perfect pool care guide

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  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    Sizing Your PoolProperly sizing your pool will determine the correct amount of NISSAN HLT-90 and otherchemicals you will need.Here is a simple chart to figure out your pool capacity.


    a feet x b feet x c feet x 5.9=TOTAL GAL.Oval

    a feet x b feet x c feet x 5.9=TOTAL GAL.Rectangle

    a feet x b feet x c feet x 7.5=TOTAL GAL.


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    There are three basic typesof filtration system. Theyare a) diatomaceous earth(DE) filter, b) sand filter andC) cartridge filter. All filtersystems have the sameperformance. Pool water isdrawn through a skimmer ora drain and pumpedthrough a filter whichremoves visiblecontaminants that come intothe pool. Your must operatethe filter system at least 4turns of total water per dayin order to remove wasteseffectively.

    Filtration / pump operation hours = Pool water volume (M3) x 4 turns / Filtration capacity.Please keep in mind that by filtering in proper way, you will help avoid contaminant build-up andsave on chemical costs.For sand or DE filter, you should clean up oils and other organic matters that may lodged in thefilter regularly by back washing. For cartridge filter, you should replace the cartridge periodically.Occasionally you may need to apply a clarified to help your filter trap small particles that may bepassing through the system.

    When you start up your pool, follow these simple steps toget your pool water in a proper condition.Water drainFirst; drain water to clean your pool.Brushing your poolAfter draining, brush dirty walls and bottom using detergent.Water chargeWhen you finish cleaning your pool, charge water to proper

    level and run the filter.Chlorine control


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    After filling water, add NISSAN HLT-90 according to thechart on page Routine Water Maintenance

    Water BalanceYour pool is designed to hold the same water for many years. You filter it and chemicallytreat it over and over again. During this period of time the water can drift out of balance andcause corrosion, scaling or even stains to appear. You can easily prevent these problems bypaying attention to the basics of water balance.PHPH is measure of water acidity and basicity. It is measured on a scale of 0.0 to 14.0PH should be maintained between 7.0 and 7.5, which is the ideal zone for equipmentprotection, sanitizer effectiveness and swimming comfort. Adjust PH 7.0-7.5 before shocktreatment for maximum chlorine effectiveness.A PH below 6.5 can cause skin and eye irritation, equipment corrosion and increasedsanitizer demand.Values above 7.8 reduce sanitizer effectiveness and may also result in eye irritation, cloudywater and scaling.Total Alkalinity

    Total alkalinity is the measurement of bicarbonates, carbonates and hydroxides in poolwater. These elements help stabilize PH.Total alkalinity should be maintained between 50 and 100 ppm. Total alkalinity below 50 ppmmay make pool water PH be difficult to maintain. Total alkalinity above 100 ppm may causecloudy water or scale.Free Available ChlorineFree available chlorine is a measure of sanitizer effectiveness. It should be between 1.0 and1.5 parts per million (ppm).


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    To keep your pool clean and sanitized, use this chart to determine dosageChlorine Control

    Dosage of NISSAN HLT-90 (Granular)Water VolumeGAL. M3


    Range/Day Standard


    10,000 40 150~250 20050,000 200 750~1,250 1,000100,000400 1,500~2,500 2,000200,000800 3,000~5,000 4,000300,0001,200 4,500~7,500 6,000

    (5g / Pool water M3 / Day)

    Dosage Point:

    1. Direct

    2. Balancing tank

    3. Skimmer

    Dosage Interval: Feed the charted quantity in two dosage.

    PH Control

    PH(+) adjuster (Soda ash)


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    Example: A (PH=5.5) read B, read C (3kg) This is the dosage volume when PH is 5.5.PH (-) adjuster ( Sodium bisulphate )

    Example: A (PH=8.5) read B, read C (2.5kg) This is the dosage volume when PH is 8.5.Total AlkalinityIf the total alkalinity is below 50ppm, add Sodium bicarbonate (not Soda ash) or Magnesiumoxide (MgO, PH Flats).Dose these chemicals through balancing tank, hair catcher or skimmer.Standard dosage is as follows.Sodium bicarbonate: 6kg / month for 100 M3 of water.

    Magnesium oxide: 2kg / month for 100 M3 of water.Super Chlorination & Shock TreatmentBoth super Chlorination and shock treatment are higher dosages of chlorine than required fordaily swimming pool treatment.(NISSAN HLT-60 is suitable for these treatments.)Super Chlorination is the periodic (twice a month) addition of chlorine 5.0~10.0 ppm toeliminate combined chlorine (chloramines) which are associated with burning eyes and odors.Shock treatment is the remedial addition of available chlorine (same concentration as superchlorination) to kill algae, remove organic contaminants.


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    Algaecides are good treatments to prevent orkill algae growth. Algae spores are constantlycoming into your pool from rain, wind and

    dust storms and they increase quickly insunlight and warm water. Routinechlorination cannot, sometimes, cope withthe rapid growth of an algae "appear". Thesealgae can come up green and brown in color.By the time algae has appeared here aremillions of algae cells in swimming pool.

    PROBLEM SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDYGREEN WATER Green color Algae 1. Shock treat with NISSAN HLT-60.

    2. Add the algaecide.

    COLORED WATER Green, brown orblack Metal ion Use coagulant or sand filter with alum.

    PH DECREASE PH below 7.0 Low alkalinityor low calciumhardness

    1. Adjust PH to 7.0~7.5 by adding PHplus.

    2. Raise alkalinity to 50~100 ppm withsodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or

    MgO as needed.


    Hazy, cloudywater Algae andBacteria

    Not enoughfiltrationHigh PH, HighAlkalinity

    Shock treat with NISSAN HLT-60.Check filter operation.Adjust PH and Alkalinity.

    SCALE FORMATION Mineral depositson pool's

    surface,plumbing andfilters

    High PH,Excess


    Reduce PH to 7.0~7.5.Use meiotic acid.


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide


    EXCESS AVIALABLECHLORINE Chlorine odorIrritation Excesschlorine Use Ensotole (sodium thiosulphate)

    ALGAE Green, cloudywater Insufficientchlorine 1. Shock treat with NISSAN HLT-60.

    2. Add algaecide.


  • 7/28/2019 Perfect Pool Care Guide



    Keep out of the reach of children.

    All chemical container should be sealed tightly after use.

    Wash hands thoroughly after handling chemicals.

    Never mix pool chemicals together.

    Never add water to chemicals. Always add chemicals to enough water.

    Store chemicals according to label instructions.
