
8/7/2019 PhilosophyofEducationRkonegni 1/6 PHILOSOPHYOFEDUCATION  My Philosophy of Education Robin Konegni Azusa Pacific University Fall 2010

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My Philosophy of Education

Robin Konegni

Azusa Pacific University

Fall 2010

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Educators have a significant influence on the children that they teach and guide.

They tell students what is important and inadvertently share their opinions and beliefs.

The following is in an essay on my personal philosophy on education. I will begin with

the goals of education in regards to the individual then the influence I believe education

has on society. Other groups also have an influence on children and their education

including government, church, business and extended families. Student experiences and

interactions are the primary influence on their education. I believe teachers are there to

guide and facilitate those experiences and interactions to assist the student with their


The broad goal for the education of an individual is to develop student’s social

skills and give each individual the skills necessary to function in society. The individuals

also need to learn the history and development of said society to understand how we go to

where we are. The goal for the education of a society as a whole is a development of 

basic skills needed to work and live independently and be self-sufficient.

The government supports education by developing content standards and goals.

Government also creates rules to govern the execution of the education to all individuals

regardless of economics or limitations due to health or injury. They provide funding for

the required programs to maintain the ability to govern and insure that there is education

available to all of those in the society.

Families support education by making education of their children a priority

ensuring that they arrive on time with adequate abilities to develop a knowledge base

taught by teachers. Families also support the education and school financially in order to

help insure that their children receive adequate education. Family members volunteer at

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schools to further their involvement or home school in order to maintain control of their

children’s experiences. Businesses support schools in order to promote their business

and help sustain the communities for which their businesses depend on.

I view the students as individuals. They do not learn the same, think the

same, have the same experiences or motivations. They need a classroom that is

both fun and educational. Finding motivation for the individuals is one of my

greater challenges. My students and their families entrust me with their

development and I feel this is a big responsibility. I spend more time with my

students than many of their family members. This means that I have a

significant impact on their social development as well as their education. I

share personal stories to develop closer relationships to them and make them

more likely to share with me. 

I hope for each student to learn while developing a lifelong desire to

learn. I want them to know it is ok to be silly no matter how old you are and

that we can learn from our mistakes. I want them to learn that they are

important and I hope for them to develop strong self-esteem and belief in

themselves. The student needs to assume responsibility for their education.

They need to pay attention in class and try their best. They are to help create a

learning environment where their classmates feel comfortable asking questions

and can ask for help. I want them to help each other because they all have

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strengths and weakness. Everyone has something to contribute. If you are not

contributing you are not doing your best to learn. 

I see the teacher as the facilitator of learning. I need to learn the content standards

and create a plan using the textbooks chosen by the district to help my student groups

master their grade level standards. I need to assess on a regular basis to make sure that

students are mastering the standards and re-teach content that the class overall is

struggling with as a whole. I need to keep parents informed of their child’s progress and

alert them to any concerns. I am a child’s advocate so I need to be aware of any home

concerns issues that may affect the child’s well being.

I believe the primary responsibility of the teacher is to have detailed plans and

materials ready before the students enter the class. I need to be flexible and address

moments that are not built into my plan. I need to create an atmosphere that motivating

yet not distracting. I must always treat the students and other adults with respect and

patience so that my students will follow my example. I need to take responsibility for my

mistakes so that my students will do the same.

I consciously promote and highlight the values of honesty, respect, responsibility,

fairness, caring and citizenship. Constructivism is the style that I find occurs often in my

classroom. I want the students to make discoveries and correlations on their own so that

they have more meaning to the individual. I believe that when they share their learning it

makes it a lifelong lesson.

Ibelievewe should teach our students Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social

Studies, Technology, and Ethical Behavior. The curriculum should build on itself in each

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subject so that students have multiple exposures at different levels of detail. There

should be overlaps so that students can learn to write in fiction and non-fiction,

The curriculum should be multicultural based on different perspectives. It should be

research based and sequential. Classroom teachers should have input at all levels from

school site, district, state, to publisher.

I believe that children should become independent at an early age. I like to hold

students accountable for keeping track of their homework, supplies, books and folders.

To help them develop independence I create routines in the classroom so that students

know what to expect and what tasks are expected of them. Collaborating is an important

part of the learning process. I have my desks set up in pods and grouped so that they can

take turns going first sharing with their neighbors and table.

The discipline in my class is based on positive reinforcement. Each child is

responsible for his or her own individual, behavior and working cooperatively with

others. Everyday each child begins with a clip on green. If a child is breaking a class

rule, or off task, I will give that child a verbal warning; if he/she continues to misbehave,

I will ask that child to put their clip on red which is a formal warning. If another poor 

choice is made that day, the same child will take a time out and put their clip on purple..

This discipline policy also works with a child to help him/her improve their day. When

he/she improves behavior the clip can be moved back up. This system allows a child not

to feel like their whole day is "ruined" just because he/she made a poor choice.

I try to encourage appropriate behaviors in class by having students put their clip

on the yellow or orange part of the behavior chart. These children then are given 1 star 

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for yellow and 2 stars for orange to be collected for the prize box or used for extra class


I believe timely feedback and assessment is essential. Each week we practice

language conventions, grammar, and spelling. Fridays we have a quiz that reviews what

we have learned. Every 2 weeks we have a story from our anthology. We learn

vocabulary, comprehension, and literary analysis for each story. Students’ complete

comprehension and vocabulary quizzes for each story. Following a six-week instruction

period students are given a test on everything they have learned. The test grades and quiz

grades are recorded and averaged for a grade. The same practice is done for each of the

Multiple Subjects that are taught.

In conclusion educators have an important responsibility in development and

success of the students that they teach. They must decide the best way to deliver 

instruction so that students are able to independently complete assignments and excel

when working on group projects. Teachers must take into account variables that make

each student an individual and meet the needs of all students.