performance management practices of apple

Performance Management Practices of Submitted To : Dr. Reena Patel Submitted By : Pallavi Priya Subject : Human Resource Mangemnet MBA, Semester – II Date : 28 February 2017

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Performance Management Practices of

Submitted To : Dr. Reena PatelSubmitted By : Pallavi PriyaSubject : Human Resource

MangemnetMBA, Semester – II

Date : 28 February 2017

Performance Management Performance management is a process that provides

feedback, accountability, and documentation for performance outcomes. It helps employees to channel their talents toward organizational goals.

It basically looks at how an organization plans, measures, monitors and enhances its performance on different levels (departmental, procedural, workforce, systems or financial) in order to ensure the overall success of the organization.


Today, a lot of companies, regardless of size, have performance management systems set in place, some of them performing better than others

A good performance management plan aims at increasing and aligning all organizational levels

Performance management is used differently in every organization

To form an idea, below is an overview of how companies perform performance management practices to align individual and organizational objectives :-

Planning: It involves finding ways of using the scarce resources such as time, money and energy to achieve the organizational objectives: it implies setting clear objectives and providing the necessary ‘ingredients’ for achieving such objectives, like giving incentives and training

 Appraisal : This is where the pre-defined goals are assessed in order to see whether individuals and management have been successful in achieving them

Coaching: It gives the necessary support to employees, including good leadership practices like mentoring, giving timely and clear feedback and providing support where needed

Next, let’s see how Apple has implemented performance management practices, we shall only take a look at it from the HR perspective

Performance Management practices at Apple


Goals Management Apple goals are made known to employees

immediately after organizational goals are set. This is jointly discussed by line-managers and the necessary steps taking in order to achieve such goals. However, individuals are measured based on these goals agreed on and initiated. Individuals are informed on their contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the company


Appraisal at Apple is on-going and tends to give feedbacks to both appraiser and appraised and to serve as formal opportunity for personal counselling, motivation salary reviews and allocation of merit payments.

Staff members are accessed based on terms of objectives, tasks and results achieved based on pre-determined goals planned and agreed jointly by individuals and their line managers

The appraisal system helps the HR to determine any shortage in a particular skill, and therefore undertake recruitment to replace such efficiency. Rewards are given for good performance

Apple uses two appraisal tools for evaluating its employees performance that are :

Peer Appraisal It is a method of performance appraisal wherein

the peers and teammates provide a unique perspective on performance.  While managers are best able to assess a individual’s outcomes and results, peers provide insight into an individual’s interpersonal interactions and skills

360 Degree feedback A 360-degree feedback is an employee evaluation

tool that includes feedback from supervisors, subordinates, colleagues and customers

 It’s purpose is to create a broader view of the employee's performance based on the impact of relationships with key stakeholders. This information is then incorporated into that person's performance review

Coaching: Management gives the necessary support to their

staff so the they can achieve the standards and objectives of the organization, this involves review of the organizational performance plan, observing and documenting performance and giving feedback. Management tends to ensure that individuals whose performance is not up to standard are corrected and are given the necessary guidance 

It further includes two aspects :

Leadership & Mentoring : Leaders in Apple are supposed to lead by example,

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest leaders who really impacted on apple not just technologically but also leadership, he had good leadership qualities which make employees prompt to work whenever he is involved: Leaders at Apple act as mentors and coaches, this is what we call leadership by example, and they also encourage teamwork and togetherness

Communication : Since communication is very important in every organization,

Apple has a very strong skill of communicating information from top to down and the vice versa, feedbacks are given on time and the necessary steps are taking to improve performance

Pros and Cons: Employees in Apple are not allowed to use social media at work, not only that but also are not allowed to make any critical comment on the company on any social media, since Apple considers its image as the centre of its success

Individuals in the organization are no allowed to do anything that will destroy their image since it is the centre of their success