perception extra #1- kevin pearce

Extra Credit #1 Notes: Pupil blew out Out for thirty minutes Extra Ventricular tube Sedation off try to wake him up they don’t know if he will and they wont know how much damage is done in the brain for 3-5 days 23 days before the Olympics Moved his finger in the palm of his hand “he moved his hand and then he’d open his eyes. He’d open his eyes but it was as if he wasn’t even looking at you” He would ___ with his right hand but his left hand wouldn’t work He has a blood clot in his arm Very little change from then on He still wasn’t talking but would play a few of his favorite plays list he played believer by Neil young and he started mouthing the lyrics he was somewhat aware of what was happening He started having some movement Every brain injury is different- Mark a fellow skier Did you have a great day today? He said yeah and waved- started to speak He didn’t know his nickname “KP” March 2010 Thanks for your support im doing better he has a patch over his glasses

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Perception Extra #1- Kevin Pearce


Page 1: Perception Extra #1- Kevin Pearce

Extra Credit #1


Pupil blew out

Out for thirty minutes

Extra Ventricular tube

Sedation off try to wake him up they don’t know if he will and they wont know how much damage is done in the brain for 3-5 days

23 days before the Olympics

Moved his finger in the palm of his hand “he moved his hand and then he’d open his eyes. He’d open his eyes but it was as if he wasn’t even looking at you”

He would ___ with his right hand but his left hand wouldn’t work

He has a blood clot in his arm

Very little change from then on

He still wasn’t talking but would play a few of his favorite plays list he played believer by Neil young and he started mouthing the lyrics he was somewhat aware of what was happening

He started having some movement

Every brain injury is different- Mark a fellow skier

Did you have a great day today? He said yeah and waved-started to speak

He didn’t know his nickname “KP”

March 2010

Thanks for your support im doing better he has a patch over his glasses

He’s walking and playing ball

Recognizes square and X

Plays bowling

All Kevin would talk about after the accident was snowboarding again

He has lines in his glasses

Feb 22 asked Kevin to draw a person and it was really shitty and now when he does it this person has a body with arms and legs the left side of the face was only drawn

Page 2: Perception Extra #1- Kevin Pearce

White matter is where his injury is

He could die due to brain bleeding that’s fatal if he continues snowboarding

Main problem is memory

At the one-year mark he thought it would be fine to have a beer and now it’s a two year rehab he thought it was one year In his head the doctors never said it

One lens is way thicker than the other

He’s on lexapro and seizure medication

He’s doing a test with 3A circled and red dot and purple dot – memory attention confusion, impulsivity organization, and sensory overload

He has full on seizures in his arm and the doctor are worried about it turning into a grand mal seizure because he could fall on his head

After he notices no difference with his vision he has short-term memory

He looks up his eyes are shaking when he looks


Not realistic to see single vision every direction of gaze

Two-year evaluation from Craig hospital

Scar on left side black coordination balance forgetful memory deficit area and doctor doesn’t believe those scars aren’t going to go away

Medically and neurologically can’t afford to hit his head

He can’t disconnect thought and action

They’re dyslexic and have severe learning disabilities

Kevin found snowboarding as a way out

His filter and how he comes across in a bad way when he’s not meaning to

He wants to be happy and positive and there are time it comes across that he’s not

His double vision is so bad; He can’t see where different trees are

Impulse control is affected by brain injury

Irritability is different after the injury

Do you start getting down on yourself and getting into negative thought patterns? He thinks not that he’s failure but that he can do something so stupid so often