personal growth plan guide

PERSONAL GROWTH PLAN GUIDE “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer . Everyone was filled with awe…praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-43, 47 NIV Founding Members 1949 West Ministry Center 2009 North Ministry Center 2nd Sanctuary 1963 Temporary South Lincoln Site 2014 South Ministry Center 1992 Permanent South Lincoln Site 2018

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“They devoted themselves

to the apostles’ teaching

and to the fellowship, to

the breaking of bread and

to prayer. Everyone was

filled with awe…praising

God and enjoying the

favor of all the people.

And the Lord added to

their number daily those

who were being saved.”

Acts 2:42-43, 47 NIV

Founding Members 1949

West Ministry Center 2009

North Ministry Center 2nd Sanctuary 1963

Temporary South Lincoln Site 2014

South Ministry Center 1992

Permanent South Lincoln Site 2018


Are We Done Yet?

Dear People of Christ,

During my past 20 years, we have seen God’s hand in developing this congregation called Christ Lutheran with people, ministry, programs, staff, land, and buildings. And now we are about to begin one of the most important journeys in our history as we reach out to share Jesus Christ with others and to be “Still GROWING so none are turned away.”

In just the last decade, God has blessed Christ Lutheran with tremendous growth! Average Sunday worship attendance has grown from 1193 to 1898. That’s a 159% much, that it created a critical need in 2014 to find a site in south Lincoln for outreach ministry. But it’s not only worship attendance that matters.

Just recently, I received a report about this year’s ministry programming, space is an issue… again! • Childcare for Wednesday night programming at Central must now use the portables!• We’re turning away requests from groups needing Bible Study and meeting space because there’s no more room! • The high school youth program needs to expand into the recently acquired 1811 44th Street “Crawford” house! • Storage rooms are being transformed into offices to make room for new staff! • This fall, the church nursery will double as an infant room for Christ Kids because there’s no more room!• An additional 13 classrooms are being used for Wednesday night programming at South!

The inevitable question for each of us becomes: “What would God have us do?” The Participate 4 Growth Appeal will cause each of us to pray, reflect, and answer that question. How do we respond? “4 CHRIST, 4 ALL, 4 NOW, 4 EVER!”

My prayer for you is to be open to God’s call because we’re not done yet. Prayerfully be a part of this 4-year journey according to the gifts of Ability, Time, and Money that God has given you. Be ready to experience God’s transforming power at work, equipping each of us to be generous in all we do to expand His kingdom here on this earth.

Finally, consider these words from the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” NIV

The Lord’s ways are true and they are amazing!

Welcome Home!

Luke Schnake Director of Ministries For further study – 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 and 9:6-8





4 CHRIST (Next Steps) Pages 4-5

4 ALL (Tithes & Offerings) Pages 6-7

4 NOW (Land, Buildings, & Debt) Pages 8-13

4 EVER (Wills, Trusts, & Estate Plans) Pages 14-15






It was 2004 and everyone wondered where the kids and grandkids had gone. In response, Room211 was boldly created to attract millennials to a multisensory experience where the Gospel would be more relevant to them through music and parable preaching. Worshippers kept on inviting others and attendance quickly exploded beyond the walls of the North Ministry Center.

With more and more young people attending, marriages, children, Christ Kids and Christ Schools were next. Baptisms became more and more frequent in all services. Once again, the congregation boldly responded with their blessings to fund a multipurpose West Ministry Center for worship and an Education Center for children’s ministries. More homes were purchased to provide on-site parking. Children’s ministries continued to grow by leaps and bounds. Worshippers were still inviting others. Space was again at capacity. Now what?

On the 10th Anniversary of Room211, the people of God reACTed with their blessings once again to pray for God’s guidance, stay at Central or go as a “missionary,” and give to create space for more parking at Central and start a new temporary worship center at South. Today, by God’s continued grace and blessings, all worship services continue to grow to serve and reach more people forJesus Christ!

You are part of this journey, this opportunity, this plan. Help determine how we can use God’s blessings by utilizing this guide, during each of the 4 years of this 4 Appeal, in 4 different opportunities:

This is an exciting time for Christ Lutheran, Christ Schools, and Christ Kids! Let’s join Jesus on His mission in central andsouth Lincoln today!

We are truly blessed to be a blessing!

Tom Grunow Director of Biblical Generosity

P.S. Each year I’ll ask you to return your completed Personal Growth Plan Card to communicate any needed adjustmentsaccording to God’s plans in your life.



4 Next Steps

“Worship and service to others has been a real blessing to my family!” Will Hays




Next Steps

Have you found ways to grow spiritually through Christ Lutheran?

Your first priority as a Christian and part of Christ Lutheran Church is to reaffirm a growing spiritual relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus, as a foundation for living. When you grow in a relationship with Jesus, you will want to tell others about the great gift of eternal life for all. When you tell others about His gift of salvation, other people will discover a relationship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. And, just like the very first church recorded in the Book of Acts, the church grows in numbers and facilities. Help Christ reach more people for Jesus! We invite you to consider choosing one, two, or even three “Next Steps” as your personal goal over the next 12 months. Consider how you might choose to: CONNECT, GROW, SERVE or GO with the support of Christ Lutheran. After all, we do it 4 CHRIST!

More details about each of the “Next Steps” are available by calling the church and speaking with our Welcome Ministries Coordinator or by referencing the website.

After prayerful consideration... We (I) 1. 2. intend to live the Gospel more fully 4 CHRIST and will strive to:

CONNECT with:1 2 Fellowship Groups1 2 Sports Teams/Wellness1 2 Men/Women/Family Activities1 2 GROW through increased:1 2 Prayer/Devotions1 2 Worship1 2 Bible Study/Small Groups1 2

SERVE in the areas of:1 2 Hospitality/Parking/Greeting/Usher1 2 Caregiving/Home Visits/Hospital1 2 Trades/Handy Man/Event Setup1 2 Office/Counters/Bulletins1 2 Teaching or Assist/Mentor/Coach1 2 Music/Band/Drama/Art Team1 2

GO by considering or sponsoring:1 2 Serve Lincoln Day/Other Events1 2 Family & Int’l Mission Trips1 2 Crisis/Disaster Response1 2 Professional Church Worker1 2


Save this information in your guide for your personal records. Transfer this information to your Personal Growth Plan Card or at

“And whatever YOU do, whether in word or

deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Colossians 3:17 NIV

“Worship and service to others has been a real blessing to my family!” Will Hays

6 Tithes & Offerings

“Each of you should give what you

have decided in your heart to give, not

reluctantly or under compulsion, for

God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

“My parents were givers to the Lord and taught me to do the same!” Bonnie Smith




Do you have a “system” or a “plan” in place for your tithes & offerings? Money – you can’t live through a day without using it! Living expenses increase each year and so does the cost of doing God’s work. Christ Lutheran is not immune. Over the years, members and friends of Christ Lutheran have responded generously. The average tithes & offerings is $2,123 per giving unit per year or $40.23 per week.

God’s plan of financial giving is revealed to us in 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income…” NIV

In reality, everyone uses a “system” or “plan” for determining tithes & offerings, whether they know it or not! Which giving plan are you using right now?


No matter your present giving plan, your basic goal should include continued growth in priority, tithing, and cheerfulness as your response to the Lord for what He has already done for you. Consider 2 Corinthians 9:7 this way: God gave what he decided in His heart to give – His only Son, Jesus Christ, not because He had second thoughts or felt under pressure, for God is a cheerful “never ending” giver!

To continue to grow in our regular givingmay mean changing plans, or moving down to the next plan on the list. Based on your household net income, what would it take to move from where you are to the next column over on the weekly giving chart?

After prayerful consideration... We (I) rejoice in God’s financial blessings and desire to be a blessing 4 ALL by increasing our (my) tithes & offerings in support of ongoing ministry as follows:

For 2016-17 to $ _________ per week or $ _________ per monthor other: ______________________________________ For 2017-18 to $ ________________________________For 2018-19 to $ ________________________________For 2019-20 to $ ________________________________

Will continue current tithes & offerings level

Please send: Offering Envelopes Electronic Giving Information Special Giving Circles List My Current Giving Statement Christ Lutheran Church Spending Plan (Budget)

Save this information in your guide for your personal records. Transfer this information to your Personal Growth Plan Card or at

Tithes & Offerings

BIBLICAL PLANSConsistent (even when gone)Growing (increase annually)First Fruits (first priority)Biblical Tithe (10% of net)(Read Malachi 3:10)Cheerfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7)

SECULAR PLANSToken ($1-3 tip)WIIFM (What’s in it for me)Potluck (in the wallet)Leftovers (left after bills)Compulsory (feel obligated)Fair Share (church budget)

“My parents were givers to the Lord and taught me to do the same!” Bonnie Smith

8 Land, Buildings, & Debt

“For I know the plans I have for you,”

declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you

and not harm you, plans to give you hope

and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11-12 NIV

“Together as the family of Christ, by the grace of God, this all can happen!” Jerry and Cindy Johnson




How can you help Christ Lutheran effectively reach people with the Gospel? The longer people reach toward maturity in Christ, the more they come to see a fundamental truth about His kingdom – there is room for everyone! Christ Lutheran has often had to expand facilities and parking to keep pace with God’s blessings.

The addition of a new South Campus with new facilities will effectively enable more people within the congregation and especially the community to be served in ministry.

Should the congregation incur debt to expand ministry? There’s no doubt that incurring debt has enabled Christ Lutheran to react to ministry growth and expansion in the past and may be required in the future. Dedicated attention to retiring debt is also a privilege and a responsibility.

Christ Lutheran promotes and offers Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University courses. He says: “If paying cash for a house seems too far out of reach, you can still buy a house if you save a down payment of at least 10% on a 15-year (or less) fixed-rate mortgage, and limit your monthly payment to 25% or less of your monthly take-home pay.”

Any proposed loan for new construction, along with current debt service on approximately $2.6M, would fall within Dave Ramsey’s suggested parameters. Through the generosity of God’s people, including an opportunity in this 4 Appeal, Christ Lutheran has always made and intends to make its financial obligations regarding debt.

What’s the real need for expansion?Space for ministry! Average worship attendance is the greatest indicator of church health – sort of like checking one’s heart rate – flat line is not good! Look at the attendance pattern at Christ!

2006 - 11932007 - 13212008 - 13962009 - 13932010 - 14542011 - 15892012 - 18782013 - 18782014 - 18312015 - 18332016 - 1898

Year - Attendance Numbers

Incredible worship growth in all services, but primarily in Room211 worship

Parking and seating are problems andattendance plateaus; built West Ministry Center & Education Building

Worship attendance dramatically increases in all services, but primarily again in Room211 worship

Parking and seating are again problematic so attendance plateaus and actually dips; reACT campaign recruits missionaries to create South Campus and then add parking at Central

Attendance increasing primarily at South Campus








‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16

Land, Buildings, & Debt

“Together as the family of Christ, by the grace of God, this all can happen!” Jerry and Cindy Johnson

10 Land, Buildings, & Debt

Phase 1: The building (red) at the South Campus will be the first unit on the newly purchased 11 acre site on 67th Street between Yankee Hill and Bridle Lane.

What is multisite ministry?Congregations who are strong, healthy and vibrant have found great success with having more than one site, all functioning under the same structure, pooling resources, sharing talented staff, sometimes duplicating programs and teaching and/or having sites which specialize in different ministries. This is the direction in which we believe God has led Christ Lutheran to move. Therefore we are not intending on “planting” another congregation in south Lincoln, but rather we intend to build on the strengths with which God has blessed us to impact more of the city with His love, all emanating from one congregation.

Phase 1: A two or three floor building at Central (red) will replace the 1811 44th Street house – next to the South Ministry Center. Fellowship Hall renovations (dotted red lines) include the current kitchen and adult education classrooms.


70th. ST.



Land, Buildings, & Debt

What are the specifics about the land and buildings?

Central Campus New Building:• Move the childcare from the six classrooms in the portable

building facility into a permanent, more safe and secure facility increasing the transition of students into K-5.

• The main and lower level will be connected with the South Ministry Center entrance on the main floor and the Fellowship Hall on the lower level; most of the rooms will have natural light source; one room may be designated as a tornado shelter.

• Provide long-awaited space for music, the arts, more adult education on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights (prime time), and another large, multipurpose space about twice the size of the North Ministry Center for funeral receptions, seniors events, Wednesday night programs, and large ministry groups.

• Allow for Christ Schools to repurpose existing classrooms and spaces while utilizing the additional music, arts, and other rooms in this new building to meet K-5 expansion growth projections for the next 5 to 6 years.

• Unfinished areas could be completed in the future to meet new ministry needs.

Central Fellowship Hall Renovation: • Bring the kitchen and food line to the required health code

standards and school use requirements. • Provide soundproof wall system to enhance adult education


South Campus Land & Building:• Purchase 11 acres in south Lincoln off Yankee Hill between 56th

and 70th, to be used as another ministry site. • Provide space for expanding Room211 South worship to 400-500

(projected to occur over two years).• Provide for growth in the overall Christ Kids childcare ministry

with 50-100 additional students, which will help alleviate the 15-month waitlist at Central.

• Provides additional needed office and education spaces for Christ Lutheran.

• Use current rent payments, childcare income, and potential Christian foundation grants to support the building project.

• Adjustable size and finish allows for cost variances.


Phase 1 - Which Plan? The extent of the vision to expand ministry and facilities, as we desire to seek and reach people who don’t yet know Jesus, comes down to a matter of what the congregation is willing to accomplish to be “Still GROWING so none are turned away.” In the end, the congregation will decide on which plan to pursue and how much, if any, money to borrow above and beyond financial commitments from God’s people. It is anticipated that occupancy of all constructed buildings will be available between May and August 2018.

Raising MoneyThe Feasibility Study indicated that a congregation of our size and support for ministry should be able to raise $5.2M. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to go beyond that and raise at least $8.3M toward the Basic Immediate Plan seeking additional support from Christian foundations, Christ Schools families, ministry partners, and through estate plans. And with God’s extraordinary blessings, perhaps Christ Lutheran can reach toward $10.6M to build the Preferred Expansion Plan.

2 Corinthians 8:12 reminds us “Now finish the work, so your eager willingness to do

it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.” NIV

The Basic Immediate PlanCovers both what is needed now for ministry along with additional space expansion within the new facilities over the next two to four years – a short-term solution to immediate needs.

CENTRAL• Two floors with interior access to the South Ministry Center and the

Fellowship Hall• Six permanent classrooms to replace the six Christ Kids childcare

classrooms in the portables• Music room and the Christian arts room for church and school• Fellowship Hall kitchen and classroom renovations

SOUTH• A 400 seat, multipurpose worship space • Two large multipurpose meeting rooms• Multipurpose classrooms for 50 children in the new Christ Kids

childcare addition

Projected Cost: $8.3M• $2.3M for a 14,500 sq. ft. two floor building at Central• $2.3M for land at South• $2.7M for an 18,960 sq.ft. one floor building at South • $1.0M for other costs (fixtures, permits, architectural, funding,

construction loan interest, etc.)

The Preferred Expansion PlanCovers both what is needed now for ministry along with additional space expansion within the new facilities over the next three to six years a better, longer-term investment in ministry.

CENTRAL• Two floors with interior access to the South Ministry Center and the

Fellowship Hall• Six permanent classrooms to replace the six Christ Kids childcare

classrooms in the portables

• Music room and the Christian arts room for church and school• Fellowship Hall kitchen and classroom renovations• Third Floor containing large multipurpose space with café

SOUTH• A 500-600 seat, multipurpose worship space• Two large multipurpose meeting rooms• Multipurpose classrooms for 50-100 children in the new Christ Kids

childcare addition

Projected Cost: $10.6M• $3.4M for a 22,500 sq.ft. three floor building at Central• $2.3M for land at South• $3.7M for a 20,710 sq.ft. one floor building at South

with enhanced features• $1.2M for other costs (fixtures, permits, architectural, funding,

construction loan interest, etc.)

Land, Buildings, & Debt




Everyone Participating We know, $8.3M or $10.6M is a lot of money. Few of us would be able to consider such a project on our own, but together, as the family of Christ Lutheran, and by the grace of God, it can happen! The real support will come from 1,023 giving units at Christ Lutheran – us! – by each reaching toward one of the gift levels on the “gift tree” according to how God has blessed us. 1) The gift tree represents the number and type of gifts needed to reach the Celebration Goal over the next 4 years. Which level might you prayerfully consider as your total gift for Phase 1 Land, Buildings, and Debt?

2) It’s pretty difficult for most of us to make a special gift solely out of cash from regular income. Perhaps God has blessed you with extraordinary income provisions or even blessings called“assets.” Is there anything that would challenge you to s-t-r-e-t-c-hand move toward the next level on the gift tree?

• Committing an extended family gift (more than one household participate)• Reducing funding retirement or budget spending • Sharing a year-end bonus, commissions, or matching funds• Generating income from charitable garage sales, downsizing, or a second job• Delaying a major purchase or commit tax refunds for 4 years• Using stocks, annuities, LCEF investment, tax-free IRA distribution• Considering farms, retirement lots, second homes, cabins, businesses,

or real estate• Selling vehicles, boats, RVs, farm equipment• Sharing an inheritance, cash advance from your estate plan• Liquidating insurance cash value, collections (cards, coins, dolls, etc.)

3) Remember that Participating 4 Growth is a 4-year appeal. You will beable to annually adjust your special giving according to the Lord’s plan for your life, your willingness, and your completion of this project according to your means.


Land, Buildings, & Debt

4 Year Goals Celebration - $10,600,000Challenge - $8,300,000Commitment - $5,200,000

After prayerful consideration... We (I) intend, as God blesses, to share an over-and-above gift of love to underwrite ministry and facilities at both campuses 4 NOW in the amount of $__________________________________________as follows:

Lump Sum 4 Annual Installments 16 Quarterly Installments 48 Monthly Installments $__________________ Starting on date______________

Use _______% of this 4-year gift toward debt payments

Please provide information on tax-advantage gifting ideas: Sale of Stock or Collections Sale of Property or Business Distribution from IRA or Trust Liquidating Investments, Inventory, Insurance, or Valuables

Save this information in your guide for your personal records. Transfer this information to your Personal Growth Plan Card or at

16 gifts of $62,500

Gifts of $50,000 or more may be designated to Central or South


8 gifts of $125,000

4 gifts of $250,000

2 gifts of $500,000


32 gifts of $31,250$652/month$7,813/year

64 gifts of $15,625$327/month$3,907/year

128 gifts of $7,813$163/month$1,954/year

256 gifts of $3,907$82/month$977/year

512 gifts of $1,954$41/month$489/year

14 Wills, Trusts, & Estate Plans

“We will not hide them from their

children; we will tell the next

generation the praiseworthy deeds of

the Lord, his power, and the wonders

he has done.” Psalm 78:4 NIV

Give It Twice Trust – use your same blessings twice: first to care for your family and then care for the Lord’s work!” Tom and Karin Grunow





Wills, Trusts, & Estate Plans

After prayerful consideration...We (I) intend to share the faith of a risen Christ with family and others 4 EVER by including the following ministries in our (my) Wills, Trusts, or Estate Plans.

“Christ Lutheran Church” (estimated) $________________

“Christ Schools” (estimated) $_______________________

“Christ Lutheran Foundation” (estimated) $_____________

Please send information on: Charitable tax-advantaged or income-generating giving plans Christian Preamble samples for use with a Will or Trust Proper wording to include Christ Lutheran in a Will or Trust Legacy Planning Workshops: My Faith Story (Funeral), Christian Wills, Transfer the Blessings (Estate Planning)

Do you have a “will,” or do you have a “last will and testament?” As a faithful steward, you are the one to decide how God’s blessings to you will someday be distributed. Have you ever considered how to:

• Provide security for your spouse and family, especially young children or grandchildren? A will, trust, or the beneficiary of an insurance policy are good vehicles.

• Make a significant gift to the Lord’s work? Consider “adopting” Christ Lutheran, Christ Schools, or the Christ Lutheran Foundation as a partial beneficiary of your will, trust, annuity, or retirement plan (tax free).

• Joyfully share the Gospel with those you love? This can effectively be done through a “testament” or testimony stated as a Christian Preamble in your will or trust.

A CHRISTIAN PREAMBLEFirst, I commit myself to God’s care secure in His love

for me and trusting in the salvation purchased for me

through Christ’s suffering and death. I leave those who

survive me the comfort of knowing that I have died in

this faith and have now joined my Lord in eternal glory!

Second, I commend my loved ones to the protecting

arms of God, knowing that He will continue to provide

for them despite my absence; and I encourage them to

place their faith and trust in Him alone!

Give It Twice Trust – use your same blessings twice: first to care for your family and then care for the Lord’s work!” Tom and Karin Grunow

Save this information in your guide for your personal records. Transfer this information to your Personal Growth Plan Card or at


Are We Done Yet? Thank you for taking the time and opportunity to use this personal growth plan guide as a road map on your journey to discover and discern ways to:• Grow spiritually • Create a first-fruits giving plan • Participate in a unique opportunity to underwrite facilities and ministry• Secure a plan for both your own family and the family of

Christ Lutheran

We come together to do this 4 CHRIST, 4 ALL, 4 NOW, and 4 EVER so that Christ Lutheran will be“Still GROWING so none are turned away.”

After discussion, deliberation and prayer… Please complete your Personal Growth Plan Card before the end of the year by: a) Returning the Card in the envelope provided to the Participate 4 Growth displays at church or via the U.S. Mail, or b) Visiting and submitting the Personal Growth Plan sections online.

Near the end of next year, your Personal Growth Plan Card will be returned to you to make adjustments according to God’s plan for your life.

Thank you for Participating 4 Growth!

Contact Info:

Christ Lutheran Church 4325 Sumner Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506

Additional Information or Assistance:Phone: 402.483.7774 ext. 107Email: [email protected]:

“Connecting people to Christ, and together,

growing in His Word.”