performance appraisal of management teachers

A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL OF MANAGEMENT TEACHERS - Dr. Hema Bhalakrishnan - Mr. R. Sethumadhavan, Abstract: A study on performance appraisal of teachers in Management institutions in Coimbatore had been conducted. The main objectives of the study were to study the performance of teachers and the factors influencing performance. The data was collected by using the questionnaire method and the stratified sampling technique was used by considering different management departments as strata. The main findings were teachers were good in punctuality, discipline, punctuality, impartiality and feedback. There was a relationship between subject preparation and student doubts and a relationship between covering syllabus and periodical tests. Almost 70% of respondents were pointing towards above average performance of the teachers. There was a need for the programme on orientation and student’s psychology as well as ethics of the profession for better performance for the teachers. Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected] Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @ [email protected] 1 2

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The study is about performance appraisal of management teachers in coimbatore district


Page 1: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


- Dr. Hema Bhalakrishnan

- Mr. R. Sethumadhavan,


A study on performance appraisal of teachers in Management institutions in

Coimbatore had been conducted. The main objectives of the study were to study the

performance of teachers and the factors influencing performance. The data was collected by

using the questionnaire method and the stratified sampling technique was used by

considering different management departments as strata. The main findings were teachers

were good in punctuality, discipline, punctuality, impartiality and feedback. There was a

relationship between subject preparation and student doubts and a relationship between

covering syllabus and periodical tests. Almost 70% of respondents were pointing towards

above average performance of the teachers. There was a need for the programme on

orientation and student’s psychology as well as ethics of the profession for better

performance for the teachers.


According to Flippo, “Performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an

impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his

potential for a better job”. In this study evaluation of performance of teachers in management

institutions of Coimbatore had been conducted by framing the objectives.

Objectives of the Study

To study the performance of teachers in Management institutions.

To find out the factors influencing performance.

To find out the causes of better and poor performance.

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 2: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

To give suggestions for improving the performance level of teachers.

Research Methodology

Research is an academic activity and as such the terms should be used in a

technical sense. The research study had been conducted in the management institutions of

Coimbatore. A descriptive research along with the case study approach was adopted to do

the study with help of the collected questionnaire. A sample design is definite plan for

obtaining a sample from a given population. Here the Stratified random sampling was

used where the sample is divided to different strata or groups. In this research the total

population is 2000 and the 200 respondents were taken as sample size.

The present study was based on the primary data. Primary data was collected by

using the questionnaire and the secondary data was collected by using website, journals

and magazines.

Analysis and Discussion:

Percentage analysis is used to find percentage value for all the different questions

used. Percentages are used in making comparisons between two or more series of data.

The Correlation analysis was done to find out the relationship and the dependency of one

variable and another. One way ANOVA analysis was done to find out the mean

difference in opinion between two variables.

Table No: 1

Location of the Respondents

Location Number of



Coimbatore 68 34.0

Tirupur 43 21.5

Avanashi 16 8.0

Palladam 23 11.5

Others 50 25.0

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 3: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

TOTAL 200 100.0Interpretation

The above table depicts that 34% of the respondents were in the Coimbatore to

Study the College, 21.5% of the respondents from Tirupur, 11.5% of the respondents

from Palladam, 8% percentage of the respondents from Avanashi and remaining 25% of

the respondents are others of above locations.

Exhibit: 1

Location of the Respondents

Table No: 2

Planning of Teaching

Planning of Teaching Number of Respondents Percentage

Poor 18 9.0

Average 40 20.0

Good 60 30.0

Very Good 48 24.0

Excellent 34 17.0

TOTAL 200 100.0

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 4: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


The above table depicts that 30% of the teachers were in the good in the planning

of teaching, 24% of the teachers having very good, 20% of the teachers having average,

17% percentage of the respondents having excellent and 9% of the teachers are poor in

planning of teaching.

Exhibit: 2

Planning of Teaching

Table No: 3

Subject Preparation

Subject Preparation Number of Respondents Percentage

Poor 16 8.0

Average 45 22.5

Good 60 30.0

Very Good 42 21.0

Excellent 37 18.5

TOTAL 200 100.0

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 5: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


The above table depicts that 30% of the teachers were in the good in the subject

preparation of teaching, 22.5% of the teachers having average, 21% of the teachers

having very good, 18.5% percentage of the teachers having excellent and 8% of the

teachers are poor in subject preparation of teaching.

Exhibit: 3

Subject Preparation

Table No: 4

Explanation of Concepts and Principles

Explanation of Concepts Number of Respondents Percentage

Poor 16 8.0

Average 43 21.5

Good 46 23.0

Very Good 53 26.5

Excellent 42 21.0

TOTAL 200 100.0

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 6: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


The above table depicts that 26.5% of the teachers were in the very good in the

explanation of concepts and principles, 23% of the teachers having good, 21.5% of the

teachers having average, 21% percentage of the teachers having excellent and 8% of the

teachers are poor in explanation of concepts and principles.

Exhibit: 4

Explanation of Concepts and Principles

Table No: 5

Encouraging Problem Solving Ability

Solving Ability Number of Respondents Percentage

Poor 20 10.0

Average 45 22.5

Good 54 27.0

Very Good 38 19.0

Excellent 43 21.5

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 7: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

TOTAL 200 100.0Interpretation

The above table depicts that 27% of the teachers were in the good, 22.5% of the

teachers having average, 21.5% of the teachers having very good, 21.5% percentage of

the teachers having excellent and 10% of the teachers are poor in encouraging problem

solving ability.

Exhibit: 5

Encouraging Problem Solving Ability

Table No: 6

Ability to Maintain Discipline

Maintain Discipline Number of Respondents Percentage

Poor 8 4.0

Average 31 15.5

Good 64 32.0

Very Good 56 28.0

Excellent 41 20.5

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 8: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

TOTAL 200 100.0(Source: Primary Data)


The above table depicts that 32% of the teachers were in the good, 28% of the

teachers having very good, 15.5% of the teachers having average, 20.5% percentage of

the teachers having excellent and 4% of the teachers are poor in ability to maintain


Exhibit: 6

Ability to Maintain Discipline

Analysis of Variance

ANOVA is used when multiple sample test for differences among the means of

the populations by examine the amount of variation with in each of these samples,

relative to the amount of variation between the samples.

Table No: 7

Department and Planning of Teaching

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in association between opinion of students of

different departments and planning of teaching by teachers.

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 9: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 16.429 4 4.107 2.078 .085

Within Groups 385.391 195 1.976

Total 401.820 199

The test of ANOVA between students belonging to different departments and

planning of teaching shows an F value of 2.078. The significant value .085 is greater than

.05 so we accept null hypothesis at 5% level of significance and conclude that there is not

a significant difference in association between opinion of students of different

departments and planning of teaching by teachers.

Table No: 8

Age Group and Clarity & Availability of Speech

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the association between different age group of

students and clarity & availability of speech of teachers.


Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 12.003 4 3.001 2.199 .071

Within Groups 266.152 195 1.365

Total 278.155 199

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 10: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

The test of ANOVA between of age group and clarity & availability of speech

shows an F value of 2.199. The significant value .071 is greater than .05 so we accept

null hypothesis at 5% level of significance and conclude that there is not a significant

difference in association between different age group of students and Punctuality and

ability to maintain discipline of teachers.

Table No: 9

Location and Ability to Maintain Discipline

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in association between student’s location and

ability to maintain discipline of teachers.


Sum of

Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2.266 4 .566 .462 .764

Within Groups 239.329 195 1.227

Total 241.595 199

The test of ANOVA between location and ability to maintain discipline shows an

F value of 0.462. The significant value .764 is greater than .05 so we accept null

hypothesis at 5% level of significance and conclude that there is not a significant

difference in association between student location and ability to maintain discipline by


Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 11: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers


Table No: 10

Planning of Teaching and Asking Questions

Planning of

Teaching Asking Questions

Planning of teaching Pearson Correlation 1 .565(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000

N 200 200

Asking questions Pearson Correlation .565(**) 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .

N 200 200

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The correlation value is 0.565. It shows the positive relationship. So, it is clear

that there is a relationship between planning of teaching and asking questions.

Table No: 11

Subject Preparation and Students Doubts


Preparation Student Doubts

Subject preparation Pearson Correlation 1 .585(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000

N 200 200

Students doubts Pearson Correlation .585(**) 1

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 12: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .

N 200 200

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The correlation value is 0.585. It shows the positive relationship. So, it is clear

that there is a relationship between subject preparation and student doubts.

Table No: 12

Covering Syllabus and Periodical Tests


Syllabus Periodical Tests

Coverage of syllabus Pearson Correlation 1 .549(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000

N 200 200

Periodical tests Pearson Correlation .549(**) 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .

N 200 200

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


The correlation value is 0.549. It shows the positive relationship. So, it is clear

that there is a relationship between covering syllabus and periodical tests.


The teachers in Management institutions were good in punctuality , planning of

teaching, subject preparation, clarity of speech, legibility of writing, pace and level of

instruction, explanation of concepts, pace of covering and completion of syllabus,

encouraging students to raise doubts, praising originality, creativity, courtesy and

impartiality. There was a relationship between planning of teaching and asking

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 13: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

questions by students. Also there existed a relationship between subject preparation

and students doubts. The coverage of syllabus and periodical tests had a positive

relationship between them.


In general overall performance of the teaching staff is good. It is reflected in

pass percentage of the institutions, which are available in their brochures. It is very

much appreciable that the performance of the teaching staff is better even without any

proper training. Appreciation is one of the best medicines for better improvement as

well as development of skills. The teaching staff should develop themselves positive

spirit. Courtesy, politeness and impartiality, fairness character to be build up among

the teaching staff since it is very essential for the teaching staff and it is highly

appreciable ethic for teaching profession. Results of the examination such as internal

test and assessments are very important and this should be published to motivate the

learning abilities of the students. Good verbal communication is the most important

quality of the teaching profession. It should be developed in systematic way for the

teachers. Thinking capacity of the student is developed by the curiosity and asking

questions to them. So it should be encouraged. Level of instruction should be of high

standard so that the student’s quality also will increase. Almost 70% of respondent

were pointing towards above average performance of the teachers.



It is accepted that there can be no rigid structure for the performance appraisal and

development systems for technical institutions in view in the wide disparities in the

historical background, financial health, and infrastructure facilities available.

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]



Page 14: Performance Appraisal of Management Teachers

It is hoped that the significance of performance appraisal of Management teachers

as means for improvement of the quality of a technical education especially teaching will

gain acceptance for all our institutions and educators in the near future.


1. Ahmed Abad, “Management and Organisational development”, Rachana

prakasam, New delhi.

2. Hacoon J.R., “Management training aims and methods”, English university press,


3. Indian society of technical education, Performance Appraisal/Workshop, Manual


4. Kothari. C.R.(2000) “Research methodology”, Published by Wishwa Prakashan,

5. Rudra Baswaraj, “Personnel administration practice in India”, Vaikunta lalmehta

institute of cooperative management, Pune.

6. Thanulingom.N, “Research methodology”, published by himalaya publication

house, Mumbai.

7. Venkatratnam C.S.and Srivasta B.K.(1991) “Personnel management and human

resources”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi.

Assistant Professor, Park Global School of Business Excellence, Coimbatore. Reach Dr.Hema @ [email protected]

Faculty, Department of Management Studies and Research, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,Coimbatore. Reach Sethu @

[email protected]