phi learning eee price list oct 2014 author wise

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  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    PHI Learning Private Limited Delhi October


    ISBN Athor!"# $I$L%

    ...............978-81-203-3994-1 Abbasi & Abbasi

    ............... 978-81-203-2094-9 Abel IBM PC Assembly Language and P!gamming" #$% ed.

    ............... 81-203-2#87-7 Abel & emen$elli '(!lu$i!nay Ci$i)al *%e!y and I$s +!le in Publi) A,ai

    ...............978-81-203-473- Aba%am

    ...............978-81-203-434-7 Aba%ams!n

    ............... 978-81-203-3180-8 Abams /nes Manual ! mall Business" *%e

    ............... 978-81-203-2943-0 Abams

    ...............978-81-203-384#- A)%u$%an 'ngineeing *%em!dynami)s" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-3820-3 A)uaa% !$i)ul$ue5 Pin)i6les and Pa)$i)es" 4$% ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4330- A)uaa%

    ...............978-81-203-0838-1 Adam & 'be$

    ...............978-81-203-489-7 Adiesa(an

    ...............978-81-203-419-2 Aga/al !und a$e yd!l!gy

    ...............978-81-203-3872-2 Aga/al AP + India Pay!ll5 *e)%ni)al +eeen)e Leaning uid

    ...............978-81-203-3984-2 Aga/al

    ...............978-81-203-4223-1 Aga/al

    No& o'(o)ie"

    +ene/able 'negy !u)es5 *%ei Im6a)$ !n l!bal aand P!llu$i!n

    !mens i$ing in $%e :ine$een$% and */en$ie$% Cen$u%!$ $!ies

    Classi)al *%e!y and M!den $udies5 In$!du)$i!n $!!)i!l!gi)al *%e!y

    u))essul Business Plan" *%e5 e)e$s and $a$egies" 4ed.

    Pin)i6les ! C!6 P!du)$i!n5 *%e!y" *e)%niues and*e)%n!l!gy" 2nd ed.

    P!du)$i!n and 6ea$i!ns Managemen$5 C!n)e6$s" M!dand Be%a(i!" #$% ed.

    Managemen$ In!ma$i!n ys$ems5 Bes$ Pa)$i)es andA66li)a$i!ns in Business" 2nd ed.

    AP +5 M" P; and *aining5 *e)%ni)al +eeen)e andLeaning uide

    AP + Pes!nnel Adminis$a$i!n and +e)ui$men$5*e)%ni)al +eeen)e and Leaning uide" 2nd ed.

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ...............978-81-203-40#-7 Aga/al

    ............... 978-81-203-497- Aga/al AP MM In(en$!y Managemen$

    ...............978-81-203-48#1- Aga/al

    ............... 978-81-203-1007-0 Aga/al & ai Paas% a C%emi)al 'ngineeing *%em!dynami)s

    ...............978-81-203-4018-3 A%u>a

    ...............978-81-203-4312-2 A%u>a M!ney Ma$$es5 *%e ABCs ! Pes!nal ?inan)e" 2nd

    ...............978-81-203-4#04-1 Aila/adi & ing% L!gis$i)s Managemen$" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-3991-0 Aina6ue & Aina6ue Audi$ing and Assuan)e" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-3221-8 A>ami" e$ al. In$ena$i!nal Business5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e" 2nd ed

    ...............978-81-203-4997-1 Aea In$!du)$i!n $! A$i@)ial In$elligen)e" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-38#3-1 A%$a & A%san *e=$b!! ! ;i,een$ial Cal)ulus" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-44#7-0 Ama>ian" e$ al.

    ...............978-81-203-0921-0 :a$ual Language P!)essing5 A Paninian Pes6e)$i(

    AP + *ime Managemen$5 *e)%ni)al +eeen)e andLeaning uide" 2nd ed.

    AP MM5 Pu)%asing5 *e)%ni)al +eeen)e and Leanuide

    In$!du)$i!n $! :umei)al Me$%!ds in C%emi)al 'ng

    Linguis$i)s5 An In$!du)$i!n $! Language andC!mmuni)a$i!n" $% ed.

    As%a B%aa$i" C%ai$anya &angal

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ............... 978-81-203-392- Au>u!bi & adiu In$!du)$i!n $! B!adband C!mmuni)a$i!n ys$ems

    ...............978-81-203-3340- Ala(ala CA;CAM5 C!n)e6$s and A66li)a$i!ns

    ...............978-81-203-387-0 Ala(ala C!m6u$e a6%i)s

    ...............978-81-203-3#84-4 Ala(ala ?ini$e 'lemen$ Me$%!ds5 Basi) C!n)e6$s and A66li)

    ...............978-81-203-334#-1 C!m6u$e In$ega$ed Manua)$uing

    ............... 978-81-203-212-7 Ale=ande" %a6e & Bailey ?undamen$als ! In(es$men$s" 3d ed.

    ...............978-81-203-290#-8 All)!n

    ............... 81-203-2209- Allen Binging :e/ *e)%n!l!gy $! Mae$

    ............... 978-81-203-0##1-9 Als$!n P%il!s!6%y ! Language

    ...............978-81-203-233-0 Al$ea 'n$e6ise/ide +es!u)e Planning5 *%e!y and Pa)

    ...............978-81-203-28#9-4 Al$ea u66ly C%ain Managemen$5 C!n)e6$s and Cases

    ...............978-81-203-3223-2 Al$man 'd.

    ...............978-81-203-2900-3 Ambea Me)%ani)al Diba$i!ns and :!ise 'ngineeing

    ...............978-81-203-3134-1 Ambea Me)%anism and Ma)%ine *%e!y

    ...............978-81-203-271-2 Ameen +eigea$i!n and Ai C!ndi$i!ning

    ...............978-81-203-407-1 Anami e$ al.

    ............... 978-81-203-24#4-1 Anand 'le)$!ni) Ins$umen$s and Ins$umen$a$i!n *e)%n!

    ...............978-81-203-4939-1 Anand Euma C!n$!l ys$ems" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-420-8 Anand Euma ;igi$al ignal P!)essing

    ...............978-81-203-#0#2- Anand Euma ?undamen$als ! ;igi$al Ci)ui$s" 3d ed.

    Ala(udeen &Dena$es%/aan

    ganiFa$i!nal ;ynami)s and In$e(en$i!n5 *!!ls !C%anging $%e !6la)e

    andb!! ! C!n$em6!ay Be%a(i!al')!n!mi)s5?!unda$i!ns and ;e(el!6men$s

    C!m6u$e C!n)e6$s and C P!gamming5 A !lis$i) $! Leaning C" 2nd ed.

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ...............978-81-203-33#-7 Anand Euma Pulse and ;igi$al Ci)ui$s" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4840-0 Anand Euma ignals and ys$ems" 3d ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4938 Anand Euma /i$)%ing *%e!y and L!gi) ;esign" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4227-9 Anandana$aa>an Bi!medi)al Ins$umen$a$i!n and Measuemen$

    ............... 978-81-203-4977-3 Anandana$aa>an ;igi$al ;esign ?!$%)!ming

    ...............978-81-203-419-2 Mass *anse5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e

    ............... 978-81-203-23#-0 Anas$asi & Gbina Psy)%!l!gi)al *es$ing" 7$% ed.



    ............... 978-81-203-3799-2 Andes!n" e$ al. ind!/s e(e 2008 *eminal e(i)es +es!u)e E

    ............... 978-81-203-2177-9 Andleig% & *%aa Mul$imedia ys$ems ;esign

    ............... 978-81-203-3890- Andeasen & E!$le $a$egi) Mae$ing ! :!n6!@$ ganiFa$i!ns" 7$

    ............... 978-81-203-3281-2 Angel! & ubamanian P!/de Me$allugy5 )ien)e" *e)%n!l!gy and A66li)

    ...............978-81-203-3072- A6$e

    ............... 978-81-203-4271-2 AmendHiF & M!du)% ')!n!mi)s ! Mi)!@nan)e" *%e" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-13#2-1 An!ld dinay ;i,een$ial 'ua$i!ns

    ...............978-81-203-391#- A!a +eigea$i!n and Ai C!ndi$i!ning

    ...............978-81-203-49-7 A!a & Ma%anale Mae$ing +esea)%

    ...............978-81-203-381- A6i$a !6al Magniying C

    ...............978-81-203-4019-0 A6i$a !6al Magniying ;a$a $u)$ue

    ...............978-81-203-408-8 A6i$a !6al & Pa$il Magniying b>e)$ ien$ed Analysis and ;esign

    Anan$%aaman & %ei,aBegum

    Andes!n & in /i$%Mi)!s!$ +em!$e ;es$!6Di$ualiFa$i!n *eam

    ind!/s e(e 2008 +2 +em!$e ;es$!6 e(i)es Ei$

    C!use in 'nglis% C!mmuni)a$i!n" A5 ?! $%e Leane'nglis% as a e)!nd Language

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ...............978-81-203-3131-0 A$%u

    ............... 978-81-203-42-8 A$%u ?is$-$ime Manages uide $! Pe!man)e A66ais

    ............... 978-81-203-4329-0 A$in Algeba" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-3331-4 Auld%as Classi)al Me)%ani)s

    ...............978-81-203-391-3 Auld%as 'ngineeing P%ysi)s

    ............... 978-81-203-321#-7 Auld%as M!le)ula $u)$ue and 6e)$!s)!6y" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-33#-3 Auld%as

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise



    978-81-203-3310-9 Aubu)%!n

    ............... 978-81-203-3027- A/ad 'le)$!ni) C!mme)e5 ?!m Disi!n $! ?ul@llmen$" 3d

    ............... 978-81-203-431#-3 A/ad & %aFii En!/ledge Managemen$" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4318-4 A=el!d

    ............... 978-81-203-0#1-8 Ba)% ;esign ! $%e G:IJ 6ea$ing ys$em" *%e


    978-81-203-3471-7 Ba)!n

    ...............978-81-203-347#-# Ba)!n & Pug%

    ...............978-81-203-4#29-4 Badgi Pa)$i)al uide $! uman +es!u)e In!ma$i!n ys

    ...............978-81-203-3942-2 Ba%adue

    ...............978-81-203-4072-# Bala)%andan 'ngineeing ?luid Me)%ani)s

    ...............978-81-203-28#7-0 Bala)%andan ?undamen$als ! C!m6essible ?luid ;ynami)s

    ...............978-81-203-4021-3 Bala)%andan as ;ynami)s ! 'nginees

    ............... 978-81-203-4008-4 Bala)%andan as *ables ! $eady ne-dimensi!nal ?l!/ ! Pe

    ...............978-81-203-433-8 C!6!a$e !(enan)e and !)ial +es6!nsibili$y" 2n

    ...............978-81-203-41-1 Bala)%andan & *%!$%adi *a=a$i!n La/ and Pa)$i)e" D!l. I

    ...............978-81-203-3132-7 Balis%na & %ama

    ............... 978-81-203-3771-8 Ball Basi)s ! 6e)$!s)!6y" *%e

    ............... 978-81-203-4973-# Balle/ '=am +e 70-875 C!n@guing ind!/s 8.1

    ............... 978-81-203-3394-9 Balle/ ind!/s Dis$a !me :e$/!ing

    ............... 978-81-203-#013-7 Balle/ & Mui ind!/s 8.1 Plain & im6le

    Ana$!my ! Pesuasi!n" *%e5 !/ $! Pesuade $%eK!u Ideas" A))e6$ K!u P!6!sals" Buy K!u P!du)e(i)es" ie K!u" P!m!$e K!u" and M!e

    e$$ing K!u ay '(ey ;ay5 Mas$eing $%e L!s$ A$Pesuasi!n

    elling $! Ma>! A))!un$s5 *!!ls" *e)%niues and Pa

    !lu$i!ns ! $%e ales Manageinning Be%a(i!u5 %a$ $%e ma$es$" M!s$ u))eC!m6anies ;! ;i,een$ly

    Mi)!6!)ess!s5 *%e 8088088" 80188028"80388048 and $%e Pen$ium ?amily

    Bala)%andan &C%andaseaan

    !&NLO "d (QQu Ruis6uden)e

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise



    ............... 81-203-3014-# Ban)!$ Mi)!s$i6 and Pin$ed An$enna ;esign

    ...............978-81-203-392-0 Bandy!6ad%yay C!mmuni)a$i!n 'ngineeing

    ............... 978-81-203-19#4-7 Bandy!6ad%yay C!n$!l 'ngineeing5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e

    ............... 978-81-203-3277-# Bandy!6ad%yay ;esign ! C!n)e$e $u)$ues

    ............... 978-81-203-2997-3 Bandy!6ad%yay 'le)$i)al Ma)%ines5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e

    ............... 978-81-203-2783-2 Bandy!6ad%yay 'le)$i)al P!/e ys$ems5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e

    ...............978-81-203-2778-8 Bandy!6ad%yay

    ...............978-81-203-480#-9 Bandy!6ad%yay M!bile C!mme)e

    ...............978-81-203-48#4-7 Bandy!6ad%yay 6$i)al C!mmuni)a$i!n and :e$/!s

    ...............978-81-203-3948-4 Bane>ee A))!un$an)y ! Class JI CB'

    ...............978-81-203-3947-7 Bane>ee A))!un$an)y ! Class JII CB'

    ...............978-81-203-3790-9 Bane>ee


    978-81-203-4908-7 Bane>ee C!s$ A))!un$ing5 *%e!y and Pa)$i)e" 13$% ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-#014-4 Bane>ee 'le)$i)al and 'le)$!ni)s 'ngineeing Ma$eials ?!

    ...............978-81-203-4#2-3 Bane>ee 'le)$i)al and 'le)$!ni) Measuemen$s

    ...............978-81-203-41#-4 Bane>ee ?inan)ial P!li)y and Managemen$ A))!un$ing" 8$% e

    ...............978-81-203-39#0-7 Bane>ee ?inan)ial A))!un$ing5 C!n)e6$s" Analysis" Me$%!ds a

    ............... 978-81-203-3194-# Bane>ee ?inan)ial A))!un$ing5 A ;ynami) A66!a)%

    ...............978-81-203-30-3 Bane>ee ?undamen$als ! ?inan)ial Managemen$

    ............... 978-81-203-218#-4 Bane>ee In$ene$/!ing *e)%n!l!gies5 An 'ngineeing Pes

    Balle/ & +eyn!lds /i$%Bia!e

    MC* el-Pa)ed *aining Ei$S'=am 70-325 ManagP!>e)$s /i$% Mi)!s!$ )e P!>e)$ 2007

    In$!du)$i!n $! ignals and ys$ems and ;igi$al igP!)essing

    C!6!a$e 'n(i!nmen$al Managemen$5 A $udy /i$+eeen)e $! India

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ...............978-81-203-3282-9 Bane>ee & %ama +ein(en$ing $%e Gni$ed :a$i!ns

    ............... 978-81-203-1#7-1 Bane>i 'n(i!nmen$al C%emis$y" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-444-4 Bane>i & Bane>ee 6e)ial *%e!y ! +ela$i(i$y" *%e" 2nd ed.

    ...............81-203-273-3 Bansal C!m6u$ing ! Managemen$

    ............... 978-81-203-48-0 Baada$ P!li$i)al Ide!l!gies5 *%ei igins and Im6a)$" 11$%

    ...............978-81-203-34#7-1 Bae" e$ al.

    ............... 978-81-203-4232-3 Baney aining and us$aining C!m6e$i$i(e Ad(an$age" 4$%

    ...............978-81-203-#044-1 Baney & es$ely

    ............... 81-203-2#72-9 Ba!ne +adi)al P!li$i)al ')!n!my5 A C!n)ise In$!du)$i!n

    ............... 978-81-203-448#-3 Ba! Ma)!e)!n!mi)s" #$% ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-2##1-7 Ba! & ala-i-Ma$in ')!n!mi) !/$%" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4#7-8 Basi *e=$b!! ! Immun!l!gy" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-474-# Basu ;esign Me$%!ds and Analysis ! Alg!i$%ms" 2nd ed

    ...............81-203-2140-# Basu 'ssen)e ! induism" *%e" 2nd ed.


    978-81-203-438#- Basu Measue *%e!y and P!babili$y" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-3334-# Basu *e)%ni)al i$ing

    ............... 978-81-203-2723-8 Basu" e$ al. ?undamen$als ! *ib!l!gy

    ...............978-81-203-4421-1 Basu" e$ al. Indus$ial ganiFa$i!n and Managemen$

    ...............978-81-203-4071-8 In$!du)$i!n $! As$!6%ysi)s" An" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-107#-9 Ba$%e ?ini$e 'lemen$ P!)edues

    ...............978-81-203-41#7-9 Ba$%ul Ma$%ema$i)al ?!unda$i!ns ! C!m6u$e )ien)e

    Mi)!s!$ )e Business A66li)a$i!ns ! )e%aeP!in$ e(e 2007

    $a$egi) Managemen$ and C!m6e$i$i(e Ad(an$ageC!n)e6$s" #$% ed.

    Basu" C%a$$!6ad%yay &Bis/as

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ...............978-81-203-4#40-9 Ba$%ul +emedial Ma$%ema$i)s

    ...............978-81-203-4193-7 Ba$%ul

    ............... 978-81-203-0141-2 Baum!l ')!n!mi) *%e!y and 6ea$i!ns Analysis" 4$% ed.

    ...............978-81-203-3313-0 Bea)%

    ............... 978-81-203-331#-4 Bealey & Ludl!/ 'ds. P%il!s!6%y ! Mind" *%e" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-4004- Beasley & Mille M!den 'le)$!ni) C!mmuni)a$i!ns" 9$% ed.

    ...............978-81-203-3749-7 En!/ledge Managemen$5 An '(!lu$i!nay Die/

    ...............978-81-203-4137-1 En!/ledge Managemen$5 ys$ems and P!)esses

    ............... 978-81-203-437#-7 Beae$ & !di) In$ena$i!nal ?inan)ial Managemen$

    ...............978-81-203-2934-8 Bell!n & %i$$ing$!n

    ............... 978-81-203-4401-3 Bell!ni" e$ al. P%ysle$

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    ...............978-81-203-440#-1 B%agade & :ages%/a P!)ess ;ynami)s and C!n$!l

    ...............978-81-203-3917-0 B%ama

    ...............978-81-203-421-# B%aga(a

    ............... 978-81-203-42#0-7 B%aga(a & %ama Me)%ani)al Be%a(i!u and *es$ing ! Ma$eials

    ............... 978-81-203-23-7 B%ase D;L Pime" A" 3d ed.


    978-81-203-4483-9 B%a$ia & e$%i C!6!a$e and C!m6ensa$i!n La/s

    ............... 978-81-203-2993-# B%a$naga *e=$b!! ! C!m6u$e )ien)e ! Class JI

    ............... 978-81-203-3#18-9 B%a$naga *e=$b!! ! C!m6u$e )ien)e ! Class JII

    ...............978-81-203-483-3 B%a$$

    ...............978-81-203-378-8 B%a$$a

    ............... 978-81-203-4978-0 B%a$$a)%aya 6ea$i!ns Managemen$

    ...............978-81-203-4904-9 B%a$$a)%aya

    ...............978-81-203-470-3 B%a$$a)%ayya Ad(an)es in Ru$e Ag!n!my" P!)essing and Mae$


    978-81-203-4009-1 B%a$$a)%ayya C!ss-Cul$ual Managemen$5 *e=$ and Cases

    ...............978-81-203-4#1-2 B%a$$a)%ayya 'ssen$ials ! ?inan)ial A))!un$ing" 3d ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4#2-9 B%a$$a)%ayya ?inan)ial A))!un$ing ! Business Manages" 4$% ed

    ...............978-81-203-2###-# B%a$$a)%ayya Pin)i6les and Pa)$i)e ! C!s$ A))!un$ing" 3d ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-4979-7 B%ide ;igi$al P!/e ys$em P!$e)$i!n

    ...............978-81-203-44#4-9 Bia!e

    ............... 978-81-203-00#9-0 Billings $u)$ual e!l!gy" 3d ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-37-4 Bing%am & Leay 'ds. Big Ideas in C!llab!a$i(e Publi) Managemen$

    Pa$ial ;i,een$ial 'ua$i!ns5 An In$!du)$!y *ea$/i$% A66li)a$i!ns

    'ngineeing Ma$eials5 P!lymes" Ceami)s and C!m2nd ed.

    In$!du)$i!n $! 6ea$ing ys$ems" An5 C!n)e6$s anPa)$i)e" 4$% ed.

    In$ena$i!nal ;i)$i!nay ! Publi) Managemen$ and!(enan)e

    !ing Ca6i$al Managemen$5 $a$egies and *e)%n3d ed.

    u))essul P!>e)$ Managemen$5 A66lying Bes$ Pa)and +eal-!ld *e)%niues /i$% Mi)!s!$ P!>e)$

  • 8/9/2019 PHI Learning EEE Price List Oct 2014 Author Wise


    ............... 81-203-20#3-0 Binbaum Mi)!s!$ '=)el DBA P!gamming ! $%e Abs!lu$e

    ...............978-81-203-4317-7 Biland

    ...............978-81-203-491-8 Bis/al ;is)e$e Ma$%ema$i)s and a6% *%e!y" 3d ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-3444-1 Bis/al :umei)al Analysis

    ...............978-81-203-422-2 Bis/al dinay ;i,een$ial 'ua$i!ns" 2nd ed.

    ............... 978-81-203-3140-2 Bis/al P!babili$y and $a$is$i)s

    ............... 978-81-203-081#-2 Bis/as L!gi) ;esign *%e!y

    ...............978-81-203-487#-2 Bis/as +ela$i!ns%i6 Mae$ing5 *e=$ and Cases" 2nd ed.

    ...............978-81-203-423-9 Bis/as *e=$b!! ! Ma$i= Algeba" 3d ed.

    ...............978-81-203-4494-# Bis/as" e$ al. Mus%!!ms5 A Manual ! Cul$i(a$i!n

    ...............978-81-203-1041-4 Bla)

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