pest plant and animal management plan · sanvc south australian native vegetation council sop...

Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR) PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

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Page 1: PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN · SANVC South Australian Native Vegetation Council SOP Standard Operating Procedure WoNS Weeds of National Significance . Hillside Copper Mine

Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Page 2: PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN · SANVC South Australian Native Vegetation Council SOP Standard Operating Procedure WoNS Weeds of National Significance . Hillside Copper Mine

Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Table of Contents

DOCUMENT OWNER ............................................................................................................. 4

DOCUMENT APPROVER ....................................................................................................... 4

REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................. 4

DEFINITION OF TERMS ........................................................................................................ 5

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 6

1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................................. 61.2 OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 6

2. PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL CONDITIONS ............................................................... 6

3. PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL ENVIRONMENTAL OUTCOMES ................................... 6

4. BASELINE MEASUREMENTS AND MODELLING ..................................................... 7

4.1 PEST PLANTS ................................................................................................................................... 74.2 PEST ANIMALS ................................................................................................................................. 9

5. UNCERTAINTY ASSESSMENT .............................................................................. 10

6. KEY RISKS ............................................................................................................ 10

7. CONTROL MEASURES ........................................................................................... 11

7.1 DESIGN CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES .............................................................. 117.2 OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES .................................................. 12

8. CONSULTATION .................................................................................................... 13

9. WEED DETECTION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURE ............................................... 13

10. MONITORING PROGRAM ....................................................................................... 13

10.1 ANNUAL MONITORING .................................................................................................................. 1310.2 AUDITS AND INSPECTIONS .......................................................................................................... 1310.3 RECORDS ....................................................................................................................................... 13

11. REPORTING ........................................................................................................... 14

12. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ............................................................................... 14

13. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT ................................................................................. 14

14. REVIEW .................................................................................................................. 14

15. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 14

16. APPENDICES ......................................................................................................... 16

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


List of Tables Table 1: Declared weeds and WoNS recorded from Hillside Mine ................................................................... 8Table 2: Current Weed Status and Controls ..................................................................................................... 8Table 3: Introduced animals recorded from Hillside .......................................................................................... 9

List of Figures

No table of figures entries found.

List of Appendices Appendix 1: Intentionally left blank Appendix 2: Correspondence Records Appendix 3: Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Requirements Checklist

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Document Owner

Sustainability Manager Document Approver

Project Director Revision History

Version No. Date Published Details 1.0 16/06/2017 First draft 2.0 23/06/2017 Management Review 3.0 03/07/2017 HMCV Draft

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Definition of Terms

ACR Annual Compliance Report

DEWNR Department for the Environment, Water & Natural Resources

DEWNR Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet

DSD Department of State Development

DWLBC Department of Water, Land & Biodiversity Conservation

EML Extractive Minerals Lease 6439

EML Extractive Minerals Lease 6439

EMS Environmental Management System

EPA Environment Protection Agency

EPBC Act The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

HMCV Hillside Mine Community Voice

ML Mineral Lease 6438

MLP Mineral Lease Proposal

MPL Miscellaneous Purposes Licence 146

MPL Miscellaneous Purpose Licence 146 (infrastructure corridor)

NRM Natural Resource Management

NRM Act Natural Resource Management Act 2004

NVA Native Vegetation Act 1991

NVMP Native Vegetation Management Plan

NVR Native Vegetation Regulations 2003

NYNRM Northern and Yorke Natural Resource Management

PIRSA Primary Industries & Regions SA

PPAMP Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan

RSF or WSF Rock Storage Facility

SANVC South Australian Native Vegetation Council

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

WoNS Weeds of National Significance

Page 6: PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL MANAGEMENT PLAN · SANVC South Australian Native Vegetation Council SOP Standard Operating Procedure WoNS Weeds of National Significance . Hillside Copper Mine

Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)



Rex Minerals Limited plans to develop and operate the Hillside Mine, situated 12 kilometres south of the township of Ardrossan. Conventional open cut mining techniques will be employed using trucks and excavators to deliver ore to a processing plant that will produce a copper concentrate. This plan outlines the measures to be undertaken to manage pest plants and animals in compliance with the NRM Act and the conditions outlined within the ML, EML, and MPL for the Hillside Mine. 1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

Rex Minerals is committed to minimising the impact of its operations on the local environment and community, and is developing a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS), that will be based on the International Standard 14001:2004. This PPAMP is a component of the Hillside Mine EMS. 1.2 OBJECTIVES

The objective of this PPAMP is to provide the framework for:

• Ensuring compliance with all relevant statutory requirements;

• Rex Minerals Policies and Standards;

• Management and mitigation of the potential impacts associated with pest plants and animals;

• Prevention of the introduction of new species of weeds, plant pathogens or pests in the Hillside Mine area;

• Prevention of a sustained increase in abundance of existing weeds or pest species in the Hillside Mine area.


There are no Hillside Mine ML conditions (Second Schedule) relating to pest plants and animals. 3. PEST PLANT AND ANIMAL ENVIRONMENTAL OUTCOMES

The following Hillside Mine ML clauses (Sixth Schedule) relate to weeds, pest and pathogens.

Weeds, Pest and Pathogens Outcome

24 The Tenement Holder must, in construction, operation and post mine completion, ensure no introduction of new species of weeds, plant pathogens or pests (including feral animals), nor sustained increase in abundance of existing weed or pest species in the Land compared to adjoining land.

Weeds, Pest and Pathogens Criteria

25 The Tenement Holder is required to address the following matters for the purposes of Regulation 65(2)(d) of the Mining Regulations in relation to Sixth Schedule Clause 23; 1

1 Clause 23 Native Fauna Outcome: The Tenement Holder must ensure that there are no native fauna injuries or deaths due to mining operations that could reasonably have been prevented.

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


25.1 representative baseline data on the presence and abundance of weeds, pests and plant pathogens within the Land prior to commencement of mine operations.


Baseline flora and fauna surveys were undertaken by COOE Pty Ltd in 2011, 2012 and 2013 for the Hillside Mine. 4.1 PEST PLANTS

As the current land use within the Hillside Mine ML predominantly comprises agricultural land with a small percentage of remnant vegetation, pest plants have heavily invaded the area. Fifty-nine introduced plant species were sighted and recorded within and surrounding the Hillside Mine ML during the baseline vegetation surveys and an additional three species have been sighted by Rex Minerals personnel during weed audits. Seventeen declared weed species listed under the NRM Act have been identified within the Hillside Mine ML (Table 1). Declared species are regarded as particularly invasive and pose significant economic and environmental risk, therefore requiring a level of mandatory control of their infestation. There have been no sightings of Phytophthora or Orobanche (Broomrape) species within the Hillside Mine ML. 4.1.1 Declared Weeds

Pest plants that are a significant threat to agriculture, the natural environment and public health and safety are called declared plants. Land owners have a legal responsibility to manage these plants. The NRM Act sets out the legal framework for:

• banning the sale of declared weeds;

• controlling the movement of declared weeds;

• destroying or controlling infestations of declared weeds;

• notifying authorities when an infestation is detected. There are 140 weeds listed as declared plants in South Australia – at the following link. ( 4.1.2 Alert Weeds

Alert weeds are declared weeds not yet established in South Australia that pose a serious threat and must be reported to the NRM if detected. 4.1.3 Weeds of National Significance

WoNS are Australia’s most invasive plants that have proven social, economic and environmental impacts that require national action to manage. There are national programs and strategies for each WoNS – at the following link. ( Five of the 17 declared plants located at the Hillside Mine site are also WoNS (Table 1).

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Table 1: Declared weeds and WoNS recorded from Hillside Mine Common Name Species Name African boxthorn*++ Lycium ferocissimum African lovegrass Eragrostis curvula (excluding the cultivar `Consol') Athel pine++ Tamarix aphylla Bathurst burr Xanthium spinosum Bridal creeper++ Asparagus asparagoides Bridal veil*++ Asparagus declinatus Caltrop Tribulus terrestris Cutleaf mignonette Reseda lutea False caper Euphorbia terracina Horehound Marrubium vulgare Innocent weed Cenchrus incertus and Cenchrus longispinus Lincoln weed Diplotaxis tenuifolia (unlesss grown or harvested as crop) Olive Olea europaea (excluding cultivated trees) Salvation Jane Echium plantagineum Silverleaf nightshade++ Solanum elaeagnifolium Skeleton weed Chondrilla juncea Three corner jack Emex australis

* NYNRM Priority plants for the Yorke District ++ Weeds of National Significance

During the time that Rex Minerals has taken ownership and responsibility for management of the properties associated with the Hillside Mine, active control measures have been put in place to identify and combat pest weeds. The current status and controls are listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Current Weed Status and Controls Common Name

Current Status Controls

African boxthorn

Extensively treated in an effort to remove all mature plants.

Annual back up control is conducted to remove any new germinations.

African lovegrass

Located in most remnant and roadside vegetation areas.

Physical removal or targeted spraying in mixed vegetation, Rex Minerals agricultural cropping practices.

Athel pine Single trees planted by previous landowners and designated for removal for the Hillside Mine construction.

Removed, monitored and controlled as required.

Bathurst burr Historically recorded by previous landowners, none have been located during Rex Minerals’ occupation.

Monitored and controlled as required.

Bridal creeper The roadsides containing the heaviest infestations are subject to the St Vincent Highway diversion.

Subject to biological control by NYNRM and is quite extensive on adjoining roadsides.

Bridal veil An isolated plant was located in roadside vegetation. This plant was manually removed.

Back up monitoring is conducted manually.

Caltrop Located on a small section of fence-line. This has been mapped and regularly treated/removed during the growing season (warmer months).

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Common Name

Current Status Controls

Cutleaf mignonette

Periodically located in small isolated patches consisting of single plants.

These are monitored for and treated prior to flowering.

False caper Abundant on roadsides adjoining Rex Minerals owned land. The roadsides are subject to the St Vincent Highway diversion.

Controlled during winter roadside spraying campaigns.

Horehound Found in most remnant and roadside vegetation patches.

Rex Minerals’ agricultural cropping practices and site-specific spraying.

Innocent weed Located on a small section of fence-line. This has been mapped and regularly treated/removed during the growing season (warmer months).

Lincoln weed Minimal numbers of isolated plants located on roadsides.

Treated as identified.

Olive Individual plants completely removed in 2014. No new plants identified.

Monitored and controlled as required.

Salvation Jane Minimal numbers contained to one area. Controlled in annual cropping program. Silverleaf nightshade

Extensive control program since originally identified in 2013. Reduced to small isolated patches continually monitored for and controlled.

Reported to NYNRM and advice received on control methods.

Skeleton weed Restricted to paddocks. Controlled by annual cropping program. Three corner jack

Mainly in paddocks. Controlled by annual cropping program with isolated patches controlled as identified.

4.1.4 Common Weeds

Common weeds are general nuisance weeds that are not declared. A build-up of these plants may result in increased fuel loading (fire risk) and may compete with native vegetation during rehabilitation. 4.2 PEST ANIMALS There were six introduced mammal species and six introduced bird species recorded during surveys (Table 3). The common House Mouse (Mus musculus) dominated the mammal fauna across the Hillside Mine ML and MPL areas and the Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) were recorded in the highest numbers. Two invasive mammal species identified in the EPBC Act Protected Matters Report: Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and Fox (Vulpes vulpes), were recorded within and surrounding the Hillside Mine ML. Two species of snail have been identified within the Hillside Mine ML by Rex Minerals personnel. The White Italian Snail (Theba pisana) is the most common species in the area and the Pointed Snail (Cochlicella acuta) has been recorded, however not in great numbers. Table 3: Introduced animals recorded from Hillside

Common Name Species Name Black Rat Rattus rattus Brown Hare Lepus capensis Common Blackbird Turdus merula Common House Mouse Mus musculus Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Common Name Species Name Feral Cat Felis catus Feral Pigeon Colombia livia Fox Vulpes vulpes House Sparrow Passer domesticus Pointed Snail Cochlicella acuta Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Skylark Alauda arvensis Spotted Turtle-dove Streptopelia chinensis White Italian Snail Theba pisana

Key pest animals in the Northern and Yorke region can be found at the following link, (, and are as follows:

• Feral Deer

• Feral Goat

• Fox

• Rabbit

• Wild Dog.

Of the five key pest animals listed in the Northern and Yorke region, only two frequent the Hillside Mine area:

• Fox – annual baiting in conjunction with NYNRM’s coordinated control program has been conducted since 2012. Rex Minerals will continue to participate in this program. Monitoring for new dens is ongoing and control conducted as required.

• Rabbit – abundance monitoring has been ongoing since 2012. During 2016, Rex Minerals took part in a coordinated baiting program after a region wide increase in rabbit numbers. Monitoring for new warrens is performed as required. Control may consist of: ripping warrens where accessible, fumigating warrens and/or baiting programs.

During times of increased numbers, Rex Minerals reports to NYNRM as distributor and control of rabbit bait and coordinated programs to landowners.


Variations in climatic conditions may affect weed and pest populations and may cause changes from the baseline data that are not associated with the construction or operational activities on the Hillside Mine ML. 6. KEY RISKS

Throughout the MLP process, potential pest plant and animal impacts associated with the Hillside Mine ML were identified through stakeholder consultation and risk evaluation. The potential impacts identified in the MLP as requiring associated outcomes and measurement criteria have been documented below:

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


• Introduction of new pest plant and animal species and plant pathogens in the Hillside Mine ML area.

• Sustained increase in abundance of existing pest plant and animal species in the Hillside Mine ML area. The use of earthmoving equipment, vehicles, and construction materials mobilised from other sites has the potential to introduce or spread weeds and pest species that currently do not occur in the area.

Potential impacts arise from the establishment and operation of the Hillside Mine that will require vegetation clearing, land disturbance, vehicle movement (especially earth-moving equipment) and the establishment of artificial wet areas. These activities and altered conditions have the potential to introduce plant pathogens and new pest plant species and result in a sustained increase in abundance of existing pest plant species in the Hillside Mine ML area. Pest plant species and plant pathogens may be competitively advantaged by modifications from the Hillside Mine, reducing agricultural productivity, outcompeting native plant species, altering native fauna habitats and can result in displacement of species. The following activities could have potential impacts in relation to the introduction of new, or increase the abundance of, weeds and/or pest species or pathogens:

• Use of vehicles, machinery and equipment, which traverse across and beyond mining tenements, spreading weeds and seeds.

• Disturbance of ground providing ideal conditions for weed colonisation.

• Topsoil stockpiles creating weed seedbank.

• Increasing foraging and refuge habitat for pest animals, ie. vegetated areas, infrastructure, etc.


The land owned by Rex Minerals has been subject to a pest plant and animal control and management program since 2010, involving on-ground spraying and baiting. The management of pest plants and animals on the road verges within the Hillside Mine ML is the responsibility of the abutting landowner (which includes Rex Minerals). The Hillside Mine PPAMP includes a comprehensive set of both design (see Section 7.1 and operational based control measures (see Section 7.2), designed to minimise pest and weed introduction and occurrence onsite. 7.1 DESIGN CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Table 4: Design control measures and responsibilities

Design Control and Management strategies Responsibility Timing

Vehicle wash down and brush down stations at the entrance to site “arrive clean, leave clean”.

Mining Manager Ongoing

Site surface water management designed to minimise surface water ponding/pooling, which can attract pest plants and animals.

Sustainability Manager


Fencing of the mining operation. Operations Manager

As required

The main site access road will be sealed. Operations Manager

As required

Hillside Mine permit system/procedures. Operations Manager


Restrict traffic to established site roads. Sustainability Ongoing

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Manager Implementation of staged clearance; ensuring clearance occurs immediately prior to development and within designated areas.

Sustainability Manager

As required

7.2 OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Table 5: Operational control measures and responsibilities

Operational Control and Management strategies Responsibility Timing

Liaise with the relevant government agencies on appropriate measures to control and monitor pest plant and animals and to align with regional control program objectives.

Sustainability Manager


Liaise with neighbouring properties to coordinate pest plant and animal control efforts. Sustainability Manager


Consultation with neighbouring landholders to identify any further pest plant species. Sustainability Manager


Declared Plants and Weeds of National Significance will be managed as per the requirements of the NRM Act. Weed spraying will be undertaken prior to seed set and following the guidelines in the PIRSA Weed Control Handbook for Declared Plants in South Australia. See Table 2 for the list of active control measures implemented at Hillside Mine.

Sustainability Manager


A program of baiting and warren fumigation of declared pest species (namely rabbits, foxes and snails) will be implemented, as required. Baiting in late summer or autumn is the optimum time to bait as rabbits and foxes are more likely to take bait when alternative food is scarce or not available.

Sustainability Manager


Regular pest plant and animal inspections will be conducted focusing on areas with a high potential for, or susceptibility to, pest plant and animal invasion including disturbed areas, rehabilitated/revegetated areas and areas where weed control has previously taken place to assess effectiveness (see Section 10).

Sustainability Manager


Site induction to include awareness of decontamination of plant and equipment, identification of weed species, reporting of potential weed sightings and response procedure.

Sustainability Manager


Occurrence of weeds will be recorded during day-to-day activities and followed up with weed control. Implementation of Weed Detection and Response Procedure (see Section 9).

Sustainability Manager


All imported material such as construction material, landscaping material, infrastructure materials, ground disturbing equipment etc. will be purchased from the suppliers, who certify that they are weed free.

Sustainability Manager


Vehicles operating on unsealed roads will go through a tyre wash before exiting the Hillside Mine site. Cleaning will be conducted in a designated area, and waste appropriately disposed of.

Mining Manager Ongoing

Vehicle inspection and wash down procedure. Mining Manager Ongoing Buses transporting employees to and from site, decreasing vehicle movement to and from the site.

Operations Manager


The topsoil stockpiles will be managed to control or prevent pest plant infestations and minimise the likelihood of pest plant introduction or increased distribution during re-spreading of topsoil.

Sustainability Manager


All waste onsite will be managed to ensure no sources of food are available to pests. Sustainability Manager


Targeted knock down of summer and winter weeds. Sustainability Manager


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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)



This Plan is being prepared in consultation with the DSD, DEWNR, YP Council, the HMCV consultation group and directly with local landowners. 9. WEED DETECTION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURE

On detection of a suspected weed, Rex Minerals will:

• Apply control measures, including additional monitoring and targeted controls to ensure that weeds are treated in accordance with recommended control measures, when they are young and to minimise any damage to non-weeds.

• Record and map weed locations, take photographs and record control measures implemented (see Section 10.3).

• Report Alert Weeds to the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Centre. 10. MONITORING PROGRAM


• Annual monitoring will be undertaken by a person suitably qualified in the identification of weed species.

• Monitoring will be focused on rehabilitation, topsoil storage locations, and disturbed areas and areas already identified as having a weed species present.

• Annual surveys will involve visual inspection surveys and photo-point monitoring.

• Native vegetation surveys will also be used to detect/record abundance of weeds in remnant and rehabilitated areas. The native vegetation monitoring program is outlined in the Native Vegetation Management Plan.

• Monitoring for new pest animal dens and warrens is ongoing and control conducted as required in coordination with the NYNRM and adjoining landholders.


• Weed audits and inspections will be undertaken to assess the effectiveness of control measures following implementation of the weed detection and response procedure (Section 9) and to ascertain if additional follow up is required.


• Details of weed control used and the times that weed control was undertaken according to the following standards (

• Internal Reporting – all personnel to report sightings of feral/pest species to Rex Minerals management.

• Locations of weeds/suspected weeds will be recorded.

• Control measures implemented will also be recorded, including type of control, physical, chemical etc., time the control measures were undertaken and weather conditions at the time.

• Inspection records for vehicles and machinery demonstrate that all vehicles and machinery have been certified as clean before operating on the Hillside Mine site.

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)



The Hillside Mine will report on the performance of this Plan in the ACR. The ACR will be provided to the HMCV and made available for public information on the Rex Minerals website. Detection of State Alert Weeds will be reported to Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Centre. 12. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

The following performance indicators will be measured against the ML conditions:

• Compliance with relevant vehicle procedures (eg. cleaning) at the Hillside Mine.

• No introduction of new species of weeds, plant pathogens or pests (including feral animals);

• No sustained increase in abundance of existing weed or pest species compared to adjoining land.

• Report on size and location of pest plants recorded annually.

• Report on quantity of pesticides and location used annually.

• Compliance with this Plan, as indicated by internal and statutory reporting.


The Hillside Mine will strive to continually improve on the mine’s environmental performance by applying the principles of best practice to mining operations including, where cost-effective and practicable, the adoption of new best practice technologies and improved pest plant and animal control measures. Progress will be monitored using the above noted performance indicators. 14. REVIEW

This Plan will be reviewed, and if necessary revised, to the satisfaction of the DSD and in consultation with relevant government agencies, in accordance with the requirements relating to PEPR review, update and approval. 15. REFERENCES

Biosecurity SA and PIRSA 2017. Weed Control Handbook for Declared Plants in South Australia. Primary Industries and Regions South Australia, July 2017. COOE 2012a. Fauna Survey of the Hillside Property & Adjacent Reserves and Roadsides, December 2011. Report prepared for Rex Minerals, June 2012. COOE 2012b. Botanical Survey of the Hillside Copper Project site, Adjacent Reserves and Roadsides, September 2011. Report prepared for Rex Minerals, June 2012. COOE 2012c. Supplementary Flora Report - Patches and Roadsides Vegetation Survey: 26-29 July 2012. Report prepared for Rex Minerals, November 2012. COOE 2013a. Fauna Survey of the Hillside Property, Adjacent Reserves and Roadsides, July 2012. Report prepared for Rex Minerals, March 2013.

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


COOE 2013b. Fauna Survey of the Hillside Project Mineral Claim Western Areas – West of Redding Road, June 2013. Report prepared for Rex Minerals, July 2013. PIRSA 2014. “Weeds of National Significance (WONS)” accessed at Northern and Yorke NRM 2016. “Pest plants” accessed at EPBC Act Protected Matters Report 2017, Australian Government, Department of Environment and Energy

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)



Appendix 1: Intentionally left blank

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Appendix 2: Correspondence Records Key relevant communications with DSD, DEWNR, YP Council and the community relating to this management plan are detailed below. Date Communication with Action or Outcomes

30/06/2017 DSD, DEWNR, YP Council

Draft PPAMP sent.

03/07/2017 HMCV Draft PPAMP tabled at the meeting.

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Hillside Copper Mine Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR)


Appendix 3: Pest Plant and Animal Management Plan Requirements Checklist Condition Requirement Section

Rex Minerals Hillside Mine Mineral Lease Conditions (ML 6438) Second Schedule

Weeds, Pest and Pathogens

There are no Hillside Mine ML conditions (Second Schedule) relating to weeds, pests and pathogens


Rex Minerals Hillside Mine Mineral Lease Conditions (ML 6438) Sixth Schedule

Weeds, Pest and Pathogens Outcome

24. The Tenement Holder must, in construction, operation and post mine completion, ensure no introduction of new species of weeds, plant pathogens or pests (including feral animals), nor sustained increase in abundance of existing weed or pest species in the Land compared to adjoining land.


Weeds, Pest and Pathogens Criteria

25. The Tenement Holder is required to address the following matters for the purposes of Regulation 65(2)(d) of the Regulations in relation to Sixth Schedule Clause 23;

3,4,10. 25.1. representative baseline data on the presence and abundance of weeds,

pests and plant pathogens within the Land prior to commencement of mine operations.