photo field observation

BY: SARA ZHOBIN MARTHA LOPEZ ASTRID MENDEZ Photo Field Observation: Kol Nidre at The Laugh Factory

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Photo field observation


Photo Field Observation: Kol Nidre at The Laugh Factory

Page 2: Photo field observation

Kol Nidre at The Laugh Factory

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Rabbi Bob Jacobs

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Prayer and song book

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Explanation of what the evening service was going to be about.

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Example of a passage.

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The second floor view

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The Chanter performing a song.

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One of the many songs.

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Participants reading and singing along.

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Card Holders called up to read.

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People listening to the ceremony.

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Mourner’s Kaddish

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The Rabbi asking names of recently passed relatives or friends.

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Listening to their names.

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Guests reading a passage while opening a closet.

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Jewish Passage from Rabbi

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The congregation singing and reciting the last prayers and songs.

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Everybody greeting and speaking to each other after it ended.

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A group of people speaking to each other at the end of the ceremony.

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The Rabbi greeting people and people leaving.