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Use of a Rain Gauge Network to Infer the Influence of Environmental Factors on thePropagation of Quasi-Linear Convective Systems in West Africa


Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska


Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

(Manuscript received 7 August 2006, in final from 22 January 2007)


The West African squall line is a key quasi-linear storm system that brings much of the precipitationobserved in the data-poor Sudanian climate zone. Squall lines propagate at a wide range of speeds andheadings, but the lack of operational radar stations in the region makes quantifying the propagation of thesquall lines difficult. A new method of estimating the propagation rate and heading for squall lines isproposed. Based on measurements of the time of onset of precipitation (OOP) at a network of rain gaugestations, an estimate of the propagation characteristics of the squall line can be inferred. By combiningestimates of propagation rate with upper-air observations gathered at a nearby radiosonde station, theimpact of various environmental factors on the propagation characteristics of West African squall lines isinferred. Results suggest that the propagation speed for West African squall lines is related to the conditionsat midtropospheric levels, where dry air and an enhanced easterly flow favor faster propagation. Northerlyanomalies at these levels are also associated with faster propagation. When applied to West African squalllines, the correlations between these environmental factors and the speed of propagation are significantlyhigher than those of methods developed for mesoscale convective systems in other parts of the world.

1. Introduction

Westward-propagating squall lines produce much ofthe observed precipitation in sub-Saharan West Africa.Their contribution to the total rainfall varies signifi-cantly with respect to latitude, accounting for as muchas 80%–90% of the annual rainfall in the Sahelian cli-mate zone (12°–18°N) (Dhonneur 1981; Mathon et al.2002a). In the wetter climate zones to the south, squalllines account for about half of the rainfall in the Suda-nian climate zone (9°–12°N) (Eldridge 1957; Omotosho1985) and as little as 16%–32% along the Guinea coast(Acheampong 1982; Omotosho 1985).

Hamilton and Archbold (1945) presented a compel-ling, early description of these systems. They stated thatWest African squall lines propagate to the west-southwest at speeds of 25–30 mi h�1 (11.2–13.4 m s�1).

In that study, the severe aspects of squall lines wereemphasized, especially the heavy rainfall (often 60 mmh�1), reduced visibility (typically 100–200 m), frequentlightning, and strong leading gust front (with winds of-ten in excess of 25 m s�1). Furthermore, these systemsand their associated gust fronts can loft dust and trans-port it great distances (e.g., Tetzlaff and Peters 1986).

West African squall lines exhibit a number of struc-tures that have been documented in several studies(e.g., Fortune 1980; Roux et al. 1984; Chong et al. 1987;Roux 1988; Chong and Hauser 1989; Redelsperger etal. 2002). Some of the key features in the precipitationcan be seen in Fig. 1, which presents estimates of rainrate in four selected squall lines occurring during the2002 summer monsoon season, based on overflights ofthe Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission’s (TRMM’s)Precipitation Radar (PR). A salient feature of thesewestward-propagating systems is the heavy precipita-tion associated with what is known as the leading “con-vective region” of the squall line (Zipser 1977; Chong etal. 1987). This structure can be either quasi linear orbowed forward moderately. The arrival of the convec-

Corresponding author address: Jon M. Schrage, Dept. of Atmo-spheric Sciences, Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza,Omaha, NE 68178.E-mail: [email protected]

1016 W E A T H E R A N D F O R E C A S T I N G VOLUME 22

DOI: 10.1175/WAF1037.1

© 2007 American Meteorological Society


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tive region is associated with the passage of the surfacegust front and the convective line “leading edge.” Theleading edge can be understood as a rearward (in termsof the direction of storm motion) sloping plane sepa-rating the cloud-free prestorm environment from thetowering cumuliform clouds in the convective region(cf. LeMone et al. 1984a, their Fig 2; Barnes and Sieck-

mann 1984). In the present paper, the squall line’s ar-rival will be defined by the onset of precipitation(OOP), which is generally collocated neither with thegust front nor the intersection of the leading edge withthe surface. A few tens of kilometers behind the leadingedge of the squall line, the precipitation rates fall tonear zero in the so-called reflectivity trough (Chong et

FIG. 1. TRMM PR estimates of “near-surface rain” (mm h�1) for squall lines observed on (a) 15 Sep, (b) 29Aug, (c) 14 Jun, and (d) 7 Sep 2002.

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al. 1987). Farther eastward, an irregularly shaped“stratiform region” of precipitation typically extends afew hundred kilometers into the postsquall environ-ment (Zipser 1977; Chong et al. 1987). In situ observa-tions of rain rate have been published in numerousstudies (e.g., Sommeria and Testud 1984; Chong et al.1987; Taylor et al. 1997; Redelsperger et al. 2002;Schrage et al. 2006), which verify this common struc-ture.

Excellent descriptions of the flow in a West Africansquall line have been presented in several studies, in-cluding Roux et al. (1984) and Chong and Hauser(1989). In their analyses, front-to-rear flow in the squallis established as low-level monsoon southwesterlies arelifted by the gust front into the convective region of thestorm; the westerly momentum persists at upper-tropospheric levels through the reflectivity trough andthe stratiform region, exiting the rear of the system.Additionally, a rear-to-front downdraft is established asmidtropospheric easterlies enter the rear of the storm;these easterlies may either be from the large-scale en-vironmental flow or generated locally within this meso-scale system (Smull and Houze 1987). This subsatu-rated air favors evaporation of hydrometeors in thestratiform region, promoting cooling and subsidence.This rear-to-front downdraft exits the leading edge ofthe squall line as outflow along a gust front, which is, in

turn, responsible for lifting the inflow into the convec-tive region. The net westward translation of the squall-line system itself also helps create the westerly low-level outflow, as do the downdrafts of the thunder-storms in the convective region, of course. Theconvective region of the squall line also contributes tothe vertical flux of momentum (and, ultimately, the gustfront) to an unknown extent over West Africa. Forsquall lines over the ocean in Global Atmospheric Re-search Program (GARP) Atlantic Tropical Experiment(GATE), LeMone (1983) and LeMone et al. (1984b)found that the vertical transport of momentum was al-most completely generated by processes within the con-vective region. However, the vertical shear profile andpropagation statistics for these systems were substan-tially different from those over West Africa, and so theapplicability of their results to the problem of the gen-eration of the low-level outflow in West African squalllines is unclear.

For the purposes of the present study, two features ofthe flow are particularly salient: 1) the strong gust front,which is necessary to overcome the substantial convec-tive inhibition (CIN) or negative buoyancy of the WestAfrican environment (see Fig. 2), and 2) the evapora-tive cooling at midtropospheric levels, which providesthe mechanism by which easterly momentum is trans-ported to the surface to support the gust front.

FIG. 2. Parcel instability (°C) for Parakou, Benin, in mid-May 2002, expressed in terms ofpositive and negative temperature differences of a pseudoadiabatically ascending parcel withrespect to the ambient air. The starting temperature and humidity values of the parcel wereaveraged between the surface (i.e., the screen-level observation) and 925 hPa. Negative valuessuggest CIN and positive values suggest CAPE.

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Clearly, forecasting the genesis and propagation ofsuch squall lines remains a key issue, both in the re-search and the operational meteorology communities.Traditionally, measurements of propagation rates aremade using radar (e.g., Gamache and Houze 1982).However, in much of West Africa, such facilities do notexist, except in the cases of field experiments (e.g.,Chong et al. 1987; Redelsperger et al. 2002). Thepresent study proposes a method to infer the propaga-tion characteristics of squall lines from a dataset basedon a network of recording rain gauges. Such networksdo exist in West Africa, such as the one described insection 2a.

Section 2 documents the rain gauge network data-base and the data collected by a special radiosondestation at Parakou, Benin, operated by the IntegratedApproach to the Efficient Management of Scarce Wa-ter Resources in West Africa (IMPETUS) program.The algorithm used to infer the propagation rate andheading is described in section 3. The distribution ofpropagation rates and headings, as estimated for the2002 West African monsoon, is given in section 4. Sec-tion 5 then presents results of correlation studies be-tween the propagation characteristics and the verticalprofiles of various environmental factors. In section 6,methods developed to forecast the propagation ofmesoscale convective systems (MCSs) in other parts ofthe world are assessed for their applicability to WestAfrica. Results are summarized in section 7.

2. Primary data sources

a. Observations of time of OOP

A network of 50 recording rain gauges—or “pluvio-graphs”—has been established in the upper Ouémé val-ley (UOV) of central Benin by the French AfricanMonsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses/Couplage del’Atmosphère Tropicale et du Cycle Hydrologique(AMMA/CATCH) project and the German IMPETUSproject. These pluviographs are distributed unevenlyacross the 20 000 km2 of the UOV (Fig. 3), but not allof them were functional throughout the entire 2002rainy season. However, about 80% of these stationswere functioning during the main phase of the mon-soon. Thirty-two of these stations were tipping-bucketrain gauges that respond to precipitation amounts of 0.5mm. As shown in Schrage et al. (2006), rain rates in theconvective regions of West African squall lines are typi-cally about 30 mm h�1 or higher, suggesting that thetipping-bucket rain gauges should discern the OOPwithin about 1 min from the first rain. The remaining 18stations featured weighing rain gauges with a rain-rateresolution of 0.1 mm min�1; as rain rates in the leading

convective region of squall lines are at least a factor of5 greater than the resolution, the weighing rain gaugesalso should be able to determine the OOP within about1 min from the first rains.

For the rainy season of 2002, Fink et al. (2006) useda combination of Meteosat infrared data, wind profilesfrom radiosonde data, and observations from the raingauge network to classify precipitation events in theUOV. In particular, they tracked and identified cloudsystems based on the configuration of the 233-K bright-ness temperature isotherm. They identified several dif-ferent precipitation regimes, the most relevant to thepresent work being their type Ia, which they describedas “advective organized convective systems.” The sys-

FIG. 3. (a) Topography (m) of central West Africa. (b) Loca-tions of pluviographs in the UOV of Benin (dots), with the ra-diosonde station at Parakou indicated by a star.

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tems were “advective” in the sense that they formedoutside of the UOV domain and propagated into theUOV not less than 2 h after forming. The term “orga-nized convective system” was defined by Mathon et al.(2002b) and uses infrared satellite-derived statistics toformally specify the size, minimum lifetime, and propa-gation rate of the cloud cluster. Fink et al. (2006) as-sumed for their analysis that most of the 52 type Iasystems they tracked over central and western NorthAfrica in the rainy season of 2002 were actually classicalWest African squall lines at some stage of their lifetime.

The present study used data from the rain gauge net-work to construct isochrones of time of OOP. Based onthese analyses, 21 of the type Ia systems identified byFink et al. (2006) were found to be inconsistent with thenotion of a leading band of heavy, convective precipi-tation. This difference is not surprising because theclassification using satellite data yields a broader geo-graphical picture, whereas the ground-based categori-zation gives a local perspective of the cloud system. Forexample, several of these 21 systems were preceded by

local scattered showers, making it difficult to ascertainthe appropriate time of OOP for the squall line. Othertype Ia cases likely exhibit squall-line characteristicsoutside the UOV, or affect as a squall system only asmall number of stations within the domain. Omittingthese 21 type Ia storms, the remaining 31 type Ia sys-tems did exhibit propagation characteristics in their iso-chrone analyses consistent with the expected structure.A list of these 31 cases is provided in Table 1.

b. Upper-air observations from Parakou, Benin

The vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, pres-sure, and wind that were collected during the summerof 2002 by the IMPETUS radiosonde campaign at Para-kou (9°21�N, 2°37�E) are a unique dataset for studyingthe vertical structure of the atmosphere before rainfallevents in the Sudanian zone. These observations weremade twice daily (0000 and 1200 UTC) at 10-m verticalresolution. At the time of the IMPETUS field cam-paign in 2002, this station was the only operational ra-

TABLE 1. Summary of 31 cases of apparent West African squall lines.

Approx time of OOP in the UOV Time of sounding at Parakou, BeninTime between sounding

and OOP (h) �LS hLS

1300 UTC 13 Apr 2002 1200 UTC 13 Apr 2002 1 25 900300 UTC 9 May 2002 0000 UTC 9 May 2002 3 16.1 1201900 UTC 12 May 2002 1200 UTC 12 May 2002 7 12.9 200700 UTC 19 May 2002 0000 UTC 19 May 2002 7 17.5 200400 UTC 24 May 2002 0000 UTC 24 May 2002 4 13.2 902200 UTC 26 May 2002 1200 UTC 26 May 2002 10 9.5 1550600 UTC 28 May 2002 0000 UTC 28 May 2002 6 18.7 950400 UTC 1 Jun 2002 0000 UTC 1 Jun 2002 4 24.2 451800 UTC 2 Jun 2002 1200 UTC 2 Jun 2002 6 12.7 1052000 UTC 6 Jun 2002 1200 UTC 6 Jun 2002 8 24.3 350300 UTC 13 Jun 2002 0000 UTC 13 Jun 2002 3 18.7 1100500 UTC 14 Jun 2002 0000 UTC 14 Jun 2002 5 9.8 201000 UTC 16 Jun 2002 0000 UTC 16 Jun 2002 10 14.1 702200 UTC 20 Jun 2002 1200 UTC 20 Jun 2002 10 15 1300400 UTC 27 Jun 2002 0000 UTC 27 Jun 2002 4 18 952200 UTC 1 Jul 2002 1200 UTC 1 Jul 2002 10 17.7 600500 UTC 6 Jul 2002 0000 UTC 6 Jul 2002 5 14.6 1050800 UTC 9 Jul 2002 0000 UTC 9 Jul 2002 8 11 601200 UTC 11 Jul 2002 0000 UTC 11 Jul 2002 12 14.7 600300 UTC 12 Jul 2002 0000 UTC 12 Jul 2002 3 24.3 1501000 UTC 16 Jul 2002 0000 UTC 16 Jul 2002 10 10.7 900700 UTC 14 Aug 2002 0000 UTC 14 Aug 2002 7 25.2 452000 UTC 16 Aug 2002 1200 UTC 16 Aug 2002 8 15.5 802000 UTC 3 Sep 2002 1200 UTC 3 Sep 2002 8 13.6 -101000 UTC 11 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 11 Sep 2002 10 9.4 350500 UTC 13 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 13 Sep 2002 5 13.6 300500 UTC 15 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 15 Sep 2002 5 15.1 1000400 UTC 18 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 18 Sep 2002 4 18.1 850100 UTC 19 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 19 Sep 2002 1 15.4 102100 UTC 21 Sep 2002 1200 UTC 21 Sep 2002 9 18.8 701200 UTC 24 Sep 2002 0000 UTC 24 Sep 2002 12 20.4 65

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diosonde station in the Sudanian climate zone of WestAfrica.

3. Inference of speed and heading of squall lines

For each of the 31 precipitation systems, isochronesof the time of the OOP were drawn by hand, such asthose shown in Fig. 4a. This analysis helped greatly inthe identification of individual stations with outlyingobservations of OOP, often due to isolated showersearlier in the day or stations that recorded no precipi-tation associated with the convective region of thesquall-line system. Stations with significantly outlyingobservations of OOP for a given storm were excludedfrom that storm’s analysis.

For all possible combinations of stations i and j in therain gauge network, there exists a distance dij and aheading hij between these stations. Additionally, all lo-cations have a time ti that represents the OOP.

For any arbitrary heading h�, a certain number ofpairs of stations i and j are oriented such that theirheading hij is within some finite range ��h of h�. Ex-amples of such sets of pairs of stations for two differentvalues of h� are shown in Figs. 4b,c. In this study, avalue of 5° for �h was found to be adequate. For eachof pair of stations, the apparent speed of the squall linebetween the two stations is computed as

�i j �di j

tj � ti. �1�

FIG. 4. An illustration of the algorithm used to determine � | h�. Stations that reported precipitation at a realistictime [based on hand analysis of isochrones of OOP, shown in (a)] on 16 Aug 2002 are indicated with dots in (b)and (c). For each arbitrary heading h� between 0° and 360°, pairs of stations lying along this heading were identified[as suggested by the arrows in (b) and (c)], and an estimate of the propagation speed of the squall line along thisheading was determined by averaging the speeds of the squall lines obtained from each pair of stations. (d) Theresulting array of speeds.

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If the denominator of this ratio was small (i.e., stationsi and j observed nearly the same time for the OOP), theestimates of �ij were less reliable and more prone toerror because of small errors in the observations of theOOP at each station. Therefore, a value of �ij was onlycomputed if the denominator was at least 600 s. Inci-dentally, this also had the effect of eliminating pairs ofstations that lie along headings roughly perpendicularto the true direction of the propagation of the system,as these pairs of stations tended to observe nearly si-multaneous times of OOP despite being separated bygreat distances.

At the arbitrary heading h�, therefore, there existssome number of estimates of the velocity of the squallline, based on the pairs of stations that are orientedapproximately along the heading h�. If there were atleast three pairs of stations along the given heading

with computed speeds, an average estimate of the ve-locity along h� was computed and denoted � |h�. Foreach squall line, arrays of � |h� were computed for allpossible values of h� from 0° to 360° in 10° increments.These arrays are visualized using rose diagrams such asthat shown in Fig. 4d. As described below, there are atleast two reasonable methods of estimating the trueheading and propagation rate of the squall line, basedon these values.

a. Heading with minimum propagation rate

From geometry, it can be shown that an estimate ofthe true heading can be obtained from the data by find-ing the value of h� with the lowest value of � |h� for thegiven case. This approximation can be most readilyseen by considering the isochrones (Fig. 5a) and theresulting rose diagram (Fig. 5c) from a fictitious, ideal-

FIG. 5. Isochrones of OOP for (a) an idealized case of synthetic observations and (b) 9 Jul 2002. The computeddistributions of � | h� are shown for (c) the idealized case and (d) the observations.

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ized case in which a perfectly linear squall line propa-gates at a constant speed across an observing network.It can be shown by Monte Carlo simulations that theseestimates of forward propagation speed are unbiased(unless random errors in the individual observationswere unrealistically large). However, this estimate ofthe forward propagation speed has some propertiesthat make it not an ideal estimator. Most notably, theresulting estimate of propagation rate relied on obser-vations of OOP from an unacceptably small number ofstations—in principle, as few as four. Therefore, theestimates of propagation rate were not obtained in thismanner. However, this method does illuminate the factthat the estimated propagation rate and heading needto incorporate information from pairs of stations thatdo not necessarily lie along the true heading of thesquall line, as is accomplished in the next section.

b. Least squares (LS) propagation rate

On a rose diagram (such as those depicted in Figs. 4d,5c,d), there is a single point (�, h) that represents thetrue speed and heading of the squall line. If the squallline is truly linear and propagating at a constant speedacross the observing network, then the endpoints of thevectors on the rose diagram should lie along a straightline that goes through (�, h) and is perpendicular to aline between (�, h) and the origin. Therefore, if a linecould be fit in an LS manner to the endpoints of thevectors on the rose diagram, the point (�LS, hLS) on thisline closest to the origin would be another estimator ofthe true speed and heading (�, h) of the squall line. Suchan estimator would have the advantage of includingdata from a large number of pairs of stations in thenetwork, even if these pairs of stations did not lie alongthe true heading of the squall line.

The location (�LS, hLS) is thus defined as the coordi-nates that minimize the following function:



hLS45� �� |h� ��LS

cos�h� � hLS��2

. �2�

Here, n is the number of headings between hLS � 45°and hLS 45° at which an estimated speed � |h� could becomputed. In practice, headings along which the calcu-lated value of � |h� was less than 3 m s�1 were excludedfrom the evaluation of (2), as these speeds weredeemed unrealistically small for the type Ia (for advec-tive organized convective) systems defined by Fink etal. (2006). This restriction complicates the comparisonof the current results with the earlier results of Barnesand Sieckman (1984), in which the very slowest meso-scale cloud lines (i.e., slower than 3 m s�1) were shownto have markedly different environments than the

faster (i.e., faster than 7 m s�1) systems. However, asthe purpose of the current study was to explain thevariation of propagation speeds within the populationof the advective organized convective systems, this re-striction was deemed acceptable.

An example of how to define (�LS, hLS) by minimiz-ing (2) is presented in Fig. 6. At all possible coordinatesfor the location of (�, h), the value of (2) is assessed.The summand is just the distance between the endpointof the vector � |h� and the point on the line that inter-sects the heading h� (as suggested by the short, solidlines between the endpoints of the vectors and the linebeing fit in Fig. 6, where the gray shading indicates the�45° sector relevant to the computation).

Extensive examination of the estimates of (�, h) ob-tained by this LS method demonstrated that the tech-nique yields reliable and reasonable values that appearto be consistent with the large-scale propagation ratesuggested by the hand analysis of isochrones of OOP.In particular, Monte Carlo tests were performed toverify that the resulting estimates of squall-line propa-gation were not sensitive to any potential drift in theclocks at the pluviographs. The results were found to berobust as long as the timing errors were moderate (i.e.,less than a matter of minutes) and unbiased.

4. Propagation statistics for observed West Africansquall lines

The values of �LS and hLS for 31 convective systemsare shown in Table 1. The average estimated speed was16.4 m s�1. The values ranged from 9.4 to 25.2 m s�1,and the standard deviation was 4.6 m s�1. The averageheading was 72°. The headings ranged from �10° to155°, and the standard deviation was 41°. Comparisonsof these values with previous reports of propagationrates for West African squall lines are shown in Table 2.

The timelines of �LS and hLS are shown in Fig. 7.There was no significant trend in �LS over the 2002rainy season. There was a slight (r � �0.281) down-ward trend to hLS, with the trendline suggesting that theexpected heading of the squall line shifted about 35° tothe north between April and late September. Thespeeds and headings of the systems were uncorrelatedwith the time of day that the precipitation began in theUOV.

Histograms of �LS and hLS are shown in Fig. 8. Thedistribution of �LS is in particularly good agreementwith the observed distribution of squall-line propaga-tion rates reported by Tetzlaff and Peters (1988), whoshowed that 15 squall lines during the West AfricanMonsoon Experiment propagated at speeds of 10–22 m s�1.

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5. Influence of the environment on observedpropagation characteristics

The operation of the radiosonde station at Parakou,Benin, during the IMPETUS upper-air field campaignprovided an opportunity to relate the propagation sta-tistics inferred from the UOV rain gauge network withapproximately collocated upper-air observations. Foreach of the 31 quasi-linear precipitation systems exam-ined, the upper-air observation prior to the OOP wasused, as shown in Table 1. On average, these observa-tions were approximately 6.5 h ahead of the OOP, with

none of the upper-air observations being more than 12h ahead. Considering the configuration of a typicalWest African squall line, it can be assumed that thesesoundings reflect the environment ahead of (i.e., to thewest of) the precipitation.

The estimates of �LS were correlated against the cor-responding observed profiles of relative humidity,zonal wind, and meridional wind, and the results areshown in Fig. 9. In these diagrams, levels whose corre-lations reach certain significance thresholds (accordingto a two-tailed Student’s t test) are indicated by shad-ing. Altitudes are expressed in kilometers above mean

FIG. 6. An illustration of the results of the LS algorithm for (a) 16 Aug and (b) 9 Jul 2002. The panels on the rightare enlargements of key sections of the plots on the left. Black circles indicate the locations of (�LS, hLS), where thefunction given by (2) is minimized. The corresponding “best fit” lines for the �45° sectors (shown in gray) arepresented, as are the residual errors (solid lines between the tips of the arrows and the best-fit line).

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sea level; the radiosonde station at Parakou is at anelevation of 393 m.

Significant correlations between �LS and the relativehumidity are seen between 4 and 9 km (Fig. 9a). Thesenegative correlations suggest that that drier (moister)air at midtropospheric levels is associated with a faster(slower) propagation rate. Various authors (e.g.,Barnes and Sieckman 1984; Chong et al. 1987; Roux1988; Peters and Tetzlaff 1988; Peters et al. 1989;

Hodges and Thorncroft 1997; Thorncroft et al. 2003)have shown that dry air at these levels leads to evapo-ration of hydrometeors in both the stratiform and theconvective regions of a West African squall line. Theresulting cooling helps transport easterly momentumfrom the midtroposphere down to the surface, contrib-uting to the rear-to-front flow and shear that supportsthe gust front and its associated nonhydrostatic lifting(e.g., Chong et al. 1987). These correlations suggest thatdrier (moister) air strengthens (weakens) the rear-to-front downdraft, increasing (decreasing) the forwardvelocity of the squall-line system.

For the zonal wind (Fig. 9b), the strongest correla-FIG. 7. Timeline of (a) LS propagation speed �LS and (b) least

squares heading hLS for squall lines during the summer of 2002.

TABLE 2. Reported squall-line propagation speeds in theliterature.

Source Speed (m s�1) Notes

Current study 16.4 31 systems in 2002Aspliden et al. (1976) 14–17 During GATEBolton (1984) 16.4 27 months, 1974–76Fernandez (1982) 14.8 3 systems in 1973Fink and Reiner (2003) 15 344 systems in

1998–99Fortune (1980) 16–18 1 system, tracked by

satelliteTetzlaff and Peters

(1988)16 15 systems in 1979

FIG. 8. Histograms of the distribution of (a) the LS propagationrate �LS and (b) the least squares heading hLS for the summer of2002.

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tions are seen between about 3.5 and 6 km. Here, nega-tive correlations imply that easterly (westerly) windanomalies in the midtroposphere are associated withfaster (slower) propagation rates. This is again consis-tent with the notion that the propagation rate for thesquall line may be associated with the strength of therear-to-front downdraft. In the case of enhanced east-erly flow, evaporative cooling in the stratiform and con-vective regions helps transport this excess easterly mo-mentum to the surface, increasing the gust front.

Correlations between the zonal wind component and�LS (Fig. 9b) in the lowest 2 km were positive but didnot reach even the 90% confidence level. However,when the wind vectors were transformed into compo-nents “parallel” and “normal” to the leading edge ofthe squall line, winds normal to the leading edge hadsomewhat higher correlations (r � 0.36) with �LS (notshown). This suggests that, to a limited degree, thespeed of the flow in the monsoon layer influences therate of propagation of squall lines, with the squall linesactually propagating somewhat faster upwind (with re-spect to flow at the surface) when monsoon flow isenhanced. This is broadly consistent with the Thorpe etal. (1982) analyses that showed that low-level windshear was necessary feature of squall lines whose sourceof lifting is their own outflow. Barnes and Sieckman(1984) documented important differences in the rolesof components of the flow normal and parallel to the

leading edge of tropical squall lines at several levels ofthe troposphere, but those results were not confirmedin this analysis, possibly because of the explicit exclu-sion of the slowest mesoscale cloud lines from thepresent study.

The correlations between �LS and the observed me-ridional winds (Fig. 9c) reveal several deep layers overwhich the correlations were significant. Very high nega-tive correlations are noted at levels between about 3.5and 5 km. These negative correlations suggest thatnortherly (southerly) flow anomalies are associatedwith faster (slower) propagation rates in the Sudanianclimate zone. Aside from the fact that the northerlywind anomalies are presumably advecting dry air south-ward from the Saharan air layer (SAL; thereby increas-ing the propagation rate, as noted in Fig. 9a), thesestrong correlations may also suggest a relationship be-tween the speed of a squall line and the phase of Afri-can easterly waves (AEWs). Fink and Reiner (2003)have demonstrated that the association between thephase of AEWs is a function of latitude. South of about12.5°N, they found that squall lines occur preferentiallyahead (i.e., to the west) of the trough axis of the AEW.At these comparatively wet latitudes, they suggestedthat northerly flow west of the trough axis advects suf-ficient dry air and midtropospheric levels to producethe necessary evaporative cooling and resulting gustfront, which is necessary to overcome the substantial

FIG. 9. Correlations between �LS and profiles of (a) relative humidity, (b) zonal wind, and (c) meridional wind. Altitudes areexpressed in km MSL.

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CIN and negative buoyancy observed in the region (seeFig. 2). The present results suggest that locations westof the trough axis not only favor the existence of squalllines, but also favor faster-propagating system.

The strong negative correlations between �LS and themeridional wind above 14 km (Fig. 9c) suggest thatfaster-moving squall lines are associated with northerlywind anomalies in the upper troposphere. By comput-ing correlation coefficients between �LS and grids ofzonal and meridional wind from the European Centrefor Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) op-erational analyses during the summer of 2002 (notshown), it was determined that these northerly windsoccur on the southeastern flank of an anomalouslystrong upper-tropospheric anticyclone centered near20°N, 10°W. In this analysis, therefore, synoptic condi-tions that support an especially strong anticyclone aloftapparently also support faster propagation of squalllines in the Sudanian climate zone.

Several authors have noted that propagation ofsquall lines is related to wind speed at various levels.Bolton (1984) claimed that West African squall linesmove slightly faster than the midtropospheric jetstream, Fernandez (1980) showed that squall lines inVenezuela move at approximately the speed of themidlevel environmental wind, and Mansfield (1977)demonstrated that squall lines over water duringGATE moved faster than the winds at any troposphericlevel. The values of �LS were significantly correlated(r � 0.363) with the observed wind speeds at 650 hPa(i.e., approximately 3.5 km), with �LS averaging about 3m s�1 faster than the winds at this level. At 5.5 km (i.e.,the level of highest correlation between �LS and thezonal wind), the correlation was 0.379 and the squalllines moved about 6 m s�1 faster than the winds at thislevel. The mean value of �LS was approximately equalto the value of the greatest wind speed between 1.5 and6 km, although the correlations between these param-eters were not especially high.

6. Existing methods of forecasting propagation

Several previous studies have examined the environ-mental factors that influence the propagation of MCSs.While generally quite successful for convective systemsin the United States, their applicability to West Africais now assessed. Results are shown in Table 3.

Corfidi et al. (1996) and Corfidi (2003) described vec-tor-based methods of forecasting MCS propagation forupwind- and downwind-propagating systems. Bothmethods are based on the mean wind vector in thecloud layer (which they define as the 850–300-hPalayer) and the low-level jet vector [which, as in Bonner

(1968), was specified as the strongest wind in the lowest1.5 km]. For the radiosonde observations from Para-kou, this “low-level jet” vector was generally found afew hundred meters above ground level and was fromthe southwest, suggesting that it represented the en-hanced monsoon level flow typically seen at night in theregion (e.g., Parker et al. 2005). As seen in Table 3,however, neither the upwind nor the downwind meth-ods yielded large and statistically significant correla-tions. Additionally, the upwind (downwind) methodhad a bias of �3.46 (4.01) m s�1 in its estimates of thepropagation speed, although the biases in the forecastdirection of the systems was quite small for both meth-ods.

Merritt and Fritsch (1984) proposed that MCCsmove approximately parallel to contours of 1000–500-hPa thickness. They suggested that the speed of themotion of the systems was related to the relative loca-tion of low-level moisture maxima with respect to theconvection, which cannot be tested with the currentdata. To assess the utility of this method for West Af-rica, grids of 1000–500-hPa thickness were obtained at1° resolution from the operational version of theECMWF model. The direction parallel to the thicknesscontours is at a right angle to the gradient of the thick-ness. The correlation between the forecasted headingand hLS was 0.251, with a bias of 20°. This methodyielded a fairly narrow range of headings, with over halfof the headings being between 85° and 105°. This sug-gests that the method is not particularly sensitive to thetrue factors that influence squall-line propagation inWest Africa.

Fernandez (1982) reported that a “hydraulic jumpanalogy” based on the work of Hamilton and Archbold(1945), Freeman (1948), and Tepper (1950) providedgood estimates of the propagation speed of three WestAfrican squall lines observed during August 1973.Within this framework, a mechanism that producedsudden vertical accelerations below an inversion cre-ates a disturbance in the height of the inversion thatpropagates as a gravity wave. The associated pressurejump travels at a rate C given by Fernandez (1982) as

TABLE 3. Correlations and biases of other methods offorecasting MCS propagation.


Upwind method Corfidi (2003) 0.179 �3.46 0.273 �9°Downwind method Corfidi

(2003)0.338 4.01 �0.035 �1°

Parallel to thickness contoursMerritt and Fritsch (1984)

— — 0.251 �20°

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C � �gH�1 ���

� ��1�2

, �3�

where g is the acceleration of gravity, H is the height ofthe temperature inversion, �� is the mean potential tem-perature below the inversion, and � is the mean poten-tial temperature above the temperature inversion (inpractice, for a layer the same thickness as that belowthe inversion). For the three aforementioned squalllines, Fernandez (1982) used this method to forecast amean speed of 11.5 m s�1, whereas the observed aver-age speed was 14.8 m s�1. While those initial resultsmay seem promising, the application of the method tothe squall lines from 2002 was unsuccessful. Becausethe quantity ��/� has a very limited range—almost allcases had values between 0.971 and 0.997—the pre-dicted phase speed C is strongly dependent on H1/2.While the observed temperature profiles at Parakou alldemonstrated temperature inversions, the heights ofthese inversions varied greatly, from as little as a fewhundred meters to as much as 4.1 km above groundlevel. The resulting estimates of the speed of the squallline, therefore, occurred over an unrealistically largerange of values, from about 3 to over 50 m s�1. Addi-tionally, the height of the temperature inversion typi-cally fluctuates considerably throughout the course ofthe day as a result of a number of synoptic and localprocesses; consequently, the observed height of thetemperature inversion a few hours before the arrival ofthe squall line may not be strongly related to the heightat the time of OOP. Thus, the forecast value of thismethod is limited. The successful use of the method byFernandez (1982) seems to be related to the small rangeof values of H observed in the three storms from 1973.

7. Discussion and conclusions

The factors that had the highest correlations with theinferred propagation rates for the squall lines were allinterpreted as being related to the magnitude of therear-to-front flow within the convective system. Smulland Houze (1987) reexamined the results of Chong etal. (1987) for a West African squall line observed byDoppler radar during the Convection Profonde Tropi-cale 1981 (COPT 81) experiment and concluded thatthe rear-to-front flow observed in that system had de-veloped locally within the stratiform region due tocloud microphysical processes. They cite Roux et al.(1984) and Roux (1985) as having also noted that therear-to-front flow was a density current produced insitu in the stratiform region. In this interpretation, thestrong negative correlations of �LS with relative humid-ity between about 4 and 8 km seem reasonable. At

these levels, the entrainment of dry environmental airinto the stratiform cloud layer enhances evaporativecooling and favors the development of this rear-to-frontflow.

The robust correlations between �LS and the zonalwind at about 5.5 km have two possible interpretations.On the one hand, this may represent a kind of “steeringlevel” for the squall line, with mean winds at this leveladvecting the overall system westward. Alternatively,this may signify the entry of easterly momentum fromthe environment into the rear of the stratiform region,suggesting that rear-to-front flow itself is stronger in thepresence of an environment with enhanced easterlies atmidtropospheric levels. Smull and Houze (1987) werenot in favor of this latter hypothesis with respect to thesquall line observed during COPT 81, although theynoted such influxes of environmental air into the rear ofstratiform regions in other parts of the world. In con-trast, Bolton (1984) claimed that a midtropospheric jetwas essential for the formation of a West African squallline, and that the resulting convective system wouldpropagate at a rate slightly higher than the speed of thejet.

The highly significant correlations between �LS at themeridional winds at about 4 km (or about 625 hPa)suggest that squall lines propagate more rapidly whenthere are northerly wind anomalies. This level is mark-edly lower than the levels at which anticorrelations withrelative humidity were high, signifying that these me-ridional winds are not simply advecting dry air south-ward from the SAL. (Notice that the highest anticorre-lations with relative humidity occurred at about 6 km,where the correlations with the meridional wind werenear zero.) The altitude of the strong correlations be-tween �LS and the meridional wind suggests that thisrepresents an influence of AEWs within the Africaneasterly jet (AEJ). The relationship between squalllines and the phase of the AEWs has been examined bymany authors (Burpee 1974; Payne and McGarry 1977;Reed et al. 1977; Bolton 1984; Peters and Tetzlaff 1988;Peters et al. 1989; Duvel 1990; Machado et al. 1993;Rowell and Milford 1993; Druyan et al. 1996; Diedhiouet al. 1999; Mathon et al. 2002a; Fink and Reiner 2003)and remains controversial to date. Fink and Reiner(2003) argue that convection and rainfall predomi-nantly occur ahead of the AEW trough in the southernwetter zones of West Africa and that the coupling ofAEWs and squall-line systems increases toward theWest African coast, which is consistent with the growthof the AEW amplitude. In the present study regionclose to the Greenwich meridian, AEWs are sometimesill defined and other synoptic flow patterns may be re-sponsible for midlevel northeasterlies.

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For operational meteorologists in West Africa, thisresearch may have useful implications. If a squall line isobserved (presumably in satellite imagery) or pre-dicted, these results suggest that a propagation ratefaster than the climatological average of approximately15 m s�1 should be forecast if the convection is occur-ring west of the axis of a trough in the AEJ, or ifmidlevel winds above the mixed layer turned to thenortheast, especially if the relative humidities at about6 km are below about 50%, which was the mean ob-served relative humidity on days with squall lines. Asmore radiosonde stations have become operational inyears—in large part due to the ongoing efforts of theAMMA community—forecasters will have increasedaccess to the kinds of data that make analyses such asthese possible. In particular, with the 6-hourly ascentsat Parakou between June and mid-September 2006, itshould possible to overcome one deficiency in thepresent study (namely, the use of profiles more than 8h before the arrival of the squall-line system). Havingmore representative presquall storm environments inthe lowest 3 km where wind and humidity fields areinfluenced by the diurnal cycle may yield more insightsinto the role of this part of the troposphere on squall-line speed and heading.

Acknowledgments. This research is funded by theFederal German Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) under Grant 01 LW 0301A and by the Minis-try of Science and Research (MWF) of the federal stateof North Rhine-Westphalia under Grant 313-21200200.The two grants support the IMPETUS project. Partialfinancial support was provided by NASA ESPCoR viathe Nebraska Space Grant, with additional supportfrom the following offices at Creighton University: theDean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean ofthe Graduate School, and the Department of Atmo-spheric Sciences. We are indebted to Volker Ermert,Susan Pohle, and Peggy Reiner for helping us with dataprocessing and graphics production. We are grateful toChristian Depraetere and Jean-Michel Bouchez fromthe Institut de Recherche pour le Development for pro-viding us with the AMMA/CATCH rainfall data. Fi-nally, we thank the two anonymous reviewers for theircomments, which helped to greatly improve the manu-script.


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