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  • 8/9/2019 People's Manifesto for Ynys Mn


    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Anglesey

    The Druid Blog:A Peoples Manifestofor Ynys Mn

    The Druid

  • 8/9/2019 People's Manifesto for Ynys Mn


  • 8/9/2019 People's Manifesto for Ynys Mn


    Kingdom. At 10,998 per head, Angleseys

    GVA is just 55.1 per cent of the UKs


    Anglesey is poorer than some of the poorestparts of rural Poland according to the 2009OECD Factbook.3

    Data for full-time employees show thataverage earnings in Anglesey were approx.

    396 per week in 2007, compared with

    415 per week in Wales and 456 per week

    in the UK. It should be noted that gross

    average earnings on the Island were

    distorted by wages paid to employees at

    Wylfa and Anglesey Aluminium, which are

    substantially higher than other wages in the


    However we don't have to worry aboutAnglesey Aluminium distorting averageearnings on the Island anymore because it

    was forced to close in 2009 wiping out at

    least 450 direct jobs and an estimated

    further 240 jobs through indirect and

    induced effects.

    In addition Anglesey has also lost Octel inAmlwch, Eaton Electric in Holyhead (240

    jobs), Peboc in Llangefni (100 jobs), Menai

    Electrical in Gaerwen (50 jobs), Readileads

    (35 jobs) and Vion/Welsh Country Foods

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 3

    2 Regional, sub-regional and local gross value added 2009, Office for National Statistics, published 9 December 2009

    3 OECD Factbook 2009: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

    Development (OECD)

    4 Anglesey and Meirionnydd Priority Action Plan, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, published June 2009

    A Triple Whammy: Anglesey has the lowest level of employment coupled with the highestrates of job-seekers claimants and economic inactivity in North Wales.

    Employment Rate

    (year to Sept 2009)

    Job Seekers Allowance Claimant Count

    (year to Sept 2009)

    Economic Inactivity Rate

    (year to Sept 2009)

    Source: ! Regional Economic & Labour Market Profile North Wales ! ! March 2010, Statistical Directorate, Welsh Assembly Government

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    has restructured in Llangefni and Gaerwen

    (191 jobs). These are on top of the countless

    other jobs lost at small businesses

    throughout the Island which arent reported

    in the local press.

    In fact, according to research by theUniversity of Wales, since 2001 there has

    been a decrease of 2,100 jobs in private

    sector employment on Anglesey and the

    proportion of those employed in the private

    sector has decreased from 74 per cent to 67

    per cent.5

    Anglesey is currently suffering from anemployment triple whammy, with the

    lowest level of employment coupled with thehighest rates of job-seekers claimants and

    economic inactivity in North Wales (see box


    Remarkably farming in North Wales hasfared even worse than business. During the

    period 1997 to 2007, the economic

    contribution of agriculture to the North

    Wales and Anglesey economy fell by a

    staggering 67 per cent compared to an

    overall UK decline of just 7 per cent.7

    On top of all this, Anglesey County Councilis poorly managed, riven with infighting,

    and planning on raising Council Tax by 15%

    over three years.

    Anglesey County Council isnt


    Faced with problems like this Anglesey cannot

    afford a County Council which does not

    function. Unfortunately that is exactly what we

    have. Indeed Anglesey County Council has a

    long history of not being properly run as

    highlighted in the 2009 Auditor Generals

    report on Anglesey County Council:

    There is a history of personality politics

    based around mistrust, suspicion and

    personal animosity. Attempting to deal

    with it saps a huge amount of energy and

    distracts people, including successive

    Managing Directors, from the major issues

    of providing the Council with a real sense

    of direction, a strategy for continuous

    improvement and a means of achieving

    efficiency savings at a time of increasing

    financial constraint.

    The majority of councillors are well

    motivated in their approach to Council

    business and it important to recognise

    their contribution, but their efforts have

    not been enough to counteract poor

    behaviour by a small number of councillors

    over a significant period of time.

    Conflict has led to a rift between politicaland managerial leadership, preventing the

    corporate management team from

    exercising its legitimate role of challenging

    and supporting members in developing

    policy and direction.

    Also, twelve months after the current

    Executive came into power there is still no

    agreed sense of direction or comprehensive

    and consistent policy framework.Successive administrations have been

    characterised by the pursuit of a number of

    internally focussed issues.

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 4

    5 Comment left on The Druid Blog by Prof. Dylan Jones-Evans, Director of Enterprise and Innovation, University of

    Wales. 13 April 2010. Trackback URL:


    6 Regional Economic & Labour Market Profile North Wales March 2010, Statistical Directorate, Welsh Assembly


    7 Table 1.5, NUTS1 GVA (1989-2008) Data, Office for National Statistics

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    Weak political group structures contribute

    to a lack of control and sanction at the

    Council. Weak self regulation has also

    created a culture that not only tolerates

    inappropriatebehaviour but is seen by

    some to reward it. The Councils reputation

    has been seriously damaged by these

    problems, which has undermined public

    confidence in the Councils ability to run its

    affairs properly.8

    As the Auditor General correctly identifies, one

    of the major reasons why Anglesey County

    Council is dysfunctional is because our

    councillors lack both a shared vision for the

    Island and a policy roadmap of how to get

    there. This is in large part due to a significant

    number of Independents who are elected

    without issuing to voters in their wards either

    individual or group manifestos, i.e. a

    statement of where they stand on various

    issues and what they should like to do if

    elected. Such a situation is intolerable because:

    Voters are denied the opportunity to vote ona political vision and set of policies instead

    they must try to make their decision based

    only on the personalities of the candidates.

    However when you consider that the current

    average councillor to elector ratio on

    Anglesey is 1:1,270 people, it is laughable to

    think that each of those 1,270 voters are able

    to make an informed decision on the

    personalities of each of the candidates.

    Furthermore this situation will worsen at

    the next council elections when, following

    Local Government Boundary Commissions

    changes, the number of councillors will be

    reduced from 40 to 35, and the councillor to

    elector ratio will increase to an average of

    1:1,451 people. 9

    Independents, once elected, are effectivelyaccountable to nobody but themselves and

    are certainly not constrained by any kind of

    group manifesto or party discipline. As a

    result they are free to behave pretty much as

    they please leading to the myriad

    problems of ill discipline we are currently

    witnessing at the council.

    Independents do attach themselves to anumber of opaque groupings (the Original

    Independents, the Menai Group, Anglesey

    Forward, and, recently, Llais i Fn),

    however these groupings also fail to (i)

    produce or publicise their aims or policies;

    and (ii) often fail to impose any form of

    party discipline. As such they are better

    regarded as factions not parties.

    As voters do not know in detail what theyare voting for, it is impossible for them to

    then evaluate their councillors performance

    when the next council elections come


    We note that the WAG Local GovernmentMinister has now required that all of these

    groupings be required to produce a statement

    of their aims and values. This is a step in the

    right direction however as of April 2010,

    only Menai Group had reportedly completed

    this task10; and as of the release of this Peoples

    Manifesto (July 2010), none of the groupings

    have released any finalised statements of

    Aims and Values to Anglesey residents.

    Accordingly this Peoples Manifesto aims to

    give both individual Councillors and Groups

    an insight into the demands of their voters and

    a resource for them to use when compiling

    their own Statements of Aims and Values.

    Accordingly we encourage Councillors to

    plagiarise this document as much as they like!

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 5

    8 Corporate Governance Inspection - Isle of Anglesey County Council, Wales Audit Office, July 2009

    9 Review of Electoral Arrangements Draft Proposals - County of Isle of Anglesey, Local Government Boundary

    Commission for Wales

    10 Report to the Minister for Social Justice and Local Government, Anglesey Recovery Board Minutes, April 22, 2010

  • 8/9/2019 People's Manifesto for Ynys Mn


    The Peoples Manifesto

    1. Council ManagementThe people of Anglesey want a Local Authority

    they can be proud of, not ashamed of.

    Unfortunately we currently have the latter.

    Action needs to be taken over and above the

    recommendations of the Welsh Assembly

    appointed Recovery Board for the Council to

    regain the trust of all of Angleseys residents.

    The watchwords need to be: Transparency,

    Openness, and Cost Effectiveness.

    All Parties and Political Groupings mustpublish an updated and Anglesey-specific

    manifesto of their aims and values at least

    two months prior to local elections. To save

    costs these can be hosted on the Anglesey

    County Council website.

    All Independent candidates standing tobecome County Councillors in Local

    Elections must either:

    - state which Political Grouping they intendto join if elected; or

    - publish a personal manifesto of their aimsand values at least two months prior to

    local elections.

    All new Councillors must attend a formally-arranged schedule of training on local

    government best practice and good

    governance, including an introduction to all

    relevant legislation affecting them. Existing

    Councillors should also attend regular

    refresher courses. Attendance should be

    seen as a mandatory pre-condition to

    continuing as a Councillor.

    The functions of running of the Council andpolicing of the Council should be separated

    by establishing an Anglesey Good

    Governance Commission. This commission

    should pick up from where the current

    Welsh Assembly Anglesey Recovery Board

    leaves off. Any complaints not satisfactorily

    resolved by the Council (including Freedom

    of Information requests) should be referred

    to this Commission. It should be led by

    someone from outside Anglesey who has not

    been tainted by recent problems.

    Committee Members and Chairs should bereshuffled at least on an annual basis

    (especially the controversial Planning

    committee) to increase transparency and

    reduce claims of cronyism and bias.

    Chairs and vice chairs of committees shouldbe elected by secret ballot, by full Council.

    In order to continually renew the Councilwith new talent, ensure the flow of fresh

    thinking, and reduce the potency of pastconflicts, the council should investigate the

    feasibility of:

    - introducing term limits for electedcouncillors;

    - introducing compulsory retirement ofsitting councillors at the first local council

    elections after they reach the age of 65;

    - encouraging more people (in particularwomen) to stand at council elections

    though explaining the procedures better

    either online or through arranging

    suitable seminars.

    In order to eliminate potential conflicts ofinterest, Councillors who are members of

    the Executive Board should not also be a

    Governors of a school.

    Anglesey residents are currently being askedto pay one of the largest Council Tax rises in

    the country whilst Council services are beingcut. Accordingly the Council needs to

    explore all ways of making it more cost-

    effectiveness, including investigating the

    feasibility of entering into partnership

    arrangements with neighbouring authorities

    in order to reduce cost, duplication and

    functions (for example by sharing Chief


    There should be a critical review of senior

    officers. Many are seen as being ineffectual,indifferent, lazy and/or arrogant towards

    the public and Members alike; the Council

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 6

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    may like to consider a scheme of early

    voluntary retirement.

    New officers should be recruited who are

    proactive and ambitious, through anationwide recruitment drive.

    There must be complete transparencyregarding the salaries of senior Council

    officers over certain threshold no ifs, no


    The major reason behind Anglesey CountyCouncils proposed 15% rise in council tax

    over the next three years is due to Anglesey

    receiving the joint smallest increase in its

    annual settlement from the Welsh AssemblyGovernment this year. Despite being the

    poorest sub-region in Wales, Anglesey was

    awarded a derisory 1% increase compared

    to rises of 3.1% for Newport and 2.9% for

    Cardiff City. This is due the fact that the

    Welsh Assembly determines the annual

    settlements based not on need but on

    population. Anglesey County Council, in

    conjunction with our AM and MP, must

    lobby the Welsh Assembly to review itsformula to take into account need.

    The Council should investigate thefeasibility of devolving certain powers down

    to local community/parish councils.

    Wherever possible, the decisions which

    effect residents everyday life should be

    taken as close as possible to them.

    Furthermore Councillors should attend local

    Parish Council meetings within their wards

    as a matter of course. Anglesey residents need to be given

    improved control over setting the priorities

    of our local police. For example there is

    strong public support for more visible

    policing in Angleseys major towns on

    Friday and Saturday evenings.

    A fundamental re-design and re-structuringof the Anglesey County Council website is

    necessary to make it easier to navigate and

    find relevant information. The new web siteshould be fully compliant with the measures

    included within the Disability

    Discrimination Act. The current website

    largely ignores the needs of disabled


    2. Economic Development

    Having lost over 2,000 private sector jobs in a

    very short period of time. Anglesey needs jobs

    and economic development has to be the

    absolute priority of Anglesey County Council.

    However, the council needs to completely

    rethink its current economic development

    strategies as they are clearly failing and the

    Economic Development Department is widely

    seen as lacking entrepreneurial experience andflair.

    The councils economic developmentpolicies towards town centres in particular

    have been disastrous. The increasing

    number of large supermarkets which have

    been granted permission to open in the

    majority of Angleseys main towns have

    gradually led to the decline and closure of

    many local shops and have destroyed as

    many jobs as they have created. They have

    also led to a hollowing out of Angleseys

    town centres. A new approach is needed

    which recognises that sustainable, long-

    term economic growth will only come from

    funding unique developments which attract

    visitors and shoppers from outside the

    Island - not from generic developments, like

    supermarkets or retail parks, which do not

    attract outside visitors and merelycannibalise existing businesses. An example

    of a unique development which could have

    the potential to attract visitors from outside

    the Island and not cannibalise existing

    businesses is given in the Tourism section


    Accordingly a public and independentreview should be held into (a) the

    effectiveness of the current policies being

    implemented by Anglesey County CouncilsEconomic Development Department; and

    (b) its leadership and staffing. This review

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 7

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    should highlight failures and make

    recommendations for the future.

    An Advisory Panel made up of leading

    Anglesey business and professional peopleshould be set up which can:

    - undertake the above review;- advise and review the policies of the

    Economic Development Department as it

    moves forward;

    - Encourage innovation andexperimentation regarding policy;

    - Mentor the head of department.

    Furthermore the Council needs to recognisethat the Islands economic future rests onpromoting and supporting multitudes of

    small businesses - not just one or two large

    employers. Accordingly the Council must:

    - avoid supporting developments whichmerely contribute to the cannibalisation

    of sales from existing small businesses

    and shops;

    - prioritise reducing the bureaucracy andcosts involved in running smallbusinesses on the Island;

    - provide meaningful and high-qualitysupport to encourage both the growth of

    existing small businesses and the

    establishment of new ventures.

    Anglesey is a recipient of both WelshAssembly and European Union funding

    earmarked for regenerating communities,

    e.g. the Three Towns Fund. In deciding

    how to use these funds to regenerate towncentres, the Council must as a matter of

    course constructively consult with local

    people and responsible civic groups (e.g.

    Cwmni Tref Llangefni). Consultation

    should mean real consultation not sham-

    consultation exercises where local people

    are asked for their opinions after the

    Councils Economic Development

    Department has already decided (with the

    help of expensive external consultants) howto spend the funds.

    Angleseys location on the periphery of theUnited Kingdom makes the provision of

    excellent internet connections an absolute

    necessity. However the Anglesey

    Connected programme has only delivered

    high speed connections to specific centres

    whilst many Island communities still suffer

    from appallingly slow data transfer rates,

    which hinder business, learning, and

    entertainment activities. The Council must

    aggressively promote broadband speed

    improvements for the whole Island.

    The inward migration of forward thinkingentrepreneurs should be promoted.

    Better training opportunities should also bepromoted on the Island.

    3. Tourism

    Anglesey has been blessed with incredible

    scenery, fascinating and diverse historical

    remains, and over 120 miles of coastline. Yet,

    despite this, our Island currently punches

    below its weight in attracting tourists - as

    highlighted by the fact that the majority of day

    tourists brought to Holyhead by cruise ships

    currently get on coaches and travel right off

    the Island for day trips to Caernarfon and

    Betws-y-Coed. Anglesey does not suffer from a

    lack of things for tourists to do and see what

    it suffers from is a lack of imagination in

    understanding and promoting what we have.

    In the immediate short term Anglesey mustdevelop a tourism strategy specificallydesigned to attract visitors from Liverpool,

    Manchester, the Midlands and elsewhere in

    North Wales i.e. people who live within

    2 hours drive of the Island. This can only

    be achieved by understanding what makes

    Anglesey unique and then promoting that

    uniqueness relentlessly.

    Angleseys uniqueness lies in the fact that it

    is a rural island with over 120 miles ofcoastline this uniqueness needs to be

    promoted by the strategic, long-term

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 8

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    positioning of Anglesey as an ideal

    destination for water sports such as

    yachting, surfing, fishing and so forth.

    These are activities which are ideally suited

    to Anglesey yet are currently woefully

    underdeveloped. Council support should be

    available to any private sector businesses

    which wish to promote water sports.

    Furthermore a big event such as a Around

    Anglesey Yacht Race should be considered

    as a strategic investment and opportunity to

    draw attention to the Island whilst also

    promoting its uniqueness.

    Promote Angleseys unique prehistoric,

    Celtic, and Druidic past by developing a

    high quality visitor centre / museum to

    provide more information and better access

    atBarclodiad Y Gawres orBryn Celli Ddu.

    The treasures found atLlyn Cerrig Bachwhen clearing earth for a runway at RAF

    Valley during the second world war

    represent some of the finest Celtic Iron Age

    implements ever discovered in Europe.

    However, they have been housed in Cardiff

    at the National Museum of Wales since their

    discovery. Cardiff already has enough

    tourists and visitors. Anglesey should

    campaign for theLlyn Cerrig Bach

    treasures to be permanently returned to the

    Island in order to boost much needed

    tourism here.

    All promotions should be measured fordegree of success.

    Bring an end to the proliferation of poorly-managed Anglesey tourism/attractions websites that gives a confused and generally

    inadequate view of the islands image and

    attractions. Create a privately-run official

    site, paid for partly from advertising, partly

    from subsidy, containing regularly-updated

    and reliable information to those who wish

    to visit and spend. The Councils current

    efforts are inadequately presented and


    Angleseys windmills should be restored andpromoted rather than closed down.

    Anglesey was calledMn Mam Cymru due

    to its flour production and therefore these

    windmills are an important part of our

    Island heritage

    The Council should consider promoting thecreation of a unique, big attraction

    somewhere on the Island which combines

    Angleseys strengths (its suitability as a

    water sports venue coupled with its

    proximity to the Snowdonia National Park)

    and has the potential to attract new visitors

    from Liverpool, Manchester, the Midlands

    and elsewhere in North Wales - without

    cannibalising existing businesses in the way,

    for example, a retail park would. One

    suggestion would be something like a

    Centre Parc crossed with the Eden Project

    crossed with the Coed y Brenin Mountain

    Biking Centre. Such an attraction could

    offer visitors boating, walking, riding,

    various cycling paths, swimming pools with

    slides and waves, etc. - and all within a short

    distance from other activities in Snowdonia

    National Park. The facility would also offer

    tiered accommodation and a network ofshops and restaurants. The councils role

    would be to identify a suitable site, provide

    access roads, car parks, drainage, and then

    find a suitable private company to build and

    operate the site. The old Shell site at

    Rhosgoch might be a suitable location for

    this attraction - it belongs to the council, has

    remained unused for 20 years, is fairly

    tranquil and is close to the sea. I modestly

    propose that the attraction should be calledParc Derwydd / Druid Park.

    There has been a large increase in horseownership on the island leading to many

    interesting touristic possibilities. The

    council should investigate the possibility of

    introducing a horse bridleway around the

    coast of the island, including overnight


    Promote the existing policies to control lightpollution by installing only down-shininglamps to create a dark sky, but not dark

    streets. Tranquility-seeking tourism,

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 9

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    including the enjoyment of a truly dark,

    starry sky, is big business and Anglesey

    needs that money. Indeed Anglesey is

    already attracting attention for its sky

    thanks to the success of John Rowlands

    Notilucent Cloud Experiment, currently

    being conducted from Llanbadrig Church.

    Rowlands is one of the four finalists of this

    years BBC Radio 4 So you want to be a

    scientist competition.

    4. Highways, Transportation

    & Maritime (including the

    Port of Holyhead)

    Angleseys location on the periphery of the

    United Kingdom has a direct effect on business

    development and tourism on the Island.

    Accordingly it is essential to recognise that

    improved transport links which bring Anglesey

    closer to the business and population centres

    of the United Kingdom are absolutely crucial

    for encouraging businesses to set up on the

    Island and further economic development.

    Campaign for an upgrade to the NorthWales costal main line. Although it

    currently takes a not unreasonable 3 hours

    20 minutes to get to London by rail, why

    should it take an hour just to get to Chester?

    The Council, our MP, and AM shouldactively lobby for Holyhead to be linked to

    the proposed High Speed Rail link this

    would further cement Holyheads positionas the prime gateway to Ireland, whilst

    simultaneously bringing Anglesey

    dramatically closer to the Midlands and


    Campaign for the North South Airlink whichcurrently flies exclusively from Anglesey to

    Cardiff to also offer flights to an extended

    destination list, particularly major economic

    centres such as London, the Midlands and

    Ireland. This could be achieved through, forexample, introducing triangular flights.

    The re-opening of the full Amlwch BranchLine should be fast tracked, enthusiastically

    supported and prioritised as a vital means

    of regenerating Amlwch and stops along the

    way, including Llangefni and Llanerch-y-


    With relation to Holyhead Port, it isnecessary to continue building on the good

    work already achieved by working closely

    with Stena Line and others to develop the

    port commercially and encourage trade as a

    gateway to Wales and North England.

    In order to alleviate the traffic bottleneck

    forming at Britannia Bridge during peaktimes (i.e. morning / evening rush hours

    and ferry traffic) investigate the feasibility

    of introducing a third traffic lane on the

    bridge. As per successful schemes operated

    elsewhere, traffic on the third lane could be

    set to flow in different directions during

    different periods of the day (e.g. 2 lanes

    towards Bangor during morning rush hour

    and peak ferry traffic times; 2 lanes towards

    Anglesey during evening rush hour).

    Provide Holyhead with a semi-orbital roadfrom Junction 2 (TMawr, Holyhead) that

    links round to Holyhead Marina in order to

    alleviate the bottleneck at Black Bridge as

    the town centre is too constrained.

    5. Planning

    More than any other single issue, matters

    relating to planning create flash-points

    between Anglesey residents and the council.

    The slow progress in completing a Local

    Development Plan for Anglesey is holding

    back development, policy making is not

    transparent enough, and - whether it is true or

    not - many residents perceive a double

    standard to be at work whereby councillors

    and senior officers are treated preferentially.

    All of these matters need to be addressed


    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 10

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    Following the Planning and CompulsoryPurchase Act 2004, each unitary authority

    in Wales is required to prepare a Local

    Development Plan (LDP) which will then

    form the basis for all planning decisions in

    that area. However as Anglesey County

    Council has not yet completed its LDP,

    present policies are based on the adopted

    Ynys Mn Local Plan (1996) and the

    stopped Unitary Development Plan (2005).

    Both of these documents are seriously

    outdated in all areas: industrial,

    commercial, housing, affordable housing,

    local needs, town centres etc. Considering

    the current economic plight of the island, anew LDP is not only necessary - its a

    statutory requirement. Accordingly

    Anglesey County Council should as a matter

    of urgency fast-track the pre-deposit draft

    Local Development Plan in order that it can

    be adopted by January 2012.

    The lack of progress in progressing the LDPfor Anglesey indicates that there could be

    staff problems within the Planning

    Department. A staff review should beconducted and new staff hired if necessary.

    More consistency and transparency needs tobe applied to planning policy formation and


    Planning officers need to receive bettertraining on how to give proper advice and

    engage more positively with the public they


    All substantive advice given by planningofficers (including that given in pre-application meetings) needs to be recorded


    Councillors and senior council officers mustset an example by fastidiously following

    planning regulations. It is not acceptable for

    councillors or senior officers to be seen to be

    either bending the rules or receiving

    preferential treatment. Accordingly, if

    planning regulations are correctly followed

    in advance there should be no need for

    councillors or senior officers to apply for

    retrospective planning permission.

    To avoid any seeming conflicts of interest, a

    Councillor on a planning committee shouldnot vote on a planning application in his

    own ward. The Councillor should be allowed

    to speak once to either show their support

    or opposition to the planning application,

    but not take part in the debate. A similar

    system is already being operated by

    Wrexham County Borough Council.

    Any Councillor speaking in support oropposition to a planning application shall

    limit his comments to the relevant planninggrounds on why the application should be

    approved, refused or deferred.

    A independent and fast-track system shouldbe set up for dealing with complaints when

    the Council does not adhere to its own

    policies, or is in some other breach.

    Lessons need to be learned at the councilfrom the debacle caused by their decision to

    grant planning permission for the siting of a

    methane burning biodigester close to thevillage of Bodffordd. Such developments

    need to:

    - take into account the unanimousopposition of local residents;

    - be sited in the most appropriate locationwhere communities downwind of the

    development will not be subject to

    unpleasant smells not, as in this case,

    just in the most suitable (or cheap)

    location for the developer.

    Review whether industrial agriculturerepresents unspoilt natural landscape

    which currently prevents planning

    permission being given to build on this land.

    Consider introducing a scheme wherebynormal planning restrictions are relaxed if

    proposed new houses are built using

    traditional materials in a vernacular style.

    Planning permission for modificationsrequired by disabled soldiers returning from

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 11

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    Afghanistan should not be unreasonably

    withheld or delayed.

    6. Housing (includingAffordable Housing)

    Due to the current poor economic situation

    and the difficulty in obtaining mortgages from

    banks, getting on the first step of the housing

    ladder has become increasingly difficult.

    Anglesey County Council needs to recognise

    these problems and address them through a

    clever Affordable Housing policy.

    There are 3,000 people on Angleseyregistered with Anglesey County Council as

    in need of accommodation. The council

    needs to increase its housing numbers to

    4,000 units in the plan period of 2006-2021

    to allow for Wylfa B and the demand for

    new homes.

    Affordable Housing policies should be basedon current economic realities. It is

    necessary to recognise that even highly-paidyounger people wanting to buy a home for

    the first time are likely to encounter

    enormous difficulty in:

    - obtaining a sufficiently large deposit, nowmuch higher than historical values; and

    - getting a mortgage at all, owing to theeconomic crisis.

    In order to reach affordable housing targets

    Anglesey County Council should considerallowing housing densities to be increased.

    Homes are currently defined as affordablebased on a policy of marking the resale

    value at 75 percent below market value. This

    system does not recognise the current

    average earnings of residents or the fact that

    market value will gradually creep upwards.

    This system should be rethought so as to

    create an equitable formula which takes into

    account both market value and averagewages - thus making an affordable house

    affordable in perpetuity. It may also be

    necessary to consider attaching a strict local

    person only planning condition to

    Affordable Housing, such as in Gwynedd

    and the Snowdonia National Park.

    Reassert the need and rationale for publicly-owned housing which are affordable to rent.

    Establish a policy framework to supportlocals to buy, lease, or staircase-purchase

    through a Registered Social Landlord.

    Anglesey County Council should prioritisehousing for those people with much needed

    skills and can make a greater contribution

    to the island.

    7. Wylfa B

    Since opening in 1971 the Wylfa nuclear power

    station has been one of the largest private-

    sector employers on Anglesey and has made an

    inestimable contribution to the local economy

    through providing hundreds of stable, well-

    paid jobs for almost 40 years. It is now

    approaching the end of its working life and is

    scheduled for decommissioning in the nearfuture. Hopefully the huge void this will create

    will be filled by Wylfa B - a new generation

    nuclear power station operated by Horizon

    Nuclear Power Ltd.

    The majority of Anglesey residents supportWylfa B and our representatives to the UK

    Parliament and Welsh Assembly must do

    everything in their power power to ensure

    that it goes ahead. Similarly AngleseyCounty Council must move quickly to

    upgrade the necessary roads (in particular

    the A5025) to Wylfa to support its


    Although Wylfa B must be supportedbecause of the employment it will bring to

    the Island, it is also important to recognise

    that there are also inherent dangers

    attached to the siting of a nuclear power

    station station here. Accordingly, theCouncil must insist that Horizon Nuclear

    Power Ltd. makes a wider contribution to

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    Anglesey above and beyond the jobs it will


    Examples of such a wider contribution

    could take various forms, such as:- the foundation by Horizon of a multi-

    million pound charitable fund similar

    to the Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust

    set up by Shell which can used by

    Anglesey County Council to provide

    support to certain activities, such as

    economic development, education and

    leisure on the Island;

    - a reduction in electricity bills forresidents and businesses on the island;

    - a scheme whereby local people can applyfor renewable energy technology to be

    installed at their property, so helping the

    environment, setting a positive message,

    and reducing peoples energy bills

    enormously. Such a scheme would create

    energy-efficient affordable homes, a

    whole industry to support it, and revive

    traditional building skills.

    8. Education & Leisure

    Any future cuts to either Education or Leisure

    services should be based on a thorough

    understanding of the Islands current and

    future needs.

    Commission a public review of all Angleseyprimary and secondary education needs in

    the short and long term so that any

    rationalisation of services is taken based on

    an understanding of what the Islands

    educational needs are to prepare for the


    The Welsh language should be protectedand nurtured wherever possible.

    Protect local libraries as they provide themeans for residents to enhance their

    knowledge and skills in this area of great

    economic deprivation. Enhance libraries

    with coffee franchises to attract new and

    existing users whilst attracting revenue.

    Extend and improve free internet access,

    essential for those with no bank accounts

    and poor credit histories who cannot set-up

    internet connections for themselves to

    access the outside world and its

    opportunities for improvement. Examine

    the case for libraries to opt-out of Local

    Authority control, like schools now can, and

    set themselves up as their own Library


    Commission a review of all leisure facilitieson the Island, both in the public and private

    sector. Keep foremost in mind that, in

    deprived areas, health is poorer relative to

    wealthier areas, so shutting leisure facilities

    would be a highly retrograde and

    counterproductive step.

    9. Social Services

    The Council needs to prepare for future

    demographic changes by finding ways to

    provide quality services at lower costs through

    working in partnership with adjacent local

    authorities and eliminating duplication.

    Work in partnership with adjacent localauthorities, the NHS, voluntary and private

    providers, in order to identify and eliminate

    costly duplication of services and encourage

    and support good working practice.

    Current projections show that the numberof older people will increase as a proportionof the total population. It is important that

    policy makers take this into account when

    planning the amount of public services

    provision needed in the future. Ynys Mon

    has a Social Health and Well Being plan,

    however not all departments appear to be

    aware of the aims and policies contained in

    this document. Provisions within this plan

    should be made applicable across all

    departments of the council. Establish a system of identifying high-

    performance managers that get the job done

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    properly whilst also caring for overworked,

    stressed staff.

    Drive the citizen directed services agenda

    in Wales, inviting active involvement fromthe people who use social services and

    aspiring to provide personalised services

    that really do meet local needs.

    10. Environment, Property

    and Smallholdings

    Anglesey's landscape largely consists of

    industrial farming landscapes, however green

    they seem to the eye. Current planningpolicies wrongly see fields as 'unspoilt

    countryside' putting unnecessary obstacles in

    the way of creating a living, economically-

    active landscape. Many families make a living

    from agriculture by renting Council-owned

    smallholdings, but these are now under

    immediate threat of disposal. There is a need

    for a fresh, imaginative new direction on

    property policy, including the reintroduction

    of quality social housing.

    Anglesey County Councils tenant farmsare a valuable public asset and provide an

    opportunity for much needed younger

    farmers to learn the ropes and become

    independent with minimal capital outlay.

    However, many of the councils tenant

    farms are currently in poor states of

    disrepair. Resources allowing, the council

    should endeavour to renovate them sothat they will continue to serve the island.

    In order to generate money to renovatethe majority of the councils tenant farms,

    it may be necessary to value and sell off a

    small proportion of such to tenant

    farmers, or even offer part ownerships of


    Smallholdings are not optimised as publicinvestments: they are let at less than their

    rental value, on sentiment almost, toencourage farming. Rent reviews are


    A dynamic new head of Property shouldbe recruited to manage, optimise and

    develop the Council`s substantial land

    portfolio, including its smallholdings.

    Examine the case for increasing the areacovered by the Anglesey Area of

    Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The

    current doughnut arrangement is less

    than satisfactory.

    Within the AONB, consider moreintelligent and creative planning policies,

    rather than just added restrictions. This

    helps public acceptance of and benefits

    from the designation. Promote and subsidise at a local level

    renewable technology so that as many

    people as possible can be lifted out of fuel

    poverty whilst setting a green example to

    the rest of the country.

    11. Procurement

    There needs to be greater transparency behind

    Council procurement projects and more helpgiven to local firms to compete.

    In line with proposals by the currentgovernment, Anglesey County Council

    should begin publishing details of all

    procurement/spending over 500 on the

    Anglesey County Council website.

    The council must endeavour make it easierfor local firms to compete for procurement

    contracts by providing support such as

    - seminars for local companies explainingwhat tenders are on offer and how to


    - support for local companies to completeand submit tenders;

    - relaxation of unnecessary box ticking Tenders to be opened by two lawyers from

    North Wales companies so as to avoid price-

    fixing or rigging of tenders and tenderersmust be at least 4 of which two are off-


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    Relaxation of some ridiculously over-the-top box ticking which currently prevents

    smaller Anglesey firms from being able to

    bid for IAOCC contracts

    Procurement of Social Care services must bemade on an at least 65% Quality to 35%

    Cost basis so that we have quality services

    that meet needs rather than cheap services

    that do not.

    12. Isle of Anglesey Charitable

    Trust (the Shell Fund)

    The Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust wasfounded in 1990 to manage a capital fund

    which had earlier been negotiated from Shell

    (UK) after it ceased to operate an oil terminal

    at Amlwch and the associated tank farm at

    Rhosgoch. The total assets of the Trust are

    currently valued at 15 million. The money

    was given by Shell to Anglesey and its


    Re-assert the publics right to be involved inthe decisions of the Shell Trust by allowing

    for up to three members of the public,

    independent of Councillors, many of whom

    have failed to demonstrate good

    representation of the people, to sit on the

    Trusts committees for a two years stint

    each. At the moment, the public have

    essentially no meaningful input into these

    discussions, many of which appear to be

    behind closed doors. Insist that the Trust files its reports on time;

    not doing so smacks of contempt for those

    whose money it is and breaches Charity

    Commission legal requirements.

    The Council is the sole trustee of the ShellFund. It currently gives an annual grant of

    270,000 (some 70 per cent of its annual

    grant money) to the Oriel Ynys Mon gallery

    - a Council-owned and run facility. It is

    time to evaluate if this is the best use of themoney.

    On a related point, commence a scheme ofpublic involvement into what use the former

    Shell land at Rhosgoch should be put to.

    For the Rhosgoch site, consider dividing itinto 100,000 squares or other suitablefigure and asking subscribers to buy a

    square to keep the land in the ownership of

    the people through a Trust not the IOACT.

    As things stand, the land could be handed-

    over to a private owner at any stage. This

    fails to recognise the potential for public


    13. Provision of CouncilServices

    Working with the Post Office, other localproviders and community councils establish

    where possible one stop shops in the

    provision of council services. Provide

    funding to develop training for non-council

    staff in provision of such services.

    Examine proper alternatives to services,especially tourist attractions, being provided

    by Councils. Ensure such alternatives

    include a system of staged detachment, and

    not a here are the keys, its your problem

    now approach.

    14. Town Improvement

    Grants and Empty Homes


    The restriction that those benefiting fromhousing grants cannot sell for 5 years may

    require review and more imaginative and

    constructive solutions. It is accepted that

    the benefits conferred by the grant scheme

    should mean some form of restrictive

    obligation upon those taking those benefits

    towards the public purse. Grants could be de-restricted save that if the

    property is sold within 5 years the

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    freeholder must pay half of the increased

    property value to the Assembly, the scheme

    funder, as they have a caution on the


    The net effect of this policy in North WestWales would be to massively improve the

    property stock in a relatively short time.

    This would provide a qualitative

    improvement to town centres.

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    It is clear that Anglesey's residents, subjected

    to a dysfunctional Council for over 15 years,

    are not just mere 'armchair critics'. Islanders

    have a plethora of constructive, intelligent and

    novel solutions to problems that have gone

    ignored or poorly addressed for long periods of


    The era of petty, parochial politics is over on

    Ynys Mn. The people demand a bigger idea, a

    focus on the needs of the whole island and, in

    particular, those large numbers of families and

    individuals who live daily with low incomes.

    The people demand a better island, a better

    future and, above all, a better Council.

    Get Involved

    If you like and agree with the principles

    contained in this Peoples Manifesto, you can

    get involved too.

    Email this Anglesey Peoples Manifesto to allthe residents you know and ask them to do

    the same.

    Contact your local councillor and ask him orher to support the Peoples Manifesto (see

    contact details attached)

    Contact our MP and AM and ask them tosupport the Peoples Manifesto (contactdetails opposite).

    Join the debate on The Druid Blog(

    The Druid Blog: A Peoples Manifesto for Ynys Mn 17

    How to contact our AM and


    Ieuan Wyn Jones AM

    Email:[email protected]

    Telephone:01407 76522301248 72359901248 723631

    Postal Address:

    2 Stryd William,Holyhead,LL65 1RN

    TElwyn Roberts45 Stryd y Bont,LlangefniYnys Mon,LL77 7PN

    Albert Owen

    Email:[email protected]

    Telephone:020 7219 841501407 769777

    Postal Address:

    House of Commons,London,SW1A 0AA

    Ty Cledwyn,18a Thomas Street,Holyhead,LL65 1RR

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