pgtop for android: things i learned making this app

PGTop for Android Things I learned making this app Mark Wong [email protected] Port1and, Oregon, PostgreSQL Users Group 20 January 2011

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This is about a weekend he spent slapping together an Android app that talks directly to Postgres using the Postgres JDBC interface. He'll focus more on the specifics of the development environment, how to use JDBC to connect to Postgres, and gotchas encountered along the way and not so much on general Android application programming.


PGTop for AndroidThings I learned making this app

Mark [email protected]

Port1and, Oregon, PostgreSQL Users Group

20 January 2011

PGTop for Android

A PostgresSQL stats monitoring appfor Android:

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How did I get started?

Once upon a time I got developer edition G1 from Google...

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And it sat idle...

• Postgres JDBC driver for Android platform didn’t work

• Native C development kit too hard for me to just build just the libpqlibrary from the postgres source

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And then some motivation...

__ __

/ \~~~/ \ . o O ( PostgreSQL contest! )

,----( oo )

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.’ ‘.

/ O O \ . o O ( Free Nexus One! )

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New developments

Dave Cramer builds a version of the postgres JDBC jar that works on Android:

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Slapped together and entered PGTop for Android:

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Not a winner. :(

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Oh well, continue to make a few improvement...

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What did I learn along the way?

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How to set up a development environment

• Requires 32-bit java development environment• Requires Android sdk

• Android emulator

• Android jars

• Android packaging tools

• Optional to have Eclipse• ui designer gui

• hides xml

• Optional to have Android ndk for developing native C library

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How to make a launcher icon

I need to learn how to use Inkscape or Gimp better to make the ascii art iconmeet the recommended guidelines better:

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About layouts

Only used scroll view and linear layouts.

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About ui widgets

• TextViews (labels)

• EditViews (input text)

• Spinners (selection)

• Buttons

• custom menus

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How the threading model works

• child threads don’t have access to ui objects

• use android.os.Handler to pass messages to parent thread

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How PGTop uses threads

Create a Handler:

private Handler handler = new Handler() {


public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

// Update UI objects...



Child thread loops continuously to query PostgreSQL database for stats andupdates class variables with data.Pass a message to a handler to call the method that updates the UI:


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How to use SQLite3 interface

To store database connection information (oversimplified sample):

public class PGConnectionOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper

SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase();

Cursor c = db.rawQuery(SELECT_CONNECTIONS, null);

while (c.moveToNext()) {



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How to read the stdout/stderr log

The debugger was too hard for me.

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__ __

/ \~~~/ \ . o O ( Code review time! )

,----( oo )

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Now for some simple examples for connecting to a PostgreSQL database andquerying some data. Warning, code formatted to fit better on these slides. . .

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Open a Database Connection

Load the PostgreSQL JDBC driver and open a database connection using SSL:


String url;

url = "jdbc:postgresql://pghost:5432/pgdatabase" +

"?sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory" +


Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,



\\ Don’t forget to close the connection when you’re done.

\\ conn.close();

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Execute a Query

Building on the previous slide, select the name of all relations from pg class

and iterate through every row returned:

String sql;

sql = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = ’r’;"

Statement st = conn.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);

while ( {

\\ Columns are enumerated starting with 1.

String relname = rs.getString(1);




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Execute a Query with a Bind Value

Building on the previous slide, select the number of all relations from pg class:

String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = ?;"

PreparedStatement ps = conn.createStatement();

// Bind variables are enumerated starting with 1;

ps.setString(1, "r");

ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(sql);;

long count = rs.getLong(1);



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More JDBC Code Examples

The PostgreSQL JDBC documentation has more examples at

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Using cursors

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Executing INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE SQL statements

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Creating and modifying database objects

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Calling stored functions

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Handling binary data

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JDBC escapes e.g. strings, outer joins, date-time, scalar functions

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PostgreSQL Extensions to the JDBC API

• Geometric data types

• Large objects

• Listen/Notify

• Server prepared statements

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Connection pools

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Further JDBC Reading

JDBC API Documentation and JDBC Specification

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__ __

/ \~~~/ \ . o O ( Thank you! )

,----( oo )

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Hayley Jane Wakenshaw

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedLicense. To view a copy of this license, (a) visit; or, (b) send aletter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,California, 94105, USA.

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