philadelphia foreclosed properties sarah kitner

Sarah Kitner Shippensburg University Capstone GIS Project Fall 2016 Philadelphia Foreclosed Properties The Relationship of Criminal Activity Within Proximity of Foreclosed Properties Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Philadelphia Foreclosed Properties and Crime Introduction Purpose Research Question Methods and Data References Table 3. Buffer Distance (Ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%) Objectives Conclusion Table 1. Buffer Distance (ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%) Table 1. Buffer Distance (ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%) Results and Discussion

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Page 1: Philadelphia Foreclosed Properties Sarah Kitner

Sarah KitnerShippensburg UniversityCapstone GIS ProjectFall 2016

Philadelphia Foreclosed PropertiesThe Relationship of Criminal Activity Within Proximity of Foreclosed Properties

Figure 1.Fore closure prope rtie s andrand om ad d r e s s e s w ith a 500-m e te rbuffe r d istance for crim e incid e nts inPhilad e lphia County.

Figure 2.Crim e Incid e nts w ithin a 200 footbuffe r d istance of a for e closure prope rty

Figure 3.Crim e Incid e nts w ithin a 500 footbuffe r d istance of a for e closure prope rty

Figure 4.Crim e Incid e nts w ithin a 1,000foot buffe r d istance of a for e closureprope rty

Figure 5.Crim e Incid e nts w ithin a 2,000foot buffe r d istance of a for e closureprope rty

One rand om for e clos e d prope rty w as s e le cte d toanalyze w hat crim e incid e nts occurr e d around thevacant hous e . Figure 2 s how s the s e le cte d for e clos e dhom e and the surround ing crim e incid e nts w ithin a200-foot rad ius. The crim e s that occur w ithin thisd istance are m or e conce ntrate d around the vacanthous e . In Table 2, the s pe cific crim e incid e nts thatoccurre d around this prope rty w e r e m ostly non-viole ntcrim e s. The s e crim e s are as s ociate d w ith the ft orburglary. Figure 3 s how s the sam e s e le cte d for e clos e dhom e and the surround ing crim e incid e nts w ithin a500-foot rad ius. The crim e s com m itte d w ithin this

d istance are in ad d ition to the 200-foot rad ius. Figure 4show s the sam e for e clos e d hom e and the surround ingcrim e incid e nts w ithin a 1,000-foot rad ius. Figure 5show s the sam e for e clos e d hom e as be for e and thesur round ing crim e incid e nts w ithin a 2,000-foot rad ius.The s e d istance s w e r e analyze d to s e e the rate ofincre as e in total crim e incid e nts from the s e le cte dfor e clos e d prope rty. The re sults s how the pe rce ntageof viole nt crim e s is highe st in the 200-foot buffe rd istance . Als o, as d istance incre as e s aw ay from theprope rty, the le ve l of viole nce als o d e cre as e s.

Philadelphia Foreclosed Properties and CrimeR and om Ad d r e s s e sFor e clos e d Ad d r e s s e sCrim e Incid e ntsPhilad e lphia Stre e tsR and om Ad d r e s s e s Buffe rFor e clos e d Ad d r e s s e s Buffe rPhilad e lphia

The purpos e of this re s e arch proje ct is to id e ntify for e closureprope rtie s and crim inal incid e nts re porte d w ithin the stud y are a.Analyzing crim e incid e nts in proxim ity to for e clos e d hom e s w illge ne rate a be tte r und e r stand ing of the ir re lations hip. Applyingrand om ad d r e s s e s to the stud y are a w ill d e te rm ine if the r e is acorr e lation be tw e e n for e closur e s and crim e . Spe cifically, thisproje ct focus e s on the s patial e xte nt of for e closure and crim e inPhilad e lphia County, Pe nns ylvania. The d ata w ill d e te rm ine howfor e closure s affe ct crim e and how crim e incre as e s w ith d istance .

R e fe r e nce m ap of the stud y are a

For e closure s have be e n incre as ing s ince the re ale state d e ficit in 2008. Fore clos e d hom e s d o not justaffe ct prope rty value s. The r e are othe r im portantas pe cts to cons id e r w he n analyzing for e clos e dhom e s. The proce s s of los ing one ’s hom e canbe com e ve ry e m otional for hom e ow ne r s. Hom e s arefor e clos e d w he n pe ople avoid or fall be hind payingthe ir bills or m ortgage s on tim e . Afte r a s pe cificam ount of tim e that the m ortgage is late onpaym e nts, a bank or age ncy w ill for e clos e the hom eforcing pe ople to vacate the pre m is e s. For e closure splay a m ajor role in ne ighborhood instability. The r e is

a pos itive re lations hip be tw e e n for e closure s andcrim e incid e nts. Crim e m ay be e nhance d d uring thefor e closure proce s s. The appe arance of vacanthom e s m ay incre as e opportunitie s for crim e . Crim ew as cate gorize d by viole nt or non-viole nt crim e s.Viole nt crim e s are cons id e r e d to be aggravate das sault w ith or w ithout a fir e arm , robbe ry w ith orw ithout a fir e arm and crim inal, gros s ne glige nce orjustifiable hom icid e . Non-viole nt crim e s arecons id e r e d to be re s id e ntial or non-re s id e ntialburglary, the ft, the ft from ve hicle , m otor ve hiclethe ft or re cove r e d stole n m otor ve hicle .

Introduction Purpose

What is the re lations hip of incre as e d crim e in proxim ity of for e clos e d prope rtie s in Philad e lphia County?Research Question

Pe nns ylvania countie s and Philad e lphia ce nte r stre e tsw e r e d ow nload e d from PASDA. Us ing a s e le ct bylocation, Philad e lphia County w as s e le cte d to cre ate astud y are a for the re s e arch que stion. Once the stud yare a w as d e te rm ine d , liste d for e clos e d prope rtie sw e r e obtaine d from Zillow w e bs ite . Since this d atahad no s patial coor d inate s, the ad d r e s s e s w e r e us e dto pe r form ge ocod ing te chnique s w ith QGIS. Policeincid e nts w e r e d ow nload e d from PASDA and ad d e dto the stud y are a. The d ata colle cte d w as proje cte dus ing the North Am e rica Equid istant Conic coor d inates yste m . This proje ction allow s for accuracy w hilepr e s e rving d istance . A buffe r d istance w as applie daround the for e clos e d prope rtie s to analyze howcrim inal activity incre as e d w ith proxim ity of

for e clos e d prope rtie s. To d e te rm ine a m inim al buffe rd istance , calculations w e r e m e asure d from afor e clos e d prope rty to the ne are st ce nte r stre e t. Abuffe r d istance of 200 ft., 500 ft., 1,000 ft. and 2,000ft. w e r e calculate d to analyze how the num be r ofcrim e incid e nts incre as e w ith the incre as ing d istancefrom the for e clos e d prope rty. The crim inal incid e ntsthat w e r e locate d w ithin the buffe r d istance s w e r ecate gorize d bas e d on viole nt and non-viole nt crim e s.A fixe d am ount of rand om points w e r e plotte d in thestud y are a to figure out how strong of a re lations hipcrim e had w ith for e closure s. The sam e buffe rd istance s w e r e us e d around the s e points w ith thesam e cate gorizations as state d above .

Methods and Data

PASDA. 2016. Philad e lphia Stre e ts – Stre e t Ce nte rline . City of Philad e lphia [cite d 2016 De ce m be r 8]PASDA. 2016. Philad e lphia Police – INCIDENTS 2014. City of Philad e lphia [cite d 2016 De ce m be r 8]PASDA. 2016. Pe nns ylvania County Bound arie s. Pe nns ylvania De partm e nt of Trans portation [cite d 2016 De ce m be r 8]Philad e lphia PA For e closur e s [Inte rne t]. c 2016. Zillow [2016; De ce m be r 8, 2016]Payton S, Stucke y T, Otte ns m ann J. 2015. The Spatial e xte nt of the e ff e cts of for e closure s on crim e . Social Scie nce R e s e arch [Inte rne t]. [cite dDe ce m be r 8, 2016]; 49: 288-298.


Table 3.Buffe r d istance from s e le cte d for e clos e d prope rty and the num be r of crim e s that occur w ithin thatd istance and the pe rce nt of viole nt and non-viole nt crim e s from total crim inal activity

Buffer Distance (Ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%)200 7 3 43 4 57500 19 6 32 13 681,000 81 18 22 63 882,000 353 77 22 276 88

1. Dow nload Pe nns ylvania countie s s hape file2. Dow nload Philad e lphia city ce nte r stre e ts s hape file3. Obtain for e clos e d prope rty d ata to ge ocod e the d ata in the stud y are a4. Find d ocum e nte d police incid e nts that are in the stud y are a5. Apply a d istance around for e clos e d prope rtie s to d e te rm ine incre as e d crim inal activity6. Cre ate rand om ad d r e s s e s to s e e the corr e lation of for e closure s and crim e


The re sults of this proje ct conclud e d that the r e is apos itive re lations hip be tw e e n for e closure s and crim e .To s olve the re s e arch que stion, d ata w as obtaine dfrom various s ource s to cre ate a stud y are a. Crim eincid e nts w e r e analyze d w ith proxim ity to for e clos e dprope rtie s. Ne w applications le arne d from this proje ct

w as us ing QGIS to ge ocod e ad d r e s s e s and colle ctings ite s pe cific d ata for this proje ct. Future re s e arch thatcould follow this proje ct w ould be analyzing s ocial ande conom ic tre nd s that le ad to for e closure s andincre as e d crim e .


Table 1.Buffe r d istance from for e clos e d prope rtie s and the num be r of crim e s that occur w ithin thatd istance and the pe rce nt of viole nt and non-viole nt crim e s from total crim inal activity.

Buffer Distance (ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%)200 2178 591 27 1587 73500 11474 3115 27 8357 731000 32145 7974 25 24171 752000 56245 12806 23 43439 77

Table 1. Buffe r d istance from rand om ad d r e s s e s and the num be r of crim e s that occur w ithin thatd istance and the pe rce nt of viole nt and non-viole nt crim e s from total crim inal activity.

Buffer Distance (ft) Total Crime Incidents Violent Crimes Percent of VC (%) Non-Violent Crimes Percent of NVC (%)200 1,089 222 20 867 80500 6,542 1,185 18 5,357 821000 22,744 4,332 19 18,412 812000 55,876 10,956 20 44,920 80

The re sults of this proje ct conclud e that the r e is apos itive re lations hip be tw e e n for e clos e d prope rtie sand crim e incid e nts. Figure 1 s how s for e closur eprope rtie s and rand om ad d r e s s e s w ith a 500-m e te rbuffe r d istance for crim e incid e nts in Philad e lphiaCounty. The r e is a highe r conce ntration of crim eincid e nts locate d around for e clos e d prope rtie scom pare d to furthe r aw ay. The r e w e r e 489for e clos e d hom e s in the stud y are a. In the buffe rd istance , 49,499 crim e incid e nts occurr e d . The r e w e r e489 rand om ad d r e s s e s ad d e d to the stud y are a. In thebuffe r d istance , 45,523 crim e incid e nts occurre d .Com paring for e clos e d prope rtie s w ith rand omad d r e s s e s s how s the re lations hip be tw e e n

for e closure s and crim e . Crim e incid e nts w e r ecate gorize d bas e d on viole nt or non-viole nt crim e s.Table 1 w as cre ate d to show how crim e incid e ntsincre as e w ith buffe r d istance from the for e clos e dprope rtie s. De s pite the incre as ing am ount of crim eincid e nts, this ind icate s that the r e is a highe rconce ntration of crim e locate d clos e to the for e clos e dprope rty. Table 2 w as cre ate d to s how how crim eincid e nts incre as e w ith buffe r d istance from a rand omad d r e s s. The pe rce nt change of the total crim eincid e nts fluctuate s w ith d istance . Com paring Table s 1and 2, the r e are m or e viole nt crim e s around for e clos e dprope rtie s. This supports the pos itive re lations hipbe tw e e n for e clos e d prope rtie s and crim e .

Results and Discussion