconvolution is only a few times larger than the onewith DAOPHOT at large separation, but increases dras-tically when the separation decreases, the maximum en-tropy method still performing a little worse. We checkedthese results by computing the error for several differences

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in magnitude (from 1 to 5) and for two given separations(0.28 and 0.85 arcsec). The previous behaviour was con-firmed, with the error for photometry after deconvolutionincreasing from a few times the error with DAOPHOT forsmall differences in magnitude, to about 10 times for largedifferences.

7.3. Deconvolution with a wrong PSF

As we already noted, the PSF usually has to be workedout from the image of a calibration star observed at a dif-ferent time than the science object. The variations of thePSF with time then induces errors in the deconvolutionprocess and the subsequent photometric measurements. Inorder to study this problem, we applied the same proce-dure as before but using different PSFs for the creation ofthe binary star image and its deconvolution. We used theobjects that provided the best result with DAOPHOT:HD 5980 and its calibration star SAO 255763. The inte-gration time for the image of HD 5980 was 200 seconds,the signal to noise ratio 7 000 and the Strehl ratio 0.32.For SAO 255763, these parameters were respectively 120seconds, 45 000 and 0.35. The delay between the imagesof the two objects was 20 minutes. We choose two differ-ent separation, 0.28 and 0.85 arcsec, and studied the erroron the magnitude of the companion as a function of thedifference in magnitude between the two stars. As before,we introduced no noise in the original image.




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5


or o

n th

e m



Difference in magnitude

0.3 arcsec MEM0.3 arcsec LUCY0.3 arcsec DAO0.8 arcsec MEM0.8 arcsec LUCY0.8 arcsec DAO

Fig. 12. Error in the magnitude of a faint companion when us-ing a wrong PSF. The results given by DAOPHOT on the orig-inal image (DAO) and by aperture photometry applied on theimages deconvolved by the maximum entropy method (MEM)and the Lucy-Richardson algorithm (LUCY) are shown. Twoseparations were considered: 0.28 and 0.85 arcsec (noted 0.3and 0.8 in the figure)

The results are presented in Fig. 12. Errors obtainedwith DAOPHOT applied on the original image (but with

a wrong PSF) and with aperture photometry on the im-ages deconvolved by the maximum entropy method andthe Lucy-Richardson algorithm are shown. As could beexpected the global level of error is larger than before. Forexample, for a difference in magnitude of 2.5 and a sepa-ration of 0.8 arcsec, DAOPHOT and the Lucy-Richardsonmethod yield errors of about 0.02 and 0.04 in this case,and about 0.002 and 0.004 in the previous case. At dif-ferences in magnitude of less than 4 or so, the expectedbehaviour is observed, with DAOPHOT performing betterthan the deconvolution methods. But a surprising featureappears in Fig. 12. Given the fast increase of the errorwith the difference in magnitude for DAOPHOT and theslow increase for the deconvolution methods, there is a do-main where aperture photometry on deconvolved imagesproduces smaller errors than DAOPHOT applied on theoriginal images. This occurs only in the case where a badlydetermined PSF is used. The threshold for this behaviouris a difference in magnitude of about 3.8, a value that onlyvaries a little with the separation.

7.4. The influence of noise

The presence of noise in the images, whatever its origin,is obviously an important factor in the quality of decon-volution. To illustrate the behaviour of photometry on de-convolved images in the presence of significant noise, wecarried out a study similar to the previous one but addeddifferent levels of noise to the images to be deconvolved.This noise was gaussian and the same on the whole fieldof view. We studied only a given case: two stars with aseparation of 0.85 arcsec and a difference in magnitude of5 (this was the unusual case where deconvolution yieldedbetter results than DAOPHOT previously). As before, thedeconvolution used a wrong PSF. The PSFs used were thesame as in the previous paragraph, the only difference be-ing the addition of noise.

Figure 13 presents the result of this study. The error inthe magnitude of the faint companion is given as a func-tion of the signal to noise ratio of its peak intensity. Threemethods are compared: DAOPHOT on the original imageand aperture photometry on images deconvolved by themaximum entropy method and the Lucy-Richardson al-gorithm. The error obtained with DAOPHOT is basicallyconstant provided the signal to noise ratio is higher than3. The errors using deconvolved images are much moredependent on the noise. They are stable for a signal tonoise higher than 20 or 50 depending on the method, butincrease drastically below these thresholds, reaching morethan 1 magnitude for a signal to noise lower than 5 orso. Note that the unusual case where deconvolved imagesyield better results than DAOPHOT on original images istherefore limited to good signal-to-noise ratios.

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Table 6. The capabilities of photometry with adaptive optics for three different kinds of accuracy requirements. These resultsassume that sources of noise not linked with the use of adaptive optics are negligible. The correction is supposed to be fair (Strehlratios between 0.15 and 0.3). Angular anisoplanatism effects assume a 4-meter telescope in good seeing conditions. Results forthe detection of a companion, with or without deconvolution, apply to the K band, they also assume no artifacts near theobjects studied. Deconvolution always requires a high signal-to-noise ratio for the companion’s peak intensity, say between 10and 50 depending on the object and the deconvolution method. FOV stands for field of view

Required accuracy 0.1− 0.2 mag 0.05 mag 0.01 − 0.02 mag

Uncrowded field No problem Problems if exposure Might be impossible(except for very time smaller thanshort exposures) a few seconds

Anisoplanatism No problem FOV limited to FOV limited to(aperture defined by 15′′ in J , 17′′ in H 10′′ in J , 12′′ in H

second dark ring) and 20′′ in K and 15′′ in K

Flux of a faint Down to Down to Only possiblecompanion ∆m = 4.5 at 1′′ ∆m = 3 at 1′′ beyond 2′′ and

∆m = 8 at 2′′ ∆m = 6 at 2′′ down to ∆m = 2

Crowded field Down to between Impossible Impossible∆m = 2 and ∆m = 8 except in

typically favourable cases

Anisoplanatism FOV limited to FOV limited to Very limited FOV6′′ in J , 8′′ in H 3′′ in J , 5′′ in H

and 10′′ in K and 7′′ in K

Flux of a faint Down to ∆m = 5 Down to ∆m = 2.5 Down to ∆m = 2.5companion after further than 0.5′′ further than 0.3′′ further than 0.4′′

deconvolution Accurate PSF required

7.5. Artifacts

Another important issue is the presence of artifacts in thedeconvolved images, mainly due to the presence in thePSF of diffraction spikes, lumps in the diffraction ringsand features created by residual aberrations. Of coursethe structure of the artifacts in the image depends on theadaptive optics system used, and the results presented inthis section should therefore only be considered an illustra-tion of the problem. We deconvolved an image of the singlestar HR 2019 with another image of the same star taken af-ter a 3-minute delay. The observation was carried out in anarrow band at 2.08 µm. The two images of HR 2019 wereobtained with an integration time of 150 seconds, theirsignal to noise ratios were about 7 500 and their Strehlratios 0.26 or so. We used the Lucy-Richardson methodand allowed 30 iterations. Figure 14 presents the result ofthe deconvolution.

In this particular case, artifacts due to the first diffrac-tion ring are clearly visible around the centre. They arebetween 4 and 8 magnitudes fainter than the central peakat a distance of about 0.15 arcsec. Artifacts due to the sec-ond ring are at 0.3 arcsec or so and 6 magnitudes fainter.

The other artifacts have magnitudes ranging from 6 to 8relative to the central peak or even weaker. Performing thedeconvolution with different numbers of iterations showedthat the artifacts appeared very early after only a few it-erations.

We also performed the same procedure on differentcouples of calibration stars. This showed that the result ofa deconvolution was completely unpredictable. Sometimesonly one or two artifacts due to the first ring appeared.Often there were about 10 artifacts as before. And insome cases several tens of artifacts were showing up. Noknown parameter such as the exposure time or the delaybetween the images seemed to control the number of ar-tifacts. The conclusion of this attempts is clearly that theresult of a deconvolution on adaptive optics data shouldnot be trusted at faint levels, say for a difference of morethan 3 magnitudes relative to the main star near thefirst diffraction ring and more than 5 magnitudes furtherout. Our experience suggests that repeating the proce-dure with several calibration stars helps, as some artifactsmay disappear, but is usually not enough to remove the

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10 100


or o

n th

e m



Signal to noise ratio



Fig. 13. Error in the magnitude of a faint companion as afunction of the signal to noise ratio of its peak intensity. Awrong PSF was used and noise added into the images. The re-sults given by DAOPHOT on the original image (DAOPHOT)and by aperture photometry applied on the images decon-volved by the maximum entropy method (MEM) and theLucy-Richardson algorithm (LUCY) are shown. A separationof 0.85 arcsec and a difference of 5 magnitudes was considered

Fig. 14. Example of a deconvolution using a wrong PSF. Animage of the single star HR 2019 was deconvolved by an imageof the same star taken 3 minutes later. The exposure timeis 150 seconds and the image scale 0.035 arcsec per pixel. 30iterations were used for the deconvolution. A logarithmic scaleis used for representation. In this case, artifacts due to thefirst diffraction ring are between 4 and 8 magnitudes fainterthan the central peak. Artifacts due to the second ring are 6magnitudes fainter. The others further out are between 6 and8 magnitudes fainter

problem completely because the main ones tend always tobe present.

8. Discussion and conclusion

8.1. Feasibility of astronomical programmes

In order to summarise the results of this study, we canconsider three different types of requirements for the ac-curacy of photometry. First, not all photometric investi-gations require an accuracy higher than about 0.1 or 0.2magnitude. For instance, Longmore et al. (1990) presenta way of determining the distance to a globular clusterby magnitude measurement of RR Lyrae stars in the Kband, where such uncertainties are acceptable. Other as-tronomical studies require a precision of 0.05 magnitudesor so. For example, the H − K colour of a star workedout with such a precision allows the determination of itsspectral type (see Koorneef 1983). Last, some astronomi-cal projects require uncertainties to be about 0.01 or 0.02magnitude. This is for example the case when the age andmetallicity of a globular cluster has to be inferred fromits near-infrared colours (see Worthey 1994, for theoreti-cal colours of simple stellar populations). We present theresults of our study in Table 6 for these three types ofrequired precision.

8.2. Discussion

All the results presented so far assume that only one mea-surement is carried out. Performing several measurementsmay improve the final accuracy. Repetition can reduce theerrors due to seeing fluctuations, provided these are reallyrandom and that no systematic effect appears. In orderto decrease the inaccuracies due to the mismatch betweenthe point spread functions for the object studied and itscalibrations stars, lots of suitable stars have to be found,which might be a major drawback. Our experience alsosuggests that performing several measurements will notaffect most residual features and artifacts. Moreover, inmost cases it will not allow a reduction of angular aniso-planatism effects. Finally, the quantitative accuracy of de-convolved images will probably not be increased becausethe effects are systematic rather than random. This showsthat although performing several measurements will de-crease errors linked to seeing fluctuations, this methodwill not be able to reduce the other sources of error. So,the only revision to Table 6 by repetition of observationswill be in the case of an uncrowded field and maybe in themeasurement of a faint companion.

Another possible way of improving the photometric ac-curacy might be to use a laser guide star rather then a nat-ural one, but the improvement is likely to be very small.Using a laser guide star does not prevent seeing fluctua-tions from inducing global variations in the PSF shape.The halo of the PSF is going to be fainter as more modescan be corrected, and the problem of mismatched PSFs

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will disappear, but the halo will still fluctuate with time.Residual features and artifacts will not disappear. Neitherwill angular anisoplanatism, though its effects can be re-duced since the guide star can be moved across the objectstudied. Finally, the accuracy of photometry on decon-volved images has no reason to improve. All these argu-ments show that the results presented in Table 6 apply inthe case of a laser guide star adaptive optics system, withpossible improvements in anisoplanatism problems andin the measurement of a faint companion. Multiple laserguide stars (solving the cone effect) and possibly turbu-lence layer multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems, givingvery good Strehl ratios on large fields of view, may even-tually alleviate some of the problems of obtaining goodphotometric accuracy.

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank M. Heydari-Malayeri and J.-L. Beuzit for providing them with data ob-tained during several runs on the Adonis system, and R. Wilsonfor his simulated point spread functions. They are gratefulto H. Geoffray, P. Prado and E. Prieto for their assistanceduring the observations and to P. Lena for encouragement.They also thank the referee for helpful advice on improvingthe presentation of this work. O. Esslinger is supported bya PPARC PhD grant through the United Kingdom AdaptiveOptics Programme.


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