personal branding project

Personal Branding Project Stephanie Saenz California Baptist University

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Post on 18-Dec-2014



Self Improvement

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  • 1. Personal Branding Project Stephanie Saenz California Baptist University
  • 2. Introduction Name: Stephanie Rose Saenz Born: November 20, 1984 Place of birth: Long Beach My birth story is nothing short of a miracle. I was born at 27 weeks, weighing in at 2 lbs. 3 oz. and 14 inches long. From the beginning God had a purpose for me, over the next three months in the hospital and a few surgeries later, I fought for my life, but gladly live to tell the tale.
  • 3. Who Am I? There are many attributes that describe me and make me who I am. Which include but are not limited to: Loving Caring Kind Compassionate Helpful Patient I think there is beauty in everyones unique personality and we should embrace one anothers differences instead of putting them down for being different. If we all shared the same qualities we could only proceed so far, but because there is differences, we can learn to embrace these differences; and where one is weak another might excel making the team stronger as a whole, allowing you to go further then you ever imagined.
  • 4. Where Did I Grow Up? I grew up in a small town in Hemet, CA. I technically lived with my mom growing up in Riverside but every chance I got I was at my grandparents house who lived in Hemet. It wasnt until I was 7 years old, that we moved to Hemet to be closer to my grandma after my grandpa passed away. My grandpa treated me like a true princess and I have nothing but fond memories of him. I think every child needs a good role model like my grandpa provided for my brother and I, which is especially important since we didnt have a father who chose to be involved due to his poor choices in life.
  • 5. Who Is My Family? I am the youngest of four children. I have one biological brother and a half sister and half brother. When I was four our family grew. I got a step-father 2 step-brothers 1 step-sister My sister with her son, Zack My brother Marshall with his son, Corbin. My mom
  • 6. Family Family is extremely important to me. My kids mean the world to me and nothing makes me more happy then spending time with them and my family. There is nothing better then hearing childrens laughter, especially at the end of a long hard day!
  • 7. My Inspirations Other than God, my grandpa is my biggest inspiration. He provided the foundation for who I am today. He was an extremely hard worker and cared so much about others. When times get tough I never give up because I know he wouldnt. My mom has a big part in my life too, although growing up I always felt alone and like she never loved me because she was always working; I know now she did it to provide for her family and its never easy being away from your kids.
  • 8. My Ambitions and Goals The reason I chose the song More Beautiful You by Johnny Diaz, is because that is how I feel. I see too many girls today thinking they need make-up and boyfriends and who else knows what to make them beautiful. But its whats inside that matters- you have value and worth far beyond you give yourself credit for. I want children to know their personal worth. I eventually want to become a foster parent. I think there are far too many kids out there who are hurting and need to be shown real love and compassion. I know that when a child has that you can change their whole life and make a valuable impact they will always remember. Another major goal I have is to get my Masters degree and work in the mental health field in a hospital type setting.
  • 9. Personal Traits I am known for being a good friend, and someone you could turn to in a time of need. I am also known for baking and making yummy cakes. And to my kids I am sure I am considered super mom!
  • 10. Words of Wisdom One of my favorite verses in the Bible is James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (NKJV). It seems like we live in a life of nothing but trial after trial so I am constantly remembering this verse. Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely Henry Ford.