personal lifeplan

Upload: jennifer-heredia

Post on 06-Mar-2016




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hetar lifeplan


My Financial Plan Expecting that Id be finishing Medical School in four years after college, Id be 24 years old as I apply for a hospital which could accept me as a postgraduate intern about to take her Physicians Licensure Exam. Assumming that I pass the Physicians Licensure Exam in one take, Id be starting my actual career with expected pay at about 25 years old as a resident doctor. And depending upon my specialization, as of now, OB-Gynecology, which is taken for four years with increasing pay every year, and with higher pay in a government hospital, I expect to have a salary of about 35,000 every month. Jennifer Mae Heredia HETAR 2A MT Mr. Gonzales

In tabulating my estimated financial profile:Resident OB-Gyne Doctor at a Government Hospital, 25 years old

Cash on Bank 200,000

Monthly Pay 35,000

Current monthly expense 15,000

Other expenses (insurance, tax, HMO) 2,500

And as for my personal profile: Working young professional No own car yet No wedding plans yet Still living with parents Plans to retire at 70 years old

With my savings, I plan to invest 50,000 each of my 200,000 into 4 different banks with different interest rates for each. Assumming an average interest rate of about 5% every year, I expect to get an approximate of 10,000 overall each year to be added to my total accummulated yearly pay of 420,000 for a total of 430,000 of yearly income. Estimating that I have about 1 million by the time Im 30, I will use this money to fund my researches and in travelling across the world for scientific and cultural purposes. Add some more years and when I feel like Im ready, Id want to travel to incorporate my profession into different aspects within varied cultures. Id want to immerse myself in diverse medical environments focusing on womens health to later on write and publish a book integrating women pregnancy and health to women empowerment. Having this said, I will focus my mid-20 up to late 30s unto my career. I will probably venture with business in the future, developing my own small clinic and laboratory, upon which I will work hand-in-hand with my siblings who are also working in the medical field. Estimating my money after retirement: [ 430,000 of yearly income (( 15,000 current monthly expense + 2,500 other expenses)x12 months in a year)]x(70 years old for retirement - 26 years old when I started earning) = 9,680,000 - 1 million for travelling expenses = 8,680,000 as my retirement money.