persona and universaal eu-projects ict for inclusion

Confidentiality level on title master Version number on title master Department on title master PERSONA and universAAL EU-Projects ICT for Inclusion Juan-Pablo Lázaro-Ramos ITACA – Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar (TSB) Barcelona | 2 – 4 June 2010

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To empower elderly people to feel included, secure, protected and suported, by developing Ambient Assisted Living products and services for the achievement of more autonomy and quality in their lives.


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PERSONA and universAAL EU-Projects ICT for Inclusion

Juan-Pablo Lázaro-RamosITACA – Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar (TSB)

Barcelona | 2 – 4 June 2010

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ITACA InstituteThe ITACA Institute is an research and development entity of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, created with the aim of promoting and undertaking scientific research, technological development and technology transfer initiatives in the field of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Who we are?

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• Application of ICT to the health, of studying the possibilities offered by new technologies for improving quality of life and the coverage of services provided by public and private organizations to the general public and, specifically, to patients and health workers

• Development of products and services which, through the application of ICT, allow people with special needs to have access to and participate in the Information Society, as well as making possible their right to independence

e-Health e-Inclusion

Who we are?

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• Perceptive Spaces Promoting Independent Aging

• 6 FP European Comission

• Total budget: 11.629.000 €

• Project Coordinator: Vodafone Omnitel

• Dates: 1st January 2007 to 30th June 2010

• Duration: 42 months

Project Outline

• Norway

• Denmark

• Germany

• Italy (Vodafone Omnitel)

• Greece

• Spain (Vodafone Foundation, ITACA)

18 Partners

• Odense (Denmarck)

• Bardi (Italy)

• Valencia (Spain)

Pilot sites

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PERSONA – The problem

• Life expectancy to be 79.7 (m) and 85.1(w) years in 2050

• Population over 80 from 3.6% in 2000 up to 6% by 2025

• Older than 65 to raise from 16.3% in 2000 to 22% by 2025 and 30% in 2050

• The “older” EU25 countries are predicted to be Spain (36%), Italy (35%), and Greece (32.5%), and the “younger” in Luxembourg (22%), the Netherlands (23.5%) and Denmark (24%) in 2050

The problem

• EU Countries are expected to experience significant social and economical impacts, with enormous effects on welfare expenditures and in particular on employment and labour markets, in pension systems and in healthcare systems

• The European Social Model is based in the wellness for all the citizens and frequently this well-being is perceived in terms of “quality of life”

The needs

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PERSONA MissionTo empower elderly people to feel included, secure, protected and supported, by developing Ambient Assisted Living products and services for the achievement of more autonomy and quality in their lives

o Scientific. Solutions for:o social inclusion, o supporting daily life activities, o early risk detection, personal protection, health and

enviromental risks, o support in mobility and displacements within his

neighbourhood/ town

• Technical. An integrated technological platform, for the seamless and natural access to those services.

• Psychological. Create pleasant and easy-to-use integrated solutions.

• Economical. Sustainable solutions.

• Ethical. Non intrusive technological solutions maintaining respect for intimacy of the final users.

Challenges of the project

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• AAL Services aiming at complementing the abilities and capacities of the elderly when facing daily activities by providing an adaptive context-aware workflow that guides the user all day long, providing support in carrying out the activities and keeping safety margins that guarantee (as maximum as possible) a trouble-free living ambient

Daily activities (1/4)

• AAL services aiming at supporting elderly people when leaving their homes to carry out activities within the neighborhood, encouraging them to do so autonomously with confidence and security

Mobility (2/4)

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• AAL Services aiming at alleviating loneliness and isolation among elderly people by providing ICT media supporting the need of belonging and experience exchange, helping in creating friendships, social contact and opportunities for participating in community activities

Social integration (3/4)

• AAL Services aiming at preventing injuries amongst the elderly in their home environment, making them feel safer and most important giving them a sense of being able to cope living in their own space without the need of the constant presence of a caregiver

Safety and security (4/4)

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• A home designed for everyone

• Most advanced technological applications, new equipment and services for people to undertake any type of activity at home with easy, safety and comfort

• Four specially adapted rooms: kitchen, lounge, bedroom and bathroom

Look for us in AVANTE Home! (2-4 June 2010)

• Infrastructure that combines the simulation of a living space where anyone could live in total comfort with integrated technologies into the physical environment

• Provide an intelligent space for testing technological prototypes with their potential users in real conditions

• Universal design applied in all areas of home construction and compliant with architectural accessibility rules

• High reconfigurability of all elements in the laboratory

• Hidden technology


CIAmI Living Lab

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PERSONA ProjectEx. The shopping list assistant

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PERSONA ProjectPERSONA Technologies. System for tracking location in-door

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PERSONA ProjectPERSONA Technologies. ZigBee Home Automation Profile devices.

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PERSONA running pilots



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universAAL Project


• UNIVERSal Open Platform and Reference Specification for Ambient Assisted Living

• Large Scale Integrating Project (IP) within the 7th Framework Programme (Contract No. 247950)

• Total budget: 14 M€ (10,5M€ funded by EC)

• Project Coordinator: SINTEF

• Dates: 1st Feb. 2010 to 31st Jan. 2014

• Duration: 48 months

• P.O.: Peter Wintlev-Jensen

Project Outline

• Austria (AIT, TUW)

• Croatia (Ericsson N. Tesla)

• Denmark (RSD)

• Germany (Fh-IGD, FZI, Prosyst, VDE)

• Greece (CERTH)

• Israel (IBM)

• Italy (CNR-ISTI)

• Netherlands (Philips)

• Norway (SINTEF)

• Spain (ITACA, UPM, TSB, Implemental systems)

17 Partners

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universAAL Project


• universAAL consolidation process: building on existing platforms and partnerships.

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universAAL Framework


• Reference model and architecture – Formal model for the design and implementation of AAL platforms and

the associated tools– Opportunity for standardization in key bodies in Europe and relationship

with organizations like Continua to establish bidirectional links.

• Open source platform, mainly consisting of: – Middleware: specific software facilitating seamless connectivity and

interoperability in such distributed environments as AAL spaces – Service components: UI framework + Context Awareness +

profiling/adaptation + Service composition + HW Abstraction layer + Security mechanisms + AAL Spaces Gateways

• Tools: this is the “hammer & nail” that helps software developers (professionals and others) to develop applications using software services and the middleware (e.g. Eclipse based: Open Healthcare Tools). – Developer Depot: collects resources for developers– uStore: source of applications for end-users; target of contributions for

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universAAL Community Building

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• Manifesto – encourage industry and academic world to participate in developing and exploitation of AAL platforms.

• Association – Umbrella Open Source Initiative aimed at supporting research and developer communities in the development of AAL platforms.

• Competition – Analysing and comparing solutions proposed by researchers is paramount for the assessment of the research results in this area.










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Thank you for your attention:

Juan-Pablo Lá[email protected]