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CONTAINS KOEB VOL, xvni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEmJTBRSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER1, 188& fttrt ««t dm to tJnSot Bin.. M; ur aomcBifi'ios BIT IS flu...... 1 * * - aounait 116 ~ "" aw 876 <S60 60 owl M 4 96 ill 6 00 Ut 10 00 17 i.ooi. sa !?5r/ooTao; UK) 00| «7 Ml 68 00 U I 4D1MDTOBTOM*. MUL 'itfiUI UBBMMJCH'S SHAVING AND HAIR JJMTTIM6 .SALO.ON-, SU.tfStiX S'TRBiT J. OOOFEB, Ntl-lTtlW, AI K18TEB an HOUUITOR IN CIlANtEBY OOnlataaleta V ' DOVER. S.V I. OtHMiBB, • . 1).. - *' *_ '1OMKB11. fWOTITIOKlU, in) arcbuusr uc TB> mui«n i UDuaum Tffll MSI HOTEL BOTIDIaO :|||P||E|r, ;j\%;.viveaMuan *o' it,'trioiMi,"); '••-. *«'r MANlIf AOTDBSil *HD DKALKB |i|tfi||f|Bs .ilSlieet: l^ead,^/^;;^ |y||iea|lirt|»,\'?i;t in* n u n nomumsooo.' OTsah " OUOITOB- A B 0 " l l M T « IN OBAHOBB). BIA«BOPI,<I.J. oMl MRS.flEOBOI Tut. Cii-i., H*-* .•• . « u r i « r klie er IMMBwiibavnTBnoniicUjor n (toads, trnwaelns tuo new tad le*d> tfiH for i t a l e i , Knew anil Children, to walaluad Ibe n*we*l faVioa. Tbo ll *1M Ia4 ttul ibe bt*>w&i*nd lt UM or Boou tod KUOM totl tbftt . //JOSEPH C. J8HH80H, IOSOII:-:MD:-:BUILDER ,muox- , Deoorator, Gialnor KfifHOKVOBk AiPEOlAlTT. gJ^Sw^'jiri'te^Mrail.-ijOltai, TIFFANY & ALLEN! 'IBE LABSE3T Df THE STATE. HeadquartBfs « AKNEX ATDOVERI ASMEX AT WABWIOK A OUGAT D18C0VGKV ! SARATOGA AT HOME ! A vnltr umqmkd/or bnUianey and purity. TU/mutu waters of Sarela/a wtflht ApoOmmriiioiddmt/orlar, >ra|«alproperties•for'JMney trouble ^:ge0ql;ieWilfrifV ; f ; : : : '' J B%jjafl odd <<> <wr many (»•««!• £f <&m«J eefeSrofediieijera «n «l« 'moriferi ^ Soehaler Bohemia^ Beer O«»'iiamj,'.a mrbad biinpjm the rak^^forj'JD^'wkicVipqinon ti';rmby[tytm^rig^We don't daiiai:its^^d^r : tpavymi^bi arejfctwid;Of,;ji«i«(|/. tfjmf^qoodii •hall maie them iak the lead, '"' k SPKJIAITT. [MUSE rora i»«i prcmplly idjutted in* iSfliC^aliilBpihllljSl HKAL ErtTATBFOB sil K SM<~wi'b. alt modrfiiVrvp'ii.e) >la^!;.lltiftipa*«.,::J"j."i?.i ilM.n4iiini'.>a;a..;*lnia:' fNEAK COURT HOUSE.) mctaiMnit'otr rulMbiapiriimrllMI. tor. *al«.or.r«DL <. , • ^-•.-• J'X-:VrV(S> -.v^:- • m a J •a.laai ,o» bond a|4 mWitip.':. v : P. THR BAMf. |3<SBOE a»^«;. -^* IS 8HOB8 FOR LADIS8. C*MP»llnB, adnlent wbaa my n e ud niiiu* «r« sot >on 8A^e nif Co., V C. GHRISTENSEN, sriaa . Dover, H. J. IARPET WEAVER. DYEBandOLEASKK. irlet itttntton gtvm to oustom work. pc»IMtilfrjeforouHoir«™. R*fCu> lltwiltonhinduthtlnmtcuhprhM. wort doMit ite ihortnt ponibli wnm * utlthOlon'l-iiininMd. Cinttamm'l i lln-drmiood* aollc|ud.; R. F. JOLLEY & Co., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, MEN'S FURNISHERS, 331 BROAD St. NEW AUK, N. J. BQK17AHP BJtSX STOCK la the itoto With 100 feet more room, after six weeks interruption byram, carpenters, masons and painters, we can truly say that we now have the largest,, most oomplete and convenient establishment in th6 c tate, running through the entire blook. from Market street to Camp- bell street. ' ' AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, wishes to oall the attention of the citizens o Dover and vioiniiy to his new an! increased stock of BEDIOI SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, CABPETS, PABLDR ST01TES and BAH&ES, of all the latest Fall styles and patterns. Splendid Parlor Suits in Plush, new style frames, only $45 00. BLAOK WALNUT BEDROOM SUITS, new Fall styles, only $46. ANTIQUE OAK BEDROOM SUITS, new Fall styles, only $32 50. ' Good Tapestry Brussels Carpet, new Fall styles per yard only 60 ots. Extra. Super All-wopl Ingrain Carpet, new Fail styles, per yard only 60 cts. PiRLOR STOVES and'RA'NGES, this fall's ' patterns, at low prioes. \ (CKEJHT GIVJBN IF DESIRED ) YEARS my nret pali of shoes on tills corner Eellly of Mt. Hope, as ehe selected Graia Waterproot Khoes at $1.?5, jjtyrp bought shoos in various places Have always fonudT gaved mon^j by walking to your store when I wanted a really good article. An old gentle man from r |ferk»hlre hearing her remarkN made tin statement t|af he also hadpurchased of us over 80 ycars,'aiid llw»y» to his advantage. We quote tli WODHDELIVERED mi* OF0BAJt9MTV AXY PAXT OF Till STATIC Blank Sooki, Jo; DA. A. Q. FREEMAN; ' DENTIST, •IxolMiij'MM.ana IkarvMNM w . " t l » r at. aa good — mil*?.AUawavwamSiad wgoMaa oantoliyfttUdHeJMMt ftait Ika nte* chat] Dr. Vreanua baa,'b**a"my-««»!' 1«stU,M*Ue fot *U Jpaultjant Mbolwt lit great pleuare to noSngMid bin u • Uii>Mn|bhroonMt«»Mil reli«bte4rnUfl. Hj MqnalKUBM wftkDr Vntww hu a jSSf. FMIIIJ iwl a u n i a l «feMfftftynem* aim U« • • • unlWf ttomafk ud nluiili HOOKAH AI, N. J. ABESTSIOBTHS Duplex Automatic Steam Heaters, bailer Im h»T» cop aperlorlty in lbs IQJ jlfiitf•• «i coneirueiion | ;Jio\unaeoea> AU kloaa ot tlomolBf; Booflu'^ aid flhMji xrn WorkMUalauwry t«Mat«d.;ln ^toekat audhOtAi ni,OoUMTiTia«»,Vti ESTABLISHED 183a UEOJtSES £. VOOBUEKt), MOaBISTOWM, mm in BOILDSU'* tiABBUOK SMUBB 1 ooixuinow'. mumt ••• FAINTS, OJLS. ifiRIGULTURiL INPLEMENTS M i u l r<rtiU»n," . SAFES AND 8OATJE8 MS I Morrii asd tbft ajjoiobg OonnUMflfr THE OLIVER CHILLED PLOW narrow, Wl«l Coltlnton, 1T>|. A. Wood XBW0N, RHHTI &JM fl. hav* b**« : wora Car. Suuexand Bltekwell St«. i u UaraMtatloB forkwplB| fRll u<li>oai>I.».t<»l»t> GROCERIES PROVISIONS Plllsbury'sBeat.Vlolaand Most Beautiful Brands of Flour, nnn; OHIPJffAN'S '"•-• above rtnmrks for the benetlt of many who llnfl the feet ttear,tn|y parchase lp locnl stores unvallhfactory and feel that it will suggest to them the fact that they *li» will flirty to their advintagt to purchase from a firm thi|t tar almv^h^lf a cintary hat done butlnett inthis cony munlty, and'^jT their iqmre business methods hav« esrned the reputatloi^Df selling the belt Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Oi til kinds at lower prices than any House la Morris County. ,--i HfiAGAN A CO., Opp.D.,L/&W. Depot, Dover, N. J. TMAlMM Gold and- Silver Watohea, XtVTBS. «nd SILVER-IUTED -WASE. BpcoUl indileBiutiU. »n offered |a n fall •lookoftb. k».lB.>k«iof American Watches, French Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Optleri Goods. itpii SjitUi Farki ul lain!, •ml MCUOIM for uila aw «t tba lotrMt mukt^ priqe.. FINE POTTERr, ART.NOVELTIES sultabU for,Wadding PwaJrtt, WAT0UE8 HOW OK INBiiLUEKTS. JiT Repairing of Fine Watches Aspeoialty. tbe Dleotloo of Uelrln &Condlt for Sopator, The Domoarata ertn know that tbe elaotioa f II r. Cnadl t laa oertaiutj If the Kepabllcan rote InUorrla oonnt.T la polled. We b»T" a natural m*Jnrlty «f 250 ID the oooity te bectn with, and there .!• no doubt that oar Modi- date fa the atrosgut we eottld haT« awcad Thai oTerj Bapabllau and fadep«nd«vtelt iien ahoald bear in mind that upon bta com. lot out to *oto depends Terr largely tbi ' oIHr Oondlt. as. S. Melick, ttatlontry, | Newspapers and Cigars. BjjiUE FRONT STOKK, h>Meat'3!arket, Sussex St., Dover. r.lo.aU lljlM ajaljirtoaa, Law Hufaof all klDda, P«4(- .>mnD47,gdi|«,KajaaodaUr«palt.t(»lbibatloi O«ll»», i,Ufa* UmtwT^D.^Snl^ al all.pdo.. pi IL. oalr Next to all'the :Oahy/^EUnin t , W«i»kly.;ikiontiily and Sunday Papora PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS S:D. LAUTEBOO. latBTlSpiBI) JI1H0 O» THl WOULD. : Hot'mjnrB. 0. Ohli.do,', SUriln',, .nl .n ifcandanTmtka. of PUwa and-Parlor Oqiik !»pa!ak>lM6»ad«..'_ . Ilka li, .b« p>orl» !!•• IL-an^bodr like. It itbrga titttlvmtiS:l - —— —-- fbrtbaQablar ' '" ^lano, tb Ilkeil. •dr lihaa - b*la>Mlpt'lOM*eTi<rgivenin^ifiiriik. 1 ^""™ *" A ftretalBH Dpriibt Ftano for «3MIHI or WO«• iHUllmenU f flOaioatlilf aitll f*\i for TwlapboBa HW D. LAUTEB CO.. 657-659 BKOAD 8k, NEWARK. forfntentojind Children. Caitamn tom, ia IU» m t ».T. EANODSE HOLLER, STEAM BOTTLING WORKS, 9OVEK, V. J, ud nUUlwltn ud bottton. Ob iwntf for Sa!b#i< 4 0,'r OUraled Bpori «I ZA,<r Cm-, i^JIri b my lot to a oar bait. Jut notlTtd mill lot oiBaltutloi t • n ' l IndL. Pal. and XXX Ala, vbieh m put B9 It plDI and ball plot bgitlea Ipefllallf adaptadto bvtal and faallroaa. nmiB, PORTKK, ASL AIL xnma o> •iOBi AUDiOXBFUL WATERS. tr Wa fnaraataa all anr itMda to kf nfitlvKVT*rnvntit r t o "BtlM«*H«tamin New Jersey Business College, '»• k TH ESOilt to'. XSWAU, »aop«DBd wllb Ineimiad. nomben, abowlaff liB|Ki|iatarTera{atlii loianneeio tbacbano- ar IboOoIlege irar IboOoIlege. Tnans ppranna aeakloK* PnnUcal Darinei. EaDCtUon ahirald iTall-U)pmialTH «f tfca op> poitnolU'inaenlEd aodloler Uo Oont,».t na, bafeto «'trr ml abli ant >• txmaU Ocvn. 10 Sailneii Blodle., BhortliaDd Tjp« 0t.ipr.BHim. lor m».tloaal and Btodao? Oni.neiiul feoiaiatliiB fm Orawlfir d l an odao? iatliiB, fm Orawlfir and ptalR; Th.^tmlj dollm J. Wesley Sammis' MEAT MARKET —ANDT- GROOERY STORE, Ho, 4, Bnok Slook, Dover, STEER BEEF of every Und, at tbe lowut marktt price. - •- wiib,tomikeapMialJoentionof the ,-' " VVaiTJB BORAX r i O A P , 1 1* uWowlodireaaa tbe beat br all who have • aekaowlodirati M the beat aaftd It Alwua nan IM> foni brail ndatn Horses for Sale, PI1TIMIST VAflTS FOB VOTI THK BT1IB AMD OOC*TT XUEOTIOITI lo mtawEaora d a j . iba fnaa «f lUe Bute MtDp«Uj(i la Mew JAFMJ will Ure l»en do- cltiBd. We sDall kao«r wtetber tb« SUte will b a t e s Dbanjte for the better, or trbatber the party *b»t baa laen»»d But* expend.- tfant from (600.0C3 to 11.600,000 p#r jeir wiiblo * BompBtkUreljT «{iort penwl !• to be eostlHtud ID power. Weibmll further ksov arheloer we will UT* * .vptlog IITT IbUwill sad t be career of polltlnal beelen, or whether the Ihujti of Jener 01 tj *ui the flumi ol otber eftiu areta oonUoDe to doroisAle «H tbe inteHil* or the qolot u d law Bbldlog people of New J«n«y. 411 thU wUUux«.> depend no whether BepabliutM and iadtpen- dent oltiiena will tara cat ud vote. •'Abbetl. Werta aod Ballot U.fortD" waa t i e betdlBg of tbft bMdblit oallinf * Dom- i oc«,Ue mtetiDR In Dorer ttali w««k. A n a n deapfwblt aHeapt to deoelr* voten wu never IBUJB. Tbi letur of BeoJ, Drner, on the last p«K" o^ tbia laaue, ibowi Abbett wu bitter earns to ballot reform laat winter, nd ererjbddj knowa thtt Seokior Werb wu.ooe ci tha Hccaton who Toted w kill tba ballot reform n t u n n in tbe Lmlitalaro. I Tbe p«oplB ol tbli •eeUon «re too lnUil!BeDt, leatlemea, to be fooled by %dooeit like thU, and tboae wbq naltjr wut ballot relarm ID Mew J e w ; can do UOULIOB etu tUm iou fUbbdOd \n i\t* campaign witb load proteeaioiia ia faavlpg beta the aitborof ra'lroad tai*tii the friend of rqualtuatlnu, and the obion plon of tbe worktoKtn*n. Sanator OrigRi am other* bare proved bj tbe record tbat Abbet waa not the author of Ue railroad l e i )»w that tbe bill he favored wa* one tb*t tbe real friendaof Hob taxation belle*., wu pu*po*el. framed to be deolared t>ttootatilntioi>al by thi ooarta. (Tbey bave eLowo br the noord, alac lhat Abbett voted to mehetboaewhuhatlmori gage* on tbefj- property par tbe Uie« on them, tbni ciempting the wealthy bolder* from taxation on a portion of tbefr wealth, We koov pp exwlleat aqthorltj thai lb« Republloan Stale Committee la firmly ooo- Tinoed tbit QBP. (Jrubb will be eleoud next Tueadaj it Bepabtlowi will Uk» usoasu in tenat in tfortfaera Hew. Jeraey tooons oat and vote. Than.a no qnutloa tbonl Sontb Jertej. Tbepopaluttj of oor soldier oandl- ditf where fas ia koown will ci7e him tha grattMt ntajorltr tur raoelred' by •, pud!, datatntht SonlierD part of the fctata. H*- member ttla, Repablioua, and tarn oat to ote witfapat urclof. And tbliifttoe / oet fonMj lt f St p prorjDf IDtb!e and otbrr Beltheralrlenil4>f t-l a?i that hft U ijoii, oar of tn> worklnfftDan. who ie generally the burrower. He tea bttn fmlrij btaleu on tban-eord 1) OTerj oa»B where he haa made a prelxieioo dlrcrt atteatloo from the rod Iteuea of ballot rsform and hoaeat KOTfrnmenL We would alao oall attentien tlutt wltDb a week not a Urtooorat e popur In ifai eonntr pratandad that Sftnalor WerU w«i |i fa»or of bal'ot nhtm. Ther ttoniLt it w u i laano th>j eoold braab licbt1y hirw i thai It would ezolteoplr noEorntu-jr attention an then be .loritotton. Tboj know that H«mtor WerU laat Winter oppoard tbe nquant of tin labor *id ballot nform aaaoolaUoBa. of tfa* fitata for tbe puaafa of tbia bnueal law, aod belpftd tokill It by preieotiog a aabatltnu that meant noiblni, »ud wUob tbe majority f l pHj would not take the ntpoi albilitj of failing But ttie| b«ve fonnrf that tb tl f b l l f of billot reform ha»"eum« toViay and they are m w ao irlgbteneri that they ar« fairly btiatlinn with daolaratloa* of the. love of Senator Werla lor ballot reform, lint It It aaortol death-bed repentance und will odl dreelve any at thla tln>*| for any »Jter who tea, J* knowi that the Senator hie made a re- cord ODthe quei tloo, I J oppuliian toIt, wliion i aa dear a* tbs noonday auu. No Sepnbllcftn with the rteord ef h>oa Ab- bett on Bute qaeitlona eoutd poll balf the y , y a p n « o p o a « . W elect it. Republican. Sanatoria Horrle coaoty tbli' fall, the-next Senate will be Sepublloan beiond aquwUon of daobt, bj at i 'cut one tspjority.. Tbia would atop all tbe ilolooa Icgiilatlon of the Hndaoo wanly tint it pDlttWt thogi, and prevent mob aoeneaIn e legislature u ware enacted laat winter. [ren In tha erflnt of. tbe DcmooraU eleatlng GoTernoraDd the t^onie of * aeembly, which are far from oonoedlng, t t e j would be powerleM to harra li the Banate wenBepab- Ueai. On general ptlndplee II wonld ibva be a Kdod.thlpg lor the Bute .to hare one petty -act ai a check Tipon .the other. There- fore, erery thaoghtfu. oltinn lnt«reited In tbe.weUareortbe eomraoa*e>l.h oannot fall «»a the lupQttavw d»psndioi upon hla le In Ibe eleotton of Helrin 8. Condlt to the. Indeed, upon tfaa etndidatea far OoTenor nd Senator are hlogiog tbla falHMw grealcat flkt rctaltt that wtt* vnt dnidsA by the t*opUoiNflw Jeraay. Pint and forenoatof > fi ballot retotm. aa enbodted'lD tbe •DiUallao ajitem of Totlojr, a bill te eaiot! 'bleb wu dafeated by Mr Werta u d the itkar.DeBiiwratlo.Beiatora laat wlatcr. bat rtll.eortalBly ooae np again next winter. Dor.-.Abl>*U>reftueo: to ooamlt h.BMlfj •qoirelj to thla ajaUn. »nt ptofenu,;Jritb 4ie adnltnHa of a trlokj pollUslao. U be In Furor ol bwllot reform la wm othet way On Ue otatr bhnd O*« Qntub pladg« BISUMU ctialiooally todo all In blapower to nteh« eAuatraltan . j i U m a law. Ia it not !•- « r u a t that BTtMj Totar who farora ballot raforsi aUutd b k i Ike troubte ta .MM a leitTueaday anddrop In a ballot for du Ictbbi. ^B nnwultr of Tollng for HelrlaB. Condlt Juit at apparent.^ senator vVarta laat wln- ir ToUd lor the advoraa report that killed tbeAnatraUaa law, and lotrodnoed a anbitl- •lewhlofa aUU allowed political heelarato ny votia and pat peri tfokeli la the hands fToteH,: That ought l« be anffloUnttoMt- hie reeord wltb eTery thmkiag am u to the iaatternf bla poiltlen os <ballot' refoiok. In wntraat to tbla Melfln 3. Coadlt la em- tbatloally ubtutnitted to the aoppart of the .oalrailan law andwill anpport Itneit win- ter wltbont hauling Thfen too, the een«n> Eaa that nouluatoil llr Ooidlt pledged liitu i the alrongaat teinu to tha aopport of thla iw, while thefloaTaatUnth.atnomlnt.tod H>. Werta nfnaad toeammlt Itaeiron the enbjMt, : and;leit himperfectly fr«e to oppote real ballot refarm In jaat the aamii war. taat he lid laat winter. Thli rerj Aoctratt 1 ahoold Q*o, T*jli>t BatBtsavtlei tbe Firat Kew Jereey Brljfqde at tbn Second Dull Ran be attacked tbe wholeofHtoaewull Jack- aco'a forsea and wu hlmaelf mot tally wonad- ed. Aa ha Itj dying upon Ibe fietct lie a«nt hie ahonlder atrape by afa ordurl; te Col, BiwB,rd Burd Grabb •• • legaoj of honor for bla bravery, aad' right woriblly weretbej worn. \ Every loyal olt<aan of Kow Jura»y> na •nattet what bta pactyi can vote foranofa a gallant Midler with aolean oonaoioooe, aod attest their Mteemfor the old eolulcra of Bepnbtls by mailng bla govenior of tie Erery wotklDRnian'oaa ilkewlan TOa fwr Qaneral Ornbb with tqual Mtlalantloii. la wa Ivco m»ou{aiJVDTtiT ie biu* been emptvytng faondradi«t nan forjeara,,wltbent.having bad a •trlks, ora difference witb ailuilo em- lojM. A leoordllko that li, one that Mja ineugb to.'mike larmor oommeit unneoM- itb (qiaal truth the earne nmy be aaldof in B. Con4lt. Ue, too, in' a bu^n«ia ea- paolly.bM b&*n tbe employer oJ quite anu»- b*r of men ror aperiod oATerlog many.yeara, and erery' man who IIM been la; bli terrtu baa lonnd blm ia genial, kind andbelpfol em> pbitr, and although quite aDntnberof them aieDeBoonta e.Tery man ottlinn will vote bin fortola naton. •» And *o, toaum it»ll op, O»»b anft.Condlfc' rerreeent all tbat U vital In the8UWitaoee pending in tbia oampnlsn and all that 1* good to tbelr peraosal oharaotetiallni. Itarel* hate we had mob an' Bi^e!Iont oomblnatlun'or meaanrei and men, appealln'it beyond,party llnee to the good will and enppo<t ot all; oltl- aene InUneted In tbe yi»\Un «t fht State. Waai a TOt« they abould bring ^ut nett Tow. day I .> In faet any wbo then Tail to u«h« the BalBfltocbmaentaod.TOie.wlll he renlaa'in their doty to'tfeetr «en»t ud gut* I*t every vele be polled and let It polled u early la the day aa poatlbla The enpportera of Abaett and.Wrrte or« tirssr)y riutimbeti- •d with thaproineot, aod If wa con front them' with aolU lloea on el* tioe day. the Ropnbll. tan IBOMU In We part ol Horrii ooanty will be greater than ever before. / Aa the £ u hie ma*D* rcailera in Aeae0.bl7.Dlatr.0t cf tltla eouiitj, we want to aay a word to Iheni in referpnoe to Coliina Walr.the Bapnblkan oomiDM In that Die- triot. Hobaa got more than a.jiood tight Ing ohanoa loraleetlon In thatdlatriot,*nd if oar frienrJe down there will wtirkaa hard aa he doea hlmielf there will be no daaht ab.ont !fc Like Qriibb and Condlt he will W> faiitarla eeltiing tha ijnutlatia of billot relt»rm aad honeet go»(irnjnent, »«il th«,into'«.t (n fala election ahonid be .qnallv gwai Make a good light lor nlrn and (tie Deniceratlo mrpy- inderlogof Korrla oonnlj will auouotto There being no oppoalllon to ^ohn N-rri* e.will faa*e awalk^ierihe ctfurio in' ibe Beoond Dlitriet, but hfB.Uotat atidrtlthful lone auffiolent to Indnee every frland ofjaeiTieea Nat Winter abon d bring him haJ.Dtnforia t* turn >rMr.(i>ndlt.;: '/.-^'•[. /;.•":".H'"v-.?":: And wkat'a hjeaiedVfalng aaoh a balloVrfr* Form law woutd.be for tbe people"of Kew 'iraeyl PoliUoliisa would not bnr votera •eana«|t would be a waate af money onder ila ayatebi, for tha reawn teal, theyeoald lOttMtbopnrabaaedvnter oait Ua ballot. feltberconld they mirk hla ticket iuid know iw he Toted, bec'anaa each voter raoelvea a ticket;fQml«bed; by tha >ut*,:and mtrkait and depoalu It in aeoreey, In aneh a'way tbat Itrlng being bealdea bimulf ean'uil how h* vote*. Tbat>oa1d «odbribery, for no polltlelan will bay a »ote nnleaa he knowa Tbe aine lUnldatlon iny depeoda d l y p and TOUla the n tem will jnat an etTwInaHj end >t th* polla. An^mptoyee^o t pereoo, eao go to the pel la ki g p e aeorM/. knowing tbat t b h i employer, or a v / ptiraoB to whom be may be under obligation*, eao not gef-wltbio two hundred feat ol him wben he; rotea, cannot aee llmdepot!t hi* ballot a&doanaot kuow " V . b a T O M B . ; •;,'.•.'•'. ••'' •• '-.'•:'.''• ' ' . ' I;••'' Any peraon can at onbe ace tbat anoh pro- teotlun; to the voter aa^thla will.' forarer do away with tbe onwda that inrround poll*to 1 itlmidateoriiifloenBi yoten aadwho often o Ulnga anpleaaant for dtisena who de- teat being nndgedi and jalted, and eollelted when they go to the polla to depo.lt their ballot*. Maoj dlagoatlng leanea of Hi induot wonld alao be anppruied by lyatem, aa enly tha offloera appointed by law can b». it tke polio. Conarqaently.all vrbo 'ranthonrat and deoently ©on d no ted election* itut (MI impeUad next Tiawttay to -*ot« for Irnbb and .the Australian law, ", . If thla were Ibe only laaae at ataio la Bevr leraeytbla f»ll it iboald.be enough tolndaoa every decent and reepnotablo OIUHU to take la.tronVle to .vote. Hat there an otberaj inallj important Tbapeople ol KewJar>| aey have been goiemed iorjear*, not by the ' it element of thuDemoOrtUo party, bat by ;be pblltioal tbuRa of Hudmn mantj, who >T« protUUUd «ac vourU, i*bo«\ i j m m i and ether departmaata of Bute government aeivelboenaaolpHtiaanpoliaelana. They ive onated liordre of nselna effloerain fble. Itate, andwithin aerenwan yearihtya in* rtwed tbe annual ezDendUnreaaf thaSUM Froa>*tWO,000'td II.NO,000, In otber worda/ bile tbe popalatlon ol Kow Joraey bia been icnuleg 20per eent, the Stete expendltnree ave InVeaavd SDO per e e n t ; For tbja reaitm 'el Want a obaoge and wewant it verybadly. S i t can we bopa for a ehaaged eondition ofl itTair* if tbe element rep»>enW by Leon 'ibhett u l n a e * oontrol ol fie State govern- lent 1 Many Demnerata ol titotraeu, kiaw re cannot, ant) waballeta We apeak a trotbJ then vVaaTtbere are many'.bimoerata ol 1 proDlnenoe and afpdlng In Vow Jeraty who •oald alDoenlyrfJotMt»HeAbbettdefeated BXtTne»day. . •;,-. ••'••;-. ; '/'••'""•£ The» at* tfaa ree,. i*tne*oftb« balbt reform oadtoheat M.TtrtbMa_op,Md;d.Tertpul.llo 1 . from'** votw of Ifae IUjmUl o Hew Joraey, u party in the State of Senator*. Se then prooeeda toJaiUlj tbe *ab*tiUt* \ ,»««» byb\m same wblob th« SlaoOon Com- ailtw reported In (he jplaeaof tbe Kaaa bill. -', It runlro* but one atguMont to *how 'thr••' rf.merit of thU LilL Tai WirU WbitlwU.^ proTliled that party tiekete ptignt be{plao*d ' la the band* d Totera by poliUoat beeterc before tbe rotera want to (be polla. The. ffiBatlal (utare aTvatoe la-^tke Jtane bill "- w»e that the fitete provided tne f OUST with a* tUket «fter Le had gone lnilde Ue vottng pUoe,andall the ballot* being alike BO llV-, io(beiogooatduU bow I H H i»t*d. Thia^: WM why the Kolghte of Labor and tbe Bal- ' (ob Eofonn Awoolatloae of tha.BMte enp* ported tbe Kane bill—baeauae of Jte abaolute •''••: eoroey and asearitj. Tbo W«M aabeUtate iwtldod nothing wblob would prevent tbe : i*rty heeler, toe briber, or tb« employ«r nro putting a marked ticket into tbe band*;~ of the voter, l i waa only. a, pretanae far ' adopting tbe cooibroo*/ Aoitrailaa: cyaUn •'•' fftfhoat (onfpttoa tkt (nott vltalltatoxa sf.'V tbat method—tka teoMt ballot. • III via' as ' enpty kernel containing no matt and •!•'. though the .Democrat* bad a',«ood-iia#d.^ mijoritj ia tbe Bodee and eonld have paaaed It if they bad w)ah«d W, t t e j oonld not get - ingaveteetpiethtrfo anpport of UawortlH ':' ifut ibe weak feature of the letter of Beaa- tor Werta U tbe objeotion Wolfera le the. Kinflhia HeTerlbelrMit Ua«jeunre tbat bai bean teated with abtoInUIDMMH ID eight > Siateaol th,la Miintrjandle lapMrtKl *H»T l >y*1.theUboran&imiot fieforai JLMOOBV: ( Intbe State, wbobellet* it efftetaal Ar ;b. prefemlon of bribery and UtlaaMatJoi; deiplte the ooBtraryopinfoa plSeaator Varia. They have neolred to preeant It again at the next aewion *t Ua Ixtglelalnrt, and tkay ara utklng tbe OAtnpaign Is tblt Sula mnon thla IUJO, ;If 8#aater.Worta obJMU to It now, 'loveanjietwazpeated U vote far It If hale' Seated I On the other kand If elf [a 8. Co.. ^ ltia analteraMy oonailtted te tte anpport r .ho Ktna bill. Thaiefore, If thovater ani3 ballot reform-if ha Ureally laifavw, n bonwt, aeopre nnd aeerat ballot'-ha ia bound to vote next Toaadaj for Malvba J. 'Toodit and agahat Senator Werta. oompiimtnt of aheary vote. aakSpat. The EBA fceli ooroplimen ted that tfat> 9>ck< Q ettetowa QtMtte nbonlil £ tUaORM laaneald o iu ci 410b of olTttd ibthl* campaign,; and waHy inr ajmbatby t y ite ' abored: tffati tv malatelatbenoireiplodrd IdeatbaiLeon Ab- bett, Uia ex-railroad Uwyrr, la bo*Ulo to I be ' "taeBrVCHi BO 1ODB;.' : But we cannot help •xprew.ng our grinllu<le.tj thn Oaaetta Jor tbe following *igoil1c*titei*pr«a. iiewV-'.;'. •,>.•.-.• ' • • • - , , ; , ' . -:.:'-".-V V J-:"".::j 'VThlamatterof ballot reform la ibr onlj weuk apot the Eu llndi In. fieiiator Weru'e politic*! a buriouel*, liM not exerted itMlf to find'any other weak (potato'tha armor of S W ' O d r politica It baa the l Wd U b i y Senator Werta.' Oni p blibwt regard for blni, anil Wonld Ua tb« iaat to *p*t>k aderogatarj word tcepeatlog>lm itht Tbl did d i l b p without, eanao. Tbla enndid a u by , y Dcmooratjo paper that hla wore* retpeotiox ballot reform ia a " wnk «pot"in.hia •rmor, la the b u t jnitlflcation wo could-b»fe» fo> calling fttteatioa fa il penlateat.ln- .tbo .And wa Hay* been itter btcanaa we. know', w>d Mtrj •,*D*Abtft p*tw(\ koow*, thai •\**U ler voting, law ia aa abiotate Deceaalty In HewJeraey. Tbat Senator WerHaboaldharo pat hlmMlf la tbe UEiortuuate poiltioa of having oppbiod blmaell to tnla excellent re- form; *o mnch dralred by tbe woiktog people _ and frle-da oi. ballot reform tbrongliont ; tbe i"*' State, la notbor fanlr, and it la tbla vi>ry;^ " weak apot," far wbioh be alone ia re*ponil- hitf, tbat.will prevent bli tu-elrotlon -Onr (BHATOH W l B T i AID BALtOT HKF01M. SaQatar Werta baa written * lettar to tb* pp-M in whiob be dudMvare to sKpialn hU vallloo regardlBR the d«(eat of the KM* bill lor ballot reform laat winter. Ha admit*, aa all kno«, that the bill pM**d tfc» Bon«« with bet twodlaaenUng fot*a, bot aid* that "the Kaoe bill w H ne'er voted onin the Senate." Thtall tblaia tree, but there fa a featnr* oonneeud wlfli It tuat Senator 7 » r b doe* not explain, Tbe Kane bill WM referred to the CanmlttM on Eleatinni, which faaJ a Damooratlo majority,, aad tbU O t d) j , d bU onmltte* advent)? upon it.. When U.U •&> veraa MpoM—wbfob eettled tbe fat* of tbe S w«* pr**e»(ed lo the Senate It WM by |lia v«W< »f 21 O«o)9orata, and pp y thavote* of 10 EepubUoiOi, who dMlred to aee tbU exoetlept «a«aiir« booeaM Mo In tUa wav tba Kan* bill waa a* llj voted opoaaa if th»aitMMiiMttesir bad been up for a vote, and it wae alaugli> ; ured by tbe aolid *«te of tbe Dwaocrttlo nt-Jority of wW#b Ur. W«ti w«a aOMmber. *' W»te knowa tbat It w u tfaue killed M a h party t ii tu by tha w i l l r*tea ol .Tbaflr*t.aa«tWB>f the'-MwilHurl . Iboroh.at UorrUtowa twa* -•W.eaUArJ.wA'fe Inndv' AtlOiSO 0'oIofktWcborUUrt.ia..'";-^-; ng -tba..hymuj--j'.'Dla*Md CHj1'^H-«TMlyC>^f l»lem. n pnN^Mrro«tl»oboirveW'da^7S ' t main ajele to the'MiiUi fwiwtuipa^ti'iiki*^^ t w»at>y k ta^-dariTrrArUrtk«iBTBi^^^ «d * •k»rtpr»j»t V^^h^t^.UiTyMa:^^ ibsir,*I»|1«'tk*;hy»«, : iM0fcrl*tl»-|a^'tl»'^ lut* .fotrndaUow^.The; llrtep M"(M '-m§>W. D.P.,tei*(BirwlttU*,r»»t«af iW|mfw*,;:i. J ; ypll,«kalr wmtt r. WUllaaa Oieewell Daaae, D, P^ Mek*f> Albaajr gat ttxiwanfiwQmaliMiiHt. and b#aold tbe Mr* iteM t • ! an tka Urd Qod ef A - • braham, tbj latkar, ud IbeOo««f laaa*.'" ;" , Th WM» foil eawa) ttrtia* la Ito «VB«- - --v' t l d \ g Theaervtoewajlnt«a«dlyBar.WfmMt^ aaderpool aad tfaa aaratonvaa praaehed fcy , ur WllliamMHaghevrNtrtMOh ice Redeemer, MorrUtwwn. UaplUoltbe :^r i»ple»aaa,w*,UMta«oh*te* wa*oro*d«d ;<Vitf ,t t»btk aetviOM, and tie offarto'ryjwaa'avejr ^!.j|^ B3,000,wolch winbe apj.li.dte the'building v.f-l Ti..tuuw.CiuWd"rtHVi'#te*'U«1Wfei#^ taentb eentnrv Golhlo tjP4 and w»da«4gB«*l.^ 1 ^,'.V; -.y CbarlMF.Mcttlo»;o(M^'.«,-M*^^fc^;;',r(/ ¥bit», alter-cartfal atidy of th«aUgli»h ,:'^ pariakob«rcbe*(.ftaatdatt.-TfceelBiiratie«i : .-^^ ' Mr. MCKIM'. plan markaa dlitiiel adranea .American rnral obarohanblteebm aa4 : ovetlroaa wMob-iai|Mmaat rtwito^Biaj**:': predaMediOtth* Uata are aimpU aad ma*alva r ; and Ibe prepwtloo* n*ble udhaxaaalMa. :; lea Halihed the oinrck will >aV« aa. •«£« zenalengtboriSSreet and aautUae la. iribrwldtkolnfMb ToeiUBaaiaadlatlw: tialdft f aite la granite of a. warn gray aaUr»' !romflu»*p«eoBoty. iTkib walla iaeldeeriaof.' itraw-oplortd: bilok, which aamomlw U- olrablj with the gra* of tha anbea a*J plW lara.' The pareaent Ia the ekolr l*'ofT«k:- Slre'atene. laiMrted fnis'ISbgliuid, u 4 tlw: Hag of tbe oialea la fnaa NorU W»1W' TfcW «r rf thaebarch lemaul*t.TW*t*pa - *itar an ol Namldlaa •aarfcle>B«' k KM e »ew* are ef qaartend t*k ua the ! t o*k. etaiiiad very dark M 4 b«aatlialljr vwl. A noUoaable feaUva 1* th* twad e e / w b l h U d d l h i jihebawlaMB«oi piece or woik or ite kind in tab wntotry. la- ! oluilinr theooplng onwhlehlt tusd*,U ia } nearly twelve reel high aad'u of wraMgbt t-«a. ( . ploked oat with g i l t ' Th« ebolraoraow oa Ue l h l d l l b yb*taM.TIH)e«*»tni_ odow.iaapartlaalartyfie pleeoof'AnMtl- eaaeteiacdglaa*. :iiU la a««toal*tiliMaad blna aad yellow The etbw wla«««e a n «f oathMtralglata. Tfae organ, mad*. W ddelt. ** the Urt««t «nd Bsett lb * * mitt- II Uuow«*llyi»w*rittl,Md Yet li«,-, aft •tapaare pbenoaseDallr rleh t- tone a** WMt IB axpnMton. U »be eb»pe],*liUb V I •oeuplM tfao aoBtb tranaept, la a curiooa valtii' J pnlp't oopled by Mt, UoEim trxm i. media... i*1 oriatakl.'-.i3a' tbe ohaboel amnirj'a 1 aiagi''' fieee* braaa ebaadailer p 'Tnaat'Taadarpool.' v'.'' : , Tlie preenet aeotloa'whleb: j sandidata, MelTln a. Condlt, b u no apot" of thla aort.'. Ue la nmphttioally for the Kane law, and tbe people, propou to elcet 1 him, that be may help topau ft next Winter. HaJatFBif Hfi,,'•'..-"; ••[':"'. iutnioktat) , : ::\ : -.,'' are.klie g r » t n t Irulc Caibartlo ol modBra time*.' They are a eompreaaed intuit, con- poeed of fralte and lecUblea. ttaaburg figa are ao Infallible cure lor Plleai tNttdij*. treaaiag complaint arlalnf "from a eooatipatad and etagoant condition ol the bowela. -' When Nature**Uwaare Violated,-thv (fleet* t r e a t onoe made apparent by ageneral riiaorder of tfaa eatlre ayatem, 'reaaUitig la Impure blood, pimple* and btotobu on tie akin, blltoQima, oanatipalion, ladljf'eatlan. dyipepila and pile*, 1 Hamburg Pl|« in Xttute't aialtUot. and tarooma-all nnhealthy aondltlana,. laavlng th«ajatra Is iMrf«tiirdi i r,'and,by their>b. tion aa mild bnl onrtaia l«i*ti*s and porg*. tlva reatorlne; Ua body to m, eondltt.n of ver' faethemUb. Bamliurit Fl«» an prepaml In ofceb lnplutfca ta« cfaaaeal. trantapt and ptWtor'tfaeiave) will aeat abont foax U ad redanJIttity.;>.ST»»Mai I of tb«nav« whoa added, wilt keoMiaHdat* a deiiftfctiul to.thi B gentl t(.«uj «f bat' wr- tain iti netion. I)oa«," : on« WgjlSeia » bW For aala at Bab en' KUIgorc'a Coraar l>rug **? fr;/-JMaUamy'taaaii* ialie.-.'-- •-. _ . ^ Tfavibeat a a i n ia the World fu Out*,8or**, DraUei.'Ulrew, 8*11 Sbeam,'Po<nr Born, retter.vObkpped;"Banda, OhilbUiui, .Darn*, Prlo«9o Mala per boi. Par aal» by prtftrt tollVra '* U dd abeuttwnhnadndmore. roandwaaljritkeai Kaater Uoaday, 1687, and the Mrter>*tOM wMlaldAIIBaiaia'UaybftbatTMT WbM oompliited thaooat will lwabontfSlC.WO. ,. Tbe Teatod sbnir eoaiUu »f eight MMaad weB,7«ona baya. U waaorgmfliaad m few •go acd ba* bmtn training nndtf tHorg* F. UJvnne, orgaetet'anA eboirniutor > 'er,8t,' John'i Obapel Trilt t^Ub H T Alfred Otabi g oirniutorer,8t, Obapel, Trinltj t^rUbt Hew Tort » * be* Baker la tha pnaeat nrgeaiet P laeualUt Road th« following. Ur, C. H. aforrla, Newark, Ark,, eaja. * Waa down wUh Ab- eoeaa of Lnng*, and friend* and ptvaltln* pronouootid me. aa lunrable Conanmptlve., firgan tski&f Ur Xlng'a Now Dl*MTery for Comamptlon, am now on my third bottle, and able lo ovenoe the work on 115 farm. H in the Unset &.edla(nu ntt mado." Jeau Middlewart, Deoatar. Ohio, aayai > Had It not bwn for Dr. Klsc'e Raw Dlarar- nry for OoDiampUon 1 wonld b a n d M of Lang Tnablee. Wat given op by doot«re. Am now In otatof b«dta," Try It. 'Bamnia bo tlu ftte at Robert ICl'lttoV. Dmg Bta™, Dcver, and V. H J«Dklnti Dru« Blow, Obiter.

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fttrt ««t dm totJnSot Bin..

M ; ur aomcBifi'iosBIT IS

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J. OOOFEB,N t l - l T t l W , AI




I. OtHMiBB, • . 1).. -

* ' *_ '1OMKB11. fWOTITIOKlU,

in) arcbuusr uc TB> mui«ni UDuaum


:|||P||E|r,;j\%;.viveaMuan *o' it,'trioiMi,"); '••-. *«'r



.ilSlieet: l ead, / ;;^|y||iea|lirt|»,\'?i;t

in* n u n nomumsooo.'


" OUOITOB- A B 0 " l l M T « IN OBAHOBB).


oMl MRS.flEOBOITut. Cii-i., H*-* .•• .«uri«r klie

er IMMBwiibavnTBnoniicUjorn (toads, trnwaelns tuo new tad le*d>

tfiH for i ta le i , Knew anil Children,

to walaluad Ibe n*we*l faVioa. Tboll *1M Ia4 ttul ibe bt*>w&i*ndlt U M or Boou tod KUOM totl tbftt

. //JOSEPH C. J8HH80H,



, Deoorator, Gialnor

KfifHOKVOBk AiPEOlAlTT.gJ^Sw^'jiri'te^Mrail.-ijOltai,



HeadquartBfs «





A vnltr umqmkd/or bnUianeyand purity.

TU/mutu waters of Sarela/awtflht ApoOmmriiioiddmt/orlar,

>ra|«alproperties•for'JMney trouble

^:ge0ql;ieWilfrifV;f;::: '' JB% jjafl odd <<> <wr many (»•««!•

£f <&m«J eefeSrofediieijera «n «l«'moriferi Soehaler Bohemia^ BeerO«»'iiamj,'.a mrbad biinpjm therak^^forj'JD^'wkicVipqinonti';rmby [tytm^rig^We don'tdaiiai:its^^d^r:tpavymi^biarejfctwid;Of,;ji«i«(|/. tfjmf^qoodii

•hall maie them iak the lead, '"'


[MUSE rora

i»«i prcmplly idjutted in*iSfliC^aliilBpihllljSl

HKAL ErtTATBFOB s i l KSM<~wi'b. alt modrfiiVrvp'ii.e)




mctaiMnit'otr rulMbiapiriimrllMI.

tor. *al«.or.r«DL <., • -•.-•J'X-:VrV(S> -.v^:-• m a J •a.laai ,o» bond a|4 mWitip.':.v:


|3<SBOE a»^«;.- ^ * I S 8HOB8 FOR LADIS8.


adnlent wbaa my n e u d niiiu* «r« sot

>on 8A^e nifCo.,


sriaa. Dover, H. J.



irlet itttntton gtvm to oustom work.pc»IMtilfrjeforouHoir«™. R*fCu>lltwiltonhinduthtlnmtcuhprhM.wort doM it ite ihortnt ponibli wnm

* utlthOlon'l-iiininMd. Cinttamm'l

illn-drmiood* aollc|ud.;



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jjtyrp bought shoos in various places Havealways fonudT gaved mon^j by walking to your storewhen I wanted a really good article. An old gentleman fromr|ferk»hlre hearing her remarkN made tinstatement t |af he also had purchased of us over 80ycars,'aiid llw»y» to his advantage. We quote tli






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oantoliy fttUd H eJMMt ftait Ika nte* chat]

Dr. Vreanua baa,'b**a"my-««»!'1«stU,M*Ue fot *U Jpaultjant Mbolwt

l i t great pleuare to noSngMid bin u •Uii>Mn|bhroonMt«»Mil reli«bte4rnUfl.

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Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

bailer I m h»T» copaperlorlty in lbs IQJ

jlfiitf•• «i coneirueiion | ;Jio\unaeoea>

AU kloaa ot tlomolBf; Booflu'^ aid flhMjixrn WorkMUalauwry t«Mat«d.;ln ^toekat






SMUBB1 ooixuinow'. mumt •••


M i u l r<rtiU»n," .


M S I f « Morrii asd tbft ajjoiobgOonnUMflfr


narrow, Wl«l Coltlnton, 1T>|.A. Wood XBW0N, R H H T I &JM

fl. hav* b**«: wora

Car. Suuexand Bltekwell St«.i u UaraMtatloB forkwplB| fRll




Plllsbury'sBeat.VlolaandMost Beautiful Brands

of Flour,nnn;

O H I P J f f A N ' S '"•-•

above rtnmrks for the benetlt of many who llnfl thefeet ttear,tn|y parchase lp locnl stores unvallhfactoryand feel that it wi l l suggest to them the fact that they*li» will flirty to their advintagt to purchase from a firmthi|t tar almv^h^lf a cintary hat done butlnett in this conymunlty, and'^jT their iqmre business methods hav« esrnedthe reputatloi Df selling the belt Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Oitil kinds at lower prices than any House la Morris County.


HfiAGAN A CO.,Opp.D.,L/&W. Depot, Dover, N. J.


Gold and- Silver Watohea,XtVTBS. «nd SILVER-IUTED -WASE.BpcoUl indileBiutiU. »n offered |a n fall

•lookoftb. k».lB.>k«iof

American Watches,French Clocks,

Gold Jewelry,Optleri Goods.

itpii SjitUi Farki u l lain!,•ml MCUOIM for u i la aw «t tba lotrMt mukt^


for,Wadding PwaJrtt,WAT0UE8 HOW OK INBiiLUEKTS.J i T Repairing of Fine Watches

A speoialty.

tbe Dleotloo of Uelrln & Condlt for Sopator,The Domoarata ertn know that tbe elaotioa

f II r. Cnadl t la a oertaiutj If the Kepabllcanrote InUorrla oonnt.T la polled. We b»T" anatural m*Jnrlty «f 250 ID the oooity te bectnwith, and there .!• no doubt that oar Modi-date fa the atrosgut we eottld haT« awcadThai oTerj Bapabllau and fadep«nd«vteltiien ahoald bear in mind that upon bta com.lot out to *oto depends Terr largely tbi

' oIHr Oondlt.

as. S. Melick, ttatlontry,| Newspapersand Cigars.


h>Meat'3!arket, Sussex St., Dover.

r.lo.aU lljlM ajaljirtoaa, Law Hufaof all klDda, P«4(-.>mnD47,gdi|«,KajaaodaUr«palt.t(»lbibatloi O«ll»»,

i,Ufa* UmtwT^D.^Snl^ al all.pdo.. pi IL. oalr

Next to

all'the :Oahy/^EUnint, W«i»kly.;ikiontiily and Sunday Papora


l a t B T l S p i B I ) JI1H0 O» THl WOULD.

: Hot'mjnrB. 0. Ohli.do,', SUriln',, .n l .nifcandanTmtka. of PUwa and-Parlor Oqi ik

!»pa!ak>lM6»ad«..'_ .Ilka li, .b« p>orl» !!•• IL-an^bodr like. Ititbrga titttlvmtiS:—l- —— —--

fbrtbaQablar' '" ^lano, tb

Ilkeil.•dr lihaa -

b*la>Mlpt'lOM*eTi<rgivenin^ifiiriik.1^""™ *"A ftretalBH Dpriibt Ftano for «3M I H I or

WO «• iHUllmenU f flOaioatlilf ait l l f*\i forTwlapboBa HW

D. LAUTEB CO.. 657-659 BKOAD 8k, NEWARK.

forfntentojind Children.

Caitamn tom, ia IU» m t ».T.


9OVEK, V. J,ud nUUlwltn ud bottton.

Ob iwntf for Sa!b#i< 4 0,'r OUraledBpori « I ZA,<r Cm-, i^JIr i b my

• lot to a oar bait.

Jut notlTtd • m i l l lot oiBaltutloi t•n ' l IndL. Pal. and XXX Ala, vbieh m putB9 It plDI and ball plot bgitlea Ipefllallfadaptadto bvtal and faallroaa.


t r Wa fnaraataa all anr itMda to kfnfitlvKVT* rnvn tit r to "BtlM«*H«tamin

New Jersey Business College,' » • k TH ESOilt to'. XSWAU,

»aop«DBd wllb Ineimiad. nomben, abowlaffliB|Ki|iatarTera{atlii loianneeio tbacbano-

ar IboOoIlegeirar IboOoIlege.Tnans ppranna aeakloK* PnnUcal Darinei.

EaDCtUon ahirald iTall-U)pmialTH «f tfca op>poitnolU'inaenlEd aod loler Uo Oont,».tna, bafeto «'trr m l abli ant >• txmaU

Ocvn. 10 Sailneii Blodle., BhortliaDd Tjp«

0t.ipr.BHim. lor m». t loaa l and Btodao?Oni.neiiul feoiaiatliiB f m Orawlfir d

l an odao?iatliiB, f m Orawlfir andptalR; Th.^tmlj dollm

J. Wesley Sammis'MEAT MARKET

— A N D T -

GROOERY STORE,Ho, 4, Bnok Slook, Dover,


of every Und, at tbe lowut marktt price. -•- wiib,tomikeapMialJoentionof the ,-'

" VVaiTJB BORAX r i O A P , 1

1* uWowlodireaaa tbe beat br all who have• aekaowlodirati M the beataaftd It Alwua nan IM> foni


Horses for Sale,


lo m taw Eaora da j . iba fnaa «f lUe ButeMtDp«Uj(i la Mew JAFMJ will U r e l»en do-cltiBd. We sDall kao«r wtetber tb« SUtewill bates Dbanjte for the better, or trbatberthe party *b»t baa laen»»d But* expend.-tfant from (600.0C3 to 11.600,000 p#r je irwiiblo * BompBtkUreljT «{iort penwl !• to beeostlHtud ID power. We ibmll further ksovarheloer we will U T * * .vptlog IITT IbU willsad t be career of polltlnal beelen, or whether

the Ihujti of Jener 01 t j *ui the flumi olotber eftiu areta oonUoDe to doroisAle «Htbe inteHil* or the qolot u d law Bbldlogpeople of New J«n«y. 411 thU wUUux«.>depend no whether BepabliutM and iadtpen-dent oltiiena will tara cat u d vote.

•'Abbetl. Werta aod Ballot U.fortD" waatie betdlBg of tbft bMdblit oallinf * Dom-

i oc«,Ue mtetiDR In Dorer ttali w««k. A n a ndeapfwblt aHeapt to deoelr* voten w unever IBUJB. Tbi letur of BeoJ, Drner, onthe last p«K" o^ tbia laaue, ibowi Abbett w u

bitter earns to ballot reform laat winter,nd ererjbddj knowa thtt Seokior Werb

wu.ooe ci tha Hccaton who Toted w kill tbaballot reform n t u n n in tbe Lmlitalaro.

I Tbe p«oplB ol tbli •eeUon «re too lnUil!BeDt,leatlemea, to be fooled by % dooeit like thU,and tboae wbq naltjr w u t ballot relarm IDMew J e w ; can do UOULIOB e t u tUm i o u

f U b b d O d

\n i\t* campaign witb load proteeaioiia iafaavlpg beta the aitborof ra'lroad tai*tiithe friend of rqualtuatlnu, and the obionplon of tbe worktoKtn*n. Sanator OrigRi amother* bare proved b j tbe record tbat Abbetwaa not the author of Ue railroad le i )»wthat tbe bill he favored wa* one tb*t tbe realfriendaof Hob taxation belle*., w u pu*po*el.framed to be deolared t>ttootatilntioi>al by thiooarta. (Tbey bave eLowo br the noord, alaclhat Abbett voted to mehetboaewhuhatlmorigage* on tbefj- property par tbe Uie« onthem, tbni ciempting the wealthy bolder*from taxation on a portion of tbefr wealth,

We koov pp exwlleat aqthorltj thai lb«Republloan Stale Committee la firmly ooo-Tinoed tbit QBP. (Jrubb will be eleoud nextTueadaj it Bepabtlowi will Uk» usoasu intenat in tfortfaera Hew. Jeraey to oons oatand vote. Than.a no qnutloa tbonl SontbJertej. Tbepopaluttj of oor soldier oandl-ditf where fas ia koown will ci7e him thagrattMt ntajorltr tur raoelred' by •, pud!,datatntht SonlierD part of the fctata. H*-member ttla, Repablioua, and tarn oat toote witfapat urclof.

And tbliifttoe / oet fonMjlt f S t

pprorjDf ID tb!e and otbrrBeltheralrlenil4>f t - l

a?i that hft Uijoii, oar of tn>

worklnfftDan. who ie generally the burrower.He tea bttn fmlrij btaleu on tban-eord 1)OTerj oa»B where he haa made a prelxieioodlrcrt atteatloo from the rod Iteuea of ballotrsform and hoaeat KOTfrnmenL

We would alao oall attentien tluttwltDb a week not a Urtooorat e popur In ifaieonntr pratandad that Sftnalor WerU w«i |ifa»or of bal'ot nhtm. Ther ttoniLt it w u

i laano th>j eoold braab licbt1y hirw i thaiIt would ezolteoplr noEorntu-jr attention anthen be .loritotton. Tboj know that H«mtorWerU laat Winter oppoard tbe n quant of tinlabor * id ballot nform aaaoolaUoBa. of tfa*fitata for tbe puaafa of tbia bnueal law, aodbelpftd to kill It by preieotiog a aabatltnuthat meant noiblni, »ud wUob tbe majorityf l p H j would not take the ntpoi

albilitj of failing But ttie| b«ve fonnrf thattb tl f b l l fof billot reform ha»"eum« toViayand they are m w ao irlgbteneri that they ar«fairly btiatlinn with daolaratloa* of the. loveof Senator Werla lor ballot reform, lint It Itaaortol death-bed repentance und will odldreelve any at thla tln>*| for any »Jter whotea, J* knowi that the Senator hie made a re-cord OD the quei tloo, I J oppuliian to It, wliioni aa dear a* tbs noonday auu.

No Sepnbllcftn with the rteord ef h>oa Ab-bett on Bute qaeitlona eoutd poll balf the

y , y a p n « o p o a « . Welect it. Republican. Sanatoria Horrle

coaoty tbli' fall, the-next Senate will beSepublloan beiond a quwUon of daobt, bj at i'cut one tspjority.. Tbia would atop all tbeilolooa Icgiilatlon of the Hndaoo wanly tintit pDlttWt thogi, and prevent mob aoenea In

e legislature u ware enacted laat winter.[ren In tha erflnt of. tbe DcmooraU eleatlngGoTernoraDd the t^onie of * aeembly, which

are far from oonoedlng, t t e j would bepowerleM to harra li the Banate wen Bepab-Ueai. On general ptlndplee II wonld ibvabe a Kdod.thlpg lor the Bute .to hare onepetty -act ai a check Tipon .the other. There-fore, erery thaoghtfu. oltinn lnt«reited Intbe.weUareortbe eomraoa*e>l.h oannot fall

«»a the lupQttavw d»psndioi upon hlale In Ibe eleotton of Helrin 8. Condlt to the.

Indeed, upon tfaa etndidatea far OoTenornd Senator are hlogiog tbla falHMw grealcatflkt rctaltt that wtt* vnt dnidsA by the

t*opUoiNflw Jeraay. Pint and forenoatof> fi ballot retotm. aa enbodted'lD tbe

•DiUallao ajitem of Totlojr, a bill te eaiot!'bleb w u dafeated by Mr Werta u d theitkar.DeBiiwratlo.Beiatora laat wlatcr. batrtll.eortalBly ooae np again next winter.Dor.-.Abl>*U>reftueo: to ooamlt h.BMlfj•qoirelj to thla ajaUn. »nt ptofenu,;Jritb4ie adnltnHa of a trlokj pollUslao. U be InFuror ol bwllot reform la w m othet way OnUe otatr bhnd O*« Qntub pladg« BISUMU

ctialiooally to do all In bla power to nteh«eAuatraltan . j i U m a law. Ia it not ! • -

«ruat that BTtMj Totar who farora ballotraforsi aUutd b k i Ike troubte ta . M M aleitTueaday and drop In a ballot for duIctbbi.

^ B nnwultr of Tollng for HelrlaB. CondltJuit at apparent.^ senator vVarta laat wln-ir ToUd lor the advoraa report that killed

tbeAnatraUaa law, and lotrodnoed a anbitl-•lewhlofa aUU allowed political heelaratony votia and pat peri tfokeli la the handsfToteH,: That ought l« be anffloUnttoMt-

hie reeord wltb eTery thmkiag a m u tothe iaatternf bla poiltlen os < ballot' refoiok.In wntraat to tbla Melfln 3. Coadlt la em-tbatloally ubtutnitted to the aoppart of the.oalrailan law and will anpport Itneit win-

ter wltbont hauling Thfen too, the een«n>Eaa that nouluatoil llr Ooidlt pledged liitui the alrongaat teinu to tha aopport of thlaiw, while the floaTaatUn th.atnomlnt.tod H>.

Werta nfnaad to eammlt Itaeiron the enbjMt,:

and;leit him perfectly fr«e to oppote realballot refarm In jaat the aamii war. taat helid laat winter. Thli rerj Aoctratt1 ahoold

Q*o, T*jli>t BatBtsavtlei tbeFirat Kew Jereey Brljfqde at tbn Second DullRan be attacked tbe wholeofHtoaewull Jack-aco'a forsea and w u hlmaelf mot tally wonad-ed. Aa ha Itj dying upon Ibe fietct lie a«nthie ahonlder atrape by afa ordurl; te Col,BiwB,rd Burd Grabb •• • legaoj of honor forbla bravery, aad' right woriblly weretbejworn. \ Every loyal olt<aan of Kow Jura»y> na•nattet what bta pactyi can vote foranofa agallant Midler with aolean oonaoioooe, aodattest their Mteem for the old eolulcra ofBepnbtls by mailng bla govenior of t ie

Erery wotklDRnian'oaa ilkewlan TO a fwrQaneral Ornbb with tqual Mtlalantloii. l awa Ivco m»ou{aiJVDTtiT i e biu* been emptvytngfaondradi«t nan forjeara,,wltbent.havingbad a •trlks, or a difference witb a iluilo em-

lojM. A leoordllko that li, one that Mjaineugb to.'mike larmor oommeit unneoM-

itb (qiaal truth the earne nmy be aald ofin B. Con4lt. Ue, too, in' a bu^n«ia ea-

paolly.bM b&*n tbe employer oJ quite anu»-b*r of men ror a period oATerlog many.yeara,and erery' man who IIM been la; bli terrtubaa lonnd blm ia genial, kind and belpfol em>pbitr, and although quite aDntnberof themaieDeBoonta e.Tery man ottlinn will votebin for tola naton.

•» •And *o, toaum it»ll op, O»»b anft.Condlfc'

rerreeent all tbat U vital In the 8UW itaoeepending in tbia oampnlsn and all that 1* goodto tbelr peraosal oharaotetiallni. Itarel* hatewe had mob an' Bi^e!Iont oomblnatlun'ormeaanrei and men, appealln'it beyond,partyllnee to the good will and enppo< t ot all; oltl-aene InUneted In tbe yi»\Un «t fht State.Waai a TOt« they abould bring ut nett Tow.day I .> In faet any wbo then Tail to u«h« theBalBfltocbmaentaod.TOie.wlll he renlaa'intheir doty to'tfeetr «en»t u d gut* I*tevery vele be polled and let It b« polled uearly la the day aa poatlbla The enpporteraof Abaett and.Wrrte or« tirssr)y riutimbeti-•d with thaproineot, aod If wa con front them'with aolU lloea on el* tioe day. the Ropnbll.tan IBOMU In We part ol Horrii ooanty willbe greater than ever before. /

Aa the £ u hie ma*D* rcailera inAeae0.bl7.Dlatr.0t cf tltla eouiitj, we want toaay a word to Iheni in referpnoe to ColiinaWalr.the Bapnblkan oomiDM In that Die-triot. Ho baa got more than a.jiood tight Ingohanoa loraleetlon In thatdlatriot,*nd if oarfrienrJe down there will wtirkaa hard aa hedoea hlmielf there will be no daaht ab.ont !fcLike Qriibb and Condlt he will W > faiitarlaeeltiing tha ijnutlatia of billot relt»rm aadhoneet go»(irnjnent, »«il th«,into'«.t (n falaelection ahonid be .qnallv gwai Make agood light lor nlrn and (tie Deniceratlo mrpy-

inderlogof Korrla oonnlj will auouotto

There being no oppoalllon to ^ohn N-rri*e.will faa*e awalk^ier ihe ctfurio in' ibe

Beoond Dlitriet, but hfB.Uotat atidrtlthfullone t» auffiolent to Indnee every frland ofjaeiTieea Nat Winter abon d bring him

haJ.Dtnforia t* turn>rMr.(i>ndlt.;: '/.-^'•[. /;.•":".H'"v-.?"::

And wkat'a hjeaiedVfalng aaoh a balloVrfr*Form law woutd.be for tbe people"of Kew'iraeyl PoliUoliisa would not bnr votera

•eana«|t would be a waate af money onderila ayatebi, for tha reawn teal, theyeoald

lOttMtbopnrabaaedvnter oait Ua ballot.feltberconld they mirk hla ticket iuid knowiw he Toted, bec'anaa each voter raoelvea a

ticket;fQml«bed; by tha >ut*,:and mtrkaitand depoalu It in aeoreey, In aneh a'way tbat

Itrlng being bealdea bimulf ean'uil howh* vote*. Tbat>oa1d «od bribery, for nopolltlelan will bay a »ote nnleaa he knowa

Tbe ainelUnldatlon

iny depeodad ly p

and TOU la the n

tem will jnat an etTwInaHj end>t th* polla. An^mptoyee^ot pereoo, eao go to the pel la

kig pe aeorM/. knowing tbat

t b hi employer, or av/ ptiraoB to whom be maybe under obligation*, eao not gef-wltbio twohundred feat ol him wben he; rotea, cannotaee llm depot!t hi* ballot a&d oanaot kuow" V . b a T O M B . ; •;,'.•.'•'. ••'' •• '-.'•:'.''• ' ' . ' I ;••''

Any peraon can at onbe ace tbat anoh pro-teotlun; to the voter aa^thla will.' forarer doaway with tbe onwda that inrround poll* to1 itlmidateoriiifloenBi yoten aad who often

o Ulnga anpleaaant for dtisena who de-teat being nndgedi and jalted, and eolleltedwhen they go to the polla to depo.lt theirballot*. Maoj dlagoatlng leanea of Hi

induot wonld alao be anppruied bylyatem, aa enly tha offloera appointed by law

can b». i t tke polio. Conarqaently.all vrbo'ranthonrat and deoently ©on d no ted election*

itut (MI impeUad next Tiawttay to -*ot« forIrnbb and .the Australian law, ", .

If thla were Ibe only laaae at ataio la Bevrleraeytbla f»ll it iboald.be enough to lndaoa

every decent and reepnotablo OIUHU to takela.tronVle to .vote. Hat there a n otberajinallj important Tba people ol Kew Jar>|

aey have been goiemed iorjear*, not by the' it element of thuDemoOrtUo party, bat by;be pblltioal tbuRa of Hudmn mantj, who

>T« protUUUd «ac vourU, i*bo«\ i j m m iand ether departmaata of Bute government

aeivelboenaaolpHtiaanpoliaelana. Theyive onated liordre of nselna effloerain fble.

Itate, and within aerenwan yearihtya in*rtwed tbe annual ezDendUnreaaf thaSUM

Froa>*tWO,000'td II.NO,000, In otber worda/bile tbe popalatlon ol Kow Joraey bia beenicnuleg 20 per eent, the Stete expendltnreeave InVeaavd SDO per eent ; For tbja reaitm'el Want a obaoge and we want it verybadly.

S i t can we bopa for a ehaaged eondition oflitTair* if tbe element rep»>enW by Leon'ibhett ulnae* oontrol ol fie State govern-lent 1 Many Demnerata ol titotraeu, kiawre cannot, ant) wa balleta We apeak a trotb Jthen vVaaTtbere are many'.bimoerata ol1

proDlnenoe and afpdlng In Vow Jeraty who•oald alDoenlyrfJotMt»HeAbbettdefeatedB X t T n e » d a y . . •; ,- . ••'••;-. ; '/'••'""•£

The» at* tfaa ree,. i*tne*oftb«balbt reform oadtoheatM.TtrtbMa_op,Md;d.Tertpul.llo1.from'**

votw of Ifae IUjmUl oHew Joraey,

u party in the State of

Senator*.Se then prooeeda toJaiUlj tbe *ab*tiUt* \

,»««» by b\m same wblob th« SlaoOon Com- •ailtw reported In (he jplaeaof tbe Kaaa bill. -',

It runlro* but one atguMont to *how 'thr••'rf.merit of thU LilL Tai WirU WbitlwU.^proTliled that party tiekete ptignt be{plao*d 'la the band* d Totera by poliUoat beetercbefore tbe rotera want to (be polla. The.ffiBatlal (utare aTvatoe la-^tke Jtane bill "-w»e that the fitete provided tne f OUST with a*tUket «fter Le had gone lnilde U e vottngpUoe,andall the ballot* being alike BO llV-,io(beiogooatduU bow I H H i»t*d. Thia^:WM why the Kolghte of Labor and tbe Bal- '(ob Eofonn Awoolatloae of tha.BMte enp* •ported tbe Kane bill—baeauae of Jte abaolute •''••:eoroey and asearitj. Tbo W«M aabeUtate •iwtldod nothing wblob would prevent tbe :i*rty heeler, toe briber, or tb« employ«rnro putting a marked ticket into tbe band*;~

of the voter, l i waa only. a, pretanae far 'adopting tbe cooibroo*/ Aoitrailaa: cyaUn •'•'fftfhoat (onfpttoa tkt (nott vltalltatoxa sf.'Vtbat method—tka teoMt ballot. • III via' as 'enpty kernel containing no matt and •!•'.though the .Democrat* bad a',«ood-iia#d.^mijoritj ia tbe Bodee and eonld have paaaedIt if they bad w)ah«d W, t te j oonld not get- ingaveteetpiethtrfo anpport of UawortlH ':'

ifut ibe weak feature of the letter of Beaa-tor Werta U tbe objeotion W olfera le the.Kinflhia HeTerlbelrMit Ua«jeunre tbatbai bean teated with abtoInUIDMMH ID eight >Siateaol th,la Miintrjandle lapMrtKl *H»Tl>y*1.theUboran&imiot fieforai JLMOOBV:( In tbe State, wbo bellet* it efftetaal Ar

;b. prefemlon of bribery and UtlaaMatJoi;deiplte the ooBtraryopinfoa plSeaator Varia.They have neolred to preeant It again at thenext aewion *t Ua Ixtglelalnrt, and tkay arautklng tbe OAtnpaign Is tblt Sula mnon thlaIUJO, ;If 8#aater.Worta obJMU to It now,'loveanjietwazpeated U vote far It If hale'Seated I On the other kand If elf [a 8. Co.. ^ltia analteraMy oonailtted te tte anpportr .ho Ktna bill. Thaiefore, If thovaterani3 ballot reform-if ha Ureally laifavw,

n bonwt, aeopre nnd aeerat ballot'-ha iabound to vote next Toaadaj for Malvba J.'Toodit and agahat Senator Werta.

oompiimtnt of a heary vote.

aakSpat.The EBA fceli ooroplimen ted that tfat> 9>ck<

Qettetowa QtMtte nbonlil £tUaORMlaaneald

o iu ci 410b of

olTttd ibthl* campaign,; and waHyinr ajmbatby ty ite ' abored: tffati tv

malatelatbenoireiplodrd IdeatbaiLeon Ab-bett, Uia ex-railroad Uwyrr, la bo*Ulo to I be

' " taeBrVCHi BO 1ODB;.': But wecannot help •xprew.ng our grinllu<le.tj thnOaaetta Jor tbe following *igoil1c*titei*pr«a.iiewV-'.;'. •,>.•.-.• ' • • • - , , ; , ' . -:.:'-".-VVJ-:"".::j

'VThlamatterof ballot reform la ibr onljweuk apot the E u llndi In. fieiiator Weru'epolitic*! a

buriouel*, liM not exerted itMlf tofind'any other weak (potato'tha armor ofS W ' O d r politica It baa the

l W d U b i

ySenator Werta.' Oni pblibwt regard for blni, anil Wonld Ua tb« iaatto *p*t>k aderogatarj word tcepeatlog>lm

i t h t Tbl did d i l bp

without, eanao. Tbla enndid a u by, yDcmooratjo paper that hla wore* retpeotioxballot reform ia a " wnk «pot"in.hia •rmor,la the but jnitlflcation wo could-b»fe» fo>calling fttteatioa fa ilpenlateat.ln- .tbo

.And wa Hay* beenitter btcanaa we. know',

w>d Mtrj •,*D*Abtft p*tw(\ koow*, thai •\**Uler voting, law ia aa abiotate Deceaalty InHewJeraey. Tbat Senator WerHaboaldharopat hlmMlf la tbe UEiortuuate poiltioa ofhaving oppbiod blmaell to tnla excellent re-form; *o mnch dralred by tbe woiktog people _and frle-da oi. ballot reform tbrongliont; tbe i"*'State, la notbor fanlr, and it la tbla vi>ry;^" weak apot," far wbioh be alone ia re*ponil-hitf, tbat.will prevent bli tu-elrotlon -Onr

(BHATOH WlBTi AID BALtOT HKF01M.SaQatar Werta baa written * lettar to tb*

pp-M in whiob be dudMvare to sKpialn hUvallloo regardlBR the d«(eat of the K M * billlor ballot reform laat winter. Ha admit*, aaall kno«, that the bill pM**d tfc» Bon«« withbet twodlaaenUng fot*a, bot aid* that "theKaoe bill w H ne'er voted on in the Senate."T h t a l l tblaia tree, but there fa a featnr*oonneeud wlfli It tuat Senator 7 » r b doe*not explain, Tbe Kane bill WM referred tothe CanmlttM on Eleatinni, which faaJ aDamooratlo majority,, aad tbU O

t d)j , d bU onmltte*advent)? upon i t . . When U.U •&>

veraa MpoM—wbfob eettled tbe fat* of tbeS w«* pr**e»(ed lo the Senate It WM

by |lia v«W< »f 21 O«o)9orata, andpp y tha vote* of 10 EepubUoiOi, who

dMlred to aee tbU exoetlept «a«aiir« booeaMMo In tUa wav tba Kan* bill waa a*llj voted opoaaa if th»aitMMiiMttesir

bad been up for a vote, and it wae alaugli>;

ured by tbe aolid *«te of tbe Dwaocrttlont-Jority of wW#b Ur. W«t i w«a a OMmber.*' W»te knowa tbat It w u tfaue killed M a

hparty tii

tuby tha w i l l r*tea ol

.Tbaflr*t.aa«tWB>f the'-MwilHurl .Iboroh.at UorrUtowa twa* -•W.eaUArJ.wA'feInndv' AtlOiSO 0'oIofktWcborUUrt.ia..'";-^-;ng -tba..hymuj--j'.'Dla*Md • CHj1'^H-«TMlyC>^fl » l e m . n p n N ^ M r r o « t l » o b o i r v e W ' d a ^ 7 S' t main ajele to the'MiiUi fwiwtuipa^ti'iiki*^^t w»at>y k ta^-dariTrrArUrtk«iBTBi^^^

« d * •k»rtpr»j»t V ^ ^ h ^ t ^ . U i T y M a : ^ ^

ibsir,*I»|1«'tk*;hy»«,:iM0fcrl*tl»-|a^'tl»'^lut* .fotrndaUow^.The; llrtep M" (M '-m§>W.

D.P.,tei*(BirwlttU*,r»»t«af iW|mfw*,;:i.J;

y p l l , « k a l r wmtt

r. WUllaaa Oieewell Daaae, D, P^ Mek*f>Albaajr gat ttxiwanfiwQmaliMiiHt.

and b#aold tbe Mr* iteM t• • ! an tka Urd Qod ef A - •

braham, tbj latkar, u d Ibe Oo««f laaa*.'" ;" ,Th WM » foil eawa) ttrtia* la Ito «VB«- - --v'

t l d \g Theaervtoewajlnt«a«dlyBar.WfmMt^aaderpool aad tfaa aaratonvaa praaehed fcy ,ur Wlll iamMHaghevrNtrtMOhice Redeemer, MorrUtwwn. UaplUoltbe : ^ r

i»ple»aaa,w*,UMta«oh*te* wa*oro*d«d ;<Vitf,t t»btk aetviOM, and tie offarto'ryjwaa'avejr ^ ! . j | ^

B3,000,wolch win be apj.li.dte the'building v.f- l

Ti..tuuw.CiuWd"rtHVi'#te*'U«1Wfei#^taentb eentnrv Golhlo tjP4 and w»da«4gB«*l. 1 ,'.V;-.y CbarlMF.Mcttlo»;o(M^'.«,-M*^^fc^;;',r(/¥bit», alter-cartfal atidy of th«aUgli»h , : '^

pariakob«rcbe*(.ftaatdatt.-TfceelBiiratie«i:.-^^' Mr. MCKIM'. plan markaa dlitiiel adranea.American rnral obarohanblteebm aa4 :

ovetlroaa wMob-iai|Mmaat rtwito^Biaj**:':predaMediOtth* Uata are aimpU aad ma*alvar;and Ibe prepwtloo* n*ble udhaxaaalMa. :;

lea Halihed the oinrck will >aV« aa. •«£«zenalengtboriSSreet and a a u t U a e la.iribrwldtkolnfMb ToeiUBaaiaadlatlw:tialdft f aite la granite of a. warn gray aaUr»'

!rom flu»*p« eoBoty. iTkib walla iaeldeeria of.'itraw-oplortd: bilok, which aamomlw U-olrablj with the gra* of tha anbea a*J plW

lara.' The pareaent Ia the ekolr l*'ofT«k:-Slre'atene. laiMrted fnis'ISbgliuid, u 4 tlw:Hag of tbe oialea la fnaa NorU W»1W' TfcW« r rf thaebarch lemaul*t.TW*t*pa- *itar an ol Namldlaa •aarfcle>B«'



e»ew* are ef qaartend t*k u a the !t o*k. etaiiiad very dark M 4 b«aatlialljr

vwl. A noUoaable feaUva 1* th* twade e / w b l h U d d l h ijihebawlaMB«oi

piece or woik or ite kind in tab wntotry. la- !oluilinr theooplng onwhlehlt tusd*,U ia }

nearly twelve reel high aad'u of wraMgbt t-«a. ( .ploked oat with g i l t ' Th« ebolraoraow oa Ue

l h l d l l byb*taM.TIH)e«*»tni_odow.iaapartlaalartyfie pleeoof'AnMtl-

eaaeteiacdglaa*. : i i U la a««toal*tiliM aadblna aad yellow The etbw wla«««e a n «foathMtralglata. Tfae organ, mad*. W ddelt.** the Urt««t «nd Bsett lb * *mitt- II Uuow«*llyi»w*rittl,Md Yet li«,-,aft •tapaare pbenoaseDallr rleh t- tone a**WMt IB axpnMton. U »be eb»pe],*liUb V

I •oeuplM tfao aoBtb tranaept, la a curiooa valtii'J

pnlp't oopled by Mt, UoEim trxm i. media...i*1 oriatakl.'-.i3a' tbe ohaboel amnirj'a1 aiagi'''

fieee* braaa ebaadailer p'Tnaat'Taadarpool.' v'.'':,Tlie preenet aeotloa'whleb: j

sandidata, MelTln a. Condlt, bu noapot" of thla aort.'. Ue la nmphttioally for theKane law, and tbe people, propou to elcet1

him, that be may help to pau ft next Winter.

HaJatFBif Hfi,,'•'..-"; ••[':"'.iutnioktat) ,:::\:-.,''

are.klie gr»tnt Irulc Caibartlo ol modBratime*.' They are a eompreaaed intuit, con-poeed of fralte and lecUblea. ttaaburgfiga are ao Infallible cure lor Plleai tNttdij*.treaaiag complaint arlalnf "from a eooatipatadand etagoant condition ol the bowela. -' WhenNature**Uwaare Violated,-thv (fleet* t reatonoe made apparent by a general riiaorder oftfaa eatlre ayatem, 'reaaUitig la Impure blood,pimple* and btotobu on t ie akin, blltoQima,oanatipalion, ladljf'eatlan. dyipepila and pile*,1

Hamburg Pl|« i n Xttute't aialtUot. andtarooma-all nnhealthy aondltlana,. laavlng

th«ajatra Is iMrf«tiirdiir,'and,by their>b.tion aa • mild bnl onrtaia l«i*ti*s and porg*.tlva reatorlne; Ua body to m, eondltt.n of ver'faethemUb. Bamliurit Fl«» a n prepaml In

o f c e b lnplutfca ta«cfaaaeal. trantapt and ptWtor'tfaeiave) willaeat abont foax U ad redanJI ttity.;>.ST»» Mai

I of tb« nav« whoa added, wilt keoMiaHdat*

a deiiftfctiul to.thiB gentl

t(.«uj «fbat' wr-

tain iti netion. I)oa«,":on« WgjlSe ia » bWFor aala at Bab en' KUIgorc'a Coraar l>rug

**? fr;/-JMaUamy'taaaii* ialie.-.'-- •-. _ .^ Tfavibeat aain ia the World fu Out*,8or**,DraUei.'Ulrew, 8*11 Sbeam,'Po<nr Born,retter.vObkpped;"Banda, OhilbUiui, .Darn*,

Prlo«9o Mala per boi. Par aal» by prtftrttollVra '* U

ddabeuttwnhnadndmore. roandwaaljritkeaiKaater Uoaday, 1687, and the Mrter>*tOMwMlaldAIIBaiaia'UaybftbatTMT WbMoompliited thaooat will lwabontfSlC.WO. ,.

Tbe Teatod sbnir eoaiUu »f eight MM aadweB,7«ona baya. U waa orgmfliaad m f e w

•go acd ba* b m tn training nndtf tHorg* F.UJvnne, orgaetet'anA eboirniutor>'er,8t,'John'i Obapel Tr i l t t ^ U b H TAlfred Otabi

g oirniutorer,8t,Obapel, Trinltj t^rUbt Hew Tort

» * be* Baker la tha pnaeat nrgeaiet

P laeualUtRoad th« following. Ur, C. H. aforrla,

Newark, Ark,, eaja. * Waa down wUh Ab-eoeaa of Lnng*, and friend* and ptvaltln*pronouootid me. aa lunrable Conanmptlve.,firgan tski&f Ur Xlng'a Now Dl*MTery forComamptlon, am now on my third bottle,and able lo ovenoe the work on 115 farm. Hin the Unset &.edla(nu n t t mado."

Jeau Middlewart, Deoatar. Ohio, aayai> Had It not bwn for Dr. Klsc'e Raw Dlarar-

nry for OoDiampUon 1 wonld b a n d M ofLang Tnablee. Wat given op by doot«re.Am now In otatof b«dta," Try It. 'Bamniabo t l u ftte at Robert ICl'lttoV. Dmg Bta™,Dcver, and V. H J«Dklnti Dru« Blow, Obiter.

Page 2: P||E|r,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/1889-11-01.pdff II r. Cnad l t la a oertaiutj the Kepabllcan rote InUorrla oonnt.T la polled. We b»T" a natural m*Jnrlty

THE EB&.The Do7er Printing Company

o PaoPHirroiu.

Friday, Nor. 1, 1889.







F1HW DiBT.-COLLINS ttEllt, at Morris.BICOXD Uwiv-JOIIN NOIlItIB, oflluckswa

declared himself for 0»n. Orabb bo wouldfoliaw bis example and make pnbllo bis In-tention to support tbe Republioan candidate,benanse be belierrd him more likely to adopt(iecislTo ballot rufonn o i u a t n tban ex-Oo1




, N. J.t Oct. 30, 18


B j means of apeclal trtlus and extra effortsthe DeiEocitta aaoceetled ID filling DakarOjieraHima. on Tuesday erasing to hear 0.B. Senator Uol'herson and 8 U U SenatorW>tli. Yet about one-bslfflf the .udlenee« u oompor.d of IUpabllcans. for oar ttepilican friends bet* bare the faablt of wtUcdimeeting! of all parti en, and* their presence

w i t sliutrti bjf tbb suatti md leebleifspplame tbat showed where tlie

Democrat! were located In the sodlsacs.Senator Hcl'berion made a epeeob about anboor nod a half in length *blch wasaltnoitentirety made np of grandiloquent phrasesabout New Jsrsey and aboat the glorr or tbiDe moo ratio party, without any a peel do dec] a*ration of fonts in .bow wherein aach gloryaooeisted. Ued*olared tbe Jt«p-blio«- partywaa without a record and without principle,irllob oauaed Republloaue to qnletlj smllithey recalled tbe event- of the last thirtyyears, and made them stronger Kapublloanithan erer. All tbat he ssid respecting Alp.bett was to claim for bin all thn credit of rail-road taxation ttirpettinu to mention tbe factthai Abbett really oppoaed the pr»«ent U<under wbfob railroad taxation baa been aioured, by supporting tbe I'rall bill which waskilled by tharenl friends of railroad UibiMatiie of {Is mtny defaota. Then lie roundlyoompllmenUd Werts aad M.njf bright forvov-lofffortba r«pe>I of looal option, and madean effort to resurrect tbo lute Ur. C l e t e l u lfrom the grave of inoonoas deauetude.

•Senator Wcrta Hnfined bimaelf aolely t« lbsdisoosilon or tbe qaestlun or ballot reform,and although ho made an argument of mas-terly adroUpiaa—and Tor snob » task no onaIa better qualified than our genial Banator—it Wat marked by a nnmbor of defect) wblohwere revdlly oavgbt by lbe people of this soe>tlon, who are well posted ID tbe merits ol thlaqaesti«n. Be made an -*oel!ent argumentfor the need «f ballot refoim, bnt destroyedIt by tha claim tbat tbe Dcmsuratlo party Isthe friend of tbe workta-nun and anxious forsnob reform. There were aoomot labormenIn his audience wbo knew tbat the petitionfor the Amtnllan law laat Winter waa backedb j all tbe labor organisations of the Slate andwas defeated by lbs strict party Tote ol thaDemocratic majority In the Senate. If theyhad lored the workinRmen to tbe extent tbiHanator profuses, why did they net baed thlaaiapla reqnut of the workingtneo at NewJersey 1

Tbe Senator next attacked wbat be cansld-e n d the dafccU of tbla A astral Ian law, wbloh

- Is now operating ancoesifttllyln eigbi Statesof tkfa century, and In eloien foreigo coitries aid prorlnoea. He omitted to tnenilon,faoweTer, tbat thli law.hsd nfoelvsd tbe can-ful oomid (ration of tbe ballot reform assooia-tionaofNcw Jersey, as well aa af tbe taboiorsanliatlona of ihe-Stat«. sod had ree«l?edtba hearty endorsement of tbe netmoat anxious for real ballot wforra, IT tbelienator waa rlabt, thqn all tbe fnhoaeft ballot bad gone astrsy.

. One of hla objeattons to tne ayatcn was the

" oDinbanonie " single ballot furnished by thefltata on wbfob lha labor men bclleTB hingesIbcwfaoiSTalneofthiajatcu, bTents party tricksters from potting- partytickets In the hinds of tbo Totert, To Wot-trate bla point tbe Senator prodnced ona oftha ballots recently voted In Meat**a, wbsreths Australian system waa trieJ. Bntla this•MonMtlontbefleDatarshonlibeTe explainedthat tbiswM tbe first eleotlon bald in tbeState—that every State, oounty. town andtownship officer was voted for in this election,•aaklng the ballot* vastly longer tban theywill ever bo again m that State, became Ofalternntloos In ths time of oleeilni otaUM.

. A ballot In N«* Jersey nnder tbe Australian•yatem ibis fall would not 'M over fonrorflvoInohea lonf.

Tfae Senator's next objection waa resntotlngthoae wbo ooiild not read. He asked whatwonld become of the aeereey of the ballot If a

' ssao who eould not read had to aik an iDspeo-tar to make up bis nsitotfor him. Doesn't

. n« bare to do it anyhow, Senator I Tbe onlydlffereo<w would be tbla i Mow tba man wbocannot read gsea to some political heeler,wbo may Uka advantage of his Inability to

read and pa in off en him any aort of oTOokddticket he pleases. Under,be Australian sjaUrn the man wbo cannot read baa hii ticketnarked under toe Inspection of Inspectors ofdifferent polltlul beliefs, one of whom is ac lock on the otbsr, so tbat La ttnuot b«

.- «ht»UA aa be oltea Is by tbo political faeeltr.•"id Te understand tbat these inipeotcrs are

awonttoieerecy. So that even the man who; oaniiot tead ia vastly bettei off under tbla

ayatoim.Xfaetnaro tbevaln points,briefly ooasid-

« n d and answered, showing that despite tlielnge.tJoni and able argLtmeotot tbe talontcd

. Senator there la aaotber aids to the q n e s t i o i -• i idetht t la thoroughly nodentood by theworkinjmea of this section, who will vote forMelrtB & Coudit n u t Totuday in ordei

- tha Aastnllan system may have a fairin t i l s Bute, and not bihas had such * trial.

Dy request we tent a cop j of the letter pub-li.bad laat wwk by Kooator Wart*, to Ur.Herbert Dogx*, •*•• leader of tlie bsllot reformmoretcent, wbo dratted the Anntralliwblcb HHintrodasFd b j AMrsabiymsTnand so felled t rcp<y. lo rt.puone Mr. Bojtgiwrites us the fallowing, wbton * e commendto ersry voter • b o einc^rtly desires ballotreform:


I tig tbe letter of S a i l o r Wertn spunorm jmblUbfd lo the Purer litdailUfsllng raj TIKWB upon 'lut position taken byLbe Senator last winter and ID bis leti *

Wived.There la aufilofon. t roih in tbe Sanator'a

tetter ta glye It an alrofainorrtty and l o mis-lead, bnt it Ia full oi mlssUWucnla and poi-

Tho Senator «ays '-tbat tb- Kane Bill em-bodied not only tho Australian eyotem of vot-IDX, butalao regulated the Una, node an imanner of nominating candidatea, holdingoonvenlioDs, oto'' Tbe Senator here conveysthe Idea tbat the Kane bill attempted to domore tbau establish the Australian system.Tlili l»~jottro«. Astb* hill provided forthiilllaial priutlnR ol the ballot to be usrd, it fijctdent ths otlloera bftvlaft charge of the prep-sration of tbe ballot mmt bave prorided til emmme legal method »f deWrminlag the namesto be pat upon tbe ballot.

Tbla is dune In two ways First, where Urncandidates are nominated by a patty conven-tion, the presiding uftloor and secretary certi-fy tbe naraea nominated by tbeconvr-"—geooml, Indepeuilent osndidatea, not

inj( a regular party. Hie nomination pa-r . . . algued by a sptcllled numbfr of volera,tbenuuber varying wltb the site of tbeCia-triot. Only to tbls extent, and In tbla way,dors tbe Kana bill -' regulate tint tiinaa, modemd m inner of nominating- candidates, hold-OK oonventlonit) eta."

The Senator fort tor a>ya "the bill wasabuut sixty pagea long, very Intrioate aud•omplioaud vlthtnany detail*."

The bill and sohsdulea sc tu . l l / coveredtwenty-ode p. iee, t.od wss, legally speaklnjc

ei-» simple. As to details: nu* complete law_just bt full ot datail. T»e tffioacj ot a lawdepeoda upon the esrelulness of detail. ID

'Hail this bill, I end«svored to proride fore*«ry oontlnKonoy. I endeavored to preventall evasions. This rendeieddclall teoeasary.

Had tbe bill been less perleot In ita att*n-To T U B » details, I imagine the Beaator wouldhavebeen betterpleaiedwltb fi. Should the"Cane bill ever come before tbe court' of t*-ler, I venture to say Ita provlaiDua will never

rewUe a twniUnotloD ID entit-ly forelrn totue purpose ol iU fraaer, aa. did tbe Sanator's lBmom eompromiatd liquor bill ol laat

FOBT MOllfcUl.Conduotor 0 D. MoPe*k got hack from tba

Drak^ueu'i Ututberbood CoovcntiouWedntaday. He SOTS he bad a flm-cl.Uint.

A lady walked into tbeoanal H.turday niglitbecsnii* ot tbe dsikoetf, an i waa ttacn'dafw-r a rather oool bath. It would not bo abad idea Iv put n lanj|j oo tbe canal side oftbo board toiiQo near Herri ok/a atore.

put In a npw .wit^b beglDnlDfE, or nbranoblDK off [torn tbe 1)., h. it. \V, lUtltDear BLIppeoport lorge pond, and tboj »»j itwill ornss tbe canal on abridgaabanbteo f©*tabove the watnr.

They h*Te brrken gronnd for a. newntar the county bridfe at Landing, or us wecall It, HopMronjt Htation. Tbe lAndlU-tel Comeany are j?oln« ta pnt It op andwonld iiot worder if It proved a pnylng Iveitment." WbofVrbatb traveled life's dnilround,

Whate'Krlili various to or hath been,Unv sl sb to think bow olt te'i found

AD<J I hare no doubt tfae proprietors an.wiser In ib*ir (teneratlot. ibsn the ablldren ofllKlit. rbewayfarin | t» .n, thou K hnot murhol afncf, Klie romn to Hopataong Ht tionnow, bas no place rorrstexoept tbe expre

OP. Wher. tbe hotel gets done be can |

Tbe Allen Drotlienare Roinjt to ba'Id t.binew snitch tt tbe Forolje Powder Woikt.They are getting lome splendid atone ont olAllen's qaarry, near Walrrloo, for tbat brldjceuear Speedwell aTenne, Uorri-town. I bavea noUnd that alnae woald pallab vsry nicely.It night be worth wtlle to try.

I received a totter to-dsj fro a » gentlomaoIn Cokrabnry, N. J., ii yru Iroow where tbatla. He aaja Item are two EBAB tat.«n at tbatoflJeo and he takes one of them, which showsbin good Jndgnent. He want* a Iltt's monIlrookljnTabsrnicle. 1 hare not tba banoiof tile •cqaaintaaoe, tnttbat vlitt lo Hr.Taltuadgc after bis Tabernaole was bntaed downwas only an incident Iu i very busy life.

" Tbe bait of all WS.TH lo iBugtbeii oar days,Is to steal a few nonrs fmm night, my dear."I write DiRhts and go vlsltlog Sandaya when-here are no servltes in tbe Church which 1•fiend rexQlarlv. Maybe, if the dominie

takes a Sunday off waen tbe now Tab eta soleKBta built J may go down to the dedication.I don't believe lit gadding about meoh.

Iiaaa Irvlog n.ed to brake tor ConduatorPJ. ilayea, ol W«ahloglon and be broke hla leftabout three or four years ago in Jumping offthe top of a boc oar at Waterlooatation. Hebas been on the night drill at Wasting lewlately and Monday morning, while trying to

' togbt hie foot in tbe guard'*r ft. It is thought

winter.Again tbe Senator i

ti t b l l ti j s " i t provided for

lasting a secret ballot, but at tbe amauled a ballot to be idsndtHed alter it waa

cast." This is entirely untrue. H o r d o l b e -)T«r commenteddid homiKitl

tbluklcf ot tbe bill At OBIOIHIVLLT miniBOW..Tbe E u i bill aa introdocfd, pro tided that,

before giving a ballot U a voter, sn electionofficer should plaee his asmesr Initials on tboback. ThltWM lo pravsnt tbe uss of forgedballots. Governor Grean thought thah in•Igoing hla name or Initial, the election r f f l wmight make some tnaik by which he mightafterward. Identity the voter. Athlasnggee'tlon, the bill waa to amended before it passedtbe Home, that a stamp waa substituted Inplace of tfae sljnatore of tbe eleotion officer.

It la true the Kane bill was not voted upona the Senate. Senator Adrala, of Middlesex,

obalitDanoftheoonimittea on eleotlaa>. wonldlot repcrt It even adversely. Had . tbreniroQEbt before the Senate It would have

passed. , We were anxious to have It votedupon, bat the committed prevented ft. la-stead of reporting tbii bill, tbe committee re<ported the anastilQie referred to by SenatorWerts, Tbls subititoto, 1 b*ve always no-derehml, aud the New Yoik World t.cbargedit, *as drawn by Benator W« . _self, for the express purpoan of defeating tbeKane bill, without pot tin* the Democraticaenatora In a position of hostility to ballot re-

Tbis substitute ii a very Imperfect meaaare.It bears no restmblaone to the Coonaotlcutbill in force In the reosnt election, i send youa copy that you tnsy Judge for ynnnelf.

Section 1 profid-s, tkat every nleotion ahsilbe held "In a room or plan* wltb an entrancew»y to the poll separated from tba exit lromtlie poll for at Isaat flfUeo feet, and aald en-tr-noe #»y tball ba so oonatraeted that lhavoter, while passing threngh thn same to to*poll cannot bs icen by any other person, andso that bo cannot be teen'ejot.pl. those present at t_ .puaed the ballot box and entered tbe exit.1

be aeen by any othsr personint at tbe pot) until ba has

at this wrliloa that bs camStill tbe destroyer is ntnoug tbe works of

the Almighty. Amos Smith, tbe oldest (maa-caline) inhabitant of Stanhope, w»a laid intbe quiet oily of tho dead at that torn , full ofyeara and honors, onTnetdajaft#rcoon. OaWednesday afternoon tfaty bore the remain,of Jobn Applegate, who bad beeu blao.um.thJ. T. Stldwortliy'a apprentice, to tba oaamm t l n g plaoe. Ono w.s ia hli 80th year, and<M ntbur wssajicd 30 I think Ur. Ap^leynUwnsnoDmteroJ tbo South titan Lope umttibanrl, At any rate the band played at thegrave, and marotied from ths HethodletCbmob.aCirbtDbthe funeral services wereheld, to the Stanhope Union Cemetery aheador thn bearse. itev. Mr. Brooks preached thefooetal *rrtnon. " Thoa bast all seasons forthine own, ODoathl"

I am glad to a-e Engineer Andrew Graf,brother ol Statiou Agent Gray at Waterloo,rnontDg lbe double six (66 J I remembertrben Ui, Gray used to &» for Iiaao Shields.11*1 went on tbo Unntral road and ran one ofh-lr fast freights foi awhile and now be

tunes back to us a firit-olaaa cogi-wr.ConduotorA.P.AtnoWaaat tbe oi l

Wednesday witb hla swollen ankle and it lao Isn badly ye t ; bntheesoaped very luoby.

BTAJHOPBThe barrel for election purpc4« faaa not ar-

rired yet in Sunbope. T u e n is a great dealol grumbling sboot Grnbb and Afabett menare scarce, In fuot will not bet at all. •

Tbe funeral of Amos Smith waa bald at hlalate rraidence cm Tuesday afurnoon and waawell attended. Bets. Brooks, Crane, PoalittleaadUcacbeui oonduated tbeaervleea. B«U-tlyea ircw New York, Newark, Trenton and

"IM plsoea l eu remote) ware prseeot KdiCluudniaD, nt tbe Sussex Register, and Keeob,of tha Stanhope Eagle, w e n present. Bo wasOTOT BO years of ago >t the t ine of bis deceaseand was exl«D«ively known especially ID Bas-B*X. Warren and Herri* 1 mtlea and hisplaoe will be hard to nil eaptolaily in the H.K. Church here of which he bad been trust*icr about 20 yean. No dosbt you baTU tbifaotsof hli Hla from otbei* aonraes thereionmil make this brieL

An Old-fashioned Tea Party will .ak*plseL>D the chapel of the SUnhopt, M. EL ChurobNov. lQlb fnat. It will be a runny attalr iftbrprograuime proposed la fatly carried patHush sud milk and pumpkin pie wilt be soaoi tbe laborious ediblfs to be parti kin of Dthe occailon,

Jobn Applrgate's funeral took plsoe at tbefilanhonB U. £ . Cburcb oa Wedaeadayof t . lswfek. It wse largely attended, l i e had beenin tbls p'aoe for over a year p u t and maderc*uy friends by bis aesstble deportmentwb:ia learning the blacksmith trade with Ur,J. T. Steadwortby. We nolioett among thosepreicnteK>MaT«rAyora, of Morrintown. TIdecmsed wsssiok less tban a week and dliof .nlUtnaii..ioD ot tbe Inuga. Toe UosGOuet-oom Cornet Band of South Stanhope, ofwbiob tbe deceased was a menibet—headedthe funeral with loitrumenUmtap nt tha dram and played "Nearer my Gadto Thee " at tbe grave.

Tbe banters bars been out all tbe weekpast bunting for dncks, that la all. Very lit-Ua feme, from present appearances, will beleft for Nor, 1st, AMICDS

BVDIP0 LAKE.Slnoe my last we haTe bad a great mad

loare Veally three weeka ago a large1.Found'and dog pissed through the plute,bi ing » number of dogs, eowi,plgs and cats,bnt as far as I bavs learnid no paraons weibitten. It is a wonder that dog, being left troam at Is rue so long, did not do more dam-•Sfi. Hr. Jsoob Watk, near Drakeatewn,•ottfd tba dog's career by shooting him

Henrs. Jeremiah Baker and Jacob Allemwere np fishing latt Satardsy, but did UDthave much luck—for them.

Tbe beary rsln of Bnnday railed tbe lakeaeveral Inobea, and many aie ooniplalalng 1'water In their oellaxs.

Mr Pitrick Murray, or Deckertowo, hiamoved In J. J. Jones' house.

Mr. Bully's ysobt and sail boat bave sailedInto Winter quwiflrs In a ditob In the tnanh

few York who porohsstd

StaLii te have orders to eollrct de-rage on oars which are leltnnloaded at

their autlona longer than a Maple of days, oielse aend In their rralftnatlbna. No tlreumio-outlonaboutQeneralManagerflalstead. Con-s-iCDers will please tako notice.

MM. Joiepb.Dnno dl«d on WedieveJlng. Her faunbandand a l l or aeteLchildren anrtIra her. The oldest child oan't' e much over 13 years of age.

Hiss Floy Wills fa home again.Conductor Jamea Clark Is running to Hobo

ken now and W o Christine Is running tali->wn Washington wild oat.

Brakcman Jobn O'Snlllvanla

trillindemned before it

IBS OTBZX BUI.' While Senator Werts waa ipeaklsg In Do-

• » « on Taeidaf avanlng, In defenoe of biaswilon respMtiog ballot reform In the L*t\*-latnrslast winter, and was engaged In show-Ing what he conildend defeeU ID the Anatri.Han ajatem, a large ballot reform rally, of aaoi-partlMii nalare, was bei«g held at theAcademy of Xnaie In Newark the same even-ing. Herbert Uoggi, tbe anther of tbe fainwbleh embodied tbe Anstrallaa system andwas rejected by tfae Democrats Senators,was*b» first speaker.. Hejoitiflod that bill com-plete l j as meeting every requirement of bal-l o t reform, and declared emphatically that" under t i t Werte bill bribery woald be Jmt.aaiMtlblaaa before."

Henrj Owrge, the great leader or the labor.party, watvthe next speaker, and made astrong ipeeeo showing that tba Australiansystem gave perfect pratMttas aad seeu*ltf•to evMy vttUr, opsnsd the way for an boaaatrate, sad would do mon than anything elseto break np machine rala In politics, H« da-«Ure4 tbat tbe essential feataie of tho Ana'tn l l an system wee tbe offlsi»l ballot, whiekour Democratic- friends denounce aa cumber-some, and be said bribery and intimidation

• had become unknown wherever the Austra-lian systen had been,adopted.. T i e system,!he further said, dow fyway with gangs ofceelera about the polls and'the hanllng ofn e u to the rating place amid disorder and

/brawling!, and ba nrged.tbe p*opi« to a vlgc r o u anpportof i t .

SraatosE. Potter, the " r a n k n Sehoolmaatot," «f Port Orntn. exhorted the vetera pres-ent ta use their U H D I I M far. b.tlot reform,

1 i u d said be had learned of ths great effloicy. c l t h e AnstnUan s j i tem In AnstraJia lrom

puaed the ballot box and entered tbo exit.Tbe BHetloa &UU provides tbat only one voterand nt other p m o a shall be allowed In theentrance way at tha aame time.

Section a, that no person shall be presentat the poll during lbs election, exoept theIJeoilon Board and three challengers foraob party. . • .Section 4 provide*, that no person shnlirgeorsollolt aaother, within filtyleet(uotne hundred leet at the Senator aaya) of the

polling plaoe, to vote for or against anj oan-dldate or to vote or net to vole any tirk-LTbe penalty lor such solicitation ia T V i n tdollars, te be reoovsred b j aotlon In Tort byby any peraon wbo will prosecute,'

Section 8 prohibit* the marking of anyticket feridsntlnoatlon, and makes any tickstSO marked Invalid j the pemlty being TWlBTrrira dollars to be recovered by action inTort

Tbisia the whole of tba substitute bill orSenator Werts. It doea not, aa yon will read-ily Me, provide (or a aeoret ballot T B I R I i sflllBO IV TOB OIU. tO CMIVKNT 4 TOTIB

H IQOWtKO Hit BALLOT TO OITX OF TO!COitXIKGEES JCSt BUO1B UK VOTII IT.THIttl IS WOTBINO TO FSBTKHT TUB TOTIHDOF AM UP1« BALLOT Tn« Hit!, WOULD KOTrSBVKHTl WATCUDIWO SBPt DPOXmiTO-raa xo JUOKRTAU uow UR r o u t . Vat thla latbe " plain, practicable, effective measure ofballot reform, wbiob ensured absalnu free-dom aad aevreey In the easting of lbe ballot,"and waa defeated, aooordiug to the Senator,by llepufalioan votes, withheld at tbe com-mand ef a Bettubllosn canons."

The substitute bill was defeated In tb<.House through the exertions of tbe friends ofballot reform, The Republicans are not re-sponsible for Ite defsat We regard It, andJustly so, sa a most defective maaattre, gottennp by Senators Warts, Adrain and Edwards,tbftenemi f f T tb

•ploy of the D... _ yeaia ant! bas

nei-er lost a we<-k by sickness In that time.Tfaura are not many of the boys can cay that.John is sober, sttsdy and industrious, andperfectly capable of doing credit to bis now

Hoe. Accept my earnest congratulations,An Erie passenger train fotlnwed 2To. 9irongo here the other night, when tho Erie

tolks bad tbat wreck at Olisville.Th-re are fewer serieua accidents on tbls

Dlflaion titan on any other road In tinoonntry. - - ••

. HBV. I H. OoDdlt will pnaeb In the Stan-hope Presbyterian cberoh next Sabbath.

I undent.nd baggagtmaiter Cole ci No/33lot retdy to Jump off the sleps tbe other day,


md sh-ro.Tbe parties from I

tho Stephen, farm for 117,000, iuoludiBRshore, intend lo build a hotel and club houeand make other Improvements in the Bpring.Tbia property is very handsomely looated torcottage sites, aa tha view of the Uka la grand.A bridge across the outlet and marsh, near tho

a^vibA by Qeo. Ytaag, would maU. conienlhnt to reach from Stanhope

depot. Tbla improvement on tba West sideof the lake 1 hope will bring a railroad fromone of tbe principal eonpsnies—the D., I*, ii.W., cr N. J. Central, or Lehlgh Valley. Tblswould open a maiket for the loe, which Is iapnro aa t.at of aoy ol our Northern lakes.

lluuLioKpartieaare waiting very anxiously>r Nov. 1st. . .Mrs. E. Q. Bndd'a listen, or Newton, paid

her a lew days' visit last week.Ourklndof Urnbb aeemato be very pica-

Ufnl in tbla section.

is etpresiftenemlcaot reform. Tor tbPOH of defeating the Kane bllL ,If passed, it wonld prevent the enactment ofa better law the oeit session. We knew Icould accomplish nothing In itaeU. We cheeifolly tnks the responsibility for the dsfeat ofthe Setator's substitute for the Race bill. Weare glad to know that it oomprlau bis Idea ofan " effective meuate or ballot refers. •>

The Kane bill i u nerer ecnaidered lo theDemooraifo csneus simply beesnae Ur. £aoeeould not ba prevailed ttpftn, even by theaaoat aurenna&s exenlotia, to con sect to Itsbeing tsads sreaueu-measoM. They pnnlshed fain by refusing to glre hlm.tberenomln>,-tloulDhlsdUtrlot, Wliru by all preaedent howaa entitled talt. . . .

Of eoans I have at personal knowledge ofwhether .Senator Wins was present at anyletting called for tbo purpose of killing, he'__« l*itl m. vr \r . a wrt~_* a . . «

g dKaia bill. Th

pew Yo.k

, mlnera who bad c ) lrom then to fort-' Onun. Be traced the growth of the svatem

! *t»pbjraUptwd held.tba dost atteoUonof/ felawdttora. the speaker declanj ha was

e»ioj> t« vote for Qmbb, not beeauahawas. • Bspobllcin, but beeaate he was, in theN; «p«akoVi opinion,the best exponent of ballot

" reform beJort the people. If that party did':-'; nvtaphaldhallotralannhawoaidvoteUoat* ; of sxlateuce ir'pessibla. Ha bad Tald aa'der iortbla eiwpaJtn the agttetloa of aJlqnas-t'JltJU bat ballot Wom. ^ h e Labor party

• ''.wMVotrelafantiiK the Sapttbliuns, bnt Lha'•' * HeyabUeaaswsr«r«iiiJortlti| tbs I>abor party

- tuA'iar ofisa both ahoald staad slda by aids.i Altar Hr. Potter bad Oslabad sftaklnf:. Ohiinaaa BogH aald that u Mr. Patter a d

.k W d said sacb ameeting waa held and thit he waa preaant.YOB will notice tha Uooator, In hla letter, doessot dftiy tbe meetinc nor his praaenee at it.Be ouljr denlM that Qsvernor Abbett. himselfand Senator Adrala, or ANT TWO O» n t urere present. . •• , . : ,.However-Senator Werts may now consider

it ,hewu not, laat winter a friend ot ballotnform. rive men, laat winter appeared tobe eapeaally hoaUla to tba Kane bill: Uarna.O'HelU and Veenejia tbe Bonteand Adrain,Bdwarda aid Weru In tbe Senate. Of these,0'Ndtl.VMneyandBdward* will notgr.esiheLegtslatnratbUyear It la to be hopedthat tbe pecple ol Morris poontj will followthe |ood example aat them bjr tha ptepla ofIludtoB, and leave Mr. WerW to tbit obsou-rlty wl I eh fala talente are best fitted to edor*.

Yonrs vary traly,- •" . HunxaT flooas,

Wsalso neelyed jwterday a letter lromW. 11. Teillnde, a wall kaown leader amongthe Kolfbt* ol Xiabor, elating that be badbeeu shown thn abova reply pj Mr. liolgs toUenalor.Weita, and tidoreiog *mj ward of

Mr. Hablon Hoailand. Ir., baa erraete lwltb the Oontlnental Dvnamn Ce., of HawYork, to lijtht nla loandrr and maahlne .hup.wlllieleetrle llibte nf 25 eandle pawer andIberehaome talk ofexteadlm U e plant uonrbuilnaaekonieaandattaeta.' -

«a elates l u t w e o k C. H. Oardaii b e B B Oramr«r«apio|iertj, bnt we havealn.e leaned tbat tbe Uop.lcoag Ire . Co. laI..ok of tbe projtet and tbat t b e ; bare el-t e a l j noalved aoonilgimentof material andtbal Mr. naailand | . m . H . , th . t ia t ln .a lortbe new funaeee wbiob tbe r will enut,

Tnteaaj laat waa « e d a ; appointed forla.peoiimi and L J I D J the Drat blei i le eom.plated bv tbe Sookawa} Kan'l'n Oo. Therewore partlee vreaaat froai Pblladelpbla. WewS-ork aad otbsr p lane aad it la aald all agreedtbat It le an Improvement D a an* biovole ontba market, and It la believed tba oompanjwill now reoaive ordera for all they gau man-nlaoture; "

Mr 8. H. U. t tex baa eoaalnded to bnlld .new l a m e on tbe rallies Mil properly, In:atead ol repairing tbe old one. Capt. Wm'Qlll will furalab tbe tinbar. Ur, alattox laalao bnlldloi a ploket feeoe tbe entire lenitbi f the prauertr, wbare II faa^a oa Wall 81,

Qllte a Jarxa and apprcolalive aodieneegreeted tbe company from Dover ,tbe entertainment In tbe H. £ . CIt t ida; evaoloK, and all te whom w . naveepoknn airae tbat for anatanra t h e ; did reimarkablj well and fare a verv pleaaanteveolne/a entertainment. :

A drnwinf tMk plane at Mr. William Parll*man'a «n.Monda> « e n l n « . f o . a eearf pinwbiob la qalta a onrlnaltv,,balo« foraied oltwo atare whlob revolve one to the rifht andrao lo lbe lelt," beln ( operated b j dilloatemaonlnnrv wbiob la bidden nnder tbe aearl.t oan be wonod to ran fnr ten boan. Mr.Ibai B. Tippott drew the Inoki airnbar andeoored tba priao. • ; .CTiamplon Uli intt attended tbe t c a n u n u a t

of the Ueroet Onn Clab at Trenton on Tbnra-daj and Frldaj of laal week and etlll .bowedup at tba Iron! kl l l lm M of tha « blrda beehotatagdeecurlait a lar (e .lice of all tbebi« priaaa. In tha laat three tournament.Hr. Jtljaott baa killed ISO of Ibo 18» blrde

aeored asalnat him. ' ~ ;

Mr.. Jane Blibter, pi Danville, mother ol

Mr. Alaon Oook, of Sockawar, while work-IDK In tbe Berf en tnnne! of tbe D. . L L W.B. B nn klondar night, w.a rnn over bv aband ear and anUaiaed a fraetura of tbaehoulder and oilier Icjariee. n o waa bronabtto bit home next nornlnt. *

Ur and Mra, Qeo.Lvon, of Moantaia View,lormarlv of Rotkawav, loat their Ilttledanih.ter Ltnra on Uatarda; leal, aged 8 montba." » ! ! . " " ° ™ « l " to Be.kawai.for burial

verjairk, being eon-lined to hla bouae, and bnt alight hopaaareA n t a j r l b l i M ^ f\«v hi.* ^*m.~m.~~ • -

g butcher, Mr. A. 2, Bead,started onton hla route tha latter part of lastweek with a tin* new" wagon, the woik ofMessrs Howetl and DiokenoD.

Hr. Kasdo began httslne** here abont ayesrago and Ji very moon liked.

Mr. John 8. Dnffurd, formerly of this place,but for some time a resident ol Newark, bav-ing disposed of bis bnsineai ID that oitr, lilotvwitbblaf mny in tbisplac* ' . .

Mra, Daniel Span|t>nbnrg and her father,of Glen Gardner, wbo baa been visiting wltbber for some days, are spending a part of theweek wltb jralatlrea at Dover.

Mr. Frtd. Rose wu sent aa delegate by thaY.P.a.O JS.toJeraeyOlty last wort to at-tend tbe RUte Convention.

Mr. M. T. B-nnetlaone of tfae oldoit real-cnU of tbe village, ia HI and fsars are enter*

taincd tbat be trill votreoorer." and Mrs. T.F.WiileU move this week

Tbei will bo sadly missed, es-the Pnabyterlaa Ohutcb, where

they a n both active members, Mr. Wll let be-ing flnp't cf the Sunday School and Mra. W*.tbe organiit lo tha asme body.

Mr. Theodore Woodbnll, of Do-*r,', waa lotown foraiewdaya tbta'wesk, ,• .

An abundanea al gana offera great indaee-meets to the hnatera who'are aniioasTyawaiting the time whan they may ahoaldertheir runs and sally forth. : . - . ' :

Mr. William L. Colenan awl daagbtor,Annie, drove to Newark tblt week. Tbli. adrive of abpat t^irtyfi'd mi!«,. U1 a wryplasiunt ona, and those who own food travel-

tfannfaotaren frosa Hew York have beeniniptoti.il the- Jflehola woolen mill at Mill'towa wit,1! a vInwof ptiiobsainf and enlargingIt for spinning, weaving aad kuittlnt; pnj-potvea, iSsosU thay de an aereral men andalsofc na«b«rsilr-gifts woald ba employed,and no donbt f e abunid Uve fewer emptyhottae*.'. •• ' . . ' ]i . •

Bodd Yunpg U lala up for repairs. SeTcralweeks ago he raa thn poist of an iron paliuiIn Ills Soot, It healed, but ia now giving binaerlous trouble, Atpreiaut iinlsaLReckawsywith frlPuda.

BOT, F. A. Johnson prneented lib riMiitna-tion as pMtor at a puritb meeting of tbe Con-grrgallanal Hbnrob held on Toeaday. Itwas-retail tan t!y aecafiUd a> d tfae usual stepstaken for lha dissolution oi bit relatisn to tbachurch- Hl« farewell sermnn in expected onSunday, Nov. lOtli, altar which he will go tohis new charge, at Hsw MlHorda^oon. Hehas had his present sbarge for a little over 11yearr, during which time b'a pastoral workhas bren anooMafnl, bis .bnroh prosperous•nil harmonious .and hia relatiooa. both totbnsc ia and outside ol bis obtirofa. ba*e beanaonruoni and pleasant Ui* loss will be

»lj felt by all wbo knew him but espeoUallf by bis oburob, and liia place will be bardto'in. . . :

sir, W. T, ,Burd ielt on Wedneadar torilontolalt In ordar to assnma the do ties of bisnew pi-aiilon aa. agent of the rYells Bargo~,xpres«. .

The BiMbluBry aud bailer* at the Bqnlermac ore aboat to be remote.!. ProLi

1B0XIA.John Bii tea bas been sink ior three weeks,

but is improving slowly.Mr. ftnraos fi. Beams aa4 Mils Cora L.

Bmith, of Merlden, spent Sanday here.Ulss Addie L Bldner Ia borne again after a

is week*! absenoe.Jas Smith bai aold all tba apple trees oi

bis plaoe to tbe Sawmill Co. at Ktnvll.Qea. O. Bonne! 1 will do tba mason work at

tbe old Heave honsa.Mra. Sowers and tfrs. Bopklna have been

i PMra. Sowers and

visiting Pleasant G

BCflTIO.Mr. and lira, fislmnok. of Warwick, and

Mr. Oreeowald, of New York, were vlaltlngMn. Me.ritt this weak.

Mra. J«oob Baker we are sorry to learn Isvery lit at thla writing.

Mr M. J. Pali* and Mist Ada Pulls banreturned to tbmr Hoaio in Warwick.

The Htaiea Lten, of BotkaWaj, an rIng tbdr alater, Mm Qto. llajlor.

The Pcpnlanon of Dovers about 4,000, aud wo would aay at lesat one-lalf are truubUd with sume sSeotion on the

Thiost and Luofii, is tboso complaints are,MoordinR to ilalifHlctt, mom unmerom tbaaothers. Via would admo sll our readon notto neglect tue oppurlonlty to call nu Ibetrill agglut and get a boltlu of Kemp's Balsam forUieTuroalandljTingi. Trlsl*lxofree. Largebottln Mo. and *1. Bold by ill druggist.

Dn til LB Indnoe.: to taka 9«me«tlii>r soaprhen you call tor Tulip wbloh la tha beat

made. . • - -






(Next toPardee & Clark's.)

to Hartley.peolally ia


ParsDoate, Dover. Out SOth, by Hev. W BKlakra'an, Win. II Sooth of Dover, tndMiMLliilea.Hsg)rerty, of Nuwton.,

POWEBS-AtMlllbroch, Oat 33d. Conly ofalld ft Charles >nd Lucy.]aged 6 years, 6 months and IS dai

owe re,. No)

For Sale Cheip.A fine fsrtn of 40 aer#a at Ironia. Honaad b AldA fi tn of 40 aer#a a

and bams new. Aildr#ss• . . • ' ; ; *>mV l


Drill Runnert and Helpersart w-nt^ WUDM . t Xiltlo F.lli, N. J.

'•'•'. '• • • I ' A p p l y t o • - • - • • • - : . ' - -

A. li. NJJLSON,, ; , i f V , . . . ~ Little Palla, S. J.

nes woald do well to take the trip.Dumber of the ladle* of tba Missionary

Boolety or the Prtsbjterian Obtrab attendedUe meetlog at Dover on WedDtadaj.

. QUMAJT TUUII .Mlaa LJlllo Uagmr la sp«adlng • few d u i In

l e w K c t k . ' • • • -. • . ; •

We ngret to not* that If n . Hyda U f all•oatowly inerphyalc laDUIlaulU tha iobstinate o»se of InflainttiitoryrheninatlsBi hefaaa handled ID some time.. We hope, bow-ever, aba may be fully restored to ber lornerhealth very soon. • -..:• ••;•- . -• ; - , • •• .

Wbat'a tbe natter with tbe Qarmatt VaileyOqn Olob, eb t Tbla fall they a n notng off tbe honors ia they w e n laat.

A Demeoratio meeting will be held ! • thepabllc aeheol hall nn SatoNhja isic by the CUrmaa Valley Band,

Misa Mattte Smllh. of Boekairay, U'vlalticgi t o t r c . ' . 1 " 1 ' . . ' '• "• • ' '. ; , . .

Dr; Sinn's fathsr-ln-law. Mr. Best, of BOOLIon, Is stopping with him for a while; b-lngIn faabU h-ftltt. he wlU rppais ftnder tha Dr.'aeare for a short tin*, . - ' - ' > v

laaao Hortoi'a youngest sou, Wdl», basbeen anooaMfslly Ireated tors, depayed rib tntae Vawark Htapltal. , : ^

Tbe Lutheran eongregftUoi. will Under adonation t» tbeU pastor, li«v. fl. B. COIIJUS.aton n (belt muter,Her. B. B. Collma.01 Wedneadajt e t io iu next, lib mat, let•11 turn on! u d awell Ite Domlnla'a pane uover f lowlog . • . ' •.•'••:• '.•'-"<-,. • . ,< A new urlTal la towa, at tbe noata af laesbAier) another ton, vtlehaukea eight in aao-oeaalon- - • - , • - . •. • •.'.

Senator Werta a id ei4herlnT a i l l e a w e n l ntown laat rr ldaj . - , . • • • ' ^ . . . . v ^ .

Chicken th lene bave been ralolngl.'xie.'abrnuerv. : If tbnj cooid ODl; be eangbt at Itonoe wbat» racket •' old Nick" .wonld<bave,oapirlal lTi lheairred tbam ae he doit thetramp*-. " ' ' : "

•."';. F o r 3 « l e C h e a p • • <Spool tahlea. !l billiard Ubl* . ' lp i .no .DilllsrriI and pool Uhlaa lo flraivelaaa «•«.

IUOD; S*m baili, o otha, ht.;.". . -: : -J-i- 9 J .BACKOFP. ••

9tt • / - . / . " > ; -.a. : •.-,';-:;....-.:Dover,-r • '

Nollcelb Trespiweri,Allpstt les are'hereby'warned not to trss-

putt on tbe property or tba sabioriber atUerbbire Tfclfey. foMhe nnrpoaa or hnntlof

' tiiDg, s i all aocb,will be praaecotad Mo t t o tow,.-. , . - > • . ' • . - - : . ' • • • • ' • • • • • . .

hrp•'..-- / PBt. ff. WI00INB.

Wheilwright «nd PaintShop

A good loeatlon for an ImJuaWotu rjan.1'

t * BUTDBB. •qhe-terCrojaBosMla.

HUMANCOLLEGE, i^Wowarlt-, W. J .

Open all tb« jeiDane of builau

by^tboDauM'of srs'dutes'atcnartheatBteanfliia1

and ba eon " " "

eoterulned for bla reoeverj.Mr. John Freeman Is re-roDflug Mr. B . D .

IslMiy's faonse, whioh U oocspied oy Darld

John fiahl ta ripalatinK ons of tbe anilneiof lha Nlbenla Mice R. B, Co,

OeorgeetorteraQt is repalnUng the house>fJosBphB.8essb. • . . ^ • ,

Artnnr Fore* Is repalnUog tho home of A,Konlman in the rear ol hia stow,

Mr.Tinby'a bousa is belbgveryroved by a Mat of paint, ' ' lafaetiKOlngonlnflTirydireetlon." •:•Ur. Chas. Compton. fcrmerly ataUan agent

Toi tbe Central R. p . Co. at Hoekaway, who-ilgnad hU {MWltloji a shod Ume slno*,p j a a s

j ta tba re a Ml «f thed h b b

no,freed, hed d fa

VtOM .tXD TICUHTT.Beflral meetings are being held In tbe

HnifaodUt Episcopal Cbnrob. at Milton o j tbepsstor, BeT. N, U t t s .

is Jennings bas had hit new boose•wr,.Mr.Ji

painted,Mr ajas.ee LaKo« h u uoTrd fn tba AL.UD

Cbamberlalti bovsoatMltton, wilb Uafamll*aad baa takusi abafto of tba rist illof tba grist mill,

otysalooa of U e seasonay »[un>oanaitberetl

ksof Mrs. Nancy Allisott, near {tfltbu,vis] the .carriage of Ur £ . U. A|weed I"H l » Onsaie U Alllaoa The bride made ,

bt pleaaaata Wednwdi

Miss Onsaia H

AnesppeatuM, Mlaaff

a fan

T h . ride made .drtMsad In wbite silk.

There wanoTar A fanndrad gnasuaadtbepMMiUVani .Bmuo«aamd tuefiilTt« «onmoaj w u pirfotaei by Ber VLltta, Msiatad b j l U r B, C Mails, D. p .We wUb tbe happy eoople a profpsroci. u d

Than are aboni 1,000 fsjoillss in DUTSTu i It ia aaHnaUd UuU WS of tbam as*Tulip aoap.

had made here, b u been tendered and faaaaceeptNl a position M operator la t h a e f i wof tbeBuDerintendeut ol tbe lade tompaoyat Jersev Uity, at a larjely inpreasod aalary,and will enter oa hia new dntleacn Monday.We all heartily eoogralBlat* Mr. Oonptonand wish bin aueoeu • >. - '

Draml i . Wtu, It Ooodale will oMSpy bbjlewbousaattMapleStelaafHWdayi. •

Mr J.mes May hsa moved la the hon'ie ofIr Timby near tbe rouoil on die, ' ' '

Mr B a n e s . Darsb, forwerl/ lipajmiir forthe n . M. Co, has moved to Allegheny n t j ,

Hr Arthur Miller, his wife and sisUr, liavab«<n vtelUrg friends at 8amtnltvUle, SnlllC o , N Y Mr M and alater rsmnei iTneaday, hla atffiproionicing her vlsIL'

Wra BsmnelCliik of Orange s p e n t a w . „with her sister, Mrs. A. U. Crane, and re-Lorntd home an Honda:

t la ramorcd thatdayWillie I

Dp baking in the apiln* and go to farmlnK.while Eddie Gill is tiUking «f UunlaitMbntabtwbBalDMt,

bjr applying y*ii Weatlur'Strips to yonraoora aad windoi-i; it U the best aad «h«aj>,s.L paid by Barry J t Co, alga ml U« P»d-

. Tho-. L. WlUlatns faaa reanned labor acalnafter being compellod tolay off for four weeksw i t h . . . . had finger.-.''' ^ •>."•..'.- ,- . - , - •. Taayonngladfea of the AU Boototy will

give a neektle party: la Xul |hta of FytfalaaBUI on btnrday eveabg w t s / H o v . 3d. . .

,LaatMendaysiteniw»:th« st«ra team ofO am, H»DF« ft Co. tK*ame frightened me*raa away, and IK e n w i n g the Osatral Bait-road the driver, Henry &anlemaii, was thrownout, b#t eapaped tnjnry with the ezeef Cin of• fewaeratehsaandbnitsas. . - :•! \ 'i. ThehonMOOBnpled n j . Hadlaon Ring, atLnxembnr«, Is beioi orerhasled m£i rfthrooihatlorotghreflovatlon. •'.. ;.,.?.•

A ocupaiiy of abont thirty u d > their and-den appetrantM at tbe IOOM of Mra. OeorceFair last Monday evpalsg about half sasteight o'filoCCX!%e party eondsyoong u d middle aged people, iawoaea ibemselrea In sioglng. p iMi. ftb-r dlTwaiona, u t l l » t „o'clork. when it waa annonowd that evory-tbiog I N in r»adlnesa oit tbe table toavstafntbelnaerniaD,towblehaildidJusUtwtO tknKood tblnge apreadbefoiw them, • Tbt repaitwas indeed a good one and baantifnlly sop-

i largo ooober ol f i ler , from oat of iown

alwttjifloma.to.Dater bD'eleatlon dav, and

aa moat pf tba Js l la or the oa l . peraaaalin

are ooneniiiera al;,Tpoa»« Is aome .(orn,

tbey flod.thie a oooveDioHt lime lo repleolab

tiitlraoppllej. Alloltbte olisewllianait

to theff advatilage^n'l; flrjatknlal pnott to

make a ball at* CBi»iiaT'B«axaTy«,von 8tu-

» • elreel-lbe.plaoa'lonnwij oomploJ bj

IkelaU P. B. Uorrladn.' Ip akpre of any

brand or price bofwill 'glv6.Uien..'lhfl beat

value lor Iheir mo M j , aid ID ellaer Smok-

log or Oh«wl»B Tnhaooo. h . wll! anlt everr'

iaate. ..Do Ib.j_ want plpia,: ponobea;'or.

aajlblngnud b/ iaaokmor ohewera'tha/

wlU'lnl tbat be bti loo.very beat:In the

waj o( tie arlble;Ui«l'-WBiil, aid all at

prleaa that will an!t"i;Bla aMenUon to the

needaof oonenmeiiaof theweoa baa brought

bltn a great town trulti and'aa be ta'anxEoni

to bonvinoe. out of.tawa'.oonanmeni'of hla

•bllltj tonivB Hem ooDjpleU aalUfaolIm,,

he extends them a oordlal'lnvAation to vlalt


NEW FALL DRESS GOODS,Silks. Satins, Velvets and Plushes.

SILKS.Black Faille Francn.se Silks,

21 inches wide, 98c.Black Gro Grain Silks,

23 inches wide, 98c.Also a handsome collection of

Colored FailleFiancaisc and SurahSilks, Black Satins, Satin fihada-inies, Satin Duehesse, and Blackand Colored Velvets at attractiveprices.

PIUSHES, all colors, 16 incheswide, 49c.; 24 inches wide, 85c.

TOWELJ5.Special bargain in fine Hucka-

back Towels, 20x42 inches 17 cts.;real value 25 cts.

Special offer inHajari / ^ T**>I"P^T, a » aT ira*"* ar*%*r pyia\

Momie Linen Stamped Tray Cloths,24x36 inches 39 cts.

Momie Linen Stamped BureauScarfs,

16x94 inches 29 cts.;16x70 inches 39 cts.

LAEiES'KD) GLOVES.4-button, embroidered backs, all

the fashionable shades of Brown,Tan and Grey 59c.; •

regular price 75c.

BUGS.30x60 inches, handsome patterns,

:' J 2 . 1 3 / ; ; , : • „ • : :_: ,••

SHOBS. ;Ladies' Pebble Goat .ButtonpcbSf;

Shoes, box-toe and common, sense ' •styles, f 1.98 • ;""

Ladies' Straight Goat Buttoned cShoes, with extension soles, $2.23, •'-

We have reduced the price on the- • ]following lines of Ladies' FineShoes to close them out. .-''

Ladies' Fine Kid Buttoned Shoes "$2.50 j former price $3.50. .

Ladies'Genuine Hand-sewed But-'toned Shoes, box-toe and commonsense styles, $3; former pricg $<£ *C

Misses' Grain Tipped Buttoned" _Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, 95e. , „' *('

Children's«pain Tipped Buttoned ' ,Shoes, sizes $ 1-2 to 10, 75, c i. s,.,'"

Youths' A. Calf Lace Shoes, with,tap soles, 90c. ' , t".

Boys' A Calf Lace Shoes/wjJjfbK/tap soles, $1.00. 1 .' ,\ . 8

Men's A Calf Lace Shoes,,with>^'tap coles, $1.50. ' >' *f^i>|*T»

LESTER'S "I \'^iif'HANDMADE U00T8, 'rty


o. all kinds at lowestfpjn





umm CHUM"We ljqve ta^en great

care in n l ipg o^r se*leotions, and in. regardto 8TYI.E, MAJ E, JIN<I8H and«PBIOE,'' weguarantee tp sell youcheaper tiau Newark orNew York prices.


plied witb in. de itacla. oltbeaeaann. .after*apper*.tba party retarned to their aueae.nieeu aaaia anUI abnat en. o'aloek A. H.,wbaatie p»rlj brake np aai departed /ortheir reapaetlve hahllatloaa, faailnt, wohopo,tbal Ua evealni waa a vetr pleaaana oaeapent, .-..•.:, ..... . ...... .-_•• •";.„.;. ;-. . ,•

iaeHai ioiward to. a imd hant oalrrld^when the hanllnfaeaaoneemmeaeee.. .• /

• • ' • '; — . KoaoingKo.

: . , . ' .'..•, M m i u o D X . ' ' .

£awreiu»4»n baa the eellap'w~. „ . . ,nnw.boue near]; nn., Klltta Meeker ledclntbemaaon work, • - ; ' . ' . / - - . -,.."7/-.>:";,*, Jjme. Cnoper baa bla btnaheat oomplee.whlah. with Ua oiler WUalop will mil.,aboat aa 0ae a lot of ont honaea aajon willfindaDjwhere,lDtheaa ,arnj.'Y'"-'. Nl - <

Adam Davenport bW«adevg>Ue*aoe» Io»iprovamanta about bia rail! pond. *•'"''-"* •"' -

Tlia extn naetiaKa belns bald la tbe 9000-. am aebool boaae a r e M atlfaled; u d ani

quit, anoeaariaty.aboaatweotriiav1— —-forward to the alrir:; .^V-,*' . , : . : - - ' ^ • .-..-JofanayTaad Vaathrawn fntn hie fatber'a

Walton no nlondajaad randarad nBennaelonafcra ahort'tiiiia;:^'''i^y^v^^.;j';;;-.•...-.<;1 Tlia'nponthatUiaiaa'errihaa the dipbtaenalaaarbitiidai]i'Uieraafanooaaeaafthatd)ajaeln,lHapUo«.;.:'ti-J,', ?..-.»•". . . : ' . •:-Trempaarateatlv aa nntmnna ae aatamaeaTaai'abontbare.:' .!.",;':.vr : . ' . • • ' ' : . . :

—viSed, oitw» pla«,;leTialUiii at Hew.

Tifii'Knnoif aart a taralp tbaVaW neblodtbaftara, baialr.'Banadara baa atoinlp tbat.t .»be. i«d«l .bo«i .wii lct beataUr. fin-hl'eaHi.-bvUerAltaaaaanrea^Olnebea la

Lumber, Plni.SpriioB, Hemlock

inmafcia. DOOBS/: BtniDB. 8IBH, i c

labaii aUil eoSunai*lnr old bielaeaa aa• ,andwlll.tttn«»alld.ulla

DOVER, N. j . .

M0NB4T, Nov. 4tii,

In Chancery of NGW Jersey.



—'••»••• w b ^" r . - • . « , . « w w** a w v a*. b v i H u u IKnilfla a e lo-D.blj ni Ob..tt, Hull. OolnlTfew Jenev; aDd7nn;..wlUlam B, Bnotand

Prank n . Jaikmen, afw-tnaje dafHndmla haeauaelt 1> Inaaid bill alleged Ibal 101 own ormum as Inureel lathe niortgandprenilaeaTand, joo., BfaltnBnnt'aad Bri. "prank S.Jaeknan, are made dflfendenta beoaaieTIt I.

'•.sfitfJ1 "S**} "•*'»»«>»• turliJi'", Mtsiloi ir ^ •• JlOo. and 20o.{J3BS-n' 'VV : f A f - I V ---twi* :•:••-

SEayED SEATS - - 80c.

. i a g a ' . a r t^«cT*iMn*'Baeai Bve'iaijist'

-• 'IP* tfiiam..'fl .T..i '."ifVni '{"' *"' '-"•'

J. .!.M B P I T O I . t

. •.•.••••>V0O»M,«•vrHOl,d hJ '

. tUlM 1O0PDIO.inatafornlanad troai tha kail uamail,



~tr ^ r ^tt *sr


Uphol*tery and Hojiiekepplng.

Central Pry Goods Stare,

No. 683 BROAD St.U.TIII! 18 POnilEEBCS


mm8 WITH W manyta noyel fiti^

oan secure positions in W "eitu

ror appearance, to^tfte

mladfql oft|ual|l7.^ Hyifl will'

P»U S i t d O l M^

every tost,' Teitana I^lr qfvTrluu4rl

weight,all shades, sUktHclngsanailpl^for 810 1111

; pjpBB.; IJOVJM 8P11ESI1B,


; c; ;; .;•:;• ..FPI^iBLBS

nf onr own mikqind warranted exoellent. 1

, ~ 8 ^ i S * « j < ! «>> OOOMKBPASffl

Page 3: P||E|r,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/1889-11-01.pdff II r. Cnad l t la a oertaiutj the Kepabllcan rote InUorrla oonnt.T la polled. We b»T" a natural m*Jnrlty

THE £tUboFriday, Nov. 1.1(389.

£BtorwlBltb«f«etOJneoat Dorer,uiuox-tuuotttai


(htm tlw rote,Tale Ibe laat work olBebblu ar. r.porl*3 to bs BMIUMJ m^os i tb l t fur ,


Thip.Hi BOII TatBdarwIII be opea al t«., ud Bloee .I7(f. H.

Quite B UBbtr of wild lorki b i n nooe

iTbe b.l l le .Sift C a l l . * lew

MorrUU.WJ «rlll aoatUWpaopla.It fa Mid t»o B«w »', L. & W, b

tbe Fausle •* SUBlet eo.1 teg 000O n a Bmlil, of n,«Ur, bu oBeaea

ebalr Mpalr Bbip !• Hark>Ult.WBTbo deBM* lor A* El l lut week WM

greet that W0 BOaM not bocEn to oopplf It.VCrt. |a •ttUuiT lealra n d ibere li

•pltBlllxbuot u l . j Abbou OD till .belt.TbeapaaaeaeoB for bialloi retblle, pa'

eualuele., fu l l Mi BboaeBBtobealaelo dealt to da

fev.Aaua flea* will preach iatha Flandan U. p . Obm-ob Bondaj norniog and avia-

JTovenber fern labs* i t* last ep port n nit jfor Uaok baaa ftafaloi till iiext DtsoontUaaDaj. - ,

Tbe Nt. Hope Mlalng Coppaay are oat.off tfae tistDar OA tbelr property far Ibtlmint*. u *

O»ma«» Coanoll BBBSU a« Comml*aloi.4nef Appeal* In earn efiMBtlouMx. Hoodsyi>veiilog. j ,

Colter, th« photographer, bas made a fliphotograph of tba Clilata'a Bain* preseotai

Pot IB that Bepahlieaa tot* early aextTuesday flanethliagBilBhtprefearjpnlaterlatbeday. i ,., ,

Jt la DBdentewd tha D . h 6 W OompaiKilt lower tkalr traok* In Bummjtto leaacithe grade,, '

Taaina i icwlptaof th* FlaNon ecotn.Dial eeJebrntloa wan tfiOO and iba net profileaOonlWW. " <"

Latavu7Bap--Dl.eaj.at* tb», bli vote Ureoordewj u u Taetday. Tbanio lie* ifa* « .

The Mortb Jersey Coaooll of tae Boyal ioaana. at Kadltoa, rtwea.lv onan » d b uBOV SB BBia.a«rt» *

Tka Han-ark Call, ladepcBdanl, aaja ' tbpraapMU lor Senator W«rta la If orrU oonntjloDkiMhubju."

Tbe DsB.Wr»4o 0caVeatlsu of tbe ThirdDliufatbaaluRdBj raaoniBatad Usteaiblr.» .»« .£brt lbt

AaaBliraalBocraroaoItb.lalaDr BrleMMade bj W4 Collar, nej be oaen attbe Eagli•alloro Mill gar ait •

The eb.li i( tba tint II X Obareb axpnparlet^ora rerjr flaeooooert, tobO|lv<ta«aTbaakaililo(pl(bt.

Taa Vonai, gl<la|» Hit of Iba Baa " »ho. . a tba Delta! Blau.," endlta Jobo I Bl.liirltk bain, worth WO 000

TM HadlHia laila baa altered en It. «l«blhyear wltb anry plalaa BtroagaA tfaj lufli|bb to ataedllj oawardt

Tko Bewail CaU eaji Uo eou ln botwoaaOak Eld,, aad Btookhel. la moadabwtlaa•rawdeoujlBlblelttaAa. t ' r'

,TW loerat ballot faiortd bj tbe Deauomlobi two authaceaa be Mod after dark nnee

• tke roped of Iboaaaart law.. '{UP 111111 la oiled ret tbe oeam wltb-' ««lthe«Uof tbaUw. Tbo earp hen gnao

, utaJtbOBildferlbaWlalar, * » tfoelEl ihaUH wHtwHonlalewi ladlesmeoi i lM ww bald Tiaadant tie rtddnw•>atn.TbaBdeMFvaUadolph..

<'^Mm •._BoBUaao ha. parobaoed a lot" lear •oVl»laldoatFiaaaWMtI.«,*orrl.lo»a,

l l l l b l l ! tllat'i H«t«l

l l l

Ow. A. Hill'sPeopaVaTbtatreCo.,MBaJkarOatuaHbuM,SnujBlsbtnestweefc. Bntbaai

Davtt'a HalL

E*». f A. jobatin will pnufa bis farewellaeiioiM. at tronla tm Sunday

Thw* waa six lochca of IDOI oo iba m i n dMreuty S6TM jears Bgo Weduiaday

Tfaa Arion Qaarbtte baa secured HanhallPt Wlldsr.thii gnat tamsriit, for an enler-

A press of aeera u d politien ooupeia us towadeaMaUeirwmspoBdeiioa AtW tblawwk we shall bays toon loom.

Jfr Chris. 0 Ltrah tha plane tuner, *be ID Dover oa s u t Wedneedi)aft at tbta office vUnee lvaw

Tbe fauna* Pfaelpa Qnuii, of P«t*n0B,Tnllvli1tlIaiikaTaroiiTbaBkstiv.piX)*raBd-'ill In tBtsrUlBad at tba feetr*! "

O a . A, Hill's People'* Tbeatre O n a u :b«a btea on (ho road aume rraia andaaada a gwat reputatloa IB Daiar 01light next week

Tb* Bowtx Ueiatar haa entered oaMeond rear. We lave BO lot* for Us politics,ant we admire lla ooMraga, oriiiaality

' ' stud Donoede Uiat ft deaervaa am

idlnf •> bad a large andlineeB.kv Opera House 00 Holiday evening, aoigave ae muab eujoj meet that .her will dr*iablihoiiaeeboalittbojever come Ibisagalo.

A oone.pondiin. in the V. Y Mall aad B.press of YVedousiUj eveBlug sajsaproni_.Moimtowa Democrat admitted to him "tbatba bad given op all upeeiatloa si WorneleeUoti"

Tbo Qeo filcfaarda Co. haa loiroduoed :tb«trstorea a cub de l imj aj.Um wblebone of the moit Bomplete «var M M In theState, and lu method of walking Is very lotereaua|,

Uoder UnpnbllaaD control ef tbe StateBonne at Trenton, UIA Aonual pay toll•9,100. TJsder l>etaueratlti rnle.lt la tUOdeja jear. Vvie 101 a abaoge. Vole lor UrabbaadCJoodlL

Tba Klni's Daughters at* arrang.Bg forBUMT of JfattiuDN, (4 ba bbld in the aimotjlha week Wore Thau I, sit ring, whlob tbaj bHere Will exoel Ue trait of tbe Year gtvei

•a >ean agoThe lVqaeat (UIEVW, at J3.1TIdem, *31len Iwugot bj tbe btekawatpa Iron aud

Coaf UoiDpaav.aiidwillfae put,a opsratfooID m short time It haj been Idle for murethaa two yun ,

The people of feapnak a n aglow with ralroad eioittmeot ovir the extension of tbe

lawaj Valle; ttiltro»d to tbat place and

iar« Irom Jleroai-asriUe.KrtriwoTkluimassboald read tbe letter

Uroer, tba U(>or leader, publlsbed oBour iHstpagD, wbiob abowa bejidBBbi tbat Abbeit WM tue eaein* of tbe baltot reform law oi laat Winter.

a the jt-w 1693 .bom was a school Ja*r aiadiNew Jotter wbiob nqutntl afer/ IB

istflUDttooooulou s to titn support of tbt



Tba Uurtla Oonntj AaatMlatlon vt Itaobera*••'*» • ntatlnti la tbe Direr public .ohobaildilg Iwt lUtard.j wbloh - - .

l hvl h n IcterMi- ttroujthuut lliol f f

oomneu sobouta Itwaaaklit that tbe peopli.must ualntala tb«n • even to the dfstreaa ofikelr Rooaa and eluvtwle'

Ao offloer who, wliboat dope of rewardrill SMk a bruUl wntoh aod alter oapinrlng

walk SB <pll<a atdead i>f nl (b.. W placetit jirlnuiier lu a*r« quattora, deaarves {irapMjredit, That nan la CaDStableltdirard l o >Js, of llockawav -Bussei JtegUicv,

lov VaibBrO Qr«d/ will laetatvoirom Hew Yoik io Jeioaalem," in 8k Harj'sIburoh on Tbackigi*lug night, for tbe bout-tot Ihftaetr aobool. tt wllldeeor.be father

OQradj'a reeeot* ptlfriBM* to tbn OoltLand,aBd will beoCabaorbiBglniereat.

W'.J 8UiBarlofPbitadalphtk,i*aUoBAlHMorVorasltiidUaiKB.oi.ieSpBDd Mr. Uril

adltor or tbe Beaford (D.l) Ber jew,lied tb» IJovar Uottboll of tue

O. o. of A1 vblch BOW aomboM a l u jusnbsraandleloalliiurUb.DXiioBdllUa. '

Mr. P U.AbtaUlofQ»rauaVullejlbBioui»4 OB WtsUHflaj'ttro Ohsstar wblta pigs,

siaBtbsald, whfob wsighed 818 aad 835troiads, acd haa lour of tba saeas brsed.als:

s old, whleb will event* 900 J.Wasfoiblll ti)|tosa befcfa.en

ialiphVUthaaialRBarU._ . — , W^^aWa^iBziBSBlottaf UoJohflv y / A a ^ ^ t ^ a ^ O i B M ^ W M f c H a i ^ h a .

. ?<• JekaU«a,of|lMntoB lela tbneoa'iit/J*^.^eaargaa with atta»pUo| to "abaci Tnd.

-, 'faatbaa. r BU pistol tailed to go of." -\ * Oajoavaataaeb aaatbar Leglalatara u

. *|f^a^voM.kaPaaio«raU«Ucket, ^'.TlU fvuaar It risalsg IU eattatlga aa tha

J. aAfwgUotaift^naWaaleffwrlBakaadbiU,VMaiswi ba vary wash, Ia rial » iga«s t

,_ ^i«aith«i«wai»atajatkosje Bepnblleaaa• aWalaatindav 'Than is too ••«a at atakt,^a4 ika^ratpftel la too bright t>» laaeUm

r4M^baUoDol«fGi)baa*bfeBU«i)B]BlhetafUr Blm. pmbywrlaa Clares, Worriofofa,l* eaatalB tka **•%•, k)traal Ml|iloa

' \ lM.»tT*>»9vB*fain<1* 4""^' *"• """"*^*a«m*il •»(•«• apaarlBf para rbj the yiab

/Warr^oHb-fwintrs^bsbMrtapiwl It.A PulllMWalrlsaiaklag »gaiDa«Bfat la the

' riniAsaaaMiPiawflirtaKi rb» prospects forkutlMtloa a^ grat^pg brighter-avarv daj,

'. fev/ Psarj Bla« whl praaeh la tfae Bado 1L.ka Cbaael Btadaj w n t n s "* " • » . » ° >•PaaaMt Blllieaool b t w h o d a j aveaiajt

1'Backoff's Ojwra,Hoa« aa Wedntsdav•vaalBi, to Mulder tho proposfUea fri» (beOoBtlaaatal Djnaaio Laupaaj, ol Maw Yoik

loeate their maaafattaring p.m.In DoverL U Bobwai * " '

u d Mr Btl U P«UJ « M elHMd flM»ret*rj.Mr Bthwm .U!»d th« mol t of tali ! •*«•

nttMr. Beaiuu if It* gtowh* atfrnprnaf li win pel I «t M

ID New Turk,t dwlded tb»t

o T t r o n l d i B . v M &UHU> K»a(e.littur m tu n*A Item th«n M j i i | (in? vorcfJjr to *l|« *n* kgr#«ni«pt at M M on the

(MM! of their iortfiM promltlop, which Ittbat lb» p«pl» tbtll fpraifl. * lot «od erwt Kokt-itorj brlok bflldbf, IQOiigp I«(, u d

lfri ibt out talkoatock of the ooqipn*takb bu ft paid qp o«pfta ol (40 (|0q, ln*eat

in KHblaer/. fjottan k ll f h b f U|»r.Uo.i, «

ibaM who %mV 4 l>

TDej nwpto/' 1

fBulM totbo towo •• on** Trt. spirit olto* tuctiog WH for a lull iavMUgat.ua of tho

•__.. TIsaVBtuwpllavB -aal bllltel for• n draw a arowd

•kHMFtleoLado BO*

natter aad prompt action.Mauri. Yard 1) Bnltb, Goo. MoOrackaa

w , L I B»wlog wen KBpeintada aoBalt.ea to »Ui. la* ptutiH i> ( » • * Tork, aad la-[air* lilo all tb» dtiajli tmaweralig laa pnvtx

l ~

gVIA l

ta4Mlj la4 U tnttvd o«t

] 4f«iTltaBBaflSBaaavBiBpofLtk« Bopat-<-' absjg, 4salgBaUBg all tb. proeertlai, baa bean

-"- ' leaa*d bj I . Voblaaai, of H cTaaaaa strsat.

*iwl»tteg«ha A W J -Vat O. A', lut bMa a«0BKd to

-• tWka sharp of th« Morrlitowa T, H. O. A

thy avt^aatksfto bel^ag tba peer or Mor-v itttotn, wUI btgiB It* wasklj suetlags '

;Y|iiiitMt»7'i»-Bu With lla larxa-<*it$»* BWIiBC » » tnmt H

" r , poadlt Mil TU-4V » • » • tatur State i»f '•aW»»fli«»! WWMfarBjMaU well wort

woald have 800 majorityr wail lafonaed a.en balisva als a>a-II M^baJeM lhae B00

v , jllrMlbaibtaairnilorlbearlaUBg••>\" «r lbs Bawjwatag* ataaipa aod ibsr will

"f vs)asaaBs)aw.lghtoarBlaatas*l«r.

. V Tb«(titiais>«VV-V OnMBbaiiha-UaMChari lai

' ' ' ^ l U T K O ' i

B^re.lnent mlilenU ofth.ai|fl»« on nprd M

««ka aad iBeorponticiiy Them Will U a lora featt ID the JflritM, X

~- Chanli on Saadaj nsnlog at ttilB. to b« Tol*b l rftl f ree*1

r * ~ Iow«3 »t,' , Ura ««4

JO JO y p .Ihajawamant af tH

Ure aoi.loa. OODUDUIDS trom 8 3U A U' SO P M. I-rloDlpal W L It Uatsn,HorrUiowt, Preside ot of the Asaoa.ittiODCBpIsd tha efaalr TLiopaoadwltbtheslpclDCof __Ber. Dr D C llc»>, O>nn.j BnperlDUDdeoread a port oa of bariptare and offered prejei

la ao speoloc address Dr MogJewas glad psr.Oi.llj U> s«e so =>»nj- bare and•poke of tbo pOHlblllttM Ior good ol this *V*S9dat.(.n ID the inSunore It ua j czar. Opifae l i too aobool children of Morris oonotj

lilt W Ji Stakeilee »xpreaae>. his ptfaan«t ineetlDg lh» taaubera whipb reutadtd biof an b gatberiofra when he w s a Uaobttblrtjr joars ago Tbo leaolior stands vi» bside wliti lie preacher 0! (fas Quip*! la tla.portatoeoftbB voik be baa to d* Tbishould not oaly t«.ch scalar thing*, lutthey sbDvlil iastrnel the children la uaral-

Br MroJe aa J tbkt I11I yew a apodalas u«4a of reading eontsaia, Tbls year

la proposed to make a tpMlaltr or tbe geo(raphj sod lomewbtt or tfae earli fatsuiryMew Jarmej Re woald like to hare naps*aoh towoshlp made, and cl»j utudf la n.ia aoale of two luohca to tbe ni.le, 10 tbat 1will be uniform eoabllog maps or modelstb* ooantj ; 0 be ajsde of them Film* wlbegivanfor tha beat, and all wbs do wiwill be reoogmscd better tbaa laat jearTbeB (bare will be a count* oonivat w'lh»-f« ol Mew Jersej for wbleb tniee prises

Jvin by a meaibflr of tfae HoardEdDoatJja-ll2lothe fral, «8 to tb» s«wi

id 15 IA Lbo thirdPreald nt Ilarsa opened ifas formal pro-tiiilaga by saflog that tbe latcui el tberatijeoeots tu da] w n w secure *s i«r

possible «la«s room workFrloolpal B C Wbe.t, ol ttoskawaj, pre

KQted tbe Upio of tbe iteaului Ottole litaliuwttd tiuw aiaa la large); a on at ure ol adao*.ion-of tbe Ufluoboea broflght to beariPQO him. Wfaca we see how men; *ro n• i> to tha ata&derd va act. th... llnst* ia « rtvwork to do upon tlie rmlog Kenera.lvu AanIroiu tbefHuiilj' and obarah u e otbtr puUMlnfloeoce Jor good is ibe public subovl W h,mlgtit be aiouapilshed by uenUl trmtoit

»• flluitraaed Uut, what we waol »lurfrom tbla Is tu stoat* the wfaula iutun lilo 01tbe cUlld, BU that it maj besvote aii {irnaiueD.to society and a subauaLli,! culann ot tbranuiry, llow nuob bett«r teaohtvs woolibaqualifird lur tola wotk II they pul Ibrm

' 'ee miitora eunrsu of u.ent»l uaiuiog withtbia uLJeot in view, .ka explained bow tb

Llrule i|BaliQ«d those rha poiauIIS t*flUr*t to (rtit'sr LIIdemand th* T»inri» o

Lmuau buina au<J how (tuat to deitjou meiiAUl Uculnta luu NdTauMkoultlieCii-e to (eaoiieta were explalntd aud uuiuta uiitertai tu tLose coontoiwt witfa i, were noted,lib llvtrts Cituniy Cuole stands falgli ana tii

mped the standard would be cuamuimdifaa llial Cliolt) was orgoLtioiil ii

Uonper, of Ut. Hope, ''..«lueutol tbo Uorcia (Jouoij Circle, bojma

is oounly migbt maliitaiu tbe blgb ataaib«4 guinea. Un ir»a kHrful .hej w<

uui sboH as govHi rsiuiu ,Llsj»ar aa lut, butDoped reiAWed lotereit wonld be shown

Principal O 1*, Usrrlil, ol Duvar, apeka 01•rj JUnUoijiU Circle, tba largest la tbe intbr, wlUiauicnbetsblp o.33, oi whou atmulue-t|uarier will (lultli tbia jear, BOO aaid it

ibe otbur «iieles ia tno coaatj du ta veil;t)e» will 1H) a larger class tbao laatyiar,

faofavr DBB paiaue the course withoutraeamoglnrorai«tljntbat will be of praoti

TMiua lu He sobool room ereif day, Utwenion Usticp/ ihtu the leaahers wbo par-sue too eoorae an lbo most •ttoueaslulgave a number ol strong eoDamendatloniajwoiioK tbe IMUIVS of tbla froik WA Ibe. aiudonta nut usly la tno school room but

I wo must be studying tolartelves Tie lull examination abowa tfaa

we liare gained by the reading- Bairged then to Hal tbls, and If tba reaulta aie

aioept it, <Hex. oaaiB tfaa event of Iba daj. Hra.

irad.oce of the most iBeoesalul teaahatanadloglu Kew York olej. from tbe Wcrk

Hahuul on 6-tb Blreet— tat acbool olrbfob Voiix. Adlerls ibe patron—wai prsaeot'lib » olau ol Ars little girls aad five UulftDJI, toillBstr»t«'her metboda ot taaohlagIrs. Cpnrsd stld she was (leased to show'hat ooold be done with little fojki who w*ra

to read as .a»t as paaslble, bat are n e mallowed tu keep thilr books TueyawUujbithe eoands of istUre and words ehaaat oally.~ have read » naubor »f aeaoad readers,but she bad aahed^r, Saves to prod oca aacouad nadcr they had Barer aaaa, and hehad braagbt oia that had aever beta teen byeither the teaobei or aokolara- Bhs idea

d the ebtldna to giTa the BOBBCU ol eer-tain letters la eerUia words, and they did wwith ramaikibla awaiaej aad ptompmw*,showing Ibat iboj wan Berfecllr familiar

WaotUng Bells.One of the moat laabioaable wedarugi tn

Duvuqllate totik jilMtiaifii Jolint* Kul.oo-nalCburcbou Uuuday, Oot. Wtih, »i "bighcoon," lbo cuuiracutitl ituruoe belog airGeorge Cooper, v| Womestor, Uasi, (lorn-•-rlj of limebiu, Hcutlatid,) aad Mku LmiUermt, ot iiuiua, & J Bhv W II Pick si-jfflunled lo« curenjoDj. ttegmn wllb. th*pi

ual UiMu, "Ilia Tu.1.0 Uat, breatbedijflu" aod u e wedUing match IromeQjjrin" fae biidtj w>a alilrtd iu

arean wblteoHSLamere, cut diraotolro from,t.d wlm Uutobeas lae«,aniia bildsl

reil loMpeU wltb uraugo blusauui* Tbiuridesiuald, Altaa tiylvia Merritt, won eroat.uaabtmere and groom aad O'bsrawem dreasedla Pniioe Albert amia air K P. Merrill.bratber ol tha bride, gave tba bride awaj aaiJlessrs. L. U. Heirltt aud a. O. JUser aoi-<

lingers, funrocessabualljiuii *r*(i"Uuv'elojme wai tbe fall," Uto ohanwl or the

utturcb wu baodsomslj dttDaraUil far the on-<JMiou, ibe alUr Ustug aaoru.d pltbite whlw-KeilTalbangliige, ohryattntbemaus aud Iodtajiers Tnaotldeaadirooa *lll,a(teriiieirwedd ug trip, Itwat* at Ha. !tl Uli tit., WQI-tMsur, Msaa, whsre tbe sroomhu alreadjiirapared a nle* husif, be being assoeiated

buUneuwltfa tdo''A.tJ. Lowell Co." Ibicseau were numerous, lieaailloleudoottlj

.moog tbeinwere a silver teaurfioe, garvatt, silver castor, Irult tilth, tea and

able ipoooa and many oilierpiecee or silver•ilk plunh iiarlor suit, bWDBod oloott witb

•anile oroameula to saateb, ha aullque parlor;balr,a& Iwpertad bliokeftk dwa*. laibroldired table searl. table cuvem, Ba kins and

my other nselul ar if ales saolt as ijulltoiKnkeu, Jk«.

Maaan Alex. K«B«SS*\'1>.IIIBB ttairaaasa wa *a ap*paia •loak for a aalUble f M t « j alt*>.

itoUtMSBDllttaatwaiB |os raalad !• raport


^ aharfi alara. or*» was ra.01 at l,aU putme o'clock last Batarday ncraiar, eaaaed by,3 tfaa breaklag oat of flaws* ia the h o w af

U a r i 7 C u e o B atorn of Mr. (Jaw to IBBT* » laop barnlol anilatasdlBgMtbBloarofthe hall osuld* thabed roes door. He aad kia wife maknnadIQ iho alght to Sad tbak tbe laaap vaa oa fire,udMr CBMeelsadltwltktbelnlantiotbnwUoutdoor., TodotbUbeaUrt«dao»Mtb*rooa or hla wother. wlo kappeaed to be ab-MBtBltbatiai*. bal oa tb* wajr waa earnpailad Lo drop it, aad tha blaalBg oil aet lit*t« tki rooa aaTBralorthe aaareai nolgbborarai to Mr. Caae'a uilauuM wbea Ue ftlam

raa «lvan aad MeoaedBd la azilagniablngtbaajaaa,batBotli1Iafrar<]ittta tone damageraa dene. Tbe narpei, boddlag aad other

t t i bdl daagMI

g . y prith tba puOBepo aoanda al all lattfre In

^ htaatioaa, Ute tbea dceeitbedbet aaothod or otijoot teaohlng aad IntarpnU*llDBOi.wui.da. Pjaelagwordatpotitlifl board

•• bad tba Abfidrea opell (Itini bv theirhonettp acHDdB, glring tda phonotfo aopnd

ot *i(ih letter fly ntuklog the ailont leitnra• tbe syllabi** eupbMlfl»d the abiidnn

wsalu prfloonnao wllb rtuutlnrai and aeenraeyonJa tdej bad nerer J>«foM uttv, eouie ol

rhioh wen •oggeaLad by tba t#««hetaVtf*.ab TbeaaBBerlB wkloh they woikfd am

dtflloul. worda aad eenteaoeewaa aa pleaalbgat It Wat mtprialog Tnea tbaj wen glfrn

plate to nad l»ai tae ruder they faattnever aaan before, eaeh ehlld readini a «*n

whea o*ll*d at randoaa and Bbt In roti.The obltd. befor* readlagr "onid >••

jvea B Boaaal to look at tbe MBteaae andthltk Ik orar, Hn. Conrad eeateidlag that

lanrtan aiade la reading BJ ebildtan art.by Bblldran aet kaowlag tb* eooaBo

lion awl nttfolag of wo.rda, ae they etuubTe•pea tbea )n tb,n orflearj. Alter lookingat tba aentenp* a aMa>«Bt tbn pblld wouldOIOM th* book aa« Melta U IB'A waj thatavowed a fall comprekaaalBB ol tb* naaoingOl It. j 11 taer* vaa Vj doohl aUUloJidle). at

awtttinlai bj tba teaober made tbe okiluiBl'r wsjfMfatatl ILB lsiport, i t woald baiMpooaibletoglTe a fall explenatioaof alltbe latereatiag detUli, bat Ihn eiereaewaa

onae a tevelatlon and a drllgbt to all wbowllnetaed it.

* Frlaeipal Curlew, of V'W Vnoon, ORBatraetMlwth the aid of the laud board as


raa de p , g•rtlallDKI «f tto rain war. badlyndg«iUogtato»eloHtdMtroy*d a oootJd.

arablaamoBntoletotblBK offalat. The'• liradepartment tamed oat n p d b aad No .w n p . B y bad a l l » . f boae* lrk.1, Imid *walar ready, but B^raarflol waa (orton•otiietdeZ TbplDaal*eitiii««i a. Va n and la ooTerea by an |oit}n.n» olW

il]a ptopM TbMUe Conpur liparreTfjianeH at Dakar Opera! b t t k ThlieMpujrHaoieewyo!gbt .w»twk pj

WM BBtOBg the fln. of Iboao to adapt tbe Bpaton ol maklbf a waak'a Btaj la lowta of t^•-alu.and by prMeaUsg popalBrplajl wlaxMllanttalealaad IBV priftM. MoaH lannboeaaaandprBmHeBBaiaaae, Thelaadiogattraetlona vt HiaooBpaaT • « Ur. Oeo. A.BUI asd HIM Jflonto LnUr. Mr, Uill la aohtracla-eeamadiao aaaiUoelrsrapa-Utloa tkt-Mikajit tae eouatrj aad BUH Leiter

a Tiraeieaa lltll* netraaa. who glvea all herarBCUM aa ded lataraat b j W a«iraor-

•igBarjtalaBllnaiagliigBBddaaelac. They« » ..tpotted b j n *a» of aaUorat "fUeaoeudpnaent aaew piajararj aightof tbelr, U j . iBotndBd in thilr nportotre a n aooh•re]) toawa pi -ya aa The Qo'dad ClIfT, «ewTork »T OalllIk^ Th« * » • • » Dataetire aadTfc* ColleeB BBWB Tk* low prloea, of adaaalena whlab thai oAr la ooaBHUok withtbta eieelUaee ol Uln'.tand npottelr* mkkei

^ U d l h l ^ I a

A > r p . .Hi. Vraik btflllalljr i u taken the pao.gft-aol ef tba AUaatte 4 Faaifla Tea CoHpanj'a

BdwalUtaoldeaetoiaerB. Yoa oaa find thabeat of eTerjtbmg la lha U*n at Teas, OoJfeae

flpioaa at thia store. Look vat lor anst mat wsek

fv t lUaslntad d n a l a n aaad to r , Da*te*aaaTaUaj,S.J.

hU elaes, showing how be «aed -be saad,wtdeta ia aot a part or geography, but a dc<vice. Ia hla work he tehee Ue eblldroo oatto a brook near thi> sthool bouse, aoa warnths7haT0Mealt.beyera.ukad to predateOB thB moulding board what tbey bava *feala tha brook valley ia wfalah tkej live. MakIBI an outline at tho map of Afrloa ha ebov adbow the ehildnn aaed the aud wben Ibejhad loeate* ths wiads or tha globe, and thinlaUoa Of tha w.nentaios to the rala fallQoeaUonlog the tesebere aa ho woBjld bisaebolen a roea|ox d«ba,w eo|ned ta wbloh

- - • • • - — broqibtopt. »

4 little girt laprann * .4 • bay alto IKrs Conrad's class sang rsry nmttllj theHog of ( Hack a-bye Haby."

Mn, Cotrad gats wltb ber olaso aa eier.else la Unfnag*' •behaaa«hoclof IS ohil*drea, vbleh she divides Id tfatM gnape, sad

lyderlowMtwhiobaheaxplaiaed. forBBSSB .tbla ooeasloa tba need a a

a adrertialsgcards, containing pietana aad a Taw word awriltaaoa tbem. Oivlag eaeh ehild a endabe ntjuesfd then to writ* a atorr atoattbe pletar*. giving them els niSBtaa for thotask. At tba sod ol tbla ibsa eaoh oblld badwritten a UtUa awry on a •tata, Md «abatepped op aod nad a wall eaulraated eoa>po*ItioB, Then the alataa aasa v u s puaedainnad aad It was feaad tbu tke -wrltisg olall was auifonalj exoetleBt. Then followeda noat enterulnlng oxenlsa Ip the aallogand aaawtrlBf of tmasUoos wltb the aaa orphoBatlo sonnda

A Iwarty Tola of tfaanka waa axtavded toUra. Conrad u u her elaas.

Messrs, COOJK* aad Fltaharbart aa<Oafe and KM'OB wen appointed a mtetnitfreloaonlBata d loats Jor tfae Aasootatton.' Mr/kUi-rinsaidtfaaiMr WhoatwoB.Idglv«

talk » .HeTlfandolph I^adlig Cirola Aexk•to^lBj aad laviWd ail to bf preaaabHra. Comr»d, by hTltatlai, gaT« aaethar

delightful arsnlse-. ll'attratlag her «elhnd«f teaofalnr tko obUdran to slog. Tha Hulatoti s u g sjitti ptrfsel nadiaaaa aad awtat*nass from tha printed notes, ut t froni «.I««toad* b j tba flagara at their btaehar ThaliaptltadelBthlarMBeotw«eaaWo>.- "that they had show a la teaming,

Tha aonlaatiar aoaBlttae prtuaUd tba1 of the folio wing for atfltMtwef tfaa Aa-

nd they wsra alMUA 1 Mr Hare*,

Dr. Itegle aanounarf tbat the: Trl-fibantJTeaehen* Iaatltnte w»n.ld be beld at Hwk

D«e. UU. aa<t Xth,

Xha Jhryi of Guwguj O. .larga gatkeriig of towmpeepla ton

oat laat i*rtaa(«f#n(D|towl[i,e*MUioIiiapMal Oonpasy O, OHluBjell thosaaUof

armory with avery uien audtonoa of apwtura. Tiio nemba'a of tha Coup-a j Idetoraied tba plaoe T*rj prettily with buntIngi, flags, rblnete lanterns, bwiiers aodotber devieM, aad tbe locne was a very pwt-

eae. About'&fty nsoab«ra of lbs oompan;ire present ID fall uniform, ini In the ab-ase or Uapt Bsnnett, on aooouat of ttlusa,

Lfeat. B r n n eomtnaodad tha aompatiyptrloratd the duty of impaoMag.tBe aand equipaenfa, i f Mr the lospootiun theooaipaoy gave a drill la wbiob tbe speautenwere greatly Interested and declared them.

>• innrh pieued wUk ttc nmarkabltpregraaa tfaat hail Imn mule daring the eon

»*»tifsly abort period sinee their org«l»

On Saturday ttenlpj, the mKnbeia heldhop to tbe armory aod despite tha aevmetetm whiob prevailed tfatvni was a goodijatUndano* and all bed a good tims, wide tbirocalpu or tbe ooeaeloa mads the alTatinoauelal aucoesi.

Iba shootlog of tbe members a( the eon-Bftuj la ttas lint aanual wmpsUtfon far tbeatlpsrbgnld CllUcoa' fiadge «IU oonmeion kfenday next and will he eoalinoedWedoeadar and Saturday Tbsolijpotof tbathree daya' ODD test will be to give ererj metq-bar DI Iba oompaoy an opportunity to aboutror the handsome priie Kaoh mombcr willhave ten shots—Iva at lha 300 and flva at tbe500 yarde raugo—aad tbo one naktsg ibe

igliMt »ggrf gale aeon wilt wear ibe iropDyfor a year, £«oh jtux a gold bar oontalnlitfae oatne ol tbe winner anu score of IbaL yeuwill be added, or. ill eoibe me rate T winali Jot-thre« aLOMMiva years aad rettuoa It u bia

/ive jeara ago Uov Jubo A fjbepherd was,ransfsrred Iron 8u Mar;'s pariali, Uuvar, to,bo iiarlsb ol 6t NUbolM, lo V*SSJ.1O. andMt Snaday d«lleated ane ol tbefloHt Cath>lio oburobea in Hew Jersey When be a*.ired In fusaio ka fonnd a eoningaUon ol

~* souls, worscfppiag In aa old woodendifloeBBdbnrdened with a debt of 915000Tatber ghepbsrd atonoa went to work, paid

aedefat, B»ugbt»Blt«.a tbo boait of tbav aid at onee began building anotheruufc. 8IBM tbea ha haa a'so balll a band,na reetorr. anaw bouse for tha Sisters «M

UhaHly aad aa addition w tke parMbialMhooL Ills aaorgy for ltaptovatoeul waa sognat ibu ba wia auUted bj people ar allilaaws and oreadi. sad altkoagh iba aawtropartj Is valaad at 1100 OOOtha debt ia oaly

000. Maar *e'7Jwana frtaada l> thUlultjr wilt b*> | M io haow ol )hw snoscastbata ,-*:rftr* of rath#r Snephart, trhdto

A Beat* am ifea flan. 'Mi Urittea, aa elder)? HBB who baa been

:mpl«jed at Totinu'e Hptel,' Kenvll, for.0*0 yean, WH taken-llf aoue time ago and

waa dattrailaad to take bin to Sawaik torfhapttal (Maia»nt.y Uat Vriday alleniooa

BtartcdJev Newark far that Mrpoaa, ao-ooaapawedbyOr.J L Taylor. Be waa able

walk Mt of th* hewaa aad law tba depotDraifBtllle, ba.t the tMla kad hardly (aft"! auttoa' wkjen hit bavd a iBiiden aetsar*expired laaUBtlj. B-wa. afdotsd with

repay aad heart dlaeaae Pa waa a tjiifttad ptaaaant was aaa tanoh liked by ike

n of ft* heat*. _ ^ ,

Hra Mla^ii,otSuat(t>p*vat>rtedlaft«eeB:ir aa extended toar tkrottgll th* west ao far

(kettle. WaahiDgten Territory, atoppingt'A'eibiJiiEtoa, J> Ua'Cbten^, Kansaa Citynd all tbo principal /.tlaa alaag Ifaa nntevcr the Boutbern Paefflo Uallread, acaam-

usiad by her eoa Watsen Allen, wbo haaipem a number olyeaia In tbe far weal andlomo oa to Wsahiogtoa, I). 0 , to atleadlke

" Efat Templara Cooolave held than thead woek In1" October Wa wiah bet a

leaaabt joua»y aod aalb re or a. <

A Ileaaul Bv«af la *mn:Thelad.s* «f th* Waatw^'Hallaf Corps,

.axillary u UeDavIt foat, Q, A. B,, will toldtGdffoa8ofl«Ut tt« new mldMM or Mr.mi Mra. J«ba prwaisner, «B Hoirla atrect, on

aadaflaAwUlM'HBTdiaAtiissBa laaoj ani.olM vUltMilftrBd, aa« tJw gBsaU will been-^rtalntw with vaaal anil ^atnaonlai snaslr.

ladtea pf tb* Carps w(Jl eadMTOr to make. asVra'Vary pleasaal oae and hop* the

pwplaof doTsrv.UI favor .ken wltb tkelr

Dfwa Ittdfe ettikeuatti. W*«. .jBdglaglreaito^ay'a Be* Oln advarUie-

imnt,we eheaideay tbat their E M * . Good^ a e t wae aa eailaeatly AttUn; one forrtaJ.ra to ilelt. If eervleeBble qoBittlee

1 moderate ooat areoosaWeiattona w hholding la mind wbeh parobaalag Drcea Bluffsbea we Ihlek we eaght to be eeeatdend ae

lo1* Bsnefaetbr U ai.»)alag Iheaj toISJ fno.jflaatA.Co. Their njjataiten forliability to qa'alittM aad ol bf Ing th* loweat

prloed aellen laaefar qaaitloBed bf aayime,

Taa ^batU.. floeiatj la an orgialsatlon olival^e ttrot|gb«B,k tb* oonaty who ohearuh other with dorraapoada&ge, lead latwre

to prlseoen IB jaiU and aa-Urai* •" hoaplUla,aad ds mash ntbar good wa'k. Kins tenthsof lla aieaabsnhlp qevtr se« aaoh otter, balthey help nak* aaeh other1* Uvea to IH aepleaaaataspowlbtolBaHliDUoB. Tfaaaooletjhaa beta orgaolied lour yaara, aid now nnm-faara 1,400 aneaibeiB. Mrs. t Pronlfit, olsiorrtevowB, la tb* Preatdsnt.

IsJtfw^gtkaSaauIawfl,Tha Cbatbaw, VUb and Gamt Prot*oil

Association, at tbelr own expense, bsvo pracored tba s«rvl«a af a rcllabla party to aeotutha woods aad Heidi ta aeeore arldane*against tbo poachers. In addition to the.aaw* 11 ay a n potilgg sotlees ntteriag m re*wvd of *23 for in* arrest of Illegal hUDtera,

ba foaad with a gun ia Ma fields on flan-daj la »v.daBM feBongh to ooavtoL—ktadlaoa

Te-nlght aid Ta-aurrow ¥igfaf,1 ateh daj aad aljiht dnriag tbls weak yon1 gat at all drngglsta' Kemp's Dal aaa fat1 Tkroat aad Longs, acknowledge! to bf1 nest laoocsafnl remedy sveraold (or the« ar Cimgbj, Cronp, lJronchltJ., Wfanoplng

wag*,Astn»MtdCrosompltoii. qatabot\i» twdaj and k*ep tt always U tbe fconss,you can abee* jour cold at onoo. \ttim tVaad II QMBDI* buttles free.

t v <JW^VItlBTBVWftB, BBB,BHB1 I B a n S « n B V i

Tb, Jenej kleehlaa Compan? flle J artlalmof lntorporatloa in Ifae Essex Conotj Ckrk'cofl.36 laat Hnadaj Dornlog Tbe bmlnw lato be looated In B«w«k and theeapltal stock

llxttd at (ft10C0. Tbs Ittcnrporstora are.enrr M Olmstead. InB«r»ll O matflad aa

Btepb«nD ?Jttle,*UofH-vrnsUwo.

A lu-ga neck el Underwear, in eoloraaltta, lor gonta. ladiea asd children. 4 |poBalrQlBhvnkaUforflCtoenta.at - * f

• • ' • • ft* B V r v ' "


OV*RB raaasxtsBT or

The ninth aaiuaal fMeticgof tfaiUaioB ol this PMaiytory Wae held inUflvar PrMbjta&Mf^Ol.Bnb n WedBaadsjTbe pilpfl was B»asly eorered with floiand *D tha inniattix* galUry wu m a-lbMuei wllb tU Bwtto, V Union IB Cbria.1a world without. «ph>iei.n The' bannar la apresent from UitBseand Fitsbyltrlaa ObarebofUraag*. —- ,• ] ;

Tfa« norning afwdoa togta at 10md waa opens* br ptmyti, sAer which Ur.

E J, Boas uad« » brie| addra«sol weloone.and Him. Caahtai, mad* a .hurt reply., :Mr. Halloway waa to have saals tfaa welt. _lnjraddr«ai,bat Mr. Baaoaxplslnnd -bathewaa ant of town on etfaar work *« tbe cfanreb.To* Mlnntaa uf tboandw.|.pnired. Th-li-xrwawy'i rsportsbowedtfaat tbera bad been oo|le«i*d for Horns Mis-•loss, lseladlaf M01J1 pa tba Logan SchoolDallditg Pni.d-e.Bh *S 086 66, value 01btuee «4,G&ieBf t«U1, atOSSOS Collectedfor Foreign Niulo*s, « i » o 0 , showing aa' IB reaalt of the year's work far Hone andHelgn HUslpna, IKSHU), which |a fBM 81rxeass of laat y*u*a workThe women Of tha «ntlra PreahTteriaa

Ctinreh, Mprtb, osntrlbaud last yrar for~ >f«a MliaUma, *a7R,eO4.17, u d for Home

ilo-s, fI7e,e*(l 88. making a grand total cf1*678.518.

Tha rsport ol tha Hee«Urj al o gsv* sxtraeU of letters from HltsIeBarias In Ofaina,J*pu and otber M'atrUa, whleh wen very

ug. Itpls«geve an Idea of how aoueol the auoleUM wen uaaaged, and BOB.mentadva rariona Ihkga pertaining la th*(li&iir»at aasletle* Awiong otber tfaioga ahapute «1 a gbrl la Alaska, whom tbs Whipany UiMlan Bead la aow adiloaUnK aalutblieg, aad aald that ta* MlHiottwIe

wanted to send her Kui lor two jeara tiiearp tfae usai.ua ana ouaunis ol tbis psrtuf ibe oonauj Jiut aa tnare a n only 1 wentj

iben la Uie Wbippaay tiaad tbejdid sottbat baej ware able to ao ft and 11 any-

body would voltnteer lo bring faci £ u t u dsupiwri her for tha* tun* tbat they would

her Thaj would. Ilk* to bare h »r»o«l»e a good eduoaMot). 1% was then pro-(JOIOJ tUt eiery Ueowlarj of local Uolwoasbonld aenu ia Ibelr n>Dort ia tfae hnnag la-atuad ot waiting till Amuon, ao that Mia

imont could gat her report ready lo tbeIumn.era11d.be re*4jr for tbe teath aauuai

nexwyear! wliet tbey expect, to baveanelaborawprogramuie. lira. Alkmaii, wbobad Just wine 10. explained that sae badsolaesd ber train aad wae eonaea.ueo.lr dsajed. the tfati* Introduosd Miss Vasal»?erlej, a Ulstionarj from South fork, Uub,tbo aald ibat lea jean ago ahe w«al toidla, but niter staving there two years andM l sLa fa-rnkm*1 "'*V and faui Is 14^1.Pller she woo»«rod ob* r>ent to Utah andka Iwon (here •tnoe, Bfae tald tbat Indiant no MisaloaanM her*, bit that tbe seedsatn were being sown very rapidly ia thisULtrj Bhe wskt on to tell bow tfae aoaiecr.lure wae developed In Utah ralbar ttaaa

tfae floer, UQW tbo girl* are taogb, that1 test tbsy are tanrried they cannot bs laved,at, wben the Moraioa wife la laid In fa»r

eofllu a vill la plaeed over ber fwi and un-less her husband lUta tbe veil there la aofTMurreotloa ior bar. Tojllntiraiefaowmuohthey know about history sba related a lowfaoldenta tba. ooottrred in the Young Hen'sand Yonsg Ladt**' Improvement Societies,

ie young aaan got ap aad ssld that" MartinLutfaer did BD| like tbe relliloa be. wai iol-lewiBg and mad* oae of bis owa, bat did Hitcall It Divine, flpmebody *Iia anada anether

and said it waa Divine and the iitID tie nllgloaa 'ad to the l'erelauAaoMier *atd tbat "the war of tha

rebellion waa brvngbt on-the United Btatea» pBDlsbment for tbo mardtr o f John

Uh" Bbateld how the Homomented themselrM, to tb* people of othermtrlee, ao that t««j conltl gala eonferu.i also tald tbat than were 676 eoavtrte to

tfae MorinoB otmeh irom Dtah lut flpringfrom people wfaolfv* In th* awnataUs. ttuexplained the ICerasen cutow-a In a vary ablemanner After sbVaolsbed tfae Cam ts it tea

NomlsatlooB »ad BnoUUttDa wen »p-oted, and tfaa aaeatlag, was adJpBrned till

1.90 o'olMk, and the ladie* war* take* downala re to partake •* aa alegeat repast pre-pared by tbe ladle* of the efaarafa.

ktrs Alkmu ealled the aitaraoasorder at 1:« n'okxlOTaa uMtlag was

pened with prayar after wbloh Mrs. Alksaaa•tradswed Hn, Andrewi.^foraMr MtstloB*

taladia, who wM *k* wn* gl*d I s k i s v„. this organisation nad kHaslnarlee is

India aad aha fell quite at hoau. flk» aaUiha heard tbt people of thu eoaatrj war*letUng dlseoBrag*d with India, bosaese Jt

redaaehsBtallntaraslorttlvapaUatakaBlu BhatBoafuldBBwtwMtvflnjaan• Mlsaioaarj CMld aol eater *> slagl*ie io^bat eoaatry and now tbsy aaa aitat

my of thast. Qbe *s|d tb* reason BO aaonroaua wsra ooavertad waa beeaaa* Ir lb«jrare to lift tbiilr tells am) afaow their raettad aava th* Dlolitw'* haed Uld OB IbeUireaaadsln baptist*, ta»y woald ba banad

a a B t j ud be dead te tfaslr people eve*ifter; aad that than are hoata el wmaa

ire, who believe la God cut will aot beaptlMd far tbat n s w . Bha tola of tHcebo war* baptised aad of Ueaiferiag aadm a n thftj bad to ahdare Inim their p*o-

ii*. HbagavsamTleteMetiagaddrewaasiield the atUatloa of ber hearer* to tfaelaat.Hta Alkmaa tbsn nad » paper froai Hra.

O. OoalUr, of PltUbarg, oa the wlerad


IrioiAi 10 T&a Isoa IAhont three hODdred railroaders wttre pres

eat TttHday evenlbg at the opening of therailroad faraaefa oftbtTonag Hep's Chrlali

Man, Is tbe ne» depot ot tbe I)., LW Uallraad Company at Hobokeu

The roona faava been fitted up by tbe rail-road companrat their own eipenae, nothinghaving been apared to inatus tbelr elag*<•"d eoBTeniensa. Tbej eotnpH'ta read!

1, In whlob will be kept OB file all of tbeleading daily end weekly passr*. periodicals,et«.) • a gima room supplied wtlb varlooafta«««, snab as ehecken. dominoes, etc jspunons ball tobensed forlactdna entertain.wenU.etot a dialog MOB for th» benefitrailnaden wfaoHOcMpatloa ncdan i t im

Ibia for tlism t* be at tfaeir hotnea at1 Sareral bath and toilet rown are io

dl'Dosal of tbe nenlien.The roams wen opea throughout tbe da,i

fertbelospeotoneftfaepBhllB. nnadredarailroad rnon aeeompaalea by tfaslr rkmlllesfrom all along; tho line ot tbo road called dor-

j! the d»i and were dbowa about tbe roomeby tberetwption oomtnltleo In ebaige.

Tbe opeolog ezaroUes commenoad at 8 Pkf. General BSAMUIT D G Hor* *f tbe YK. 0 A- dslivsred a short prayer. He wifollowed by AsalsUat Bnu«rlu ten dent Fr»o

Qilffltb, CbaJnnan of tha Kteooliva Loumilts* of the AawwiBtlon, wbo oellvaredabort and stirring address, la which fae nrgadall th* railroad emnloyees, irre.pee.lve orrank or puitlos, to join the Auoaietlrn. Atthe oonolaalon ol fala address be In trod need,the next epeaktr, "tVIUiam 8 Hloao, GeneralVrelgbt Agsnt of the D., L dt W E. £ , whobaa takes an aotlv* part aud been loalru

nUI In foondlng braeehas ef tfae railroadMClaUonaatficranton.Daffalo, Uingbaoip-

ton, Bj(a< ase and inanj other pi toes alongtfae line of tba D,, L . 4 W . Mr, Bloan de>llvartd aa abb aad eloquent addnss,irblah ha e»t forth tbe benettu to te derfvndby baeonlng a n t saber of tLe Aisodatloa,s-tjlugthatlii order to be * goud railroader

as neoeuary for a n u to juaiees a elearmind aud an eaaj oonaolenoe, and to Inanratheaehe would advta* al^lrrfipeetlveof re-ligious belief, tcjoln toe Aaeoelatiin Hud ae-care all of lla beneflta. Tbe otber speakers e[

Th* Committee oa MoBtlaatloBs tbea re-aad n-aemlBated all ILe old effleer.

tio wen «n»olmooaly n elMted,be Commltta* on Bowlailaas pnautcdfollowing: r '

KBMLV*D, That th* woBsca of tbe MIMIOBIrlon aa**mbled to-day la Dover deatrc tonaoksiU thoan wbo have eoatribatal to the

i n BBd profit ot ifata voet delightful. To tba TiBstesa ;«l tble chtwch forfirdlog so ph>aasat • (klsise of steeltug| to

pastor for bl* iatareat aad ajBspathy withrepressed by Mr. Boar, Ia hi* eordUl ad<

dnsaorweleomei to ail'lba ladU* lot pi*pariag M ganemtta aad delightful alttneksoii {wse hare wted aa aahan aad brighUaad atlliy beaallfal l o w s n ; ta the raatletaaa wboave aided oar Mrrleea [ lfa( ofloen of tb*Tolon wb* aa»« to ably u d will, atnnb latterilaopad tk* meellng I la* apaakara who haveitth their earnest woik Inspired aaaw «HVliaalonu-y Baal; tbe looal pnae rorpabilan

• I notlosa of our Meeting j and to the R. B.ifficlala for khdnsse In vedueUon ef fan asidlor tbstr eoartMy t» oat dissident by stop-ping the train ahe bad t*k« by salatake aadenabileg ber te rcaeb as.

BaaoLTao, Tbat we accept with inaaki Ibetvltatlou ol the Pi rat Church, or at orris town,ir o«r Btaetlag uexi iear.Hasoi-TriJ, Tbai tfae naolDtloa ot thanks

»the B. B. Co. be oonveyed 10 tham,TbooollMUen auonnud to apt Wi and while

It waa being taken MIH ABDIB nickartt, ofDover, aaterUlusd Iho audlsttw by ft]Bgli.g

p ,Wa.Ur I^flltfM CBB* aTJ|k. 'The I*ellgh Valley. B*lrowl Oovpiar !•

laving eoaaldanbte dlBoulty la saeoringrater prl*ll«gts atoag the PcBuaanetk Hirer.tfiatlor/ Tbe rubber tnlils aad paper (aoto-

rlMdemaarf ever 11,000,000 danagfs for thersdaetloa of tbe stream tbat will eoane

a tha arectioa «f iba oonpaaj's data nearvllieg* at Mew Veundlsad. Tfaa 94,000.-ebtaUed from JHewark will he almost

wholly amended, It la^aald. In parch Miniptoparty and water privileges. Tie emnpany

baying /aimeand nllliwhenTer ptacll*aabie. ' The maty mant. factor lea along th

ream claim tbat their besiBus will he raisedlha dam Is erected aad tbt water dlvarted

In snfflelcnUy larje qiantliloi to supply K*w*aikudraurton

fiev. J. O. Uracq. of MoAll HIBBIOD, Paris,will apeak In^beFnibvtenaii Cbarch oaUan-dsy morning, afunoaa and evening Is tfalmbralng his atthjtat will b* "The Kaill MU-sfoa and Cent*»por»*j TroustaBtlsm .aFrance.** {atfaeafuraooa at*>Vbe will «didifsa lbs ifUsloDarj Soolety of tha flnadajaefaool, at Its 13ih noaiYerurj, npon"gnn^d . j Schools and thaMoAliaandajfasMU"Ur. Bracq Is a brilliant speaker, and all willbe iB.ierttt«d whe cove ta hsar him.

Hn, fjeo ?«rr, of Port Orasi. ts now offer.t&KavMTSniMrlorllDaariniltlBerjforlsdles,nlstsnaBdcblIdrealembrae)Bgtha sew

lading styles pKBoribc« by fasbloa for the

Ibadamaadiot the p««pl* all will badbpoaedofalver lnwpr'to* sodthoaawhoaaliearlywill obtain gnat ^iigalns.

Ail Knla of Etpalrl'.g Dois.K f t i r a i , Locks, Bawlag iraobt.iTas. sfasl

« I InstwmeBta.T7lwW^totWriaglcgBjidT l g ^ V A O

ajn?Bd,a«.«npidriKl. T m tea gat aajtUngnpalred thai yon own k,\ d n W a &<nraa fie>pair ahop, Bbwlnridl i t m t , DUTM.

1 evening wen B, Drake, Cbiirtnan of theState Uoummee of tha Y. M O . A., J. 0.Bey.es of Orange, President of the Spiral(Veld Tube Company, and the Bev. 8 II.Iraaberrej, Tbe Interraia botwoua tUt

wen filled by eiHllent voaal utulfl

rrnnmlnat*., for tbt, AMSnbi; b j tbe Demo-TitMi.rri.1 rtUiri^t.Mr »hd Hn U.hlop FTnatluri. Br, are

i«Di1ini aomiuir pf months wltfa tbelr dangbir Mt L*D* B«acfa West Va-WBrera B D-«v. Ji>, or Port Ifcrrle. Is onu

ofthei«ilfof»oft^'<AriitB,"*paper battedbv tfa« WMl«Tan Untversltr.

TbawidowortlielaUJadiaTownaeod, -NtwtflK. and mother in Uw or Secretary ofBt*t* KMaKv. t-M on KondaT,

1i*v.AddlaoaPaik«r, |*te of MornsWiws« glren antcepttna bvhia a*woangngationIn Bonervllln last FrMav avenlna-

Ifae faiDllr of Ur. Frank H Mi^.l-y 1-L.troneUjoIn him sit Bnnawek, Oa lleuv

•Isadi alnnrrely rag ret Ud to have tbem !«•'

The Improvement In Uayor Benualt's eysawe i«xret to aaj, was but toetlastillathisbomlofd tbne weakiCongreasman Charles D Oeckwlth Is n*9T-

eripg from a aevare lllnaaa, euntraoted wbtl*at kiarario Columbia Couuly, H. If, whenfae spent titt) Sunnier.

Mr. Jutm a Toy has fawn elected aa therepnaautallro ot Kando'pli Udje ot UddFellows to tb* Onnd Lodge, wbiofa U H U larrentOD, NOT, AJtb and 31*1.

fiev. Jobs U. Hoofleld, pMlor of the tit.Olive Presbyterian OhuroL, ooDtlnulng in lupaired health, his people nave glvon him an•itoadtd Taoatfon Ue will iptad the Win-terln tbeSontb. Tfaepulpitwlllberogularlysupplied donon his ab«c noa.

air Abramll Vail ofQuak«rtown H J ,bMlher oi Ur J Klmer Vail, of tLU place,

wasMoanlly kicked by a liorat aud bad bisleg broken lu two places In tbe kuw join'.AUbomfaeCjrean or age, be Is doing wellunder tie trying eiraumataaoe*.

tdmlnblj Tendered Uj tbe choir cf tfae 43dit»et M. E Gkanh of Hew York olty, olwhich H>. O. P. Benjapti'n Is nmilosJ dlreetor.

Among tfaoae pr*Mn* were Andrevf lleas*cr, ttupertatendeni ft tio IIULH iiIt; 8 QriDth.rJaperinUnt.ento!

and bridge*! William H Lewli, Maatcr Me.chanlat J V7 Bak«r, of Dovei, UasUr CarBuilddr) E. Hleboia, Freight Claim Agent,Mr. Pomoioy, SoonUrj of tbe BubnrbanBapul Transit £ U Uompany, and S.muelBohoafa ol Newark. LetUn of regnt wennad from many who ««r* anafale te beant, among wfaom wan men woeee aatnta are

IOKO throughout tba fluauolal aad railroadrorld Tbe tecnUry nad letten (ton tlieJliowfng pcraoatl Bamael Uloan, President

Taylor Vayn*. Vloa President, W. V. Hall-atead, General Haoagar) V, B, Qlbboua,Treasurer [ Charles QrabAn, Matter Me*obaolo oi tb* mala lln* divlibnf John 0 .Clns,Preald*nt,andfi If PeltCB, Vjoe I'I

o t tbeK T . L . IS fc W. R U, Ocr-uel.su Vaaderbllt, resident of the New YorkCentral and Hudson Klver Railroad! Bldaej

Dillon, the railroad augaate, and GeorgeWsrlr.rtoi.

AfUrtheoloeeof tbe exsrolsei a bouatlfnllunch waa provided In the room* to wblch

1 nll'oadtrB and their friends did ampleiliee,

Th* Eiecntlv* Committe* o/ tb* Aasoota*Don are V I, Griffith, Asatstaat Snptrinfnd-mt, OhairB.sa| J. W. Baksr, BBperintesde&t

'Car Uepalrn) n . O. Baknr, Superintend'Tnaaportatiaa United HMtea Eaares*npaoyi B.D. Ukitlanden, Csodooterf Ii.

lordlaler, Tnlght Agent) W H I>wU,taster Meofaaaie ( BaBJaana Lotke, engineer \

B Klebola, IHlgfat Claim Anentf B L Wj-m*u, ronman j C. yt, Wootaey. Baptriatendatt Hobokaa Vary CoapitiT. and Nsa*onfonas, O*B*ral Swretary, B E O ,

TMB IMM AWW ICira.,0a Tuttder *fte*s»w the SUahopo people

Litvied thei>> oldest e.nJ» {DttvtlUtw—AILC*Sailtl.. He wa* bora la TnwQtllity, VTarraa•aaaly. s o n tfeaa Hyaan ago.aBd tha oonaaataads yet. Ha auosctibed fer tba B i u uBagUtar whl- ha wa* IT yaar* eld, learning

nder t e trying eireamataaoes.At...» annual meeting of tbe Niagara Falls

Journatlooal Gamp Meeting AMUQIBIJUD atWe*I*y Park, Oot, « J , Bor. J, U. Oaslals,

rraorlyorDover. waa rMle«t«l Pnaldentd Manager, and the reports Indicated a

praiperoaa aod HCOMIIBI jear. wltb greatpnnlsaforthPfntan,

th* atann'B tmde, gettlBg It oaata a daf andsipportiagkliaioUier,

Th* b w a UtUa wontu who baa bean hit•ar staa* thay wan Baarrlad IB Flaudera—th*j •aUbrated their goldaa weddlog

toar j ean age—«aya they avoved to Btanbape' " and Ibere Mr. Hnita'a

• n t w o * was e* the old ptaaUr mill which•till ataada ea th* bank* ef tfat canal. Ha

lit tbe tap house* ol tbe f araae* b j oon tractlaoaMwfto* stoa* boat** owned by tbsraae*Oevipanr. Hatoek thtooatracttor

balldiag tk* tint bank joa sror kad la D o wflignr bank aart than ware so many

lUratloBB made ia Ue plane that be loat1,900 en tbal job Mr. Balth'a Bnl wlffl waaMlaa bead, wbobon bin two children ana

ru gathwed M ber fatfattt. In. prooeu olbe aot d mui ie i -t'ai Oflrolinq If

Woodraff, ol Vlanders, who bor* bias flv*okildran, few of whoa, remain unto tbla day

one died 19 jean ago.A«at fiddle Van Sjoklt, vho la now 88

nof ag*. wwltosehool witb Mr. Smith,walked about a mile to hie faaeral.

In politic* Mr. Smith was a Whig first, afterlaer of Henrj Olay, aad be baa Tutcd

lor every B«i>Bt)lleaa President from Jotn c .Beojsmla Uanlaoc. He wanted

BBBeJasaaai} Blalaaelectedvsr/noohandlaBawvjbedUnolllvetOBMlt. Ho keptMe heUl waere John M. Knlgbl now keepewhen Dsalel WsbaUr auda hia speech inBUafaop* and lost more than WOO worth ofvictuals tbat day. They had prepared ublealar 900 to ait dowa at a tins a, but it reined *o

day aad eight Uat all tbe goodly edible*prepared tor tba occasion, wen well aosked,

tat wsre not stolon. I nmenberIth what pride te twd to tell of fab bavlas

stM for WIIHaaj Henry HarrHoa and watglad to bar* lived to vote for •• a. chip oi theold blook" (th* prmeat rretldent.)

If I aa ao; mistaken, Mr, (HtJIlh wata dfno*of IfaeBUMX Coaatv Mataal Iniaraneenoanr. lie fasdbeaB long s, trustee of th*

Stanhope M. B, Chnreh. Loving huebiladnlgsnt father and geaerotta friend, "noueknew bin bat to love falof, BOBB na»ed himtrattoprala*." Tbla Simmer John J\ Brown,

• ' at hla a. prasaat of au•an* witfa * diver head sngnved7 " -,m»aS»ltb,1880." Mn.

Smith MJS If ababaalhadfaBrahalea, wbetaerdl* or sBOva lo Btaabope, whea the first

B * to that towa,*ko woald willingly havell*d. r Rk* had fee** than one* or twie* to

10*1 aad eould a«l eee auythlag tolu t U plao* and when Mr, Bmltb made

up bin mind to go to Stanhope, •• 1 pat in •alMpIeat aigkt Uat bs Btvsr dnataed of,1

aheasJd.'The fuaetal aervloM wen at th* home oa

Tuesday afiatBMa at J80. Bev. HiDrvoks,HBBr.|iBmaadDooll.tl*,efth»H. K.Charoh, aod Bev. J. J, Crane, of tbe Presby-terian Chares, teak part la tha services TheflrBthtthepnMBlpaatoreftbaM £.Churebthe otfaar two former pastor* or the dead manThey all epeke In b'gfaeat praise of tba de-H M N i a ataiily B I B , a good olti»n,an at-teollr* heater at ohareb. Tbe pall beann

• B J . D tawttaea, B*nsen Clark SenatorPcUrD Sttltb, a B. Lunior, W. 11 BaUcyaad E. O. Vabntlne.

Th* Btanbspe and South Htaabope pnblleashoola and th.* bnaiaeae plaoea wen closed

* ig tb* foaaral aarvleas, and nearly everybody in Btaabop* and Tiplalty turatd «nt topay tha laat tok*Q *f nspeet to one who.veverybody hoaen4 la thia Ilti. Tfae newa>paper* wai*npraaented byBdltoraoodmaa,«l tbe Buses Register, of whose paper Hr.Smith had he*naaub«erlbai>alxtj-*evany*anaad Mr. JCsecb, ef tbeBtaahape£a|le. Jtob-•rt P. Swllt who kasw him well and valuedhta irleadsfafp aad advloe, was there, andmany another vho bad long known aid re<speotet* tbedaesased. Tha Interment wae atflUnhop* Union Comites?

Bis lacBliiee nmalaed wltb bin to laat andhe was Bonselons lust lie n u t go asd give anacManttnthcJadgeto whom all bearU aretpra aad from wfaom ao seents a n hId6>nBy r*aa*B af stnr,Rtb h« waa, y m .feu, (our

aud tnaved along t^s itrwU as light olfoot as bl* SOR nuUI a few wwks belon bli

He vUl b« Blsaed i s tbe oommonltyvfainb baa kaowa him ao loag and wfalah shall:e&w him BO mere lfttever


f i o n sawATiia TO J. «BIMTMur 1

HOP. H. W. Hn»t,rimoioil to Jlukititstowa tat we«k.

II Etta B«j(*ts it upendiBi eefraJ witwllh (rlfcda al Hfwark anil Tiwoion.

Hr.EfdwanlK. Baker, a-hohubMa livfiOf ar ecriatati, haarwtorm-d lo R«nvil.

tlrs Oolles. of Morrietowu, beitmu «B TSI•T In Orange • sarUa of l«it ire* on BritUojJ k* All.,0 has atot»d Us be»U at Bndd'i

»rr.M tba Antrt* of LL. 3>. oo Hun. Wi

'. an<] Mr*. B P. Dram aod M.-» Lotiflf»n »r* nn«B'1|t)s; a^n* weeka in North and

0IITUAB1.Tbe 1ubjs.1t of this aknUifc, Mn Sarah

•iitnn, -If* of VT -fjaaa 'UoghiOB, ol'refldom, wbo departed tbla lit* Wedues

tajr OcL23U «r«a lion at 1'napaok.Qtimeract3o , July 7th, 1833 Sbe w u one ot tfae six

lildreB bora tt> Mr. i'eterand UllsaQarra-ant. Bhe became tht wllo of rbilomon I*lonpioo, wbo died Oeo. 4tb, 1870 Hue waaarrled to Mr. Nelaoa Uugbion Dee. aotb,n It faaa seldom fallen to the lot of tberitw ID pen a few llnta or oas aa worthy of

.he pra se of Qod, angel* and man. Tba is-UrUaal penDoalityof titter Uagbion waanot or that ohanclcr to make her aeoallar oreoocatrie, but very ••riklnilj proved henthat In tbalO'b oonturj and In th«q.nl«torrural Ilia a noble wul cool coold ba b*rn,

' d and work out tba «ad of life'a holisatn and enlllnjt If then waa a single

danger it oarae from tbs direction tlial ao taraa vans testimony could bo secured "allmen apokewell of ber," and she lelt ae alegacy that which Is worth mote than silver

gold, "a good Banie" Ae we oatobupset of tho pun and liolyaud oaeolflsh

iplrli wbloh alwaya prompud words andleeda we a n ooottnltwd lo say, of whomtaa world w u oot worlfaj. " Dlttaoee did sotind encbantmeot to tbe view " of Her ohara*-ir. Th* nearer to the centre the closer theIrole oaaa to ber heartbatcne and heart, the

mon facly and atboUnBd it appeand. Hercreed wsa net one or beautlfa ly worded aenlv•noea anllcd to hollar ellata than these, hattfaosa praotioal truths which lifted the aoulup toward God and •' brought heaven downoearth" Aa the room wasfiilt of Ingraneeben Mir. (rfo'd Iroka a boiol olntaeat,life hareabout Is filled wltb tfae perfum* offaolya lif««a we dar* hope to find IB a


Al the age of aiBeteco ehe joined th* I'n*-bytcriau Ufauroh at Hendfaem. aua freat tfaattin* heait, hand and tongse have ever de-clared tlie reality of tfae filth iba eoa(eased.Every trial, aoffBrlng. affliotlon, like tb«iralilag *r ta* plaut, only hrongbt fortb tht

iger* videos* of efaaraoterUUo* becomingqoeoo anoag women, Twesty-on* yean

she beeame n Ba«ub*r at Ht, JTnrdon«.1. whldfa tlo>*i abo ba* posieaaed a ooabl*

Bawre-tbkl ol Marj who ohos* the betterpart and of Martha who oared forth* tsm-poral well being of ChrUt'a kingdom and cbll-dr*a Ibe churoh ia proud of tfaa neord ahaatad*, tfceHabbatfa fechaolaf hirearaest *f-arts for lu good, and th* family of her pri-nt* and pnblle liie, whlob was a wltoee* toih* powst of Ood's graw to aava and to keep.

3u*nge tbat ao puro a OBSaauat beyeipaii-* ptforc the gate* of pearlwoald opea to re-ive ber happy spirit. "aAd]es*oU***BVa good luUis alght." SbeeuJaredfarBKira

IIBU a year, and lur tno past tan* •oath*re* stricken to aoouofa of pain u d e&ffariag.But hen thoee Chrittlaa ineta which en-

' her M llva right, qusdlnad her iq *Bfferitlrand wait la bop*. Tktaoaaea and

ixperlenoea of tbla tick room an too sa&nd- 'at with ink or braiLi. Bat tfas end

__ The wearied on* eater** her rest,laving made all pnparatloa for her dtuniae.Tbe vast throng assembled a* her funeral l»Lba etiloi>y. Jtev. Hollinalied preached thetermon from •> Wben thy seat U empty tboa•Tilt be nltseil," and by loving hand* abe waalaid '9 W*t fit Pfclbyterlatt ocnebiry, Bator-

I F you wish to dress in the latest styleat the lowest cash prices call aud ex-



CLOTHING!now being daily received direct from themanufacturer. We have taken especialpains this season to have every garmentwe sell to give entire satisfaction by plac-ing our orders early with minute instruc-tions as to make up, &c, and thorough'inspection before placing them on ourcounters. We are prepared to jBt all reg-ular size men as well as extra large menmd frit stout men. Also Boys and Chil-

dren. Full line FALL OVERCOATSiust received. (Remember tbat 6rst se-lections are the best.)


A laeDsmhl Pastmta OUeed.Tba liar. Frauk A.JoUuiotij j.aatur.uf.tbc

tbaater (JonirregailaaalUbanbinslgneill-tstbbath to aocept a call Lo tbo Coognga*cal Chnnh In New MllforJ, Conn Clo

uBaday afUrnoon. at tbe'saraast request oiiiie jiaator, Ihe.oburob and pailab'aooepted

e resination. At this mtodag n wa* troljstaled that dnrlng tbe tourieea years of this

irats no discord of any1, lori haa dls>,vtb*d tti« bartnony of tbs oboreh. and thia

nt.rAiaiien i» only broken now beeaasawldarnetd of'mofn]aesi'*>em*.to'opetl

1(01* tke ntlnog putof. •An eeoluiaatlBalanoll to advise In regard to the diuolaOoBtha:putorat« fa eallad for; asxi Monday.

Mr. Johnson pnaohe* bis faraweU acrmenSunday. Hov.lOlh.

lbs awjrriewn TnttUg XMtUf.Ths In* lor all trotting nea al the Iforrif

auMtlni »a* eoacludad lut ThursdayWM a desperate straggle la every beet.

NewtaB B. was first la rtetblrdfaeaO, but wrtproperly set back for running, and W. K.,the favorite, nlllmatalj won. The aamaarjt

PorwtlOOl (re* for all trottisg.H Dodge'ab-g W. K, by Cbo*v

rote 4 1 1 8 }min Ltlrdi, BT. f. Newton O, byBcxlllatoi 1 2 * 1 9

F. G Bml V* b. g. Oeoriw 0 3 3 2 3 8N, Fame's bl k g. S o l d h 8 4 3 4 4

T • ( , 3 « , . 2 231.8-Wl1. H-3*t, 8J5.

A Dulal br Oaa.'o TH* KDITOB. or Tna [SOB RSJL •Six—As one tb*treaVi]B TOUT paper whea

iverfaekaa aufaaooe,! deilre a little apaoe7oar next edition, to let tba »*Ofjl* at this

and t i e surrounding places know that tbethlnl or th* Kvaos broth era wu not la tfae

r at Stanghier Hollow (M TOU stated lair laat edlUon) on Sunday, Oou VHb^tStB.

Ifaer* an only ifaree brothon aad one waacoins to work at the tin* of tba aald raw *o

Is onlj falte that the thna wan than.

AWatehTUcfCBBfht.Lsst Batardaj Miohwl Mnleabey, of Mad!

Ma.B}fssMl a very VainablB i«ld watch andiiiapeotedthBtitbBdiHeaUkea by VI MilanH l f i B man wboai he bad befrleaded.

waa trtued to Newark and tben eap*rtbepolle*. who ateertalsad be bad

given tbe watob to another party lor a.loanUUO O M d i M l l

bnya 98 loaded Shells a* Barry ft Co'* Ilard-war* ~

Mr. Lather C.Wat* (a painting Ellas Wack'idomloUs.

Our gunnen a n galling ready for th* FallantingMr. Fred. Apgar still llei in a very critical

wndtUtn. DonbUaneaUrUlaedof hlare-overyl l n . P. E Thorp of Saooaannna, waa atof

ping In town ia.t we«kExtra m*«lln|a are IB pngnas at the kTali

joont U. K. Cbnrefa Moch aweesa haa atended tfarm eo far

Ur. Dtvld tlaikmaa and wlf* bave nturaeto Lblo*io.

BISBJB u d Bet Water Baatraf.1 am prepared to oantraeifor steam aad hot

Water beating, having tfaa Bgeaey ta tb*famotu Bllsby aad other repBlable haakare.Call end examloa them at my atan aa4

D. B. AU«.D*TWfff,J.M l

plamblag M

Washing day eomes one* a week,A,nd T*Vfr ' « P >> What yoa aaek.

Cream Oatmeal Soap!


FOR 1Oc.




D O V E R , 1ST. J .

v >



, •• •













BAGS, *"?Hunting -:i

Coats; >l ' |


PRICES^f*"•X \

WM. H. BAKER, / ;We are selling a Black Silk Warp Henrietta

for $1.00.We are selling a good Black Gros Grain Silk.

for $1.00.We are selling a good Black Faille Francaise ,

for $1.00. . .We are selling a 36-inch Colored Henrietta /,

We are selling a 46-inch Colored Henrietta ; 'for 49 cts. " ' ';;.-;

We are selling a nice line of Plaids, Side-"-.bands and btripes, at prices sure to suit' 'purchasers.. . ' ,

We have a full stock of Ladies' and Children'sUNDERWEAR which will be sold right,

Harris Br.os.' Blaok Seamless Kid Gloves' for/;$1.75; reduced from $3.00. ' ;" :

WM. E BAKERCor. Biaokwell and Warren Sts., COVER, N . J .

Page 4: P||E|r,test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1889/1889-11-01.pdff II r. Cnad l t la a oertaiutj the Kepabllcan rote InUorrla oonnt.T la polled. We b»T" a natural m*Jnrlty

TBI rofiTin ruoor raw as is AN RHBUT10 THB AUKTRALUK IISIEK

In bla letter of KCSIIUIOW AUbett dtul«It . t be In any * » j oppowd tha A u u i l i iliillot l»w introduced laat WfpUr. MrBroom*, of Couth Arnhny, » Deinoor«t andoaeaftliBlMdfM m the moTenenr, *t onr*dime om and charged tbit Legu Abbstt, «en-Hot Weiti *Dd Senator Adraln bold aeon-fewnoe Md decided lo kill the bill. And no*«oin»Ur. B.nj. Uroer, of JJIiwbfltb, f

lthe lj ,

t labor man of the SutB, >ad Presl-,dtnt o » Ballot lUJorm Jle-ooUtlon. wbowrit*, to ine editor of the Kiisabetb Jonrut.1ibe iollowini ooBTincmi proof thai Abbetin an enemj l u t WioUl U tbe Auatritltanlair:

EuZABITtl, Out 21,IS8tl.D g to o r Ult e atioBay tbut joo were quite rigbt In b«lng an-•Jcratood me aa aa>lojc tbat u O « r Leon At-t>«U bad to,u mo tbat be wat opposed to the•o-oalled Australia.) ijitem of TOUPK-

Tbe elrcnmstancM of bla making tbat sJate-tDBot were aa follows:

While theKaun bill was penriing in ourI «triatatura laat Winter, at a meeting IN New-ark of a committee which bad been workingto effect tbe p».s»g« of tbat m*ftiurc a qaeotion waa i*lacd aa to the attitude of certaininfluential Democrats lowmd tbe JBform*ri•j.tcm ol Totlag and oomJaotiud election*irblcb it embodied 60mo ol lb« 00ajmlt.eempnased tbe opinion that Mr. Abbrtt wi

» ow Tlur Lov* Ballrt Bti u s .Tbe Hevark Journal, HIB leading: Demo-

cia'io newapapcr of the State, gloats thucvur therofomlflf tbo Democratic part? loreoomioite Ati'mbljioin Kan*, of Klddlf-

"The Democrat* or tb> 8d Distrlet of Mid-(UMAX h.TB done a commt-ndable thing fn re-tirinjt *i Aa*rniuljman Katft (.bia year. TintladiTidQal w o t to tbe Leg'slatiire laat Winter

sr the tmiireaiiori that bn embodied Inmlf a>l that wan wi>Mh an jibing la tbalocratlo party. When be dl*co»er*d hlatike bo bolted tie party cancua and voted

with the Rftimblicans on a Peinooratfo nieu-ire. Tbe beat lliinjr (or a man like Mr. Kanea do I* to •lay ut Lome and rend the newa

Tfaoboadaod front at Mr Kane'* oflVodiuji;waa tbat as ibe rrpiea«*utauve ot tbe Labororganisations of the 8tate, be introilnowl and

loaK-d wbatia knoirn as the Kans bill,be •do,itt-p of tbe Australian syatem of

voting, »uU rofuacd to (Up)iorl the c DIM ca-la led bill wblcb [be Senate satiiti luted • lur

at* bis at tbe com man d of Leon Abbott. I

•nd uselo dofeatlt,

bl* mflaenco I>*ld tbat I

boped belter tbtuK* than tbat row Ur Ab-bait; tbat X tboogbt blw aaiulo eoougti toaoetbat tbe prevention of briber; uotUnUiutda-

a ituiuedlato t cewitjdemanded bj the prople, and tbat It wouldbe creditable to bia p»rly controlling tbe Leg-Itlitaie to Bfoaro It for our SUt* b j tbepauase of the KB no bill. But to t«et tbeDiatterl rolnnte«red toeall opon tbegeDtle-man »od u k bim to ilKa tba pet!tloD wblcb««a tten baloj{ otrovUUd «*king tb L l ltUfo to pBM that bill.

A d l ) d to c o r g j 7 ,upon ox GOT. Abbett at fait office la HenVurk oltj, acd mid to blm tb.t 1 bad cillcdto ark him to BIEC • pellilun tn favor of tb«adoptfua of tbe Kane bill pendlpji In tbe Leg-l#lature of our 8taW which embodied theio^called AoitndiaD ajitem ol Tot'oK-

Ue replied at ontatbit faeooold Dthe petition •she wi» opposed to the Ana-tralKnijitein ofTotloft. ! uked blm uponwbatflroandi he opposed it, and be repliedtbat it wai a far«l((n importation not inited toour!Upnb1leBiioondltloiipHndthatbefa*aieda aeeret ballot which Ihlt •jt!*m did notpnvide for. 1 thrn aaked bim wbctb«r be baditcdled thaAaatrallanajatemandnnd'rateodIt. lie replied tbat b* bail e tad led it andderatood it thoroughly. I then eat<ith»t itioiprl.ed me to Lear blm *mj tbat it didprovde for* iroret ballot because tbe em»rit of tbe ijttem In mj Judgment, tbMWfalob bad iveured its adoption In urea IBritain and praclloallj tb rough out Karope,« u that It did aecnre a secret ballot and hidby Ibsf mtme in (Lo;i e^Tinlrfci prBTenteJbriber? and intimidation at elcotlODJ] andBiked how, ond-r tbe operation of tbe tyt-Urn, WBB it pnBilble for anjjDe beilde tbevoierbimMtl tu know lor whom b* maikfidbla ballot. Ue «ald tbat tbe officer'ortfon w«nld know by kDowlnj; wbat ticket tbevoter aaked for. To which I replied by ink-ing whether, alterbftvlog imdlcd the meamreand understanding it, aa be claimed, ha didsot know tbat it pro Tided tbat tbe 1•11 o»ndida!ee or all parties wero printed npaoat Blagls ballot, and that all Tcteil take fromtbe election offlcera tbe tame ballot to bemarked Iu private, folded acd returned totbe ballot box BO tint their pi I rate markacon'd not bstePB. Tblt qoettiou he did . . .aoiwer, but aaid tbat our wllj polltlciamwoald be able to bent the law In BOUU wayutlil pursue tbnr old prtctieeg. I aald that•o far in the old coiintrlM tbny h»deeeded in doing to. Ha replied th-t onr elec-tion wotkira were far imarter tb'au tbe for-elftnere in inch mattert, tbat sot havloj badnarh to do witb tboae fellowi I did not an*dentudttemB.B weileahedlU. To wblcb Imade answer that I hml not tbe tli|[bWtldoubt tbat be knew far more of tbe way I of•uoh lellowa tba0 I did, bnt wlBhed to kaowwnethernioDanjatbir gioandi bo opposedUtftijatem. Hs said Hat ke was oppowJ tothe BUte'a prlatlnft balloit far lit cltliont jthat it looked like Interference with tb* righUof tbe eltitsn to make and c u t hla ballot inblalowQwaj Totbfa Inpllad that It w uclearly the dnij ol tba State to protect thepnritjofeiftGtiouB. tbatthe tjiwm proposeddid notdlatnrb tbe eltlisn'a right to vote forwheat eepiiMtd, and ibat It seoured blm latbat right and in bia lodlvidaal power in eleo-tioaa If it protected bim from briber; and 'timldatJon. • For, sow, under the eilstl „•jateiB, while «o boneatman ooald vote bate a u Biiotber oould east M tnanj votes u nebadmoDBjto paj for. I a«1d alto tbat tbeSuite, aoder tbe Aumallio ijttem, did sotMtoallj inpply ballotf, bntonlj tbeforj) ofof ballot* to be madoaotnat ballot* by (beTotorbiwaelf. I tbentikedwhatberbflwoDldcot now BIID the petition, and lie again re-

I then nllnred tbe nx-Governer by takingmy depBrtnra. Yonra txnly,

1I D

TBO Tian'parintTha tffott of Keaator Werta. at tbia late

d«j, lo creato tha impratiloti tbat tbe (input)tbe last Lfjfli'aiure <J(d rjot wantornj, ia 10 »erj w*»]c tbat it onljiimuiement. Tbe people know tbat

tbe Eace bll «>• Introduced bj a D-mocrai,D waaaiao aKnltbt of Labor, at tb* re-

qnettol the labororganliatiaoB and ballotiorm aaBooiatloni tnrougbnnt tha "It at* j thatalthODgblt waa net a partjllnpnblicau In both boui-i TO ted for It berantepft watriaht; end tbat it w». klllrd Iitanale bi the rotes of Mr. Weru and the tonoilier Senator" who constituted a tatjnrltj Intbat bod j . Wltbeucbaolein oat record »tbat, Senator, your argument tbat tbe Bspnblioans did net waut ballot reform is altofotaeitoo gancj.

* ken Saby WM BUa, wa gave her CMOTM,Whan ah* wu » Child, aa* ened lotwTua ah* bKtoi MIM she elnng leWarn Me kad UUIdru. abe »ve thaaa







IMK mmv


READ IT AND TRY. IT BEATS BETTING.To render the interesting event of the election of Governor

for this State still more interesting we have derided to makethe following very liberal offer, open to aU comers and with-out any conditions:

PKIZE NO. 1—To the party who guesses the nearest tothe majority of the aucceasful candidate for Goveraor we willpve the choice of acy Snit or Overcoat in oar entire stock,up to the most expensive garment we have.

PRI2E NO. 2—To the party vho makeu the second near-est guess we will give the choice of any 115 Suit or Overcoatwe have in stock.

Xoa'lL find this a good deal better than Ab-bett and, ifsuccessful, yon won't have to Grubb around for your winterclothes.

In this connection it may not be out of plaoe to call atten-tion to what we have in the way of Suits and Overcoats.

We*huve ah unmatchable assortment of Men's Suits from$10 to $24. You'll find the Biyle r.ml Qt now almost perfect,experience having taught us much in the manufacturing art.

Overcoats we have from f 5 to $28, of every material eaitablafor on outer garment. Our $15 Overcoat, such as we offer for.one of the prizes, is a garment thu like of which you wouldhave to pay nearly double for at any merchant tailors, andwe'll guarantee to fit you w'th equal perfection.

tffcaf- Send in your guesses any time before the polls closeand an soon us the official figures declare the majority comearound aud secure your prize. Don't bet this time—Guess.

MCGREGOR & Go.850 & S52 BROAD St.,


TlUt «fiOO IM,Tha n l lnad labnren in New Jenev will

rudwitk Intercut tb* following MlleU frem1b* Trmtan 8t»t« Oaieit«, irbtoh ietam•uaiea tba fall* pretense of Atbett In elalm*tag to hare rendered taelr iollow workmenof the New Jerwj Centnl Ballroad TolunUrjMrrleea wlthont pay i

Tne lat« Judge LMtbrop, BeeelTer of tbeCentral Ballroad pf New Jtraej, w»nl*d anordBr front tbe Conrt to authodis him to pa;th* emplojeea thMr wage*. He em|i1o;«dLeon Ihbatt H bla lawyer to make the ap-plieation, and bad one of the traekuaatera,uawed Ilurtajcli, act ae tbe formal applicant

' on tbe part of tbe emplojeea, aa WM sect**a*ry. After tbe application bad beev madeand sranLed, L u n Abbett aaot tbe followingdlipaUk:

W t n u i i Di(iovTK»aBtrnOoMrA>ir,TBIITOR, Uarob 2Ttb, 1877.

Barttolomew Muruneb, E*q , Track Muter,ComntDDipaw FtnstCtanwllor aimed order dir«etlojr ttooer

to be paid. Hei will gat 980,000 lbli taootbaadbkUDoo will be paid In monthly InataJ.urnU nntll thej are fully paid. Tha E*.««Wer will aend oat printed cap!™ ol theorder IO tbs men can read 1L TILT, HUT ICBllOB TDIH MOrmKO.

LCOXABBUT.••T«11 nan I eharK» them notblos;." Be-

oalrer Lmtbrop paid Mr. Abbott (be prlioel/leeofflre Imndrad dollara for this ttniet,«id Bon. Denrr 8. Little, a 1«KUDK Drmiorat of tbe State, baa publicly declared tbatha baa aeen Mr. Abbett'a TO neb or UparntDl. Wbat do jon tbbk of auob a pre>tender I

Abhitt'a Poiitioal Bmrd. -A oerreapondant ot tfae Phtl.dtlphm Nortn

AneriBan tbn* tenelj portraja L«oa Abbetb'iofficial w o r d !

Leon Abbett'i record o»n be anmmed ap aifollown BeToted to bill tbe bill d lthe rate ol Interest from aeven to alx pet«eat; ba voted for tho oppreaalve Dedeltnoybill bj which tlie monej 8hjJo*ka wonabled lo extort from tbe crippled mortgagee!wUUrer dtflofeooy there ttlaht be ia thepropertj aoid under feraelnirarea to meet tbefaMoftbamortgigef hebltterlyoppswdthnfiUte PIIMD Befonn bill of 1GC0, wbloh torktbat iBitltniton ottt or poiltioa; in 1609 befol*dinfaToror pajloi ifae Btate'a leglulaIon fn cold, wblia poor wailtlngmea werepaid ID gnenbaekt, wortb a little more tban*ft j eeat« OD tba dollar; aa attornej «f tberapaeloDt Jay Uonld be preitcd tbat roooej

: Uoi/a olaiia to Hew Jerwj Soothern BaiinadreMoroea ahead of the wuklnsmtD'a rlgtita;•beoppoaedthereaotDtlan congrttulatltiB tbelojal Nortk upon tbe trianpbaDt oloao «f the-war; be mored to atrike Abraham Llneelu'aname from»reaolatloa of tbanki; be votec•mloBt tbe resolution acqaleieiog ID theamendment to the Cooatltatlon afcctbtleUiarj | be oppoacd pajlng to tbe widow*colored aoldlen tfae uni t bounty tfaat waapaid to tbe widowa «f white aeldlen; heToUd atalut tba Mil conferring on New Jer.aej aoMlera ID tha flald tba rlgbt of inffraji.;he claimed to hare aprong to the relief of tbelaboring olaea when ha bad a WOO lee m «lapook« for doing Hi he pnbliel/ deelarc*that "onljtboie who work for nay electionthalt bare the apaila."

Bargains from our Dress GoodsDepartment

AT 25c. yd,-89 Inch Plaids, Blrlnei and Ban*Bullions.

AT 39c. jd.-Sfl luen plain colon or Herges.AT 4Ve. j i l . - ia Inch Flannel PMc Bands, all

wool and or (be nimeat deplguiAT .Do. j t L - « [oeb All-wool Plaids In Serges

and Flannels.AT 49c. jd.-GMbruerci', tienua'and BrfttlaQ'

t'nef.allwDol, pUla thades.

HOIUDR ; Dot told for 'lea* than7Ge efcpptattheBt^.HIre,

AT 79a. 7d.-HabttUtaifaB to nlilo, alrirwd andplaids for Olunki' and Wrapiworth B8c. yard -

AT 65o. 7d.-Eltra qiulllj (if 18 ID. Silk PI01In a fall Una or colon.

AT 780. j d . - M Inch Bilk Pltub, foU lioa ofshades.aba

ATe8o.yd.-OnT'lat worth TOo. jard.

AT Dflo, yd.-BJIk Tel t\t, ltt foohe* wide.AT33o.yd.-Fli)B Black Eogllih OaiLtnfrea,

Efilocboi trtdo.A T W o - y d . - M ioob wide Bl««k Se

anleed not tofadaor oroek. .AT 3'o. yd . -42 in. Bno Bnlih Brnrlella Ololh.AT IDo. yd.-Blaek Flannel and Tricot Snltloit

4!) ioohci wldr, and all wnol.AT loo. yd -HtndB[>meBrl'ltantlne Ololh with

One gloni flnlih.AT76o.yd,-FlQe and wide Wale DiaKonal

Olotb.all.woolj wonbyofipeolnlattention. : •A latt

AT 75o. yd.-AnCc

.oi line of 3eb latopol andtt BnitinRit tinip

pro0- yd—A ij-A ipMlai line or « .ooli 'Striped

anffPlaid ffr-'--1" * --raled Orods) Rnar-Tade or ernok.

- A loll MOP or filnpet, Ubecks indPUidi, i3 inch • wide, and all

tntced not to fade or erook.AT 40o. yd . -A fall IIPP of Stripe*. Che eke ind

wool.AT 91c. rd.-A r ill line or Colored Ballet for

fanoj work.ATltki.jd.-Tle celebrttod DoohMie Bidet

down lo tbl* lim wa>i*r mirk.AT, BOB. yd.—An extra fipo lino-of Dreia wear

Batinc. 31 iDObea wide.AT7Do jd.-ao ineb Ukok QFOB Grain

lT68c,;d.-93iDeb wide Blaek Oros GrainDreia Silk,

toe onr PiBeoonrOl _ .Hee onr wear for men I BceoBrUmbrellaalBee our Honierj) %, e enr Quderwear.Beo wbatererwe bave to nellanilji.u will get

the beat possible, value obtainable.

L.S.PLAUT&OOi715, 717, & 719 Broad St,

N E W A B K , > - J .

OIOM at 7 P. H.. UatordiMsit orders fiarelally filled 1:

lory money retnrnod,

(TELEfHON-E 7*5.)


Children's Shoes,

that were .$2 and upwards.A. good shoe for Fall wear.A. full and complete stockof all other grades of shoes.




(MOHRI8 ASD »88rX JHVX8JOH.)ot io Sow Ytri, toai ai BaroJay 8t. and

(*it ut OnnstopLur 6U




Antique Oak, Ash,and Cherry

BED ROOM SUITS!and a complete a*iortmeot of


A LJ>kflK LOT OV .


STATIONERY,Pfotures and PiMure Frames,

Agflnt/ortheN e w H o m e K c w i n i Rlaohlne.

M. M. VAN E1TEH,Ose door balow Berry &. Co. Dorer, N. J.

SlKtrlo BilUn. V

Tbh remedy ia beoomlnit M welt known; and H pop'nlar aa to ne«d no anodal mm tion.: AU who;" bara need Eleetrio'BltUra alnctba

Batnttaaiigofpniae. A purer medidse dnass i f i t i tana it ts guaranteed to da all thatfa claimed. -Eleotrio DltUn will can til dia-ttaaM'of tha LlTer.and Kidney a, will wm orePlanplwi, Boila, SaUBbenm and atber. affso-

itlona oaaaed b j impure blotkl. Will drlre'MalarU tram tbe ayitum and preTtnt u Hellai onnallUalMTialfenra. ForcnnofHead*aehiv'bonaUpattan 'and Indigestion try Elfft-

-tri«Bitl«n. EottM aatiaraetion jniannteedmmabtjTtJaaiai. PrioeGOtwntaiand 9XMpair bvttl* *t B»b«rt EUlifvra'a Drag Store,Porer, and r . M. Jenkliu' Drag Btow, Cncttnr.

V Hajm * Hamlia Ort«M aai TUa«. •iUr. M. J. ,"•. . • .

DU. EDWARDS'Blackberry Brandy and Gingerwarncttd tbe best sp*mQo frr Cholera, Choi,-irtwnorbui- Oolic, Qramps. Vomitinfr, Dnun.— " - • idatl »IT«I' ' • ' -

M DiarrlnHtcnaaoh or Bowels, Oramp*.norbni, Dytentery. Mek He ,tl-ju, Flatulence or Wind Oolic, and. 6<-a t- — II !• a/faloable,Faiiiilytod.olno,!p,r.


Smyrna Ku|s,


5O CENTS.VST Bead tbe follawiiiff remtrkvble

qaiok care fiom naing Oresceot 8maa-parilla:

It is made by Mr, JOHN Vf. MOBSK,who Jms been a membor of tbe PulicwForce for mnny je*rs ID Nnwaik. and

L i w Daorke»|iBr at Polioe Hoad-

N N. J., Mdmti 18lb, 1887.Ortaoent Druq Company;

GBNTLXMEH ;— i uU ia to oenifj tbat Jvn puruuDtill; used sour CrcBceat Bar-

eapanlia »Ilb great beueflt lo mfsulf,and tlirtt my fdtnil,?, afttT uaiug botliHood's aod Ayroo'SunapnriltB wilbontobtaining any beneSt from either, bitvetoken Beveral bottles of jour OresoeutSareaparilln, and hnve boen cured oriitooqDisordera oi longttundiug. loanconscientiously elalu tbut [confitrler yourOroaoeot Sursapurilln tbe beat fumilymedicine I 'have aver Deed or known of,leant) you Ibis teetlmouial ae I tliinkthe poblio opRbt lo kn«* bow ffooj yourmedicine real; is. Tin maj use tbialetter as joy Iliink bout j publish it inthe newBpapera if you t*Eab. [ ntu wellknown to B groat number of tfowarfcers,nnJ if aoy of ray aaqitamlaDcr* feel theDeed of agnoU, wbuleoine Tnedioiue, Iadvise them tome Oreeoeut Hiraaparilla.

YOUTH repent fully,



i y Mr, COSBAD FmTra.whois Manager of tue Wt-et Purh SrreetA.parimuat House, NOB. 17 and 18 WealPark etreel, Nowark. Mr Fritte mokeathis Btalement voluntarily;

F B r r l tbo \


afater.lt) In*,irei In Autlio-

For Beveral years panthia. Lorn Iicanan,-win.DJ, Hauterdon Ooaoty.Naw Jersey, liaeaoffti-ed groatlj with iofldmniatorj'rtjeu-mutism and nervous troubles, wbicbfinally ren into Ht. ViiuaDaooe, Sbewas regular); nlloaJed nod preuribedfor by tbe beat pb>aioianai wbo decidedafter a long oopne ot treatment, tbut berdisease waa inoumblo. Tue dootora ad*riseil a cbacgo of air and residence,HtHliDK tbat Itmporary relief raigbt beobtained by Bapb obaugo, but tbat med-icine oould not do tier any good. Mrs.* - — - - hft^Dthoov in tbeflolqnjJof

-,,,, $ Ottipe to Newark, and took uplet rceiacDpo at pay hoi^se. j t'fljp titpe

ber feet and Hq}l)a were iO8ffoUen witbrbFOip&iUin Ibat sbe oanld Ecarcely walk.Her ucrtous condition vaererjl bad; andSt. VitQB TlaooB caused bpr to twitoband Biakp oooBtanlly, Ague bad 'alsottetip, ana 000 night Boon after ftfn*.Jjidnob's anlval Hie was Bdfferiog somiiob tbat I determined to so to a drug•lore and try sad set Bomo tnedfolaetorelieve ber if possible. Tbo OrescentOrng Store wu tbe oeareit B'ord, and 1wont there, I tulkod tbe mat! or overwjth tbe druBsiit, gad be ptnaaded melo hay B bottle of Oresooot Sanapariiia.

Ouniraimciug fctUNDAY. 00T. 21*1, ISfiSL


DoT«r KspraBflackottatawb Kip-7P J l J B * «E u o a G»n>Bafleranton Sz.*D O T « Aooora,

Oiwego Bzpicia* atllDo?er Aooom, - ixaBnCklD Bipreai* 'CSS

Jo«rAooom.i l K

» SiiS6 0)0:2173*

irBipnt»r 0:21TkettatownEip.73*

ilo Bip f »!«!

Tit . Boonkra Brand).

DOVER AND MORHISTQWN.Leftva. Arrire,, he >ve. • irrire.

"»ria«)WD. MnrNMoWi -7t3I A. M. fl:08 \.6:01

7;B.6:16 " 0:1 JUriH) •• 11:48VliUt.U 1:15 p.


8:150:25 <9:16 '

tOM ••11.53 "

1;J6 P, U

fl!B4 "6-&0 '*0:« "

9M• l l ; 1 0 "

11:25 p. II2:00 '•sat "6riM »

LEAVE NEW ¥OHK V0H DOVEIt.AI 4:30. 7:29\ 7^0, 9:00*. 1:10, 10:10, A. M.J

I3.-D0 x., l;00», 8:80, 4;80, fc40»( 6:10, 7:00*.•6:00, 8:00 and 8sU» r u.

Via. Boontoo JJranoo, .,.



KH3 3:53 0i4» IrouialUiKI y47 fl44 H

7'as 1a*1' * ' *

. 3.47 d:44 8Uccua 0 n» T.ii 13-18 4:40SiS3 Sii3 0:IU HoUalnsville 7:45 Vim 4:50fliW 3i30 0:31 fort Own 7:63 U:3U 6:108:35 HSO Hat Dover 81W UlSS EU8Toe Haokuitstoiro Otpresi atop* at Purl

u» iu going & n at 7:.t) A. M.\ gulag Weit at

Central Railroad of

le or Orescoot ganaparilla.to nhortoo tbia smlcmunt I alllHn L d f b l

buj sorder t nhortoo tbia smlcmunt I alll

aay Ibat Hn>.- LSDHOD nsad fonr:bottlmof Orfflrant Satsaparilla, and withinthree .inoatba sbe became a well womao.'3be went back to bec.bomo, and ale b ubad no retoin or her former dfseasa: ODtbecoptrorj, itie Is In perlput bsaltb andenpjsl i le ((or tbo liret U Q I In severalIHWjk W b


j s ( tbo liret U Q I In sejk Wltbont pain and anfferlng, 411

e . Wsnda,,aDa rela ires in Autbonjwere Breatlj.<orfrlsed«f berjeoorerjr,a o d u n attest t tb facts ID tier oole.

a l o t ' i l

lKNiwKosi.footofiabartyBt.. NortnrJtBr, •" . . WTRA1H8.

A.M. l.V.r.M, t.K...4.00 8 iH a . »


4.4J1.87 P.M.8.02

0:17(9 cofl.BU3i.156.8a 3.1HB.B8OJ..1o.«ff.as4


Ulh ti Otiuluut" 8.10 1.10iTtntOQ iJfi D'Oi)

Kiuabetb i.m s'.n .

Xflridg* ivuio'.SDU.. 8.1C1U.4J


B.20.MBa.a lo.eo8.S3 10.018.88 11.1!Bariiej » .« 11.06

Vlandort 8.18 11.09Oar*V l 8.(311.11DrAeirilU 8.68 II.IffKflnrll B.0111.J*Hepatoong Juno., fi.07 11.9

Bookaw.T., Arrive

aermaa Tallej....X. TOhHterrqroaoe 7.t38Oh«it«r»rrtT«......1.(7B.

auniAT. OatTQan

ronuraiD sHopa.teDngJntio.BB.DrakaitUK...

improved Florida Sieam Heater

niaoi, Evrua • PIKKOS «pro o:«rA«r,SYUAOrJSlK, K, Y. •

The bvil •ad mont euinplfte flunw H- ate*D tue world. Mtoy tlu-unmlg in aotai! ase,Jl RtTine the btst nabti'acLit'D. ~ ,-Sotjd w calainRur. E-tiDi»lci furo'hbed


Tinware, Plumbing, 4ft,GXRUJN TALLEJ, «, J. •'.': -

l igent for a»ntr.l and NiriberDNswJptH.;. . .-..;

MM>. BAUatJlilCMT, Sal,

TraveUDH balwmaa.


SPRING WEAR!A. flnoatook of the newnt wbriiw In BprlDg

Dreaa Oooila and Trlmaiiiigi may be loond at

J. J.


«»t CKOIMOV : ' '

HOIBTINO ENGINES, t u p l e i" • .?•:•;. a i d n n n a t l s . .- •

PUMPING ;ENU1NB8, s tr fau

COHMSH PDMP8,' - • * • • l U f l> ;


I oonsider her opre' almoit a'miraole.Poor MIUM'of Orwpellt Birsaparillaenred .Mri. Lanbon ot /Iii(l»n>maloriBbonm«ll»m. gt /Yltn 0aai» snd Ag«c•|tor mr e»i. bad boon proDoupcedliopdpn and iiporablii I j the beat phf.

Mr. E.OIi0DO»elh, ot tbe Irm ot Obon-0B«b, Ward *. Oo.i -SOB. ,871 and: 878Msrkel St., Sun.rk, hn» antbariiod asto make tba rolloffiD^BtblBineiit for bia;. .Mr. Obeno.clb lias for a unmlier ofJ « » fast BTerj. Bpriog been affrtjitdyltb. fllood Dison'w, wnipli ImrariabljdeTulopsd Inw. Jfoilj and MlatlngSraplUll» ol Ibc skin. Bs baa triednnmerons me Doinea and reohdlp., 1Bolndlng Hood's.Sarsaparllla and ijres1

Baraaparills, batnenr retailed any ben-tpt or relief froni tbeir use. Be beganp«tog ; Off'oeht . Sansparllla enrlj inW«KH. 1WT. and at the present data,April 88 IV»8S7.!»,a he I. tbtroB«hl,Onrnd. Mr. tHionowetli will Tcrifj Ibisstaltmeot to an j person who will nail

SOU) iX TQB flIOIiZa IK a* - HDa.1


Dyspepsia,SnIJ b T »U Dmggi.H. ; j ,

FITS CURED- — • nedioiDD frm '.._

ra the worst flasci, and tbo'enhID do tliis M provtot Jonr bolrgi, by men. nilag falw Dimes: ainl

!;BIOiUt/.Bottlo nr medialQ. Tne, Vi* wunot* Dar

ipreaBOlIliBff. JI roadway

uidocior*. BcoaoaliotbcrBfKllei.ilfoYnotr.inp (Ml ntfldlclne. Qii

id poat-oBloo adiTrtWB, "






alwayn on hand at (no Jowoit qaotwi prico, and1 tboniaalloll l ncBfitBTBry klDdot^ ' .M^

' , " • • . . . ' • ' " ' • ' • - • " , ' • • - • • . • • • . . ' ' ' • • • • • . ; ' - ' V ' ' ' - ' " ' ^ " ' 1


Oliestar. Lean 7.06 8.19 10.86 4.10 6.S6OfaulerTaniaoB 7.10 8.1B 1aormsDTall.T-.ir.T.kl 8.Jw 10.(8 4.M fl.40

Sirmuja OKLI—ObesterlilS F. aut CheaterFarnaoe BiSS p. x.t Oerman Vallaj •:83 r. at.

TraJni i « m Uovtr for MmnUlnk and LakeSM r. tt,

*»«wa.b?KdLt££?v;eniBaadrn>B)Badd(.lAke. .

Hapatoons 4.48, A. a. | .1J8, aFor all aUUvnaUi Oldsa at 0.43

OoBrenUoM oaa be nraann

BMts Im Long Bran.b, Oa

H. IVES &C0.,

No. 6 BKJCK BJiOUK,j p i nail

upon bfm at bia plabe or boslneia. Kos871 d 878 Mk 81 g k i"

p neia. Ko871 and 878 Market 81,, getark, i " j .

Fancy Good* and Stationery,

Dress Trimaalnfa aasl JL|qtD|B,

. . Blbftems, Laces, - V:^'.CRESCENT

Wblte Goods, Ein>r<i|d«r»,

Dr«s»ed and Undreased Kid";; >:

UIOTCS 09c. per pair.

B«bk$ for. Silo »nd to Rent.SARSAPARILLA!100 DQSESfOGENTS.

jonrlqloiflHaaMnfOt inconjaiorVt jltp opona<AaWmV¥%>tf«(Wiinr^1haJtfii^ si»Aii»-i!BivWiWirfcY''iS#ittJi*i3ifii:::^ '• '

(•ooounii TO Ui *. • , •munre,) :



Tfemi la Ibe Mace wbcre , R H

Family and l&didnal ,P<i.rpua.

a no» offering Bve, so l otbir .Whlsktss mini. .: ,40.ota.ioiUS0perqnin. •

alBbrom40ctf.tdUfOV^ 'W40BtB.'lo8S00. :aUkutd4BmB40eu.t

J ; ^ f l | aa»abae1nU|,

A WBwffl'&tieM'lpntbatl sell ltoaoitower tbaa My wboutaale ston is Us sfata.

u i l n . l Lbo.muu of Jlleb.at. P . I Hor tbaOpnatyof Horna;-ilec«aaed;to

^ ^ g i Sp\TJil. Is an oniortoMt, .bleb I. , , i d o n or.ftrad. Tbe loci ioni . | i a « boomloj" nso.ntaotsrlniitoinwilbln J»niile.otBom . TUe

la w.U eslabliabei, bsno> be.n COB-dsoleddnrlnjlbi , lul ls , ,™,PIUIBJ pirlj, saaUai aa alreidj' balll op


DRYGreat inclaoements in Xodies* and Miseee' CSloaks iuii Jaoleta.Great iudacomonta in Ladies'-MISMB' and Qents' Hofdery. ,

, Grent indaceraentB in Dress TrimmiQcs and Bibbona. ,Great iudnoemecte in Ladies'! 3Iis8eB atid Getita' (JnderiGreat indaaemeuta in onr Shoe Department / "Great inducements in Carpets and Oil Ol tha. . .Great inducements in Groceries aad Proviaionu. •;In (oAi we ore offering great inducements-to buyers throaghont onr

entirestook. ••••-••. , --: - .'.-.. /,;:-'.*: •;.;.• ' •->• \ ' ""'.• --'• ••'••- *:.;•..'


The Equipment of IrooMlnet a specialty.


-:- LUMBER O? ALL K D p i |Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.