pets magazine may 2016

Vet Pets Magazine May, 2016 How to keep goldfish AND MUCH MORE INSIDE... Cover Stars: Sarah Baxter & her Ted SOPHIE’S CHOICES: Three pages of Top Product Picks!

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Page 1: Pets Magazine May 2016

Vet Pets Magazine

May, 2016

How to keep goldfish



Cover Stars: Sarah Baxter

& her Ted

SOPHIE’S CHOICES:Three pages of Top Product Picks!

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Vet Pets Magazine


WONDERBOO dog food We love tasty WONDERBOO dog food! This is a premium, health-focused Swedish dog food brand that has

just launched in the UK this spring. Each packet contains only natural, un-processed, Swedish, ingredients – including Swedish Ox, Cod and rumen – rumen is known as the “secret ingredient” for canine professionals and harks back to dog’s ancestral wolves way of eating. Each pack air dried instead of baked to lock in all the

goodness from these premium ingredients. Each packet, which comes in a range of pastel colours, looks gorgeous too!

From £2 per pack.

Top product picks by our in-house reviewer Sophie, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

PS! We adore Sophie’s beautiful pastel portrait above! It is by Amanda Stuart of Edie & Reggie.

Best of British Gourmet Hamper

A lovely selection of high-end and very scrumptious products. This

range of hampers would be a great gift for the pampered pooch in your life. They also do a lovely

selection of pet treats.Hampers at £45.

More Sophie’s Choices on P13

- 14 !

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Our Reader Photo of The Month

Catherine Sherill’s cute Collie Flossie who is pictured in Fort

Worth, Texas. Flossie is surrounded by beautiful

bluebonnet flowers for which the US state is renowned

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Our cover star this month is Sarah Baxter, a blogger and creator of TWILIGHT BARK UK; a blog dedicated to discovering the very best in the dog world. Sarah has made it her mission to travel the UK visiting dog charities and events, carefully finding the latest upcoming producers of dog products and ultimately e x p l o r i n g t h e U K ’ s relationship and love of dogs; something she is extremely passionate about. Everything s h e w r i t e s a b o u t i s experienced firsthand by Sarah or her dog Ted.


Ted is a Miniature Smooth-haired Dachshund. He is my first ‘small dog’ having grown up with larger breeds such as Golden Retrievers and a Labrador cross. I still love larger dogs but I have been obsessed with Dachshunds for as long as I can remember! Dachshunds may be small in stature but they are BIG personalities, which I adore. As Ted is my first dog ‘on my own’ rather than as part of my family, it was a perfect opportunity to turn my admiration from afar into a permanent part of my life. It wasn't a decision I made

lightly though and I did a lot of research before Ted became a part of my life (and it was the best decision I ever made!)


I have had Ted since he was 11 weeks old (having met him twice before I eventually picked him up). He’s 5 years old next month - although where the time has gone, I truly don’t know!

MY Pet

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As a blogger, I’m lucky I mostly work from home, so Ted has me all to himself for most of the time, which he absolutely loves - although it does mean I get in trouble with him when I’ve been interviewing people and their dogs or visiting a dog charity and I come home smelling of them!

Prior to this, Ted was originally meant to join me when I worked in London, but due to an unexpected change in circumstance at work, Ted then went to ‘doggy daycare’ for a number of years. It crippled me financially and wasn’t the life I envisaged for him, but I wasn’t going to let this unexpected change prevent him from being in my life; in fact it never crossed my mind!

After a lot of research finding someone I felt comfortable leaving him with during office hours, I was fortunate to find a

brilliant daycare. They looked after Ted in their own home a short distance from mine, with only a few other small dogs and he loved going there, which was a huge comfort. I’m passionate about and fully support dogs in the workplace environment where possible, as I feel dogs

bring so many benefits there.

Employers are starting to wake up to this fact and hopefully more and more will over time. I absolutely love having Ted with me when blogging as he brings

calmness when stressed, as well as inspiration!


I owe what I’m doing today to Ted. He inspired me to follow my passion of dogs to create

TWILIGHT BARK UK. After a few health issues and a number of hospital visits last year, which made me reevaluate my life, my original idea was for us to take time out last summer to be with each other, to travel around and attend dog friendly events and attractions and write a bit about it; but what we’ve created is something which has just grown and grown and enabled us see TWILIGHT BARK UK blossom and cover all sorts of

dog topics.

We’ve met some incredible people along the way and Ted is a big part of this. He’s with me at every twist and turn where possible.

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This was part of the original plan for TWILIGHT BARK UK although we didn't get that far as the blog took off in a way I couldn’t have dreamed of! There’s been a lot of hard work but no holidays yet! I definitely want to explore what the UK has to offer dog owners in terms of holidays though, so as we’re edging closer to summer, definitely expect us to be on the road and covering this for our blog. Even in just the last few months since we started, it is clear to see how the UK is fully embracing the culture of taking your dog to as many places as possible, including on holiday.


Ted has a large cuddly sheep, almost the same size as him, which he drags around the

house and adores. At least once everyday he will ‘clamp’ on ‘sheepy’ to send himself to sleep. When feeling playful and despite having lots of toy

options, there’s only one toy on Ted’s mind when he has a glint in his eye; his small rope toy tiger from Spoilt Little Puppy which is his ‘go to’ toy for playtime!

Ted, like most dachshunds, is a real ‘foodie’ which I have to be careful with as his weight can fluctuate very quickly. When it’s a special occasion, his absolute favourite is scrambled egg! He can’t get enough of it, which is slightly problematic if

I ever fancy some myself, as it means Ted also has to have some afterwards. If he hears even the slightest crack of an egg, he appears as if by magic!

Without sounding biased, Ted is also a real mummy’s boy, so I would have to say I’m probably one of his favourite things too! Ted loves nothing more than being cuddled by me and if I sit down for even a second, he’s there ready for a cuddle! If we’re out walking and he’s off the lead, you’ll rarely find him far away from my side - unless he detects something he probably shouldn’t be eating!


Ted doesn’t have any tricks per se, but his personality is more than

enough! He can provide a look of the eye and I will know exactly what he’s saying. I love this communication between us and shows the bond we have. If he really wants to make his point though, he does a move which I call ‘The Michael Jackson’ as he will moonwalk and make one of his Dachshund high pitched sounds when he really wants to be heard!

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PET REMEMBRANCE DAY, a national day set up for people to remember deceased pets is backing a charity that finds ‘forever homes’ for older dogs.

On national Pet Remembrance Day (Tuesday July 5), pet lovers are being asked to dig deep and pledge support to The Oldies Club, a national charity, which rehomes dogs aged seven and over.

Pet Remembrance Day, which launched in 2015, is the inspiration of Pets Magazine and Arty Lobster , a company that specializes in 3D pet sculptures.Pet Remembrance Day, or #PetRemembranceDay on social media, provides a valuable

opportunity for people to celebrate the lives of departed pets and the increasing number of ways in which we can commemorate them.

Marie Carter, Editor & Publisher of Pets Magazine said: “Last year, we held the UK’s first-ever National Pet Remembrance Day and we were delighted that the day really captured peoples’ hearts and imaginations. Hundreds of people shared their feelings, memories and photos of their departed pets on social media.

“It is clearly a day that people have been waiting for and it just seemed right that this year we combine it with helping to raise

money for an important pet charity.

“Grieving for a pet is gradually becoming widely accepted, and acceptable, but many people still don’t understand that for many pet owners, dogs and cats in particular, are now regarded as family members. National Pet Remembrance Day helps people to remember beloved companion animals.”

Lars Andersen, Managing Director of Arty Lobster, who co-founded the day, says: “Pets are increasingly regarded as members of our family, and we do not remember them as we should.


Our Beloved PetsMemories: TV vet Emma Milne and her dogs Pan and Badger

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“Pet cremations in the UK are still a slowly growing market and pet memorials tend to be very ‘samey’ with the best you can hope for being an urn featuring the pet’s name.

“Pet Remembrance Day is proud to support The Oldies Club, which is a wonderful charity that makes a huge difference to the lives of our beloved companion animals.”

Olive Armstrong, The Oldies Club, explains: “Our pets are members of our families too, and to dedicate a special day to remember them is a great idea.

“At The Oldies club, we have so many older dogs desperately in need of new forever homes in which to see out their final years.

“Older dogs can be the most loving and special dogs and they crave love and a nice spot in a warm home to snooze. We have so many people who have adopted an older dog and say they would definitely do so again, as they have had such a good experience with the dog. We are also looking for people who would like to foster an older dog, so please do get in touch with us via our website if you can help.”

Celebrities including TV vet Emma Milne are already lining up to support the day.

Emma explains: “As a vet and a pet owner, I have experienced the devastation of pet loss from every

angle. One of the hardest things for any vet is helping owners through the most difficult times of their lives but it is also our most important job. Having had to make the decision to end my own pets’ lives as well as those of my clients’ pets I completely understand the incredible sense of guilt and the mix of other emotions we all go through.”

Emma adds: “For me, like everyone else, animals are part of the family. My ‘boys’, Pan and Badger, were with me for 15 years through thick and thin and their loss utterly crushed me.

“Events like Pet Remembrance Day are hugely important to bring people together through shared anguish and unite them to help them remember the great times with their pets rather than just the final moments.”

To donate to The Oldies Club, please visit:

How You Can Get Involved: Pets Magazine and Arty Lobster have come up with several ways in which people can remember deceased pets on National Pet Remembrance Day, including:

• Give to The Oldies Club and help to support an older dog.

• Take part in a Twitter Chat to share stories and experiences and win a 3D sculpture of a beloved pet.

• A memorial service in a place where the pet liked to walk or play.

• A memento mori such as a sculpture of the pet

• A living memorial by planting a tree or flowerbed

• A pet portrait featuring the pet or their image printed on a coaster or other accessory

• A scrapbook, blog or social media channel, with photos and other reminders of the pet.

• A poem about the pet

Other ideas include:

• Keeping the pet’s favorite toy, collar or blanket

• Volunteering at an animal rescue centre in remembrance of the pet

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Many people think that keeping goldfish as pets is easy. But goldfish, or rather their upkeep, can be one of the most demanding hobbies. Not only must goldfish owners know what a nitrogen cycle is, but they should also be prepared to invest in a suitable home for their new pet.

Traditional goldfish bowls are no longer acceptable homes for pets that can live for over a decade.

ALEXANDER S. HOWSON of writes for Pets Magazine on the importance of getting the balance right. He provides some tips on understanding the nitrogen cycle and what to feed your new pet to stop him becoming sick.

The ‘age of the bowl’ is over and it’s time to start taking goldfish care seriously.

The myth that cold water fish such as goldfish are easier to keep than tropical freshwater

fish is wrong. In fact the only difference is the tank’s temperature. When keeping goldfish there are quite a few things to consider, such as tank size, filters, food and decorations.

Goldfish are big fish and big fish produce a lot of ammonia, which is the chemical that comes from fish waste and respiration. Ammonia is extremely harmful to fish and is the reason why most goldfish only live two to three years when in reality they can easily reach fifteen years of age.

How To Keep Goldfish

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Luckily, most tanks now have filters which act as a home for bacteria which turns this ammonia into nitrite which is still harmful but not as much as ammonia.

Even more bacteria in the filter then converts this nitrite to a less toxic chemical called nitrate. Nitrate is only bad in high doses but it can be removed in bi-weekly water changes.

This process is collectively known as the nitrogen cycle

and it’s why filters aren’t an option but a necessity.

Fancy goldfish such as panda moors and fantails shouldn’t be kept in anything smaller than

75 litres with 20 litres more with each fish added.

Common goldfish aren’t considered indoor fish anymore because of their fast swimming nature and their eventual size. If cared for well, common goldfish can grow to be in excess of 10 inches long. In

larger tanks fancy goldfish can be kept with other fish, weather loaches or coldwater tetras.

Keeping em’ fed

When feeding goldfish, flakes aren’t an option because when goldfish gulp them in they also take in air which can lead to buoyancy problems. Instead, look for a nutritious sinking goldfish pellet.

Pellets often provide better nutrition than flakes because there cooked at lower temperature during the manufacturing process. This means that less essential nutrients are burnt up.

“Common goldfish aren’t considered indoor fish


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Regular maintenance

Because goldfish produce a lot waste, your filter will be working hard converting the ammonia and nitrite into the lesser harmful nitrate. This needs to be taken out of the aquarium once a week by performing a water change of around 20% of the tank water.

Here’s how to do it:

• Remove the water and replace it with dechlorinated tap water

•Dechlorinators can be bought from your local pet shop. These remove all the chlorine in the water which kills your beneficial bacteria in the filter

• After doing this gently wash the muck off your filter sponge in the old water you’ve already removed from the tank.

This will ensure that you goldfish stay happy and healthy for a long time!

Fishy Facts:• Goldfish can't close their eyes. This makes sleeping a little

different as they sleep with their eyes open usually at the bottom of the water. • Goldfish have been pets for over 1,000 years, dating all the

way back to ancient china. • The world's oldest goldfish lived to be 43 years old and his

owner won him at a town fair. • Goldfish grow to the size of their tank. If they are kept in a

small tank they will not grow and this is actually stunting their growth. Whereas if they are kept in a large tank they can grow as big as 1 foot. They will thrive better in a larger space.

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3D Pet SculpturesLondon-based Arty Lobster creates the hi-tech sculptures from around ten pictures of a dog or another

pet which the owner uploads to the company’s website. Most of Arty Lobster’s pet sculptures are made from full colour sandstone material and there are bronze

and porcelain versions too. After creating a full colour computer model, they 3D print the pet in full colour using an advanced 3D printer. The result is a statue that shows off the pet in glorious full colour.

Customers can have the full colour sculpture in either standard and large sizes. The standard size is 14 cm (c. 5.5 inches) tall when sitting (or long when standing), while the large sculpture is about 20 cm (almost

8 inches) tall.

From £140.

More top product picks by our in-house reviewer Sophie, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Wiley's Finest Fish Oil products The high grade fish oil products which come in a range of varieties including orange burst liquid and mini gels are

packed full of goodness. They are great for joint conditions and healthy

cardiovascular systems. Suitable both for you and your dog.

From around £15.99.

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Cotswold RAW dog foodCotswold RAW is an independent, family run, company producing high quality Biological Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) for dogs. The food is nutritious and tasty and comes in a range of meats. We particularly loved

the sausage selection.From around £2.75 per pack.

Cheshire & Wain Cat CollarA lovely stylish selection of collars

and catnip toys inspired by Alice in Wonderland. We’re sure your

feline will look the cat’s pyjamas when he sees himself in the looking



Nutritious (& patriotic!) treats The Dog Treat Company makes delicious

handmade treats for canines that are packed full of goodies and flavours that all dogs

adore. All the treats are handmade from free-range liver and eggs and non-GMO/

irradiated herbs. There is also a special Corgi themed treat tin.
