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Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP 102 #29 2014

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Page 1: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

Peter Andreae

Computer Science

Victoria University of Wellington

Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington

Types and InterfacesCOMP 102 #29 2014

Page 2: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:2


• Multiple types• Interface classes• Implementing Interface classes.

Reading: • Textbook

• 9.3: Interfaces (note, textbook also discusses inheritance)

Page 3: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:3

Types again

Variables, fields, array elements are all defined with a type• Only values of the specified type can be put into a place

What types are there• primitive types: int, double, boolean, long, float, char, ..

note: java will "coerce" some types into other types:double number = 4;

• Object types:• Arrays : int[ ], double[ ][ ], Disk[ ], • Predefined: String, Color, File, Scanner, …• Programmer defined: CartoonFigure, Disk, DiskGame, …• Type of object determined at its creation:

• new Disk(100, 300) ⇒ a Disk object• new File ("data.txt") ⇒ a File object• new int[100][100] ⇒ an array of arrays

of int.• "Hello" ⇒ a String

Every class defines a type

Page 4: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:4

Object types

• All object values have two types:• the type they were created as• the Object type

• You can have a place of type Object:Object value = new Disk(100, 100);value = "not any more";

There are limits on what you can do with a place of type Object:



You can only call methods on the value in a variable/field if the methods belong to the type of the variable/field.


Won't work if value contains a String

Won't work if value contains a Disk

Page 5: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:5

Collections of different types

• Extending the Disk Game:• Have several kinds of Disks:

• ordinary Disks – get damaged, and explode after several shots

• bomb Disks – blow up immediately taking out lots of disks• fat disks – get smaller as get damaged, and don’t explode• bouncy disks – don't explode, but bounce around when




Page 6: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:6

New Disk Game

• DiskGame needs an array to hold all the disks

• Each class of disks needs the same methods:• damage, on, explode, etc• but, they each behave differently.


array of disks


damage()on(int x, int y)explode()


damage()on(int x, int y)explode()


damage()on(int x, int y)explode()


damage()on(int x, int y)explode()

Page 7: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:7


public class DiskGame {:private int maxDisks = 20;private [ ] disks = new


public void hitDisk(int x, int y){for (int i = 0; i<disks.length; i++){

if (disks[i] != null && this.disks[i].on(x, y) ) { this.disks[i].damage(); :

RoundDisk-2 BombDisk-5FatDisk-8



Java will complain!No such method for ObjectJava compiler will complain!No such method for Object

Can use ObjectCan use Object

Object Object



Page 8: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:8

Different Disk classes

public class RoundDisk {private int x, y;private int radius = 10;private Color col; public void damage(int amt){…..public boolean on(int x, int y){…..

}public class FatDisk {

private int x, y;private int length = 10;private double direction = 1.26;private Color baseCol, tubeCol; public void damage(int amt){…..public boolean on(int x, int y){…..


Page 9: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:9

"Generic" values with Object

public class DiskGame {:private int maxDisks = 20;private Object [ ] disks = new Object [maxDisks];

public void hitDisk(int x, int y){for (int i = 0; i<disks.length; i++){

Object disk = this.disks[i];RoundDisk rd = (RoundDisk) disk;if (rd != null && rd.on(x, y) ) {


Cast it to a RoundDiskNow compiler is happy

But if it is a BombDisk or… the program will fall over!

RoundDisk-2 BombDisk-5FatDisk-8




Page 10: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:10


• Can sometimes convert a value from one type to another• numbers:

int col = (int) (x /cellWidth);double x = 100 * col;

• Must be an explicit cast if information might be lost.

• anything to a string: (by adding to a string)"value is " + x

• For an Object value, it automatically calls the toString() method

"value is " + x.toString()

• any object value from one of its types to anotherObject disk = (Object) ( new RoundDisk(34, 45) );RoundDisk rd = (RoundDisk) disk;

• object must be of that type, otherwise a runtime error

Page 11: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:11

"Generic" values with Object

public void hitDisk(int x, int y){for (int i = 0; i<disks.length; i++){

Object disk = this.disks[i];if (disk == null) { continue; }else if (disk instanceof RoundDisk) {

RoundDisk rd = (RoundDisk) disk;if (rd.on(x, y) ) { rd.damage();…..}

}else if (disk instanceof FatDisk) {

FatDisk fd = (FatDisk) disk;if (fd.on(x, y) ) { fd.damage();…..}

} …

RoundDisk-2 BombDisk-5FatDisk-8


null null

Not nice code!

Page 12: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:12

A Disk type

• RoundDisk, FatDisk, BombDisk, BouncyDisk are all kinds of Disk.⇒ should all be of a Disk type.

RoundDisk-2 should be a • a RoundDisk,• a Disk, and• an Object

public class DiskGame {

private int maxDisks = 20;private Disk [ ] disks = new Disk [maxDisks];

public void hitDisk (int x, int y){for (int i = 0; i<disks.length; i++){

Disk disk = this.disks[i];if (disk != null && disk.on(x, y) ) {


Page 13: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:13

Making a Disk Type

• Problem: What is "a Disk" ?

• Answer 1:• Something you can

• damage, public void damage()• ask if a point is on it, public boolean on(int x,

int y)• explode public void explode()• ask for its score public double score()• ask if within range of disk public boolean

withinRange(Disk other)

• Answer 2:• a RoundDisk, or • a FatDisk, or• a BombDisk, or• a BouncyDisk.

• We need to make both answers true.

Page 14: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:14

Interface classes

• An interface class describes a supertype of other types. • It specifies

• a name for the type• the headers for the methods that any object of the type

can respond to.• constants (public static final double GRAVITY = 9.8)• nothing else! (no fields, constructors, or method bodies)

public interface Disk {method headersconstants


• You cannot make a new instance of an interface.

Disk b = new Disk();

An interface just says "what"; not "how"

Page 15: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:15

A Disk Interface class.

public interface Disk {public void damage();public boolean on(int x, int y);public void explode();public double score();public boolean withinRange(Disk other);


• Declares a type that you can use for fields,variables, arrays:

public class DiskGame {private int maxDisks = 20;private Disk [ ] disks = new Disk [maxDisks];public void hitDisk(int x, int y){

for (int i = 0; i<disks.length; i++){Disk disk = this.disks[i];if (disk != null && disk.on(x, y) ) {


Java will NOT complain!Disks DO have these methods

Note the ; instead of { …. }

Page 16: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:16

Making a Disk Type

• Problem: What is "a Disk" ?

• Answer 1: Defined by interface Disk {• Something you can

• damage, • ask if a point is on it,• explode• ask for its score• ask if within range of another disk

• Answer 2:• a RoundDisk, or • a FatDisk, or• a BombDisk, or• a BouncyDisk.

• We need to make both answers true.

Page 17: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:17Making classes have another type• If you define some class,

• all instances are automatically of type Object also.

• To make instances be of some interface type:• declare that the class implements the interface type:• make sure that the class defines all the methods

specified by the interface type:

public class RoundDisk implements Disk {private int x, y;private int radius = 10; public void damage(int amt){ …… }public boolean on(int x, int y){ …… }public void explode() { …… }public double score() { …… }public boolean withinRange(Disk other) { …… }


Must provide method bodies,not just headers!

implements is a “promise” that these objects will be of the interface type. ie, will have all the methods.

Page 18: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:18More classes implementing Disk

public class FatDisk implements Disk {private int x, y;private int layers = 5; public void damage( ){ …… }public boolean on(int x, int y){ …… }public void explode() { …… }public double score() { …… }public boolean withinRange(Disk other) { …… }


public class BombDisk implements Disk {private int x, y, maxRad;private int radius = 10;public void damage(){ …… }public boolean on(int x, int y){ …… }public void explode() { …… }public double score() { …… }public boolean withinRange(Disk other) { …… }


Page 19: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:19

Making a Disk Type

• Problem: What is "a Disk" ?

• Answer 1: Defined by interface Disk {• Something you can

• damage, • ask if a point is on it,• explode• ask for its score• ask if within range of another disk

• Answer 2: Specified by … implements Disk• a RoundDisk, or • a FatDisk, or• a BombDisk, or• a BouncyDisk.

• We have now made both answers true.

Page 20: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:20

DiskGame class structure

RoundDiskdamage explode …



explode …

BombDiskdamage explode …

BouncyDiskdamage explode …


User Interface

Array of Disk

Page 21: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:21

Interface class summary

• If you define an interface class:• You have defined a type

• You can declare variables (or arrays) to have that type.

• You cannot make an object of the interface class

new Disk(…) // NOT ALLOWED (there is no constructor)

• Objects from classes implementing the interface are of that type.

• You can call any of the specified methods on values in fields/variables of that type.

• When defining an interface class:• You should include headers of methods• You may include static final constants• You may not include fields, constructors, or method bodies.

Page 22: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:22

Interfaces: More examples

• We have used interfaces before!

public class Plotter implements UIButtonListener{

public Plotter(){

UI.addButton(“Read”, this);UI.addButton(“Plot” , this);UI.addButton(“Stats” , this);





















public void actionPerformed(…

Page 23: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:23UIButtonListener is an Interface• UIButtonListener is an Interface class

• Every button object contains a field of type UIButtonListener

• UIButtonListener specifies one method:public interface UIButtonListener{ public void buttonPerformed(String button);}

• When a button is pressed.• the JVM looks for the object in the button’s buttonListener

field• It then calls the buttonPerformed method on the object

passing the name of the button.

It can only do this because the object is an UIButtonListener.(and this is almost the only thing it can do on the object)

Page 24: Peter Andreae Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Copyright: Peter Andreae, Victoria University of Wellington Types and Interfaces COMP

© Peter Andreae

COMP 102 29:24

Interfaces: More examples

• The listener can be a Plotter, or aGenealogy, or a DiskGame … as long as it is also an UIButtonListener





















public void actionPerformed(…