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  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    Company name P&G   Important: Before you ru

    Numbers from your base year below ( in same units)   There should be a checkThis year   ast year

    !e"enues # $%,&&'.(( )))*perating income or EBIT # +&,$+$.(( ))) If you haveBook "alue of euity # -$,((+.(( )))

    Book "alue of debt # %,(+/.(( ))) If you haveCash # %,0-$.(( #%,$0'.((

    1umber of shares outstanding 2 %0/(.((Current stock price 2 # -+./&E3ecti"e tax rate 2 %%.45arginal tax rate 2 &.((4The value drivers below:Compounded annual re"enue growth rate o"er next & y /.((4 For industry average, ch

     Target pre6tax operating margin 7EBIT as 4 of sales in y +'.+-4 For industry average, ch8ales to capital ratio 7for computing rein"estment9 2 (.$& For industry average, chMarket numbers!iskfree rate +.-(4Initial cost of capital 2 0.++4 For industry average, ch

    ther inputs1umber of options outstanding 2 (.(("erage strike price 2 #+.&"erage maturity 2 -.%(8tandard de"iation on stock price 2 -(.((4 For industry average, ch

    Default assumptions.In stable growth, I will assume that your !rm will have a cost of capital similar to that of typical ma;o you want to o"erride this assumption 2 1o Mature companies geneIf yes, enter the cost of capital after year +( 2 $4 (hough some sectors, eI will assume that your !rm will earn a return on capital e)ual to its cost of capital after year *+. I;o you want to o"erride this assumption 2 1o Mature companies !nd iIf yes, enter the return on capital you expect after year +(4 ut there are signi!cantI will assume that your !rm has no chance of failure over the foreseeable future.;o you want to o"erride this assumption 2 1o Many young, growth coIf yes, enter the probability of failure 2 %(4 (ough to estimate but a 0 ook value of capital,Enter the distress proceeds as percentage of book or fai &(4 (his can be 4ero, if theI will assume that your e5ective ta- rate will ad6ust to your marginal ta- rate by your terminal yea;o you want to o"erride this assumption 2 1oI will assume that you have no losses carried forward from prior years " N78' coming into the valu;o you want to o"erride this assumption 2 1o Check the !nancial stat If yes, enter the 1* that you are carrying o"er into yea #%&(.((  9n N78 will shield your i

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    n this spreadsheet, go into preferences in Excel and check under Calculation options

    against the iteration box. If there is not, you will get circular reasoning errors.

    perating leases, please use the operating lease worksheet to convert them to debt.

    perating leases, please use the operating lease worksheet to convert them to debt.

    !or your information" your inputs #ive the followin# $u!e"enue growth in the most recent year 2 /.&'4?re6tax operating margin in the most recent year +'.+-48ales to capital ratio in most recent year 2 (.$&

      eck column C of industry average wo!eturn on in"ested capital in most recent year2 +.'(4

      eck column D of industry average worksheet   eck column N of industry average worksheet 

      eck column M of industry average worksheet 

      eck column of industry average worksheet 

      ture companies "riskfree rate # $.%&'  ally see their risk levels approach the average

    en in stable growth, may have higher risk.m assuming that whatever competitive advantages you have today will fade over time.

      t dicult to generate returns that e-ceed the cost of capital e-ceptions among companies with long/lasting competitive advantages.

      panies fail, especially if they have trouble raising cash. Many distressed companies fail, becausekey input.12 3stimated fair value for the company ssets will be worth nothing if the !rm fails.

      . If you override this assumption, I will leave the ta- rate at your e5ective ta- rate.

    tion. If you have a money losing company, you may want to override tis.  ments.

    ncome from ta-es, even after you start making money.

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


      rrent values for your $ompany

    hey have trouble making debt payments.

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


     Base year 1 2 3

    Revenue growth rate 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%Revenues $ 82,559.00 $ 85,861.36 $ 89,295.81 $ 92,867.65EBIT (Operating) margin 19.16% 19.16% 19.16% 19.16%EBIT (Operating income) $ 15,818.00 $ 16,450.72 $ 17,108.75 $ 17,793.10Tax rate 22.33% 22.33% 22.33% 22.33%EBIT(1-t) $ 12,285.53 $ 12,776.95 $ 13,288.03 $ 13,819.55- Reinvestment $ 3,889.88 $ 4,045.48 $ 4,207.29FCFF $ 8,887.07 $ 9,242.56 $ 9,612.26NOL $ - $ - $ - $ -

    Cost of capital 7.11% 7.11% 7.11%Cumulated discount factor 0.9336 0.8716 0.8138PV(FCFF) $ 8,297.15 $ 8,056.23 $ 7,822.32

    Terminal cash flow $ 10,637.77Terminal cost of capital 6.10%Terminal value $ 236,394.84PV(Terminal value) $ 122,367.51PV (CF over next 10 years $ 72,737.19Sum of PV $ 195,104.69Probability of failure = 0.00%Proceeds if firm fails = $97,552.35Value of operating assets = $ 195,104.69Debt $ 32,014.00Cash $ 2,768.00Value of equity $ 165,858.69

    - Value of options $0.00Value of equity in commo $ 165,858.69Number of shares 2,740.00Estimated value /share  $ 60.53Price $ 61.45Price as % of value 101.52%

     Implied variables

    Sales to capital ratio 0.85 0.85 0.85Invested capital $ 97,247 $ 101,137 $ 105,182 $ 109,390ROIC 12.63% 12.63% 12.63% 12.63%

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    4 5 6 7 8 9

    4.00% 4.00% 3.52% 3.04% 2.56% 2.08% $ 96,582.35 $ 100,445.65 $ 103,981.33 $ 107,142.37 $ 109,885.21 $ 112,170.82

    19.16% 19.16% 19.16% 19.16% 19.16% 19.16% $ 18,504.82 $ 19,245.02 $ 19,922.44 $ 20,528.08 $ 21,053.60 $ 21,491.52

    22.33% 22.33% 24.87% 27.40% 29.93% 32.47% $ 14,372.33 $ 14,947.23 $ 14,968.61 $ 14,903.56 $ 14,751.67 $ 14,514.00$ 4,375.59 $ 4,550.61 $ 4,164.72 $ 3,723.41 $ 3,230.82 $ 2,692.24$ 9,996.75 $ 10,396.62 $ 10,803.90 $ 11,180.15 $ 11,520.85 $ 11,821.75$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

    7.11% 7.11% 6.91% 6.71% 6.50% 6.30%0.7598 0.7093 0.6635 0.6218 0.5838 0.5492

     $ 7,595.19 $ 7,374.66 $ 7,168.36 $ 6,951.82 $ 6,726.20 $ 6,492.70

    0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 $ 113,765 $ 118,316 $ 122,481 $ 126,204 $ 129,435 $ 132,127

    12.63% 12.63% 12.22% 11.81% 11.40% 10.98%

    Compaa. theb. theIf it is t

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    10 Terminal year1.60% 1.60%

     $ 113,965.56 $ 115,789.0119.16% 19.16%

     $ 21,835.38 $ 22,184.75 # -,--.0&35.00% 35.00%

     $ 14,193.00 $ 14,420.09$ 2,114.03 $ 3,782.32 # /(,00-.'$ 12,078.96 $ 10,637.77$ - $ -

    6.10% 6.10%0.5176

     $ 6,252.56

    After year 100.85

     $ 134,24110.57% 6.10%

    Check these re"enues againsta. *"erall market si@eb. argest companies in this market

    re this return on capital in year +( against  industry a"erage7column E of worksheet9  eturn on capital after year +(

    oo high 7low9, you may want to lower 7raise9 your sales to capital ratio

     This is how much capital youin"ested o"er the ten yearperiod.

     This is is how much your operatingincome grew o"er the ten6year period.

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    Valuing Options or WarrantsEnter the current stock price = $ 61.45

    Enter the strike price on the option = $ 13.35

    Enter the expiration of the option = 6.20

    Enter the standard deviation in stock prices = 60.00% (volatility)

    Enter the annualized dividend yield on stock = 0.00%

    Enter the treasury bond rate = 1.60%

    Enter the number of warrants (options) outstan 0.00

    Enter the number of shares outstanding = 2,740.00

     Do not input any numbers below this line


    Stock Price= 61.45 # Warrants issued= 0

    Strike Price= 13.35 # Shares outstanding= 2,740

    Adjusted S = 61.45 T.Bond rate= 1.60%

    Adjusted K = 13.35 Variance= 0.3600

    Expiration (in years) = 6.2 Annualized dividend yield= 0.00%

    Div. Adj. interest rate= 1.60%

    d1 = 1.835294219

    N (d1) = 0.9667689464

    d2 = 0.3413062673

    N (d2) = 0.6335634849

    Value per option = $ 51.75

    Value of all options outstanding = $0.00

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation



    Invested capital at start of valuationInvested capital at end of valuationChange in invested capital over 10 yearsChange in EBIT*(1–t) (after-ta operating inco!e) over 10 years"arginal #$IC over 10 years#$IC at end of valuation

     %verage &%CC over the 10 years (co!pounded)

    'our calculated value as a percent of current price


    Revenue growth rate (input cell !"

    Last perio# $IT as % o& revenue (Input cell '"

    Sales to Capital Ratio or reinvest)ent (Input cell '*"

    Return on capital in perpetuit+ (!, - !'"

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


      +,.00 1/+,1.0 /+.0 +01./




    If calculated value is negative or looks too low 

    Increase revenue gro4th rate

    Increase the target pre-ta operating !argin

    5ecrease the sales6capital ratio

    Increase relative to your cost of capital

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation



    If calculated value looks too high

    5ecrease revenue gro4th rate

    5ecrease the target pre-ta operating !argin 

    Increase the sales6capital ratio

    If higher than your cost of capital+ lo4er to4ards your cost of capital T

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    pera ng ease onver erThe yellow cells are input cells. Please en


    Operating lease expense in current year = $ 8.50

    Operating Lease Commitments (From footnote to financials)

    Year Commitment ! Year 1 is next year, ….

    1 $ 8.482 $ 8.49

    3 $ 8.16

    4 $ 7.33

    5 $ 6.17

    6 and beyond $ 18.14


    Pre-tax Cost of Debt = 3.65% ! If you do not have a cost of debt, use the synthetic rating esti

    Number of years embedded in yr 6 estimate = 2 ! I use the average lease expense over the first

    to estimate the number of years of expenses in

    Converting Operating Leases into debt 

    Year Commitment Present Value

    1 $ 8.48 $ 8.18

    2 $ 8.49 $ 7.90

    3 $ 8.16 $ 7.33

    4 $ 7.33 $ 6.35

    5 $ 6.17 $ 5.16

    6 and beyond $ 9.07 $ 14.37 ! Commitment beyond year 6 converted into an annuity for ten

    Debt Value of leases = $ 49.29

     Restated Financials

    Depreciation on Operating Lease Asset = $ 7.04 ! I use straight l

    Adjustment to Operating Earnings = $1.46 ! Add this amoAdjustment to Total Debt outstanding = $ 49.29 ! Add this amo

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


      er them.


    ive years

    r 6


    ine depreciation

    nt to pre-tax operating incoment to debt

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


     Estimation of Current Cost of Capital 



    Number of Shares outstanding = 2740.00

    Current Market Price per share = $ 61.45

    Unlevered beta = 0.95 Industry average unlevered beta in column G of industry avera

    Riskfree Rate = 1.60%

    Equity Risk Premium = 6.00%


    Book Value of Straight Debt = $ 32,014.00

    Interest Expense on Debt = 831

    Average Maturity = 5

    Pre-tax Cost of Debt = 3.65%

    Tax Rate = 35%

    Book Value of Convertible Debt = 0

    Interest Expense on Convertible = 0

    Maturity of Convertible Bond = 0

    Market Value of Convertible = 0

    Debt value of operating leases = $ 49.29

    Preferred Stock

    Number of Preferred Shares = 0

    Current Market Price per Share= 70

    Annual Dividend per Share = 5


    Estimating Market Value of Straight Debt = $ 30,496.57

    Estimated Value of Straight Debt in Convertible = $ -

    Value of Debt in Operating leases = $ 49.29

    Estimated Value of Equity in Convertible = $ -

    Levered Beta for equity = 1.06

     Equity Debt Preferred Stock Capital

    Market Value $ 168,373.00 $ 30,545.86 $ - $ 198,918.86

    Weight in Cost of Capital 84.64% 15.36% 0.00% 100.00%

    Cost of Component 7.97% 2.37% 7.14% 7.11%

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


      e worksheet

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    Inputs for synthetic rating estimationPlease read the special cases worksheet (see below) before you use this spr

     Before you use this spreadsheet, make sure that the iteration box (under calculation optio

    Enter the type of firm = 2 (Enter 1 if large manufacturing firm, 2 if smaller or riskier firm

    Do you have any operating lease or rental commitments? Yes

    Enter current Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) = $ 15,818.00 (Add back onlyEnter current interest expenses = 831 (Use only long

    Enter long term risk free rate = 1.60%


    Interest coverage ratio = 19.00

    Estimated Bond Rating = %%% Note0 If you get :3F; 9ll

    Estimated Default Spread = 0.65% to No, and then reset it t

    Estimated Cost of Debt = 2.25%

     If you want to update the spreads listed below, please visit http://www.bondsonline.com

    For large manufacturing firms For financial service firms (d

     If interest coverage ratio is If long term interest coverage r

    >   ≤ to Rating is Spread is greater than   ≤ to

    -100000 0.199999 D 12.00% -100000 0.049999

    0.2 0.649999 C 10.50% 0.05 0.099999

    0.65 0.799999 CC 9.50% 0.1 0.199999

    0.8 1.249999 CCC 8.75% 0.2 0.299999

    1.25 1.499999 B- 6.75% 0.3 0.399999

    1.5 1.749999 B 6.00% 0.4 0.499999

    1.75 1.999999 B+ 5.50% 0.5 0.599999

    2 2.2499999 BB 4.75% 0.6 0.749999

    2.25 2.49999 BB+ 3.75% 0.75 0.899999

    2.5 2.999999 BBB 2.50% 0.9 1.199999

    3 4.249999 A- 1.65% 1.2 1.499994.25 5.499999 A 1.40% 1.5 1.99999

    5.5 6.499999 A+ 1.30% 2 2.49999

    6.5 8.499999 AA 1.15% 2.5 2.99999

    8.50 100000 AAA 0.65% 3 100000

    For smaller and riskier firms

     If interest coverage ratio is

    greater than   ≤ to Rating is Spread is

    -100000 0.499999 D 12.00%

    0.5 0.799999 C 10.50%

    0.8 1.249999 CC 9.50%

    1.25 1.499999 CCC 8.75%1.5 1.999999 B- 6.75%

    2 2.499999 B 6.00%

    2.5 2.999999 B+ 5.50%

    3 3.499999 BB 4.75%

    3.5 3.9999999 BB+ 3.75%

    4 4.499999 BBB 2.50%

    4.5 5.999999 A- 1.65%

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    6 7.499999 A 1.40%

    7.5 9.499999 A+ 1.30%

    9.5 12.499999 AA 1.15%

    12.5 100000 AAA 0.65%

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation



      s in excel) is checked.

    , 3 if financial s Small:

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    Industry Name Number of !rmsnnual 9verage :evenue growth / 8ast % year re/ta- 7perating Margin

    d"ertising + +-.0-4 +(.%04

    erospaceA;efense -/ './+4 +(.+-4

    ir Transport - $.004 $.0$4

    pparel &0 &.$4 +(.'04

    uto ?arts &+ %.'/4 -./'4

    utomoti"e +% +.--4 -.''4Bank /%- (.((4 1

    Bank 75idwest9 /& (.((4 1

    Be"erage / 6(.&'4 %(./&4

    Biotechnology +&$ %-.'/4 60.0'4

    Building 5aterials /& %.$%4 /.+04

    Cable T> %+ +.&4 +'.&$4

    Chemical 7Basic9 +- ./(4 +%.('4

    Chemical 7;i"ersied9 + '.%+4 +.%(4

    Chemical 78pecialty9 0( %&.-'4 ++.+(4

    Coal %( +-.'+4 +&.'/4

    Computer 8oftware +$/ +/.$$4 +.&4

    ComputersA?eripherals $0 +(.'4 +/.+&4

    ;i"ersied Co. +(0 +0.%/4 +/.('4

    ;rug %0' /.'04 %+.'+4

    E6Commerce &0 %+.$04 +/.'4

    Educational 8er"ices / +0.%04 %(.$(4

    Electric til. 7Central9 %+ /.$+4 +0.0%4

    Electric tility 7East9 %+ 6.%'4 +'.+4

    Electric tility 7

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    5aritime &% &.'4 +/.$+4

    5ed 8upp In"asi"e $ -.&4 %%.%%4

    5ed 8upp 1on6In"asi" +/- 0.+$4 -./$4

    5edical 8er"ices +%% /.'%4 ++.++4

    5etal abricating %/ +(.0-4 +&.(04

    5etals D 5ining 7;i".9 0 +.&'4 +.&04

    1atural Gas 7;i".9 %' $.'(4 %$.'/41atural Gas tility %% 6(.'&4 +%.$(4

    1ewspaper + 6&.(+4 +/.&'4

    *Hce EuipA8upplies %/ +(.$+4 -.-&4

    *ilAGas ;istribution + +%.-&4 +$./&4

    *ileld 8"csAEuip. ' +0.(%4 +&.++4

    ?ackaging D Container %- '.('4 +(.+%4

    ?aperAorest ?roducts % +(.$$4 +%.(+4

    ?etroleum 7Integrated9 %( %(.$+4 '.0-4

    ?etroleum 7?roducing9 +0- %.%%4 %&.0/4

    ?harmacy 8er"ices +' ++.'&4 &.++4

    ?ipeline 5?s %0 %%.$4 $.'&4

    ?ower ' /.(-4 +/.&/4

    ?recious 5etals $/ %.+4 .(4

    ?recision Instrument 00 %.-4 +(.0/4

    ?roperty 5anagement + +'.$(4 +&.-4

    ?ublicA?ri"ate Euity ++ '.'/4 6%.&$4

    ?ublishing %/ 6-.'4 +%.+(4

    !.E.I.T. & (.(+4 +%'.(04

    !ailroad +% +%.%'4 %$./4

    !ecreation &- -.&-4 ++.&+4

    !einsurance + (.((4 1

    !estaurant - %./&4 +&.$%4

    !etail 7Fardlines9 0& .$4 0.&(4

    !etail 78oftlines9 /0 -.+$4 '.'4

    !etail utomoti"e %( ++.('4 -.$$4

    !etail Building 8upply $ +&.$4 $.+4

    !etail 8tore 0 $.$&4 &.$/4


  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    Total Market ' *+',- .+/*-

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


     9fter/ta- :7C verage e5ective ta- rate >nlevered eta 3)uity "8evered' eta Cost of e)uity 

    +(.&/4 +(.04 +.0& %.(% +/.('4

    +$.&4 %(.0%4 +.( +.+( $./'4

    +-./&4 %(.&/4 +.+( +.%+ '.%+4

    +/.(%4 +-.($4 +.%% +.( '.0+4

    +&.$%4 +$.''4 +.&' +.0( +%.+4

    -.'-4 %/.(04 (.'- +.&' ++./041 +&.'04 (.$ (.00 -.&%4

    1 +0.004 (.0 (.' 0.&(4

    +%.'&4 +'.+/4 (.00 (.$$ 0.%(4

    6+.4 %./'4 +.+- +.( $.('4

    %.&$4 ++.+04 (.$' +.&( +(.'-4

    $.$(4 %0.&4 (.'$ +.0 +(.+&4

    +.--4 %(.'(4 +.%/ +.- +(.($4

    +.$+4 %+.04 +.' +.&+ ++.(%4

    +%.%&4 +0.&$4 +.+& +.%$ '.&04

    +&.%-4 +%.0&4 +.% +.& ++.($4

    /&.(-4 +%.%04 +.+$ +.(/ $.+04

    %.('4 ++.004 +. +.( '.0+4

    $.(+4 +&.&&4 (.0+ +.+/ $.0-4

    +&.(%4 &.-4 +.($ +.+% $.-4

    +.($4 +%.4 +.($ +.( $.($4

    /./4 %&.+04 (.'% (.$ -.'+4

    -.$4 +.$%4 (./$ (.0& -./+4

    -.$'4 .+/4 (./' (.0( -.($4

    -.++4 +.(4 (./' (.0& -./(4

    +&.(4 +0.(%4 +.& +. '.$'4

    +&.0%4 +(.-4 +.($ +.(0 $.+4

    +.&$4 %-.%-4 +.' +.%% '.%-4

    './&4 +&.$4 +.+ +.- ++.0%4

    ++.-'4 ++.&'4 +./$ +.% '.%4

    0.&-4 ++.0+4 (.-( (.$+ -.04

    &.'&4 +'.+$4 (.&( +.+ '.0-4

    ++.$$4 %(.((4 (.00 (.'+ 0.'4

    0.$4 &.+%4 +.%/ +.(' $./04

    0.$+4 (.$/4 (.$& +.+/ $.04

    '.&(4 %(./4 +.-& +.$+ +%.$+4

    './&4 %%.+'4 +.%( +.+0 $.'&4

    +(.$$4 %(.-%4 +./$ +.$( +%.0-4

    6%.('4 &.+%4 +.(% +./& +(.-%4

    -.'&4 +/.&4 +.%$ +.0/ +%.04

    +/.&%4 %&.+%4 (.'& +.(0 $.%40.-04 %&.&4 +./( +.%/ './4

    6&.&(4 +'.(4 (.$+ (.' 0.&+4

    +(.$4 +$.'4 (.$' +.(0 $.&4

    1 %$.(/4 +.&/ +.&$ ++./4

    1 +'.-4 +.(+ (.'+ 0.04

    %.0&4 -.$04 +.%/ +.(' $./&4

    %-.'&4 +'.+&4 +.+/ +.(- $.%&4

    +%.-(4 %%.+&4 +.+/ +.%( '.+%4

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    /.0-4 &.&&4 (.&$ +./( +(.(4

    +&.$$4 ++.$-4 (.$( (.$& -.''4

    +'.%/4 +%.04 +.(0 +.( $.('4

    +$.&&4 +'.'4 (.0$ (.'+ 0.'4

    +/.0$4 %-.&&4 +.- +.&' ++./$4

    +'./$4 ++.(/4 +.%$ +. '.$'4

    0.+(4 %+.'$4 +.(- +. '.$04$.('4 (.+-4 (./- (.-- &.$&4

    ++.(&4 %&.+4 +./% +.0- +%.&4

    +(.-4 %+.(&4 +.(/ +.$ +(.+$4

    -.$4 +.0(4 (.-& (.'- 0.-$4

    $.&/4 +0.'4 +.' +.&& ++.%/4

    +(./(4 %/.%4 (.$$ +.+- $.$-4

    ++.(+4 +(.-+4 (.'- +.- +(.($4

    +(.($4 %0./+4 +.+% +.+$ '.(+4

    +.&(4 ++.+/4 +.+ +./ '.'04

    ++.+$4 %/.-04 +.(( +.+% $.-4

    $.-(4 -.04 (.0% (.'$ 0.$+4

    0.&-4 $.--4 (.-& +.& +(.(4

    '.&04 0.&+4 +.+/ +.+& $.0'4

    +%.+(4 +.'/4 +. +.%$ '.&04

    &.+$4 +$.&'4 (.&' +.+ $.0%4

    6(.+/4 .0'4 +.-% %.+$ +&.(+4

    ++.$4 +$.&&4 (.$' +.%& './(4

    +/.(04 +.(/4 +.+& +./0 +(.04

    ++.+(4 %.0/4 +.%/ +.// +(.&-4

    $.%-4 +0.04 +.++ +./& +(.-%4

    1 0.%%4 +.(& (.' 0./04

    %(.%4 %+.&04 +.+' +.%0 '.&%4

    +/.''4 %.(/4 +.-& +.00 +%.&04

    %$.0/4 %/.-/4 +.&0 +.// +(.&&4

    '.$'4 /./4 +.+% +.0 +(.+4

    +%.+$4 +.'4 (.'0 +.(/ $.+$4

    +.-(4 %&.(%4 +.+/ +.%' '.-/4

    +(.$4 +.%+4 (.-/ (.0& -.'4

    +(.'4 %-.%%4 (./ +.%( '.++4

    %$./+4 ++.(+4 +.-' +.&( +(.'/4

    /(.//4 +&.+04 %./% +.0' +%.0(4

    %0./+4 %/.+4 +.$ +.%& './4

    &.'/4 %+.(4 +./( +.-$ +%.(4

    %.(4 +.+-4 +.%$ +.(% $.((4

    +.0(4 +/.%%4 (.$% (.'$ 0.0$4$./4 %'./%4 (.&/ (.$$ 0.+-4

    1 +%./4 (.0& (.0+ -.+04

    %0.'$4 +.(4 (.0$ (.$& 0.(4

    +'.&/4 %(.(4 +.%( +.( '.04

    '.(04 %&./$4 +.($ +.%/ '.$4

    /.&-4 %-.(04 (./$ (.'- 0.-$4

    &./%4 &.%%4 (./ (.-- &.$&4

    6+$.%+4 +%.+%4 +.+% +.%0 '.&/4

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


    /+/- +*'- ,+/ +   $.$+4

  • 8/17/2019 P&Gvaluation


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