philanthropy roundtable lead article

28 Philanthropy Spring 2010 Meet the (non-Catholic) patron saints of inner-city Catholic education By Christopher Levenick “It Was Just a Form Letter” “I NEVER GAVE MONEY TO EDUCATIONAL institutions until 2007,” says Wilson. “Most of the rich people I know were already giving a lot of money to education—charter schools, private schools, colleges, universities. I decided that there were plenty of people in this field. I chose to direct my resources elsewhere.” Wilson plans to give away 70 percent of his net worth before he dies. “My primary interest has been conservation,” Wilson told Portfo- in December 2007. He is drawn to “the idea that but for my money, this building or piece of land or that animal would be gone.” Wilson describes himself as a “substantial donor” to the World Monuments Fund, the Nature Conservancy, and the Wildlife Conserva- tion Society. Over the last 10 years, his contri- butions to charity have totaled about $500 mil- lion; to reach his goal, he believes he will need to give away another $100 million or so. Christopher Levenick is editor-in-chief of Philanthropy and co-author of Saving America’s Urban Catholic Schools: A Guide for Donors, a project funded by the William E. Simon Foundation. R OBERT W. WILSON SPEAKS WITH A CALM, almost gentle, voice. With his wire rim glasses and closely cropped gray beard, Wilson could easily be mistaken for a senior professor at a small liberal arts col- lege. But Wilson is not an academic. He is a leg- endarily successful Wall Street investor. Retired since 1986, the 83-year-old Wilson now devotes much of his time to philanthropy. Among his many achievements, Wilson is the single largest benefactor of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New York. Since 2007, he has donated over $30 million to inner-city Catholic education. He is also an atheist. “I remember the first time I had lunch with Cardinal Egan,” says Wilson, a touch impishly. “We were finishing up, and he said, ‘Well, now that you’ve given all this money to our schools, I should try to convert you.’ I said to him, ‘Well, Cardinal, if you do, I suppose I should try to convert you. The only problem is that if I suc- ceed, you’ll lose your job.’” Wilson belongs to an elite order: non- Catholic donors who are the patron saints of inner-city Catholic schools. An Episcopalian, an Atheist, and a Jew Walk into a Catholic School ....

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Meet the (non-Catholic) patron saints of inner-city Catholic education By Christopher Levenick April 1, 2010 Robert W. Wilson speaks with a calm, almost gentle, voice. With his wire rim glasses and closely cropped gray beard, Wilson could easily be mistaken for a senior professor at a small liberal arts college. But Wilson is not an academic. He is a legendarily successful Wall Street investor. Retired since 1986, the 83-year-old Wilson now devotes much of his time to philanthropy.


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28 Philanthropy • Spring 2010

Meet the (non-Catholic) patron saints ofinner-city Catholic education

By Christopher Levenick


institutions until 2007,” says Wilson. “Most ofthe rich people I know were already giving a lotof money to education—charter schools, privateschools, colleges, universities. I decided thatthere were plenty of people in this field. I choseto direct my resources elsewhere.”

Wilson plans to give away 70 percent of hisnet worth before he dies. “My primary interesthas been conservation,” Wilson told in December 2007. He is drawn to “theidea that but for my money, this building orpiece of land or that animal would be gone.”Wilson describes himself as a “substantialdonor” to the World Monuments Fund, theNature Conservancy, and the Wildlife Conserva-tion Society. Over the last 10 years, his contri-butions to charity have totaled about $500 mil-lion; to reach his goal, he believes he will need togive away another $100 million or so.

Christopher Levenick is editor-in-chief of Philanthropy

and co-author of Saving America’s Urban Catholic Schools:

A Guide for Donors, a project funded by the William E.

Simon Foundation.

ROBERT W. WILSON SPEAKS WITH A CALM,almost gentle, voice. With his wire rimglasses and closely cropped gray beard,Wilson could easily be mistaken for asenior professor at a small liberal arts col-

lege. But Wilson is not an academic. He is a leg-endarily successful Wall Street investor. Retiredsince 1986, the 83-year-old Wilson now devotesmuch of his time to philanthropy.

Among his many achievements, Wilson isthe single largest benefactor of Catholic schoolsin the Archdiocese of New York. Since 2007, hehas donated over $30 million to inner-cityCatholic education.

He is also an atheist.“I remember the first time I had lunch with

Cardinal Egan,” says Wilson, a touch impishly.“We were finishing up, and he said, ‘Well, nowthat you’ve given all this money to our schools,I should try to convert you.’ I said to him, ‘Well,Cardinal, if you do, I suppose I should try toconvert you. The only problem is that if I suc-ceed, you’ll lose your job.’”

Wilson belongs to an elite order: non-Catholic donors who are the patron saints ofinner-city Catholic schools.

An Episcopalian,an Atheist,and a JewWalk into a Catholic School....

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Wilson’s philanthropy is born of a fortunehe earned in a long and storied career on WallStreet. He started investing in 1949 with a$15,000 loan from his parents. Middling returnsmarred his first years. Around 1963, he beganinvesting in jet aircraft technology and commer-cial carriers. From there, he enjoyed a series ofspectacular successes. By the time he retired atage 59, he was worth $225 million.

Wilson was a masterful hedger whose careerhas been compared to those of George Soros andWarren Buffett. “Wilson’s investment strategy wasto go both long and short,” notes financial authorBrett Fromson. “Long because he believed in thelong-term future of America, and short because henever wanted to be wiped out in a downturn.” “Iwas always net long,” adds Wilson, “because Inever wanted to get up in the morning hoping thatthings would be getting worse.”

Catholic schools were brought to Wilson’sattention by what must be history’s most outra-geously successful direct-mail fundraising letter.“I got this letter from Susan George, the execu-tive director of the Inner-City ScholarshipFund,” Wilson explains. “It was just a form let-ter from a mass mailing. It pointed out how lit-tle Catholic schools cost per student—and howsuperior their results are.”

“Well,” Wilson continues, “I checked it out,and discovered that the Catholic schools reallydon’t get much support other than from Catholicswho support the Catholic Church. I decided thatthis is one group of schools that I could support.Their enrollment has declined precipitously in thelast 20 years, and I thought seeing these schoolsjust disappear would be intolerable. Worst of all,nobody seemed to be doing much about it—including the Catholics themselves.”

Retired investor Robert W. Wilson, joined by Edward Cardinal Egan, announces a $22.5 million donation to Catholic schools—the largest gift ever in the history of the Archdiocese of New York. (Photo by Susan Watts / New York Daily News)

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The direct-mail fundraising letter yielded a$22.5 million contribution to the Inner-CityScholarship Fund. It was the single largest dona-tion to Catholic schools in the history of theArchdiocese of New York. It funded scholar-ships that enabled more than 3,000 low-incomestudents to attend inner-city Catholic schools.

To commemorate the occasion, CardinalEgan hosted a ceremony at Immaculate Concep-tion School on Manhattan’s East 14th Street,across the street from Stuyvesant Town. “I aman atheist,” Wilson said, but the gift “is aboutgetting an education. The donation has nothingto do with religion.” When he took the podium,Cardinal Egan disagreed—politely.

A Culture of PerformancePETER T. GRAUER SPEAKS QUICKLY AND PRECISELY.There is a note of urgency in his voice. Partly itis a manifestation of his commitment toCatholic education; he is the president of theInner-City Scholarship Fund. Partly it’s becausehe’s speaking during a 15-minute break betweensessions. It’s the annual board meeting atBloomberg LP. Grauer is chairman of the board.

“I’m not Catholic,” says Grauer. “I grew upin a household that was Presbyterian and Epis-copalian. My mother was one and my fatherwas the other. I don’t really remember who waswhich. I went to Sunday school at both places,but these days I don’t spend a lot of time inchurch, I’m ashamed to say.”

“But,” Grauer quickly adds, “what I careabout is the kids. I want to make sure they havean opportunity to get a good education. I believethat the delivery mechanism in Catholic schoolsis really good. It equips these kids to ultimatelygo on to higher education and become produc-tive citizens—maybe even work for Bloomberg. Idon’t think too much about whether a school ora donor or a student is Catholic or non-Catholic.I just think about rallying the troops to raise asmuch money as we can to make sure these kidshave a decent opportunity.”

A range of studies, past and present, validatesGrauer’s point. In 1982, James Coleman co-authored High School Achievement, which foundthat, after adjusting for family background,Catholic high schools consistently outperformedpublic high schools on every measure of academicachievement. Those findings were validated in1993, when three researchers published a highly

Peter Grauer, chairman of Bloomberg LP, visits Catholic schools inNew York City through his work as president of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund.

(Photos courtesy of the Archdiocese of New York)

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regarded study, Catholic Schools and the CommonGood, which detailed the benefits of Catholic edu-cation, especially among at-risk populations.

More recent evidence has further buttressedthe case for the superiority of Catholic educa-tion. The National Assessment of EducationalProgress (NAEP)—sometimes called “thenation’s report card”—is widely considered thegold standard among student achievement tests.In 2008, it released a report on long-term trendsin reading (1971–2008) and mathematics(1973–2008). In each category, and for every agegroup, students in Catholic schools outper-formed students in public schools. In 2006,NAEP assessments in civics and U.S. historyfound that Catholic schools again significantlyoutperformed public schools. The list goes on.

These achievements are all the more remark-able given that Catholic schools serve an increas-ingly low-income, minority, and non-Catholicstudent population. The trend lines are striking.According to the National Catholic EducationalAssociation (NCEA), in 1970, minority studentsaccounted for just over 10 percent of the Catholicschool population. Today, minority studentsmake up nearly 30 percent of the Catholic schoolpopulation. Similarly, non-Catholic studentenrollment has risen from under 3 percent in1970 to almost 15 percent today.

“Now, there’s a very simple reason why afoundation with a definite Jewish background—you might even call it a Jewish foundation—gives to Catholic schools,” says Donn Wein-berg, chairman of the Baltimore-area Harry andJeanette Weinberg Foundation. “It’s that theCatholic schools in Baltimore and across thecountry take all comers. They’re educating poorkids in Baltimore—predominantly from blackfamilies. In other American cities, they servemostly Latino families. Either way, these areusually kids from very low-income families.”

“There is another, somewhat intangible,benefit to Catholic schools,” Weinberg adds.“Part of their mission is to impart Americancivic norms and values to their students. Ofcourse, they’re not the only schools that do this.But they definitely focus on the character, aswell as the minds, of their students.”

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Founda-tion ranks among the 20 largest foundations inthe country, with assets of nearly $2.5 billionand annual giving of almost $100 million. It isdedicated to assisting the poor by funding directservice organizations; within its mission, anemphasis is placed on supporting the elderly and

Why Do They Do It?

A culture of performanceCatholic schools have long been recognized for their superior

academic performance, particularly among low-income and

minority student populations. Their long record of getting

results attracts philanthropic support from donors of all faiths.

A moment of crisisFrom coast to coast, hundreds of schools are being closed,

particularly in the inner cities. Many donors recognize the

vital contributions of the nation’s largest non-public school

system—and are working to preserve it.

A fresh set of eyesViewing the schools from the outside, non-Catholic donors

are well-positioned to spot inefficiencies and opportunities

that Catholics might miss. And lacking a spiritual relation-

ship with church leaders, they are more comfortable

demanding transparency—and results.

A personal matterSome non-Catholics support Catholic schools as an expres-

sion of their faith, while others do it to honor the memory of

a friend. Some see it as in their long-term economic self-

interest, while others (those married to Catholics) hope to

maintain domestic tranquility.

An invitation to innovationThe Cristo Rey Network may very well be the most exciting

development in American private education. Donors of many

faiths are drawn to this promising model, and are helping to

scale the network nationwide.

A spur to competitionOne reason non-Catholic donors support Catholic schools is

because they believe that competition from a vibrant private

and parochial school sector (alongside a thriving charter

school sector) will improve the performance of traditional

public schools.

A challenge to CatholicsA number of non-Catholic donors view their efforts as a sort

of matching grant, a challenge that they hope will inspire even

greater philanthropic commitment from Catholics themselves.

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the Jewish community. “By funding Catholicschools,” notes Weinberg, “we’re fulfilling ourmission, which is to help people who are on thelower end of the economic spectrum.”

Perhaps most impressive of all, Catholicschools spend considerably less money per pupilthan public schools to achieve these results.According to the NCEA, in 2009–10 the meanper-pupil cost at a Catholic elementary school is$5,436; at a Catholic secondary school,$10,228. The National Center for EducationStatistics has found that the mean per-pupil costat a public school is $9,683. (The study does notdifferentiate the cost per pupil between elemen-tary and secondary schools.) Since elementaryschools enroll more students than secondaryschools, and since secondary schools are usual-ly more expensive than elementary schools, itstands to reason that Catholic schools, on aver-age, get better outcomes for fewer dollars.

Another report from the NCEA puts theaggregate effect in stark relief. As the nation’slargest single provider of private education,Catholic schools save the American taxpayer$20.5 billion each and every year.


announced plans to shutter 13 of the archdio-cese’s 64 schools at the end of the 2009–10school year. The decision will displace morethan 2,100 students—nearly 10 percent of the22,700 students in the archdiocesan school sys-tem. “If we keep this up,” Archbishop EdwinO’Brien told the Baltimore Sun, “in a dozenyears we won’t have a school system.”

Baltimore is the most recent episode in a long-running story. Statistics compiled by the NCEAreveal that enrollment in Catholic primary andsecondary schools peaked around 1965, whenalmost 5.5 million students attended roughly13,000 Catholic schools across the country. Bythe early 1970s, the numbers of both schools andstudents began to drop. Those declines have neverbeen reversed. By 1990, there were approximate-ly 2.5 million students in 8,719 schools.

The situation today is, if anything, evenbleaker. For the 2009–10 school year, about 2.1million students are enrolled in 7,094 Catholicschools (of which 5,889 are elementary and1,205 are secondary schools). This year, 24 newCatholic schools are slated to open. But 174 oth-

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What’s the Secret?

Catholics may be forgiven for attributing the success of Catholicschools to providential causes. Non-Catholics naturally tend to viewthe schools from a more down-to-earth perspective. Philanthropyasked four leading philanthropists: Why have inner-city Catholicschools consistently outperformed inner-city public schools?

“Look, let’s not get carried away. Catholic schools are not as goodas top private schools, and are frequently not as good as top char-ter schools. You know, there’s a lot of room for improvement. Buteven if they aren’t the best, they’re a hell of a lot better than theunion-dominated public schools. The AFT [American Federationof Teachers] and NEA [National Education Association] havefeatherbedded the living daylights out of the work rules in publicschool systems. I think the unions, particularly the teachers’unions, have become a fifth column in this country.”

Robert W. WilsonRetired investor

“I think it’s the structure of the Catholic schools. It’s partly the com-mitment of the faculty and the administration. But it’s also the disci-plinary environment—kids wearing uniforms, doing their home-work, and learning at an early age the importance of showing up ontime—which gives the students a uniquely important experience.Kids seem to want that kind of guidance, discipline, and leadership.”

Peter T. GrauerChairman, Bloomberg LP

President, Inner-City Scholarship Fund

“Well, just like in charter schools, if you have teachers who trulycare about their students, you are much more likely to see greatresults. Similarly, you cannot overlook the focus and commitmentof parents who choose to send their kids to these schools. Thereare a number of factors that contribute to the success of charterschools and Christian schools, but I think the two most importantare faculty commitment and family engagement.”

David WeekleyFounder, David Weekley Homes

“One of the keys of parochial education, in general, is that thechildren are not only given quality academics but also a sense ofvalues and culture. The fact that these schools view it as part oftheir mission to impart proper values—which you might callJudeo-Christian—to their students is integral to their success. Ithink that’s very important in building a whole person.”

Donn WeinbergChairman, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

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ers will be consolidated or closed. Elementaryschools have been the hardest hit.

The difficulties facing Catholic schools areenormous. But the scale of the challenge is inspir-ing some non-Catholic donors to step forward.

“We’re not a Catholic foundation,” saysTom Marino, executive director of the Memphis-based Poplar Foundation. “Nobody associatedwith the foundation is Catholic. That’s not thereason we’re associated with the MemphisJubilee Catholic Schools.”

Between 1999 and 2004, the Diocese ofMem-phis re-opened eight previously closed Catholicschools. The re-opened schools are known as“Jubilee Schools,” named in honor of the Year ofJubilee proclaimed by Pope John Paul II in 2000.Today, the schools educate more than 1,400 stu-dents. Of the total student population, 86 percentare African American; 81 percent are non-Catholic. Accustomed to a litany of school clo-sures, Catholic school supporters sometimes referto the effort as the “Memphis miracle.”

The effort required major philanthropic sup-port—over $60 million to date, for construction,renovation, and endowment funding—which camefrom both Catholic and non-Catholic donors.“Poplar has been involved with Jubilee from earlyon,” explains Marino. “Our core mission is educa-tion for low-income kids inMemphis, Tennessee. Soit made perfect sense for us to partner with theJubilee Schools. That’s exactly who they’re serving.”

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Mary McDonald, superintendent of Memphis’ diocesan schools, visits students at Little Flower Elementary. “Whenyou’ve got competent, committed, and compassionate leaders like Dr. McDonald, you can overcome enormous obsta-cles,” says Tom Marino, executive director of the Poplar Foundation. (Photos courtesy of the Diocese of Memphis)

Little Flower Elementary School in north Memphisis one of the Jubilee Catholic Schools: eight shutteredschools that the Diocese of Memphis has re-openedwith the support of the Hyde Family Foundations,the Poplar Foundation, and other Memphis funders

of all faiths.

“When I became a bishop in 1993, I wasshocked that our schools were closing,” BishopJ. Terry Steib recently explained in a 2008 reportby the Fordham Institute. “I thought, ‘that’s notthe Church’s way.’” Steib saw Catholic schools—particularly in the inner cities—as a vehicle forevangelization. (Steib, himself African-American,had always hoped to be assigned to missionary

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the mission: helping every child achieve theirGod-given potential. And they do so not just bypromoting academic excellence, but also by cul-tivating personal responsibility, social skills, andleadership, all balanced by faith and a sense ofservice to others.”

The Poplar Foundation views its support forthe Jubilee Schools as one component of a rang-ing reform strategy. “There is no one answer tothe dilemma faced by Memphis,” says Marino.“There are multiple answers to this problem. Ifwe find the right people to work with, we sayyes to Catholic schools, yes to Christian schools,yes to charter schools, and yes to traditionalpublic schools. The common denominator isgreat leadership.”

work in Africa.) “It is the mission of the Churchto be where others aren’t.”

Steib tapped a hard-charging Philadelphia-born grandmother to lead the effort. MaryMcDonald moved to Memphis in 1976 and spentover 20 years working in diocesan schools, pick-ing up a doctorate along the way. Her new assign-ment plunged her into some of America’s poorestzip codes. She never flinched.

“Everything for us boils down to leader-ship,” says Marino. “That’s what first drew usto the Jubilee Schools. When you’ve got compe-tent, committed, and compassionate leaders likeBishop Steib and Dr. McDonald, you can over-come enormous obstacles. They give theirhearts, minds, and entire lives to accomplishing

Stephen Schwarzman—joined by his wife, Christine Hearst Schwarzman, and Cardinal Egan—meets fourth grader Victor Anoiske at SacredHeart School in the Bronx. Victor is one of more than 30 students whom the Schwarzmans sponsor through the Inner-City Scholarship

Fund. Prior to meeting that day, Victor and the Schwarzmans had traded holiday cards and letters—and Victor’s report cards.(Photo by Librado Romero / New York Times)

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enjoy a comparative advantage over theirCatholic counterparts when it comes to support-ing inner-city Catholic schools. Non-Catholicswere not raised within the parochial school sys-tem. They are not habituated to its practices, nordo they feel deferential to its traditions. They cansee Catholic schools with a fresh set of eyes—spotting problems and identifying solutions.

Stephen Schwarzman

STEPHEN SCHWARZMAN HAS PALE BLUE EYES.When he smiles, they light up, making him lookyounger than his 63 years. But when those eyes fixon something, they can quickly turn cool and ana-lytical, capable of instantly sizing up possibilities.

From a young age, Schwarzman had a giftfor seeing opportunities. He grew up in a solidlymiddle-class Jewish family in the Philadelphiasuburbs. His father owned a retail goods storethat specialized in linens, bedding, and other drygoods. When Schwarzman was 15 years old, hebegan thinking of strategies for taking the storeto scale. He approached his father with a plan toopen more stores and expand into a nationalchain—“like Sears.” (His father declined.)

Years later, Schwarzman would draw onthose talents when he joined Peter Peterson informing the Blackstone Group. They launchedthe partnership in 1985, with a balance sheet of$400,000. In early 1987, Blackstone created itsfirst private equity fund, and soon became a glob-al leader in alternative investment management.Twenty years later, Schwarzman led Blackstoneto a $7.7 billion initial public offering.

In addition to his continued service as chair-man and CEO of Blackstone, Schwarzman servesin a wide array of civic and nonprofit roles. He ischairman of the board at the Kennedy Center, atrustee of the Frick Collection, and a board mem-ber of the Asia Society, the New York PublicLibrary, and the Inner-City Scholarship Fund.

“I have always been a big supporter of edu-cation in general,” says Schwarzman. “I’m espe-cially impressed with the commitment the Arch-diocese of New York has made to educate morethan 40,000 inner-city students with a solid val-ues-based academic program. They haveachieved fantastic results—98 percent of theseniors graduate, and 97 percent of these gradu-ates plan to pursue post-secondary education—especially for a student population that’s 93 per-cent minority, where 50 percent live near orbelow the poverty line.”

Schwarzman praises the Inner-City Scholar-ship Fund for its “focus on accountability, bothfor students and teachers, which provides afoundation for academic and personal success.”He expresses his admiration with contributionsof both money and time. “I make annual dona-tions to support the organization,” continuesSchwarzman, “as well as sponsor 30 children.(Over the next few years, this number will growto over 100 children.) I take my role as a spon-sor very seriously and keep in touch with mystudents on a regular basis.”

But perhaps Schwarzman’s biggest contri-bution is the donation of his innate problem-solving skills. While touring Sacred HeartSchool in the Bronx, it occurred to him that pri-vate scholarship funds needed to do a better jobassuring low-income parents that tuition assis-tance would flow without interruption. The bestway to attract committed parents is to presentthese scholarships not as tenuous annual grants,but rather as continuous 12-year pathways.

For middle-class, suburban Catholic families,although parochial school tuition can be a bur-den, it is rarely a deal-breaker. Not so, Schwarz-man realized, for inner-city parents. “Many chil-

“It would be wonderful if we could find a way to keep these kidsin the Catholic school system throughout their educational career,”

says Schwarzman, chatting with a student at Sacred Heart.(Photo by Librado Romero / New York Times)

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dren who receive tuition for grade school losesponsorship for high school. They are then forcedto go back into the public school system—aninterruption that can be very disruptive.”

Schwarzman’s eyes light up. “It would bewonderful if we could find a way to keep thesekids in the Catholic school system throughouttheir educational career.” It’s a problem he andothers are now looking to solve.

Russ Carson

“I’M AN EPISCOPALIAN,” SAYS RUSS CARSON,“but my wife, Judy, is Catholic. We’ve been mar-ried for 39 years. When people ask me why I giveto Catholic schools, I tell them—facetiously—thatshe made me do it. But the real reason is simple.It’s because Catholic inner-city schools work.”

In 1979, Carson co-founded Welsh, Carson,Anderson, & Stowe (WCAS). With total capitalof $20 billion under its management, WCAS isone of the country’s largest private investmentfirms. He’s also involved in a wide variety ofcivic and philanthropic activities. He chairs theboard of trustees at Rockefeller University, theboard of overseers at Columbia Business School,and the Endowment for Inner-City Education.

Carson co-founded the Endowment forInner-City Education in 1997, and it now pro-vides tuition scholarships to nearly 8,400 low-income children annually, allowing them toattend high-performing elementary and sec-ondary schools in the Archdiocese of New York.Through it and other, related organizations, theCarsons have provided more than $40 million infunding to scholarship programs, capital repairefforts, and programmatic support to 105 inner-city Catholic schools in the archdiocese.

Though he is generally pleased with the arch-diocesan schools’ performance, Carson admits heis sometimes frustrated by one recurring problemin many Catholic schools: the lack of account-ability. “At the end of the day,” says Carson, “theadults have to be held accountable for what’shappening to kids in the school. If they do notmeet standards, people should lose their jobs.”

To that end, Carson believes there is a crucialrole for non-Catholic donors to Catholic schools:because they do not belong to the CatholicChurch, non-Catholic donors are often less defer-ential to—and more honest with—church leaders.

“One of the things that we have been able todo at the endowment is to inject some humility

A Personal Matter

Donors of all faiths (and no faith at all) are inspired to sup-port inner-city Catholic education for a wide range of deeplypersonal reasons.

“She made me do it”Russell Carson is the co-founder and chairman of theEndowment for Inner-City Education. Over the years, hehas given more than $40 million to Catholic schools in theArchdiocese of New York. “I’m an Episcopalian,” says Car-son, “but my wife, Judy, is Catholic. We’ve been married for39 years. When people ask me why I give to Catholicschools, I tell them—facetiously—that she made me do it.But the real reason is simple. It’s because Catholic inner-cityschools work.”

“He had not finished his work”“It was probably 10 or 12 years ago,” recalls Peter T.Grauer, chairman of Bloomberg LP and president of theInner-City Scholarship Fund. “I was having lunch with adear friend of mine, Nick Forstmann. I mentioned that Iwanted to take on another nonprofit responsibility. Nickwas a very devout Catholic, and he said, ‘I’d like to put youon the board of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund.’ Well, Nickpassed away in 2001, and I felt he had not finished his work.I was—and am—devoted to our friendship. I hope to buildhis legacy, to perpetuate one of the things that he believed inso strongly.”

“There weren’t any denominations whenChrist was around”“I look at Catholic schools in the broader context of Chris-tian education,” says David Weekley, founder of DavidWeekley Homes. “The way I understand my faith is thatthere weren’t any denominations when Christ was around.So, to my mind, it’s all Christian education, and I believe inand support Christian education whether it be Catholic,Episcopalian, Presbyterian—whatever it may be.”

“Come work at Bloomberg”“I feel very strongly that our efforts to help the Catholicschools system—with its high graduation and college-matriculation rate—are geared toward supplementing theworkforce of tomorrow,” adds Grauer. “So I certainly had alonger-term objective. I want to make sure we have a goodflow of well-educated, highly productive citizens who will, Ihope, ultimately come work at Bloomberg.”

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into the system,” notes Carson. “The arch-diocesan system as a whole has 83,000 kids in itacross 279 schools. There are 105 schools clas-sified as inner-city—84 elementary schools, 21high schools. For years, these schools were tout-ing the fact that 99 percent of their studentsgraduated from high school and 95 percent ormore went on to college.”

“Now,” Carson continues, “it did not seemplausible to me that 99 percent of the kids whostarted in Catholic high school were in fact gradu-ating four years later. Sure enough, when we beganto look more closely, the numbers proved closer to80 percent—which is still, by the way, a fantasticstatistic. And the 95 percent of graduates headingto college is, in fact, a legitimate number. But we asdonors should continue to probe and ask for ahigh level of accountability from the system.”


Wilson, the retired investor, atheist, and guardianangel of New York City Catholic schools. “It’s along shot. But if it works, it will spread throughoutthe country, and itmay help to save these schools.”

Wilson is referring to the Catholic AlumniPartnership, a pilot program he is funding. Itsgoal is to help Catholic elementary schools opena new revenue stream by reconnecting withtheir alumni. After all, very few elementaryschools—especially in economically marginalneighborhoods—have the resources to staffeven a part-time alumni development officer.

Wilson spotted a missed opportunity. “Privateschools cannot survive without their alumni,” heinsists. “And the reason there’s not a tradition ofalumni support in Catholic schools is that for yearsthey have had lots of nuns and priests. It kept costslow enough that the schools could rely on theirparishes for support. But now without a volunteerworkforce, labor costs have gone up. And Catholicschools haven’t mobilized their alumni at all.”

Recent research has confirmed Wilson’sintuition. One study has found that 82 percentof the alumni of Catholic elementary schoolswould donate to their schools if they wereasked. The problem? They’ve never been asked.

Wilson helped launch the Catholic AlumniPartnership to create a sustainable fundraisingprogram, with alumni support as its foundation,

For investor Russ Carson, being a non-Catholic funder gives him greater leeway to probe the outcomes of Catholic schools.“One of the things that we have been able to do at the endowment,” he says, “is to inject some humility into the system.”

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Come back tomorrow with a two-page executivesummary. Then tell me how much you want.”

The young Jesuit was momentarily speech-less. Fr. T. J. Martinez S.J. had heard aboutWeekley, who has a reputation for funding pro-grams he believes in—but only after askingtough, pointed questions. Even still, the youngpriest was slightly taken aback. He had expectedWeekley to embrace his proposed project. “Hepulls no punches,” Martinez recalls, a broadsmile breaking across his face.

Weekley is something of a legend aroundHouston. At age 23, he founded a home

construction company,David Weekley Homes.He has since built it intothe country’s largest pri-vately owned home-builder. David WeekleyHomes has won hun-dreds of industryawards, including Na-tional Builder of theYear, the National Hous-ing Quality Award, andAmerica’s Best Builder.Fortune has namedDavid Weekley Homesas one of America’s “100Best Companies to WorkFor” a total of seventimes, including a 17th-place ranking in 2008.

Weekley is equallywell known for his

Texas-sized generosity. He devotes 50 percent ofhis income and, perhaps more impressively, 50percent of his time to philanthropy. He supportsa wide range of charities, but is particularlydrawn to nonprofits that offer leverage, sustain-ability, and scalability. (For more information,please see Weekley’s interview in the Winter2009 issue of Philanthropy.)

When looking for leverage, Weekley wantsopportunities where his dollars will catalyze big-ger, better, and faster returns. When looking forsustainability, he likes to see nonprofits withexternal funding mechanisms, so they are notsolely dependent on perpetual charitable dollars.And when looking for scalability, he tries to spotcharities with the leadership, vision, and desireto grow and serve more people.

at every Catholic elementary school in the dioce-ses of Bridgeport, Buffalo, Norwich, andRockville Centre, as well as the archdiocese ofHartford. (The Diocese of Brooklyn and theArchdiocese of New York also have a pilot groupof schools participating in the program.) It isworking with 303 schools, which together servemore than 100,000 elementary school students.

“It cost me somewhere between one and twomillion dollars just to get the names and addressesof all the schools’ alumni onto a computer,” saysWilson. “Now I’m involved in a further $8millionprogram—of which I will fund 70 percent, and thevarious Catholic dioce-ses will come up withthe rest—to actually goon out and fundraiseamong alumni.”

Perhaps the mostvisible result of Wilson’sefforts to date hasbeen the launch The web-site features an intro-ductory video by RegisPhilbin—class of ’45 atthe Bronx’s (since-closed) Our Lady ofSolace Grammar School—as well as links toFacebook groups andsecure-donation portals.“It is certainly not themost impressive websitein the world,” sighsWil-son, “but it’s probably better than nothing.”

“I started out by getting weekly results,” heexplains. “I realized that was going to get menowhere, so I told myself, ‘At the end of threemonths, let’s see how we’re doing.’ I can saythat I recently had lunch with a major figure inthe Catholic Church. He checks in more oftenthan I do, and he thought things were goingbetter than expected. He’s cautiously opti-mistic. But until the three months is over, I’mnot going to jump to any conclusions.”

An Opportunity for Innovation“I DON’T HAVE TIME TO SORT THROUGH ALL

this,” saidDavidWeekley. He glanced down at themountain of papers in front of him. “This—I’mnot even going to look at this. I’ll tell you what.

Fr. T. J. Martinez S.J. (right), the president ofCristo Rey Jesuit College Preparatory School in

Houston, credits DavidWeekley with teaching him“how to market the school to businessmen, so they getit quickly.” (Photo courtesy of Cristo Rey Houston)

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Martinez had approached Weekley, think-ing he had a good match on all three criteria.Martinez wanted to open the first non-tuition-based Catholic school in Texas. He wanted tolaunch a Cristo Rey high school.

Cristo Rey schools may very well be the mostexciting innovation in contemporary Americanprivate education. The schools were designed toresolve the deeply conflicted business model ofcontemporary inner-city Catholic education. Onthe one hand, in the absence of public support,urban parochial schools must charge tuition tocover operating expenses. On the other hand,such tuition payments are increasingly outsidethe reach of the low-income families the schoolsintend to serve. Private scholarships have allevi-ated some of the tension, but they do not addressthe fundamental contradiction.

Cristo Rey schools may have found an ele-gant solution to the problem. Each and everyCristo Rey student is required to take a part-time,entry-level office job through the school’s Corpo-rate Work Study Program. For these jobs, eachstudent shares one full-time position with threeother students. Together, the team of four studentsrotates so that each member works a full businessday on a different day of the week; every fourthweek, one member of the four-person team putsin a second day. The regular work cycle has

allowed the schools to design a staggered curricu-lum so that no student ever misses class for work.

Crucially, students assign their earnings totheir Cristo Rey high school. The average salary perjob (a job that is shared by four students, that is) isjust over $25,000. These salaries cover approxi-mately 65 percent of the cost of each student’s edu-cation.

Since 1996, when the original Cristo ReyHigh School opened in Chicago’s gritty lowerwest side, private philanthropists have led amajor, nationwide replication effort. Today,there are 24 schools in 18 states and the Districtof Columbia. (Six more are in development.)The schools serve nearly 6,000 students in total,89 percent of whom are either African Americanor Hispanic. The average family income of aCristo Rey student is $35,682 per year.

Between the Cristo Rey model’s potentialfor sustainability (through its work program)and scalability (through the network’s ongo-ing rapid growth), there was a lot for Weekleyto like. “I was aware of the Cristo Rey modeland found it interesting,” says Weekley. (“Infact, I might have read about it in your maga-zine,” he adds.) “So when someone came andsaid they were starting a Cristo Rey school inHouston, I was curious. It seemed like it couldbe a natural fit.”

When Cristo Rey came to Houston, David Weekley was intrigued. “I made a $250,000 matching grant for the school’s board,” he says. “Iwanted my gift to be leveraged—and it would be, with this matching grant—so I think it helped them move the school to a different place.”

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so I gave him some advice about where he couldfind some help. Then I made a $250,000 match-ing grant for the school’s board. I wanted mygift to be leveraged—and it would be, with thismatching grant—so I think it helped them movethe school to a different place.”

Today, thanks to Weekley and other gener-ous Houstonians, Martinez is president ofCristo Rey Jesuit College Preparatory School.The school, located on the city’s east side,opened its doors in August 2009. Its first class of82 students was 72 percent Hispanic and23 percent African-American. Every child comesfrom a family close to or below the federalpoverty line. Many students entered at a fourth-or fifth-grade achievement level; by mid-year, 25percent were taking sophomore classes.

Martinez, who often pairs his Roman collarwith an enormous Lone Star belt buckle,

describes his first encounterwith Weekley as a “water-shed moment.” Sure, thesouth Texas native (whosometimes styles himself “Fr.Fiscal Responsibility”) has amaster’s in education fromHarvard and a law degreefrom the University of Texas.But he credits Weekley withteaching him “how to mar-ket the school to business-men, so they get it quickly.”

A Spur to CompetitionMANY DONORS SUPPORT

private schools generally—and Catholic schools specifi-cally—as part of an overarch-ing education-reform strategy.They hope that by supportingprivate schools, they willintroduce a measure ofhealthy competition intoAmerican public education.

“One of the argumentsin favor of private schools,”says Donn Weinberg, chair-man of theHarry and JeanetteWeinberg Foundation, “is thatthey provide competition tothe public school system.Withcompetition, the public school

“I liked the idea because it was private,Christian education,” says Weekley. (“I grewup Presbyterian,” he explains. “Once I got mar-ried, my wife told me that I was really an Epis-copalian. So I’ve been an Episcopalian for 20years. And now, I’m back, Presbyterian again.The kids wanted to go to a church that wascloser to our home.”) “Plus, they had wonder-ful, passionate people with a total focus on theunderserved here in Houston. But these folksjust didn’t have the experience in fundraising.”

So Weekley, true to form, started lookingfor ways to leverage a potential contribution. “Imet with the chairman of their capital cam-paign, a wonderful gentleman named JohnO’Shea. He was very generous and had a realpassion for the school, but he had never run acapital campaign like this. Well, I ran theKinkaid School’s $45 million capital campaign,



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Philanthropy • Spring 2010 41

systemwould have to respond, otherwise it wouldlose students—and funding.”

To achieve that goal, the Weinberg Founda-tion has long supported private schools—Catholic, secular, and Jewish—in its principalgeographic-funding areas: Maryland, New York,northeastern Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. (Wein-berg also focuses on Israel and the former SovietUnion.) Since 2003, it has contributed nearly$2.9 million to Catholic schools and scholarshipfunds in Baltimore, Hawaii, and Scranton, Penn-sylvania. In addition to those donations, on Feb-ruary 5, the Weinberg Foundation announced acapital grant of $1.2 million for Cristo ReyJesuit High School in Baltimore, Maryland.

“What we’ve seen,” says Weinberg, “in Bal-timore at least, is that the public school systemtook up the challenge. In a market-like environ-ment, it has improved as a result of competitionfrom the private system. Our funding ofCatholic schools, Jewish schools, and so forth,has worked, at least in Baltimore. It has forcedthe public school system to take notice and tostep up. And now, the public schools haveimproved—in some places, dramatically—as aresult of the forces of competition.”

That competition is starting to cut bothways. “Now the private school system needs torespond in kind and find a way to competemore effectively with the public school system,”Weinberg notes. “What we would like to see, Ithink, is more of this back-and-forth from com-petition to make both systems, public and pri-vate, ever better.”

Other donors have seen the same dynamictake an interesting turn. In Memphis, increasingcompetition has given rise to increasing collab-oration.

“I’m an Episcopalian who currently attendsa Presbyterian church and is fascinated by Bud-dhism,” says Barbara Hyde. A golden retrieverpuppy plays underfoot as she prepares for anupcoming trip to London. “So I guess you couldsay I’m ecumenical in my spiritual life, just likewe’re ecumenical in our philanthropic invest-ments.”

Barbara Hyde is the president of the J. R.Hyde III Family Foundation and a director ofthe J. R. Hyde Sr. Family Foundation. (The twoMemphis-based entities share office space andstaff; together they are known as the Hyde Fam-ily Foundations and hold about $145 million in

“Our funding of Catholic schools, Jewish schools, and so forth, has worked, at least in Baltimore,” says DonnWeinberg, chairman of theHarry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. “It has forced the public school system to take notice and to step up. And now, the public schools have

improved—in some places, dramatically—as a result of the forces of competition.”

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‘let’s learn from each other’ approach. Perhapswe’re moving beyond the benefits of competi-tion, and into the benefits of cooperation.”

The impulse toward mutually advantageouscooperation is a Hyde family hallmark. BarbaraHyde’s husband, J. R. (“Pitt”) Hyde III, is one ofthe most accomplished entrepreneurs in Mem-phis. After years of running the family’s whole-sale food distribution business, in 1979 PittHyde opened an auto parts wholesale store inForrest City, Arkansas. Today, 30 years later,AutoZone is a Fortune 400 company with $6.5billion in annual sales and over 4,200 stores inthe United States and Mexico.

A core principle of AutoZone’s businessmodel is teamwork on behalf of customer ser-vice. All employees—including corporate execu-tives, whenever they set foot in an AutoZonestore—wear the same company uniform. Whencustomers walk in the door, “AutoZoners” have30 seconds to greet them.

The Hyde Family Foundation is working tocultivate that same sense of collaborative team-work among Memphis educators. “I’m foreveran optimist,” says Barbara Hyde, “but I think inMemphis we’re beginning to see a much higherlevel of collaboration and openness from the

assets.) The Hyde Family Foundations have threemajor portfolios, one of which is improving K–12education in and around the city of Memphis.

“At the Hyde Family Foundations, our mis-sion is simple when it comes to education,” saysprogram director Greg Thompson. “We areabout closing the achievement gap. Period.” Tothat end, the foundations fund three key areas:high-performing schools, human capital, andpolicy advocacy. “Our partner schools includedistrict, charter, independent, and faith-basedschools,” notes Thompson. “Their successdemonstrates that a top-notch education can bedelivered through a variety of school systems.”

A major beneficiary of Hyde’s strategy hasbeen the Memphis Jubilee Catholic Schools. TheHyde Family Foundations were a critical, earlyfunder in the effort; their ongoing supportincludes a $5 million challenge grant made in2007. Barbara Hyde has been particularlypleased with the way Jubilee Schools are engagedwith other reform-minded Memphis schools.

“What we’re seeing is the district lookingclosely at what other schools—charter andCatholic—are doing, and learning from it,”says Hyde. “We’re getting beyond the ‘us-them’attitude and toward a much more cooperative

Students celebrate Black History Month at St. Patrick Elementary School—a Jubilee school re-opened just a few blocks from theHyde Family Foundations’ headquarters in downtown Memphis. (Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Memphis)

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district and the school board. The accomplish-ments of the Catholic schools and the high-performing charter schools demonstrate, in veryreal ways, what’s possible for student achieve-ment among at-risk kids. Their example dis-credits the excuses that have stood in the way, inthe past, of real reform.”


his plans for a Cristo Rey high school to DavidWeekley, Weekley leaned back and looked at theceiling. He paused for a moment, and said,“You’re going to have a hard time getting peopleto fund this. A lot of folks are going to think, ‘theCatholic community needs to help its own.’”

Weekley’s observation points to a finalmotivation for many non-Catholic donors toCatholic inner-city schools. They hope to chal-lenge high-net-worth Catholic donors. Theyhope to inspire even more Catholic philan-thropy. And they hope to demonstrate to allphilanthropists—Catholic and non-Catholicalike—the full worth and value of America’sbeleaguered inner-city Catholic schools.

“You know the 80/20 rule?” asks RobertWilson. “It holds that in any project 20 percent

of a group does 80 percent of the work. Thereare a lot of rich Roman Catholics in that 20 per-cent, but we need many more. Moreover, Ibelieve that if more Catholics start supportingthese schools, more non-Catholic money willbecome available.”

Of course, a great many Catholics are alreadygenerous supporters of these inner-city schools.But there is much more to be done. And it is achallenge that wealthy and generous Catholics areable, inclined, and well-positioned to undertake.

“People who give $5, $10, or $20 nevermake nonprofits thrive,” adds Wilson. “There’salways got to be some big money. True, all ofthese Catholic schools were built by small con-tributions from massive numbers of working-poor Catholics. But that was when there wereplenty of priests and nuns. Nowadays, theCatholic Church doesn’t have—pardon thephrase—slave labor. To cover costs, there haveto be more, larger donations.”

“You know,” says Wilson, “Catholicschools are either going to continue to contractor they’re going to start expanding again. Noth-ing stays the same. I used to say when I was onWall Street, ‘You’re either making money or los-ing money. You can’t just stay even.’” P



Five Achievable Breakthroughs in theNext Ten YearsApril 20––21 · Houston

Promise and Peril: The Charter SchoolRevolution in L.A. and AmericaMay 25–26 · Los Angeles

Contact Rebecca Stewart at

[email protected]

To find out more about these events, please visit or email Dorothy Martinez [email protected]. Our regional events are solicitation-free and open to donors who make charita-ble donations of $50,000 or more per year, or who plan to do so in the future. There is no fee to attend these events.


Five Top Philanthropic Strategies forHelping People Overcome PovertyMay 21 · Dallas

Contact Leah Vincent at [email protected]


The Future of the Business SchoolNovember 17–18 · Boston

Contact Dorothy Martinez at

[email protected]