philippines - encyclopedia britannica · • bangko sentral ng pilipinas structure of gross...

T he victory of controversial populist Rodrigo Duterte (see Biographies) in the May 9 presiden- tial election dominated the news in the Philippines in 2016. The former mayor of Davao City emerged from a crowded field of establishment politicians with fiery anti- corruption rhetoric and a reputation as a crime-fighter, but critics pointed to his use of extralegal means to achieve those ends. Indeed, in the months after Duterte took office, thousands were killed by the police and vigilante death squads as part of Duterte’s war on the drug trade. Duterte also alienated traditional allies such as the EU and the United States, going so far as to personally insult U.S. Pres. Barack Obama ahead of a scheduled meeting. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 pop- ulation (2015): 24.3 (world avg. 19.5). Death rate per 1,000 population (2015): 6.1 (world avg. 8.1). Life expectancy at birth (2015): male 65.5 years; female 72.6 years. Demography Population (2016): 102,572,000. Density (2016): persons per sq mi 885.5, persons per sq km 341.9. Sex distribution (2015): male 50.21%; female 49.79%. Population projection: (2020) 108,778,000; (2030) 123,965,000. Major cities (2015): Quezon City 2,936,116 3 ; Manila 1,780,148 3 ; Davao City 1,632,991; Caloocan 1,583,978 3 ; Cebu City 922,611. Urban-rural (2014): Philippines Official name: Republika ng Pilipinas (Filipino); Republic of the Philippines (English). Form of government: unitary republic with two legislative houses (Senate [24]; House of Representatives [297]). Head of state and government: President Rodrigo Duterte. Capital: Manila 1 . Official languages: Filipino; English. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: piso 2 (P = ); valuation (Sept. 1, 2016) 1 U.S.$ = P = 46.73; 1 £ = P = 62.14. Ethnic composition (2000): Age breakdown (2015): Religious affiliation (2005): Area and population area population area population 2015 2015 Regions sq km census Regions sq km census Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) 12,695 3,781,387 Bicol 17,632 5,796,989 Cagayan Valley 26,838 3,451,410 Calabarzon 16,229 14,414,774 Caraga 18,847 2,596,709 Central Luzon 21,470 11,218,177 Central Visayas 9,555 6,041,903 Cordillera Administrative 18,294 1,722,006 Davao 19,672 4,893,318 Eastern Visayas 21,432 4,440,150 Ilocos 12,840 5,026,128 Mimaropa 27,456 2,963,360 National Capital 636 12,877,253 Negros Island 13,351 4,414,131 Northern Mindanao 17,125 4,689,302 Soccsksargen 18,433 4,545,276 Western Visayas 12,258 4,477,247 Zamboanga Peninsula 14,811 3,629,783 TOTAL 300,076 4, 5 100,981,437 6 © 2017 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. World Data ENCYCLOPÆDIA Britannica

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The victory of controversial populist RodrigoDuterte (see Biographies) in the May 9 presiden-tial election dominated the news in the Philippines

in 2016. The former mayor of Davao City emerged froma crowded field of establishment politicians with fiery anti-corruption rhetoric and a reputation as a crime-fighter, butcritics pointed to his use of extralegal means to achievethose ends. Indeed, in the months after Duterte tookoffice, thousands were killed by the police and vigilantedeath squads as part ofDuterte’s war on the drugtrade. Duterte also alienatedtraditional allies such as theEU and the United States,going so far as to personallyinsult U.S. Pres. BarackObama ahead of a scheduledmeeting.

Vital statisticsBirth rate per 1,000 pop-ulation (2015): 24.3(world avg. 19.5).

Death rate per 1,000population (2015): 6.1(world avg. 8.1).

Life expectancy at birth(2015): male 65.5 years;female 72.6 years.

DemographyPopulation (2016): 102,572,000.Density (2016): persons per sq mi 885.5,persons per sq km 341.9.

Sex distribution (2015): male 50.21%;female 49.79%.

Population projection: (2020) 108,778,000;(2030) 123,965,000.

Major cities (2015): QuezonCity 2,936,1163; Manila1,780,1483; Davao City1,632,991; Caloocan1,583,9783; Cebu City922,611.

Urban-rural (2014):


Official name: Republika ng Pilipinas(Filipino); Republic of the Philippines(English).

Form of government: unitary republicwith two legislative houses (Senate[24]; House of Representatives [297]).

Head of state and government: PresidentRodrigo Duterte.

Capital: Manila1.Official languages: Filipino; English.Official religion: none.Monetary unit: piso2 (P=); valuation

(Sept. 1, 2016) 1 U.S.$ = P= 46.73; 1 £ = P= 62.14.

Ethnic composition (2000):

Age breakdown (2015):

Religious affiliation (2005):

Area and populationarea population area population

2015 2015Regions sq km census Regions sq km census

Autonomous Regionin Muslim Mindanao(ARMM) 12,695 3,781,387

Bicol 17,632 5,796,989Cagayan Valley 26,838 3,451,410Calabarzon 16,229 14,414,774Caraga 18,847 2,596,709Central Luzon 21,470 11,218,177Central Visayas 9,555 6,041,903Cordillera Administrative 18,294 1,722,006

Davao 19,672 4,893,318Eastern Visayas 21,432 4,440,150Ilocos 12,840 5,026,128Mimaropa 27,456 2,963,360National Capital 636 12,877,253Negros Island 13,351 4,414,131Northern Mindanao 17,125 4,689,302Soccsksargen 18,433 4,545,276Western Visayas 12,258 4,477,247Zamboanga Peninsula 14,811 3,629,783

TOTAL 300,0764, 5 100,981,4376

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National economyBudget (2013). Revenue: P= 1,716,093,000,000 (tax revenue 89.4%, non-

tax revenues and grants 10.6%). Expenditures: P= 1,998,-376,000,000 (general public services 17.1%, education16.4%, transportation and communications 10.4%, socialsecurity and welfare 8.9%, defense 4.4%, health 2.8%).

Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture,forestry, fishing (2014): sugarcane 32,464,000, rice18,967,826, coconuts 14,696,280, bananas 8,645,7499, corn(maize) 7,770,602, cassava 2,540,254, pineapples2,458,4209, mangoes, mangosteens, and guavas 831,0269,sweet potatoes 519,855; livestock (number of live ani-mals) 11,797,451 pigs, 3,690,789 goats, 2,844,149 buffalo;roundwood (2015) 16,073,741 cu m, of which fuelwood74%; fisheries production 3,138,915 (from aquaculture

25%); aquatic plants production 1,549,943 (from aquaculture, virtually100%). Mining and quarrying (2013): nickel 446,00012; copper90,86112; chromite 26,164; gold 17,248 kg12. Manufacturing (valueadded in U.S.$’000,000; 2012): office, communications, and medicalequipment 10,642; food and beverages 6,311; chemicals and chemicalproducts 1,358; cement, bricks, and ceramics 1,053; motor vehicles andtrailers 1,044. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr;2012) 72,956,000,000 (59,211,000,000), by source (2013): fossil fuels72.2%; renewable energy 27.8%, of which hydroelectric 13.8%, geo-thermal 13.3%, biomass and waste 0.7%; lignite (metric tons; 2012)7,349,000 ([2011] 13,300,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 2012)1,632,000 ([2011] 68,200,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2012)7,954,000 ([2011] 12,096,000); natural gas (cu m; 2012) 3,903,000,000([2011] 3,974,000,000).

Average household size (2007): 4.8.Gross national income (GNI; 2015): U.S.$356,955,000,000 (U.S.$3,540per capita); purchasing power parity GNI (U.S.$8,900 per capita).

Public debt (external, outstanding; 2014): U.S.$38,014,000,000.Population economically active (2015): total 44,670,000; participationrates: age 15 and over, male 77.0%; female 50.0%; unemployed 6.0%,of which youth (ages 15–24) 15.0%.

Land use as % of total land area (2011): in temporary crops or left fal-low 18.1%, in permanent crops 17.4%, in pasture 5.0%, forest area25.9%.

MilitaryTotal active duty personnel (November 2015):

125,000 (army 68.8%, navy 19.2%, air force12.0%); reserve 131,000. Military expendi-ture as percentage of GDP (2015): 0.7%;per capita expenditure U.S.$22.

Foreign trade11

Imports (2014): U.S.$67,756,900,000 (electronic inte-grated circuits/parts 21.4%, petroleum and petrole-um products 20.1%, food 11.8%, machinery andboiler parts 9.7%, vehicles and transport equip-ment 9.6%). Major import sources:

Exports (2014): U.S.$61,809,900,000 (electronic inte-grated circuits/parts 37.4%, computers/officemachines/parts 14.4%, mineral products 7.6%,food 7.2%, parts of road vehicles 5.6%, woodproducts 5.1%). Major export destinations:

Transport and communicationsTransport. Railroads (2015): route length 301 mi13,

484 km13; passenger-km (2005) 20,000,000;metric ton-km cargo (2004) 76,000,000. Roads(2014): total length 20,211 mi, 32,527 km(paved 86%). Vehicles (2013): passenger cars868,148; trucks and buses 2,531,07815.

Education and healthLiteracy (2015): percentage of total population age 15 and overliterate 96.3%; males literate 95.8%; females literate 96.8%.

Health: physicians (2005) 98,210 (1 per 865 persons); hospitalbeds (2014) 98,429 (1 per 1,007 persons); infant mortality rate(2015) 22.3; undernourished population (2006–08) 11,800,000(13% of total population based on the consumption of a mini-mum daily requirement of 1,750 calories).

1Other government offices and ministries are located in Quezon City and other Manila suburbs. 2Piso inFilipino; peso in English and Spanish. 3Within the National Capital Region. 4Detail does not add to totalgiven because of rounding. 5Land area excluding inland water is 298,170 sq km. 6Total includes 2,134 per-sons in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad. 7Includes indigenous Catholics andProtestants. 8Preliminary. Excludes Leyte province. 92013. 10Unemployed. 11Imports c.i.f.; exports f.o.b.12Metal content. 13Operational length; total length equals 618 mi, 995 km. 14Subscribers. 15Includes2,140,968 utility vehicles.

Internet resources for further information:• Philippine Statistics Authority• Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force2014 20148

in value % of total labour % of labourP= ’000,000,000 value force force

Agriculture, forestry, fishing 1,429.7 11.3 11,885,000 28.5Mining and quarrying 124.2 1.0 253,000 0.6Manufacturing 2,592.0 20.5 3,323,000 8.0Construction 814.1 6.4 2,624,000 6.3Public utilities 415.6 3.3 152,000 0.4Transp. and commun. 788.2 6.2 2,985,000 7.2Trade, hotels, restaurants 2,238.6 17.7 8,894,000 21.4Finance, real estate 2,524.3 20.0 1,911,000 4.6Pub. admin., defense 1,707.3 13.5 1,942,000 4.7Services 4,696,000 11.3Others — — 2,924,00010 7.010

TOTAL 12,634.14 100.04 41,589,000 100.0

Communications units unitsnumber per 1,000 number per 1,000

Medium date in ’000s persons Medium date in ’000s persons

TelephonesCellular 2015 120,25514 1,18114

Landline 2015 3,039 30

Internet users 2009 5,955 65Broadband 2015 3,46014 3414


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