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Phonics Progression in phonics: materials for whole-class teaching The National Literacy Strategy

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Phonics Progression in phonics: materials for whole-class teaching

The National Literacy Strategy

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Department of Education and EmploymentSantuary BuildingsGreat Smith StreetLondon SW1P 3BT

© Crown copyright 1999 and 2000

Extracts from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial educational or training purposes on condition that the source isacknowledged.

ISBN 0 19 312246 4

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PageIntroduction 1About this book 9Step 1 12Steps 2–7 14Phonic activities at each Step 17Instructions and bank of materials for activities 18Jingles 18Pebble Game 18Tray Game 18Match Me 20Circle Swap Shop 20Jump in the Hoop 21Mood Sounds 21Letter Formation 21Phoneme Frame 22Which of Two (or more)? 23Quickwrite 24North, South, East and West (NSEW) 24Flashcards 25Sock Puppets 25Noisy Letters 25Croaker 26Alien Game 27Finish It 27Fans 28Full Circle Game 29Sound Buttons 30Cube Game 30Silly Questions 31Phoneme Count 32Washing Line 33Bingo 33Rhyming Word Generation and Word Sort 34Split Digraph 36Photocopy masters (PCMs) 37

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It is widely accepted that successful reading depends on learning to use a rangeof strategies. The reader uses these as ‘cues’ to get to the meaning by predictingthe text, checking and cross-checking, identifying and correcting errors. Reading isby no means a passive process; it involves searching, problem-solving, activeprediction and an ability to bring past knowledge and experience to bear. Thispicture is familiar enough. It is built into the National Curriculum orders forreading, and forms the background against which successful literacy teaching hasbeen developed over the past 10 years.

We can represent this as a set of searchlights, each shedding light on the text:

The reading searchlights model

Successful teaching equips children with as many of these ‘searchlights’ aspossible. Each sheds a partial light but, together, they make a mutuallysupporting system. The fewer the searchlights the reader can switch on, the moredependent he/she is on a single one and if that one should fail, the reader will bestuck. The more searchlights we can teach children to switch on simultaneously,the less they will need to rely on a single one and the less it will matter if onefades or goes out. Thus, successful reading is often described in terms ofmaximising redundancy i.e. having as much information available from as manysearchlights for as much of the time as possible. As children learn to read, theyneed to be taught how to draw on all this knowledge and orchestrate it so thateach searchlight or ‘cue’ is used to reinforce and check the others.

Most primary teachers understand the importance of teaching children to predictand check their reading by reference to the context and grammar of what they arereading. They need to check whether their reading makes sense and, if it does not,to re-check it, identify errors and try to correct them. These strategies are essentialto comprehension. They also provide necessary support for learning to decodewords i.e. to build them up from their spelling/sound patterns. The importance ofcomprehension has, rightly, been given much emphasis throughout the primaryyears. Comprehension must always be the primary purpose of reading. As pupilsbecome more efficient decoders, the importance of context and grammarincrease, so that by the time they reach Years 5 and 6, almost all the teaching ofreading and writing should focus on the meaning and structure of texts.

This general model of reading strategies is well known but it is notstraightforward for, depending on what is being read, some searchlights may bebrighter than others. Where texts are familiar and predictable, children can oftenrely heavily on contextual and grammatical knowledge, paying relatively littleattention to the sounds and spellings of words. They may make progress in the 1


1. Rationale

phonic (sounds and spelling)

word recognition and graphic knowledge

grammatical knowledgeknowledge of context TEXT

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early stages by reading and re-reading familiar texts. Because this story languageand its context are predictable, children can get by with very limited phonicstrategies and quickly become over-dependent on remembering or guessing theirway through the text.

However, these young readers often meet problems later when faced withunfamiliar and more complex texts because they have learned to be over-dependent on contextual cues as the predominant strategy for reading. As thefamiliarity of the text diminishes, they need to rely more on their ability to decodeindividual words. This is a difficulty that often manifests itself early in Key Stage 2in two ways. Firstly, too many pupils hit problems with more extended reading,and handling information and text-books needed to support work across thecurriculum. Secondly, they have significant spelling problems because they haveinadequate knowledge of the sound/spelling system. These problems, which needto be tackled in Key Stage 2, are often rooted in earlier work, where the need forsystematic teaching of phonics, spelling and vocabulary can easily be obscured.

The National Literacy Strategy stresses the importance of teaching children totackle texts from both ends, from the text ‘down’, so to speak, and from soundsand spellings ‘up’. The balance is essential to get all the ‘searchlights’ switched onfor pupils. It is reflected in the structure of the teaching objectives and in thestructure of the Literacy Hour, where the class teaching time is organised toprovide time both for working with shared texts and for the focused teaching ofphonics and spelling.

The arbitrariness of the spelling systemThe importance of systematic teaching of phonics and spelling needs to beunderlined, not least because it is often treated with suspicion. Young children donot learn to discriminate the sounds of words automatically. Still less do theyautomatically understand the common conventions for representing them inwriting. This is a skill, tied to our particular way of writing our language, with 26letters to represent the 44 phonemes. Not all languages are represented in thisway. Japanese children, for example, do not need to break their spoken languagedown into phoneme/spelling patterns because it is not written alphabetically.

Much of our contemporary spelling system was simply decided upon by DrJohnson when he regularised it in the first major dictionary. The way our languageis represented is thus arbitrary and, for most children, very hard to ‘discover’. Likelearning to form letters correctly or learning the correct fingering for the recorder,these things need to be taught. Some children might work them out forthemselves and others will certainly learn from home or through other means butmany will either fail to learn or will misconstrue the rules. Just like incorrect letterformation these misconstructions are very difficult to ‘unlearn’ or correct later.

Most beginning readers will have, at best, only limited knowledge of how spellingpatterns are used to represent words. The alphabetic nature of our spelling systemdoes not reveal itself to children simply through repeated exposure to books.Beginning readers are likely to treat written words as images, each differentiatedby its overall shape and pattern, rather than as letter strings corresponding tosounds. It is essential, therefore, that children learn from the outset that: wordshave to be ‘spelt’, not merely ‘drawn’, that they are composed of letters set out inparticular combinations to correspond with spoken sounds, and which lettercombinations correspond with which sounds.

The power and economy of the spelling systemIt is worth reflecting on the fact that everything that is said or written incontemporary English is encoded in approximately 44 sounds (phonemes) and

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2. What the

evidence tells us

about teaching of


represented by 26 letters in about 140 letter combinations. The power andeconomy of such a representational system is second to none. The phonic work inthe NLS Framework is built around this basically simple idea. Children shouldlearn to identify the phonemes in their spoken language and learn how each ofthese phonemes is commonly spelt. Some phonemes will correspond to a singleletter while others, for example the long vowel phonemes, will have severalcommon spellings using one or more letters. Through phonics, we should beteaching children to: ◆ identify sounds in spoken words (phonological awareness);◆ recognise the common spellings for each phoneme (phoneme–grapheme

correspondence);◆ blend phonemes into words for reading;◆ segment words into phonemes for spelling.

This systematic teaching gives children the essential key to the writing code andmoves them a long way into fluent reading by enabling them to recognise wordsby their common spelling patterns.

It also greatly facilitates their independent writing by providing the basic rules formost regularly spelt words. In writing, of course, children need to select theappropriate spelling from a range of phonologically ‘logical’ options to encodewords (e.g. ‘chews’ instead of ‘choose’ or ‘chuse’). Teachers should therefore expectan early growth of autonomy in writing together with a rapid growth in theproportion of correctly spelt simple words or ‘logical’ errors and an equally rapiddecrease in random spelling errors. As children move through KS1 to KS2, theemphasis in the teaching objectives shifts from the teaching of phonics forreading to more focused teaching of spelling strategies, conventions and rules, tobuild upon the children’s established phonic knowledge.

The NLS is based on a detailed scrutiny of research and its implications forclassroom teaching. It also draws heavily on the past decade of inspectionevidence from Ofsted and from evidence of successful teaching in primary schoolsin the UK and abroad. From all this evidence it is clear that:◆ traditional approaches to phonics instruction i.e. teaching the sounds that

match letters and letter combinations is inefficient and often confusingbecause of the many hundreds of correspondences involved. The most effectivephonics instruction teaches children to identify phonemes in spoken languagefirst, then to understand how these are represented by letters and lettercombinations (graphemes);

◆ phonemic awareness (i.e. the ability to segment and blend phonemes), linkedto knowledge of the letter–sound correspondences is a very strong predictor ofreading and spelling success. Where this is systematically taught, mostchildren score well on tests of reading and spelling ability;

◆ phonics can be taught in appropriate and motivating ways and that where it isengaging and enjoyable children will learn it more effectively;

◆ if children are left to guess or invent the alphabetic code without direct andsystematic teaching, their progress is likely to be inhibited and the likelihoodof failure for a substantial number of children is increased;

◆ children can learn this early and fast i.e. most of it by the end of Year 1 andthere are substantial benefits in early reading facility and writing confidencewhen this learning is accomplished without delay;

◆ a further major benefit of this early learning is that it releases mental capacityfor attention to higher order skills of comprehension and composition withconsequences for the early growth of competence e.g. through access to print,vocabulary growth and decontextualised thinking.

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3. What the NLS

framework says

about the teaching

of phonics

4. Phonic skills,

knowledge and


The NLS gives a clear priority to the teaching of phonemic awareness tied closelyto knowledge of the sound-spelling relationships and to the teaching of correctletter formation. The NLS Framework is absolutely clear that at KS1 there shouldbe a strong emphasis on the systematic teaching of phonics. The underpinningprinciples, set out in Section 1 of the Framework, are that pupils should be taughtto:◆ discriminate between the separate sounds in words;◆ learn the letters and letter combinations most commonly used to represent

these sounds;◆ read words by sounding out and blending the separate phonemes;◆ spell words by segmenting the phonemes and using their knowledge of

letter–sound correspondences to represent the phonemes.

In the Reception year (YR) the Framework expects all children to be able to:◆ hear and identify initial, final and dominant sounds in words; ◆ read the letters that represent those sounds for all letters a–z plus ch, sh and

th;◆ write each letter in response to each sound;◆ identify and write initial and final phonemes in CVC words.

In Year 1, i.e. from statutory school age, the NLS expects children to:◆ discriminate all three phonemes in CVC words, to blend phonemes into words

for reading and to segment words into phonemes for spelling; ◆ to spell the three phonemes in CVC words;◆ to do the same for CCVC and CVCCwords;◆ to learn the common alternative spellings of ‘long’ vowel phonemes.

Phonics can and should be taught in interesting and active ways that engageyoung children’s attention, and that are relevant to their interests and build ontheir experiences. There are good grounds for expecting children to learn thesebasic decoding and encoding skills rapidly. Fifteen minutes a day of regularteaching will enable most children to understand most of the key objectives inabout four terms. This should ensure that the essential skills, knowledge andunderstanding are established by the start of Y2, and enable teachers to movechildren rapidly into independent reading and writing. By the end of Year 1 theteaching of phonics should be substantially accomplished with a small number ofalternative vowel phoneme spellings that may need further teaching.

Phonics consists of the skills of segmentation and blending, knowledge of thealphabetic code and understanding of the principles which underpin how thecode is used in reading and spelling.

Segmentation and blendingSegmentation means hearing the individual phonemes within a word; for instancethe word ‘crash’ comprises four phonemes – ‘c-r-a-sh’. In order to spell, a childmust segment a word into its component phonemes and choose a letter or lettercombination (e.g. ‘sh’) to represent each phoneme.

Blending means merging phonemes together to pronounce a word. In order toread an unfamiliar word phonemically, a child must attribute a phoneme to eachletter or letter combination in the word and then merge the phonemes together topronounce the word.

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The alphabetic code

The phonemic system is a system of sounds represented by letters or combinationsof letters. Starting from phonemes and learning the letters which can be used torepresent them is a logical approach to mastering the alphabetic code. There arefour principles underlying the phonemic system.◆ Sounds/phonemes are represented by letters ◆ A phoneme can be represented by one or more letters.

There is not a simple one-to-one correspondence in our alphabetic code. Thereare not enough letters to represent all the phonemes so some are used incombination such as sh, th, ee etc.

◆ The same phoneme can be represented/spelled in more than one way. This is very common particularly among the vowels, for instance, rain, may,lake. On the surface this appears to present problems in spelling accuracy butin fact most vowel spellings have a particular position in words either at theend (ay) or preceding a consonant (ai). Even the spellings which appearinterchangeable e.g. ai and a-e are more often than not associated withparticular consonants. For instance, words ending in -ake and -ate arecommon; those ending in -aik and -ait, rare.

◆ The same spelling may represent more than one sound.Examples of this are the ea in mean and deaf, the ow in crown and flown, theie in field and tried. So, in theory there could be two pronunciations for theword ‘tried’. On the whole this does not present a problem for the reader asone pronunciation results in a word and the other does not. Where two wordshave the same spelling such as ‘read’ (present tense) and ‘read’ (past tense),the sense of the text guides the reader to the correct pronunciation.

To sum up, there are approximately 44 phonemes in English represented by 26letters in about 140 combinations. The consonant and vowel phonemes and theirmost common representations are listed below:

Vowel phonemes and their more usual graphemic representations

vowels representative vowels representative wordswords words

/a/ cat /oo/ look, would, put/e/ peg, bread /ar/ cart, fast (regional)/i/ pig, wanted /ur/ burn, first, term, heard, work/o/ log, want /or/ torn, door, warn (regional)/u/ plug, love /au/ haul, law, call/ae/ pain, day, gate, station /er/ wooden, circus, sister/ee/ sweet, heat, thief, these /ow/ down, shout/ie/ tried, light, my, shine, mind /oi/ coin, boy/oe/ road, blow, bone, cold /air/ stairs, bear, hare/ue/ moon, blue, grew, tune /ear/ fear, beer, here

Note: phonemes are shown between slashes / /

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Progression in phonic skills and knowledge

Teaching phonics

Children should become proficient in applying the skills of segmenting andblending to the alphabetic code in order to spell and read. The skills and knowledgecan be acquired simultaneously so that as children are learning the earliest steps insegmentation (hearing the phoneme in the initial and final position in a word) theywill be learning some of the letters which represent those phonemes. Learning tohear the medial vowels and the letters which represent them allow children tosegment words for spelling and blend words for reading. The following is asuggested progression for learning the phonic skills and knowledge:



Step skill in:

1 hearing and discriminating general sounds, speech sounds and patterns

2 hearing phonemes /s/, /m/, /k/, /t/, /g/, /h/, ininitial position

3 hearing phonemes /s/, /m/, /k/, /t/, /g/, in final position

4 ◆ hearing phonemes /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, in medial position;◆ CVC blending and segmenting, reading and spelling

5 C(C)V(C)C blending and segmenting, reading and spelling

6 CVC blending and segmenting, reading and spelling

7 CVC blending and segmenting, reading and spelling

knowledge of letters:

s, m, c, t, g, h

ss, ck, l, n, d, k, sh, ch

a, e, i, o, u, f, qu, b, r, j, p, th, ng

v, w, x, y, z

ai, ee, ie, oa, oo, or, ir, oi, ou

ay, a-e, ea, igh, y, i-e, ow, o-e, oe, ew,ue, u-e, oy, ow, er, ur, aw, air, ear, oo

Consonant phonemes and their more usual graphemic representations

consonant representative consonant representative phonemes words phonemes words

/b/ baby /s/ sun, mouse, city, science/d/ dog /t/ tap/f/ field, photo /v/ van/g/ game /w/ was/h/ hat /wh/ where (regional)/j/ judge, giant, barge /y/ yes/k/ cook, quick, mix, Chris /z/ zebra, please, is/l/ lamb /th/ then/m/ monkey, comb /th/ thin/n/ nut, knife, gnat /ch/ chip, watch/p/ paper /sh/ ship, mission, chef/r/ rabbit, wrong /zh/ treasure

/ng/ ring, sink

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Throughout KS1, phonics should be the main focus of the 15-minute word levelslot in the Literacy Hour. Other word level objectives can be met in the context ofshared and guided reading activities but this is not the case with the focusedteaching of phonics. Much of this teaching will need to be done away from textsthrough direct teaching using activities of the kind shown in this booklet.Although the structure of the phonic code can sometimes be revealed throughpoems and word-play texts, in most texts phonic patterning occurs too randomlyto be discerned. Most good quality stories, for example, in Big Books, will notrepeat sound patterns with sufficient regularity to serve this purpose. Mostfocused phonics teaching should therefore be done through play, games andactivities and then applied alongside other reading cues to meaningful reading ofappropriately matched, good quality texts in other parts of the Literacy Hour,particularly in shared and guided sessions with the teacher.

Although much of this teaching will necessarily be taught away from the text, itshould relate to texts in three important ways:◆ by using particular words from texts as starting points for instruction and

investigation;◆ by using patterned texts which exemplify particular phonemic structures e.g.

rhyming, alliterative, assonant, onomatopoeic patterns;◆ most importantly, through the application of phonic strategies to texts in

shared and guided reading.

In shared and guided reading you should teach children to check that words theyhave decoded make sense and if they do not, to re-check them against their ownvocabulary knowledge. In addition, by decoding unknown words and checkingthem back against grammar and context, or asking what they mean, children alsoextend word knowledge rapidly. You should demonstrate these processes ofreading, checking for sense and re-reading through Shared Reading and teachthem as independent strategies in Guided Reading. When reading, children willalso encounter words which they cannot decode either because they are toodifficult or, as in a few cases, ambiguous*. They may, nevertheless, be able to readthem by predicting from grammar and context using minimal phonic knowledge.When this happens, teach them to re-visit the word and check out its spelling. Thiswill reinforce their decoding skills and help them learn new or alternativespellings.

Using texts When choosing texts for shared and Guided Reading, you need to consideropportunities to model and practise the phonic skills that you have been teaching(e.g. CVC , CCVC words etc.). The text should provide an appropriate level ofchallenge but one which enables children to apply their new knowledgesuccessfully. The books should always have a sensible grammatical structure and alively and interesting content to engage and support the learning.

Teaching the other elements in the word level objectives

High frequency words The high frequency words listed in the back of the Framework are not intended tobe taught by rote. They are included because they represent a high proportion ofthe words children are likely to meet in the early stages of reading. Many of thesewords are phonically regular and thus perfectly decodable. A proportion areirregular and will need to be taught as ‘tricky’ words’. You should use this list as achecklist to ensure that all the regular words can be decoded, as children learn therelevant phonic skills. You should teach children to recognise the other words asthey encounter them in Shared and Guided Reading.



5. Teaching phonics

in the literacy hour

*A few spelling patterns representmore than one phoneme e.g. owas in grown and town. They areeasily clarified by referring towhether the word makes sense interms of its place in the sentenceor as part of the text.

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HandwritingMake use of opportunities in your 15-minute phonic sessions to demonstrate andemphasise correct letter formation but don’t allow this to deflect you from themain purpose of the phonic teaching. You will need to find other times outsidethe Hour to concentrate on teaching and practising handwriting.



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About this book

This book outlines progression in teaching and learning phonics in seven stepswhich are linked to the objectives in the National Literacy Strategy Framework forTeaching. Activities for whole-class teaching are suggested for each step andinstructions and materials for these activities are provided so that phonics may betaught in a lively, interesting and interactive manner.

Steps 1 and 2 occur throughout nursery and into the first term in Reception.Children who have no nursery experience may need an accelerated Step 1 at thebeginning of Reception. When children can hear phonemes in initial position andhave acquired some letter–sound correspondences (Step 2) they have achieved alaunching pad from which it is possible to timetable future learning in phonics forthe majority of children. A suggested time allocation for Steps 3–6 is included inthe chart on pages 14–15. It is not possible to give such a clear indication in Step7. Children might take about 5 weeks to acquire the rest of the vowel digraphsand trigraphs for reading. They will take longer to be secure in spelling.

The earliest step (Step 1) outlines the activities which nursery and youngReception children do which positively influence their later ability to learnphonics.

Steps 2–7 define learning objectives and the activities are divided into threesections:1 hearing and saying,2 identifying phonemes and spelling,3 recognising letters and reading.

A range of activities is suggested for each of these sections in each step. It is notnecessary to do all the activities, but some from each of the three sections shouldbe included so that children have experience in the aural/oral skills ofsegmenting and blending, as well as learning the phoneme–graphemecorrespondences and combining all of these in reading and spelling.

The activities in this book are designed for use in the 15-minute section of theLiteracy Hour devoted to phonics. To provide variety for the children there arethree sorts of teaching activity:


The activities

sstteepp sskkiillll

1 hearing and discriminating general sounds, speech sounds and patterns

2 hearing phoneme in initial position

3 hearing phoneme in final position

4 CVC segmenting and blending

5 CCVC segmenting and blending

6 & 7 CVC segmenting and blending

kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff

simple letter–soundcorrespondences and someconsonant digraphs, e.g. ch, ll,ck, ng

vowel digraphs and trigraphs

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Teaching points

Demonstration (D) in which the teacher either demonstrates/models to the classor manages an activity, perhaps by manipulating a puppet,Show me (S) in which all the children are expected to answer using a mechanismsuch as fan or whiteboard while they remain seated, Get up and go (G) in which many of the children, sometimes all, move from theirplaces in order to respond to the teacher’s questions.

In each of the three sections try to provide variety for the children by choosing atleast one Demonstration activity, one Show me and one Get up and go. On mostdays there will be time to carry out two activities. As the children get used tothose activities which can be repeated at a number of different steps, it will bepossible to include three activities within the time.For 15 minutes in the Literacy Hour children can practise the skills and learn newphonic knowledge in a stimulating and interactive manner. It is important,however, that these skills are not isolated from reading and writing. In Shared andGuided Reading and Writing children use the skills acquired in these 15 minuteswhen they orchestrate the reading or spelling strategies. Opportunities should begiven for children to practise reading the types of words CVC, CCVC etc duringshared and guided reading, which they are learning in the 15 minutes allowed forphonics. For a class at Step 4, texts which include unfamiliar CVC words, forexample, should be chosen for both shared and guided reading so that childrenmay be given the opportunity to learn how their new skill of blending CVC wordsoperates in the process of reading. Similarly in shared writing, children cancontribute words which they can spell and should be expected, in theirindependent writing, to spell such words correctly.

DifferentiationThe activities in this book are designed for the whole class. Experience has shownthat even where there are differences in the children’s ability most children learnfrom them. Providing different oral questions for children who are not quite at thestage of the majority, and for those for whom the activity is ‘surplus torequirements’, is dependent on teachers knowing the phonemic ability of all thechildren in their classes. Developing this skill will be the subject of futurematerials.

HandwritingThe activities in this book are organised so that practising handwriting the letterswhich are being learned within the hour can take place outside the hour itself.

Pronouncing phonemesThere is a list of the phonemes in the English language on pages 5 and 6. Someconsonants are difficult to pronounce without adding an extra sound, e.g. b, dand g tend to emerge as buh, duh and guh. Try to reduce this extra sound asmuch as possible. The letters c as in cat, p and t should be pronounced withoutthe voice, just using air. Almost all others can be pronounced as continuingsounds, e.g. sssssss, fffffff, mmmmm, nnnnnn, shshshshsh.

Recommended phrasesIdentification and writing:

‘How can we write/show/spell/represent this phoneme (sound)?’Recognition and reading:

‘What sound/phoneme can this/these letter(s) represent?’ or‘Tell/give me a sound/phoneme for this/these letter(s).’

Children love using technical words. The word ‘phoneme’ is more specific than theword ‘sound’.

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Classroom assistantsThese activities are designed to be managed by the class teacher alone.However, in YR and Y1, classroom assistants are often available during theLiteracy Hour. Their role during the whole-class teaching in phonics isimmensely useful. They can:◆ join in and keep the pace up;◆ model responses;◆ run the activity side by side with the teacher (e.g. in rhyme generation,

two adults writing words are quicker than one);◆ ask a searching question if he/she thinks some children haven’t quite

understood;◆ note which children appear secure in their knowledge and which are not;◆ support an individual child;◆ take notes of individuals, or observe a teaching strategy to prepare for a

similar session with a smaller group who need additional help.

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Step 1

General sounddiscrimination

Speech sounddiscrimination

Much activity in early years’ settings prepares children for ‘phonics’: listening tostories and joining in with sound effects, music, rhythm and rhyme, dancing, PE.We can capitalise on activities which may be designed for other purposes in orderto get children to really listen and to discriminate between sounds. Early phonicsconsists of general sound discrimination, speech sound discrimination, rhythm andrhyme and alliteration (playing with words which start with the same phoneme).

Play a variety of games where children listen to sounds and guess what they are.

Environmental◆ Can children recognise particular sounds inside and outside the room: sounds

such as vehicles, birds singing, animal sounds, other children/adults speaking,and machines? (The song 'Listen, children' from Bobby Shaftoe, Clap YourHands Sue Nicholls, A & C Black 1992, is a perfect vehicle for this idea.)

◆ Listen to everyday sounds made behind a screen such as water being poured,splashed, shaken in a bottle, or paper being torn, screwed up, flapped.

Instrumental◆ Can children recognise the difference between a shaker and a drum? To find

out, let one child play an instrument whilst hiding behind the screen and askthe other children to guess which instrument is being played. Whicheverinstruments are hidden, have a matching set in front of the children to aidtheir identification of the sound. Let the guessing child play the matchinginstrument to confirm the guess.

◆ Extend the game by singing a song, e.g. ‘One sound can be heard’ from BobbyShaftoe, Clap Your Hands whilst the hiding child plays his or her instrument.This time the listening children have to concentrate very carefully,discriminating between their own singing and the instrument being played.

Body percussion◆ Sing songs in which children have to add claps, knee pats, foot stamps or

move in some way. Play the hiding game described above with children usingbody percussion instead of playing instruments.

◆ Add body percussion sounds to nursery rhymes, performing the sounds in timeto the beat. Change the body sound with each musical phrase or sentence.

◆ Encourage the children to be attentive and to know when to add sounds, ormove and when to be silent or still.

Rhythm◆ Sing or chant nursery rhymes and encourage the children to move in an

appropriate way, e.g. rock gently to the beat of See Saw Marjorie Dore, ByeBaby Bunting: march to the beat of Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son and The Grandold Duke of York: skip to the beat of Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.

◆ Play games where children use their voices in different ways and explore avariety of sounds.

◆ Give opportunities for children to discriminate between the different voicesthey have when singing, speaking, shouting, whispering, growling, squeaking,being silly, etc.

◆ Perform chants using the different types of voices. ◆ Play the hiding game with different children using their different voices. Can

the listeners guess who it is?

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Rhythm and rhyme


◆ Create opportunities for children to explore other sounds that they can makewith their voices:– Make your voice go down a slide – Wheee!– Make your voice bounce like a ball – Boing, Boing. (Let them show you with

their hands too.)– Find out someone has been telling tales – aw.– Sound really disappointed – oh.– Look astonished – ooooooo!– Relax into a chair like an old man – ahahahahaha,

or shout in terror – ahahahahah!– Hiss like a snake – sssssssssss.– Keep everyone quiet: shshshshsh, or be a steam train coming to a halt – ch-

ch-ch-ch-ch-shshshshshshsh.– Gently moo like a cow – mmmmmmmm.– Be an old woman who is hard of hearing – e. . . .e. . . . e.

You can concoct sounds that suggest all the phonemes in the language.

◆ Use picture cards of animals. As each card is held up ask the children to makethe sound of the animal with their voices.

◆ Put the animal cards into an order and create an ‘animal chain’ of sounds.◆ Pass small toy animals around the circle, singing ‘pass the animals round and

round’ to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down. When the singing stops,the leader asks ‘Who has got rabbit/dog/pig?’ and the child with that animalhas to make the appropriate animal sound.

◆ Encourage children to use voices or instruments to add sounds to stories suchas Bear Hunt, or make up stories with the children about their favouriteanimals and then add sounds.

As children chant and sing rhymes, skipping to the beat, they gradually acquire arepertoire of rhymes and they start to imitate. They might talk to their toys:‘eensy-weensy’; ]munching wunching’. They do this because they like the sound orfeel of the sound on their tongues. They could not, at this stage, do it to order. Forreading and spelling, children need to be able to recognise when two wordsrhyme and produce a rhyming string of words. There is a lot we can do to increasechildren‘s conscious awareness of rhyme, for example changing the words of awell known rhyme; making up rhyming couplets and leaving the final word forchildren to supply (there is a good illustration of this in the NLS Training Packmodule 2 video in Gordon’s reception class); playing rhyme tennis; matchingobjects which rhyme; and finding the odd-one-out – the word which doesn'trhyme in a group of three. When children can supply a list of rhyming words andnon-words, after being given a start, they can be considered to be well on the wayto grasping rhyme, e.g. adult says cat, mat sat. . . and the child continues fat, pat,mat, rat, hat etc. However, children may well be into Step 2 of this progression ofactivities before they can do this.

Singing rhymes and songs which have alliterative lines such as Sing a Song ofSixpence and playing with jingles (e.g. Can you count the candles on the cake?) ortongue-twisters, help to tune children’s ears to the relationships between thesound structures of words. Ultimately children need to be able to isolate the initialphoneme from the rest of the word, e.g. to be able to say that ‘sausage’ beginswith ‘s’. This is the learning objective of Step 2, but has its roots firmly in Step1.

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Step 2

NLS Framework referencesYR: 1b, 2a, 2b, 2d, 4c

Learning objectives1. to be able to continue a rhyming

string2. to hear and say phenomes /s/,

/m/, /k/, /t/,/g/, /h/ in initialposition

3. to know phoneme–graphemecorrespondences: s, m, c, t, g, h

Time scale: not possible to determine


Hearing and sayingJinglesPebble GameTray GameMatch MeCircle Swap ShopJump in the Hoop

Identifying phonemes and writingLetter FormationWhich of Two (or more)?NSEW

Recognising letters and readingMood SoundsFlashcardsSock PuppetsNoisy Letters

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

2 D 18 –1 S 18 –2 S 18 –2 S 20 –2 G 20 –2 G 21 –

2 D/S 21 –2/3 S 23 32/3 G 24 5–35

3 D 21 –3 D 25 36–523 D/S 25 –3 G 25 36–52

Step 3

NLS Framework referencesYR: 1b, 1c, 2e

Learning objectives1. to hear and say phonemes in final

position2. to consolidate previously learned

phoneme–graphemecorrespondences recognising thatsome alter in final position,e.g. ss, ck

3. to know more phoneme–graphemecorrespondences: l, n, d, k, sh, ch

Time scale: 2–3 weeks


Hearing and sayingTray GameCircle Swap ShopCroakerAlien Game

Identifying phonemes and writingLetter FormationNSEWFinish It

Recognising letters and readingFlashcardsSock PuppetsNoisy Letters

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

1 S 18 –1 G 20 –1 D 26 –1 D 27 –

2/3 D/S 21 –1/2/3 G 24 5–351/2/3 S 27 –

3 D 25 36–523 D/S 25 –3 G 25 36–52

Step 4

NLS Framework referencesYR: 2b, 2c, 2e, 4c Y1 T1: 4, 5, 6

Learning objectives1. to hear and say phonemes in

medial position ( /a/, /e/, /l/,/o/, /u/,)

2. to know more phoneme–graphemecorrespondences (a, e, i, o, u and f,qu, b, r, j, p, th, ng)

3. to segment to spell CVC words4. to blend to read CVC words

Time scale: 5–6 weeks


Hearing and sayingCroakerMatch MeCircle Swap Shop

Identifying phonemes and writingLetter FormationPhoneme FrameWhich of Two (or more)?QuickwriteFansFull Circle GameWashing Line

Recognising letters and readingFlashcardsSock PuppetsSound ButtonsCube GameSilly QuestionsPhoneme CountBingo

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

1 D 20 –1 S 20 –1 G 26 –

2 D/S 21 –3 D/S 22 1 & 21/2 S 23 3 & 42/3 S 24 1 & 22/3 S 28 53–52/3 G 29 5–352/3 G 33 –

2 D 25 36–522 D/S 25 –2/4 D 30 –2/4 G 30 –2/4 S 31 64–702/4 G 32 93–51/4 D 33 108 & 109

Type means type of activity Demonstration, Show me or Get up and goPage is the page number where the instructions for the game are givenPCM shows the pages of the photocopy masters related to the activity



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Step 5

NLS Framework referencesYR:1 2b, 2c Y1 T2: 3

Learning objectives1. to hear phonemes within consonant

clusters2. to know more phoneme–grapheme

correspondences (v, w, x, y, z)3. to segment to spell words

containing consonant clusters ininitial position (CCVC) and finalposition (CVCC)

4. to blend to read words containingconsonant clusters in initial position(CCVC) and final position (CVCC)

Time scale: 3–4 weeks


Hearing and sayingCroaker

Identifying phonemes and writingLetter FormationPhoneme FrameWhich of Two (or more)?QuickwriteFansFull Circle GameWashing Line

Recognising letters and readingFlashcardsSock PuppetsSound ButtonsCube GameSilly QuestionsPhoneme CountBingo

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

1 D 26 –

2 D/S 21 –3 D/S 22 1 & 23 S 23 3 & 43 S 24 1 & 23 S 28 56 & 573 G 29 5–353 G 33 –

2 D 25 36–522 D/S 25 –4 D 30 –4 G 30 –4 S 31 71–74 G 32 96–1011/4 D 33 110–13

Step 6

NLS Framework referencesY1 T3: 1 Y2 T1: 1,2,3

Learning objectives1. to know one representation of each

of ten vowel phonemes (digraphsai, ee, ie, oa, oo, or, ar, ir, oi, ou)

2. to segment to spell wordscontaining vowel phonemesrepresented by more that one letter

3. to blend to read words containingvowel phonemes represented bymore that one letter

Time scale: 3–4 weeks


Identifying phonemes and writingPhoneme FrameQuickwriteFansFull Circle Game

Recognising letters and readingFlashcardsSound ButtonsSilly QuestionsWashing Line

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

1/2 D/S 22 1&21/2 S 24 1 & 21/2 S 28 58–621/2 G 29 5–35

1/3 D 25 36–521/3 D 30 –1/3 S 31 78–841/3 G 33 –

Step 7

NLS Framework referencesY1 T3: 1 Y2 T1: 1,2,3,4T2: 1,2 T3: 1,3

Learning objectives1. to segment to spell words

containing vowel digraphs andtrigraphs (ay, a–e, ea, igh, y, i–e,o–e, oe, ew, ue, u–e, oy, ow, er, ur,aw, air, ear, oo)

2. to blend to read words containingthe same vowel digraphs andtrigraphs

Time scale: not possible to determine


Identifying phonemes and writingPhoneme FrameQuickwriteFull Circle GameRhyming Word Generation and Word SortSplit Digraph

Recognising letters and readingFlashcardsSound ButtonsCube GameSilly QuestionsPhoneme CountWashing LineBingo

Learning Type Page PCMObjectives

1 D/S 22 1 & 21 D 24 1 & 21 D 29 5–351 S 34 –1 G 36 5–35

2 D 25 36–522 D 30 –2 G 30 –2 S 31 85–912 G 32 102–72 G 33 –2 D 33 114–23



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Game Steps

Jingles 2

Pebble Game 2

Tray Game 2 3

Match Me 2 4

Circle Swap Shop 2 3 4

Mood Sounds 2

Jump in the Hoop 2

Letter Formation 2 3 4 5

Phoneme Frame 4 5 6 7

Which of Two (or more)? 2 4 5

Quickwrite 4 5 6 7

NSEW 2 3

Flashcards 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sock Puppets 2 3 4 5

Noisy Letters 2 3

Croaker 3 4 5

Alien Game 3

Finish It 3

Fans 4 5 6

Full Circle Game 4 5 6 7

Sound Buttons 4 5 6 7

Cube Game 4 5 7

Silly Questions 4 5 6 7

Phoneme Count 4 5 7

Washing Line 4 5 6 7

Bingo 4 5 7

Rhyming Word Generation and Word Sort 7

Split Digraph 7

Phonic activities at each Step

Page 21: Phonics materials whole class.pdf

Materialsa set of objects for the te a ch e r

Procedure◆ s ay a silly allite ra t i ve jingle, e.g. silly Simon silently sat on a........; lucky Lu c y

l i cked a.......; furry Fred found a fat......; Becky Butler bought a big blue....; ta l lTariq took a......

◆ hold up two objects one of which begins with the same initial phoneme asm o st of the wo rds in the jingl e

◆ ask the ch i l d ren which object you should choose to end the jingl e◆ all the ch i l d ren say the phoneme

Variation on the themeThe game can be made into a ‘show me’ game if all the ch i l d ren have an objectand th ey hold it up if it will fit into the jingl e .

Materialsa pebble

Procedure◆ sit in a circ l e◆ sta rt a slow clap and the ch i l d ren join in◆ ch i l d ren keep clapping while you sta rt a rhyming string, e.g. fat, cat, rat . . .◆ on the wo rd ‘rat’ you pass the pebble to the child on your left who passes it on

as s/he says another rhyming wo rd in time to the clapping◆ that child passes the pebble to the next child who says another wo rd in th e

r hyming st r i n g◆ wo rds can be re p e a ted and nonsense wo rds can be used◆ a child can pass the pebble on in time to the clapping without contributing a

wo rd

Materials◆ set of objects – one per child and selection for the te a cher (sugge stions fo r

objects on page 19, many from the nurs e ry classroom fa rm, home corn e r, playpeople etc . )

◆ a tray

Procedure◆ g i ve all the ch i l d ren an object◆ hold out the tray◆ put objects on the tray with the same initial or final phoneme◆ call out the names of the objects as you place the objects, st re tching out th e

initial phoneme, e.g. sssssausage, sssssock or the final phoneme, e.g. wo o l l l l l l l ,ballllllll (At Step 2 the phoneme will be in the initial position at Step 3 in th efinal position.)

◆ ask the ch i l d ren to hold up their object if it can be placed on your tray, i.e. hasthe same initial or final phoneme

◆ all the ch i l d ren say the phoneme


J i n gl e s

Purpose: to complete analliterative pattern


Pebble Game

Purpose: to createrhyming strings


Tray Game

Purpose: to identifyand match phonemes ininitial or final position

STEPS 2 & 3




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s o cks a u c e rs o a ps c i s s o rss a l tsto n es we e t ss e e d ssta rs p o o n

m i rro rm u gm a g n e tm o u s em o n keym a rm i tem a c a ro n im a pm a tch e sm i n t s

c a rc owc a n d l ec u pc a rd i ga nc a rdc ra cke rc u s h i o nc a ta l o g u ec a t

te d d yta pt i nto o th p a steto o th b ru s hte l e p h o n etin openert w i gt i etowe l

ga m egra p e f ru i tg i r lga teg o o s eg o a tgl ovegl u egolf ballgra p e

h a th a m m e rh a n dh e a dh e nh o o ph o o kh o rs e

s h o es h e e ps h e l fs h i ps h i rts h a mp o os h e l ls h a p e s

l a m bl o l l i p o pl e t te rl e a fl i dl a d d e rl a d y b i rdl o rry

d o l ld o gd i c ed i g ge rd i s hd i s kd o o rd r i l l

n u tn a i ln o s en o te b o o kn u m b e rsn i n e

b u sh o rs ep u rs em o u s eg o o s eh o u s ec a s e

b e db i rdl a d y b i rds h e ds p a d eb re a dwo o d

n i n ete np i nva np e np a nch a i n

b a l ld o l lw h e e ls h e l lwo o lb e l lta i l

l e gf ro gb a gd o gp e gfl a gp i g

b o o ks a ckb r i ckh o o ks o ckfo r kc l o ck

c a tg o a tk i tega teh a te i g h th e a rt

m o pta pm a pc l i pto pc u pgra p e

l e a fs h e l fro o fs c a rfl o a fc a l fh a l f

Possible objects for Tray Game/Match Me/Circle Swap Shop/Jump in the Hoop/NSEW

Possible objects for Tray Game and Circle Swap



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Materials set of objects – one per child (see Tray Game for Step 2 objects page 19 )

Procedure◆ g i ve each child an object◆ call out the sounds of initial phonemes◆ e a ch child holds up his or her object if it begins with the same phoneme

( Step 2) or has the phoneme in the middle (Step 4)◆ all the ch i l d ren say the phoneme

Variations ◆ s ay a whole wo rd and ask the ch i l d ren to hold up their object if it begins with

the same phoneme (Step 2) or has it in the middle (Step 4)◆ hold up an object and ask the ch i l d ren to hold up their object if it begins with

the same phoneme (Step 2) or has it in the middle (Step 4)

Materials set of objects: enough for one per child (See page 19 and below for possibleo b j e c t s )

Procedure◆ g i ve each child an object◆ sit the ch i l d ren in a circ l e◆ call out a phoneme◆ shout ‘swap shop’◆ ch i l d ren who have an object with the same phoneme in it stand up and swa p

places with each other (At Step 2 the phoneme will be in the initial position,Step 3 final position and Step 4 medial position.)

◆ all the ch i l d ren say the phoneme

VariationM a ke the game more exacting by calling out 2 or 3 phonemes at once!


M a tch Me

Purpose: to identifyand match sounds ininitial and medialposition

STEPS 2 & 4

C i rcle Swa pS h o p

Purpose: to identifyphonemes in initial,medial or final position

STEPS 2, 3 & 4

c a tta pva np a nfl a gm a ps a ckm a nb a gh a t

b e dp e gl e gb e l lp e ns h e ds h e l fte ns h e l lt we lve

s i xk i n gs p r i n gb r i ckd i s hd i s kl i dc l i pp i np i g

to ps o ckm o pf ro gd o gb oxs o ckc l o ckc ro s sd o l l

n u tc u pd u ckb u ss u nd ru mb ru s hm u gp l u gp l u m

Possible objects for Match me and Circle swap shop – Step 4



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Materials◆ set of objects – one per ch i l d◆ 2 large hoops

Procedure◆ g i ve each child an object◆ place the hoops on the fl o o r◆ place an object in each of the hoops◆ the ch i l d ren jump in one of the hoops if th ey have an object which conta i n s

the same initial phoneme as the object in that hoop

Materialsw h i te board and pen

Procedure◆ d e m o n st ra te new letter on the board, talking th rough where the letter begins,

the direction it ta kes and where it ends (Schools usually have a method for th i sand perhaps a specific style of handwriting.)

◆ ask the ch i l d ren to practise writing the letter in the air

NoteHandwriting practice ta kes place outside the Lite racy Hour.L e t te rs are grouped as fo l l ows :c, a, o, d, g, q, s, f, e (all sta rt with an anticlockwise turn )n, m, r, p, b, h (all sta rt at the top, descend and go back up the line)i, j, k, l, t, uv, w, x, y, z

J u mp in th eH o o p

Purpose: to identify anddistinguish betweenphonemes in initialposition


L e t te rFo rm a t i o n

Purpose: to teachchildren the movement ofeach letter

STEPS 2, 3, 4 & 5

Materialsnone re qu i re d

Procedure◆ s ay a phoneme and ask the ch i l d ren to repeat it◆ help the ch i l d ren to say the sounds as if th ey we re angry, happy, frightened etc.

Variation◆ this can be done alongside fl a s h c a rds with the lette r ( s ) / grapheme which

re p resents the phoneme◆ ask diffe rent groups of ch i l d ren to repeat the sound in order to ensure that all

ch i l d ren are able to pronounce the phonemes corre c t ly

Mood Sounds

Purpose: to pronouncephonemes correctly




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P h o n e m eFra m e

Purpose: to spell words

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

c a tc a nm a ps a ckm a nb a gh a tto ps o ckm o pd o gb oxd o l ls h o p

b e dl e gb e l lp e ns h e dfi s hch i p ss h i pw i n gn u tc u pd u cks u nm u g

b ru s hb l a ckc l o ckc ro s sflag f ro gd re s sgl a dgre e np l a np a s ssto ps p e l ls l i ps m e l ls k i ps w i mt ra pt w i n

s e l fd i s ke n dn e x tl i ftj u mpm u sts e n th e l dm e l th e l pm i l kb a n k

ch a i nra i lke e pc r i e dt r i e dro a db o a ts p o o nto o lc l o u dfo u n db i rdfi rstc a rh a rdb o rnfo r kc o i ns p o i l

m a ken a m ep a ged a tes avete a chte a me a ts p e a kfi n dn i n ed r i vel i g h tt w i c eh o l ero l lto l dm o stb ro kesto n eh o p et u b eh u ge

d a r kb row ngrow ls o u thp u s hc o u l dd raw nt u rnl e a rnte rmp o i n ttoyb e a rd a reh a i rsta i rn e a rd e a rb o o ksto o d

Step 4 Step 4 Step 5i n i t i a l

Step 5fi n a l

Step 6 Step 7 Step 7

Materials◆ phoneme frame drawn on the white b o a rd ◆ child-size phoneme frames (Make these by copying PCMs 1 and 2 on either side

of a piece of A4 card and then covering with clear film so that dry-wipe pensm ay be used for writing – and writing erased easily. )

◆ pens and wipes for the ch i l d ren, one between two (Some ch i l d ren may needm e tal boards and magnetic lette rs . )

Procedure (Demo)◆ s ay a wo rd◆ ask the ch i l d ren to tell you which phoneme sta rts the wo rd ◆ ask which letter re p resents that phoneme◆ w r i te the letter in the fi rst box in the frame ◆ ask which is the next phoneme th ey can hear ◆ ask which letter to write ◆ repeat until all the wo rd is written in the phoneme fra m e

Procedure (Show me)◆ s ay a wo rd◆ one child in each pair writes the wo rd in the phoneme frame while the second

child wa tches (The second child decides whether he/she agrees with the spelling;if th e re is disagreement th ey discuss and make ch a n ges if necessary. )

◆ ch i l d ren hold the frames up ◆ repeat with the other child in the pair writing the wo rd

Word source for Phoneme Frame◆ high fre quency wo rds ◆ wo rds from other parts of the curr i c u l u m◆ miscellaneous (see below )PCM 1 and 2

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Materials◆ l e t ter fans, one per pair of ch i l d ren (see below and PCMs 3 and 4)◆ phoneme frame drawn on white board


◆ i n d i c a te on the phoneme frame which part of the wo rd ch i l d ren should liste nto for the phoneme

◆ s ay a wo rd◆ the ch i l d ren repeat it after yo u◆ one child from each pair should choose the letter(s) re p resenting the phoneme

in the specified part of the wo rd, shows his or her partner and then holds uptheir agreed phoneme in the air

◆ repeat with the other child in the pair taking the lead


game 1m i rro rc a n d l em u m myc a st l em u s i cs a i l o rs a u s a gec re a mm a rr i a gec a re f u lc u rta i ns aw d u stc o m bs a l ts a n d w i ch

game 2h a m m e rga ra get u rn i ph o u s egrav yt i m e ta b l et ra c to rg o a th e a rth e av ygra n d m ag o r i l l ah o u n dto a st

game 1s h o ps h i ph o th i tp i tp o tl o ckl i ckl i tl o tt i ckto ck

game 2b e th e nte ns e tt i ns i tb i th i mk i n gb e gb i gre d

PCM 4fan: b l r ?

game 1b l e db re a db e dre d- - - - -b e a tb l e a t- - - - -b i teb l i g h tb r i g h tr i g h t- - - - -b re a kb a kera ke- - - - - - -b a ckb l a ck

PCM 4fan: n ? d

game 2b a nb a n db a d- - - - - -te nTe dte n d- - - - -B e nb e n db e d- - - - - - -L e nl e dl e n d

PCM 3 and 4fan: t ? l s n

game 3n e tk n e l tn e st- - - - - - -we twe stwe n tw h e n- - - - - - -b o l tb o n eb o a stb o a tb ow l- - - - - - -b e l tb e n tb e tB e nb e st

Step 2 Step 4 Step 5

PCM 3 fan1: s ? m cfan2: t g ? h

PCMs 3 and 4fan: o ? i e

W h i ch of Two(or more ) ?

Purpose: to practisedistinguishing thesound of one phonemefrom another

STEPS 2, 4 & 5

PCM 3 and 4


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Materials◆ phoneme frames on white b o a rds(one between two )◆ felt tipped pens/wet or dry-wipe pens◆ selection of objects or picture s

Procedure◆ g i ve all the ch i l d ren one board between two ch i l d re n◆ call out wo rds/hold up objects or pictures and ask the ch i l d ren to write th e

wo rd and then show it◆ w r i te the wo rd on your white b o a rd and draw on the sound butto n s*

◆ all the ch i l d ren sound out the phonemes by pressing the sound buttons ands aying the wo rd

*re fer to the Sound Buttons activity on page 30 for this te ch n i qu e

Materials ◆ four A4-sized lette rs (see PCMs 5–35)◆ objects beginning (Step 2) or ending (Step 3) with one of the four lette rs (see

p a ge 19 for list of objects for Step 2 and below for Step 3)

Procedure◆ four ch i l d ren are given the large lette rs to hold and sent to the four corn e rs of

the room – NSEW◆ the re st of the ch i l d ren are each given an object ◆ ch i l d ren go to the corner containing the letter at the beginning (Step 2) or

ending (Step 3) of their object ◆ ask the ch i l d ren to say the name of their objects and ch e ck that all agree th ey

a re in the right corn e r


Q u i ck w r i te

Purpose: to spell words

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

No rth, South ,E a st and We st


Purpose: to identifyphonemes in initial andfinal position

STEPS 2 & 3

bed b i rdl a d y b i rds h e db re a dwo o dh e a d

l e gf ro gb a gd o gp e gfl a gp i g

m o pta pm a pc l i pto pc u pc a p

c a tg o a th a te i g h th e a rts h i rts k i rt

c l o cks a ckb r i cks o ckro ckt ru ck

b e l lb a l ls h e l lb u l ld o l lf r i l l

Words for NSEW Step 3

PCM 1 and 2

PCM 5–35



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Materialsa set of letter cards showing lette rs learned by the ch i l d re n

Procedure◆ hold up the letter cards one at a time for the ch i l d ren to see◆ e i ther ask a child to say what phoneme the letter(s) re p resent or ask all th e

ch i l d ren to say the phoneme as qu i ck ly as th ey can◆ use this activity re g u l a r ly but briefly

Materialss o ck puppets for each letter of the alphabet – made by st i cking or sewing a lowe rcase letter of the alphabet onto the foot of a sock

Procedure◆ place puppets of the lette rs that the ch i l d ren are learning in an opaque bag◆ ask a child to come out and ta ke puppet from the bag◆ the child slips his/her hand into the puppet and says the phoneme

re p re s e n ted by the lette r

Materials sets of cards containing up to 5 diffe rent lette rs / d i graphs, e.g. k, n, g, m, sh

Procedure◆ g i ve all the ch i l d ren a card◆ ask the ch i l d ren to read the card and then hide it behind their backs◆ all the ch i l d ren stand and continuously make the sound of the phoneme

re p re s e n ted by the letter(s) on the card◆ th ey then walk around the classroom and group to ge ther with other ch i l d re n

who are saying the same phoneme◆ end the game by asking all the ch i l d ren to turn over their cards and ch e ck th a t

th ey have the same letter(s) as other people in the gro u p

STEPS 2, 3, 4 & 5

F l a s h c a rd s

Purpose: to practisephoneme–graphemecorrespondence

STEPS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

S o ck Puppets

Purpose: learn newphoneme–graphemecorrespondences

PCM 36–52

Noisy Lette rs

Purpose: to practicephoneme–graphemecorrespondence

STEPS 2 & 3

PCM 36–52


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Materials◆ set of objects in an opaque bag◆ a puppet

Procedure◆ explain to the ch i l d ren that the puppet is finding it difficult to say some wo rd s◆ ask a child to pull an object from the bag and tell eve ryone what it is◆ the puppet (te a cher) pronounces it incorre c t ly◆ the ch i l d ren help the puppet by saying the wo rd corre c t ly, emphasising th e

p a rt of the wo rd the puppet is having difficulty with◆ the puppet pronounces it incorre c t ly aga i n◆ the ch i l d ren continue to help the puppet ◆ the puppet says the wo rd corre c t ly◆ repeat with another object from the bag◆ ask the ch i l d ren which bit of the wo rd the puppet keeps getting wro n g◆ do not play this game if a child with a significant speech problem is pre s e n t


C ro a ke r

Purpose: to identify thephoneme in a specifiedpart of a word

STEPS 3, 4 & 5

o b j e c t as mista ke n ly o b j e c t as mista ke n lysaid by puppet said by puppet

fi s h fi t p u rs e p i e c eb u s b u g l e a f l o a fl e a f l e a k w h e e l w h a l ed o l l d o t h o rs e h o u s ep u rs e p e r k b o o k b e a kc o m b c o a t p e g p i gp e n p e g wo o l w h e e ls o a p s o a k p e n p a nd o g d o l l d i s k d e s kh o o k h o o d r i n g w ro n g

L i sts of possible objects and incorrect names said by the puppet

Step 3 Step 4

initial consonant cluste rs final consonant cluste rs

o b j e c t as mista ke n ly o b j e c t as mista ke n lysaid by puppet said by puppet

Step 5

skipping ro p ep re s e n tf ro gfly( p i c t u re of) cra s hc l o u ds c a rfsto n es m i l es p i d e rs n a kes n ows l u gs p a n n e rst r i n gb re a d

slipping ro p ep l e a s a n tfo gf ryc l a s h / c a s hc row dsta ffs c o n est i l ec i d e rste a ks l ows n u gs c a n n e rst i n gb e d

s c e n th a n dl i sts h e l fb a n ks i n kb e l tn e st( p e t rol) pumpk i l t(bottle of) milk

s e th a dl i t / l i ftch e fb a cks i ck / s i l kb e t / b e n tn e t / k n e l tp u pk i t / k i s s e dm i ck / m i n k


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Materialsa puppet or st i ck puppet of a cre a t u re from outer space

Procedure◆ tell the ch i l d ren that the puppet is having difficulty saying wo rds corre c t ly◆ he is asking the shop keeper for what he wants but can't qu i te finish the wo rd s

o ff◆ ask the ch i l d ren to help him◆ s ay the wo rd the puppet wants to say and then say it without the fi n a l

phoneme, e.g. cheese chee- and ask the ch i l d ren to say the final bit◆ repeat with the fo l l owing wo rds: rice ri-, coke co-, meat mee-, bread bre- , soup

soo-, fruit fro o -

Materials◆ 3-phoneme frame drawn on the board◆ fans of lette rs (one per pair of ch i l d ren) or a wall frieze of lette rs

Procedure◆ tell the ch i l d ren you want to write a wo rd, e.g 'sun'◆ w r i te the fi rst two lette rs on the board in the 3-phoneme fra m e◆ ask the ch i l d ren what is at the end of the wo rd 'sun'◆ when th ey have told you ask them what an 'n' looks like◆ th ey could use fans to show you or point to the wall frieze

Variation This game could be made into a ‘get up and go’ activity called ‘pin the tail’: ◆ m a ke 10 wo rds on the board with magnetic lette rs, all ending with diffe re n t

l e t te rs, e.g . sun, get, rub, sack, had, dog, bell, him, top, hiss; ◆ g i ve the final lette rs / d i graphs to 10 ch i l d ren; ◆ point to the beginning of a wo rd, tell the ch i l d ren what the wo rd should be

and ask who has the right letter to come and 'pin the tail' on to it.

Alien Game

Purpose: to identify thephoneme at the end of aword


Finish It

Purpose: to write thefinal letter in a CVC word




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Materialsfans made with a designated set of lette rs, or lette rs written onto blank laminate dfans, to be used in pairs (PCMs 53–62)

Procedure◆ one child in each pair makes a wo rd as specified by the te a ch e r◆ the other child ch e cks it◆ ch i l d ren put up their fans on a signal◆ the other child makes the next wo rd and so on


Fa n s

Purpose: to spell words

STEPS 4, 5 & 6

l e t te rs of fa n

CVC wo rd sw h i ch can bemade with eachfa n

Step 4PCM 53p - t - a - m - e - s

p e tm e tp a tm a pta pm a ts e tsat

Step 4PCM 54i - o - t - h - n - ch - a

ch i nt i nch a th a tt i nta nh o tn o t

Step 4PCM 55u - o - e - g - b - l - d

l o gd o gl e gb e gd u gb u gl e db u d

Step 5PCM 56s - c - b - f - o - t - l - p - a

s l o tc l a pb l o tfl a ts l a pfl o pfl a bfl a p

Step 5PCM 57s - k- e - p - i - l l - m - n

s k i l ls m e l ls p i ns k i ps k i ms k i nspill s p e l l

l e t te rs of fa n

CVC wo rd sw h i ch can bemade with eachfa n

Step 6PCM 58, 59a i - o a - o i - l - n -d - m - p - t - c

m a i np a i nc o i nl o i nl o a nm o a np l a i nm a i dl a i dp a i dm a i lp a i lta i ln a i lc o a l

Step 6PCM 60, 61o u - n - d - t - o o - p - r-th - s h - m - k- l - s - d

m o u n ds h o u tro u n do u tl o u dto o ks h o o kro o km o u ths o u ths o u n dsto o d

Step 6PCM 62o r- a r- n - k- m - f - b - p

p a r kb a r km a r kp o r kfo r kb o rnm o rnb a rnfa rma rmfo rmfo r

PCM 53–62


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Materials ◆ L i st of wo rds (see below )◆ A4 lette rs and digraphs, e.g ee, ck, ng etc. (PCMs 5–35)

Procedure◆ g i ve the lette rs out to the ch i l d ren ◆ tell them the fi rst wo rd and ask the ch i l d ren who are holding the lette rs of th e

p a rticular wo rd to come to the front of the room and make the wo rd◆ all ch i l d ren say the wo rd – the individual phonemes of the wo rd and then th e

whole wo rd aga i n◆ w r i te the wo rd on the board and tell the ch i l d ren that th ey are going to make

a series of diffe rent wo rds but that th ey will eve n t u a l ly come back to the wo rdon the board (When that wo rd appears again all shout ‘full circ l e ’ . )

◆ s ay the next wo rd◆ ask the ch i l d ren at the front which of them has to sit down and which of th e m

has the replacement letter to make the new wo rd◆ those two ch i l d ren swap places◆ eve ryone says the new wo rd, the phonemes and the wo rd aga i n◆ s ay the next wo rd and repeat as befo re until ‘full circ l e ’◆ keep the game full of pace, a race to get ‘full circle’ befo re the time runs out.

VariationYou may pre fer to have some more ch i l d ren 'occupied' during this game; th eycould write the next wo rd on white b o a rds befo re the child gets into position withthe lette r. This should not be allowed to detract from the pace of the activity.


Full Circ l eG a m e

Purpose: to manipulatephonemes

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

game 1 game 2 game 3 game 1 game 2 game 3 game 1 game 2 game 1f - t - p - c - n - a b - c - p - s h - t - s - r- b - o - i - u - s - l - c - f - i - a - p - b - s - t - l - n - p - i - l - s - t - f - g - n - i - e e - t - s - n - p - l o r- b - c - f - p - k- e - m - l - w- h - i -

ck- a - o - i a - n g - ck ck- b m - e k- r- ck- p s - m - t - d - n c - n - f - d - p - k

fa t s h o p s o n g s l i p b e st l i st te e n b o rn m i c ep a t s h i p s i n g c l i p b e l t l i ft t i n c o rn m i n ec a t t i p r i n g fl i p b e n t g i ft s i n c o rd l i n ec a n ta p ru n g fl a p p e n t s i l t s e e n fo rd l i fep a n ta ck s u n g s l a p p e l t s i l k s e e p fo rt w i fefa n b a ck s a n g s l a ck m e l t s i n k ste e p p o rt w i n efa t b a t b a n g b l a ck m e t r i n k s l e e p p o r k w i p e

c a t b a ck fl a ck n e t r i ck s l i p fo r k w i d ec a p s a ck fl i ck n e st l i ck t i p sto r k h i d ec o p s o ck s l i ck b e st l i p t i n sto rm h i kes h o p s i ck s l i p l i s p te e n to rn m i ke

s o n g l i st b o rn m i c e

PCM 5–35


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Materials none re qu i re d

Procedure◆ w r i te a wo rd on the white b o a rd◆ d raw sound buttons re p resenting phonemes undern e a th it, e.g.

◆ ask ch i l d ren to come out and say each of the phonemes as th ey press th eb u t tons, then say the whole wo rd

◆ all the class says the phonemes and then the whole wo rd

Materials l a rge cubes colour-coded for beginning, middle or end of wo rd s

Procedure◆ d raw / st i ck lette rs on each of the faces of the cube (letter choices below )◆ m a ke two notices: write 'wo rd' and place a tick on one large piece of paper;

w r i te 'not a wo rd' and place a cross on anoth e r◆ st i ck one notice in one corner of the room and the second in the oth e r◆ t wo or th ree ch i l d ren th row the cubes in order ◆ the ch i l d ren are the jury◆ n o m i n a te 4 ch i l d ren each time the cubes are th row n◆ when the cubes are th rown the 4 ch i l d ren say the phonemes and then blend

them. If th ey think the resulting wo rd is a real wo rd th ey go to stand at th epiece of paper which says 'wo rd'; if it is not a real wo rd th ey go to the piece ofpaper which says 'not a wo rd '

◆ the re st of the ch i l d ren decide who is right


S o u n dB u t to n s

Purpose: to blendphonemes for reading

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

Cube Game

Purpose: to blendphonemes for reading

STEPS 4, 5 & 7

game 1: 3 cubes1. b - c - m - p - th - r2. a - a - a - a - a - a3. d-d-n-n-t-t

game 2: 3 cubes1. b - b - s - s - m - m2. a - a - e - e - i - i3. d - d - t - t - ck- ck

game 1: 2 cubes1. s - s - c - c - b - f2 . l o t - l a p - l a ck- l o ck-

l i n g - l i p

game 2: 2 cubes1. g - g - t - t - d - d2. r i p - r i p - r i l l - r i l l - ra m -

ra m

game 3: 4 cubes1. s - s - s - s - s - s2. k- k- w- w- p - p3. i - i - i - i - i - i4. l l - l l - n - n - m - m

Step 4

game 1: 2 cubes1. w- r- l - m - n - p2. i p e - i p e - i c e - i c e -

i n e - i n e

game 2: 2 cubes1. f - l - s h - w- t - s2. a ke - a ke - a m e -

a m e - ave - ave

Step 7

Step 5



cat frog fe e t. . . . . . . . . .

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Materials◆ sets of qu e stions on large cards ◆ sets of yes/no cards – 1 set per child (PCM 63)

Procedure◆ g i ve eve ry child a ye s and n o c a rd◆ hold up a silly qu e st i o n◆ ask the ch i l d ren to read the qu e stion and answer it by holding up a ye s c a rd or

a n o c a rd◆ repeat with other silly qu e st i o n s


S i l ly Quest i o n s

Purpose: to read wordsin context

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

Step 4PCM 64–70

Can a cat ru n ?Can a hen dig?Is a dog re d ?Can a pen hop?Can a man ru n ?Has the shop got fish andch i p s ?Has a duck got tin legs?

Step 5PCM 71 – 7 7

Can a hand swim?Do slugs swing?Can a ship jump ?Can a crab clap?Can you bang a dru m ?Can a web sta n d ?Has a man got six hands?

Step 6PCM 78–84

Is the moon gre e n ?Can a boat fl o a t ?Can a bird shout?Do cats bark?H ave you tried to cro a k ?Can a dog sta rt a car?Do you live on Mars ?

Step 7PCM 85–91

Can you play in a park?Can you play dart s ?Do mice dre a m ?Is it dark at night?Did you have cards onyour birth d ay ?Can a goal keeper score ag o a l ?Do crows fi g h t ?

Step 4

Can a doll sit?Can a bell ring?Can a pig sing?Is the sun hot?Can ch i cks run up a hill? Is a rat big?Can a duck sit on a log?

Step 5

Can a clock get cro s s ?Can a man get in a pra m ?Has a frog got ten socks? Has a fox got a bru s h ?

Step 6

Is a house pro u d ?Do sheep live on fa rm s ?H ave you cried aloud? H ave you seen a shark? A re ro cks hard ?

Step 7

Can you draw on card ?Does a mole eat to a st ?Do you squeal when yo u rte e th come out?Do you like praw n s ?Can whales grow in soil?

Additional sentences not on PCMs

PCM 63–91


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Materials ◆ wo rd cards (see below )◆ number cards 2–6 on a ‘fl i p over’ for each child or one between two (see PCM 92)◆ A5 envelopes (numbered 2–6) pinned on the wa l l

Procedure◆ hold up the fi rst wo rd◆ ch i l d ren read the wo rd aloud◆ put the wo rd out of sight◆ ch i l d ren say the wo rd and count the phonemes in the wo rd on their fi n ge rs◆ ch i l d ren select the correct number of phonemes on their fl i p ove rs and hold

them up◆ put the wo rd into the appro p r i a te ly numbered envelope agreed by th e

ch i l d re n .◆ repeat with re st of the wo rd s◆ ta ke the wo rds back out of the envelopes and comp a re some of them, draw i n g

the ch i l d ren's attention to the variation in length of wo rds containing th esame number of phonemes: one sound = two or th ree lette rs .


P h o n e m eC o u n t

Purpose: to reinforcethe correspondencebetween two (or more)letters and one phoneme

STEPS 4, 5 & 7

PCM 92–107

game 1 n o . game 1 n o . game 2 n o . game 1 n o . game 2 n o .

d o g s 4 we l l 3 we b 3 qu e e n 3 d ay 2w i th 3 a d d 2 s c ru b 5 s a i l 3 k n ow 2c a s h 3 c ra s h 4 m a tch 3 to o th 3 b r i g h t 4ch i p s 4 th i n 3 s p e n d 5 to a st 4 m i n d 4th i n 3 think 4 i t 2 gro u n d 5 s c re a m 5a t 2 th i n g 3 st i l l 4 th o rn 3 s p a c e 4fi s h 3 th ru s h 4 c ra ck 4 s p r i n t 6 m o st 4s h u t 3 s p r i n t 6 a s h 2 w i s h 3 m i n d 4i n 2 e d ge 2 s c ru n ch 6 th ro a t 4 s h a m e 3a s h 2 c ra b 4 h i s s 3 m a tch 3 st re tch 5e g g s 3 i tch 2 s p r i n g 5 sto o l 4 t w i c e 4r i ch 3 a t 2 u p 2 ch a i n 3 s hy 2

Step 4

PCM 93–95

Step 5

PCM 96–98 PCM 99–101

Step 7

PCM 10 2 – 10 4 PCM 10 5 – 10 7


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Materials◆ s o ck puppets (See page 25)◆ washing line

Procedure◆ string a washing line across the classro o m◆ line up the sock puppets in alphabetical ord e r◆ call out wo rd s◆ ask a group of ch i l d ren to go and get the socks th ey need to spell the wo rd

and make it on the washing line◆ if you are careful about which wo rds you call, two groups can go out at a time

NoteIf you wish to spell wo rds that contain double lette rs, e.g. those with double endconsonant -full, -miss, -fl u ff, you will need to make two sets of puppets.


Materials ◆ th ree sets of laminated bingo cards, one per pair (see below) ◆ pens and wipes◆ m a ster cards for the caller – te a cher (photo c o py the lists below )

Procedure◆ g i ve pairs of ch i l d ren a bingo card◆ call out a wo rd◆ ch i l d ren search for the wo rd on their card and put a tick aga i n st it if th ey

h ave it◆ a pair who has a full set of ticks shouts BING O◆ ask one of the pair to read the wo rds on the winning card for you to ch e ck

th ey we re accura te

game 1 PCM 108 & 10 9 game 1 PCM 110 & 111 game 2 PCM 112 & 113

s o n g - r i n g - ru n g - ra n g - s i n g s h a ck- s a ck- s i ck- s o ck- s h o ck fl e d - Fre d - fe d - f re s h - fl e s hd i s k- d e s k- d e n t - d a mp - d u mp s w i n g - s l i n g - s i n g - st i n g - st i ck w i mp - w i n d - w h i s k- we st - we n twe l l - w i l l - w i s h - w i n - w h i p gr i d - gl a d - gru b - gru ff - gl a s s h e l d - h u mp - h a n d - h u l k- h u n tl a ck- l i ck- l o ck- l u ck- l o s s st i l l - s n i ff - st i ff - st u ff - s l e d ge m u st - m u s k- m i st - m i l k- m i n t

Washing Line

Purpose: to spell words

STEPS 4, 5, 6 & 7

B i n g o

Purpose: to blendphonemes for reading

STEPS 4, 5 & 7

Step 4 Step 5

game 1 PCM 114 & 115 game 2 PCM 116 & 117 game 3 PCM 118 & 119

l i fe - l i ke - b i ke - b i te c o a l - c o l d - c o a st - c o d e - c o ke f u s e - fl u te - f ru i t - f u m e - fewm i n e - m i n d - m i l e - m i g h t g o a l - g o l d - g o a t - g h o st - gro a n b o o t - b ru te - b ru i s e - b l u e - b ro o mh i d e - r i d e - r i p e - w r i te m o l e - m o a n - m o a t - m o st - m o d e stew- sto o l - s p o o n - s ch o o l - S u es m i l e - st r i ke - s i d e - s l i m e st ro d e - st ro l l - sto l e - st ro ke - sto n e ru l e - ro o st - ro o t - ru d e - ro o f

PCM 108–123

game 4 PCM 120 & 121 game 5 PCM 122 & 12 3

ra ke - ra i l - re e l - ro l l - ru l e fi g h t - fe e t - fo rt - fo o t - f r i g h tra c e d - ro a st - ro o st - ru st - w r i st c row n - c l o a k- c re a m - c raw l - c ryra te - r i g h t - w ro te - ro o t - ro t ch e a t - ch a i n - ch a rm - ch e a p - ch e stra i d - r i d e - ro a d - ru d e - r i d b r i g h t - b row n - b ro o m - b ra i n - b ra n d



Step 7

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Materials◆ ‘ p o st-its’ or small cards and re-usable adhesive, e.g. Bluta k◆ w h i te b o a rds in pairs

Procedure◆ w r i te a wo rd on the board◆ ch i l d ren sugge st wo rds which rhyme ◆ w r i te their wo rds on ‘post-its’ and display them on the wa l l◆ p i ck out one wo rd and ask the ch i l d ren what vowel phoneme it conta i n s◆ ch i l d ren write the letter(s) re p resenting the vowel phoneme on th e i r

w h i te b o a rds and hold them up◆ a fter discussion, write the letter(s) on the white b o a rd to head up a column and

m ove the wo rd into that column◆ repeat with another wo rd until all alte rn a t i ve spellings for the vowel phoneme

a re written as column headers◆ one child stands at board and ta kes inst ructions from the other ch i l d ren in

s o rting the remaining wo rds into the columns◆ h ave a discussion about the most common spellings and extend th e

i n ve st i gation to other wo rds containing the same vowel phoneme

VariationWhen you have done this a few times with the class, it should be possible to dothis activity qu i ck ly by ge n e rating the wo rds st raight onto the board, not on ‘post -its’. Make sets of cards of the wo rds so that the ch i l d ren can do the sort i n gactivity in pairs in independent group time.


R hy m i n gWo rdG e n e ra t i o nand Wo rd Sort

Purpose: to generatewords containing thedifferent spellingpatterns for the samevowel phoneme


d ay d a te s e e st re e t my r i g h t g o h o l e to s o o nb ay a te b e e a t by b i te b ow b ow l b l ew b o o nb ray e i g h t b e e b e e t b u y b r i g h t c row c o a l b rew d u n ec l ay b a i t key b e a t c ry b l i g h t d o u g h d o l e c u e J u n eKay Ka te fe e b l e a t d i e k i te fo e fo a l qu e u e m o o ngay c ra te gl e e ch e a t d ry fi g h t fl ow g o a l c rew n o o ngrey fa te h e fe e t f ry fl i g h t gl ow m o l e c l u e p ru n eh ay fe te L e e fl e e t fly f r i g h t grow p o l e d o s o o nj ay f re i g h t L e i g h h e a t g u y h e i g h t h o e p o l l d rew s p o o nl ay ga te m e m e a t h i g h l i g h t J o e ro l l few t u n em ay gra te k n e e m e e t h i m i g h t l ow s o l e fl ewn e i g h gre a t p e a n e a t l i e m i te m ow s o u l grewp ay h a te p l e a p e a t n i g h n i g h t n o sto l e gl u ep l ay l a te s e a Pe te p i e k n i g h t row st ro l l h ewp ray m a te s h e p l e a t p ry p l i g h t s ow s c ro l l J ewray p l a te s k i s e a t p ly qu i te stow to l l l o os ay ra te te a s we e t rye w r i te s l ow vo l e m o ostay s l a te t re e s l e e t s i g h s i te s n ow w h o l e n ews p ray s p a te we s h e e t s hy s i g h t s h ow p ews l e i g h s ka te we e t re a t st y s p i te to e ru est ray sta te w h e a t s py s l i g h t th o u g h stews way t ra i t s k y t i g h t wo e s c rewt ray we i g h t t i e w h i te ch ewth ey wa i t w hy s h o eway v i ew

z o o

L i sts of rhyming wo rds to be used for the Wo rd Sort which illust ra te the ra n ge of spellings of eachvowel phoneme, and which show the phoneme at the end of the wo rd and as the middle vowe l .


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h e re ch a i r t u rn b oy for * l aw *b e e r b a re b u rn j oy o r c l awch e e r b e a r ch u rn o a r fl awc l e a r c a re e a rn b o re j awqu e e r d a re fe rn s o i l ch o re p awd e a r fa re l e a rn b o i l c o re rawd e e r fa i r ste rn s p o i l d o o r s qu awfe a r gl a re t u rn o i l d rawe r th awge a r h a i r c o i l fo rh e a r h a re fo i l fo u rj e e r l a i r b i rd to i l fl o o rn e a r m ayo r c u rd m o rep e e r m a re h e a rd p o rere a r p e a r th i rd c o i n ro a rste e r p a i r wo rd j o i n s o a rs p e a r ra re s c o rete a r sta re sto ret i e r sta i r fi rst s h o rewe i r s h a re b u rst s o rewe ’ re s p a re th i rst to reye a r s qu a re wo rst wo re

s we a rs n a rete a rth e reth e i rth ey ’ rewe a rw h e re

* No te in some accents the wo rds ‘law’ and ‘for’ rhyme so these lists will bea m a l ga m a te d

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Materials A4 lette rs and list of wo rds (see below )

Procedure◆ do this activity after the ch i l d ren have explored the digraphs (ie, oe, ue) in

R hyme Generation and Wo rd Sort ◆ d i st r i b u te the lette rs amongst the ch i l d re n◆ s ay a wo rd ending in the vowel digraph, e.g. ‘tie’ ◆ ask the ch i l d ren how it is spelled and write it on the board◆ put sound buttons undern e a th indicating two phonemes; point out the two

l e t te rs making the vowel phoneme◆ ask the ch i l d ren with the lette rs for that wo rd to come out and make it; the ‘i’

and ‘e’ should hold hands◆ ask the child who has the right letter to make the wo rd into ‘time’◆ the child will pro b a b ly stand at the end of ‘tie’, making ‘tiem’; if another ch i l d

does not correct it, point out that the ‘m’ goes between the ‘i’ and the ‘e’ andthat the ‘i’ and ‘e’ ch i l d ren still make the same sound and so should holdhands behind the ‘m’.

◆ continue making wo rds from the list


Split Digraph

Purpose: to introducethe split vowel digraphsas in made, line, pole,cube


l a rge lette rs t - i - e - m - l - c - r- k- n - p t - o - e - n - s - l - h - p - k- j c - u - e - b - t - n - p - r- h - g

key wo rd t i e to e c u e

te a ching wo rd t i m e to n e c u b ec r i m e sto n e t u b el i m e sto l e t u n el i ke h o l e p ru n el i n e p o l e h u gep i n e p o ke c u tep i e j o ke c u e



PCM 5–35

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P h o to c o py Maste rs 1 3-phoneme fra m e

2 4-phoneme fra m e

3 W h i ch of Two (or more)? fa n s

4 "

5 – 3 5 L a rge cards for NSEW, Full circle Game, Split Digra p h

3 6 – 5 2 Medium cards for Flashcards and Noisy Lette rs

5 3 Fans Step 3

5 4 – 5 5 ” Step 4

5 6 – 5 7 ” Step 5

5 8 – 6 2 ” Step 6

6 3 Ye s / No cards for Silly Quest i o n s

6 4 – 7 0 C a rds for Silly Quest i o n s Step 4

71 – 7 7 ” Step 5

7 8 – 8 4 ” Step 6

8 5 – 91 ” Step 7

9 2 Nu m b e rs fl i p over cards for Phoneme Count

9 3 – 9 5 Phoneme Count Step 4

9 6 – 9 8 ” Step 5 Game 1

9 9 – 101 ” Step 5 Game 2

10 2 – 10 4 ” Step 7 Game 1

10 5 – 10 7 ” Step 7 Game 2

10 8 – 10 9 Bingo Step 4 Game 1

110 – 111 ” Step 5 Game 1

112 – 113 ” Step 5 Game 2

114 – 115 ” Step 7 Game 1

116 – 117 ” Step 7 Game 2

118 – 119 ” Step 7 Game 3

12 0 – 121 ” Step 7 Game 4

12 2 – 12 3 ” Step 7 Game 5