personal response bullying

Issues – A Personal Response Bullying James Eddisfor

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Issues – A Personal ResponseBullying

James Eddisford

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Anti-bullying advert too shocking for TVBeat Bullying’s hard-hitting campaign dedicated to young

victims of cyber bullying launches in memory of Megan Gillan.

This well know anti-bullying advert was stopped from beings aired on TV as it was believed to be To shocking to be viewed. There are many more bulling adverts that are able to be aired but do not get the samePoint across better than the adverts that have the harshest effect on the viewers.

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Below I have provided some more screen shots from the advert:

At the end of the video the link has been provided

Close up of the girl as she threads the needle

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Bullying UK has a large number of friends who raise funds and carry out research. The charity is run by a board of three trustees and we

currently have two paid employees.

This campaign provides the optionTo support and help their foundation

In many different ways.Such as the ones above.

The various different ways and types on bulling for advice to be given on.

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Founded in 2002 by NSPCC and National Children's Bureau, the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) brings together over 60 organisations into one network. We look to develop a consensus around how to stop and prevent bullying. We aim to influence policy. And we work to develop and disseminate best practice.Our members come from the voluntary, statutory and private sectors and bring with them a wealth of expertise and experience. Together, we're working to end fear, working to bring hope to thousands of children and young people affected by bullying every year.

A safe life. A happy environment. Where our children and young people can grow, learn and play. That's what we seek. That's why we're here.

Anti-Bullying Week 2009

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They jeopardize their employers reputation, and put them at risk of liability.They disrupt service to customers, and diminish value to shareholders.The serious consequences of mobbing are very real and hurt us all.It is time to say, “Enough is Enough!”.

The text on these posters read:MOBBINGHARASSMENTBULLYINGWhatever you call it – it hurts.Workplace bullies hurt everyone.Bullies attack the best and brightest employees,eroding their self-esteem and dignity.They demoralize the departments they work in,and undermine creativity and joy.

To learn more about mobbing and what you can do to protect yourself, your co-workers, your employees, or your company, visit

Below are two posters which are based on the topic of bullying But this is not a poster aimed at children. The posters are aimed at the areas Of adult work.

The poster as a whole is dark/dull this is visually showing that the subject of bulling is a strong issues

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The photo is focused fully on the main area of the picture and the other section is Blurred/faded, This gives as sense of distance

In the background of the picture it shows two other children socialising with each other whereas the mainSection of the photo shows her alone and hunched into a ball, this could show that she is alone


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