period of expedition and exploration


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Period of Expedition and Exploration Spaniards Colonization


  • 1.Presented By: Paul Aldrin A. Gara

2. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of the Spanish crown, was looking for a westward route to the to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. 3. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION On March 16, 1521, Magellan's expedition landed on Homonhon island in the Philippines. He was the first European to reach the islands. 4. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Rajah Humabon of Cebu was friendly with Magellan and embraced Christianity, but their enemy, Lapu-Lapu was not. Humabon wanted Magellan to kill Lapu- Lapu while Magellan wanted to convert Lapu- Lapu into Christianity. 5. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION On April 17, 1521, Magellan sailed to Mactan and ensuing battle killed Magellan by the natives lead by Lapu-Lapu. 6. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Out of the five ships and more than 300 men who left on the Magellan expedition in 1519, only one ship (the Victoria) and 18 men returned to Seville, Spain on September 6, 1522. 7. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Nevertheless, the said expedition was considered historic because it marked the first circumnavigation of the globe and proved that the world was round. 8. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION Juan Sebastian de Elcano, the master of ship "Concepcion" took over the command of the expedition after the death of Magellan and captained the ship "Victoria" back to Spain. 9. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION He and his men earned the distinction of being the first to circumnavigate the world in one full journey. After Magellan's death in Cebu, it took 16 more months for Elcano to return to Spain. 10. THE MAGELLAN EXPEDITION The Magellan expedition started off through the westward route and returning to Spain by going east; Magellan and Elcano's entire voyage took almost three years to complete. 11. SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION After the Spain had celebrated Elcanos return, King Charles I decided that Spain should conquer the Philippines. Five subsequent expeditions were then sent to the Islands. 12. Garcia Jofre Loaisa (1525) SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION 13. Sebastian Cabot (1526) SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION 14. Alvaro de Saavedra (1527) SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION 15. Rudy Lopez de Villalobos (1542) SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION 16. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1564) SPAIN SENDS OTHER EXPEDITION 17. Only the last two actually reached the Philippines; and only Legazpi succeeded in colonizing the Islands. 18. THE VILLALOBOS EXPEDITION Ruy Lopez de Villalobos set sail for the Philippines from Navidad, Mexico on November 1, 1542. 19. THE VILLALOBOS EXPEDITION He followed the route taken by Magellan and reached Mindanao on February 2, 1543. He established a colony in Sarangani but could not stay long because of insufficient food supply. 20. THE VILLALOBOS EXPEDITION His fleet left the island and landed on Tidore in the Moluccas, where they were captured by the Portuguese. 21. THE VILLALOBOS EXPEDITION Villalobos is remembered for naming our country Islas Filipinas, in honor of King Charles son, Prince Philip, who later became king of Spain. 22. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION Since none of the expedition after Magellan from Loaisa to Villalobos had succeeded in taking over the Philippines, King Charles I stopped sending colonizers to the Islands. 23. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION However, when Philip II succeeded his father to the throne in 1556, he instructed Luis de Velasco, the viceroy of Mexico, to prepare a new expedition to be headed by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, who would be accompanied by Andres de Urdaneta, a priest who had survived the Loaisa mission. 24. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION On February 13, 1565, Legaspi's expedition landed in Cebu island. After a short struggle with the natives, he proceeded to Leyte, then to Camiguin and to Bohol. There Legaspi made a blood compact with the chieftain, Datu Sikatuna as a sign of friendship. 25. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION Legaspi was able to obtain spices and gold in Bohol due to his friendship with Sikatuna. On April 27, 1565, Legaspi returned to Cebu; destroyed the town of Raja Tupas and establish a settlement. 26. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION On orders of the King Philip II, 2,100 men arrived from Mexico. They built the port of Fuerza de San Pedro which became the Spanish trading outpost and stronghold for the region. 27. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION Hearing of the riches of Manila, an expedition of 300 men headed by Martin de Goiti left Cebu for Manila. They found the islands of Panay and Mindoro. Goiti arrived in Manila on May 8, 1570. 28. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION At first they were welcomed by the natives and formed an alliance with Rajah Suliman, their Muslim king but as the locals sensed the true objectives of the Spaniards, a battle between the troops of Suliman and the Spaniards erupted. 29. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION Because the Spaniards are more heavily armed, the Spaniards were able to conquer Manila. Soon after Miguel Lopez de Legazpi arrived to join Goiti in Manila. 30. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION Legaspi built alliances and made peace with Rajahs Suliman, Lakandula and Matanda. In 1571, Legaspi ordered the construction of the walled city of Intramuros and proclaimed it as the seat of government of the colony and the capital of the islands. 31. THE LEGAZPI EXPEDITION In 1572, Legaspi died and was buried at the San Agustin Church in Intramuros. In 1574, Manila was bestowed the title "Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad de Espaa" (Distinguished and ever loyal city of Spain) by King Philip II of Spain. 32. WHY THE PHILIPPINES WAS EASILY CONQUERED Through largely outnumbered, the Spaniards who came to colonize the Philippines easily took control of our country. How did this happen? 33. WHY THE PHILIPPINES WAS EASILY CONQUERED The barangays were scattered and were not united by a integrative political or religious system (only Mindanao and Sulu because of religious reasons were not conquered) 34. WHY THE PHILIPPINES WAS EASILY CONQUERED Diversity of language which resulted to lack of communication among ethics areas; 35. WHY THE PHILIPPINES WAS EASILY CONQUERED Willingness to cooperate with the Spaniards (as manifested by numerous blood compacts and treaties of friendship between Filipinos and Spaniards) 36. WHY THE PHILIPPINES WAS EASILY CONQUERED Superiority of Spanish arms and in art of warfare. 37. FORT SANTIAGO GATE, MANILA, C. 1800S An elaborately designed gate in Fort Santiago, Manila, guarded by Spanish soldiers, circa late 1800s. Note the hexagram, symbol of the Star of David atop the arch. 38. FILIPINO SOLDIERS NEAR FORT SAN ANTONIO DE ABAD, MALATE, C. 1898 Filipino insurgents captures a muzzle loading canon from Spanish forces and brought to their trenches near Fort San Antonio de Abad in Malate, Manila in 1898 -just before American forces occupied Manila. 39. OLD PICTURES OF MALACAANG PALACE, MANILA Montage of old photos of Malacaang Palace circa late 1800s to early 1900s. The mansion was the Spanish Governor General's residence during the Spanish times. The buildings on the compound have undergone many renovations and extensions. Malacanang Palace has been the official residence of the president of the Republic of the Philippines since 1937. 40. PICTURE OF GEN. BASILIO AUGUSTIN & STAFF IN MANILA, C. 1898 Spanish Captain-General Basilio Augustin became Governor of the Philippines on April 11, 1898. Less than 2 weeks into his term as governor, Spain declared war on the United States on April 23, 1898. Spain lost the Spanish American War which ended in signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. 41. PICTURE OF LUNETA, MANILA C. 1899 It was the promenade of choice during the Spanish era. The Governor-General with his entourage, the elite and the masses would come in the afternoons and early evening to get some fresh air and watch the Spanish military band play. Luneta was also the place where special events were held, including celebrations, parades and executions. 42. Enk Nyu!