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  • 8/9/2019 Performance of Carbon Nanofiber Supported Pd-Ni Catalysts for Electro-oxidation of Ethanol in Alkaline Medium


    Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 52465251

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    Journal of Power Sources

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j p o w s o u r

    Performance of carbon nanofiber supported PdNi catalysts for electro-oxidationof ethanol in alkaline medium

    T. Maiyalagan, Keith Scott

    School of Chemical Engineering & Advanced Materials, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 5 August 2009

    Received in revised form 18 January 2010Accepted 6 March 2010Available online 15 March 2010


    Ethanol electro-oxidationPdNiNanostructured materialsElectro-catalystFuel cell

    a b s t r a c t

    Carbon nanofibers (CNF) supported PdNi nanoparticles have been prepared by chemical reductionwith NaBH4 as a reducing agent. The PdNi/CNF catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrochemi-cal voltammetry analysis. TEM showed that the PdNi particles were quite uniformly distributed on thesurface of the carbon nanofiber with an average particle size of 4.0nm. The electro-catalytic activity ofthe PdNi/CNF for oxidation of ethanol was examined by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The onset potentialwas 200 mV lower and the peak current density four times higher for ethanol oxidation for PdNi/CNFcompared to that for Pd/C. The effect of an increase in temperature from 20 to 60C had a great effect onincreasing the ethanol oxidation activity.

    2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Recently there has been increased interest in the development

    of direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFC). Ethanol is an interesting alterna-tive renewable fuel which has an energy density of 8030 W h kg1;greater than that of methanol (6100W h kg1), if complete oxida-tion to CO2 is attained [1]. However, in acidic environments thecomplete oxidation of ethanol is difficult to achieve and attentionhas been directed to higher pH. The catalysts for ethanol oxidationcan be more active in alkaline medium compared to acid medium[25]. Ethanol electro-oxidation by Pt [68] in alkaline solution hasbeen reported. However, the high cost and limited supply of Ptconstitute a major limitation to development of DEFC. In order toreduce the cost of catalysts, Pt-free materials such as Pd have beenrecently studied [9,10]. Data show that Pd is a good electro-catalystfor ethanol oxidation in alkaline media [11].

    A great deal of interest has recently been focused on materials

    cheaper than platinum and the use of non-noble transition met-als in alkaline media; in particular the performance of alloys ofpalladium with non-noble metals for electro-oxidation of ethanol[12]. Ethanol electro-oxidation by Ni [13] and CuNi [14] in alka-line solution has been reported. Ni hollow spheres are promisingelectro-catalysts for alcohol oxidation in alkaline media [15]. Inalkaline solutions nickel can be easily converted to Ni(OH)2 and

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 191 2225207; fax: +44 191 2225292.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Maiyalagan), [email protected]

    (K. Scott).

    the Ni2+/Ni3+ redox centers show high catalytic activity towardsthe oxidation of some small organic compounds.

    In addition to development of efficient electro-catalysts forethanol oxidation research has considered the role and use ofalternative catalysts supports. Graphite nanofiber (GNF) [16], car-bon nanotubes (CNT) [1720], carbon nanohorns [21] and carbonnanocoils [22] provide alternate candidates of carbon support forfuel cell applications. Due to the high electric conductivity andstructural properties, carbon nanofibers have been considered aspromising catalyst support materials in fuel cell electrodes [23,24].

    In this work, synthesis of PdNi/CNF based catalysts areexplored for possible use in DEFC in view of the good electro-catalytic activity of Pd and the ability of Ni to adsorb OH ions inthe form of Ni(OH)2 [25]. The presence of Ni species is expected toassist in the electro-oxidation of poisonous reaction intermediatesadsorbed on the active Pd sites. Additionally, the use of Ni enablesa reduction in catalyst cost [34].

    2. Experimental

    2.1. Materials

    All the chemicals used were analytical grade. Vapor-grown car-bon nanofibers were purchased from Pyrograf Products Inc. (OH,USA. Products PR24-LHT). Extensive characterization of represen-tative commercially available Pyrograf carbon nanofiber has beenreported [26,27]. Palladium chloride and nickel chloride hydratewere procured from SigmaAldrich and used as received. Ethanoland KOH were obtained from Fischer chemicals. 20%Pd/C carbon

    0378-7753/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2010.03.022[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/9/2019 Performance of Carbon Nanofiber Supported Pd-Ni Catalysts for Electro-oxidation of Ethanol in Alkaline Medium


    T. Maiyalagan, K. Scott / Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 52465251 5247

    black waspurchased from (E-TEK, USA); Nafion 5 wt.% solution wasobtained from SigmaAldrich and was used as received.

    2.2. Preparation of 20% PdNi (3:1)/CNF catalyst

    Theas-receivedCNF wastreated with aqueous solution of HNO3under magnetic stirring for24 h [28]. The oxidized fibers were thenrepeatedly washedwith distilledwaterto removeresidualacid and

    evaporated to dryness.The required amount of PdCl2 and NiCl26H2O, were added to10 ml of water and 60 mg functionalized CNF were mixed by mag-netic stirring for3 h to achieve 20% Pd loading. Excess, diluteNaBH4solution was added to the solution to reduce the Pd and Ni speciesto form electro-catalyst. After that electro-catalyst was repeatedlywashed with distilled water to remove residual salts, centrifugedand dried at 70 C. The catalyst obtained is the PdNi/CNF catalystwith 20 wt.% Pd and the atomic ratio of Pd:Ni = 3:1.

    2.3. Catalyst characterization

    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray(EDX)measurements were carried outusinga JEOL JSM-5300LV

    scanning electron microscope with a ROUTEC UHV Dewar Detec-tor at an acceleration voltage of 25kV. Powder X-ray diffractionwas recorded on a PAN analytical XPert Pro MPD diffractome-ter using CuK radiation. For transmission electron microscopicstudies, catalysts dispersed in ethanol were placed on the coppergrid and the images were obtained using Phillips CM100 transmis-

    sion electron microscope, operating at an accelerating voltage of100keV.

    2.4. Electrochemical measurements

    Glassy carbon (GC) (BAS) electrode (0.07 cm2) was polished toa mirror finish with 0.05m alumina suspensions before eachexperiment and served as substrate for the working electrode. The

    working electrodes were fabricated by coating catalyst ink onto aglassy carbon electrode. The catalysts ink was prepared by dispers-ing 35mg ofthecatalyst in0.8cm3 of deionized water, and 0.2cm3

    of 5 wt.% Nafion solution and ultrasonicated for 20 min. Nafion wasused simply as a binder. A known amountof suspension was addedto the glassy carbon (GC) electrode and slowly dried in air. Theloading of the noble metal catalyst was 0.3 mg cm2. A solution of1.0moldm3 (M) ethanol in 1M KOH was used to study ethanoloxidation activity.

    Electrochemical measurements were collected using a com-puter controlled Gill AC potentiostat (ACM Instruments Ltd.,Cumbria, UK). All experimentswere carried out in a three-electrodeglass cell, incorporating the glassy carbon working electrode,a mercurymercury oxide reference electrode and a platinum

    mesh (25mm

    25 mm) counter electrode. All the electrochemi-cal experiments were carried out at room temperature in 1 M KOHelectrolyte. The electrolyte solution was purged with high puritynitrogen for 30 min prior to a series of voltammetric experiments.The catalytic performance was observed in 1 mol dm3 KOH solu-tion, 1 M ethanol at pH 14. Current densities were calculated based

    Fig. 1. SEM images of (a) Pd/C, (b) PdNi/CNF and (c) EDX spectra of PdNi/CNF catalysts.

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    5248 T. Maiyalagan, K. Scott / Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 52465251

    on the geometric area of the electrode. Triply distilled water wasused throughout for the preparation of solutions.

    3. Results and discussion

    Themicrograph of thePd/Cand PdNi/CNFelectrodes have beeninvestigatedby SEM(Fig.1) andthe EDXspectrum forPdNi/CNFispresented in Fig. 1c respectively. The agglomerated globular mor-

    phology of Pd/C resulted in rough surface with larger particles.The surface morphology of PdNi/CNF catalysts was found to beuniform andtubular walls aresufficiently decoratedwith nanopar-ticles. EDX analysis confirmed the presence of Pd and Ni in thePdNi/CNF catalyst. According to the EDX measurements (Fig. 1c),PdNi/CNF catalyst prepared in this work contained20.1 wt.% of Pdwith a Pd/Ni atomic ratio of 3:1.01.1, which agrees well with thestoichiometric ratio of 3:1 used in the starting mixture.

    Fig. 2 shows the XRD profiles of the Pd/C (curve a) andPdNi/CNFs (curve b) catalysts. XRD patterns reveal the bulk struc-ture of the catalyst and its support. It can be seen that the first peaklocated at a 2 value of about 26 is referred to carbon (0 0 2). Theother four peaks are characteristic of face centered cubic (fcc) crys-talline Pd (JCPDS, Card No. 05-0681), corresponding to the planes(111), (200), (220) and (311) at 2 values of about, 47, 68 and82. The nickel particles are air-sensitive, both in the stable sus-pension and in the solid state. The presence of the oxide phaseNiO (reflections (2 0 0) and (22 0)) can be observed on the electrondiffraction pattern [29]. The average particle sizes of the catalystwere calculated from Pd (2 2 0) peak by the Scherrer formula [30]:

    d ( ) =k


    where k is a coefficient (0.9), the wavelength of X-ray used(1.54056), the full-width half maximum and is the angle atposition of peak maximum.

    The mean particle size obtained from the XRD patterns were2.9nm for Pd/C and 2.5nm for PdNi/CNF. Typical TEM images of

    the Pd/C and PdNi/CNF catalysts (Fig. 3) show an average par-ticle size of 4.8 and 4.0 nm for Pd/C and PdNi/CNF respectively.Thus, the values of the mean particle size obtained from XRD areslightlylowerthanthatobtainedfromTEManalysis.Althoughsomeagglomeration of Pd nanoparticles occurred on the Vulcan support,it can be seen from the TEM image that Pd particles dispersion was

    Fig. 2. XRD patterns of (a) Pd/C and (b) PdNi/CNF catalysts.

    Fig. 3. TEM images of (a) Pd/C and (b and c) PdNi/CNF catalysts.

    reasonably uniform on the outer walls of the CNFs. Consideringthat Pd nanoparticles strongly interact with oxygen atoms, it canbe suggested that Pd nucleation centers occur in the proximity ofoxygenated defects created during the treatment. Therefore, the

    improved metal nanoparticle dispersion for the nitric acid-treated

  • 8/9/2019 Performance of Carbon Nanofiber Supported Pd-Ni Catalysts for Electro-oxidation of Ethanol in Alkaline Medium


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    5250 T. Maiyalagan, K. Scott / Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 52465251

    Fig. 7. Linearpotential sweepcurves: (a) Pd/C catalysts and (b) PdNi/CNF catalysts

    in 1M KOH/1M C2H5OH solution with a scan rate of 1mV s1, () 25

    C and (-):60 C.

    The PdNi catalyst supported on CNF (PdNi/CNF) catalystshowed a better activity for ethanol oxidation than Pd/C. The onsetpotential for EOR on PdNi/CNF electro-catalyst was 200 mV morenegative in comparison with that of Pd/C electro-catalyst. Simi-lar values for PdNiO/C were reported [35]. It is clear that theinvolvementof Ni significantly increasedthe catalyticactivityat thesame Pd loadings. The peak current density for ethanol oxidationis 200 mAcm2 on the PdNi/CNF electrode, was four times higherthanon the Pd/Celectrode, 47.8 mAcm2. Theforward peak poten-tial forthe electro-oxidation of ethanol on the PdNi/CNF electrode

    was 0.17 V (versus Hg/HgO), lower than 0.03 V (versus Hg/HgO)for Pd/C catalyst. The high peak oxidation current and low anodicpeak potential show that PdNi/CNF electro-catalysts were moreactive than the Pd/C electrode. Moreover, the higher catalytic cur-rents at more negative potentials on PdNi/CNF electro-catalystscould potentially improve the DEFC efficiency. Evaluation of thesecatalysts in DEFC using anion conducting membranes will be thesubject of future research.

    The effect of temperature on ethanol oxidation for Pd/C andPdNi/CNF catalysts was investigated by performing linear sweepvoltammograms at a scan rate of 1mV s1 at temperatures 25 and60 C (data shown in Fig. 7a and b, respectively). Current densityincreased significantly with the higher temperature, i.e. peak cur-rent density was some three times greater, indicating an increase

    in reaction kinetics.

    Fig. 8. Tafel plot of (a) Pd/C catalysts and (b) PdNi/CNF catalysts in 1 M KOH/1MC2H5OH solution with a scan rate of 1 mVs1, 25 and 60 C.

    The kinetic parameters of ethanol oxidation on Pd/C andPdNi/CNF catalystswere obtained fromTafelplots, shownin Fig.8.The Tafel slopes for Pd/C catalyst were 193 and 205 mV dec1 at25 and 60 C, respectively and for PdNi/CNF catalyst were 196and 213mV dec1 at 25 and 60 C, respectively. The results of Pd/Ccatalyst are in agreement with the literature [36].

    By extrapolating the Tafel line, to the point at where the over-

    potential equals zero. The exchange current density, i0, can beobtained. It is evident from the Tafel plot in Fig. 8 that the cal-culated exchange current density i0 for the PdNi/CNF catalyst issignificantly greater than for the Pd/C catalyst. This data indicatesthePdNi/CNF catalyst hasa higheractivityfor ethanol oxidationinalkalinemediathanthe Pd/C catalystand valuesare givenin Table2,at the two different temperatures. The exchange current densi-ties for ethanol oxidation on PdNi/CNF electrodewere almost twoorders higher than that on Pd/C electrodes.

    The electrochemical stability of Pd/C and PdNi/CNF electrodesfor ethanol electro-oxidation was also investigated by chronoam-perometry. Fig. 9 shows the current densitytime plots of Pd/C andPdNi/CNF electrodes in 1 M KOH and 1 M ethanol at0.5V.

    The results indicate that the improvement in the activity

    of PdNi/CNF electro-catalyst for ethanol oxidation may partly

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    Table 2

    Kinetic parameters of ethanol oxidation on Pd/C and PdNi/CNF electrodes.

    S. no Electrode Temperature (K) Tafel slope (mVdec1) io (Acm2)

    1 Pd/C 298 193 2.69104

    2 Pd/C 333 205 6.8104

    3 Pd/Ca 298 188 2.7105

    4 PdNi/CNF 298 212 1.18103

    5 PdNi/CNF 333 223 3.0103

    6 PdNiO/Ca 298 195 1.8104

    a From Ref. [11].

    Fig.9. Currentdensitytimecurvesat0.5Vfor1800sat(a)Pd/Cand(b)PdNi/CNFin 1M KOH/1M C2H5OH solutions, 25 C.

    attributes to the uniform distribution of metal nanoparticles onthe CNF support. It is thought that the addition of Ni significantlydecreased the overpotential and NiOOH formed on the surface ofthe catalyst enhances the catalytic activity for ethanol oxidation[37].

    4. Conclusions

    Well-dispersed PdNi nanoparticle catalysts have been synthe-sized on carbon nanofibers composite. These catalysts were goodmaterials for ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium and were moreactive than Pd/C catalysts. The results showed a 200 mV decreasein the onset potential and a threefold enhancement in the peakcurrent density for PdNi/CNF catalyst compared to Pd/C catalystwith the same Pd loading. The enhancements in activity and sta-bility of PdNi/CNF catalyst compared to the Pd/C catalyst can be

    attributed to the carbon nanofiber support and the addition of Nito the Pd. The data suggest that PdNi/CNF should be considered agood electro-catalyst material for alkaline direct ethanol fuel cells.


    EPSRC and DSTL are acknowledged for support of this work.


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