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Kan Business de oplossing bieden? Go Beyond MBA November 10, 2011

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Kan Business de oplossing bieden?

Go Beyond MBA November 10, 2011

TNT Post founded in 1799, so more than 2 centuries old. Part of the national heritage of the Netherlands. TNT founded in Australia in 1946, quickly became a world-wide express transportation company. Recent company history: 1989: Corporatisation 1994: Privatisation 1996: Takeover of TNT 1998: Demerger and independent listing 2005: Re-branding of group to TNT; “Focus on Networks” 2006: Sale of Logistics, Freight Management


The best mail company in the world

TNT is consistently ranked as the best mail company in the world. We are active in domestic mail in eight European countries, while our Spring joint venture in business mail operates all across the world.


Hoau Major Chinese LTL / parcel operator Revenue € 120 million 12,000 people Over 1,100 depots 3,000 vehicles


Speedage Leading Indian road express operator Revenues ~ € 20 million 1,200 employees 514 depots Over 1,000 vehicles Acquisition cost € 33 million






TNT entered into a partnership with WFP

Is this then the answer a responsible company should give, looking at the world around it? I don’t think so. What does a company give back to society when sponsoring Fomula 1? Nothing, really. We decided we had to go another way alltogether. This is a video we made for our employees about our new sponsorship. I will show it to you now. [Video One]


Reviewing supply chain structures

We also use our experience and expertise to help WFP lower third-party transport costs by reviewing the existing supply chain and proposing new warehouse locations.


One way in which we assist WFP is through knowledge transfer. An example is the introduction of Fleet Management Systems. We help implement and train WFP staff to use a computer-based FMS with a spare parts stock-administration tool, direct asset information and cost performance figures. Through fleet management the average down-time of vehicles can be reduced from 30% to about 10%, greatly reducing cost levels for WFP and increasing efficiency.


We help also WFP through hands-on support. A good example is the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. There we really could make a difference. We were one of the first parties to arrive in Banda Aceh. Our people managed the Medan airport ramp handling, making sure that emergency supplies were offloaded and distributed efficiently. We also hired two helicopters to supply areas not reachable by road and organised the first convoy of supplies into the stricken area. Our hands-on support extends to other crisis situations as well. We have deployed our planes for emergency airlifts into Sri Lanka, Sudan, Djibouti, Niger and Pakistan.


48 Hours teams

Learning from the tsunami experience we have decided this year to set up so-called emergency response teams around the world that can spring into action to assist WFP in crisis situations. 48 hrs. Emergency Response Teams; a team of 80 TNT’ers devoted to providing worldwide specific logistic services in emergency situations, standby within only 48 hours. Selected specialists are ready for direct action in case of WFP request, in 4 areas: Aviation and ramp handling Warehousing Transport operations Reports and communications
We also feel that feeling a responsibility for the world includes trying to improve the corporate responsibility performance of our industry as a whole. In order to achieve this we play a major role in international platforms such as the World Economic Forum. In fact I have arrived here straight from the 2009 meeting in Davos. [Add some text, maybe another photo on WEF 2009.]


Walk the World

Finally, but by no means least, we help WFP by raising funds and publicity for the problem of world hunger. We set up a global fundraising event, Walk the World, where people walk in all time zones to raise money for WFP. Last year 760,000 people participated. They raised 2 million dollars. But probably even more importantly, these walks generate a huge amount of publicity, including interviews of WFP officials on CNN, which helps putting the problem of world hunger on the global agenda.


Volunteer programme

We also set up a volunteer programme for our employees to go and help in specialist projects and at WFP school feeding sites in Nicaragua, the Gambia, Tanzania, Malawi and Cambodia. This programme is designed to engage our employees in the partnership, and to get stories about the programme into the organisation. Over the past years some 300 employees have been sent out on different assignments.



Climate change may be the biggest challenge the world is facing today. We see the evidence all around us: diminishing polar ice caps and rising sea levels. Most scientists agree that global waming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, most importantly CO2. Transport produces 18% of global CO2 emissions, so as an industry we have a special responsibility. We should start to manage and reduce our carbon emissions.
We have taken an in-depth look at this complex issue, and have developed an approach that targets all parts of our operations: aircraft, vehicles, buildings, company cars, business travel, green capex, procurements and partnering with customers. I will lightly touch upon each of these subjects.
The most difficult area in which to reduce carbon emissions is aircraft. There simply isn’t any technology available yet to make a real difference here.

Electric vehicles, UK, China, NL

Hybrid trucks, Australia , Italy

Pure biodiesel, Amsterdam

Biodiesel blend, India

Operational vehicles are a completely different subject. Here we take a comprehensive approach based on 5 building blocks: network optimisation, behaviour, technology, fuel and subcontractors. Worldwide we have over 40 projects and pilots in operational vehicles, ranging from on-board computers influencing driver behaviour to purchasing 100 electrical vehicles in the UK. We are operationally deploying biofuel pures (more than 50 vans) and blends and hybrid trucks in Australia and Italy.
One of the biggest impacts we made in buildings was purchasing hydropower electricity for all our Dutch based buildings. Additionally we signed a contract for the development of 70.000 square meters of new green (CO2 positive) offices in the Netherlands. We will also build pilot best in class green depots in Netherlands, Italy and Sweden. These buildings will produce their own energy and deliver surpluses to the net.
We have changed our company car policy and reward employees who choose very low-emission cars. We have also saved a lot of CO2 as well as costs by reducing the number of business flights, replacing face-to-face meetings with video conferences.
Finally we now offer our business customers in the Netherlands the chance to offset the carbon emissions of their mailings. If they do so, we will double the CO2 compensation, effectively creating carbon positive “green” mailings.
And last but not least: excitement. Most of our employees are men, and we men like our cars. We have a programme called the Drive Me challenge to encourage and teach full efficient (and safe) driving. In the end the difference is in the right feet of our drivers. That is why we put 15 Country General Managers and their best pick up and delivery driver on a race track for an eco drive contest. 10 laps within the hour delivering 10 express packages using as little fuel as possible. All cars were the same weight and in the same condition using 100% biodiesel. The learnings were great and it was very exciting: drivers were telling their GM’s how to drive and the winning team used one third of the fuel of the team that ended last: same distance, same time.
Involving employees The most innovative and at the same time most challenging part is our effort to involve our employees in reducing carbon emissions and energy use in their private lives as well. We want to strike a deal with them, saying: as a company we are doing everything possible to reduce the impact we make on the environment, now we challenge you to do the same. We think that – if successful – this will greatly increase the effectiveness of our efforts, since all our employees together have a footprint as large as that of the company including subcontractors. It will also positively influence our employees’ engagement, and make them proud of the company they work for.


•Shared Values (HBR 1/11)

•Capitalism for the Long Term

•CSR 2.0 in the making

So what are you going to do?