personality profile

PERSONALITY PROFILES: (AKA: The Four Temperaments-400 BC / The Four Humors- 200 AD) Understanding personality types is helpful for motivating and swaying people. While people are different, everyone has a value, and special strengths and qualities. Personality Test: Please place the number that describes you best 1- Not at all 2- Somewhat 3- Occasionally 4- Usually 5- Very much ___ I am seldom quiet when I am with other people. ___ I would rather meet new people than read a good book. ___ I enjoy going out frequently. ___ I like to entertain guests. ___ I often go out of my way to meet new people. ___ I often find myself playing the role of leader and taking charge of the situation. ___ When I see that things aren’t going smoothly in a group, I usually take the lead and try to bring some structure to the situation. ___ Other people usually think of me as being energetic. ___ I try to be supportive of my friends, no matter what they do. ___ When in a leadership position, I like to clearly define my role and let followers know what is expected. ___ I am very good at persuading others to see things my way. ___ I do not prefer the simple, quiet life.

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Page 1: Personality Profile

PERSONALITY PROFILES: (AKA: The Four Temperaments-400 BC / The Four Humors- 200 AD)Understanding personality types is helpful for motivating and swaying people. While people are different, everyone has a value, and special strengths and qualities.

Personality Test:

Please place the number that describes you best

1- Not at all

2- Somewhat

3- Occasionally

4- Usually

5- Very much

___ I am seldom quiet when I am with other people.

___ I would rather meet new people than read a good book.

___ I enjoy going out frequently.

___ I like to entertain guests.

___ I often go out of my way to meet new people.

___ I often find myself playing the role of leader and taking charge of the situation.

___ When I see that things aren’t going smoothly in a group, I usually take the lead and try to bring some

structure to the situation.

___ Other people usually think of me as being energetic.

___ I try to be supportive of my friends, no matter what they do.

___ When in a leadership position, I like to clearly define my role and let followers know what is expected.

___ I am very good at persuading others to see things my way.

___ I do not prefer the simple, quiet life.

___ After a hard day’s work, I prefer to relax at home and either watch TV or read, rather than get together with

a few friends and do something active.

___ You have just finished a three-month project for which you have sacrificed a great deal of your free time

and energy. To celebrate you are more likely to spend a quiet, peaceful weekend doing whatever you wish by

yourself or with a special friend rather than through a party.

___ I think that those around me see me as introspective and thoughtful and not gregarious and outgoing.

TOTAL: ____ If the score is <50 Relaters or Analyzers / >50 Drivers or Expressers

Page 2: Personality Profile

___ When in a group, I tend to speak and act as the representative of that group.

___ When faced with a leadership position, I tend to actively accept that role rather than diffuse it among


___ Sometimes I ask more from my friends or family than they can accomplish.

___ It is important to me that people follow the advice that I give them.

___ When I am in charge of a situation, I am comfortable assigning others to specific tasks.

___ In social settings, I find myself asking more questions of others than they ask of me.

___ I truly enjoy mixing in a crowd.

___ I make friends very easily.

___ I am a verbal person.

___ I seldom find it hard to really enjoy myself at a lively party.

___ I consider myself to be good at small talk.

___ I can usually let myself go and have fun with friends.

___ You are in a conversation with more than one person. Someone makes a statement that you know is

incorrect but you are sure the others didn’t catch it. Do you let them know?

___ When planning a social outing with a small group, I am most likely to make sure everyone has a say in the

planning and go along with what the group decides rather than be the first to suggest some plans and try to get

the others to make a decision quickly.

___ If I feel that I am underpaid for my work, I’m most likely to do nothing and hope the situation improves.

TOTAL: ____ If the score is <50 Drivers or Analyzers / >50 Relaters or Expressers

Page 3: Personality Profile

Drivers - CholericThey like their own way, are decisive, and have strong viewpoints, ambitious, forceful, strong-willed, independent, and goal-oriented. (Will be very outgoing and want to take charge of a situation, they are self-reliant and independent)

Self-composedNot given to worry Persuasive Independent Rarely shows embarrassment Tends to lead rather than follow Persistent Insistent Decisive Dynamic Impetuous Impulsive Touchy Prone to hypocrisy, deceit, pride, and anger

■ They seek recognition and exciting challenges, so reward their efforts with your enthusiasm.■ Channel their energy in appropriate directions (not always easy).■ Make sure they get lots of credit (they’ll probably take it anyway).■ Respect need for socializing.

■ Be sociable.■ Be flexible, open and spontaneous.■ Show enthusiasm and excitement.■ Let them get lots of credit.■ Subtly interject reality when necessary and keep things tidy and organized.

Analyzers - MelancholicThey seek a lot of data, ask many questions, behave methodically and systematically, dependent, neat, perfectionistic, careful, and compliant. (Tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. they are very much prone to mood swings)

Sensitive Intuitive Self-conscious Easily embarrassed Easily hurt Introspective Sentimental Moody Likes to be alone

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Empathetic Often artisticOften fussy and perfectionist Deep Prone to depression, avarice, and gluttony

■ They need control — take advantage of their efficient, practical, ambitious nature ■ Take advantage of their need to clear up messes — when business is bad or the situation ambiguous, they’ll be the best people to provide structure and get others back on line.■ Show respect for their traditional values and ways of thinking.■ Work with them to be more accepting of other methods of accomplishment.

■ They are motivated by challenge.■ Play by their rules.■ Be on time, to the point, oriented toward results.■ Show that you are keenly aware of their abilities.■ Think things through and document ideas with facts from credible sources.

Relaters - PhlegmaticThey like positive attention, to be helpful, warm personality, patient, reliable, steady, relaxed, predictable, and modest. (Will have items to share. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. They have no lack of confidence)

Peaceful Easy-going Deliberative Faithful Reliable Relatively unaffected by environment Slow in movement Constant in mood Not prone to worry Prone to stagnation and sloth

■ Remember their need to keep everyone happy and their skill at keeping the peace — when business is good, these people will be the most effective leaders.■ Treat them fairly, supportively and openly.■ Allow them opportunities to interact with others.■ Appeal to their principles and values.

■ Openly express your thoughts, concerns, ideas.■ Be a team player, compromise, strive for consensus, build relationships.■ Take interest in them as a person.■ Provide support; set performance goals.

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Expressers - SanguineThey get excited, magnetic personality, enthusiastic, friendly, demonstrative, and expressive. (They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant)

Self-composed Not given to worry Liberal Tends to follow rather than lead Cordial Peaceable Talkative Not averse to change Adjusts easily Tends to prefer informalityAware of surroundings Impetuous ImpulsiveLacking in perseveranceLacking in initiativeProne to carelessness, hedonism, flightiness, and lust

■ Listen; these people may not be the boldest or first to present ideas— be assured, however, that they have a lot of great ideas.■ Work with them to set deadlines (you may often have to help them see the virtues of “good enough”).■ Give them space to operate.■ Pay attention and appreciate their need for substance and credibility.■ Recognize they are practical and emotional.

■ Acknowledge their expertise.■ Give facts and data, and be consistent.■ Offer detailed, well-thought-out plans of action.■ Provide support by subtly providing energy and enthusiasm through the ranks, bringing in fresh, new approaches (but be sure to document and detail every aspect).

By knowing peoples personality you can influence them to influence others.(example: Talk to a “Expresser” to help rally a “Relater” to do something, have the Relater talk to a “Driver”, and all three of them can convince an “Analyzer”).