personal mention. coming events.€¦ · iing of tne wedding of miss anna staude, daughter of...

SOCIETY The most important and brilliant wedding of the early autumn setsoo will take place at Trinity Church at 9 o'clock this evening, 'lne bride will be Miss Eleanor Dimond, eldest daughter of General William H. Dimoud. and the groom will be Paul Jarboe, sou of the late Jobu It. Jaiboe, who is a member of the law firm of Goodfeiiow & Jarboe. Several hundred Invitations have been Issued for the affair, which will be known as a pibk aud white wed- dtng. Rev. Dr. Walk will officiate. Miss Mac Dlmoad will be the maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will comprise Miss Katbryu Jar- boo, Miss Kate Clement, Miss Laura Mc- Kinstry, Miss Laura Bates, Miss Alice Hobart. Miss Ella Hobart, Miss Mamie Hoibrook and Miss Minnie Houghton. The best man will be Samuel Knight, and the ushers willbe E. 11. Sheldon, E. M. Greeuway, XV. S. .McMurtry, Frank L. Owen. W. M. Baudot, Addison Mizuer, Peter D. Martin, Harry Stmpkins, Augustus Taylor and Joseph S. Tobin. After the ceremony tbe bridal party only willgo to the home of the bride's father, where an elaborate supper willbe served. The young couple will pass theii honeymoon at Concha del Mar, the Jaiboe cottage at SautaCiuz. Miss Mac Dimond, the youngest daughter of .. "General W. H. Dimond, will bo married to Joseph S." Tobin of the firm of Tobin & Tobiu, attorneys-at- law, at 8 o'clock ou Saturday evening. September 29. The wedding will take .Mace, at the family residence, 2224 Washing- ton street, and Archbishop Riordan willoffici- ate. Miss Am'e Irwin of Chicago will act as maid al honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss Ella Hobart. Miss Laura McKinstry, Miss Hope Ellis, Miss Alice Ames, MissCelia Tobin. Miss Beatrice Tobin, Miss Helen .•smith ana Miss Marian Poett. Alfred Tobin willbe the best mau and the u-ners willcomprise W. S. McMurtry, Samuel Knight, John Lawson, W. H.Taylor Jr.. Clement Tobin, William H ath and Robert L. Coleman. At 9 o'clock there will be a reception iv honor of both of tbe brides and grooms, for which a large number of. invitations have been sent out. Tbe newly wedded couple will leave on the following day to visit New York, Washington, D. C, and ether Eastern cities. Paul Jaiboe and Joseph S. Tobin gave a bachelor dinner at tbe Maison Kicbe last Wednesday evening to the gentlemen who will be their best men and ushers at their coming weddings. Tbe wedding of Miss Gertrude Wilson, daughter of Major Charles I. Wilson, Paymas- ter, U.S. A., aud Lesier O. Peck, will lake place in Washington. D. C. to-morrow. The contracting parties are well known in society i £f •yg, having resided in this city for several f-y, until quite recently. this city for seveial *s until <_uue recently, t The wedding of Miss Kate Paddock and W. I Joseph L. Kierulff will take place next j Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Pad- i dock. 2309 Broderick street. The engagement Is announced of Miss Anna I G. Chalmers, daughter of Alexander Chalmers of Stockton to L. A. Redman. The wedding will take place In Stockton ou October 18. Ihere were about 250 ol society's buds, J -ites and cavaliers ass rubied at the residence \u25a0i. is. Peter Donahue, coiner of Bryant and .- -eond streets, last Saturday evening, when i'eier Donahue Martin, Walter Martin and ! Audrew Martin, sons of Mr«. Eleanor Martin and nephews of Mrs. Donahue, gave a dancing party as a farewell compliment to tbeir friends prior to their departure for college at George- town. D. C, next Thursday, where they will complete their education. No married peonle ; were Invited, so the younger element held full : sway. Mrs. Donahue, who was attired In a rich robe brocaded _I_, en train, with point lace trimmings, and Mrs. Martin, whose elegant rob- was of Chantiliy lace over a satin f;_ir!. made en train, aud trimmed with passe meaieiie, received the guests as they airived and welcomed them most cordially. As the : ladies ate both in mourning, they, of course, took no further part in the festivities. tsnewy white canvas covered the floors of the ball ami the various rooms ou tbe main floor and the floral decoratious were gieatly ad- mired. 1m hallway was set with tall shoots of greeu bamboo and sprays of fern, the recep- tiofl -room as ornate with Immense tropic .aims and the room adjoining was embellished with banks of sweet peas and poppies of vailed dues, ."The main salon was particularly at- tractive, Great clusteis of piuk petaled Jap- anese, lilies, amaryllis and La Fiance roses were set in elegant vases on the mantels, their beauty being reflected in the tall, gilt-bordered mii'rors behind ihem. Maguibceut orchids of tbe' Lvcasie sklnnerii variety that are so daintily shaded were arranged lv clusters at the side of the folding doors aud tine foliage made an arbor at the tear exit of the large conservatory, which was also handsomely dec- . )i-_tea and used for daucing. A string orches- tra was stationed in the alcove n-ai -in- mam salon ami played all of the latest dance music. Naturally dancing was the lea me ol the even- ing, .and a* the rooms were tilled with elegauily attned girls and their escorts the scene was a ino-i aitr-icuve one. ll would seem luviduous to state who was the handsomest glri or who wot _ the most becoming gown, suffice it to say that they all looked pretty, as San Francisco girls always flo, aud their gowns were poems of the modiste's art. At midnight dancing ceased and then an elaborate supper was served unaer L-udwig's direction. Te a-let'- tables were .ci iv all of the rooms on the main float and lv tlie large dining-room down stalls, where there was a large bullet ornamented with attractive pieces moutees. The Messis. .Mai tin certainly were most hospitable euierialuers, and their guests willhave most agreeable remembrances lot a long lime of last Satuiday evening's fes- tivity. \u25a0 -..-- .... - The wedding of Mis** Editu Forbes, daughter of Mis. Alexander Forbes, and Edgar A. Neame, formeily of England, but now a resi- dent of llaufoid, Kings County, Cal.. took place last Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's mother, 12604= Jackson street. Only about seventy-live relatives and intimate friends were invited'to the wedding. Each of the rooms was embellished with fragrant flowers, the pre- dominating color being pink. It was in the large music-room thai the wedding look place, amid an array or tropic palms bordered by a Lodge of pink blossoms. At 8:30 o'clock the string orchestra played the wedding match and the bridal party ap- pealed, headed by two Utile bridesmaids. Miss Edith Robinson and Miss Maudio Wilson, who worepiettv gowns of pink silk. Then came the maids oi honor, Miss Kathleen Forbes, wearing .1 gown of pale-blue silk, and Miss Alice Decker, whose gown was of white silk. Both gowns were very stylish and becoming. The bilde followed, escoiied by li r uncle. Charles Forbes, who gave her Into the keeping of the groom. She was elegantly atured lv a robe ol will moire antique, made with a long court train and trimmed with Brussels point lace and clution. The corsage was high and the sleeves long and quite bouffant. Sue car- ried orange blossoms. The groom was attended by James A. Koblnson of 11 luijrd as best man. Key. R. IS. Foute performed the ceremony, which was followed by congratulations from all present. An elaborate supper was served, and the evening was very pleasantly passed. The wedding presents were of unusual ele- gance. Mr. aud Mrs. Neame lelt on Thursday to visit Del Monte and other coast resorts for a few weeks, after which iluy will go to Hauford to reside permanently. Miss Stella A. Currier and James A. Ritchie weie united in marriage last Wednesday even- ing at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. G.Richardson, 10'J Fredrick sireet. The resi- dence was pieitlly decorated with a prolusion i if fragrant flowers and foliage. About seveuiy friends of the young couple were assembled in the parlors at 8:30 o'clock, when the bridal paity entered, and the ceremony was pei- lormed by Rev. Edgar J. Lion. The bride wore an elegant robe of white satin, witha court train and a long veil of white tulle. The high cor- sage was trimmed witb point lace, aud the - i res were long and bouffant. She wore gloves of white undress d kid, aud carried a bouquet of tube roses. Miss Madge Richardson, niece of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and wore a pretty gown of light yellow silk. The brides- maids were Miss Stella Ausiiu and Misses Addle and Lottie Stevens Of Sacramento, who were at tired In modish gowns of white .Ilk. Albeit Eaton was best mau. and W. G. Richardson gave ihe bride into the keep- ing of the groom. After the ceremony and con- gratulations, dancing was participated In, and at 11 o'clock a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie left on Thursday to make a southern trip, They were the recipients of some very handsome presents. They will re- side at tlie Hotel California. The weddlii ca of Miss May Graham and En- sign Guy 11. Run age last Tuesday and > . Miss Harriet Xangdon Brown and Henry Herbert Darling on Wednesday were fullydescribed in our Issues of the following days. Other affairs that have taken place and many Interesting personals will be found in the accompanying review. BETROTHALS. invitations have been Issued for the wedding of Miss Rose Fraukel and Rev. J. N'ieto of the Sh rub Israel Congregation, which will take place Tuesday evening, September 18, at the synagogue. The father of me groom. Rev. A. H. N'ieto of New York, will officiate. The wedding of Miss Nellie Pratt Morse of Berkeley ana Mr. de Winter will take place next Thursday at the First Congregational Church in Oakland. The wedding of Miss Lit a Abrego and Raloh R. Belliagall will take place to-morrow at 935 Filbert street lv Oakland. WEDDINGS. The St. Marcus German Lutheran Church on ' Geary street was tne scene last Thursday even- i ing of tne wedding of Miss Anna Staude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Siaude, who | are old and prominent residents of this city, and ;Carl H. Edson, a popular young business man of this city, The Church was crowded with j frieuds of the contracting parties, and the floral embellishment of the chancel was very effec- tive, it was 8:30 o'clock when Rev. Julius | Fuendellng performed ibe marriage cetemony. Miss Martha Doerr of San Jose and Miss Len i Gamz of this city were tie bridesmaids, llenrv Stauue and John J. Siauae Jr. were the grooms- men, and Fred Brouimer and Charles J. Staude were the ushers. Tbe btide, who i-> a beautiful blonde, ap- , peared to advantage in a handsome robe of white China silK, en train, trimmca with point ' lace and otange blossoms. Her ornaments were diamonds. The bridesmaids were attired alike in gowus of pale pink surah, trimmed Willi Ducbesse lace. Their ornaments were ! pearls and they carried La France roses. A reception was held after the ceremony at the residence of the bride's patents, which was at- tended only by relatives aua intimate friends. The wedding gifts weie veiy handsome and cosily. i Nevin-Hentrich. Grace Church was well filled last Saturday at noon when George S. Nevin and Miss Mar- j garetba Elysbeth Ueutricb, daughter of the late Lewis Henlricb and sister of Mrs. George Touiuy, were united iv the bonds of wedlock. \u25a0 Tbe maid of honor was Miss Bernardine Hen- ! trich and the biidesm.ids were the .Mi- i Marguerite and Vlda Touruy. l; era bard Dobr- I manu acted as best man and the ushers were Fiank Ueutricb, Donald H. Fry. Henry Esberg i and D. William Dohrmaun. A reception was ' beld after the wedding at the residence of Mr. | ami Mrs. Touruy and the afternoon was very I pleasantly passed. Late ln the day the newly \ married couple departed on their wedding trip. i McMurtry-Barton. An Interesting wedding took place at St. i Mary's Cathedral at 2 o'clock last Wednesday | afternoon, when Miss LillianBarton, the hand- some and accomplished daughter of Larry Bar- ton, th- well-known detective, was united In marriage to James T. McMurtry. a popular and successful young business man of Vacaville, where he is highlyesteemed. Rev. W. p. Klrby officiated iv the presence of quite a number of friends of the happy couple. After the wed- dinga charming reception was held at in rest- deuce of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. j P. Barton, 823 Geary street, where several hours *Aeie delicti fully passed. Mi. and Mis. ! McMurtry lelt the next morniug for Vacaville, ! where they weie heartily welcomed, aud will reside there permanently. Sproule-Rey. At the residence of Valentine J. Rey, of the firm of Button & Rey, 829 Union street, bis sisier, Miss Hermione Rey, wa. married to James Sproule at 8 o'clock last Monday even- ing. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and tbe grounds were brilliantly Illu- minated by colored Japanese lanterns sus- pended from the trees. Miss Sylvia Rey was the maid of honor and William Snroule acted as best man. The ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. Robert Mackenzie lv the piesence ot quite a number of Irlcuds of the young coupl •. The eveuing was devoted to j music, dancing, aud the service of a delicious supper. Hart- Lawrence. Dr. A. C. Hart and Miss Nellie Lawrence j weie united in marriage last Wednesday even- I ing at the residence of the bride's mother, ! Mrs. Margaret 11. Lawrence, 910 S:elner sueet. ! Roses and fine foliage made a pretty decora- lion iv the parlor;, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert Mackenzie. The bride was attired in au elegant robe of white brocaded silk, made with a high corsage, bouf- j fant sleeves and a court tialn. /The cougiatu- ! lations were followed by an elaborate supper and dancing, which prolonged the affair until the early hours of morning. Dr. and Mrs. Hart ieit on Thursday to pass their liouevmoou I ! at Lake Tahoe. Those Pies, were: Mrs. M. H. Lawrence, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Hart, Mrs. I. H. McNee, the : Misses May and Net a Lawrence, Charles E. Hart, Fiank K. Hart, Duncan McNee, Alex McNee, Royal McNee, Ray. and Mrs. Robert -MeKenzie, Dr. and Airs. Levkowlcz. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fitield, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson, Mr. aud Mrs. ilerg. ns, Mr. and Mrs. Max Gold- b rg. Mi. aud Mrs. .1. W. Mime*, Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hum- phreys, Mr.and Mrs, William 'Jiiiid. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hart. Mrs. A. Ford. Mrs. T. W. . Mitchell, Mrs. Miuule Darren, Mrs. J. H. \u25a0Northern, Mrs. F. Norihey, Mrs. Platl, Mrs. J. | W. Dunn, Mrs. M. Humphreys, Mrs. Bod- i kin, Mrs. W. N. Gray. Mrs. Forsmao, the ! Misses Louise and Ethel Filleld, Miss Florence i MacKenzie, Miss Doliie Whelan. Miss Maud Gray, Miss Mabelle Hart, .Miss May Dunbar, Miss Emma Yaeger, Miss Ethel l-uiu. Miss Minnie VVhelau, Messrs. t.eoige Ford, Charles \u25a0 Ford, Melvin A. Taylor, K. C. D-lamaler, A. F. j Medley, J. Andeison. _*>te. Marie-Gildea. Theie was a pretty wedding at St. Mary's ! Caibedral at 8 o'clock last Monday morning. : The bride was Miss Jennie Gtldea and the i groom A. Herbeft Ste. Marie. Miss Lenore ; O'Mera was the bridesmaid and James J. Gli- des, brother of th_ bride, acted as best iiuu. The bride aud her maid were attired In hand- some gowns of white silk and carried bouquets of choice roses. Key. Father Dmipsey per- formed the ceremony and a nuptial mass was j celebrated. After tne wedding au elaborate ! breakfast was served at the family residence on Busb street. Only very intimate friends of the contracting parlies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sic. Marie left in theafternoou to make a two weeks' trip through Southern California. The wedding presents were numerous beau- tiful. ' . :._ ._ :••_ The wedding of Miss Sadie E. Gerrlsb of Oaklaud and Rld__ley Greathouse of this city took place at 9 o'clock last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride. Rev. Dr. Hummel officiated. Miss Florence Geirish was the bridesmaid and Eugene O. Corngau was best man. On tbe following day the happy couple d parted for Portland, Or., where they will re- side permanently. Rosenberg- Wasserman. Th marriage of Charles M. Rosenberg, one i f tbe best known young business men of Oak- land, took place last Tuesday afternoon at the residence ot the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Washerman, 1004 Golden Gate avenue. The bride was Miss Mabel Wasserman. a young lady of beauty and refinement, who has a large number of friends and acquaintances. The reieniony was performed t 3 o'clock by Rev. Dr. M. s. Levy. The ceremony was carried out in an Impressive manner according to the Jew- lab ritual and was witnessed by a numb r of relatives and friends. The parlors and oilier apartment- of the residence were decorated with .inilax and asters and the initial, of the groom and bride were embroidered with natural flowers upon the lace curtains which formed the background of the wedding alcove. The attendants of the bride were Deautlful little Kills, either cousins or nieces of the groom, a circumstance as Interesting as it was novel aud beautiful. The maids of honor were Misses Gladys and Grace Rosenberg, the ring-beat er was Miss Esmee Rosenberg, while the bridesmaids were Misses Sadie Mo*- bacber and Gertie Rosenberg. Following this coterie of bright and winsome Utile ones came the bride, leaning on the aim of the groom's faiber, Morris Rosenberg. Then came the gioom, escorting the bride's mother, Mrs. M. Wasserman. the pert? advanced while .Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" was played, ana at i lie conclusion of ihe ceremony the "Lohengrin chorus was rendered. The cere- mony was followed by heartfelt congratu- lations. Hie bride was radiant and beautiful In faille hiancalse, with veil and mange blossoms and msmood ornaments. Gladys Rosenberg was attired In light blue chiffon, Gracie aud Esmee in orange India silk, Sadie Mosbacher in dotted Swiss, and Gertie Rosenberg In red India -..Ik. The nuptial banquet followed the ceremony and was attended by a cumber of relatives of the contracting parties. Milton Wassermau acted as toast-master, and a numberof elo- quent sentiments were proposed and responded to under tils ditectiou, among them being those by Rosenberg, M. Rosenberg. M. P. Wolf. A. Wolf, B. Rosenberg, E. Wassermau and A. Wolf. A number or telegrams weie received, ex- , pressing joy over the nuptials, some of these coming from many points ivEurope. Ihe banquet lasted until 6:30 o'clock lv the , evening. The wedding reception look place two hours later, and again the parlors were tilled with de- voted fneuds of the happy couple. A most en- lertalntng programme was carried out— Gladys Rosenberg, Grace Roseuberg and Sadie Mos- bacher delivering recitations which displayed remarkable Intelligence and appreciation of difficult features of character delineation-. D. S. lliishb'-rg also recited a selection in a very entertaining manner. Mrs. D. S. Uirsbberg sang a solo very sweetly, and J. K. Lewis also : sang, The gtoom aud bride have gone on a !happy honeymoon to the south. They willre- i side in Oakland. The presents were very numerous, practical, rich and beautiful. Among the quests were: Mis. M. Wasser- mau; .vi. Rosenberg, father of the groom; Mr. ;and .Mrs. L. Rosenberg, M.1. Eisner, Mr. and ! Mis. George Mosbach i, Mr.and Mrs. M.Wolfe, : Oscar Reiustelu, Mi. and Mrs. V. Ornstelu. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ornsiein, Mr. nd Mis D.S. Hir«h- --i beig. Mr. and Mrs. a. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. M. ; P. Wolfe. Mr. and Mis. J. Rosenberg. Mr. and : Mrs. S. Rosenberg, Miss Theiese Rosenheim. -Mm. E.Ornsteiu. MaltleOnisteln. (iu-sie Rein- stein. Milton Wasserm Kuward Wassermau, \u25a0 Bert Rosenberg, Mis. Brooks, A. Rbelnhart, Mi. and Mrs. A. Coheu. Miss C. Apneil, Miss B. Goldman, Miss Meyers, Miss J. Hvams, Mi.. Colin, .Mi. and Mrs. -V. A. Morris. L. Zen. E_- waid Morns, Miss Pauline Morris, Saul Hleuo, Misses Hattie and Rose Rosenblatt, Ralph Davis, M. Tbasserme, Ed Tbasserme, Mr. ant ; Mrs. j. M. Rosenberg, Mr. Goldman, Miss Hattie Kulner, Miss E. Loudbuig. Miss Ros Fraukeubnrg, Mrs. Frankenburg, Miss B. Her- man. Misses Bertie and Hattie VNallock. Miss B. Levy, Mrs. Wertheimer. -Mi. and Mrs. stein, M. Hasserman. H. Lark, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. N'eubauer aud M. Lewis. Bruno-Jones. The marriage of Miss Edith Alice Jones, the niece of Mrs. E. A. Robbins of Oakland, took place in B-ikeley last Wednesday at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. C. Jones Berkeley. The groom was Christopher D. Burnt). W. E. Stevens of San Francisco acted as best man. while Miss Emma Jours, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Miss Emily Ferguson as bridesmaid. The cei emony was performed by Rev. Dr. Wendie. The groom and bride are passing their honeymoon at Lake lahoe. They willreside lv Berkeley. PRIVATE RECEPTIONS. A thoroughly enjoyable affair, and one not likely to be forgotten by those present, was the silver wedding anniversary celebrated by Mi. and Mis. red Carsten at their pretty aud spacious cottage at 1019 Morton street. Ala- meda, last Wednesday evening. The occasion called forth many Menus from both sides of the bay. Many useful and beautiful preseuts were received. The parlors were artistically decorated with smllax, the numbers "69"and "9-1" of silver being suspended irom the fold- ing doors. After enjoying an excellent musical progiamme tbe pany adjourned to the dining- room, where a bountiful iepasl was served, to which all did ample justice, surround d by decorations of the beautiful bopvlue, ferns, carnations and sweet peas; there the symbolic "25" of stiver hung fiom the chandelier. Many toasts weie drunk to the health of the couple, and after supper lie young folks returned to the dance ball, which bad been prepared for them in the basement, made attractive by vines bilgbt-hued pelargoniums, Japanese fan's and lanterns. The San Francisco Mandolin and Guitar Club gave a serenade and was welcomed by Mr.and Mrs. Carsten lv their usual hospitable manner. The gentlemen rendered several very fine se- lection' during theevenlng. Other numbers on th- programme were: Vocal solos by Misses Lucy liach, Emma Cordes and Bertha turn suden; instrumental solos by Miss Bertha Schwartz, Miss Emilie Horstmann and L. i.eissler; cornet solos by Master H. Schwartz, and songs by Misses B. and L. Schwartz, Miss Emilie Horstmann and Mrs. Henry li .cite. I* was a late hour when the pleasant affair came to an eua. Lindstrom House- Wanning. Anumber of the friends of Dr. A. O. Lind- : strom proceeded to 415 Sutter street Satuiday | evening, September 1, and gave him a rousiug j house-warming, tbe doctor having just taken possession, on a ten years' lease, of the premises ;so long under the administration of Dr. Bazan. Speeches, songs, reminiscences of far-away but loved Sweden, and frequent pilgrimages to a substantial sldeooard ana tables furnished with an abundance of solid anu liquid enmfu. s | enabled the company to pass a congenial night . that will long be remembered. Among those present weie: J. Okerbiad. Dr. G. 8. Backinan i Adoiph Braese, U. A. Brunell, O. Kioonniuist ' ;U. Olsen, A. Wallenberg, J. X. DeWlit C Peterson, Knute A. Lundstrom, A.Nelson, P. I E. Eilcksou, P. O. Peierson, A.Plbistrom, F. I B. Hulling.O. Gruggel, On. Gruggel, A. Berg- I siruui, A. F. R.dke aud Dr. A. O. Lindstrom. Waters Surprise Party. Miss Nellie B. Waters, daughter of Major W. I D. Waters. N. G. C, was tendered a pleasant j surprise party at her residence, 1665 Mission } street, last Tuesday evening by several of ncr I friends. The affair was a welcome to ber upon I her return from the country, where sbe has I beeu recuperating her health. As Miss Waters was welcomed Into the parlors the scene was j one ibal will not soon be forgotten. The young ] ladies and gentlemen in evening dresses and ! the sweet strains of the orchestra added to the ; Bceue of gayety. The evening was pleasantly : spent In songs, duets and recitations. About 1 12 o'clock a march was played and tbe young I people gayiy filed Into the prettily decorated j alnlng-room, where a well-spread table, orna- | mented with flowers, made a pietty sight. Alter supper the guests returned to the parlors, i where they were presented with bonbons. j Daucing was then indulged in. - Among those present were: Major and Mrs. f W. D. Waters, Colonel William Macdonald, I Mrs. J. B. Feral (a. Miss Minnie Petersen, Mrs. .1. Guun, Miss Pearl Reed, Mr. Scon, Mrs. i Churchill Park, Captain 1. F. (_ Nell, Miss i Louise (.older, Lieutenant Ed Carroll, Miss !Addle I'eralia, Miss Viva Boyle. Lieutenant H. ;Parsons, Miss Kittle Murray, Miss Georgie Park, Lieutenant C. J. Wall, Miss Josephine iteming. Miss Lulu Forbes, Miss Lizzie Flem- ing, George Boyle, George Brisley, .miss Kate Miller, Gilbert Bell, Miss Eva Forbes, Miss M. F. . IM. F. Flemlug aud George Golder. The Samuels Reception. The regular quarterly reception given by Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Samuels at their residence, 1925 Union street, last Thursday evening, proved to be a brilliant affair. The handsome parlors were beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns. The host and hostess proved i hem-elves excellent entertainers, and were ably assisted by their charming daughter. The following excellent musical and literary programme was enjoyed immensely by all: Piano solo, by Miss G. Geminaul; comical selections, William Clark; recitation, T. H. Kllgo; operatic selec- tions, M.Lacey and F. K. Hayes; humorous recitations and comical sayiugs, Bert liwln- wbislliug solos, J. A. Hath well; comical and scutum Dial songs, Mrs. L. Rayots and Messrs George and Charles Armbriisier and William Regan, selections on the mandolin, guitar and banjo. After the entertainment au excellent supper was served. Dancmg, singing and games followed and were kept up until a late hour. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Samuels, Miss G. Geinlnaul, Mrs. H. K. Hendricks. Mr J. Benson. Miss M. Lacey. Mrs. Dr. Beardsley. Mrs. E. P. Yb.irr., Mrs. B. Payats, Miss L. Payats. J. V. Dosal. J. a. Big- naldello. Bert Irwin,Chester Irwiu, J. a. Hath- well. W. C. Clark, William Regan. George A'mbuster, Charles Armbuster, F. R. Hayes and T. 11. Kilgo. Miller Birthday Party. At tbe J. Sheldon. Miller, Lux Fiee Kinder- garien, corner of West Mission and Thirteenth streets, the birthday anniversary of Master J.S.Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller,who endowed the school with sutllcieut money to cover running expenses, was celebrated in a very pretty and entertaining manner last Mon- day afternoon, and was witnessed by a 1 .ice audience. No labor was spared in decorating and preparing for tbe event, Tbe little chil- dren presented a very pretty appearance as they marched around tbe room, singing and keeping perfect time to the music, and showing perfect training In every mot tbey made. The little folks numbered more than luo. After the exercises were over they weie Heated to fruits and candles; ibis part of the programme greatly delighted them. The school is under the abb- directorship of Mrs. Roberts aud daughter, assisted by Miss Lucile Turner, Miss Roberts, Miss Alice Hoeg and Miss Susie Abbott. Tbey should be highly complimented upon the success of their efforts, and San Fraucisco should be proud of such an insti- tution. Wallace Farewell Party. A very pleasant party was tendered to Miss Bertha Wallace last Saturday evening prior to her departure for Portlaud. or., her future home. Games were indulged in, and the even- ing's programme consisted of a vocal duet by tbe Misses Georgie and May Duplissea; recita- tions by Miss Floience Porter, Miss Nellie Eriegei and Mi-s May Duplissea; vocal solos by Miss Alice __.ars.eua. Miss Bertha Wallace add E. Menkie. K. Parsons' vocal selections and Mr. Sass' recitations proved very attrac- tive features. Supuei was served in the dining- room, and it was near the first streaks of dawn when the last merrymaker departed. '1 hose present were: Mrs. Knegei, Mis. Wal- lace, |__ Misses Jennie, Nellie and H.ittie Kiieger, the Misses Ottilia and Alice Karsteus, Miss Florence Porter, the Misses Georgie and May Duplissea ami Miss Edna Cook; E. Par- sous, Mr.Sass, William Judd, E. Menkie aud J. Gould. A Wedding Reception. The marriage of Frank E. Wood and Miss Frances Mar.hls. wincn was celebrated in San Rafael, was signalized by a reception which followed at the home of W. A. Sprague In East Oakland, in which a number of friends of ibe wedded couple and the members of the Golden Bear Club testified to the esteem In which they beld the bible and groom. The president of the club. J. W. Peck, speak- ing for tbe members, lv a nicely worded speech congratulated the groom upon the good fortune which bad attended his selection of a helpmeet and, a* an evidenc- of the good- fellowship ot the organization, presented him with a most beautiful parlor decoration. The groom responded lv a very happy manner. Then followed a series of games, lv which all the guests took part, and finally an elegant supper was served and was enjoyed oy all. The parlors and rooms of tbe home were decor- ated with smilax and ro-es. 1lie members of tne Golden Hear Club present weie: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sprague, ' r. and Mrs. F. K. Wood. Mis. F. Kennedy, Mrs. O. R. Zander, .Mi-. E. 1.. Wilson, Miss Pink Ble ben. Miss Dai-ibel Wilson, Miss Nellie Ferguson, Miss Rogers. R. K. Kevin, J. W. Peck, F. D. Doibier, W. O. Wilson. G. W. Dugdell. Pisani Birthday Party. A pleasant social gathering took place last Monday evening at tin- residence of G. Plsam to commemorate the annlveisary of the birth of his son Albeit. Tbe parlors, halls and dining-room weie festooned with evergreens and chrysanthemums. The evening was most pleasantly spent In merrymaking, dancing and singing, and at midnight all tepaired to the -mug-room, wbeie a sumptuous repast was served. Among those present were: Mr.and Mrs. G. I'l-ani, Mr. and Mis. T. F. Alford, Mrs. J. Harris, Lizzie Alfoid. Kitty Uanavaa, Llllle Greve, Ella Hainan. Flossie Alford. J. Galli. T. Galli. Normie Donovan. Elsie Donovan, Not ml. Harris. is. Revs. Giuseppe I'i-ani, Chailes Rena, Michele Bellu«minl, Vttiorto Parenti, Vlncearo s<|iiagiia. iconn Squaglla. Am i Igo Biiiiichl, I'll ide Faviili, Yacopo BiacaUui, Al- bert Plsanl. Krank Pisani, Seymour Galli, Carl Harris, Victor Harris, Leon Bena. CLUB PARTIES. The Pacific Dancing Club gave its fortieth paity at Union-squat- Hall last Tuesday even- ing. Tbe hall was crowded with members and friends of this popular club. The grand march, which was led by Herman Kassinger and Miss J. Windsor, was a pretty feature of tbe affair. Miss Windsor wore a handsome gown of pink silk cut decollete and trimmed with lace and carried la France roses. There were about 200 couples in 'he grand march, who enjoyed danc- ing until a late hour. The next paity will take place at Odd Fellows' Hail on Tuesday even- ing, October 2. The committees were as follows: Committee of arrangements— Herman Kassiuger, Charles F. McMenomey. Rudolph Trautuer; reception committee— Henry Wilson. Arthur c. F. Wil- kin*. William Fogariy. Edward c. Sewell. Gus A. Trautuer; floor director. Herman Kassin- ger; assistant floor director, Rudolph Trautuer; floor committee— Bieudon Clark, Willi. in R. Nelson. Henry Zaun, Albert G. Nagel, Andrew G. McCarthy. The Genial Whist Club. Novelty which has charms Is more especially refreshing when Infused Into the pleasures of a perfect summer evening, such as we were blessed with on the 261h ult., when one of the roost interesting affairs of the summer season to ok place. Itwas a progressive whist parly given by the Genial Whist Club. The details were arranged with much tact and skill aud the elegant clubrooms at Golden Gate Hall were decorated beautifully. There were ele- gant prizes giv- 11 to the ladies and won in the following oider: Miss Daisy Alexander, Miss Harriet Landecker, Miss Ada scheeline. Miss Hannah Scheeime. The booby prize was car- ried off gracefully by Miss Emma Kahu. After the whist tournament was decided all repaired to the ballroom, wbeie refreshments were veil, after which the light fantastic toe was merrily skipped until the wee sma' hours, when the guests left, taking with tbem unique souv- enirs of the happy occasion. FRATERNAL SOCIALS. Amost delightful entertainment and dance was given by Britannia Lodge No. 7. Daughters of St. George, at 317 Masou street last Thurs- day evening, ln which bonbons were distributed In the grand march and every one enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. Tbe programme was as follows: Duet oy Mrs. Helen Williams and Miss Nellie Witts; recitation by Miss Flossie Oliver; concertina solo by Mr. Luckes; song by Mrs. Ackeiman* recitation by Miss Lome Dwyer; violin solo by Mr. Foley; recitation by Miss Jennie Turnbull* fancy dancing by Miss Jeannette T. Iter. " Tbe committee of arrangements weie: Miss M. Wiseman (chairman); floor manager, Miss J. Turnbull; assis ant floor manager, Mr Chamberlain ;reception committee— Miss Alice Wins, Miss Annie Turnbull, Miss Brown, Miss Slitl and Miss Turner. Court Southern Heights. The Potrero Opera-house was crowded on Saturday night with merry Foresters, the oc- casion being the second anniversary of Court Southern Heights No. 1100 of the Independent Older. The exercises were very entertaining and thoroughly appreciated by ail. Court Deputy PnscottL. Archibald presided, and, after an overture by tbe orchestra, be made the opening address. At the conclusion of Mr. Archibald's remarks winch were received with enthusiastic up- 1 Mause, "Man the Lifeboat" was sung by J Adamson. Mrs. Seager sang -The Spinning* Wheel" in such splendid style that she was eu- cored. Tbe remainder of the programme, at the conclusion of which there was a dance was as follows: Quartet. "Hall to the Chief." Messrs. Adamson, Stewart, Dykes aud Hood- dance, ••Sailors' Hornpipe." Misses Campbell and Telfor; comic song, J. Ilynes; vocal trio "O Willie Brew'd aTeck o' Mault"; Irish jig' Misses Campbell and Telfor. j. Williamson and Mis. L. M. Smith also contributed songs. The committees to whom in a great measure the success or the entertainment was due were as follows: Reception commit...— Dr J ft Slefkes, 11. Stewart. A. Stewart, a. Strang, W. S. Young and M. McLean. ' Floor committee— .1. smith, D. Ferguson, A.Ross, J. a. Hurly. T. E. Strabn and J. McN'ulty. A. Young officiated as floor manager. ______________ MISCELLANEOUS. Ransom White, the retiring resident secre- tary of the Equitable Life Insurance Company, gave an elaborate breakfast last Wednesday in honor of his successor, George H. Ripley. Covers were laid for twenty-five and several hours were pleasantly passed at the festal hoard. Mr. and Mrs. XV. TV. Underbill of New Yoik City were entertained at a very pretty dinner- party Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Var- ney W. Gasklll at their residence on Hoban strtei. In Oakland. Mr. Underbill Is a very prominent underwriter, being president of the* United Stales Insurance Company. The Lawyers' Debatiug Society of San Fran- Cisco tendered a reception to its new president, Milton M. Davl«, last Monday evening in its rooms Inibe Alcazar building. After a discus- sion on certain legal points all retired to the banquet-ball, where a sumptuous supper was served. The wedding or Miss Minna Jonas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Jonas, and Theodore Colin tooK place at Saratoga Hall at 4:30 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Septembers, and was very pi asantly Celebrated. A surprise was glveu to Joseph Wbaley at bis home in Sausaiiio. Saturday evening, by his young friend-. Dancing and singing were en- joyed until almost midnight, when all sat down to supper. Miss Emma Meyer aud Miss Brady assisted Miss Nora Wbaley in entertaining the guests. The Veronas gave the second sailing party of the fifth series on Sunday. August 26, in honor of the i eta re Irom their summer vacation of tbe Misses Alden and Hader, honorary members of the club. The yacht Nellie took the party around i tie bay. Au impromptu dance was en- joyed at tNWsalltO to tbo music of the Verona orchestra. The club has organized. for tbe sea- .on of '04 and '05. The members are: Presi- dent Joseph Ebei ; secietary, George Hansen; treasurer, ('. K. Eber; directors— H. Muller, F. Raemer. B. Claik and Melville Kiev. The Vai sovieiiue Club bas elected tbe follow- ing officers for the ensuing three months: President, Miss' Mamie Sweeney; vice-presi- dent. Miss Vlctorlue Ualnque; secretary. Miss Nellie Can ; treasurer. Miss Emma Lafferty. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Mountlord S. Wilson have re- turned from Black Hawk ranch, where they have been passing the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn I'arrott and family will re- main at Del Monte a couple ot weeks more. Among the San Franciscans wbo left New York City for Paris last Saturday were William H. Crocker, Mrs. Spery, Mrs. A.M. _as;ou and her grandchildren, Mis. Louis B. Parrott and b r chlldien, and Heury W. Rediugton. Judge and Mrs. John fl. Boali have gone to Oaklaud to reside during the winter. Mr.and Mrs. 11. S. Crocker are at the Grand Hotel InNew York City. Mrs. Edna Snell I'oulson will pass the winter with Mrs. H. P. Crlsty at 2838 Pacific avenue, and williect.-lve on Fridays. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Green will pass October and November lv Sausalito. Miss Josephine Cone of Red Bluff will soon depart for the East, to remain until late in De- cember. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frledlander have removed from 828 Haight street to 1816 O'Farrell. Misses Miriam and Frances Moore Intend passing the winter In the Eastern Slates. Walter S. llob.irt will depart late in Sep- tember to resume his course a . Harvard. Mrs. John Boggs and Miss Alice Boggs have returned from San Rafael aud are at the Palace Hotel. Mis. Coll Deane Is recuperating ber health at the villaof ber sister, Mrs. Edward Barron, in May field. \u25a0 Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Younger of Ala- meda left last Friday to enjoy a visit at the Hotel del Monte. George Loi illard Ronaids of New York has recently been entertaining Dr. and Mrs. B. Marion and Miss Maude Smith of tills city on bis steam yacht Riva, and they have made several interesting cruises aloug the Atlantic coast. Judge and Mrs. Edward A. Belcher have re- turned from a visit to Eureka, Humboldt County. Misses Florence and Jean Hush of Fruitvale willsoon leave for the East to complete their education. Miss M. Snltzer of 832 Sutter street is in New York and expects to return the last week of the month. . -- Miss Lucrecia Castelazo will sail on the steamer Collma. which leaves this port on the IStli Inst., for Guatemala, where sue will be united in marriage to Lincoln Bodewell. form- erly of ibis city but now a merchant of Guate- mala City. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tubb. are making a pro- longed visit at Del Monte. Mis. James Pnelan and Miss Pbelan have re- turned to the cityafter pa-sing the summer at Pbelan Park, tbeir villa ai Santa Cruz. Mr. and Mrs. F. Biid«all, Miss Jennie Bird- sail and Ernest Blrdsall of Sacramento are at the Pope House lv Santa Cruz. Mi. and Mrs. Will E. Fisher and Miss Sister Jennings are at the Hotel Mateo for a month. Baron and Baroness J. H. yon Schroeder are at the Hotel Bellevue in Hamburg. Ml Charles W. Hathaway was In San Rafael last w ek visiting her daughter, Mrs. Man-tie. Lovell. Ms. and Mrs. A. C. Bunnell visited relatives in San Jose for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander sailed from New York for Europe last Saturday and will pass the winter in Egypt. Everett N. Bee sailed for Central America la*l Saturday on the steamer Acapulco. Dr. lieoiue T.riiil leturned from Del Monte las: -Monday. Colonel _. S. (had rue. Colonel W. D. Sanborn and Major J. Fied Burgin returned from Santa duz last Monday. Frederick R. Webster. A. C. Tuobs and Clinton E. Wordi-u returned from Del Monte la«t Monday. Francis U. Newlands arrived here last Thurs- day from W asblugton, D. C. and is at the Pal- ace. E. M. Greenway willreturn to the city to-day, after passive the summer at San Rafael. 1). O. Mills left New York City last Friday for tills city, and alter his arrival will go to China and Japan en rout to Egypt, where he will meet Mr. and Mrs. W'hltelaw Reld In Novem- ber. Colonel C. F. Crocker will accompany blm. Rear-Admiral and Mrs. Seltrldge, U. S. N., have returned from a visit to Mrs. Geueral Kicketis iv San Jose. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Moale, Third In- fantry, U. 8. A., who has been here lor several years on the department staff as Inspector of small-arms piactlce, has been ordered to Fort Knelling, near St. Paul, Minn., and will leave for his stai ion In about a month, accompanied by Mrs. Moale. Mis. William H. Crocker and Miss Beth Speiry let Pans on August 6 for Biarritz. Donald de V. Graham left last Mouday to visit relatives In Eugland. When he returns to America he will reside in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Daniel, formerly Mrs. Mamie ('. Hasting*, returned from Switzerland on August 21 and took looms at the Hotel dv Rhin, in Paris. Eli Marks of this city was ln Lucerne, Swit- I Hand, when last beard from. '\u25a0-.-; ..- Major ana Mrs. Charles I. Wilson, IT. 8. A.. and Miss Geruude Wilson are residing at the Richmond, in Washington, D. C. Lieutenant George R. Cecil, Thirteenth In- fantry, 11. S. A.,now on a leave of absence, is visiting friends at San Diego Barracks. Major John A.Darling, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A., is absent from the Presidio for a month, owing to Illness. Captain Jame? Parker. Fourth Cavalry, U. S. A., Is now on duty at ihe Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. The Misses Morrison and Henry E. Morrison returned to San Jose last Monday, after pass, ingseveral days at Del Monte. Miss Kate McGrew ot Honolulu is visiting frleuds lv San Jose. Mrs. Thomas Robbins. formerly Miss Naelee of San Jose, Is passing the season at Bar Har- bor, Me., where she has a beautiful villa.\u25a0 Captain Elbrldge R. Hills, Filth Artillery, (J. S. A., who has been on duty at the University of Illinois, Champ ilgn, 111., since June 24, 1890, was relieved on September 1. Mrs, A. K. Wood, widow of die late Captain Wood, Fourth Cavalry, U. 8. A., Is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. S. Worth, wife ot Major Worth, U. 8. A., at Fort Omaha. Lieutenant Samson L. Falson, First Infantry, U. S. A., has been at Carson City, Nev.. on dv y with the Nevada National Guard encamp- ment. Henry Heyman left Liverpool last Saturday on the campanula, en route home after visiting the principal cities ol Europe, and will arrive hen- about September 23. Mrs. J. J. Crooks left last Sunday to visit ber mother, Mrs. J. 1. Case of Chicago, and will be away about six weeks. Mrs. Frank m. Hatch of Honolulu is here on a visit to her parents, Colonel aud Mrs. A. G. Uawes. Mr.and Mrs. John O'Neal Ref . will occupy the residence of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrin, 1935 Clay street, during the winter. Lieutenant Cecil Stewart. Fourth Cavalry, U. S. A , who has been on duly at the Military Ac demy at West Point. N. V., since April 25, 1891. was relieved from du'y on September 1. Mrs. Peter McG. Mcß an and Miss Edith Mc- Bean will next Saturday to visit the Eastern State* for several weeks. Lieutenant William G. Haan, Fifth Artillery. U. S. A., bas been visiting bis home in Mar- sbalitown. lowa, while on a two months' leave of absence. Lieutenant Thomas Ridgwav. Fifth Artlllerv, U. S. A., has been passing much of his leave "of absence at Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. miss Mollte Torbert will pass the winter In New York with her sister. Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. J.C.Tucker and the Misses Mac and Claire Tucker, wbo have been passing the sum- mer at Del Monte have returned to the city, and are residing at 1001 Pine street, Mr.and Mrs. S. W. Rosenstock will soon re- turn from San Rafael to pass the season at tbe Palace Hot 1. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Raura willsoon leave to make a prolonged tour of Europe. Mrs. D. M. Delmas and the Misses Antoinette and Josephine Delmas have returned to their villa near Mountain View after passing a mouth at Sausalito. Lieutenant John Stafford. Eighth Infantry, U. S. A., bas been relieved from duty at Wash- ington University In St. Louis, and with Mrs. Stafford—formerly Miss Gibbs of this city—ls visiting New York prior to joining his regi- ment. Lieutenant John M. Neall, Fourth Cavalry, U. S. A., was relieved fiom autv on September 1 as military instructor at the Nevada Stale University at Reno. He has been there since November 14, 1890. He will be stationed at the Presidio. His wife will also be here, and iv a short time tier sister. Miss Katberlne Bar- dic, willcome out from New York to visit her. General W. H. Dimoud and the Misses Eleauor and Mac Dimond have returned to their cliy residence, after passing the summer at Binllngame. Senator Charles N. Felton. Mrs. William Kohl and Miss Mamie Kohl bave been passing several weeias at Paso Robles. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Magee have been visiting Lake Tahoe lor a couple of weeks. Lii uteu.iht C. A. F. Flagler. Engineers' Corps, U. S. A., has reported at West Point, N. V., for duty. Lieutenant Charles H. McKlnstry, Engin- eers' corps U. S. A., has been ordered to take station at Duluth. Minn. Lieutenant Oscar 1. Straub, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A.,has beeu relieved from duty with ihe First Artillery at Fort Hamilton, N. V., and granted two months' leave of absence, after which li will join his proper battery. Lieutenant Oliver E. Wood, Fifth Artillery, U. S. A., bas been transferred from Fort Dy, Wash., to Aicatraz Island. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Talbot will return from San Rafael In about a week and will then oc- cupy their Dew residence, comer of California and Pierce streets. . Mrs- William fluff has been passing a couple of weeks at Lake Tahoe.' Hugo Tolaud Is visltlugNew York City. Mr.and Mrs. D. B. Davidson will remain in San Rafael durlug tbe autumu mouths. Major D. E. Miles has relumed from a visit to Santa Cataliua Island. Mis. 11. Alston Williams and Miss Cora Caduc will return from Santa Cruz in about a week, after passing (he summer there. Lieutenant Charles K. B. Flagg, Assistant Sure on. U. S. A., is absent on duty at the B quota National Park. Lieuteuuut Edward P. McGlachln Jr., Fifth Artillery, U.S. A., reported tor duty on Sep- tember 1 at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe. Va. Lieutenant William R. Hamilton,' Fifth Artil- -- ry, [J. S. A., reported for duty on September 1 as piofessor of militaiy science anil tactics at the Stall: University of Nevada, Keuo, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. G. Miner and Miss Marian Millerof Oakland have been at Lake Taboo during the past fortnight. Hon. and Mrs. liotnu iltloPacbeco are passing a few weeks at Sau Rafael. Mrs. F. L. Castle and the Misses Eva, Blanche and Hilda Castle will pass ihe winter in the Doe _________ _489 Jackson street. Lleuieiiiini James C. Bu.b. Fifth Artillery, U.S. A., lias been transferred from Aicatraz Island to Fort Cm by, Wash. Lieutenant Downs L. Wilson. U. B. N., is passing bis two months' leave of absence at bis home in Georeetowu. I). C. Lieutenant Edward T. Brown, Fifth Artillery, U.S. A., now at Hie Prcldio, will be trans- ferred to Fort Can by, wash., on October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Scott, who have been passing i lie summer at San Mateo, will return to I lie city about September 15. Mi Horace Davis is confined to her resi- dence, 1800 Broadway, as the result of a seri- ous accident she sustained at Sama Cruz last moii 11. Itmay be a couple of months before she will be able to walk. Dr. and Mrs. W. <;. Daggett (nee Cohen) have gon. to New Haven, Conn., where they will re- side permanently. Miss Bertha Thompson of New York accompanied them on their Eastern trio. Lieutenaut Delamere Stc*-rr**t_ Fifth Ar- tillery.U. S. A., tenoned for instruction at tbe artillery school, Foil Monroe, Va., on Sep- tember 1. Lieutenant Harvey C. Carbaugh, Fifth Ar- illleiy, U. S. A., reported lor instruction on September 1, at the artillery school, Fort Mon- -10 ', Va. Lieutenant Robert H. Noble, First lofantrv, U. M. A., who has been abseui on duty at Sr. John's College, Annapolis. Mil., wilt be relieved from dv y there on September 10, when he will lake a leave of absence for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Jam's M. Cunningham and family have returned to the city, after passing the summer at Del Monte. Mr.and Mrs. Robert P. WTeland are passing a mouth In San Jose. Miss Biix .mini or Oakland has been passing a week at the Mariel villa, uear Mountain View,as the guest of Miss Ethel Mattel. Mr.and Mrs. A. B. Moulaer (nee Clarke), wbo have been passing the summer ln San Rafael, bave returned to the city and will reside at 2119 California street until November 1. They will receive on Tuesdays. Ll \u25a0\u25a0uieuaiii William F. Crofton, First Infan- try, U. S. A., returned to duly at Angel Island last Monday. Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles G. Lyman, U. S. A., are now residing at the home ol Mrs. Jremiah Clarke, 21 19 California street, where they will remain until November, when Lieu- tenant Lyman willbe transferred to au Eastern post. Ensign E. D. Steams, U. S. N., has been or- dered to the Adams. Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott and family have been passim? the week at Del Monte. A. J. Lewis is at the Hotel Waldorf in New York City. Mrs. Robert E. Williams, who has been In Tacoma during the past six weeks, visiting ber daughter, Mrs. S. M. Jackson, willremain there about three weeks more. Mrs. Crittenden Thornton and family have return' to the city, alter passing the summer at Santa Cruz. Mrs. John R. Jarboe and Miss Kathryu Jar- boe returned from Santa Cruz last Sunday, after passing the summer there. Dr. and Mrs. A. tiarkan visited Castle Crag last week. Mrs. F. A. Underbill and Miss Maud -"under- bill have returned to the city after a three weeks' visit io San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. James Sproule visited Castle Crag last week. Fiancls J. Cardan paid a visit to San Jose last week. Mr.and Mrs. K. W. McChesney are occupy- ing their residence, 1815 Central avenue, in Alameda. Miss Florence Manson ls visiting them. Miss Rose Adler will receive on the first and second Wednesdays of each mouth at her home, 2200 Jack sou street. Mr.and Mis, Georee R. B. Hayes have been enjoying a visit at Vichy Springs, uear Ukiali. President and Mrs. David Starr Jordan of Palo Alto have been at Lake Tauoe during the past fortnight. Dr. and Mrs. James Whitney have been pass- ing a couple of weeks at El Paso de Robles Springs. Miss Belle Crellin of Oakland and her sister, Mrs. George F. Canwilght ol London, will leave 10-morrow for the home of ihe latter, after which they willmake a tour of tbe conti- nent. .'. Mrs. J. Coad of 1028 Washington street is visiting relatives tv Santa Clara Couuty. Mis. Thomas Denigan and Miss Florence Denlgan b ye returned to the city after passing the summer at Santa Cruz. Douienlco Rossi has goue to visit bis former home in Turin, Italy. Mr.and Mrs. s. w. Rosenstock will pass the winter at the Palace Hotel. M. Theodore Kearney of Fresno was In Ham- burg when last heard from. Dr. Virginia W. Smiley and Dr. Lucia M. Lane have goue to Europe and will be away about four months. \u25a0 < Mrs. Frances Davles and her daughter, Miss Davles, are now residing at 1602 Washington street. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hendv have returned from a two months' visit to the Eastern States. Mrs. Fiances B. Edgerton will receive on Thursdays at her residence, 1001 Leavenworth street. Miss Mat Livingston is visitingher brother ln San Bernardino. Mr. aud Mrs M. A. Dunscome arrived in Southampton last w ek. . Mr. aud Mrs. H. H. Goodrich were at the Worden Hotel, Saratoga Springs, N. V., last William E. Waters returned to tbe city last Tuesday alter a four months' visit to the principal cities In the Eastern States. Frank Gobey Is visiting New York City. -'•--- Mr.and Mrs. Richard Fluking Jr. have re- turned from their wedding trip and will re. ceive their friends next Sunday at 317 Scott street. Dr. Lueila Cool left last Saturday on the steamer Acapulco for New York City, where she Intends perfecting an invention pertaining to dentistry. Mrs. H. Myers returned to ber home In Portland. Or., yesteiday after a Eve months' visit to friends in California. Mrs. J. Kichard Freud is passing a mouth at the Hotel Vendome In San Jose. Mr.and Mrs. H. Barron and family are pass- ing a month iv Sausalito. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Cieve bave removed from 1923 How mi stre t to 1513 Scott street and willreceive on the last Monday of each month. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.(Franklin have returned from Europe and are at their residence, 2030 California street. Miss Clare Heymau and Oscar Ueyman are pas9siu_ a few weeks In Grass Valley. Miss Idalene Rosekrans bas gone to Hono- lulu ana willbe away several months. M. Grossman will return next Saturday from a four months' visit to tlie Eastern States. Miss Martha Shainwald has returned to the city alter passing the season at Cazadeio. Mr. and Mrs. S. Flu man, who have been in San Rafael during the past summer, have re- turned to ihelr residence on Van Ness avenue. Miss LillieBrownstone and Miss Minnie Hoff are visiting friends lv San Jose. Mrs. J seph Poheim will receive on the sec- ond Friday of each mouth at her residence, 1806 Pacific avenue. Miss Cora Hart left the city left Saturday for i an extended tour through the Eastern Stains. Mrs. M. F. Hammer and Miss Cora Hammer , of Sacramento are visiting Mrs. H. S. Burner at the sea Beach Hotel in Santa Cruz. Dr. Albeit Abrams wis iii Berlin when last beard from. He is expected here ate iv No- vember. Mrs. Isaac Marks of Sacramento is passing a few weeks here. Mrs. J. Zemansky of Sacramento is visiting Miss P. Berg at her residence, 033 Eddy street. Mrs. Samuel J. Ruddell, Mrs. Annie Martin, Miss Jennie McGovern, Air. and Mis. George Jennings, Paul Kingston and Captain James , W. Dully bave gone to Highland Springs to re- ! main a few weeks. Among the ieceut visitors at iElua Springs were: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Upbam, Mr. and i Mrs. R. Finking, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossiter ; and A. Boyken of this city; Mr. and Mrs. J. Graf and W. A. Maklnder of St. Helena; R. Van Brunt of New York City and W. N. Oui- niius of liwaco, Wash. COMING EVENTS. The ladies or the Catholic Aid Society of Oak- laud will give a picnic to-day at Trestle Glen for the benefit of th- ir cnailiy fund. A small admlsslou fee will be cba'rged to the grounds, as the ladles have secured the exclusive right to them for the day. The Verdls will give their ninth party at Tjnlon-square Hall to-morrow night. The AlphaSocial Club willgive Its first party Wednesday evening at Saratoga Hall. An entertainment entitled -ANight In Scot- land" will be given next Wednevdav evening at Social Hall, 102 O'Farrell street. Social Council No. 46. Order of Chosen Friends, will give an entertainment and dance next Thursday evening at Washington Hall, 320 Post street. The Original Lily Club will give a grab-bag party next Thursday evening at its hall, comer of Twenty-seventh and Folsom streets. Th-- Oliabai SDalome, auxiliary to ihe Mason- street Synagogue, will civ . a concert at Golden Gate Hall next Thursday eveuing aud will present an excellent programme. lie Native Sons of Vermont will give their regular monthly entertainm nt next Friday evening at Odd Fallows' Hall, and have pro- vided an excellent programme. The Alcazar Bohemian Dramatic Club will produce Hartley Campbell's, "My Part- ner," next Friday evening, at N> w Mission Turner Hall, corner of Valencia and Eighteenth streets. Daucing will follow the performance. Olympic Circle No. _'_'. Companions of the Forest of America, will give a ball next Satur- day evening at Mission Parlor Hall. The Pythian Sisters will give their regular monthly entertainment and dance at Alcazar Social Hall, cv Friday .veiling, September 28. The Queer Fellows will give their annual masquerade bait at Union-square Hall on Sat- urday evening. September 29. The Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club wit) hold its sixteenth anniversary ball at Cali- fornia Hall ou Saturday evening, November 3. Glass at F. N.Woods &Co.'g. 51 First street. » THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1894. 7 A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. DR.T. FELIX (iOlKAlll'. OBIENTAIi CKEAM. or MAGI CAI BKAI/TIFIER. 5=- i; '"' oves Tan. Pimples, a-reck- £\u25a0_: 4^3^S*»__ ' '" " Motll Patches. Hash, and ~t r '' &£&~^^ r^E\ ___ Skin diseases, and % nod fSfe^cir'^CS iR>^ eTerT t,ielll i!< on cw o K-S^-U- JS, w^rij beauty, and defies \u25a0**i.~ Stir *•»*(S_ fl^--7 detection. Units *"*-— ___ ***! Wt/r virtues it has ! ,a_J %3 _y _^\ stood the test of £_ = t*j _^^ >j_l 44 years, no other —5 0 Jt ~ V^____ gt] bas. and Is so s_<_ x i_i V I harmless we tastn a \u0084^1 «__ **,-&< \ Hto be sure itIs fiSt ___t yj\£y\ \ properly made. _/-vi>V**^^ :^r'^X _ 1 \ Accent no coun. V>cfl«*^7 «£ . V a \terfeit of similar /y^yA^tf'2^~J JfiA. I name. The dis- lr yy^^^*&, -J \^!«N^'tinguishedDr. L. r / « __ l«_ A. Sayre said to i y J \\_r^. » lady of the W-_^ -rt » _<...' .cm (a pa- tient): "At you ladies ntttw* ihem. I recommend "GourauiTs cveani' nx the least harmful of all Skirt preparations." One bottle will last six months, using it every day. Also I'oudre Subtile removes superfluous hair without Injury to the skiu. FJ_KD T. HOPKINS.Frop'r, 67 Great Jones st.,N.Y. For sale by ailDrugglstsand Fancy Uood- Deal- ers throughout the U. 8., Canadas and Europe. MS" Beware of Base imitations. SIOOO Reward (et arrest ana proof of any one seiimtr the same. ap!s SuMo lr A PIANO f OFFER,_d^O i IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO IN A YEAR IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW. HANDSOME CASE, _ FEET 8 INCHES HIGH. IVORYKEYS, WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS. WITHSTOOL AND COYER. Pianos Tuned, Polished, Moved, Stored. TELEPHONE 52G1. BYRON - MAUZY, 308, 310, 312, 314 POST STREET. se3 MoSaisn WILL & FINCK CO. Croquet Sets 85c Croquet Sets, 8 Balls $1.25 Hammocks 85c Hammocks of Finer Grades $1.25 to $3.00 Headquarters for Lawn Tennis Supplies. DON'T FAIL TO GET OUR PRICES. 818-820 MARKET STREET, PHELAN BLOCK. ray-il Mo We tf. *_']•\u25a0 __I_*l_ \yi i*_ __ 1 L*_ ill _ V 4S«n_EY^'" IS THKVERY BEST ONE TO EXAMINETOUR eyes and fit them to Spectacles or Eyeglasses With Instruments ot his own Invention, whose superiority has not been equaled. My success has been due to the merits of my wort. . Office Hours 1- to Ip. _. tt PALACE HOTEL. THE PALACE HOTEL OCCUPIES AN EN TIRfe 1 block In the center of San Francisco. It ls the model hotel of the world. Fire and earthquake proof. Has nine elevators. Every room Is large light and airy. The ventilation ls perfect. A b_t_, end closet adjoin every room. All rooms are easy ef access from broad, light corr ldors. The central court. illuminated by electric light, its immense glass rooi. broad balconies. carriage-way and trop- ical plants are features hitherto unknown ln Amer- lean hotels. Uuests entertain ed on either the Amer. lean or European plan. The restaurant Is the finest in the elty. Secure rooms la advance by tela- '__ 11 _? ' iTHK 1-AIaACE HOTEL. - *"" San Francisco, Cei. INTERHATIOHALfa^^nVh I^ 3E_C<3 , r__;X__ ness HOTEL in San Irancisco. Rates *1 to *1 60 per day. The house has recently been remodeled at an expense of »_o___<J. KINO, WARD to CO, i'ro.r'-. ajUit WeFrM __ \u25a0 RADWAY'S PILLS, Purely vegetable, mild and reliable. Are a cure for Indigestion, Biliousness and Disordered Liver. Speedily cure Sic_ Headache. Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Constipation, by regulating digestion, ___.__»*,.___ . sel ' - _u_l**W» . ••Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair." DR, CREAM BAKING _f__tt MOST PERFECT MADE % A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. * Free 60m Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, j 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ,

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Page 1: PERSONAL MENTION. COMING EVENTS.€¦ · iing of tne wedding of Miss Anna Staude, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Siaude, who |are old and prominent residents of this city,and;CarlH.Edson,


The most important and brilliant wedding ofthe early autumn setsoo will take place atTrinityChurch at 9o'clock this evening, 'lnebride will be Miss Eleanor Dimond, eldestdaughter of General William H.Dimoud. andthe groom willbe Paul Jarboe, sou of the lateJobu It.Jaiboe, who is a member of the lawfirm of Goodfeiiow &Jarboe. Several hundredInvitations have been Issued for the affair,which willbe known as a pibk aud white wed-dtng. Rev. Dr. Walk will officiate. Miss MacDlmoad will be the maid of honor, and thebridesmaids will comprise Miss Katbryu Jar-boo, Miss Kate Clement, Miss Laura Mc-Kinstry, Miss Laura Bates, Miss Alice Hobart.Miss Ella Hobart, Miss Mamie Hoibrook andMiss Minnie Houghton. The best man willbeSamuel Knight, and the ushers willbe E.11.Sheldon, E. M. Greeuway, XV. S. .McMurtry,Frank L. Owen. W. M. Baudot, AddisonMizuer, Peter D. Martin, Harry Stmpkins,Augustus Taylor and Joseph S. Tobin. Afterthe ceremony tbe bridal party only willgo to thehome of the bride's father, where an elaboratesupper willbe served. The young couple willpass theii honeymoon at Concha del Mar, theJaiboe cottage at SautaCiuz.

Miss Mac Dimond, the youngest daughter of.. "General W. H. Dimond, will bo married toJoseph S." Tobin of the firm of Tobin &Tobiu,attorneys-at- law, at 8 o'clock ou Saturdayevening. September 29. The wedding will take

.Mace, at the family residence, 2224 Washing-ton street, and Archbishop Riordan willoffici-ate. Miss Am'e Irwin of Chicago will act asmaid al honor and the bridesmaids willbe MissElla Hobart. Miss Laura McKinstry, MissHope Ellis, Miss Alice Ames, MissCelia Tobin.Miss Beatrice Tobin, Miss Helen .•smith anaMiss Marian Poett. Alfred Tobin willbe thebest mau and the u-ners willcomprise W. S.McMurtry, Samuel Knight,John Lawson, W.H.Taylor Jr.. Clement Tobin, William H athand Robert L. Coleman. At 9 o'clock therewill be a reception iv honor of both of tbebrides and grooms, for which a large numberof.invitations have been sent out. Tbe newlywedded couple will leave on the followingdayto visit New York, Washington, D. C, andether Eastern cities.

Paul Jaiboe and Joseph S. Tobin gave abachelor dinner at tbe Maison Kicbe lastWednesday evening to the gentlemen who willbe their best men and ushers at their comingweddings.

Tbe wedding of Miss Gertrude Wilson,daughter of Major Charles I. Wilson, Paymas-ter, U.S. A.,aud Lesier O. Peck, will lakeplace in Washington. D. C. to-morrow. Thecontracting parties are well known in society i

£f •yg, having resided in this city for severalf-y,until quite recently.this city for seveial

*s until <_uue recently,t The wedding of Miss Kate Paddock and W. I

Joseph L. Kierulff will take place next jWednesday evening at the residence of thebride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Pad- i

dock. 2309 Broderick street.The engagement Is announced of Miss Anna I

G. Chalmers, daughter of Alexander Chalmersof Stockton to L. A. Redman. The weddingwilltake place InStockton ou October 18.

Ihere were about 250 ol society's buds, J-ites and cavaliers ass rubied at the residence

\u25a0i. is.Peter Donahue, coiner of Bryant and.- -eond streets, last Saturday evening, wheni'eier Donahue Martin, Walter Martin and !Audrew Martin, sons of Mr«.Eleanor Martinand nephews of Mrs. Donahue, gave a dancingparty as a farewell compliment to tbeir friendsprior to their departure for college at George-town. D. C, next Thursday, where they willcomplete their education. No married peonle ;were Invited, so the younger element held full:sway. Mrs. Donahue, who was attired In arich robe brocaded _I_, en train, withpoint lace trimmings, and Mrs.Martin, whoseelegant rob- was of Chantiliy lace over a satinf;_ir!. made en train, aud trimmed with passemeaieiie, received the guests as they airivedand welcomed them most cordially. As the :ladies ate both in mourning, they, of course,took no further part in the festivities.

tsnewy white canvas covered the floors of theball ami the various rooms ou tbe main floorand the floral decoratious were gieatly ad-mired. 1m hallway was set with tall shoots ofgreeu bamboo and sprays of fern, the recep-tiofl -room as ornate with Immense tropic.aims and the room adjoining was embellishedwithbanks of sweet peas and poppies of vaileddues, ."The main salon was particularly at-tractive, Great clusteis of piuk petaled Jap-anese, lilies, amaryllis and La Fiance roseswere set in elegant vases on the mantels, theirbeauty being reflected in the tall, gilt-borderedmii'rors behind ihem. Maguibceut orchids oftbe' Lvcasie sklnnerii variety that are sodaintilyshaded were arranged lv clusters atthe side of the folding doors aud tine foliagemade an arbor at the tear exit of the largeconservatory, which was also handsomely dec-.)i-_tea and used for daucing. A string orches-tra was stationed in the alcove n-ai-in- mamsalon ami played all of the latest dance music.Naturally dancing was the lea me ol the even-ing, .and a* the rooms were tilled with elegauilyattned girls and their escorts the scene was aino-iaitr-icuve one. llwould seem luviduousto state who was the handsomest glrior whowot

_ the most becoming gown, suffice it to say

that they all looked pretty, as San Franciscogirls always flo,aud their gowns were poems ofthe modiste's art. At midnight dancing ceasedand then an elaborate supper was served unaerL-udwig's direction. Te a-let'- tables ivall of the rooms on the main float and lvtlie large dining-room down stalls, where therewas a large bullet ornamented with attractivepieces moutees. The Messis. .Mai tin certainlywere most hospitable euierialuers, and theirguests willhave most agreeable remembranceslot a long lime of last Satuiday evening's fes-tivity. \u25a0-..--....-

The wedding of Mis** Editu Forbes, daughterof Mis. Alexander Forbes, and Edgar A.Neame, formeily of England, but now a resi-dent of llaufoid, Kings County, Cal.. took placelast Wednesday evening at the residence of thebride's mother, 12604= Jackson street. Onlyabout seventy-live relatives and intimate friendswere invited'to the wedding. Each of the roomswas embellished with fragrant flowers, the pre-dominating color being pink. It was in thelarge music-room thai the wedding look place,amid an array or tropic palms bordered by aLodge of pink blossoms.

At 8:30 o'clock the string orchestra playedthe wedding match and the bridal party ap-pealed, headed by two Utile bridesmaids. MissEdith Robinson and Miss Maudio Wilson, whoworepiettv gowns of pink silk. Then camethe maids oi honor, Miss Kathleen Forbes,wearing .1 gown of pale-blue silk, and MissAliceDecker, whose gown was of white silk.Both gowns were very stylish and becoming.The bilde followed, escoiied by lir uncle.Charles Forbes, whogave her Intothe keepingof the groom. She was elegantly atured lv arobe ol will moire antique, made with a longcourt train and trimmed with Brussels pointlace and clution. The corsage was high andthe sleeves long and quite bouffant. Sue car-ried orange blossoms. The groom was attendedby James A. Koblnson of 11 luijrdas best man.Key. R. IS. Foute performed the ceremony,which was followed by congratulations fromall present. An elaborate supper was served,and the evening was very pleasantly passed.The wedding presents were of unusual ele-gance. Mr. aud Mrs. Neame lelton Thursdayto visit Del Monte and other coast resorts for afew weeks, after which iluy willgo to Haufordto reside permanently.

Miss Stella A.Currier and James A. Ritchieweie united inmarriage last Wednesday even-ing at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W.G.Richardson, 10'J Fredrick sireet. The resi-dence was pieitllydecorated with a prolusioniiffragrant flowers and foliage. About seveuiyfriends of the young couple were assembled inthe parlors at 8:30 o'clock, when the bridalpaity entered, and the ceremony was pei-lormed by Rev.Edgar J. Lion. The bride worean elegant robe of white satin, witha court trainand a longveil of white tulle. The high cor-sage was trimmed witb point lace, aud the

-ires were long and bouffant. She wore

gloves of white undress d kid, aud carried abouquet of tube roses.

Miss Madge Richardson, niece of the bride,acted as maid of honor, and wore a prettygown of light yellow silk. The brides-maids were Miss Stella Ausiiu and MissesAddle and Lottie Stevens Of Sacramento,who were at tired In modish gowns ofwhite .Ilk. Albeit Eaton was best mau. andW. G.Richardson gave ihe bride into the keep-ing of the groom. After the ceremony and con-gratulations, dancing was participated In,andat 11 o'clock a delicious supper was served.Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie left on Thursday to makea southern trip, They were the recipients ofsome very handsome presents. They will re-side at tlie Hotel California.

The weddliica of Miss May Graham and En-sign Guy 11. Run age last Tuesday and >. MissHarriet Xangdon Brown and Henry HerbertDarling on Wednesday were fullydescribed inour Issues of the followingdays. Other affairsthat have taken place and many Interestingpersonals will be found in the accompanyingreview.

BETROTHALS.invitations have been Issued for the wedding

of Miss Rose Fraukel and Rev. J. N'ieto of theSh rub Israel Congregation, which will takeplace Tuesday evening, September 18, at thesynagogue. The father of me groom. Rev. A.H.N'ieto of New York, willofficiate.

The wedding of Miss Nellie Pratt Morse ofBerkeley ana Mr. de Winter will take placenext Thursday at the First CongregationalChurch inOakland.

The wedding of Miss Lita Abrego and RalohR.Belliagall willtake place to-morrow at 935Filbert street lvOakland.

WEDDINGS.The St. Marcus German Lutheran Church on'

Geary street was tne scene last Thursday even-iing of tne wedding of Miss Anna Staude,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Siaude, who| are old and prominent residents of this city,and;CarlH. Edson, a popular young business man

of this city, The Church was crowded withj frieuds of the contracting parties, and the floralembellishment of the chancel was very effec-tive, it was 8:30 o'clock when Rev. Julius

| Fuendellng performed ibe marriage cetemony.Miss Martha Doerr of San Jose and Miss LeniGamz of this city were tie bridesmaids, llenrvStauue and John J. Siauae Jr. were the grooms-men, and Fred Brouimer and Charles J. Staudewere the ushers.

Tbe btide, who i-> a beautiful blonde, ap- ,peared to advantage in a handsome robe ofwhite China silK, en train, trimmca with point

'lace and otange blossoms. Her ornamentswere diamonds. The bridesmaids were attiredalike in gowus of pale pink surah, trimmedWilli Ducbesse lace. Their ornaments were

! pearls and they carried La France roses. Areception was held after the ceremony at theresidence of the bride's patents, which was at-tended only by relatives aua intimate friends.The wedding gifts weie veiy handsome andcosily. i

Nevin-Hentrich.Grace Church was well filled last Saturday at

noon when George S. Nevin and Miss Mar-jgaretba Elysbeth Ueutricb, daughter of thelate Lewis Henlricb and sister of Mrs. GeorgeTouiuy, were united iv the bonds of wedlock. \u25a0

Tbe maid of honor was Miss Bernardine Hen- !trich and the biidesm.ids were the .Mi- iMarguerite and Vlda Touruy. l;erabard Dobr- Imanu acted as best man and the ushers wereFiank Ueutricb, Donald H. Fry. Henry Esberg iand D. William Dohrmaun. A reception was

'beld after the wedding at the residence of Mr. |ami Mrs. Touruy and the afternoon was very Ipleasantly passed. Late ln the day the newly \married couple departed on their wedding trip. i

McMurtry-Barton.An Interesting wedding took place at St. i

Mary's Cathedral at 2 o'clock last Wednesday |afternoon, when Miss LillianBarton, the hand-some and accomplished daughter of Larry Bar-ton, th- well-known detective, was united Inmarriage to James T.McMurtry.a popular andsuccessful young business man of Vacaville,where he is highlyesteemed. Rev. W. p. Klrbyofficiated iv the presence of quite a number offriends of the happy couple. After the wed-dinga charming reception was held at in rest-deuce of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. jP. Barton, 823 Geary street, where severalhours *Aeie delicti fully passed. Mi.and Mis. !McMurtry lelt the next morniug for Vacaville, !

where they weie heartily welcomed, aud willreside there permanently.

Sproule-Rey.At the residence of Valentine J. Rey, of the

firm of Button & Rey, 829 Union street, bissisier, Miss Hermione Rey, wa. married toJames Sproule at 8 o'clock last Monday even-ing. The house was beautifully decorated withflowers and tbe grounds were brilliantlyIllu-minated by colored Japanese lanterns sus-pended from the trees. Miss Sylvia Rey wasthe maid of honor and William Snroule actedas best man. The ceremony was impressivelyperformed by Rev. Robert Mackenzie lv thepiesence ot quite a number of Irlcuds of theyoung coupl •. The eveuing was devoted to jmusic, dancing, aud the service of a delicioussupper.

Hart-Lawrence.Dr. A. C. Hart and Miss Nellie Lawrence j

weie united in marriage last Wednesday even- Iing at the residence of the bride's mother, !Mrs. Margaret 11.Lawrence, 910 S:elner sueet. !Roses and fine foliage made a pretty decora-lion iv the parlor;, where the ceremony wasperformed by Rev. Robert Mackenzie. Thebride was attired in au elegant robe of whitebrocaded silk, made with a high corsage, bouf- jfant sleeves and a court tialn. /The cougiatu- !lations were followed byan elaborate supperand dancing, which prolonged the affair untilthe early hours of morning. Dr. and Mrs.Hart ieit on Thursday to pass their liouevmoou I

!at Lake Tahoe.Those Pies, were: Mrs. M. H. Lawrence,

Dr.and Mrs. A. J. Hart, Mrs.I.H. McNee, the:Misses May and Net a Lawrence, Charles E.

Hart, Fiank K. Hart, Duncan McNee, AlexMcNee, Royal McNee, Ray. and Mrs. Robert-MeKenzie, Dr. and Airs. Levkowlcz. Mr.andMrs. W. J. Fitield, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson,Mr. aud Mrs. ilerg. ns, Mr.and Mrs. Max Gold-b rg. Mi.aud Mrs. .1. W. Mime*,Mr. aud Mrs.Robert Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hum-phreys, Mr.and Mrs, William 'Jiiiid. Mr. andMrs. F. J. Hart. Mrs. A. Ford. Mrs. T. W.. Mitchell, Mrs. Miuule Darren, Mrs. J. H.

\u25a0Northern, Mrs. F. Norihey, Mrs. Platl, Mrs. J.| W. Dunn, Mrs. M. Humphreys, Mrs. Bod-ikin, Mrs. W. N. Gray. Mrs. Forsmao, the!Misses Louise and Ethel Filleld, Miss Florencei MacKenzie, Miss Doliie Whelan. Miss Maud

Gray, Miss Mabelle Hart, .Miss May Dunbar,Miss Emma Yaeger, Miss Ethel l-uiu. MissMinnie VVhelau, Messrs. t.eoige Ford, Charles

\u25a0 Ford, Melvin A.Taylor, K. C. D-lamaler, A.F.j Medley, J. Andeison.

_*>te. Marie-Gildea.Theie was a pretty wedding at St. Mary's

!Caibedral at 8 o'clock last Monday morning.: The bride was Miss Jennie Gtldea and theigroom A. Herbeft Ste. Marie. Miss Lenore;O'Mera was the bridesmaid and James J. Gli-

des, brother of th_ bride, acted as best iiuu.The bride aud her maid were attired In hand-some gowns of white silk and carried bouquetsof choice roses. Key. Father Dmipsey per-formed the ceremony and a nuptial mass was

jcelebrated. After tne wedding au elaborate!breakfast was served at the familyresidence onBusb street. Only very intimate friends of thecontracting parlies were present. Mr.and Mrs.Sic. Marie left in theafternoou to make a twoweeks' trip through Southern California. Thewedding presents were numerous beau-tiful.

' . :._ ._ :••

The wedding of Miss Sadie E. Gerrlsb ofOaklaud and Rld__ley Greathouse of this citytook place at 9 o'clock last Wednesday evening

at the home of the bride. Rev. Dr. Hummelofficiated. Miss Florence Geirish was thebridesmaid and Eugene O. Corngau was bestman. On tbe followingday the happy coupled parted for Portland, Or., where they willre-side permanently.

Rosenberg- Wasserman.Th marriage of Charles M. Rosenberg, oneif tbe best known young business men of Oak-land, took place last Tuesday afternoon at theresidence ot the bride's patents, Mr.and Mrs.

M. Washerman, 1004 Golden Gate avenue.The bride was Miss Mabel Wasserman. a younglady of beauty and refinement, who has a largenumber of friends and acquaintances. Thereieniony was performed t 3 o'clock by Rev.Dr. M.s. Levy. The ceremony was carried outin an Impressive manner according to the Jew-lab ritual and was witnessed by a numb rofrelatives and friends. The parlors and oilierapartment- of the residence were decoratedwith .inilax and asters and the initial,of thegroom and bride were embroidered withnatural flowers upon the lace curtains whichformed the background of the wedding alcove.

The attendants of the bride were Deautlfullittle Kills, either cousins or nieces of thegroom, a circumstance as Interesting as it wasnovel aud beautiful. The maids of honorwere Misses Gladys and Grace Rosenberg, thering-beat er was Miss Esmee Rosenberg,while the bridesmaids were Misses Sadie Mo*-bacber and Gertie Rosenberg. Following thiscoterie of bright and winsome Utile ones camethe bride, leaning on the aim of the groom'sfaiber, Morris Rosenberg. Then came thegioom, escorting the bride's mother, Mrs. M.Wasserman. the pert? advanced while.Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" was played,ana at ilie conclusion of ihe ceremony the"Lohengrin chorus was rendered. The cere-mony was followed by heartfelt congratu-lations.

Hie bride was radiant and beautiful Infaillehiancalse, with veil and mange blossomsand msmood ornaments. Gladys Rosenberg

was attired In light blue chiffon, Gracie audEsmee inorange India silk, Sadie Mosbacherin dotted Swiss, and Gertie Rosenberg In redIndia -..Ik.

The nuptial banquet followed the ceremonyand was attended by a cumber of relatives ofthe contracting parties. Milton Wassermauacted as toast-master, and a numberof elo-quent sentiments were proposed and respondedto under tils ditectiou, among them being thoseby Rosenberg, M. Rosenberg. M. P. Wolf.A. Wolf, B. Rosenberg, E. Wassermau and A.Wolf.

A number or telegrams weie received, ex-, pressing joy over the nuptials, some of thesecoming from many points ivEurope.Ihe banquet lasted until 6:30 o'clock lvthe, evening.The wedding reception look place two hourslater, and again the parlors were tilled with de-

voted fneuds of the happy couple. A most en-lertalntng programme was carried out— GladysRosenberg, Grace Roseuberg and Sadie Mos-bacher delivering recitations which displayedremarkable Intelligence and appreciation ofdifficult features of character delineation-. D.S. lliishb'-rgalso recited a selection in a veryentertaining manner. Mrs. D. S. Uirsbbergsang a solo very sweetly, and J. K.Lewis also:sang, The gtoom aud bride have gone on a

!happy honeymoon to the south. They willre-i side in Oakland. The presents were verynumerous, practical, rich and beautiful.

Among the quests were: Mis. M. Wasser-mau; .vi.Rosenberg, father of the groom; Mr.;and .Mrs. L. Rosenberg, M.1. Eisner, Mr. and! Mis. George Mosbach i,Mr.and Mrs. M.Wolfe,:Oscar Reiustelu, Mi. and Mrs. V.Ornstelu. Mr.

and Mrs. M.Ornsiein, Mr. nd Mis D.S. Hir«h---i beig. Mr.and Mrs. a. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. M.;P. Wolfe. Mr.and Mis. J. Rosenberg. Mr. and:Mrs.S. Rosenberg, Miss Theiese Rosenheim.

-Mm. E.Ornsteiu. MaltleOnisteln. (iu-sie Rein-stein. Milton Wasserm Kuward Wassermau,

\u25a0 Bert Rosenberg, Mis. Brooks, A. Rbelnhart,Mi. and Mrs. A. Coheu. Miss C. Apneil, Miss B.Goldman, Miss Meyers, Miss J. Hvams, Mi..Colin, .Mi. and Mrs. -V.A. Morris. L. Zen. E_-waid Morns, Miss Pauline Morris, Saul Hleuo,Misses Hattie and Rose Rosenblatt, RalphDavis, M. Tbasserme, Ed Tbasserme, Mr. ant;Mrs. j.M. Rosenberg, Mr. Goldman, MissHattie Kulner, Miss E. Loudbuig. Miss RosFraukeubnrg, Mrs. Frankenburg, Miss B. Her-man. Misses Bertie and Hattie VNallock. MissB. Levy, Mrs. Wertheimer. -Mi. and Mrs. stein,M. Hasserman. H. Lark, Mr. and Mrs. S. J.N'eubauer aud M. Lewis.

Bruno-Jones.The marriage of Miss Edith Alice Jones, the

niece of Mrs. E. A. Robbins of Oakland, tookplace in B-ikeley last Wednesday at the resi-dence of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. C. JonesBerkeley. The groom was Christopher D.Burnt). W. E. Stevens of San Francisco actedas best man. while Miss Emma Jours, sister ofthe bride, acted as maid of honor, and MissEmilyFerguson as bridesmaid. The cei emonywas performed by Rev. Dr. Wendie. The groomand bride are passing their honeymoon at Lakelahoe. They willreside lv Berkeley.

PRIVATE RECEPTIONS.A thoroughly enjoyable affair, and one not

likelyto be forgotten by those present, wasthe silver wedding anniversary celebrated byMi. and Mis. red Carsten at their pretty audspacious cottage at 1019 Morton street. Ala-meda, last Wednesday evening. The occasioncalled forth many Menus from both sides ofthe bay. Many useful and beautiful preseutswere received. The parlors were artisticallydecorated with smllax, the numbers "69"and"9-1" of silver being suspended irom the fold-ing doors. After enjoying an excellent musicalprogiamme tbe pany adjourned to the dining-room, where a bountiful iepasl was served, towhich all did ample justice, surround d bydecorations of the beautiful bopvlue, ferns,carnations and sweet peas; there the symbolic"25" of stiver hung fiom the chandelier. Manytoasts weie drunk to the health of the couple,and after supper lie young folks returned tothe dance ball, which bad been prepared forthem in the basement, made attractive byvines bilgbt-hued pelargoniums, Japanese fan'sand lanterns.

The San Francisco Mandolin and Guitar Clubgave a serenade and was welcomed by Mr.andMrs. Carsten lv their usual hospitable manner.The gentlemen rendered several very fine se-lection' during theevenlng. Other numbers onth- programme were: Vocal solos by MissesLucy liach, Emma Cordes and Bertha turnsuden; instrumental solos by Miss BerthaSchwartz, Miss Emilie Horstmann and L.i.eissler; cornet solos by Master H. Schwartz,and songs by Misses B. and L.Schwartz, MissEmilie Horstmann and Mrs. Henry li.cite. I*was a late hour when the pleasant affair cameto an eua.

Lindstrom House- Wanning.Anumber of the friends of Dr. A. O. Lind-

:strom proceeded to 415 Sutter street Satuiday| evening, September 1,and gave him a rousiugj house-warming, tbe doctor having just taken

possession, on a ten years' lease, of the premises;so long under the administration of Dr. Bazan.Speeches, songs, reminiscences of far-away but

loved Sweden, and frequent pilgrimages to asubstantial sldeooard ana tables furnished withan abundance of solid anu liquid enmfu. s

| enabled the company to pass a congenial night. that will long be remembered. Among thosepresent weie: J. Okerbiad. Dr. G. 8. Backinani Adoiph Braese, U.A. Brunell, O. Kioonniuist

';U. Olsen, A. Wallenberg, J. X. DeWlit CPeterson, Knute A. Lundstrom, A.Nelson, P.IE. Eilcksou, P. O. Peierson, A.Plbistrom, F.IB. Hulling.O. Gruggel, On. Gruggel, A. Berg-Isiruui, A. F. R.dke aud Dr. A.O. Lindstrom.

Waters Surprise Party.Miss Nellie B. Waters, daughter of Major W.

ID. Waters. N. G. C, was tendered a pleasantj surprise party at her residence, 1665 Mission} street, last Tuesday evening by several of ncrI friends. The affair was a welcome to ber uponIher return from the country, where sbe hasIbeeu recuperating her health. As Miss Waterswas welcomed Into the parlors the scene wasj one ibal willnot soon be forgotten. The young] ladies and gentlemen in evening dresses and! the sweet strains of the orchestra added to the;Bceue of gayety. The evening was pleasantly:spent In songs, duets and recitations. About1 12 o'clock a march was played and tbe youngIpeople gayiy filed Into the prettily decoratedj alnlng-room, where a well-spread table, orna-|mented with flowers, made a pietty sight.

Altersupper the guests returned to the parlors,iwhere they were presented with bonbons.j Daucing was then indulged in.

-Among those present were: Major and Mrs.

f W. D. Waters, Colonel William Macdonald,IMrs. J. B. Feral (a. Miss Minnie Petersen, Mrs.

.1. Guun, Miss Pearl Reed, Mr. Scon, Mrs.iChurchill Park, Captain 1. F. (_ Nell, MissiLouise (.older, Lieutenant Ed Carroll, Miss!Addle I'eralia, Miss VivaBoyle. Lieutenant H.;Parsons, Miss Kittle Murray, Miss GeorgiePark, Lieutenant C. J. Wall, Miss Josephine

iteming. Miss LuluForbes, Miss Lizzie Flem-ing, George Boyle, George Brisley, .miss KateMiller, Gilbert Bell, Miss Eva Forbes, Miss M.F. .IM.F.Flemlug aud George Golder.

The Samuels Reception.The regular quarterly reception given by Mr.

and Mrs. S. A.Samuels at their residence, 1925Union street, last Thursday evening, proved tobe a brilliant affair. The handsome parlorswere beautifully decorated with flowers andferns. The host and hostess proved ihem-elvesexcellent entertainers, and were ably assistedby their charming daughter. The followingexcellent musical and literary programmewas enjoyed immensely by all: Piano solo, byMiss G. Geminaul; comical selections, WilliamClark; recitation, T. H. Kllgo; operatic selec-tions, M.Lacey and F. K. Hayes; humorousrecitations and comical sayiugs, Bert liwln-wbislliug solos, J. A. Hathwell; comical andscutum Dial songs, Mrs. L.Rayots and MessrsGeorge and Charles Armbriisier and WilliamRegan, selections on the mandolin, guitar andbanjo. After the entertainment au excellentsupper was served. Dancmg, singing andgames followed and were kept up until a latehour.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 8.A. Samuels, Miss G. Geinlnaul, Mrs. H. K.

Hendricks. Mr J. Benson. Miss M. Lacey.Mrs. Dr. Beardsley. Mrs. E. P. Yb.irr., Mrs. B.Payats, Miss L.Payats. J. V. Dosal. J. a. Big-naldello. Bert Irwin,Chester Irwiu, J. a. Hath-well. W. C. Clark, William Regan. GeorgeA'mbuster, Charles Armbuster, F. R. Hayesand T. 11. Kilgo.

Miller Birthday Party.At tbe J. Sheldon. Miller, Lux Fiee Kinder-

garien, corner of West Mission and Thirteenthstreets, the birthday anniversary of MasterJ.S.Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller,whoendowed the school with sutllcieut money tocover running expenses, was celebrated inavery pretty and entertaining manner last Mon-day afternoon, and was witnessed by a 1.iceaudience. No labor was spared in decoratingand preparing for tbe event, Tbe little chil-dren presented a very pretty appearance asthey marched around tbe room, singing andkeeping perfect time to the music, and showingperfect training Inevery mot • tbey made. Thelittle folks numbered more than luo. After theexercises were over they weie Heated to fruitsand candles; ibis part of the programmegreatly delighted them. The school is underthe abb- directorship of Mrs. Roberts auddaughter, assisted by Miss Lucile Turner, MissRoberts, Miss Alice Hoeg and Miss SusieAbbott. Tbey should be highly complimentedupon the success of their efforts, and SanFraucisco should be proud of such an insti-tution.

Wallace Farewell Party.A very pleasant party was tendered to Miss

Bertha Wallace last Saturday evening prior toher departure for Portlaud. or., her futurehome. Games were indulged in,and the even-ing's programme consisted of a vocal duet bytbe Misses Georgie and May Duplissea; recita-tions by Miss Floience Porter, Miss NellieEriegei and Mi-s May Duplissea; vocal solosby Miss Alice __.ars.eua. Miss Bertha Wallaceadd E. Menkie. K. Parsons' vocal selectionsand Mr. Sass' recitations proved very attrac-tive features. Supuei was served in the dining-room, and it was near the first streaks ofdawn when the last merrymaker departed.'1hose present were: Mrs. Knegei, Mis. Wal-lace, |__ Misses Jennie, Nellie and H.ittieKiieger, the Misses Ottiliaand Alice Karsteus,Miss Florence Porter, the Misses Georgie andMay Duplissea ami Miss Edna Cook; E. Par-sous, Mr.Sass, William Judd, E. Menkie audJ. Gould.

A Wedding Reception.The marriage of Frank E. Wood and Miss

Frances Mar.hls. wincn was celebrated in SanRafael, was signalized by a reception whichfollowed at the home of W. A.Sprague In EastOakland, in which a number of friends of ibewedded couple and the members of the GoldenBear Club testified to the esteem In which theybeld the bible and groom.

The president of the club. J. W. Peck, speak-ing for tbe members, lv a nicely wordedspeech congratulated the groom upon thegood fortune which bad attended his selectionof a helpmeet and, a* an evidenc- of the good-fellowship ot the organization, presented himwith a most beautiful parlor decoration. Thegroom responded lv a very happy manner.Then followed a series of games, lv which allthe guests took part, and finally an elegantsupper was served and was enjoyed oy all.The parlors and rooms of tbe home were decor-ated with smilax and ro-es.

1lie members of tne Golden Hear Clubpresent weie: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sprague,' r. and Mrs. F. K. Wood. Mis. F. Kennedy,Mrs. O. R. Zander, .Mi-. E. 1.. Wilson, MissPink Ble ben. Miss Dai-ibel Wilson, MissNellie Ferguson, Miss Rogers. R. K.Kevin,J.W. Peck, F. D. Doibier, W. O. Wilson. G. W.Dugdell.

Pisani Birthday Party.Apleasant social gathering took place last

Monday evening at tin- residence ofG. Plsamto commemorate the annlveisary of the birthof his son Albeit. Tbe parlors, halls anddining-room weie festooned with evergreens

and chrysanthemums. The evening was mostpleasantly spent In merrymaking, dancing andsinging, and at midnight all tepaired to the-mug-room, wbeie a sumptuous repast wasserved.

Among those present were: Mr.and Mrs. G.I'l-ani, Mr. and Mis. T. F. Alford, Mrs. J.Harris, Lizzie Alfoid. Kitty Uanavaa, LlllleGreve, Ella Hainan. Flossie Alford. J. Galli. T.Galli. Normie Donovan. Elsie Donovan, Not ml.Harris. is. Revs. Giuseppe I'i-ani, ChailesRena, Michele Bellu«minl, Vttiorto Parenti,Vlncearo s<|iiagiia. iconn Squaglla. Am iIgoBiiiiichl, I'llide Faviili, Yacopo BiacaUui, Al-bert Plsanl. Krank Pisani, Seymour Galli, CarlHarris, Victor Harris, Leon Bena.

CLUB PARTIES.The Pacific Dancing Club gave its fortieth

paity at Union-squat- Hall last Tuesday even-ing. Tbe hall was crowded with members andfriends of this popular club. The grand march,which was led by Herman Kassinger and MissJ. Windsor, was a pretty feature of tbe affair.Miss Windsor wore a handsome gown of pinksilk cut decollete and trimmed with lace andcarried la France roses. There were about 200couples in 'he grand march, who enjoyed danc-ing until a late hour. The next paity will takeplace at Odd Fellows' Hail on Tuesday even-ing, October 2.

The committees were as follows: Committeeof arrangements— Herman Kassiuger, CharlesF. McMenomey. Rudolph Trautuer; receptioncommittee— Henry Wilson. Arthur c. F. Wil-kin*. William Fogariy. Edward c. Sewell. GusA. Trautuer; floor director. Herman Kassin-ger; assistant floor director, Rudolph Trautuer;floor committee— Bieudon Clark, R.Nelson. Henry Zaun, Albert G. Nagel, AndrewG. McCarthy.

The Genial Whist Club.Novelty which has charms Is more especially

refreshing when Infused Into the pleasures of aperfect summer evening, such as we wereblessed with on the 261h ult., when one of theroost interesting affairs of the summer seasonto ok place. Itwas a progressive whist parlygiven by the Genial Whist Club. The detailswere arranged with much tact and skill audthe elegant clubrooms at Golden Gate Hallwere decorated beautifully. There were ele-gant prizes giv-11 to the ladies and won in thefollowing oider: Miss Daisy Alexander, MissHarriet Landecker, Miss Ada scheeline. MissHannah Scheeime. The booby prize was car-ried off gracefully by Miss Emma Kahu. Afterthe whist tournament was decided all repairedto the ballroom, wbeie refreshments were

veil, after which the lightfantastic toe wasmerrily skipped until the wee sma' hours, whenthe guests left, taking with tbem unique souv-enirs of the happy occasion.

FRATERNAL SOCIALS.Amost delightful entertainment and dance

was given by Britannia Lodge No. 7. Daughtersof St. George, at 317 Masou street last Thurs-day evening, ln which bonbons were distributedIn the grand march and every one enjoyedthemselves to their heart's content.

Tbe programme was as follows: Duet oyMrs. Helen Williams and Miss Nellie Witts;recitation by Miss Flossie Oliver; concertinasolo by Mr. Luckes; song by Mrs. Ackeiman*recitation by Miss Lome Dwyer; violin solo byMr. Foley; recitation by Miss Jennie Turnbull*fancy dancing by Miss Jeannette T. Iter.

"Tbe committee of arrangements weie: Miss

M. Wiseman (chairman); floor manager, MissJ. Turnbull; assis ant floor manager, MrChamberlain ;reception committee— Miss AliceWins, Miss Annie Turnbull, Miss Brown, MissSlitl and Miss Turner.

Court Southern Heights.The Potrero Opera-house was crowded on

Saturday night with merry Foresters, the oc-casion being the second anniversary of CourtSouthern Heights No. 1100 of the IndependentOlder. The exercises were veryentertaining

and thoroughly appreciated by ail.Court Deputy PnscottL. Archibald presided,

and, after an overture by tbe orchestra, be madethe opening address.

At the conclusion of Mr. Archibald's remarkswinch were received with enthusiastic up-


Mause, "Man the Lifeboat" was sung by JAdamson. Mrs. Seager sang -The Spinning*Wheel" insuch splendid style that she was eu-cored. Tbe remainder of the programme, atthe conclusion of which there was a dance wasas follows: Quartet. "Hall to the Chief."Messrs. Adamson, Stewart, Dykes aud Hood-dance, ••Sailors' Hornpipe." Misses Campbelland Telfor; comic song, J. Ilynes; vocal trio"O Willie Brew'd aTeck o' Mault"; Irish jig'Misses Campbell and Telfor. j.Williamsonand Mis. L.M.Smith also contributed songs.

The committees to whom ina great measurethe success or the entertainment was due wereas follows: Reception commit...— Dr J ftSlefkes, 11. Stewart. A. Stewart, a. Strang, W.S. Young and M.McLean. 'Floor committee—.1. smith, D. Ferguson, A.Ross, J. a. Hurly. T.E. Strabn and J. McN'ulty. A.Young officiatedas floor manager. ______________

MISCELLANEOUS.Ransom White, the retiring resident secre-

tary of the Equitable LifeInsurance Company,gave an elaborate breakfast last Wednesday inhonor of his successor, George H. Ripley.Covers were laid for twenty-five and severalhours were pleasantly passed at the festalhoard.

Mr.and Mrs. XV. TV. Underbill of New YoikCity were entertained at a very pretty dinner-party Thursday evening by Mr.and Mrs. Var-ney W. Gasklll at their residence on Hobanstrtei. In Oakland. Mr. Underbill Is a veryprominent underwriter, being president of the*United Stales Insurance Company.

The Lawyers' Debatiug Society of San Fran-Cisco tendered a reception to its new president,

Milton M. Davl«, last Monday evening in itsrooms Inibe Alcazar building. After a discus-sion on certain legal points all retired to thebanquet-ball, where a sumptuous supper wasserved.

The wedding or Miss Minna Jonas, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Jonas, and TheodoreColin tooK place at Saratoga Hall at 4:30o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Septembers, andwas very pi asantly Celebrated.A surprise was glveu to Joseph Wbaley at

bis home in Sausaiiio. Saturday evening, by hisyoung friend-. Dancing and singing were en-joyed until almost midnight, when all sat downto supper. Miss Emma Meyer aud Miss Bradyassisted Miss Nora Wbaley in entertaining theguests.

The Veronas gave the second sailing party ofthe fifth series on Sunday. August 26, in honorof the ieta re Iromtheir summer vacation of tbeMisses Alden and Hader, honorary members ofthe club. The yacht Nellie took the partyaround itie bay. Au impromptu dance was en-joyed at tNWsalltO to tbo music of the Veronaorchestra. The club has organized. for tbe sea-.on of '04 and '05. The members are: Presi-dent Joseph Ebei ;secietary, George Hansen;treasurer, ('. K.Eber; directors— H. Muller,F.Raemer. B. Claik and Melville Kiev.

The Vai sovieiiue Club bas elected tbe follow-ing officers for the ensuing three months:President, Miss' Mamie Sweeney; vice-presi-dent. Miss Vlctorlue Ualnque; secretary. MissNellie Can ; treasurer. Miss Emma Lafferty.

PERSONAL MENTION.Mr. and Mrs. Mountlord S. Wilson have re-

turned from Black Hawk ranch, where theyhave been passing the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Jobn I'arrott and family willre-main at Del Monte a couple ot weeks more.

Among the San Franciscans wbo left NewYork City for Paris last Saturday were WilliamH.Crocker, Mrs. Spery, Mrs. A.M. _as;ou andher grandchildren, Mis. Louis B. Parrott andb r chlldien, and Heury W. Rediugton.

Judge and Mrs. John fl.Boali have gone to

Oaklaud to reside during the winter.Mr.and Mrs. 11. S. Crocker are at the Grand

Hotel InNew York City.Mrs. Edna Snell I'oulson willpass the winter

with Mrs. H. P. Crlsty at 2838 Pacific avenue,and williect.-lve on Fridays.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Green willpass

October and November lv Sausalito.Miss Josephine Cone of Red Bluff will soon

depart for the East, to remain until late inDe-cember.

Mr.and Mrs. L.Frledlander have removedfrom 828 Haight street to 1816 O'Farrell.

Misses Miriam and Frances Moore Intendpassing the winter Inthe Eastern Slates.

Walter S. llob.irt will depart late in Sep-tember to resume his course a.Harvard.

Mrs. John Boggs and Miss Alice Boggs havereturned from San Rafael aud are at the PalaceHotel.

Mis. Coll Deane Is recuperating ber health atthe villaof ber sister, Mrs. Edward Barron, inMay field.

\u25a0 Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Younger of Ala-meda left last Friday to enjoy a visit at theHotel del Monte.

George Loiillard Ronaids of New York hasrecently been entertaining Dr. and Mrs. B.Marion and Miss Maude Smith of tills city onbis steam yacht Riva, and they have madeseveral interesting cruises aloug the Atlanticcoast.

Judge and Mrs. Edward A.Belcher have re-turned from a visit to Eureka, HumboldtCounty.

Misses Florence and Jean Hush of Fruitvalewillsoon leave for the East to complete theireducation.

Miss M.Snltzer of 832 Sutter street is inNewYork and expects to return the last week ofthe month. .

--Miss Lucrecia Castelazo will sail on the

steamer Collma. which leaves this port on theIStli Inst., for Guatemala, where sue willbeunited in marriage to Lincoln Bodewell. form-erly of ibis city but now a merchant of Guate-mala City.

Mr.and Mrs. A.C. Tubb. are making a pro-longed visit at Del Monte.

Mis. James Pnelan and Miss Pbelan have re-turned to the cityafter pa-sing the summer atPbelan Park, tbeir villa ai Santa Cruz.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Biid«all, Miss Jennie Bird-sail and Ernest Blrdsall of Sacramento are atthe Pope House lvSanta Cruz.

Mi. and Mrs. Will E. Fisher and Miss SisterJennings are at the Hotel Mateo for a month.

Baron and Baroness J. H.yon Schroeder areat the Hotel Bellevue in Hamburg.

Ml Charles W. Hathaway was InSan Rafaellast w ek visitingher daughter, Mrs. Man-tie.Lovell.

Ms. and Mrs. A. C. Bunnell visited relativesin San Jose for a few days last week.

Mr.and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander sailedfrom New York for Europe last Saturday andwill pass the winter in Egypt.

Everett N. Bee sailed for Central Americala*l Saturday on the steamer Acapulco.

Dr.lieoiue T.riiilleturned from Del Montelas: -Monday.

Colonel _. S. (had rue. Colonel W. D.Sanborn and Major J. Fied Burgin returnedfrom Santa duz last Monday.

Frederick R. Webster. A. C. Tuobs andClinton E. Wordi-u returned from Del Montela«t Monday.

Francis U.Newlands arrived here last Thurs-day from W asblugton, D. C. and is at the Pal-ace.

E. M.Greenway willreturn to the city to-day,after passive the summer at San Rafael.

1). O. Millsleft New York City last Friday fortills city,and alter his arrival willgo to Chinaand Japan en rout to Egypt, where he willmeet Mr. and Mrs. W'hltelaw Reld InNovem-ber. Colonel C. F. Crocker will accompanyblm.

Rear-Admiral and Mrs. Seltrldge, U. S. N.,have returned from a visit to Mrs. GeueralKicketis iv San Jose.

Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Moale, ThirdIn-fantry, U. 8. A., who has been here lor severalyears on the department staff as Inspector ofsmall-arms piactlce, has been ordered to FortKnelling, near St. Paul, Minn., and will leavefor his stai ion In about a month, accompaniedby Mrs. Moale.

Mis. William H. Crocker and Miss BethSpeiry let Pans on August 6 for Biarritz.

Donald de V.Graham left last Mouday tovisit relatives In Eugland. When he returns toAmerica he willreside inChicago.

Mr. and Mrs. James 'Daniel, formerly Mrs.Mamie ('. Hasting*, returned from Switzerlandon August 21 and took looms at the Hotel dvRhin, in Paris.

EliMarks of this city was ln Lucerne, Swit-IHand, when last beard from. • '\u25a0-.-; ..-

Major ana Mrs. Charles I. Wilson, IT. 8. A..and Miss Geruude Wilson are residing at theRichmond, in Washington, D. C.

Lieutenant George R. Cecil, Thirteenth In-fantry, 11. S. A.,now on a leave of absence, isvisiting friends at San Diego Barracks.

Major John A.Darling, Fifth Artillery,U. S.A.,is absent from the Presidio for a month,owing to Illness.

Captain Jame? Parker. Fourth Cavalry, U. S.A., Is now on duty at ihe Military Academy atWest Point, N.Y.

The Misses Morrison and Henry E. Morrisonreturned to San Jose last Monday, after pass,ingseveral days at Del Monte.

Miss Kate McGrew ot Honolulu is visitingfrleuds lvSan Jose.

Mrs. Thomas Robbins. formerly Miss Naeleeof San Jose, Is passing the season at Bar Har-bor, Me., where she has a beautiful villa.\u25a0

Captain Elbrldge R.Hills, Filth Artillery,(J.S. A., who has been on duty at the Universityof Illinois, Champ ilgn, 111., since June 24,1890, was relieved on September 1.

Mrs, A.K. Wood, widow of die late CaptainWood, Fourth Cavalry, U. 8. A., Is visiting hersister. Mrs. W.S. Worth, wife ot Major Worth,U. 8. A.,at Fort Omaha.

Lieutenant Samson L. Falson, First Infantry,U. S. A., has been at Carson City, Nev.. ondv y withthe Nevada National Guard encamp-ment.

Henry Heyman left Liverpool last Saturdayon the campanula, en route home after visitingthe principal cities ol Europe, and will arrivehen- about September 23.

Mrs. J. J. Crooks left last Sunday to visit bermother, Mrs. J. 1. Case of Chicago, and willbeaway about six weeks.

Mrs. Frank m.Hatch of Honolulu ishere ona visit to her parents, Colonel aud Mrs. A. G.Uawes.

Mr.and Mrs. John O'Neal Ref . will occupythe residence of Dr. and Mrs. E. B.Perrin, 1935Clay street, during the winter.

Lieutenant Cecil Stewart. Fourth Cavalry, U.S. A,who has been on duly at the Military

Ac demy at West Point. N.V.,since April25,1891. was relieved from du'y on September 1.

Mrs. Peter McG. Mcß an and Miss Edith Mc-Bean will next Saturday to visit theEastern State* for several weeks.

Lieutenant William G. Haan, Fifth Artillery.U. S. A.,bas been visiting bis home in Mar-sbalitown. lowa, while on a two months' leaveof absence.

Lieutenant Thomas Ridgwav. Fifth Artlllerv,U. S. A.,has been passing much of his leave "ofabsence at Garden City, Long Island, N. Y.

miss Mollte Torbert will pass the winter InNew York with her sister. Mrs. Snyder.

Mrs. J.C.Tucker and the Misses Mac andClaire Tucker, wbo have been passing the sum-mer at Del Monte have returned to the city,andare residing at 1001 Pine street,

Mr.and Mrs. S. W. Rosenstock will soon re-turn from San Rafael to pass the season at tbePalace Hot 1.

Mr.and Mrs. George E. Raura willsoon leaveto make a prolonged tour of Europe.

Mrs. D.M.Delmas and the Misses Antoinetteand Josephine Delmas have returned to theirvillanear Mountain Viewafter passing amouthat Sausalito.

Lieutenant John Stafford. Eighth Infantry,U. S. A., bas been relieved from duty at Wash-ington University In St. Louis, and with Mrs.Stafford—formerly Miss Gibbs of this city—lsvisiting New York prior to joining his regi-ment.

Lieutenant John M. Neall, Fourth Cavalry,U. S. A., was relieved fiom autv on September1as military instructor at the Nevada StaleUniversity at Reno. He has been there sinceNovember 14, 1890. He will be stationed atthe Presidio. His wife will also be here, andiv a short time tier sister. Miss Katberlne Bar-dic, willcome out from New York to visit her.

General W. H. Dimoud and the MissesEleauor and Mac Dimond have returned totheir cliy residence, after passing the summerat Binllngame.

Senator Charles N. Felton. Mrs. WilliamKohland Miss Mamie Kohl bave been passingseveral weeias atPaso Robles.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Magee have beenvisitingLake Tahoe lor a couple of weeks.

Liiuteu.iht C. A. F. Flagler. Engineers'Corps, U. S. A.,has reported at West Point,N. V., for duty.

Lieutenant Charles H. McKlnstry, Engin-eers' corps U. S. A., has been ordered to takestation at Duluth. Minn.

Lieutenant Oscar 1. Straub, Fifth Artillery,U. S. A.,has beeu relieved from duty with iheFirst Artillery at Fort Hamilton, N.V., andgranted two months' leave of absence, afterwhich li• will joinhis proper battery.

Lieutenant Oliver E. Wood, Fifth Artillery,U. S. A.,bas been transferred from Fort Dy,Wash., to Aicatraz Island.

Mr.and Mrs. A.P. Talbot will return fromSan Rafael In about a week and willthen oc-cupy their Dew residence, comer of Californiaand Pierce streets. .

Mrs- William fluff has been passing a coupleof weeks at Lake Tahoe.'

Hugo Tolaud Is visltlugNew York City.Mr.and Mrs. D.B.Davidson will remain in

San Rafael durlug tbe autumu mouths.Major D.E.Miles has relumed from a visit

to Santa Cataliua Island.Mis. 11. Alston Williams and Miss Cora

Caduc will return from Santa Cruz in about aweek, after passing (he summer there.

Lieutenant Charles K. B. Flagg, AssistantSure on. U.S. A., is absent on duty at theB quota National Park.

Lieuteuuut Edward P. McGlachln Jr., FifthArtillery,U.S. A., reported tor duty on Sep-tember 1at the Artillery School, Fort Monroe.Va.

Lieutenant William R. Hamilton,' Fifth Artil---

ry, [J. S. A., reported for duty on September1as piofessor of militaiy science anil tacticsat the Stall: University of Nevada, Keuo, Nev.

Mr.and Mrs. C. O. G.Miner and Miss MarianMillerof Oakland have been at Lake Tabooduring the past fortnight.

Hon. and Mrs. liotnu iltloPacbeco are passinga few weeks at Sau Rafael.

Mrs. F. L.Castle and the Misses Eva, Blancheand Hilda Castle will pass ihe winter in theDoe

__________489 Jackson street.

Lleuieiiiini James C. Bu.b. Fifth Artillery,U.S. A.,lias been transferred from AicatrazIsland to Fort Cmby, Wash.

Lieutenant Downs L. Wilson. U. B. N., ispassing bis two months' leave of absence at bishome inGeoreetowu. I). C.

Lieutenant Edward T.Brown, Fifth Artillery,U.S. A.,now at Hie Prcldio, will be trans-ferred to Fort Canby, wash., onOctober 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Scott, who have beenpassing ilie summer at San Mateo, will returnto Ilie city about September 15.

Mi Horace Davis is confined to her resi-dence, 1800 Broadway, as the result of a seri-ous accident she sustained at Sama Cruz lastmoii 11. Itmay be a couple of months beforeshe willbe able to walk.

Dr.and Mrs. W. <;. Daggett (nee Cohen) havegon. to New Haven, Conn., where they will re-side permanently. Miss Bertha Thompson ofNew York accompanied them on their Easterntrio.

Lieutenaut Delamere Stc*-rr**t_ Fifth Ar-tillery.U. S. A., tenoned for instruction at tbeartillery school, Foil Monroe, Va., on Sep-tember 1.

Lieutenant Harvey C. Carbaugh, Fifth Ar-illleiy,U. S. A., reported lor instruction onSeptember 1, at the artillery school, Fort Mon--10 ', Va.

Lieutenant Robert H.Noble, First lofantrv,U.M. A., who has been abseui on duty at Sr.John's College, Annapolis. Mil., wilt be relievedfrom dv ythere onSeptember 10, when he willlake a leave of absence for two months.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam's M. Cunningham andfamily have returned to the city,after passingthe summer at Del Monte.

Mr.and Mrs.Robert P. WTeland are passingamouth InSan Jose.

Miss Biix .mini or Oakland has been passinga week at the Mariel villa, uear MountainView,as the guest of Miss Ethel Mattel.

Mr.and Mrs. A.B. Moulaer (nee Clarke), wbohave been passing the summer ln San Rafael,bave returned to the city and will reside at2119 California street until November 1. Theywill receive on Tuesdays.Ll\u25a0\u25a0uieuaiii William F. Crofton, First Infan-

try,U. S. A., returned to duly at Angel Islandlast Monday.

Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles G. Lyman, U.S. A., are now residing at the home ol Mrs.Jremiah Clarke, 2119 California street, wherethey will remain until November, when Lieu-tenant Lyman willbe transferred to au Easternpost.

Ensign E. D.Steams, U. S. N.,has been or-dered to the Adams.

Mr.and Mrs. John Parrott and family havebeen passim? the week at Del Monte.

A.J. Lewis is at the Hotel Waldorf in NewYork City.

Mrs. Robert E. Williams, who has been InTacoma during the past six weeks, visitingberdaughter, Mrs. S. M.Jackson, willremain thereabout three weeks more.

Mrs. Crittenden Thornton and family havereturn' to the city,alter passing the summerat Santa Cruz.

Mrs. John R. Jarboe and Miss Kathryu Jar-boe returned from Santa Cruz last Sunday, afterpassing the summer there.

Dr. and Mrs. A. tiarkan visited Castle Craglast week.

Mrs. F. A. Underbill and Miss Maud -"under-bill have returned to the city after a threeweeks' visit io San Jose.

Mr. and Mrs. James Sproule visited CastleCrag last week.

Fiancls J. Cardan paid a visit to San Joselast week.

Mr.and Mrs. K. W. McChesney are occupy-ing their residence, 1815 Central avenue, inAlameda. Miss Florence Manson ls visitingthem.

Miss Rose Adler will receive on the first andsecond Wednesdays of each mouth at her home,2200 Jack sou street.

Mr.and Mis,Georee R. B. Hayes have beenenjoying a visit at Vichy Springs, uear Ukiali.

President and Mrs. David Starr Jordan ofPalo Alto have been at Lake Tauoe during thepast fortnight.

Dr.and Mrs. James Whitney have been pass-ing a couple of weeks at ElPaso de RoblesSprings.

Miss Belle Crellin of Oakland and her sister,Mrs. George F. Canwilght ol London, willleave 10-morrow for the home of ihe latter,after which they willmake a tour of tbe conti-nent. .'.

Mrs. J. Coad of 1028 Washington street isvisitingrelatives tv Santa Clara Couuty.

Mis. Thomas Denigan and Miss FlorenceDenlgan b ye returned to the city after passingthe summer at Santa Cruz.

Douienlco Rossi has goue to visit bis formerhome in Turin, Italy.

Mr.and Mrs. s. w. Rosenstock will pass thewinter at the Palace Hotel.

M.Theodore Kearney of Fresno was In Ham-burg when last heard from.

Dr. Virginia W. Smiley and Dr. Lucia M.Lane have goue to Europe and will be awayabout four months. \u25a0 <

Mrs. Frances Davles and her daughter, MissDavles, are now residing at 1602 Washingtonstreet.

Mr.and Mrs. J. J. Hendv have returned froma two months' visit to the Eastern States.

Mrs. Fiances B.Edgerton will receive onThursdays at her residence, 1001 Leavenworthstreet.

Miss Mat Livingston is visitingher brotherln San Bernardino.

Mr. aud Mrs M. A. Dunscome arrived inSouthampton last w ek. .

Mr. aud Mrs. H. H. Goodrich were at theWorden Hotel, Saratoga Springs, N. V., last

William E. Waters returned to tbe city lastTuesday alter a four months' visit to theprincipal cities In the Eastern States.

Frank Gobey Is visitingNew York City. -'•---Mr.and Mrs. Richard Fluking Jr. have re-

turned from their wedding trip and will re.ceive their friends next Sunday at 317 Scottstreet.

Dr. Lueila Cool left last Saturday on thesteamer Acapulco for New York City, whereshe Intends perfecting an invention pertainingtodentistry.

Mrs. H. Myers returned to ber home InPortland. Or., yesteiday after a Eve months'visit to friends inCalifornia.

Mrs. J. Kichard Freud is passing a mouth atthe Hotel Vendome InSan Jose.

Mr.and Mrs. H. Barron and family are pass-inga month ivSausalito.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coleman and Mr. andMrs.Cieve bave removed from 1923 How mi

stre t to 1513 Scott street and willreceive onthe last Monday of each month.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L.(Franklin have returnedfrom Europe and are at their residence, 2030California street.

Miss Clare Heymau and Oscar Ueyman arepas9siu_ a few weeks InGrass Valley.

Miss Idalene Rosekrans bas gone to Hono-lulu ana willbe away several months.

M. Grossman will return next Saturday froma four months' visit to tlie Eastern States.

Miss Martha Shainwald has returned to thecity alter passing the season at Cazadeio.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Fluman, who have been inSan Rafael during the past summer, have re-turned to ihelr residence on Van Ness avenue.

Miss LillieBrownstone and Miss Minnie Hoffare visiting friends lvSan Jose.

Mrs. J seph Poheim will receive on the sec-ond Friday of each mouth at her residence,1806 Pacific avenue.

Miss Cora Hart left the city left Saturday for ian extended tour through the Eastern Stains.

Mrs. M. F. Hammer and Miss Cora Hammer ,of Sacramento are visiting Mrs. H.S. Burner atthe sea Beach Hotel in Santa Cruz.

Dr. Albeit Abrams wis iiiBerlin when lastbeard from. He is expected here ate iv No-vember.

Mrs. Isaac Marks of Sacramento is passing afew weeks here.

Mrs. J. Zemansky of Sacramento is visitingMiss P. Berg at her residence, 033 Eddy street.

Mrs. Samuel J. Ruddell, Mrs. Annie Martin,Miss Jennie McGovern, Air.and Mis. GeorgeJennings, Paul Kingston and Captain James ,W. Dullybave gone to Highland Springs to re- !main a few weeks.

Among the ieceut visitors at iElua Springswere: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Upbam, Mr. and iMrs. R.Finking, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossiter ;and A. Boyken of this city; Mr. and Mrs. J.Graf and W. A. Maklnder of St. Helena; R.Van Brunt of New York City and W. N. Oui-niius of liwaco, Wash.

COMING EVENTS.The ladies or the Catholic AidSociety of Oak-

laud will give a picnic to-day at Trestle Glenfor the benefit of th- ir cnailiy fund. Asmalladmlsslou fee will be cba'rged to the grounds,as the ladles have secured the exclusive rightto them for the day.

The Verdls will give their ninth party atTjnlon-square Hall to-morrow night.

The AlphaSocial Club willgive Its first partyWednesday evening at Saratoga Hall.

An entertainment entitled -ANight InScot-land" will be given next Wednevdav eveningat Social Hall,102 O'Farrell street.

Social Council No. 46. Order of ChosenFriends, will give an entertainment and dancenext Thursday evening at Washington Hall,320 Post street.

The Original LilyClub will give a grab-bagparty next Thursday evening at its hall, comerof Twenty-seventh and Folsom streets.

Th-- Oliabai SDalome, auxiliary to ihe Mason-street Synagogue, will civ.a concert at GoldenGate Hall next Thursday eveuing aud willpresent an excellent programme.

lie Native Sons of Vermont will give theirregular monthly entertainm nt next Fridayevening at Odd Fallows' Hall, and have pro-vided an excellent programme.

The Alcazar Bohemian Dramatic Club willproduce Hartley Campbell's, "My Part-ner," next Friday evening, at N> w MissionTurner Hall,corner of Valencia and Eighteenthstreets. Daucing will follow the performance.

Olympic Circle No. _'_'. Companions of theForest of America, will give a ball next Satur-day evening at Mission Parlor Hall.

The Pythian Sisters will give their regularmonthly entertainment and dance at AlcazarSocial Hall, cv Friday .veiling,September 28.

The Queer Fellows will give their annualmasquerade bait at Union-square Hall on Sat-urday evening. September 29.•

The Dolphin Swimming and Boating Clubwit)hold its sixteenth anniversary ball at Cali-fornia Hall ou Saturday evening, November 3.

Glass atF. N.Woods &Co.'g. 51First street. »


A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.

DR.T. FELIX (iOlKAlll'.OBIENTAIiCKEAM. orMAGICAI BKAI/TIFIER.5=- i;'"'oves Tan. Pimples, a-reck-

£\u25a0_: 4^3^S*»__ ''"" MotllPatches. Hash, and~t r'' &£&~^r̂^E\ ___ Skin diseases, and

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For sale by ailDrugglstsand Fancy Uood- Deal-ers throughout the U. 8., Canadas and Europe.

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