people and places 2014

Africa Inland Mission’s Aim Europe • 2014 www. aimint .org/eu Christ-centred churches among all African peoples

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Africa Inland Mission’s

Aim Europe • 2014

Christ-centred churches among all African peoples

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Al Jawf

Banghazi Alexandria

Al Jizah





















Port ElizabethCape Town

de NacalaCidade



Dar esSalaam






































Mt. Kilimanjaro(highest point in Africa, 5895 m)

Lac'Assal(lowest point in Africa, -155 m)


Mediterranean Sea



Gulf ofAden





Indian Ocean









Where AIM worksAIM works in 13 named countries across three regions in Africa. AIM also works in countries closed to traditional missionary work not featured on this map.

Central region

Eastern region

Southern regionContents4. Church planting

5. Chad, D R Congo

6. South Sudan, Rwanda

7. Outreach & Evangelism

8. Uganda

9. Creative Access

10. Tanzania

11. Bible & Theology

12. Church Development

13. Kenya

14. South Africa, Marseille & the Islands

15. Women’s Ministry

16. Literacy & Language

17. Mozambique

18. Madagascar, Lesotho

19. Community Development

20. Healthcare

21. Special Ministries & Between Assignments

22. Children & Youth

23. Sending Churches & Gospel Partnership

24. Mobilisers: European HQ

25. Administration & Pastoral Care

25. Area Mobilisers

26. International Office

26. The Board of Trustees

27. Retired members, Index


People & Places is AIM’s Annual Directory of the people, both

in Africa and here in Europe, who make up AIM Europe. It will help you visualise people you will read about elsewhere in our publications and for whom we ask you to pray.

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Give, Pray, Love...

Prayer is the engine room of our lives as Christians. It’s a means of talking to God, drawing close to him, listening to him and discerning his will. I hope we’ve all felt the amazing, tangible power when a group of Christians

pray together - the Holy Spirit at work. So, naturally, knowing the power of prayer, we should pray regularly for those who are serving God in his mission fields around the world, many of whom are working alone or in difficult and challenging circumstances. Please pray for protection, for courage, for discernment and for strength for all missionaries, everywhere. Encourage your Christian friends and church families to do so, too. Get alongside them and mobilise them to be prayer warriors!

As Christians, we’re called to share the good news and to demonstrate God’s love to others in practical ways. Most of us seek to do this on a small scale in our own personal ‘mission field’ close to home. But the Bible is clear about discipleship of the unreached, which, of course, is the focus of AIM. Today, the places where there is the greatest need to send missionaries are often the most harsh or dangerous, so it’s important that we support and care for those who are called to serve God there – financially, emotionally and prayerfully.

By giving of ourselves, we help to grow God’s kingdom. But when we recognise that everything we have is given by God’s grace, it becomes a true joy to use our skills - and our money, too - for his glory. So, my prayer is that you will, after prayerful consideration, contribute whatever you can afford and whatever you feel is appropriate to support those serving God in mission fields around the world. Please take this to prayer and give whatever God places on your heart.

If you need a reminder of the importance of the work of missionaries and the impact they’re having in bringing unreached people to faith, just take a look at some of the film clips on the AIM website

Thank you so much! Every blessing,

Sarah RandellAIM Autumn Conference attendee up online

We asked Sarah Randell to write this year’s editorial for People & Places. Sarah has a heart for Africa, attended the AIM Autumn Conference and is in the process of enquiring about serving with AIM. She may be featuring in People & Places again before too long!

Our Prayer Diary has different topics each week, ranging from a ministry focus to an unreached people group.

Our weekly email includes up-to-date news and prayer items from mission partners.

Resources to help you pray

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Our greatest fear…“Our greatest fear is violating the taboos of our ancestors. There are many different taboos and we learn of them through spirit-possession by our ancestors. For everyone there are taboos against things, such as eating pork or digging in the ground on Tuesday. Some people have ancestral taboos against things, such as travelling on Sunday or eating a certain type of bean. If a community member sees someone breaking a taboo, then

the community punishes them and requires them to make some sort of sacrifice. But the ancestors see everything; so even if the community doesn’t see, the ancestors will punish the one who broke the taboo. The punishment can be on any area of their life. That’s why we fear breaking the taboos.”“Barakasy”, the

King of Nosy Mitsio (sub-King of the Antakarana people) was asked what the community fears were…

Planting churches flows from relationship. As TIMO teams live with unreached people groups, becoming like them in every way possible, opportunities open up to share the word of God. It can be hard for the first few believers, who

face opposition. Yet they blaze the trail for others to believe and a church is born. Believers want a place to worship, so the reality of a church being present can no longer be hidden. A gospel community comes into being, learning to worship in culturally appropriate ways, watched by a wider community, both appalled and intrigued that there is now a Christian presence in their midst.

What are TIMO teams

Committed to planting Christ-centred churches amongst some of Africa’s least reached people groups, TIMO is AIM’s two-year training programme with a team approach to learning and outreach. Find out more:

Church planting

Pray for the TIMO team planned to work amongst the Antakarana people as they seek to proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ and plant a Christ-centred church amongst them.

Those working in

Church plantingP15. AmyP17. Ard & Carin de LeeuwP13. Martin & Joy Koch

P18. Mat & Katy LinleyP18. Pierre-Alain & Emmanuelle LuderP18. Graeme & Eli Mallett

P13. Frazer MayhewP21. Owen & Miriam PughP18. Sam & Leanna Williamson

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Central Region


D.R.CongoDR Congo

is the largest country in sub-Saharan Africa by area. The first AIM missionaries went to DR Congo more than 100 years ago, founding the Communauté Evangélique au Centre de l’Afrique (CECA 20), which is an Evangelical Community of Churches.


Keep up to date. Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook

ChadD.R. CongoSouth SudanRwandaUganda • CAR

ChadChad became

independent from France in 1960. Since then, its politics have been characterised by violence, coups and insurgencies. It is a secular state with freedom of religion. Muslims are dominant in government, trade and the army, although they are only just the majority religion (approx 53%).

Annemarie BoksEvangelische Gemeente Parousia in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands



as director in the AIDS Awareness Pro-

gramme of CECA 20, the church in DRC with which AIM collaborates, in the church districts of Aru and Adi. This means that I am responsible for administra-tion, finances, and training staff; as well as the search for funding and looking for ways to develop the ministry.

Toni StengerEvangelisch Freie Gemeinde Kirchlen-gern, Germany



is the national church network which

AIM founded in D R Congo in 1912 and with which it partners today. I’m in-volved in encouraging and assisting church leadership in developing vision and ministries.

Naomi DuffGlenabbey Church Centre, Newtownabbey



of girls across Africa are exploited and lured

into prostitution, most with no concept of a God who loves them and longs to give them new life. God has called me to bring his message of love to these broken women. I’m con-vinced that God wants to save, heal and make them his ambassadors amongst people that most of us will never reach!

Catherine GrierBridge of Don Baptist, Aberdeen


I work in a 180

bed hospi-tal in rural south Chad. I teach

nursing students clini-cally on the ward rounds. The three year nursing programme produces graduates who are trained to work in the hospital or in church-owned health care centres, many of which are in unreached areas. Discipling the students will, God-willing, give a vision to medically-trained Chadians to reach out to their fellow, as yet unreached, Chadians.

Ann FursdonSt. Giles, Northampton


I am a doc-

tor at Bebalem hospital and help the team

coordinating the church’s 40 health centres. In the hospital we train qualified/student nurses in diag-nosis and treatment. I or-ganise seminars for health centre personnel, seeking to encourage good quality Christian medical care. In all this I have opportuni-ties for Bible teaching - in the hospital, during the seminars and teaching in two local churches.

Joan MackenzieBishopbriggs Free Church of Scotland


Serving God as

a midwife in the Chadian capital, where

there is a high maternal/infant mortality rate. I’m involved in antenatal care and community health/education relating to maternal child health. I try to encourage national co-workers and seek to reach out with the gospel to Muslim women I have contact with.

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RwandaSince the

genocide of 1994-95, restoring, restructuring and privatising the economy have been the emphasis of the last decade. The government has made great strides to excise ethnicity from politics and society. It has full freedom of religion, with 89% of the population identifying themselves with Christianity.

Loots & Nancy LambrechtsDundonald Church, Wimbledon

Joshua (13/2/03); Lola (28/10/04); Tilly-Tallulah (21/5/07)


Working on the Preach the Word training

course. Equipping students to read and teach the Bible faithfully and pass it on. Our hope and prayer is that through PTW, God will raise up many godly church leaders in Rwanda and beyond; leaders who will equip God’s people for works of service, fully matured, and rooted in Christ Jesus.

Jessica GoldschmidtBasel-Holee Mennonite Church, Switzerland


I coordi-nate a

life skills curricu-lum called WHY WAIT?

based on biblical principles. I’ve also had the opportuni-ty to teach different groups of youth and am working in a youth camp ministry called 3dChristianCamps, the 3 ds standing for Dis-cover, Decide, Do it, as that is our desire for the camp participants!

Bridget HowardHoly Trinity; St Patrick’s, Wallington, Surrey


I’ll be de-veloping

an English pro-gramme to equip students

to study the planned Chris-tian Leadership degree level course at New Creation Ministries. While I wait for those plans to be finalised, I’m teaching general English at a variety of levels for adults with a variety of needs: some wanting to improve their job prospects, others to share the gospel.

Russ & Lyn NobleGillingham Baptist Church, Kent; several churches in NY, USA


Working with the AIC Church develop-

ing an adult literacy programme in the Otuho language. This involves producing materials for teaching, training volun-teers from the churches as literacy teachers, encouraging teachers and adult learners; encouraging the use of the Otuho New Testament. We are also involved with children and women’s ministry.

Nicola LimburgerFree Evangelical Church, Neustadt/Holstein, Germany


The health

pro-gramme took off in 2009 under the

Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) Rumbek Diocese. It has two clinics, providing health services and health promotion among the Din-ka community, including antenatal care, immunisa-tion, HIV counselling and Testing (VCT). We conduct regular refresher training for staff & volunteers. On Saturdays the youth and staff members come for Bible study and worship.


S SudanSouth Sudan

became the world’s newest country on 9 July 2011. It was the outcome of the 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war. The majority of the population adhere to Christianity. Only 18% call themselves Muslim unlike Sudan, which is 97%.

In Central Region AIM is engaged with

Unreached Peoples 13

Margit MuellerLutheran Church Leutershausen, Germany


I work with

`Mango Minis-tries` in Tonj, where we

teach local people to be facilitators of `Community Health Evangelism`. The aim is to spread the gospel and teach preventative healthcare through local people, so development can take place. I’m on home assignment until the end of March, planning to return to continue work as a nurse, as well as teach preventative healthcare and the word of God.

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P15. AmyP21. KirstyP16. Hannah CogginsP14. Richard & Barbara DaviesP11. Simon & Sue French

P15. Lynne GlassP5. Catherine GrierP12. Pete & Libby HalestrapP17. Tim & Bron HeatonP21. Jurgen & Katya HofmannP13. Martin & Joy KochP18. Mat & Katy Linley

P18. Pierre-Alain & Emmanuelle LuderP6. Margit MuellerP21. Peter & Maureen PriorP21. Bruce & Jan RossingtonP16. Andy & Jacqueline WidmerP14. Simon & Leanne

The cost of followingZalid grew up under the influence of his uncle, the village imam. He memorised the Quran and lived as a strict Muslim. However, the yearly visits from Pakistani Muslim mission-workers slowly caused Zalid to question his beliefs. He began to meet regularly with a catholic priest, and later with a British mission worker, who had moved to his village. They talked together of the cost of following Jesus in this

Muslim country. One night, Jesus spoke to Zalid in a dream. He told him that he might face difficulties, persecution and maybe even death, but, if he were to die, he would be with him in heaven. For the first time Zalid knew he was going to heaven. Difficulties and persecution did follow; his wife demanded a divorce and his uncle insisted he leave the family home. However, initial anger slowly died away and now Zalid is back with his wife and daughter, eager to share with others, and slowly growing in his faith.

This is just one story where an AIM Worker, had the opportunity to share Jesus with a young Muslim. For people’s safety, we haven’t publicised specific names and places.

Isaiah speaks of God’s word accomplishing that for which it was sent. It is God’s word which draws people to secretly express interest in its teaching. Later, God’s word may cause a handful of brave

seekers to listen to Chronological Bible Story Telling. It is God’s word that brings those first believers to

submission before God and to baptism. But such an open testimony can increase local opposition into something more, naming and shaming those who have

‘changed their religion’. Later, however, when the New Testament is translated and offered to every household, God’s word may be the only published book in the people’s own language.

Outreach & Evangelism

Those working in Outreach & Evangelism

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Ssese islands

Kampala Jinja




Uganda80% of Uganda is engaged in agriculture. The healthy economy of the 1960s was crippled in 1972 by the expulsion of the Asian business community, and

then virtually destroyed by tyranny and wars. It has steadily improved since 1992. Under previous government regimes there were restrictions on persecuted Christians, but there is now freedom of religion.

Marsali CampbellSmithton-Culloden Free Church, Inverness



in partner-ship with Dwelling Places

NGO, Kampala - reaching street children for Christ! Through outreach, rescue, rehab, reconciliation and resettlement. Healthcare is an amazing tool/avenue to reach children at risk, showing love in practical/caring ways.

Seb AllwrightTadley URC, Basingstoke



in local churches and secondary schools

across South West Uganda to raise up disciples that will reflect the image of Christ. Everything I do, whether I am sitting with church leaders, drinking coffee with young people, preparing and leading Bible studies or speaking in schools and churches, this is what we are working towards for a Christ-Cen-tered Church.

Lyn CookeBrentwood Baptist Church


I work with

the Church of Uganda in Madi West

Nile Diocese in women’s ministry, alongside Alice, a Ugandan pastor. I teach pastors’ wives at the theological college in Old and New Testament studies. They are eager to learn God’s word and take it back to their churches. Alice, myself and two other Ugandan ladies also run a weekly ALPHA course in the women’s prison.

Donna Morrison Martin’s Memorial Church of Scotland, Stornoway


I assist in the

finance office of Dwelling Places, a Ugandan

Christian NGO dedicated to the rescue, rehabilita-tion, reconciliation and resettlement of street chil-dren. I want to help more of them know God’s love and care personally. I’m us-ing my God-given skills and experiences as a chartered public sector accountant to help with good financial management and enable Dwelling Places to fulfil its mandate from God.

Kathleen BurnsAbbeyhill Baptist Church, Edinburgh


I now live mainly

on the Ssese Islands. I will continue

working in Commu-nity Health education and training, but focussed more on working closely with the pastors and leaders of the churches, encouraging them to become more active in reaching out and caring for those in their communities who are living with HIV/AIDS. On the islands the prevalence rate is reported to be around 30%.

Zillah WhitehouseAbove Bar Church, Southampton


The local

AIM team’s vi-sion is to partici-pate with

the local church in disciple-ship particularly through education, healthcare and community development. I’m a physiotherapist in the local government hospital, where I’ve been an extra pair of hands in develop-ing the first government physiotherapy degree pro-gramme in Uganda. I assist with course admin, deliver lectures to physiotherapy, medical and nursing stu-dents at the university and treat hospital patients.

Keith WaddellSt Mary’s, Islington, London; St Pauls Oadby


I am an eye

surgeon and have worked in Uganda for over

40 years. In that period, I have treated thousands of patients and trained hun-dreds of assistants in eye surgery. I still spend most of the year on the road doing eye surgery camps around Uganda, into Sudan, and occasionally Congo. Away from the medical work I support a large number of children orphaned because of AIDS.

Winette HubregtseRehoboth Evangelical Church, Sliedrecht, Netherlands


I work at Mto

Moyoni (Swahili for “river in the heart”),

a retreat centre on the banks of the river Nile, for people seeking spiritual, emotional and physical refreshment. The centre of-fers different programmes to help people, including AIM’s mission partners, to connect with Father God, receive rest and renewal, learn to listen to his voice and find the fullness of life Jesus came to give.

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Derek & Nerina HarborneSt Andrew’s Church, Leyland


We work at Mbarara University & Hos-

pital. Nerina researches/teaches in the Biochem-istry Department; Derek is helping improve A&E, treating surgical emergen-cies and teaching students. Our AIM team focuses on ‘transformational develop-ment’ – changed behaviour that the gospel brings - so we help students with discipleship, Bible study, and how to be Christian professionals.

James & Claire GibsonEnfield Baptist Church

Ruby (4/9/05); Jessica (1/10/07); Florence (2/2/10)


We’re working in part-nership with AIM and

CLIDE, an NGO committed to empowering the com-munity and leading people to God. As a vet, James is teaching vet students, mentoring them in their careers and spiritual lives, and works with CLIDE’s livestock projects. Claire uses her teaching skills to reach out to communities in Kampala and Karamoja, to train teachers and to safeguard children at risk.

Unusual ways…Sometimes opportunities come about in the most unusual ways. Needing a duplicate key for one of the many security gates on our home, a trip into town to the hardware store was required. However, things are never quite as expected in our adopted country. The hardware store owner, unable to help me, directed me across the street to the Islamic bookshop and said they could help. Feeling like the victim of some April Fool prank, I sheepishly asked if they cut keys? Before the assistant could answer, someone typing busily at a computer in the corner asked, ‘Where are you from’? On hearing my nationality, he decided to share a joke about an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. This casual crossing of paths has developed into a special friendship. Weekly chats over coffee have provided opportunities to share things of eternal significance and pass on a ‘good book’.

One of AIM’s workers living in a closed country shares about an opportunity they had to ‘share things of eternal significance’

Creative AccessWe use ‘Creative Access’ to refer

to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and

where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be

‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ.

For the safety of workers and the national believers living there, we either don’t feature some of our members in People & Places or don’t include their photo and surname.

10+ Workers from AIM

Europe work in Creative Access areas or Nations

200+ million people live in Creative Access Nations in Africa

99% of the population of many of these countries are Muslim

Did you know?

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Mt. Kilimanjaro

Dar esSalaam





is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%.

Unreached PeoplesIn Eastern Region AIM is engaged with

Tanzania • Kenya

Eastern Region

Elisabeth SchenkEvangelische Landeskirche Wuerttemberg Gomaringen, Germany


As a mis-

sionary of DMG partner-ing with AIM and

the Anglican Diocese of Rift Valley, I am establish-ing a Pharmacy at Manyoni in the centre of Tanzania. There is no other Pharmacy within a radius of 130 km. I also supervise the Phar-macy at Kilimatinde Hos-pital, in a rural area of the Diocese. I am also involved in Sunday school teaching for children and I keep up communications with our partners in Germany.

Tony & Cath SwansonFittleworth Evangelical Free Church; Worthing Tabernacle Church


Tony coordinates the Institute of Bible and

Ministry under the author-ity of the Africa Inland Church - ‘encouraging. mobilising and inspiring’ church leadership. Cath is Child Safety Officer for AIM and also works in a grassroots HIV project. Tony is Unit leader for Tan-zania East and works with Langham Partnerships.

Steve & Ruth LancasterCorsham Baptist Church, Wiltshire


We’re both working with the AIC Church

in eastern Tanzania at the Institute of Bible & Ministry based in Mo-rogoro. Steve is involved in Bible teaching and in the planning of regional conferences for Tanzanian pastors, Ruth works as the communications officer and also teaches English.

Kathleen QuellmalzEvangelical Lutheran Church St.Bartholomäi, Treuen, Germany


I am working

with Sa-fina Street Network, a ministry

reaching out to vulnerable children and youth. In my role as director of the ministry I seek to equip and guide our staff in the vari-ous areas of our ministry and seek God’s will with our leadership team for future development. My greatest joy is to share God’s love with our children.

Sandra MeyerSt. Paul’s Protestant Free Church, Bremen, Germany


I am part of Sa-

fina Street Network, Dar es Sa-laam. Our

aim is that the “lost chil-dren” can find and know their heavenly Father. Most of the time I teach them, do occupational therapy with some of the kids to help them and start now to counsel them with a special method for streetchildren.

Andrea HellemannEvangelische Freie Gemeinde Pivitsheide e.V., Germany


I work in Dodo-

ma at one of the centres run by the Safina

Street Kids Project. The project aims to reach out with the gospel to chil-dren and young people living on the streets, to meet both their physical and spiritual needs.

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Built up…‘Since I started attending seminars, I have been built up, revived in my faith and taught in many areas. Sometimes I would try to instigate new programmes, but the church members did not seem to be with me. When I heard how to ‘Inspire a shared vision’, I was greatly encouraged. This led to success and now the church is moving forward together. Sometimes I would feel like I’m the only one going through difficult times. Then I would meet many of my fellow evangelists who were facing the same challenges, so we could encourage and pray with each other. The teaching is very relevant to our context. Through it we have seen some very big changes in our church. I wish we could have longer seminars where we could discuss and fellowship more.’

P13. Edith CurrieP11. Matt & Amy DixonP11. Simon & Sue FrenchP14. Lynne GlassP6. Loots & Nancy Lambrechts

P10. Steve & Ruth LancasterP18. Mat & Katy LinleyP17. Angelika MaaderP17. Inge MichelP13. Margot ReichP21. Bruce & Jan RossingtonP13. Georgette ShortP10. Tony & Cath SwansonP16. Tim & Beth Wood

A Christ-centred church is one which listens to Christ and responds obediently to his

voice, as it seeks to live under his Lordship. To be Christ-centred is therefore to be word-centred. The Holy Spirit illuminates God’s people as they read his word so that ‘they may understand what God has freely given us’ (1 Cor 2:12). However, he does so not by by-passing their minds but rather by working through their own mental

struggle to reach an ever richer understanding. The task of Bible and theological schools is primarily to help believers in that struggle, so that they will grow in their ability to read and apply the Scriptures, and may then faithfully minister God’s word in both church and world.

Lameck Tobotobo is an evangelist with the Africa Inland Church near Arusha. Here he talks about the teaching he received at the Institute of Bible and Ministry.

Those working in BIBLe & Theology

Bible & TheologyMatt & Amy DixonSt David’s Church, Moreton-in-Marsh

Elia (11/12/08) ; Finley (26/11/10)


We are working with AICT (African Inland

Church of Tanzania) to develop conference and re-treat facilities for the Insti-tute of Bible and Ministry (IBM). These facilities will be used to inspire, mobilise and equip pastors, evange-lists and their spouses into a closer walk with Christ. Matt is overseeing the management of this large construction project, whilst Amy is developing the management of the retreat house and campsite. Home assignment from April.

Simon & Sue FrenchEmmanuel Church, South Croydon

Hannah (17/5/97); Jasmine (26/9/99) both at RVA


Partnering with the Africa Inland Church

Tanzania (AICT), we are involved in the disciple-ship of Datooga believers, through Bible teaching seminars and also encour-aging and empowering local Tanzanian evangelists and leaders, as they seek to reach the unreached in the area. Simon is also AIM Unit Leader for the area, with responsibility for car-ing for the AIM members serving there.

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I know He loves me…Before I went to the Ladies Bible School, I couldn’t even pray because I did not know how, and felt when asked that I couldn’t. Now, I can and like doing it and know that when I pray, one day I will live with Jesus forever.

I was in darkness, like I was in the dark. Now, I can see where I am going. It has made a difference in my life, because I knew nothing. Now, everywhere I am, I am thinking if God helps me to learn more, I can preach the gospel to the other people. I feel happy about the word of God and courageous now to speak about it. I can now hold a pencil, too, and write and I am keeping on praying to God to learn how to read, too.

I feel like I am close to God. Though I had problems before, I know he loves me.

We are so thankful for the impact the gospel has had in many countries in which AIM has worked over the past 100 years. The church is

often well established, but still welcomes gospel partnership with AIM to help develop and grow, by training leaders in areas ranging from Sunday School teaching to pastoral ministry to community outreach. AIM mission partners are working with national churches to enable them to be more effective in reaching their own communities and to have an enlarged vision for other people groups not yet reached.

“I feel happy about the Word of God and courageous now to speak about it.”

P11. Matt & Amy DixonP13. Anna KloningerP18. Mat & Katy LinleyP17. Walter & Rosie McCorkell

P17. Claudia MiddendorfP5. Toni StengerP17. Claire WeddellP16. Tim & Beth Wood

Rosie McCorkell runs a Ladies Bible School in Mozambique. Enes Bekosi is one of the ladies who attends. Here she writes about how the Bible School has impacted her.

Those working in Church


Peter & Katy WilsonCharlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, Kirknewton & East Calder Church of Scotland

Daniel (16/2/04); Caleb (9/9/05); Levi (18/12/06)


We are teaching at Titchie Swot, the

primary school at Rift Val-ley Academy. From Easter Peter will be shadowing the current Primary Principal and taking over this role in the next school year and Katy will be helping with student support before class teaching in the next school year. We are very eager to be able to openly share our faith alongside teaching and are excited about this new chapter in our lives.

Pete & Libby HalestrapSt Leonard’s Church, Exeter

Finlay (10/8/09); Gabriel (18/1/12


We’re seeking to serve the people attending

Kijabe Hospital. There are numerous opportuni-ties to disciple and equip local believers, as well as reach out to unreached people groups visiting the hospital. Pete oversees the care of the outpatient and emergency departments and is involved in commu-nity development. Libby teaches in a pre-school and the local church’s Sunday School, and looks after their two small children.

Church Development

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KenyaKenya gained independence from Britain in

1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however,

unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel.

Edith CurrieChristchurch with All Saints, Blackpool; St Mary’s Parish Church, Gosforth, Cumbria


Since 1987,

AIC Mis-sionary College has trained

hundreds of Africans to be cross-cultural missionaries and since 2006, became a satellite campus for Scott Christian University, training AIC pastors as well as missionaries. My main role at the College has been helping both the mission and theology students write better English. I have also given the Academic Dean administrative sup-port and have recently become involved in the development of a Mentor-ing Programme for all our students.

Margot ReichEvangelische Kirchengemeinde, Waldwimmersbach, Germany


I work in theo-

logical education at Kapsa-bet Bible College.

The purpose of the college is to train pastors and church workers to meet the needs of the Africa Inland Church, Kenya. Churches are being started every month but there are not enough pastors to look after those churches and to teach Christians the word of God.

Renate HornungEvangelische Kirchengemeinde, Plüderhausen, Germany



small groups and indi-viduals

about community health, including Bible teaching and a small income gener-ating project. This might come to a close as I am retiring in 2014.The groups will continue to put in prac-tice what they have learned over the years. They have become my friends and God willing, I might come back after some time to visit them.

Anna KloningerMennonite Brethren, Neuwied, Germany


After Home

Assign-ment in Ger-many, in December

I returned to Kenya, where I am based at Marsabit in northern Kenya. I am engaged in training Sunday School teachers who will teach the Bible and encour-age Kenya’s next genera-tion to follow Jesus.

Georgette ShortViewfield Baptist Church, Dunfermline


I serve at Scott

Christian University in Macha-kos, Ke-nya where

I teach mainly biblical and missions courses. I also enjoy mentoring students and ministering with them on Sundays. It has been wonderful to see God rais-ing up African missionaries in recent days and it will be exciting to see how he uses them in the future.

Frazer MayhewCarey Baptist Church, Reading


I will be joining

a TIMO team in Lchakwai, rural northern

Kenya, seeking to reach the Samburu people with the gospel. As a team we will spend the first few months learning language and cul-ture and seeking to build friendships. After some time we hope to participate in community develop-ment through which we will seek opportunities for the gospel and to plant a church.

Martin & Joy KochFreie Evangelische Gemeinde and CVJM, both in Giessen, Germany


We will be leading the Samburu TIMO

Team, that begins in March 2014. Team Members will learn the Samburu language and culture, building relationships and sharing their faith in Christ in those relationships. Our prayer is that God will call a number of Samburu to Christ, that a church may be formed which will in turn share the gospel with other Samburu.

Mark & Barbara PhippenChristchurch South Cambs, Sawston


From early 2014 Mark will be working as a

counsellor at the Tumaini Counselling Centre, part of AIM Care, which is available to support AIM or other missionaries and works to provide preventative and restorative mental health services and pastoral care. Barbara is an adult literacy tutor and is hoping to com-bine teaching English with sharing the gospel.

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Elaine HutchisonSpicer Street, St Albans


My pri-

mary re-sponsibil-ity in the Southern

Region office is for Finance and IT. This involves hands-on accounting as well as giving oversight and advice to the units and leadership in regards to financial management. As part of the leadership team I also enjoy discussions on the strategic direction of the Region, working mainly with the Regional Execu-tive Officer and Regional Development Officer.

Naomi JonesWindsor Baptist Church, Belfast


I work for a local

church in Cape Town in children-youth-

young adults ministry. I run a Children’s Bible club, teach Bible Education in a local primary school, lead a girls’ teenage Bible study and run the Sunday School for age 6-13. I have the privilege of meeting with many girls one-on-one to mentor them in their walk with the Lord. I also, for a few hours each week, help out at the AIM sending office running their short term programme.

Lynne GlassFirst Garvagh Presbyterian Church


I’m part of a team

reaching out to the 80,000 or so

island people living here in Marseille. I’m involved in Bible translation into one of the island languages, as well as outreach work through a ladies’ literacy class and homework club. We seek to encourage the local French churches to share this vision and ministry.

John & Shan Barry Guildford Baptist Church

Themba (17/12/96, RVA); Joseph (10/12/99, RVA); Michael (20/7/04, PS)


John is the Regional Executive Officer for

Southern Region. We work to support mission partners and the work of AIM across the Southern Region. The role involves oversight of the region, offering both leadership and pastoral care. It also involves looking into new ministry and partner-ship possibilities, as well as working closely with the African Church.

Simon & Leanne All Saints Hampreston and Stapehill, Dorset; Hawthorne Gospel Church, nj, usa

Miriam (1.11.01); Lydia (1.11.01); Hannah (20.5.04)


Simon is the Unit Leader for the VIE Unit, which

is comprised of Marseille and the French island in the Indian Ocean island group where AIM works. VIE means “life” in French. In Marseille, we are in-volved in various outreach activities among the diaspora of island people in the city.

Richard & Barbara DaviesGlenurquhart Free Church of Scotland

James (30/5/97); Libby (4/3/99) Both in French school


Reaching out to islanders in the city

through practical help in a second-hand clothes shop, teaching English, home-work help in families and visiting. Taking opportuni-ties to share Scripture with contacts wherever possible. Also working to encourage French believers to engage in outreach to this com-munity.

Marseille the IslandsMozambiqueMadagascar Lesotho • Angola Namibia

Southern Region

Marseille & the IslandsChristianity on ‘the

islands’ is often viewed with hostility and in some cases outlawed by the Islamic rulers. Political violence has left these islands desperately poor and natural resources are in short supply.

Many immigrants and refugees from the islands live in Marseille. Workers here seek to introduce them to the gospel and equip them to take the good news back to their homelands.

South Africa

The South African

Mobilising Office is based in Cape Town. Their responsibility is to mobilise the South African Church for mission and facilitate sending Christian workers into Africa.

The Southern Region Office is also based in South Africa (Johannesburg), responsible for supporting and overseeing all AIM mission partners across the Southern Region and new ministry possibilities.

In Southern Region AIM is engaged with

Unreached Peoples 10

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A trophy of God’s graceI met Ginny in the ‘red-light district’. At her home, she openly confessed that she struggled with alcohol abuse and needed supernatural help to change. I learnt of the great heartache behind her addiction. Married as a teenager, she had five children and was then discarded by her husband.

On her request, we met weekly to pray and study God’s Word. I watched her hunger for God grow. When I helped her place a job advert in a restaurant, in just days she had work! Ginny had no doubt how this happened: ‘God did this for me’.

Now Ginny is a trophy of God’s grace. She loves the Lord, is engaged in her local church. With a swirl of joy and sadness, she told me, ‘I can’t be with my children, but I pray for them every day. I know God will protect and use them.’ I praise God for Ginny - a life redeemed and a light aflame for him in this dark country.

AIM’s ministry among African women can take many forms from providing practical help and emotional support to vulnerable women to delivering Bible

teaching to pastors’ wives. The position of women in many African societies means they are often disadvantaged in areas such as education, but by contrast we were encouraged to discover recently that Rwanda leads the world in the proportion of women serving in the country’s Parliament. Christ-centred churches need Christ-centred women. Pray that many more might be so.

Women’s Ministry

P26. John & Jackie ChaplinP8. Lyn CookeP5. Naomi DuffP5. Ann Fursdon

P17. Walter & Rosie McCorkellP6. Russ & Lyn NobleP21. Peter & Maureen Prior

Those working in

Women’s Ministry

Naomi Duff is working amongst vulnerable and exploited women in Chad. This is the story of Ginny and how God graciously worked in her.

“On her request, we met weekly to pray and study God’s Word…”

Amy ISLANDS UNIT:Woodlands Christian Centre, Bristol

I work on the islands as part of a church planting

team. As a team we aim to live distinctively, showing God’s love practically and sharing truth in a way that islanders can relate to. This involves sharing their lives, spending time in their homes and building rela-tionships. It means dress-ing like them and learning their language. I also teach English to adults.

Heather ISLANDS UNIT:Portswood Church, Southampton; Mount Pleasant Gospel Hall, Lowestoft

My platform ministry is working with

mother-tongue language resources. Up until now this has mainly been teach-ing literacy and numeracy to women with little or no formal education. However, I’m now also co-ordinating a strategy we are launching, to get more biblical resourc-es into island languages in different media forms.

Christoff & Sarah PowerBridge Chapel, Liverpool

Isabelle (9/11/06); Esmé (1/12/08); Iris (2/9/11)


We’re living and working among the unreached

Shibushi people. We provide evening English classes and Sarah tutors some children. Chris also has a full-time job teaching English in a local high school and he plays for a local football team. We are intentionally sharing our faith as we participate in community life and invest in relationships with the people around us.

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Marta from Imilai, S Sudan attended a literacy class run by Russ & Lyn Noble and the AIC Church

Tim & Beth WoodWolseley Road Gospel Hall, Plymouth; Arlington Countryside Church, il, usa

Jonathan (14/8/96); Sarah (14/10/98) both at RVA


We serve in a church called Vision in the

Word of God, focusing on discipleship and teaching. Tim also teaches at Sofala Bible Institute in the B.A. programme. Beth works on translation projects in the Cindau language, producing Bible study material and children’s Sunday school lessons. Our passion is to encour-age healthy churches and strong families.

Andy & Jacqueline WidmerFreie Christengemeinde spm, Olten, Switzerland


We are currently on home assignment,

waiting to hear where we will be called next. For the last four years we have run Radio Nuru, an evangelical radio station established to reach out to the Mwani of Mozambique. Our role was varied, from maintain-ing the station building, dealing with administrative issues, to recording and putting together radio pro-grammes. We also worked with local staff, training and discipling.

I want to thank GodMarta wanted to go to school when she was a child, but her mother said she must stay home and learn women’s work. Some years later the civil war was over, now a married woman and mother, Marta heard literacy classes were starting at the church in her remote village, nestled below the mountains of South Sudan. Marta was one of the first to register for the class. Over the years she has learned to read and write in Otuho, her mother tongue. “Before I joined the literacy class I could not ‘see’ anything, but now I want to thank God for giving the idea to those people who sent teachers to us, so that now we are able to read and write something.” Marta wants the programme to continue, as she is now able to read some of the Otuho New Testament and small books produced by the Africa Inland Church literacy programme.

P15. Heather

P14. Lynne Glass

P17. Tim & Bron Heaton

P6. Bridget Howard

P17. Walter & Rosie McCorkell

P6. Russ & Lyn Noble

P13. Mark & Barbara Phippen

Those working in Literacy &


Personal and spiritual development is often thwarted by a lack of literacy or language

skills. Cultural values, conflict or poverty deny many people access to formal education, especially women. Such lack can lead to high infant mortality, high death in pregnancy-related issues, and poor understanding of nutrition and hygiene. Adult literacy programmes help such needy adults. They are

aimed at people at a grassroots level using the mother-tongue and are used to train volunteer teachers, particularly from village churches. The vision is to enable adults to read the Bible and other literature for themselves in their own language. English classes help with access to higher education and jobs.

Literacy & Language

P15. Christoff & Sarah Power

P21. Bruce & Jan Rossington

P16. Tim & Beth Wood

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Mocimboa de Praia


MozambiqueSince independence

from Portugal in 1975 Mozambique was battered by

civil war, economic woes and famine. Since peace in 1992 though, the country has developed one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Many are still unreached with the gospel & 17% of the country practice Islam.

Claudia MiddendorfBaptist Church, Frankfurt, Germany


Leading the

AIM team in Mo-zambique; encour-aging,

supporting, helping AIM personnel; keeping the focus of our vision on AIM’s mission; making sure legal and administrative re-quirements are being met; liaising with local churches and like-minded organisa-tions. Helping towards the availability and production of Christian literature in Mozambique.

Claire WeddellNew Life Church, Newcastle upon Tyne


Claire works

with local churches in the areas of disciple-

ship, leadership develop-ment and envisioning for missions, to make disciples who will in turn make disciples. Using the Kairos Course as a primary tool, she is involved in mobilis-ing the Mozambican church to fulfil their part in the Great Commission, reaching out to unreached people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Inge MichelEvangelical-Lutheran Church (ELC), Schaafheim, Germany


I work along-

side Angelika Maader at INTENA (Instituto

teológico evangélico de Nampula), where I also help, as a teacher, in the training of pastors and church workers. The Institute has three aims: to mediate sound biblical knowledge; to shape Chris-tians’ lives in the image of God; and to co-operate with others in the Chris-tian community.

Angelika MaaderELC Albertshausen and Neuenmarkt,



I am part of

INTENA (Instituto teológico evangélico

de Nampula) as a teacher and pedagogic dean. Be-ing part of PROFORTE (Programa de formação theológica evangélica de Moçambique) helping Bible schools to improve.

Léonie DielemanGereformeerde Gemeente, West-Souburg, The Netherlands


My min-

istry is to share the gospel with chil-dren and

young people. This includes opportunities to work alongside a Mozambican co-worker to teach a life and AIDS education pro-gramme in some of Beira’s public schools.

Walter & Rosie McCorkellStrean Presbyterian Church, Newtownards


We work amongst the Ndau people

group in Mozambique discipling church leaders. Walter works with pastors, helping them with biblical studies and giving practical support. Rosie teaches the Bible to women, some of whom cannot read or write their own names. We are also involved in the devel-opment of a new church building with a dormitory to allow further teaching.

Tim & Bron HeatonSt Stephen’s, Twickenham; West Wickham and Shirley Baptist Church

Katie (18/4/05); Jamie (27/1/08)


We work in northern Mozambique with

the Mwani people. We are currently involved in disci-pling a handful of believers, teaching English and Bible Storying. The Mwani, as well as following Islam, are heavily influenced by witch-craft and fear of the spirit world. Living and working among them is tough, as we seek to share the gospel in ways that are culturally sensitive and that build for the long term.

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The world’s fourth

biggest island boasting flora and fauna that exist nowhere else on earth. 92% of the population exist on less than £2 per day. 41% of the population identify with Christianity, 7% with Islam, the majority follow Traditional African Religions.

Hannah CogginsWoodgreen Evangelical Church


I am part of a

curriculum based team reaching the Bara people.

My main role is to teach the team’s children to free their parents up for ministry. I also study language, take part in the curriculum and spend as much time as pos-sible building relationships with local friends. Our team hopes to reach the Bara through Bible storying and is also exploring different community development ministries.


Karin MendeFree Evangelical Church, Marburg, Germany


Based on

Rom 12:2 I am en-gaged in transfor-mational

development and HIV/AIDS ministry in many parts of Madagascar. As coordinator I am available for networking with the expat community and in-terdenominational church leadership to facilitate asset-based workshops. We pray that human dignity will be restored as leaders grow in their potential as God’s image bearers and begin small sustainable self-help programmes be-yond their church walls.


Mat & Katy LinleySutton Bonington Baptist Church

Phoebe (8/10/05); Jonah (9/8/07); - at the Good News School, Mandritsara. Barnaby (23/9/11)


We work as part of a multi-agency mission-

ary team, in partnership with the Baptist Churches of Madagascar. Mat leads the team, is involved in manage-ment of the hospital, and in training rural church lead-ers. Katy is a doctor at the Good News Hospital.

Pierre-Alain & Emmanuelle LuderFédération Romande d’ Eglises Evangéliques

Aurore (26/4/03); Maud (22/1/05);


We are part of a cur-riculum based team

sharing the gospel with the Bara people of Madagascar. We hope to reach the Bara through Bible storying. To do this we need to work hard on our language skills so that we can properly explain the gospel to them in their heart language. We are working to build local relationships and get involved in the community.

Graeme & Eli MallettCity Church, Liverpool

Joe (5/8/02); Jessica (18/5/04); Naomi (20/11/06); Ester (24/5/12)


We are an ordinary family serving an

extraordinary God. From 2009 to 2011 we served God in Madagascar. Our passion is to return and fulfill the vision that God has put on our hearts. We are currently waiting for fi-nancial and prayer support to allow us to return.

Sam & Leanna WilliamsonSt Luke’s Church, Wimbledon Park, London

Ella (5/3/01); Suzanna (11/9/03); Zeph (27/12/09); Zeke (1/9/11)


We will be leading a team of men who

will live and work with the semi-nomadic shepherds of Lesotho, who live isolated lives high in the mountains. The team will adapt to their culture and language, seek-ing to bring the gospel to this large unreached people group. Ultimately we will aim to plant a church among them, praying that shep-herds of animals will become shepherds of men.

Barry & Heather MannWinchester Baptist Church


We have been working with Growing Nations,

a church based agricultural organisation teaching Farm-ing God’s Way in Lesotho & across Southern Africa, since 2012. Heather is the CEO of Growing Nations & Barry is working to develop the com-munications and media side of the project. Both our roles are primarily to disciple, mentor, equip and empower the local Basotho team.

LesothoLesotho is a Kingdom totally surrounded by South Africa, whom they

depend on, as their biggest employer and buyer of their main natural resource - water. Lesotho is made up of highland villages, where people

live in extreme poverty and few have heard the gospel.

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P5. Annemarie BoksP8. Kathleen BurnsP8. Marsali CampbellP18. Hannah CogginsP11. Simon & Sue FrenchP9. James & Claire Gibson

Growing Nations

It has been amazing to see how Peiso has developed personally and spiritually over the year. He is now training the current year resident students and others in his community.

Ntate Peiso said, “Before I was trained with Growing Nations, I farmed my father’s land, but it was hard work and I had little knowledge. We never grew enough to live on. I now have the knowledge of how to farm and I know that we will grow enough to live on this year.

I am far more confident now and I love teaching others about farming and about the gospel, too. Before I was very shy and found it difficult to share the gospel with others, but now I have a new found freedom and am able to share with everyone.”

In a living, holistic church there is an interactive participation between all aspects of community life and church life. A church transformed

as described in Ephesians 4 will show a greater desire to move out into the community. Where the church is really living as God’s agent of change in society, transformation will happen from the inside out. Through Community Development, AIM mission partners work in partnership with local churches in a wide range of community ministries, from agriculture to work amongst street children.

Community Development

Those working in Community


P12. Pete & Libby HalestrapP9. Derek & Nerina HarborneP13. Renate HornungP18. Graeme & Eli Mallett

Ntate Peiso was trained through Growing Nations’ resident student programme last year, being taught how to ‘Farm God’s Way’ and Transformational Development.

P18. Barry & Heather MannP18. Karin MendeP21. Owen & Miriam PughP8. Zillah Whitehouse

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This is Matthew, a laboratory technician

P21. Kirsty P5. Annemarie BoksP8. Kathleen BurnsP8. Marsali CampbellP26. John & Jackie ChaplinP5. Ann FursdonP9. James & Claire GibsonP5. Catherine Grier

P12. Pete & Libby HalestrapP9. Derek & Nerina HarborneP10. Andrea HellemannP13. Renate HornungP6. Nicola LimburgerP18. Mat & Katy Linley

P5. Joan MackenzieP18. Karin MendeP6. Margit MuellerP10. Elisabeth SchenkP10. Tony & Cath SwansonP8. Keith WaddellP8. Zillah Whitehouse

Faith and LoveThe church-run health centre at Gono Kobbi, Chad is in a small village among the Marba tribe. Its small team all trained at Bebalem School of Health: Emile, nurse in charge, Matthew, laboratory technician, and his wife, Isabel, nurse aid. There is a church, but it’s mostly outsiders who go and not the Marba themselves, though there are Marba churches elsewhere.

Dr Catherine Grier asked Emile (by text - phone communication is difficult) what he’d gained from the training and how it was affecting others’ lives. He sent the simple but powerful text: ‘Faith and Love’.

Please pray for these three, as they communicate Christ’s compassion and live as witnesses in this isolated village. Medicines are hard to obtain; providing good quality health care is extremely difficult. Pray for Matthew and Isabel, who are from another tribe: for language learning, that the challenges would not limit their witness, but each day would open doors to speak about their faith.

AIM works in a diverse context with respect to health factors. Healthcare is an inclusive term

relating to curative, rehabilitative, palliative, preventative and health-promotive ministries, within healthcare facilities, educational establishments and the community. The biblical understanding of health is enshrined in the Hebrew concept of Shalom. Thus ill-health goes beyond physical and mental maladies to encompass distorted and disruptive relationships. Shalom denotes much more than peace; it has a richer meaning of reconciliation with God and the presence of right relationships with each other, self and creation. Seen in the context of God’s purpose for mankind to be reconciled and transformed into Christ’s likeness in every dimension of being, health ministry must be at the very heart of mission.


Those working in Healthcare

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Special Ministries& Between Assignments

KirstyHebron Evangelical Church, Aberdeen

On return to the Indian Ocean Islands

in April, I plan to complete an internship at the local hospital before moving to a new community to work in a small health post. It has been closed for several years, but with government approval and the promise of support from commu-nity leaders, my colleague and I plan to use health to reach out to those living on that side of the island.

Owen & Miriam PughBunyan Baptist Church, Stevenage

Charlie (19/5/02); Imani (25/2/04); Ella (8/9/99) at RVA; Cerys (27/5/07)


We served amongst the Alagwa people as

part of a TIMO team and are looking to return to the same area to continue nurturing and strengthen-ing a new church that is being planted there. We are using Chronological Bible Storytelling to really communicate God’s word, using the heart-language of the people. We are helping to create rainwater tanks, to improve drinking water quality and availability through the long dry sea-son.

Jurgen & Katja HofmannEvangelishe Gemeente ‘De Ambassade’; Bridgnorth Baptist Church

Vanya (1/9/04); Issa (17/10/06); Abbey (23/08/08); Dani (21/2/11)

Jurgen trained and worked as a baker

but is currently studying theology, whilst Katja is a lawyer. Their assignment has still to be finalised; a TIMO Team or Curriculum Based Team will be the best option for them, at least initially. We anticipate that the Hofmann family will be available for assignment from autumn 2014. Please pray for them in their preparations.

Peter & Maureen PriorCosham Baptist Church, Portsmouth


We work with African peoples in the UK,

many of whom come from nations closed to mission. Our work consists of volunteering at drop-in centres. Peter assists asy-lum seekers who have been permitted to stay. Maureen works with a Women’s Refugee group which caters to mainly Muslim women. Through these activities we build up friendships, visit people in their homes, share Jesus and invite some to church.

Bruce & Jan RossingtonKensington Baptist Church, Bristol

Zoë (14.3.00); Martha (25.7.02); Joseph (27.7.06)

We are currently seconded to a Bible

translation organisation in Cameroon. Bruce is training as a Bible transla-tion consultant, helping three language groups to translate Scripture (Mark’s Gospel) into their mother tongue for the first time. Jan is home-schooling Martha and serving on the board of Rain Forest International School. We anticipate moving to East Africa in 2014 to take up a new assignment with AIM.

Ard & Carin de LeeuwVrije Evangelisatie Gemeente, Zwolle

Boaz (30/3/11); Manoah (23/11/12)

We will be serving on a TIMO or Curriculum

Based Team reaching out to an unreached people group. This involves us living among the people in order to learn their culture and language, building relation-ships and shareing our lives and the gospel with them. /aimeurope

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P8. Seb AllwrightP8. Marsali CampbellP17. Léonie DielemanP6. Jessica GoldschmidtP12. Pete & Libby Halestrap

My Dad died when I was three. He had many wives and 16 children. My Mum used to beat me. We stayed in a slum area and I used to hang out with other street kids; we smoked marijuana and inhaled fuel. I had never been to school, and couldn’t read or write.

One day I met Aunty Rita. She welcomed us, listened to our life stories, and, through ‘Street Church’, told us stories about God and His love.

When I was 12, I joined Dwelling Places. I stayed in the Boy’s Home and had a bed, mattress, and blanket, so I could sleep well and safely. The food was good, and we had a nurse, called Marsali Campbell, who gave us medicine when we needed it. Aunty Marsali helped me to complete my secondary education and encouraged me to be independent and develop good life skills. She behaved like a Mum to me, which helped me to develop a love for my Mum.

I brought my future wife to meet Aunty Marsali, as she taught us boys to wait for

the right person to marry, and to marry with vows to God in a Church with our Pastor.

Now I am 25, married to my beautiful Josephine; I have a good job, support my family, and am part of my local church.

I am so very thankful to God for Aunty Rita, Dwelling Places staff, my role model, Aunty Marsali, and all who support Dwelling Places – they all really did a good job!

Daniel (photoed with his wife and AIM Mission Partner, Marsali Campbell) declares his thankfulness to God for the work of Dwelling Places

Africa has a growing and young population. More than 40% of the population is under 15 years old in most sub-Saharan countries, compared to 20% in the USA. Future leaders in both Church and society will come from

amongst these young people. Pray that seeds of the gospel sown into their lives will not only transform them as individuals, but impact whole communities and nations. The work with children and youth ranges from outreach to street children in major cities to discipling young people in Christian-based schools.

Children & Youth

How lovely is your dwelling place…

Those working in Children &


P10. Kathleen Quellmalz

P10. Elisabeth Schenk

P10. Tony & Cath Swanson

P12. Pete & Katy Wilson

P10. Andrea HellemannP14. Naomi JonesP10. Sandra MeyerP8. Donna MorrisonP6. Russ & Lyn NobleP15. Christoff & Sarah Power

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AIM Europe helps over 100 Churches across Europe in sending ‘beautiful feet’ to preach the good news. The good news that, whoever calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved.

Worthing Tabernacle: A sending church

We were encouraged and humbled by a report we received from Worthing Tabernacle

of a visit by a team of men from the church to Tanzania. The church is the sending church of Tony & Cath Swanson (Page 10). Now they were sending a building team to help convert some shipping containers into accommodation units for use by people coming into Dar es Salaam from outlying areas for training, on AIM business etc. and as a first or last lodging place for people entering or leaving the country. The church had already sent a significant sum of money to purchase building materials and tools in readiness for the visit, but after just two days, the work had made such good progress that the budget was almost spent. John, one of the team, recounts what happened next:

‘Peter organised a whip round and we raised £2,000.00 between us and also got a message back to the Tab…I believe we were all stunned at the response we got back and further amazed at the sums raised. It was just another proof that the power of prayer and care back at home for us men and the project was beyond our wildest dreams. It made us proud representatives of such a caring church that has kept its focus on mission. I also believe it bought blessings that went way beyond just constructing buildings.’

And those blessings are not just to be seen in the lasting impact this construction work will have in the lives of Tanzanian pastors and their churches. As the men worked on the project, they also shared fellowship, teaching, testimony and prayer together each day. John commented:

‘This led us so called ‘big tough men’ to realise that we were called to openness and honesty with each other…I felt that this was one of the most powerful experiences of my Christian walk, seeing men deal with burdens they had carried for a lifetime. I hope and pray that many burdens were left behind in that room, possibly some still require teasing out through the friendships that were born out of this trip or maybe with the skills of our new pastor, but I believe we came back changed men.’

Sending Churches& gospel Partnership

Did you know?

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?Romans 10:13-15

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Mobilisers: European HQ The Mobilisers’ work seeks to ensure that every

member is cared for in every possible way. They offer

guidance over placements and look after areas such as finance, member care, training and media.

European Director

Prior to becoming European

Director, Andrew, with his wife Rachel, was involved in pioneer church-planting in East Africa. Andrew now leads the AIM team in the UK and oversees the wider work of mobilisation in mainland Europe. He is responsible for setting direction and strategy for AIM Europe, representing the mission at various levels and is part of AIM’s International Council. His role involves a significant amount of travel in Europe and in Africa.

Administration, Finance & Operations Team

In addition to his role as Company Secretary, Andrew provides operational leadership

for the office, including the management, strategy, compliance and development of our legal, financial and operational matters.

Deborah, alongside her own particular accounting responsibilities, manages the Finance team, comprised of Graham and Claire. Graham is responsible for missionary finance and Claire is responsible for supporter finance.

Rosemary is our administrator and, as well as being the first port of call for telephone calls and visitors, is responsible for the day to day support needs of the office.

Communications Team(inc. Supporter Relations)

Alan leads the Communications Team, who produce

the various regular publications and other printed literature; Joe, our Graphic Designer, also looks after the websites, and Lindsey’s principal area of work is social media. Together they seek to promote greater awareness of AIM’s ministry, publicise needs and opportunities for service in Africa, and grow support through prayer, finance and in other practical ways. They aim to tell the story of what God is doing in Africa, for his glory, and to encourage people who are part of that story through sending or going.

Andrew ReedAndrew Chard

Graham Wiggett

Deborah Kong

Joe Morgan

Lindsey Davies

Claire Lister

Rosemary Rettie

Alan Hewerdine

Peter Root

Laura Perbet

Amy Birtwistle

Marcella Bernales

Personnel Team

Peter leads the Personnel Team, helping those enquiring about service in Africa - short or long-term - discern God’s call,

move through the application process and prepare for their arrival in Africa. The team then work to ensure first-rate member care is given to all AIM Europe mission partners.

Laura helps prepare members for Africa and ensure they continue to do well spiritually and emotionally. She remains in regular contact and organises debriefs and other care for adults and children when in the UK.

Amy looks after administration for long-term mission partners: flights, insurance, visas, organising conferences, database maintenance etc! She also helps Laura prepare families for overseas service and debriefing children.

Marcella, Synergy (short-term programme) Coordinator, helps people explore ways to serve short-term and then prepare to do so. Marcella returns to the USA in January. We are looking for her successor.

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Area Mobilisers

The joy of supportingAs a mission partner, John Barry benefitted from the support of the ‘administrators’ at home and in the Regional Office. Now, as recently appointed Southern Region Executive Officer, he reflects on the new role.

“When I was about 13 I felt called to serve the poor. When I was working with AIM in Lesotho it was natural to work out that sense of calling to see the marginalised valued. Much of that was possible because leaders in Africa and beyond were praying, supporting and recruiting personnel to help realise things on the ground. Now I am a leader the tables are turned. I have the privilege of seeing people do what I could not. Now, I have the joy of seeing others fulfil their callings and supporting them as they respond to God’s invitation to be part of his mission to reconcile the nations to himself.”

P14. John & Shan BarryP5. Annemarie BoksP13. Edith CurrieP14. Elaine Hutchison

P14. Naomi JonesP10. Steve & Ruth LancasterP17. Claudia MiddendorfP8. Donna MorrisonP16. Andy & Jacqueline WidmerP12. Pete & Katy WilsonP14. Simon & Leanne

The work of our Area Mobilisers’ team involves:

y promoting awareness of AIM

y sharing needs and opportunities

y helping enquirers discern God’s call and move through the application process

y acting as on-going link between AIM, mission partners and their sending churches.

Alan Cousins covers Ireland, North & South; Ruth Box works in Scotland; Tim Matthews looks after North England & North Wales; whilst Peter Oyugi shares South England & South Wales with Peter & Sally Maclure in South East England.

Bert Dijkstra, supported by his wife, Monique, is Director for the Netherlands, and Gilles Bonvallat, together with his wife, Myriam, is the newly appointed Director for France and Switzerland.

Does ‘mission’ only happen ‘on the field’? But how do you define ‘field’? For

some mission partners, ‘on the field’ means some time - but by no means all - behind an office desk. It’s still ‘mission’, because without those providing administrative back-up, others

‘on the field’ would be far less effective.

Stress, burn-out, family pressures, trauma, illness, bereavement - hard to handle in one’s home country, surrounded by the love and support of family, friends and church; add the isolation and pressure of a mission assignment and problems are magnified. Access to quality pastoral care in Africa can make the difference between continuing in ministry and coming home.

Administration & Pastoral Care

Those working in Administration & Pastoral Care

John Barry, driving into the mountains of Lesotho

Alan Cousins

Tim Matthews

Peter & Sally Maclure

Ruth Box

Peter Oyugi

Gilles & Myriam Bonvallat

Bert & Monique Dijkstra

Page 26: People and Places 2014

Ruth HydeChair

Chief executive, Broxtowe

Borough Council

Nick WaringDeputy Chair

Finance Director of the Refugee


Beth HillClinical


Phil JenkinsDeputy Chair

Associate Pastor, Highfields

Church, Cardiff

Henry CurranVicar of St Mary’s

Wollaton Park, Nottingham

Peter CollisonAssistant Pastor,

Findlay Memorial Church, Glasgow

David PooleRetired university

maths lecturer

Paul DoyeRetired

investment banker

Heather PottsMechanical

Engineer in the Energy industry

The Board of trustees are the legal guardians of AIM Europe. They are responsible for setting policy in line with AIM International’s overall vision.

Ian & Elaine CampbellMalpas Road Evangelical Church, Newport

Ian’s role is to challenge and encourage the Re-

gional Executive Officers and TIMO Director to en-sure that AIM ministries are strategic and effective in achieving the ends of the organization. Elaine is a research assistant and helps develop prayer information for AIM

John & Jackie ChaplinKensington Baptist Church, Bristol; Golden Cross Chapel, East Sussex

Marie (17/2/88); Joshua (18/11/94); Rebekah (6/1/96); Daniel (18/3/99)

John is the AIM Inter-national HIV/AIDS

consultant advising and encouraging a Christian response to AIDS within the mission and partner churches in Africa. He is based in Bristol but travels regularly to Africa. Jackie does Bible study, mentor-ing and counselling among women in Bristol while being in regular contact with those she worked with in Nairobi, encouraging and advising them in their ladies ministry.

Paul & Margo ShaddickBradley Stoke Evangelical Church, Bristol

Christopher (18/9/91); Emma (15/8/93); Luke (15/5/03); Eliana (22/7/05); Hannah (9/3/08)

Paul coordinates IT for AIM. He is responsible

for systems which serve the whole organisation and provides technical support to offices in Bristol and in Africa. Paul is also a church elder and a member of the trustee boards of Wycliffe Bible Translators UK and Redcliffe College, a mission training college in Glouc-ester. Margo is primarily responsible for taking care of the home and their three younger children but also runs a church toddler group. paul.shaddick@lagoyu

International Office

Luke & Jenny HerrinLuke is International Director

Gregg & Karen LewisGregg is Office Manager and Karen is Director of Personnel

Pattie PhillipsAssociate Director of Personnel

Anna De-jaegherBookkeeper

Jenny MorganPersonnel Assistant

Paul Ever-inghamChief Finance Officer

AIM’s International Office is responsible for overseeing the organisation’s entire

ministry around the world.

AIM International Office37 Alexandra ParkRedlandBristol BS6 6QB

The board of trustees


Page 27: People and Places 2014

Allwright, S . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Barry, J & S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Bernales, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Birtwistle, A . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Boks, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Bonvallat, G & M . . . . . . . . 25Box, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Burns, K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Campbell, I & E . . . . . . . . . 26Campbell, M. . . . . . . . . . . . 8Chaplin, J & J . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Chard, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Coggins, H . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Cooke, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Cousins, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Currie, E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Davies, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Davies, R & B . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dejaegher, A . . . . . . . . . . . 26de Leeuw, A & C . . . . . . . . . 17Dieleman, L . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Dijkstra, B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Dixon, M & A . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Duff, N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Everingham, P . . . . . . . . . 26

French, S & S . . . . . . . . . . . 11Fursdon, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Gibson, J & C . . . . . . . . . . . 9Glass, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Goldschmidt, J . . . . . . . . . 6Grier, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Halestrap, P & L. . . . . . . . . 12Harborne, D & N. . . . . . . . . 9Heaton, T & B. . . . . . . . . . . . 17Hellemann, A. . . . . . . . . . . 10Herrin, L & J . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hewerdine, A. . . . . . . . . . . 24Hofmann, J & K. . . . . . . . . . 21Hornung, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Howard, B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Hubregtse, W. . . . . . . . . . . 8Hutchison, E. . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Jones, N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Kloninger, A . . . . . . . . . . . 13Koch, M & J . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Kong, D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Lambrechts, L & N . . . . . . 6Lancaster, S & R . . . . . . . . . 10Lewis, G & K . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Limburger, N . . . . . . . . . . . 6Linley, M & K . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Lister, C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Luder, P-A & E . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Maader, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Mackenzie, J. . . . . . . . . . . . 5Maclure, P & S . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Mallett, G & E . . . . . . . . . . . 18Mann, B & H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Matthews, T . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Mayhew, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13McCorkell, W & R . . . . . . . . 17Mende, K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Meyer, S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Michel, I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Middendorf, C . . . . . . . . . . 17Morgan, Jenny . . . . . . . . . 26Morgan, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Morrison, D . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Mueller, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Noble, R & L . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Oyugi, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Perbet, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Phillips, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Phippen, M & B. . . . . . . . . . 13Power, C & S . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Prior, P & M . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Pugh, O & M . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Quellmalz, K . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Reed, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Reich, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Rettie, R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Root, P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Rossington, B & J . . . . . . . . 21

Schenk, E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Shaddick, P & M . . . . . . . . . 26Short, G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Stenger, T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Swanson, T & C . . . . . . . . . 10

Waddell, K . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Weddell, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Whitehouse, Z . . . . . . . . . . 8Widmer, A & J . . . . . . . . . . . 16Wiggett, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Williamson, S & L . . . . . . . . 18Wilson, P & K . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Wood, T & B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Those whose surnames are not included:

Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Heather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Kirsty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Simon & Leanne. . . . . . . . . 14

IndexRetired membersTimothy & Pansy Alford (UK Office)

Herbert & Ruth Andersen (Kenya)

Dick & Joan Anderson

(Kenya & International Office)

Mike & Joan Barfoot (Kenya)

John & Carol Cartmell (UK Office)

Lois Clark (Uganda, Indian Ocean & Marseille)

Molly Coventry (Kenya & Uganda)

Violet Culliford (Kenya & Indian Ocean)

Colin & Joy Densham (Kenya)

Charles & Beryl Eaves (Kenya)

Keith & Margaret Ferdinando (Rwanda & DR Congo)

Elisabeth Farrant – née Struthers (Kenya, UK Office)

Neville Frith (Kenya & UK Office)

Angela Godfrey (Kenya & UK Office)

Serge & Catherine Gutierrez (Chad & France)

Desmond & Virginia Hales (Kenya)

Brian Hillman (Kenya)

Veronica Hindle (Kenya)

Betty Horton (UK Office)

Anne Houghton (Uganda)

Beryl Ikin (Kenya)

Irene Jackson (Namibia)

Julian & Rachel Jackson (Kenya)

Sheila Jones (Kenya, Congo & Indian Ocean)

Isobel Kempsell (Kenya & Uganda)

Muriel Knight (Ireland Office)

Jan King (Sudan)

Mary Lucking (Kenya)

Elizabeth Macaulay (Madagascar)

Katie MacKinnon (Kenya & Mozambique)

Neville & Judy Marston (Seychelles)

Tom & Muriel Mayo (Uganda, Kenya & UK Office)

Gordon & Grace McCullough (Uganda & UK Office)

Julie Mercer (Indian Ocean Islands)

Sue Merriman (Kenya & Lesotho)

Ken & Anne Mizon (UK Office & Uganda)

Colin & Christine Molyneux (DRC, Chad, Kenya, Madagascar & UK Office)

Maureen Moore (Uganda)

John & Anne O’Connell (Kenya, Uganda)

Georgie Orme (Kenya)

Gill Reitsma (Kenya & Sudan)

Bill Rettie (Kenya & UK Office)

Joyce Richardson (Congo)

Anneke & Enno Riemersma (Dutch Office)

Vera Russell (Kenya & Australia)

Rose Schwarz (Kenya)

Rosemary Scott (Kenya & International Office)

David Sercombe (Congo & UK Office)

Netty Sinclair (Kenya)

Helen Smith (Kenya & UK Office)

Nigel & Rowena Stapleton (Uganda & UK Office)

Pauline Sweeney (Kenya)

Janny van der Klis (Kenya, Namibia & Chad)

Jan Walkinshaw (Tanzania)

Maurice & Joan Wheatley (Kenya, UK Office, International Office & Chad)

Mary Wilson (Kenya)


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European headquartersAim InternationalHalifax PlaceNottingham NG1 1QNUnited Kingdom0115 9838 [email protected]

Africa Inland Mission International, a company limited by guarantee (04598557), a registered charity in England and Wales (1096364) and a charity registered in Scotland (SC037594) Registered Office: Halifax Place Nottingham NG1 1QN.

Netherlands [email protected]

France [email protected]

Scotland0845 270 [email protected]

South England/Wales0845 270 [email protected]

Ireland0845 270 [email protected]

North England/Wales0845 270 [email protected]

Synergy is Africa Inland Mission’s short-term programme that offers anyone over the age of 18 the opportunity

to get involved with cross-cultural mission in Africa. There are many different opportunities to serve from 3 to 12 months.

“There’s nothing quite like travelling to a totally different culture and seeing

the love of Jesus working through the hands of a couple of

Rendille men.”Steve Titterton

Synergy in Kenya 2013-14

Steve Titterton is currently living alongside the Rendille people in Korr, Northern Kenya.

Steve is teaching in the local primary school and seeking out opportunities to disciple others. Visit Steve’s blog: