perfect hashing and cnf encodings of cardinality constraints

© 2012 IBM Corporation Perfect Hashing and CNF Encodings of Cardinality Constraints Yael Ben-Haim Alexander Ivrii Oded Margalit Arie Matsliah SAT 2012 IBM Research - Haifa

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Perfect Hashing and CNF Encodings of Cardinality Constraints. Yael Ben-Haim Alexander Ivrii Oded Margalit Arie Matsliah SAT 2012. IBM Research - Haifa. Talk outline. Introduction to cardinality constraints and their encodings. Definition of perfect hash families. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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© 2012 IBM Corporation

Perfect Hashing and CNF Encodings of Cardinality Constraints

Yael Ben-HaimAlexander IvriiOded MargalitArie Matsliah

SAT 2012

IBM Research - Haifa

Page 2: Perfect Hashing and CNF Encodings  of Cardinality Constraints

© 2007 IBM Corporation 2© 2012 IBM Corporation


Talk outline

Introduction to cardinality constraints and their encodings.

Definition of perfect hash families.

New encodings for the “at most k” constraint based on perfect hash families

– An encoding that preserves arc consistency under unit propagation.

– A “hybrid” encoding that partially preserves arc consistency under unit propagation.

Encoding the “at least k” constraint.

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© 2007 IBM Corporation 3© 2012 IBM Corporation


Cardinality constraints Let be Boolean variables.

A cardinality constraint is of the form“at most / at least / exactly k out of are TRUE”, i.e., in the at most case:

Cardinality constraints are common in many problems

– In constraint programming.

– In formal verification.

– MAXSAT and other optimization problems.

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Cardinality constraints (cont.)

Handling of cardinality constraints

– Treat them as linear inequalities or Pseudo-Boolean constraints.

– Enhance a SAT solver.

– Encode to CNF and run with a regular SAT solver.

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Definition of encoding

A CNF encoding of a cardinality constraint is a formula F on the variables and the auxiliary variables such that:

– SAT before remains SAT after:Every assignment to with at most k TRUEs,can be extended to an assignment on that satisfies F.

– UNSAT before remains UNSAT after:for any assignment to with more than k TRUEs,there is no extension to such that F is satisfied.

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Properties of efficient encodings

An efficient encoding encodes problems with cardinality constraints to CNF formulas that can be quickly solved by a SAT solver.

Typically, an efficient encoding has the following properties:

– Few clauses.

– Few auxiliary variables.

– If a partial assignment on assigns TRUE to exactly k variables, then unit propagation assigns FALSE to all other Xs.In this case, we say that the encoding preserves arc consistency under unit propagation.

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Example: the naïve encoding

The naïve encoding of the constraint :


– clauses.

– 0 auxiliary variables.

– Arc consistency is preserved under unit propagation.

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Known and new encodings An encoding that does not preserve arc consistency under unit


– Parallel counter [Sin05]

An encoding that partially preserves arc consistency under unit propagation

– Hybrid PHF – new

Encodings that preserve arc consistency under unit propagation

– Naïve

– Sequential counter [Sin05]

– Cardinality networks [ANOR09]

– PHF – new

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Perfect hashing

Perfect hash families are known and well studied combinatorial structures.

A handful of applications

– Database management.

– Group testing algorithms.

– Cryptography: secret sharing, key distribution patterns.

We will use PHFs as ingredients of our encodings.

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An (n,l,r,m) perfect hash family

is a collection of functions Each function maps to such that

for every subset S of , of size ,there is a function such that

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© 2007 IBM Corporation 11© 2012 IBM Corporation


Encodings based on perfect hash families

Task: encode the constraint

Ingredient: an (n,k+1,r,m) perfect hash family

Encoding steps: after the example.

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Encodings based on perfect hash families

Assuming that we have an (n,l=k+1,r,m) perfect hash family

Encoding steps: for each

– Introduce r auxiliary variables

– Add clauses for all

– Encode the constraint using the sequential counter encoding.

A reduction

– From one cardinality constraint on n variables

– To a set of implication clausesand several cardinality constraints on r variables

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Encodings based on perfect hash families

It remains to choose the underlying perfect hash family.

A handful of constructions, striving to minimize m (the number of hash functions)

– Random and explicit.

– For various ranges of the parameters.

– Related to error correcting codes, combinatorial designs, Latin squares and orthogonal arrays, and more.

For , random constructions yield perfect hash families with

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© 2007 IBM Corporation 15© 2012 IBM Corporation


Known and new encodings An encoding that does not preserve arc consistency under unit


– Parallel counter [Sin05]

An encoding that partially preserves arc consistency under unit propagation

– Hybrid PHF – new

Encodings that preserve arc consistency under unit propagation

– Naïve

– Sequential counter [Sin05]

– Cardinality networks [ANOR09]

– PHF – new

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© 2007 IBM Corporation 16© 2012 IBM Corporation


Hybrid encodings Ingredient: a collection of m hash functions

not necessarily forming a perfect hash family.

Encoding steps

– Encode to CNF using some encoding.


– Follow the same encoding steps as for perfect hash families: introduce auxiliary variables, add implication clauses, encode m “at most k constraints” on r variables.

For a choice of a nearly perfect hash family, we obtain a nearly perfect consistency preservation: for most of k-triplets of Xs, if a partial assignment sets them to TRUE then unit propagation will assign FALSE to all other Xs.

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At least constraints Our encodings (as well as others) are designed to be

efficient when k is small relative to n.

– An approach saying that the “at least k constraint” is equivalent to the “at most n-k constraint” will not work for small k.

We designed a sequential counter encoding for the “at least k constraint” with clauses and auxiliary variables.

We designed a PHF encoding for the “at least k constraint” with clauses and auxiliary variables.

– Number of clauses is small but their length is not constant.

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Our contribution

– A new encoding of cardinality constraints to CNF based on perfect hash families.

– A new hybrid encoding.

– Similar encodings for the “at least k constraint”.

– Empirical results.

Take home message

– Use combinatorial structures (e.g. block designs or error-correcting codes) as building blocks in encodings of constraints to CNF.