phellinus in macedonia

197 Introduction In Macedonia systematic research on the ge- nus Phellinus Quel. (1886) has not been conducted up till now, and there are relatively few mycologi- cal papers concerned only with individual species of this genus. Publications making reference to individ- ual species of Phellinus genus are as follows: Phel� linus conchatus (Karadelev 1993), Ph. ferrugino� sus (Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al. 2002c ), Ph. hartigii (Tortić 1967, 1968, 1988; Grujovs- ECOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Mitko KARADELEV 1 , Katerina RUSEVSKA 1 & Sofija STOJANOVSKA 2 1 Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences an� �athe�atics, P.�. Bo� 1�, �rhi�e�o�a �, 1��� S�o�e, the �es an� �athe�atics, P.�. Bo� 1�, �rhi�e�o�a �, 1��� S�o�e, the �e�ublic of �ace�onia �ace�onian �ycological society, �ycological Laboratory, Faculty of Natural Sciences an�athe�atics, �rhi�e�o�a �, P.�.Bo� 1�, 1��� S�o�e, the �e�ublic of �ace�onia ИЗВОД Караделев М., Русевска К. и Стојановска С. (2008): Дистрибуција и екологија на видови од родот Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) во Република Македонија. Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 06-09.10.2007, Струга. Посебни изданија на Македонското еколошко друштво, Кн. 8, Скопје. Ова се први податоци за систематски истражувања на родот Phellinus во Република Македонија. Регистрирани се следните 16 вида: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. har- tigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. laevigatus, Ph. pini, Ph. pomaceus, Ph. pseudopunctatus, Ph. punctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. rimo- sus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus и Ph. tremulae. Два вида се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија - Phellnus rimosus, во категоријата на посебно ретки или ретки видови габи и Ph. robustus, како вид кој егзистира на загрозени или ретки станишта. Клучни зборови: Phellinus, екологија, распространување, Република Македонија ABSTRACT Karadelev M., �usevs�a K. & Stojanovs�a S. (2008): �cology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hy- ., �usevs�a K. & Stojanovs�a S. (2008): �cology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hy- menochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06-09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological So- ciety, Vol. 8, S�opje. This is the first paper on systematic research into Phellinus genus in the Republic of Macedonia. The fol- lowing 16 species have been recorded with the research in the Republic of Macedonia: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. hartigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. lae�igatus, Ph. �ini, Ph. �o�aceus, Ph. �seu�o�unctatus, Ph. �unctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. ri�osus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus and Ph. tre�ulae. Two species are put in the Preliminary Red List of the Macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia - Phell� nus ri�osus, belongs to the category of particularly rare or rare species and Ph. robustus, existing only in endan- gered or rare habitats. Key words: Phellinus, ecology, distribution, Republic of Macedonia ka & Papazov 1974; Karadelev 1993, 1995c, 1995d; Karadelev & Rusevska 2000, 2004; Karadelev et al. 2002d, 2003b; Karadelev et al. 2003a; Настов и сор. 1996), Ph. igniarius (Серафимовски & Грујовска 1959; Tortić 1968, 1987, 1988; Tortić & Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1993, 1994, 1995b; Karadelev & Savova 1995; Karade- lev & Rusevska 2000, 2004), Ph. �ini (Томашевиќ 1955, Tortić 1955, Grujovs�a 1972; Tortić 1988; Karadelev 1993), Ph. �o�aceus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Karadelev 1986, 1993, 1994, 1995c; Karadelev et Оригинален научен труд Original Scientific Article

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In Macedonia systematic research on the ge-nus Phellinus Quel. (1886) has not been conducted up till now, and there are relatively few mycologi-cal papers concerned only with individual species of this genus. Publications making reference to individ-ual species of Phellinus genus are as follows: Phel�linus conchatus (Karadelev 1993), Ph. ferrugino�sus (Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al. 2002c ), Ph. hartigii (Tortić 1967, 1968, 1988; Grujovs-



1Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences an� �athe�atics, P.�. Bo� 1��, �rhi�e�o�a �, 1��� S�o��e, the �e�s an� �athe�atics, P.�. Bo� 1��, �rhi�e�o�a �, 1��� S�o��e, the �e��ublic of �ace�onia

��ace�onian �ycological society, �ycological Laboratory, Faculty of Natural Sciences an� �athe�atics, �rhi�e�o�a �, P.�.Bo� 1��, 1��� S�o��e, the �e�ublic of �ace�onia


Караделев М., Русевска К. и Стојановска С. (2008): Дистрибуција и екологија на видови од родот Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) во Република Македонија. Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 06-09.10.2007, Струга. Посебни изданија на Македонското еколошко друштво, Кн. 8, Скопје.

Ова се први податоци за систематски истражувања на родот Phellinus во Република Македонија. Регистрирани се следните 16 вида: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. har-tigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. laevigatus, Ph. pini, Ph. pomaceus, Ph. pseudopunctatus, Ph. punctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. rimo-sus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus и Ph. tremulae. Два вида се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија - Phellnus rimosus, во категоријата на посебно ретки или ретки видови габи и Ph. robustus, како вид кој егзистира на загрозени или ретки станишта.

Клучни зборови: Phellinus, екологија, распространување, Република Македонија


Karadelev M., �usevs�a K. & Stojanovs�a S. (2008): �cology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hy-., �usevs�a K. & Stojanovs�a S. (2008): �cology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hy-menochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 06-09.10.2007, Struga. Special issues of Macedonian Ecological So-ciety, Vol. 8, S�opje.

This is the first paper on systematic research into Phellinus genus in the Republic of Macedonia. The fol-lowing 16 species have been recorded with the research in the Republic of Macedonia: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. hartigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. lae�igatus, Ph. �ini, Ph. �o�aceus, Ph. �seu�o�unctatus, Ph. �unctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. ri�osus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus and Ph. tre�ulae.

Two species are put in the Preliminary Red List of the Macromycetes in the Republic of Macedonia - Phell�nus ri�osus, belongs to the category of particularly rare or rare species and Ph. robustus, existing only in endan-gered or rare habitats.

Key words: Phellinus, ecology, distribution, Republic of Macedonia

ka & Papazov 1974; Karadelev 1993, 1995c, 1995d; Karadelev & Rusevska 2000, 2004; Karadelev et al. 2002d, 2003b; Karadelev et al. 2003a; Настов и сор. 1996), Ph. igniarius (Серафимовски & Грујовска 1959; Tortić 1968, 1987, 1988; Tortić & Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1993, 1994, 1995b; Karadelev & Savova 1995; Karade-lev & Rusevska 2000, 2004), Ph. �ini (Томашевиќ 1955, Tortić 1955, Grujovs�a 1972; Tortić 1988; Karadelev 1993), Ph. �o�aceus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Karadelev 1986, 1993, 1994, 1995c; Karadelev et

Оригинален научен трудOriginal Scientific Article

Mitko KARADELEV et al.

198 Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите од Македонија

al. 2002a, b, c, d, 2003a, b; Rusevska & Karade-lev 2004), Ph. �unctatus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić & Cekova 1975; Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karade-lev et al. 2002c), Ph. ribis (Tortić 1988; Karade-lev 1993, 1999c, 2000b), Ph. ri�osus (Karadelev 1999b, 2000a, 2002), Ph. robustus (Pilàt & Lindt-ner 1938; Tortić 1968; Kotlaba 1975; Tortić & Ka-radelev 1986; Karadelev 1993; Karadelev 1995d), Ph. torulosus (Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić & Karade-lev 1986; Karadelev 1988, 1993, 1994; Rusevska & Karadelev 2004), Ph. tre�ulae (Томашевиќ 1955; Koleva-Se�ut�ovs�a 1959; Tortić 1988; Karadelev 1993; Karadelev et al. 2002b, c).

Ryvarden in his investigations have shown that species of Phyllo�oria (Phyllo�oria ribis (Schu-mach.) Ryvarden (syn. Phellinus ribis (Schumach.) Quél.)) are monomitic and, therefore, excluded these species from Pellinus.

Species of the genus Phellinus were creat-ed by Quélet. There are lignicolous Hymenomycet-es in order Aphyllophorales (fam. Hymenochaetace-ae). Almost all species of Phellinus cause a decay of white rot type. Many of the species cause decay heartwood in living trees. The important characteris-tics of this large and cosmopolitan genus are the fol-lowing: basidiocarps perennial, resupinate to pileate, single or imbricate, sessile with decurrent pore sur-face; pore surface ferruginous brown to dull brown; pores 2-11 per mm; pores isodiametric more rare-ly irregular and angular and slightly split; upper sur-face pubescent to tomentose or becoming glabrous, often with a thin black cuticle, ferruginous to black-ish brown; margin rounded and obtuse to acute, ster-ile below; hiphal system dimitic; generative hyphae hyaline to pale yellow, normally septate and thin-walled; skeletal hyphae yellowish to rusty brown, thik-walled with septa absent and wider than the generative hyphae; hymenal setae and tramal set-ae absent or present; basidiospores globose to cy-lindrical, smooth, hyaline to rusty brown, thin thick walled, dextrinoid to negative Melzer’s reagent; ba-sidia hyaline, globose to clavate, 2-4 sterigmate; all structures dar�ening in 2% KOH. There are parasit-ic or saprobic species, some of them can be found in the boreal-temperature zone and most of them lives on hardwoods.

Materials and methods

The sources of this list have been papers pub-lished, exsiccates deposited in different collections, and research notes of the present authors. Some of the specimens, as mentioned above, have been pre-served at the Botanical Department, Faculty of Sci-ence in Zagreb, and in the National Collection of Fungi (FUNGI MAC�DONICI) at the Institute of Biology, Faculty of Natural Science, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in S�opje. The collections in

the fungarium of the Botanical Department, Facul-ty of Science in Zagreb, have been mostly collected and examined by M. Tortić. All other species with-out any fungaria marks in the text have been collect-ed and determined by the present authors.

The identification of the species of Phellinus has been done according to Jülich (1984), Breiten-bach & Kränzlin (1986), Bernicchia (1990), Lars-en & Cobb-Poulle (1990), Jahn (1990), �yvard-en (1991), �yvarden, Gilbertson (1994), Hansen & Knudsen (eds.) (1997) and Krieglsteiner (2000). In a few cases, the names of the species have been mod-ified according to Index Fungorum 2005. The spe-cies are reported alphabetically. Under each fungal species data of geographical distribution (distribu-tion maps), altitude, forest association, substrate, da-ta source and previous publica tions are provided.


Phellinus conchatus1. (Pers.) Quél. – Fig. 1Collections: MAK, ZA.Ref.: Karadelev 1993.Belasica Mt: Volovarnik, 1250 m, Fagus,

27.02.1995, exs. MAK 95/5631; Galichica Mt: Gradishte, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis mace-donicum, stump of Car�inus orientalis, 14.10.1988, notes Karadelev; Kozhuf Mt: Chvrstec, 1400 m, beech forest, stump of Sali� ca�rea, 13.07.2005, exs. MAK 05/5031; Pelister Mt: r. Magareshka Re-ka, 1500 m, Prunus cerasifera, 14.07.1989, notes Karadelev; Skopje: Aerodrom municipality, 250 m, park, Sali� sp., 06.04.2007, notes Karadelev.

Phellinus contiguous2. (Fr.) Pat. - Fig. 2Collections: MAK.Bogdanci: Bolovan, 200 m, Coccife-

ro-Carpinetum orientalis, Car�inus orientalis, 24.11.2007, exs. MAK 07/8368.

Phellinus erectus3. A. David - Fig. 2Collections: MAK.Skopje: Gazi Baba, above Faculty of Natural

Science and Mathematics, 250 m, �obinia �seu�o�acacia and Quercus plantings, deciduous wood, 24.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8311.

Phellinus ferruginosus4. (Schrad.) Pat. - Fig. 2

Collections: MAK.Ref.: Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al.

2002c.Bistra Mt.: along r. Tresonechka Reka, 900-

1100 m, azonal vegetation, unknown substrate, 06.03.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Galichica Mt: Pljus�a, 1000 m, Quercetum frainetto�cerris mace-donicum, dry branches of deciduous tree, 30.04.2007, exs. MAK 07/6881; Kozhuf Mt: between Mihajlo-vo summer resort and Vasov Grad, mixed forest (Fagus, Quercus, Pinus), Fagus, 12.07.2005, notes BSRS; Smrdliva Voda, 750 m, Fagus, 16.05.1994,

Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia

199Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia

notes Karadelev; vicinity of mine Alshar, ? Cornus �as, 07.2005, exs. MAK 05/8424; Osogovski Plani-ni Mt: St. Joa�im Osogovs�i Monastery, Fagus and Quercus forest, rotten wood of Fagus, 12.06.1993, exs. MAK 93/5359; Prespa Lake: rotten wood of Juni�erus e�celsa, 09.10.2000, exs. MAK 00/2735.

Phellinus hartigii5. (Allesch. & Schnabl) Pat. - Fig. 3

Collections: MAK, ZA.�ef.: Tortić 1967, 1968, 1988; Grujos�a, Pa-

pazov 1974; Karadelev 1993, Karadelev 1995c, 1995d; Karadelev, Rusevska 2000, Karadelev, Ru-sevska 2004; Karadelev et al. 2002d, 2003b; Kara-delev et al. 2003a; Настов и сор. 1996.

Belasica Mt: Vrteshki, 1350 m, �bies borisii�regis, 06.04.1995, exs. MAK 95/5635; Ko-zhuf Mt: Momina Chuka, 1600 m, �bies forest, rot-ten wood of �bies, 04.08.2005, notes M. Karade-lev; Visoka Chuka, 1000 m, �bies, 07.1998, notes M. Karadelev; Shar Planina Mt: vicinity of Jela�, 1700 m, Abieti-Picetum scardicum, log of Picea, 09.07.1995, notes BSRS.

Phellinus igniarius6. (L.) Quél. - Fig. 4Collections: MAK, ZA.�ef.: Серафимовски & Грујовска 1959;

Fig. 1. Phellinus conchatus

Fig. 2. ■ Phellinus contiguous • Phellinus ferruginosus

Fig. 3. Phellinus hartigii

Fig. 4. ■ Phellinus igniarius

Tortić 1968, 1987, 1988; Tortić, Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev 1995b; Karade-lev, Savova 1995; Karadelev, Rusevska 2000; Kara-delev, Rusevska 2004.

Belasica Mt: Tri Vodi vill., Sali� sp. 25.02.1989, notes Karadelev; Bistra Mt: Mavro-vo, Bunec, (experimantal plot), 1350-1400 m, Ca-lamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, Sali� ca�rea, 25.09.1998, exs. MAK 98/3964; along r. Tresonech-ka Reka, 900-1100 m, azonal vegetation, Sali� alba, 06.03.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Lazaropole vill., 1300 m, Sali� sp., 08.2007; Bogdanci: around Sto-ja�ovo vill., 80 m, �obinia �seu�oacacia plantings, trunk of �obinia �seu�oacacia, 21.10.1984, exs. MAK 84/1303; Strelishte, 200 m, azonal vegetation, Sali� sp., 18.11.2006, notes M. Karadelev; Jab-lanica Mt: Vevchani vill., Vevchanski Izvori, Sal�i� elaeagnos, 11.08.2005, exs. MAK 05/7629; Sa�li� alba, 11.08.2005, notes M. Karadelev; Kozhuf Mt: Chvrstec, 1400 m, beech forest, trunk of Sali� ca�rea, 13.07.2005, exs. MAK 05/5032; Kumano-vo and vicinity: deciduous tree, 2007, exs. MAK 07/7012; r. Pchinja, Po�ulus tre�ula forest, living tree of Sali� alba, 21.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8134; Osogovski Planini Mt: Durachka Reka vill., 1100-

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1250 m, oak forest, Sali� fragilis, 09.06.2007, notes M. Karadelev; Shar Planina Mt: Zendelbeg, 1500-1600 m, �cer �seu�o�latanus, 11.07.1998, exs. MAK 98/7967; Shtip: Ljuboten vill., 400 m, Sa�li� alba, 02.05.2004, exs. MAK 04/4025; vicinity of Skopje: between Ilinden vill. and Jurumleri vill., 250 m, Po�ulus nigra and Betula �lantings, Sali� s�., 22.04.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Matka, near r. Treska, 250 m, azonal vegetation, stump of Sali� sp., 09.04.2007, exs. MAK 07/6660; Rashche vill., 700 m, deciduous forest (Quercus, Po�ulus, Ul�us), Sali� sp., 07.06.2007, exs. MAK 07/7080; Skopska Crna Gora Mt: Chucher vill., trunk of Sali� alba, 01.11.1996, notes M.Karadelev; Strumica: Cham Chifli�, Cham Poroj, 300-350 m, Pinus �allasiana forest, Sali� sp.; 29.10.1988, notes M. Karadelev; Veles: r. Babuna, 165 m, Juglando-Platanetum ori-entalis, living Sali� sp., 03.04.2006, notes BSRS.

Phellinus laevigatus7. (Fr.) Bourdot & Galzins - Fig. 5

Collections: MAK.Kozhuf Mt: Smrdliva Voda, 800 m,

beech forest, Betula sp., 24.10.2005, exs. MAK 05/5615; Pelister Mt: r. Brajchins�a �e�a, 1600 m, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, Sali� sp., 01.05.2007, MMS, exs. MAK 07/6845.

Phellinus pini8. (Brot.) Bondartsev & Sing-er - Fig. 6

Collections: MAK.�ef: Томашевиќ 1955; Grujos�a 1972; Tortić

1988; Karadelev 1993.Phellinus pomaceus9. (Pers.) Maire - Fig. 7

= Ph. tuberculosus (Baumg.) NiemelaCollections: MAK, ZA.�ef.: Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić, Karadelev

1986; Karadelev 1993, 1994; Karadelev 1995c; Ka-radelev et al. 2002a, b, c, d, 2003a, 2003b; Rusevs-ka, Karadelev 2004.

Bistra Mt: Sretkovo vill., 1000 m, Pru�nus sp., 08.04.2007, exs. MAK 07/6894; Mavro-vo, dam, Abieti-Fagetum, bark of living Prunus sp.,

Fig. 5. • Phellinus lae�igatus ■ Phellinus lun�ellii

02.07.2007, exs. MAK 07/7624; Bogdanci: Stre-lishte, Querco coccifero–Carpinetum orientalis, li-ving Pyrus a�yg�alifor�is, 10.03.2007, exs. MAK 07/6754; Dobra Voda Mt: branches of Prunus ce�rasifera, 11.2007, exs. MAK 07/8555; Galichica Mt: way to Kale, 900-1100 m, Pruno webbii-Juni-peretum excelsae, Pyrus sp., 15.08.1988, notes Ka-radelev; Jablanica Mt: above Vevchani vill., 1200 m, meadow, living Prunus cerasifera, 11.07.2006, exs. MAK 06/5840; Jakupica Mt: Cheples, 1450 m, Prunus cerasifera, 12.07.1999, notes BSRS; Koz-huf Mt: log of Prunus sp., 30.08.1988, notes Ka-radelev; Konjari vill., 1000 m, Festuco heterophyl-lae-Fagetum, Prunus cerasifera, 13.07.1996, no-tes M. Karadelev; Kozjak (between Nidze Mt and Kozhuf Mt): Majdan vill., Prunus cerasife�ra, 18.07.2000, notes BSRS; Osogovski Planini Mt: Konopnica vill., 1300 m, Festuco heterophyl-lae-Fagetum, 10.09.2003, 22.03.2003, notes Danie-la Mitovska; road to Kalin Kamen, Prunus cerasi�fera, 13.06.1993, notes M. Karadelev; Jastrebni� vill. (between Churilja� and Ozemnica), 1000, Pru�nus sp., 16.07.2007, exs. MAK 07/8449; Durachka Reka vill., 1100-1250 m, oak forest, Prunus cera�sifera, 09.06.2007, notes M. Karadelev; (Kratovo) Popovo, 1400 m, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, living Prunus cerasifera, 10.06.2007, notes M. Ka-radelev; Pasadzhikovo, 1100 m, Fagus forest, living Prunus cerasifera, 20.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8115; Prespa Lake: Golem Grad Island, 900 m, Pruno webbii-Juniperetum excelsae, rotten wood of Prunus sp., 09.10.2000, exs. MAK 00/2737; Skopje and vi-cinity: Gazi Baba, above aculty of natural Sciences and Mathematics, 250 m, �obinia �seu�oacacia and Quercus plantings, unknovn substrate, 24.10.2007, notes Karadelev; r. Markova Reka, around Mar-kov Manastir, 400 m, Querco-Carpinetum orien-talis macedonicum, Prunus sp., 13.04.2003, log of unknown substrate, 13.04.2003, notes K. Rusev-ska; Vodno, above Sredno Vodno, 500 m, decidu-

Fig. 6. ■ Phellinus �ini • Phellinus ribis

Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia

201Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia

Fig. 7. • Phellinus �o�aceus

ous forest with Pinus plantings, living Prunus sp., 04.05.2007, notes MMS; around Kuchkovo vill., 500-530 m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis mace-donicum, living tree of Prunus sp., 24.04.2005, notes Sofče Spasi�ova; Aerodrom municipality, 250 m, park, Pyrus sp., 06. 04.2007, notes M. Ka-radelev; Skopska Crna Gora Mt: near Ljuban-ci vill., Orlovac, 400 m, meadow, living decidu-ous tree (?Pyrus sp.), 21.10.2004, notes K. Rusev-ska; Stogovo Mt: Gari vill., 900 m, fallen branches of �strya, 26.07.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Stru-mica: Cham Chifli�, Cham Poroj, 300-350 m, Pi�nus �allasiana forest, Prunus sp., 29.10.1988, no-tes M. Karadelev; Valandovo: Pyrus a�yg�alifor��is, 30.10.1988, notes M. Karadelev.

Phellinus pseudopunctatus10. A. David - Fig. 6

Collections: B�O.r. Vardar, vicinity of Kavadarci: Krivol-

a�, 17.03.1939, exs. B�O L 4831, leg.: V. Lindt-B�O L 4831, leg.: V. Lindt-ner, Paliurus, 31.03.1965, leg.: V. Lindtner, exs. B�O 9380.

Phellinus punctatus11. (Fr.) Pilát - Fig. 8Collections:MAK, PRM, ZA.�ef.: Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić, Ce�o-

va 1975; Karadelv 1993, 1994; Karadelev et al. 2002c.

Bistra Mt: Lazaropole vill., footpath to Gjurepi, 1300 m, beech forest, dry tree of Corylus a�ellana, 27.09.2003, notes K. Rusevska; along r. Tresonechka Reka, 900-1100 m, azonal vegetation, �strya, 06.03.1999, notes M. Karadelev; Bogdan-ci: Paljurci, Phyllirea �e�ia, 04.12.1986, notes Karadelev; Bolovan, 150 m, Juglando-Platane-tum orientalis, dry trunk of Car�inus orientalis, 17.05.2003, notes Melita Chavdarova; Dobra Vo-da Mt. Jagol Dolenci vill., Naim Frasheri prima-ry school, 750-800 m, Quercetum-frainetto-cerris, Sali� sp., 12.12.2007, exs. MAK 07/8547; Kitka Mt: Preslap, Corylus a�ellana, 24.06.1994, notes Karadelev; between Gorno Kolichani vill. and Pre-

slap, 950 m, Fagus forest, rotten wood of broad-leave tree, 03.05.2007, exs. MAK 07/6794; Ogra-zhden Mt: Ezhovo Brdo, 1100-1300 m, mixed for-est (Fagus, Pinus syl�estris, P. nigra), 12.07.2000, notes BSRS; Shar Planina Mt: around Sharski Vodi mountain house, 1300 m, Calamintho gran-diflorae-Fagetum, rotten wood of Corylus a�ella�na, 07.07.1998, exs. MAK 98/1761; Gorno Jelovce vill., 1400 m, oak forest, trunk of Corylus a�ella�na, 09.07.1998, BSRS, exs. MAK 98/1723; Skopje and vicinity: Aerodrom municipality, park, 250 m, Pyrocantha coccinea, Syringa �ulgaris, 07.05.2000, notes Karadelev; Gazi Baba, 300 m, plantings, stump of Prunus sp., 17.09.1999, exs. MAK 99/687, Kat-lanovo vill. (r. Pchinja), Syringa �ulgaris, 05.1993, notes Karadelev.

Phellinus ribis12. (Schumach.) Quél. - Fig. 6= Phyllo�oria ribis (Schumach.) RyvardenCollections:B�O, MAK, ZA.�ef.: Tortić 1988; Karadelev 1993, 1999c,

2000b.Bogdanci: 150-250 m, Ligustru� sp.,

27.12.1983, notes Tortić; Valandovo: 23.10.1988, E�he�ra �inor, notes Karadelev.

Phellinus rimosus13. (Berk.) Pilát Ref.: Karadelev 1999b, 2000a, 2002.

Phellinus robustus14. (P. Karst.) Bourdot & Galzin - Fig. 9

Collections: B�O, MAK, P�M.�ef.: Pilàt, Lindtner 1938; Tortić 1968; Kot-

laba 1975; Tortić, Karadelev 1986; Karadelev 1993; Karadelev 1995d.

Bistra Mt: Stanoec, 900-1000 m, oak for-est (Quercus cerris, Corylus a�ellana), Car�inus, 15.10.2006, exs. MAK 06/6341; Galichica Mt: be-tween Carina vill. and Stenje vill., Quercus sp., 29.11.1987, notes Karadelev; Kozhuf Mt: foot-path between r. Oreovica and r. Doshnica, 1000 m, Orno-Quercetum petraeae, Quercus �etraea, 11.07.1996, notes M. Karadelev; Visoka Chuka, be-tween r. Petrushka Reka and Petrovo vill., 1000-355

Fig. 8. ■Phellinus �seu�o�unctatus •Phellinus �unctatus

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Fig. 9. Phellinus robustus Fig. 10. Phellinus torulosus

m, Quercus �etraea, 12.07.1996, notes M. Karade-lev; Osogovski Planini Mt: Konopnica vill., 900 m, Orno-Quercetum petraeae, un�nown substrate, 15.06.2003, notes Daniela Mitovs�a; St. Joa�im Os-ogovski Monastery, Fagus and Quercus forest, liv-ing Quercus �etrea, 12.06.1993, notes M. Karade-lev;

Phellinus torulosus15. (Pers.) Bourdot & Galzin - Fig. 10

Collections: MAK, ZA.�ef.: Tortić 1968, 1988; Tortić, Karadelev

1986; Karadelev 1988, 1993, 1994; Rusevska, Ka-radelev 2004;

Belasica Mt: near waterfall Smolare, 400 m, mixed beech forest with Castanea sati�a, base of living tree of Castanea sati�a, 01.05.2002, exs. MAK 02/2678; Kartalov Kamen, 980 m, Quer�cus �etraea, 07.03.1995, exs. MAK 95/5634; Bog-danaci: Bolovan, 150 m, Juglando-Platanetum ori-entalis, stump of Platanus orientalis, 17.05.2003, notes Melita Chavdarova; Paljurci, 200 m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, living Car�i�nus, 13.05.2006, notes M. Karadelev; Demir Kapi-ja: below Samarot, 550 m, Querco-Carpinetum ori-entalis macedonicum, Car�inus, 22.05.2005, exs. MAK 05/4911; r. Drenska Reka, Dren vill., 255 m, mixed forest (Quercus coccifera, Bu�us se���er�irens, Phillyrea �e�ia, Platanus orientalis), stump of broadleaved tree, 21.05.2005, exs. MAK 05/4901; Dobra Voda Mt: Jagol vill., 750-800 m, Quercetum-frainetto-cerris, rotten wood of Quercus sp., 11.2007, exs. MAK 07/8556; Gevgelija: near Negorci vill., 80-200 m, Querco cocciferae-Carpin-etum orientalis, Car�inus orientalis, 09.04.2005, exs. MAK 05/4836; Karabalija Mt: 200-500 m, 23.09.1995, exs. MAK 95/5639; Katlanovo: be-tween r. Pcinja and r. Vardar, 200 m, Pruno webii-Junipiterum excelsae, the base of Juni�erus e�celsa, 04.2001, exs. MAK 01/1632; Kozhuf Mt: Konjs�o vill., 500 m, Quercetu�, Quercus sp., 17.07.2004, notes BSRS; Mariovo (Bitola): Gradesnica vill., St. Dimitrija church, living Prunus sp., 26.03.2005,

notes MMS; vicinity of Skopje: Vodno, near Krush-opek vill., 800 m, oak forest, stump of Quercus sp., 25.05.2005, notes Izdriz Ismailovski and Abdilveap Emine; road Skopje-Veles: St. Bogorodica Mon-astery, Juni�erus e�celsa forest, Juni�erus e�cel�sa, 25.03.2001, MAK 01/3963; between r. Pcinja and r. Vardar, below Kozhle vill., Juni�erus e�cel�sa forest, base of living tree of Car�inus oriental�is, 19.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8061; Serta Mt: Li-pa vill., rotten trunk of Pyrus a�yg�alifor�is, exs. MAK 02/2681; Skopska Crna Gora Mt: Ljubanci vill., around monastery St. Ni�ola, 800 m, Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum, living broad-leaved tree, 11.09.2005, notes K. Rusevska; Zgurov-ci, oak forest with Castanea �lantings, base of living Cornus �as, 02.10.2005, exs. MAK 05/1156; Va-landovo: Ul�us sp., 03.2004, MAK 04/3970; Cha-lakli vill., 200 m, Juni�erus e�celsa forest, stump of Juni�erus e�celsa, 26.10.2007, exs. MAK 07/8285.

Phellinus tremulae16. (Bondartsev) Bondart-sev & P.N. Borisov - Fig. 11

Collections: MAK, ZA.�ef.: Томашевиќ 1955; Koleva-Še�ut�ovs�a

1959; Tortić 1988; Karadelev 1993; Karadelev et al. 2002b, c.

Fig. 11. Phellinus tre�ulae

Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia

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Bistra Mt: Lopushnik above Izvor vill., 1170 m, Quercetum frainetto-cerris, living Po�u�lus tre�ula, 29. 06.2007, notes MMS; Karadzhica Mt: Shash�ovica, 1500 m, Calamintho grandiflorae-Fagetum, living Po�ulus tre�ula, 29.07.1997, exs. MAK 97/4464; Ograzhden Mt: 1200 m, Fagus, 01.05.1990, notes Karadelev.

Discussion and conclusion

Of the total of 34 species of Phellinus genus known in Europe, in the Republic of Macedonia the following 16 species have been recorded: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. hartigii, Ph. igniari-us, Ph. laevigatus, Ph. pini, Ph. pomaceus, Ph. pseu-dopunctatus, Ph. punctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. rimosus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus and Ph. tremulae.

Phellinus conchatus grows on fallen branch-es, logs and stumps of deciduous trees. It became as a parasite and saprobe on a very different species of trees or bushes in the wood. Predominantly it lives on dead or living willow, especially on Sali� ca�rea. It is perennial species found throughout the year. This species causes white soft-rots. It is widespread in �urope north to the North Cape area in Norway and it is circumpolar in boreal temperate zone. Ba-sidiocarps are sessile, effused-reflexed or sometimes resupinate. In the Republic of Macedonia it has been found along valley of the river Vardar (Bogdanci, Kozhuf Mt) on the following supstrates: Ligustru� �ulgare, �lnus glutinosa and Sali� elaeagnos (Kara-delev, 1993). It is a common species found between 250 and 1400 m altitude. New data came from: Bela-sica Mt (Fagus), Galichica Mt (Car�inus orientalis), Kozhuf Mt (Sali� ca�rea) and S�opje (Sali� sp.).

Phellinus contiguus is perennial, resupinate species. It lives on dead wood on different hard-woods and rarely on conifers, also on wood used in construction. It is rare species (Breitenbach & Krän-zlin, 1986) and according to �yvarden & Gilbertson (1994) it is widespread in warmer parts of Europe and has a distribution similar to that of Quercus. This species is easy to recognize because has large pores, the tramal setae, large hymenial setae and the oblong-cylindric hyaline spores. Causes white soft-rots in dead hardwoods. For the first time in �epub-lic of Macedonia was found on Car�inus orienta�lis (Bogdanci), which substrate cited Krieglsteiner (2000) for Germany. The possibility that with fur-ther investigations it can be found in other places in our country still exists.

Phellinus erectus is Mediterranean species probably with a wider distribution and is known from the following substrates: Quercus ile�, Prunus �ulcis, �os�arinus, Ule� and Viburnu� (Ryvarden & Gilbertson, 1994). Fruiting body is annual, pileate erect with a contracted base. This species provoke white rot in dead hardwoods. The species belongs

in the difficult Ph. robustus complex with large glo-bose and dextrinoid spores, but is separated from the other pileate European species in the complex be-cause they have hymenial setae. This is a first data for the Republic of Macedonia, which is recorded on deciduous wood, probably �obinia, therefore a con-clusion of its distribution can not be drown.

Phellinus ferruginosus grows on dead wood of broadleaved trees, usually on the underside of trunks and branches lying on the ground, more rare-ly on a standing substrate, prefers Fagus, Corylus, �lnus and Sali� and also conifer woods. It is cos-mopolitan species found all year round. In Europe it is distributed north to southern part of Fenoscan-dia and its northern limit coincide more or less with that of Quercus. It is annual species and the fruiting body is fully resupinate. This species causes white soft-rots. It is known from south-western parts of the country (Galichica Mt and Golem Grad Island - Ka-radelev 1993, 1994) and south-eastern part (Ograzh-den Mt - Karadelev et al. 2002c) and three localities are new: Bistra Mt, Kozhuf Mt, Osogovs�i Planini Mt. It was collected on following substrates: Car�i�nus orientalis, Corylus a�ellana, Fagus, Juni�erus e�celsa, J. o�yce�rus, �strya car�inifolia, Quercus �etraea and Q. �ubescens.

Phellinus hartigii is a parasitic species on �bies, also saprob on fallen branches and trunks, commonly on the undersides of attached branches. It is a perennial species resupinate to effused-reflexed found thought the year. Upper surface is pale yel-lowish brown, tomentose near the margins. In Eu-rope predominantly lives on �bies, but also is col-lected on Juni�erus, Picea, Pinus, Ta�us and Tsuga. It is circumpolar species in the boreal conifer zone. In the Republic of Macedonia it has generally been found on fallen trunk, rotten wood, log and stumps of �bies and Picea. It is known from following moun-tains: Belasica, Kozhuf, Nidzhe and Shar Planina, predominantly in conifer associations (fir forest and ass. �bieti�Picetu� scar�icu�). Phellinus hartigii is not common, but it is widespread species.

Phellinus igniarius lives as a parasite on hardwoods, commonly on tree-standing apple trees and also on Sali�, Sorbus and �lnus. Fruiting body is brac�etli�e and tuberous-inflated when is young. It is generally solitary more rarely two to three fruiting bodies are together. This species provoke uniform white rot of the heartwoods of living and dead trees. It is perennial species, not common, found through-out the year. It is distributed throughout Europe to the North Cape area in Norway. It is circumpolar in the boreal-temperate zone. The Phellinus igniarius complex is probably the most difficult complex of the whole genus. Numerous species have been de-scribed on basis of host specificity. In the �epublic of Macedonia is known from �cer �seu�o�latanus, Cornus �as, Corylus a�ellana, �obinia �seu�oaca�

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cia, Sali� sp., S. alba, S. elaeagnos, S. trian�ra and Ul�us sp. (ref.) and following substrates are new: �lnus glutinosa, Platanus orientalis, Po�ulus sp., S. babilonica, S. ca�rea and S. fragilis. The species has been found on about fifteen localities (mountains of Belasica, Bistra, Jablanica, S�ops�a Crna Gora, Os-ogovski Planini, Kozhuf and in vicinity of the fol-lowing cities Kumanovo, Shtip, Strumica, Veles, Ohrid, S�opje and Stoja�ovo vill.).

Phellinus laevigatus grows on the underside of dead trunks and branches of Betula lying of the ground, but also on Sali�, �lnus, Car�inus, Quercus. Fruiting body is fully resupinate and it is perennial species. It is circumpolar species in the boreal zone and causes white soft-rots. In Republic of Macedo-nia is known from two localities of the southern parts of the country (Kozhuf Mt and Pelister Mt), between 800 and 1600 altitude, on Betula and Sali�.

Phellinus pini grows on living conifers, in Europe apparently known only from Pinus spp. In North America it grows on other conifers as well. It provokes white pocket rot of the heartwood of liv-ing conifers. It is perennial and sessile species, ef-fused-reflexed or sometimes entirely resupinate. It is widespread in coniferous forest regions of Europe and it is circumglobal. For the Republic of Macedo-nia there are only three published data which came from the following localities: Pelister Mt (Pinus �euce), Karaorman Mt (Pinus nigra) and Gevgelija (Pinus hale�ensis). It lives as a parasite on thermo-philic host species.

Phellinus pomaceus grows on living and dead trunks and branches of various Prunus species, especially on P. �o�estica and P. s�inosa. This spe-cies is parasite or saprobe, very often on branches of Prunus. It is a perennial, sessile or effused-reflexed and pilei ungulate. It provokes uniform white rot of the heartwood of living fruit trees. It is widespread in Europe north to the southern part of Fenoscandia. It is circumpolar species and probably wherever native species of Prunus from the stone fruit group occur and probably where peaches, cherries and plums are cultivated as fruit trees. In the Republic of Macedo-nia it grows on dead or living trees, on fallen branch-es as well as rotten woods mainly on Prunus spp., but also on Pyrus a�yg�alifor�is and �strya, too. In the Republic of Macedonia is common and wide-spread species, following localities are identified as new Bistra Mt, Bogdanci, Dobra Voda Mt, Jablanica Mt, Ja�upica Mt, Kozhuf Mt, Kozja�, near S�opje, Vodno Mt, Osogovs�i Planini Mt and Golem Grad island. This species has been found in different asso-ciations (deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests), between 400 and 1400 m altitude.

Phellinus pseudopunctatus is identical mac-roscopically with Ph. �unctatus, but microscopical-ly examination is separate this two species. It is a perennial, resupinate species. This species lives on

dead hardwoods and is recorded on Bu�us, Cytisus, Erica, Laurus, �lea, �obinia, �os�arinus and Quer�cus. Ones recorded on Cu�ressus. According to Ry-varden (1994) this species is known from south-cen-tral Europe, but is probably overlooked and wide-spread in Mediterranean area. It provokes uniform white rot of dead wood of hardwoods. For the Re-public of Macedonia only one locality is known - (Krivolak, near Kavadarci) from Lindtner’s notes and according this data it is a new species.

Phellinus punctatus grows on dead trunks and branches, standing or attached respectively of Sali� and Corylus, but also on other hardwoods. Fruiting body is fully resupinate, attached tight-ly to the substrate. It is widespread throughout for-est regions of Europe to central parts of Fenoscandia where its northern distribution apparently coincides whit that of Corylus a�ellana. This species is cir-cumglobal. It is a perennial species found through-out the year. In the Republic of Macedonia grows on dry trees, trunks, stumps, fallen branches and rotten woods of broadleaved trees on the following sub-strates: Corylus a�ellana, �strya, Car�inus orienta�lis, Fagus, Pinus nigra, P. syl�estris, Prunus and Sa�li�. It is �nown from five localities, and following are new for Macedonia: Bistra Mt. (beech forest), Bogdanci (Juglan�o�Platanetu� orientalis), Do-bra Voda Mt (Quercetu��frainetto�cerris), Kitka Mt (Fagus forest), Shar planina Mt (Cala�intho gran�diflorae-Fagetum and oa� forest) and S�opje.

Phellinus ribis grows on the bases of living �ibes species and E�ony�us euro�aea, but also on other hardwoods and shrubs. It is a perennial spe-cies, found throughout the year. It is widespread, but not common species. Fruiting body is bracket like to plate-shaped, also effuso-reflexed, partly to complete-ly enclosing the trunk. Usually several fruiting bod-ies imbricate next to and above each other. This spe-cies causes white soft-rots. Distribution of this species in the Republic of Macedonia is along valley of the river Vardar on Jas�inu� fruticans, E�ony�us �er�rucosa and E�he�ra �a�or (Tortić 1988, Karadelev 1993 1999c, 2000b). Ligustru� sp. and E�he�ra sp. are new substrates for this species in Macedonia.

Phellinus rimosus grows on dead and liv-ing hardwoods such as �rbutus, �obinia, Pistacia, Punica and Quercus, in the tropical areas species of Fabaceae are the most common hosts. In Europe it is known in the Mediterranean Black Sea areas, but it is widespread and common throughout Afri-ca, Asia and Australia. It is a pileate, solitary and pe-rennial species. The setae and other sterile hymenial elements are absent. In the Republic of Macedonia belongs to the category of particularly rare species (Karadelev 1999b, 2000a, 2002).

Phellinus robustus grows as a parasite on living Quercus and also on Castanea, �obinia, as well as more rarely on other hardwoods. It is a pe-

Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia

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rennial species found thought the year. The distinc-tive ventricose cystidioles with elongated slender apices are apparently characteristics of all the spe-cies in the Phellinus robustus complex. Follows Quercus to southern Fennoscandia, but is very rare in this area. It belongs in the group of cosmopolitan species. Very often it grows high on the trunks or on thick branches. Seven localities are known for the Republic of Macedonia, following are new: Bistra Mt (Car�inus), Galichica Mt (Quercus sp.), Kozhuf Mt and Osogovs�i Planini Mt (Quercus �etraea).

Phellinus torulosis grows on a long series of hardwoods, but more rarely it has been found on conifers like: Ce�rus, Cu�ressus, Lari�, Picea and Pinus. It is a perennial, pileate and sessile species found throughout the year. Basidiocarps are devel-op at the ground line on the base of the trunks or on exposed roots and the upper surface is often covered by mosses and lichens. This species provoke white pocket rot of heartwood in roots and butt of dead and living hardwoods, in North America also in conifers. It is distributed from Ireland to Russia, but it is not known from Scandinavia. Also known from eastern Asia and in Arizona in North America. In the �e-public of Macedonia grows on living trees, stumps and rotten trunks of the following supstrates: Casta�nea �esca, Quercus �etraea, Prunus cerasifera, Pla�tanus orientalis, Car�inus orientalis, Juni�erus e��celsae, Pyrus a�ig�alifor�is, Cornus �as, Ul�us sp. This species is known from more than ten local-ities, while seven are new. With the researches till now usually this species has been found on 800 m altitude.

Phellinus tremulae is a parasite or saprobe on mostly standing Po�ulus species especially Po��ulus tre�ula, but is recorded also on P. alba and P. canescens or on other species such as: �lnus, Quer�cus and Sorbus. The fruit body does not project very far from the tree and looks like a very slop-ing shelf rather than a shelf you would place object on. It is perennial species, sessile found throughout year. Probably this species wherever aspen grows in Europe. In previous times some researches consid-ered that Ph. igniarius and Ph. tre�ulae were the same species. However, host distribution and micro-scopic characters, along with recent DNA evidence have clearly separated the species. According to Ni-emellä (1974) gives a thorough account of the ba-sidiocarp and cultural morphology of Ph. tre�ulae. Besides the macroscopic difference in basidiocarps, Ph. tre�ulae is microscopically different of the Ph. igniarius complex because of the parallel arrange-ment of its tramal skeletal hyphae. It causes white soft-rots, attacked heartwood whit an odor similar to methyl salicylate (Domanski 1967). It has been found on seven localities, two are new, mountains Bistra and Karadzhica. All data are form living Po��ulus tre�ula.


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Ecology and distribution of genus Phellinus (Hymenochaetaceae) in the Republic of Macedonia

207Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia



1Институт за биологија, Природно-математички факултет, П.Фах 162, Архимедова 5, 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија

�Македонско миколошко друштво, Миколошка лабораторија, Природно-математички факултет, Архимедова 5, П.Фах 162, 1000 Скопје, Република Македонија


Ова се први податоци за систематски истражувања на родот Phellinus во Република Македонија. За покомплетен преглед на вкупниот број видови, вклучени се и претходно објавени податоци, додека најголем дел од необјавените податоци се главно од истражувања вршени во периодот од 2000 година до денес.

Од вкупно 34 вида регистрирани во Европа со истражувањата во Република Македонија се регистрирани следните 16 вида: Phellinus conchatus, Ph. contiguous, Ph. erectus, Ph. ferruginosus, Ph. hartigii, Ph. igniarius, Ph. laevigatus, Ph. pini, Ph. pomaceus, Ph. pseudopunctatus, Ph. punctatus, Ph. ribis, Ph. rimosus, Ph. robustus, Ph. torulosus и Ph. tremulae.

Истражувањата се вршени во различни заедници: букови, дабови, елови, борови, мешани шуми, Juglando-Platanetum orientalis, насади од багрем, ливади, а супстрати се различни листокапни и четинарски дрвја како: �bies, �lnus, Betula, Car�inus, Castanea sati�a, Corylus a�ellana, E�he�ra �a�or, E�ony�us �errucosa, Fagus, Fra�inus ornus, Juni�erus e�celsa, J. o�ice�rus, Ligustru� �ulgare, �orus s�., �strya, Paliurus, Picea, Pinus s��., Platanus orientalis, Po�ulus s��., Prunus s��., Punica granatu�, Pyrus s�., Quercus s��., �obinia �seu�oacacia, Sali� s��., Ul�us s�.. Два вида се ставени во Прелиминарната црвена листа на габи во Република Македонија - Phellnus ri�osus, во категоријата на посебно ретки или ретки видови габи и Ph. robustus, како вид кој егзистира на загрозени или ретки станишта.