pennsylvania newspaper archive

lIIM ~ % A. 12 Esiointer, . Cleveland and Pittelairgh Railroad. The Reoeiver of. the Cleveland and Pitts- . burgh Railroad Company gives notice that the .._ assets of the company are in hie hands, sub- -: jeet, to the direction of the United8 tateiCourt for the Northern District ofOhio ; that by the orders of the Coon Couitno porthin of the earnings -":' of of the - road can be applied to the payment of Company. All the earnings, after paying op- -.-: mating expenses, rent and mortgage interest, .-... will be applied to the principal of those debts ;;which are due and secured, amounting at the .:- resent time to about a million of dollars., - The accrued interest on the throe old Mort- . 1 Amps has 'all been provided for from the earn- , 1 ...- - r'inga of the road, and the next interest .to be ; ..... paid is on the funded debt mortgage . bonds 1 ',. +(given in exchange for the nuseauyed indtbG 'edneas,)'on the lit day ofjuly, /862. The ,-, kolder,a of the' river bonds, dividend bonds, ineome bonds and bills payable, who lowa not yet accepted the terms of compromise ;If- ' AM them, with the approval of the Court, are notiAed to exchange their bonds and notes before the 26th day of . June, 1862, or they will not be entitled to redeye any portion of , hecome Interesprotmise. tobe paid to those . who accept The new bomb can be obtained . ia exehange . for any unsecured indebtedness, at the office of the Company, In Cleveland, or, at No. 25 William street, New York City, of R. C. .Kingsley. ' ' -gilled on the Railroad. On Thursday last, the Bth instant, a boy named Andrew:Topper, son of thilat• Josiah .Topper,-.431 Youngstown, iru run over onthe Pennsylvania' railroad, near Rerrod' a Cross-- ing, about three-fourths mile west of Derry yStation, Westmreland ing the last eighteen o months, he had been liring with 31r. -Renry Sledge., flf_, Unity township: Oil Rinds, the bth lust. 7 he left 7- home, and was wandering through the county anti/ the time of his death. As engine No. 237 was pissing the abbve point, the deceased was- observed lying on the truth, with his right leg horribly mutilated, two of the-toes Of the left' toot cut off, and his head cat and brulsed to a considerable extent. The aaai- -.dent occurred about 2 o'clock p. - m. and he lingered until 9 p. m., whet death pa an end Z 9 his sufferings. - - . Smolt lip, on the Railroad. The fait train' on the Permsylvanii Hail- ,: 'toad - idea at Harrisburg on Monday:afternoon, ----Eva Philadelphia, ran over &cow three miles 'Mow Elizabethtown, and was badly. wreokaL foritostpassengir car instantly ciareenal, snA with its living cargo of humanity landed side uPwards about two yards from the track. The 'Second car was made assume asame- ; what vertical position, the' platforin being 'Ainiost - cfarried away, though none of th• own- paw* were hiirt. The sleeping car remained standing on the track uninjured. ell thepal- ._ :singers in the fltercar were _rescued, more or Jess frightened, with some five, Cr misCwrere •Ciats*boat the head and face, though -nobs- , Ths conductor or the train (Mr: err Plitt) received •• contusion on the left side of-the bead. - ~ ..City. Id ortatity:. .-. me numbee - cif deaths In this oily, !Avila May 2d to May 10th; a;r:raPorted by Di. A. G. McCandless, ?I:yob:hurt* the Board Of . _ Health, Is as follows :.7 -, .••-• Males 6 Adults .... ' Femaler... 4.1 Childien.:. 7 I - LO/ 1 . 1 .......... / 0 The diseases wero--Disease ofthe heart, 1; Asthma, 1; disease of the lungs 1-;" Spasms, -1; mmghstion of braia,'-ly.pbeutimula, 1; premature birth,!; small ; araohni- I ; rubcolbs. 1. RIIXORZD largarearzu4r or Fasuca sin leutraD has caused much summetion iu.diploroatio circles, and people_sro.. begin. nhig to Inquire If we can fight them both. Be bay,i>iis unit one feat "eitablisbodi and that is that Ca rnahan, the we/l-known clothier and pershaat tailor, Federal street; below-the Diamond, Allegheny city; I...prepared, with a very heavy stockmtseasortablegoods, to sup- ma at/swamis, for cash onlyo with the very best qualitiei of &Amalgam for 4,tlfaild or Call and be convinced; -• I . - . Ours or'Carr. W:H.7I3ItoWL—We-regrot to . ..Um:mos dhe . death of Capt. W. H. Brown, of Co. IT,, 6.3 d regiment, eldest son of. M. B; .• Brown,'Beg. His parents bad goat, to For- tress Monroefor the purpose og bringing Mu' borne, and had rasolumi-liarriebarg, where he died yesterday afterntion..- The time of the fanarai-trill be annonneeti this afternoon: ., . . - ...4.ljutoit-Xiir teor. -- Jola lfing, a. 'pod lialciti plan rsaldlas la Welsid -olotaty,- 111, Was shot bu Saturday last, while out in dm woods; bb a - rebel marauder. Ea was 'hot , la thelilp, and It 111 thought. his will mover. _.,. 14.11107X7 07 t 2t11107. WAS .ranerday artestet brills Mayor's path*, aad committed to jail to aaswor for the tarylay of watt& from Mr. H. Vaaroorhes. ' . Glt!ro from 50 matt to $l,OO sliest With all books-1171d Id 118 Wood Orsoot, comer of Path stmt. - - Arrasorros.—Don'tfall to oall at store -of our friend J. M. Burttotteil. the itrire is daily crOviled, eiitir.liolies anxious re itimare soaks of - the - bargains biris - &Wing"; - be hat JQat opened Black Oround Embroidered G44- *dines for 123.C:worth . DIED: zunrurri.,." is—on Woinaatai - mon* 'fiat.; at * SABAII 4 ID gek- Innezal will Wen AP aea laxoar, Jut.; 1110 9744_ Pm. from tito itithiesc* of w.P?"4 . pleimusisoas.4....daryikw lielgAton nend;noo oilirktnnelidge, to ygoeeng to wugla. gh.s.y. Ta. moo* mem. tatokfatataattaa to attapo. clatr. law*, , r4 l l leo* Allegheny makoao it 83i 180W11.4te-threlehory. 7Andelseiihr a Mir- -1:144/ i th1 4 ,14 t r, AP ei g (41PL Ma n 4 ,P6l, .44.017.06/itOstIO6IPIPOI:•:4%.,, E=Siti •!ntlarnikit :MORNING, MAY 15, CITY AFF.II4 mrorrictz '4 , Prit or rrac am. lifirrsosoutt. vatnravartors . 'for th• .Gifsmste, by a. F. Shaw, Optialaa; 66 Fifth strati_4o- lueted daily: 111- Icy Is SiIADM. 1062 cd 67 -- 00 69 .: 29 6-10 _Great Fireee the, Mountains. The Harrisburg.papers notice a great fire prevaillig in the Blue Mountain. A gentle- -•• tVtA who visited the the deseribes it as P'sw , ftdl7 grand and sublime." Aleoough several r , Mille distant from that city, the smoke had the _atmosphere a murky bee, and the ;min 'could be viewed steadily with the naked .eye as through smoked glass. Pram the summirto the base of the Mame- tato, there was one massive skeet of fiarne, which consumed everything before it with as- tonishing rapidity. Lt had already; swept .• over and cleared a space Of two or three bun- ,' -deed acres, mid unless a heavy rain sets in its 'duration_ promises to be for an indefinite ...period. - Fortunately it is in a locality where shire are little or no impromments, and it is thought that the Ilanies performed a valuable '7 servicei rather than injury, In clearing the '.• soil ..mauttain for 6nel -tattoo, - The view of the burning at night ls• beautiful beyoad. de- - A Wheelirigiiapor states that the mountain along the nue ofthe Baltimore and Ohio Bail- soad,-from Cranberry Summit almost to Pied-- _moat, amen fire. At night the-light land- . MI enables one to see almost as plxas in . -=-•daylight.; - The fire finds it, way to !CM tops ' of pine - trees', from seventy to one hundred -; - feet sad throes °oat A brilliant light , . over high , Mountains. These fires occur almost evespring, and originate '. from . buzniug `every, to which efenuers'set fire ln elver- ingnew. land: At ; this time grist danger is- ..ltPeralummee that the fences will be-burned, and-hundreds of those interested are fighting - - ;the llamas. - .• The'Brusb Mountain, opposite Blair mace, has been on lire for some time, and the mountain west of Tyrone city is also reported in dames. Much valuable property has been destroyed, including cord wood, fences, etc. -• _ , k t ILLL.LtD. . J. 0. Earl, P. RAM, 3. 8. Dearing, J. GLuityger. Captain Jacob Brim, Lieut. M. Miller, &Meant W. P. Corporal D. O. Young; Lieutenant Dentdeton, JohnDuck, 8.m.m.8..a. X Lutton. David M.Euerdi, Thomas Erriar, Cenral Croft, Jolla Campbal,laralon J. hloritgomez7. CorPoialtalheirt, Nchnieder, iilaistdrot Jose " ph Ind day A. 8. Kellar 31. D. Holmes. W. oolsmye W. Ekbl., C. P. woo d y , C. Frank. Bank Note Quotations, Corrected especially for the Gazette 137 )desire. Feld & Lire.' of . th e National Bank. Note Reporter. Rates t ' incertain at present: . rtrniromin. Ey 14.1862. Disemai. Now England Mahe.. South Darkens- Co sal. New-York State..--. ;Virginia. Vnuerg 2 New. City- -.-, periWbeeling bathe.... 3 New Jersey....-....n..: .XiVirgin 5uet....... Co We Peru.. cPu h11z.)......... par: North Carolina..-. no tale Penna. Plttsbnrh)- paritleorgia --. notate Penna. ( harlot).- ... , 4 Alabants....---.. Dale Dslaware....- .-...: Lontslana -.-...- Deals I Dist. or Colmn . b .la.- Kentucky ---... X Maryland. Baltimore. par Tennant,' ---- negate Umyland, Interior.- 2 Ohio -.. ..._ par lowa ---.... 1 Indiana: fres..-- 3 Kichlgan...... "----......_ 1 Indiana, bit mate. par Ililasooti-.---...--6210 Illinois-. ......WO 31160 The above rehear. basedopen bankable:finds and not for cola. xclums-BeDin ra manargsta7:, on N o 1w -York itild Phil Is hankoblo tondo The Manchester Railway. ' The . Directors of the Manohester Passenger Railway'Fompany have determined to coatis- arpthe double treat from the Diamond, Al- legheny, to Bagaley's lane, this presenting a 'Continuous double track from this city to a point near tire western line of Allegheny, The timber is now being Plioed on the ground, and, the work of tracklaying will be com- menced this week.' This improiement will enable the company to make quicker time over that part of the road upon which most of their business Iles, and will of course be duly Appreciated by their Patrons. We are pleased to not* this evidence of . prosperity and enterprise on the part of the company, ler, Aitad Tau. Company B, 3d cavalry ; G. P. Bab- cok, Comyany Bsd L. A. Babson, 3d cavalry ;W. H. Thompson; Company B, 83d; CharlesEvans, Com- pany D, 83d; Francis Banips, Company 8, 83 d ; J. Hotrmah, 11.S CoMpiny .898; JoannDotiogao, Company PE, 62d; E. lisocnaCompanyD, 83d ; Thomas Atkin, Company 8, -83d ; Thomas H. Banger. Company 0, 62d: Byron Smith. Company P. 113 d; Mod B. Barn- hart. OomPao7 D• 68d. - AT 11 : 111T?117.1117 MUM TIOSTITAL. Wozdan linntly; goinpan;ilC, 83d. John cr. Ikea, Coinpinrii, 83d, %wenn, Pa. Nelson W. Carlton, Dardan'a PharPshoohnu : Ed. win Bkhaygoon," Dardto's Sharpthootan ; ADM Tito, Company 8,3 d cavalry ;"*. &Moon; Company A. 83d; C. P. Jones, Company P, WM; W. Waters, 00 . 0PukT b ad 00411 7; Pt. Bumf an,"Cmpany D, 83d; Thomas Pughman, Company Cr, 83d; Samuel Gal. dna, ComPser Er ' 3. 1 00 ; U. H. Milani, cos- kapy 8, Pal; Richard- Darla Oanpany D, 0 •Ponto,r, onappy De„B3d;- ..r. P. Winner, Company ' . 1 t.. -41 avalrii, A. 0.-,Dulia%C•ooP(oo B ." 1. ' . spECIAL NOTICES. - . asst. bargains in Carpet,, Oil Cloths, in, at J. Finch's Great Western Carpet Rouse, corner of Grantand Fifth streets, opposite the Court honse.'. , Movhig day is now past, and we should suppose that _there is no person who has moved but - would need some of the above goods, and as it is of interest to the public to know where to get everything la the Carpet aintoll,7oloth Jinn, good and-cheap, We would unhesitatingly say—Go to the Grant Western Carpet Ilonse. That is the only house that we knosvgives such bargains. A new lot will Wei opened this morning. Call and examine them. lieti and'Wounded 'in Capt. Cpmpany. The most painful anxiety has been mini- fe stetbaniOngthe- frienils et lifose men cum- posing the II: Capt Mass, who ari ittaaltedto_the Web ,ExAelsior gad. and Who - werit in- the battle burg._ No,sails&Utory. list of the killed. and . wounded has heretofore'beCepubliihed.- hay* jolt been showullinirate letter written . by thipt. John P. Glass, to,a. member of his family in this city, in which he states that their brigade war terribly cut up, and the' regiment to which they are attached lost, in killed, wounded And inbesing, twenty-two per cent.. In kis own nompanylbc casualties are air follown ' - •, - Sergeant, John M.-Palton, Pittsburgh, killed. William Speith, killed. 'Gems John .I.lfernarr.wounded. . B. AileghenY, ,wouidea• Al.itattutley, Pittsburgbi . mlhlng. The above• are' an -the' neineir- which Gliss enameritesibut Ifsf..telegraphed us . on Sundaj last; the zanier of 'Lfitut.,,De Zouche and Joint Verner maxi Among the woundid. referring to the muster roltotithe cow= pane, published our -Taper:at:the tiMe of their departures we 'find- . 24 ".Stirgt..'P..: pc! Zomba; and pnratrilir:De Cori &rid A.. 1": Verner Rind - .Private - James Ver. net; but no John I. Verneri-Ao written-1)Y Capt. Gloss. The name. of. Wm. Speith, who was . kilit4 and George pond, - who was Mot-. tally wounded, do not -iippearupon the master roll,, and they may not belong wails city. It Will be seen that Mr. Itarnaley is the only; man Be u & Non of Mr. J. llamaley, ,. of Seventh 'street, and was formerly employed or a Compositor' Oho. A, the letter, wal written inisisecilatelj after : Mie , battle, he May hivrainco, .that turned uri-7.orit iwebabie' A/Ift been . taken Prisoner. - Cep( :Glair, Wi'are, pleased to stile; eloped, unharmed.' : Ill' WAS acting; Limit. Colonel of, the regiment during the battle, and speaks in: the highseti tortes- of the daring and brayer,: of hie men. They rushed into the battle with the Most &Anti* :yells andfought gloriously, although the shells of ' the enemy were burst- ing all around them.' Rintoran.--SainaeU Graham, Merchant Gofe.lutcrumoYed_to_No. ad Market street, one door from Third .street, and has Just re- Oeived blo second eupply of Spring and Su ..nier Goods, consisting- of the latest styles pf cloths, cassinieres and Vestingi, selected fro m the latest impotftatiena. , Gantlehuin desiring their olothing made up to lit theta,and at 20 per coot. lees than at say other Merchant Tai- lor store , in the city, would do well to give him an early eall, as his motto is "qtash ages and small prate." Peanz oneamiCtorennicz.'. - Nee irce . hicCiee k Co. corner of Federal - street ind Di . Jnzindzqtut . cif; Allegheny, hare Only earned the •Dame of -fayfhlonable. Clothier'. Their supply of Spring Ind Summer goods are ' of the latest itykie.- All th ei r clothing is made up under dlnsotlon, and is war- rantrito Si their anatomists: In 'pricer they are bound not to be undersold by , an,y other establlehtuiont.::l}lv:thein'indst"'l4d Judge far yoareeit We g tats ntst coir[yon a good .V.llOlll 4'02 SOLD /W: ..-.ThrOUghout the In- diiii4ndVrimean Osumaigns, the only medi- cines- .which theme Mrs• Able to can I.l*itoistaises Diiiatery,lloamand Fe- vor,-Were lippomnric'Mr,,mttr.Ointtnent.' Therefore let every 'Soltin6Cor' se• thiti halt supplied with..them, , Only :20 cents per pot or box. - WK. POl4l/414 Carpenter and Joiner, Job- bing Shop Virgin 'alley, between Salthlield street and ,Cherry bandy of House' done 01 short notice and in work- manlike wanner.. Charges moderate.. Lame; your orders,. All wrdert proniptly. attended: - - °NAM'S CALLS will be :taken . at Runt's Book Store, Masonic' Ball, it iltt street, and at the Omnibus office, N 0.405, Liberty street. Day or night, all orders left in either the two. pieces willbe p promtly attended to. „,_ C ~Ne! . A w Roes Caaareoz.--The Rope Fire pasji-of - the` Past Ward, Allegheny, which has been organised but a ea time mostrt . , bids fair to become one of the M. , ergot's and effeaties oompaniee , iti':our sister atty. They hive received Nils philadelphis. 11110 hiss Cli tb iiitible, agii: 7 ply of hose Will -bit 4430.,.gdinta..1111r7j0e immediately. .-Ettiy:,hipe soon to have a eon. Tenient and oomfortabfe house, and the citi. sans of the ward, together with the Commit** ODFire Engines and Rea, should reader them 1 all the aid and - assistance possible: 1 Doirroa Baia, Water Careand, Homo- pattde Phis!elan.; tar Rainbow'r celebrated Tram: for :Rup: "Ocrtner of Penn and yfayne strati— J. Priam; aornar of fltaitt,idkt,Di , stregts, commenced this "morning ; ' r .tto olpsi.Out black and fang Dress Silks at. linnet''. "rsdnoed price $. attenDo ej nsrier.—Dr. C. 8111, 210.148 Rio st., do # I . l. l niaebes of .tko Dental profes- Coersor,Hoix.-4"htter reeeirod, from W. U.Denniston, of the'rriimiltiffire;tieder data of Mey sth, Atates...that angler, ,Maut. Yranos Demulst.on, intended to start for home isad& pr two:. Be received a bullet 'mad In -the araribit, wow tha "vitt - aud'illbowi bet Ads will not &nut him fruit L2Nsi , y OD* pure at is eat ties Auden, at , BarkerA C 0.., 69 Kukla': street. Ufa aril': be sold °bap. lilATEJ;;Akailot ,Mito, to arrns .4../ke. ado bi—: 66,1 - RUTIIIIII,IIIIIItOB. ' r s. .., ._.___.___,_ 7 ._............ i............. . ~... PEOLDISIMIDAtIi -BUNN . GAZETTE. " ...." , Hittite :..of inllitinsithittlf. ''' ' ~.'• ' -,- , ' ~ ._,-: . ' . '- The following' letteils front - Caporal Win ttil, flirek.'-eittil- lillic - 7reded Petuasylva7 ' /L.Palinitr, of the Friend Eines, to its brother titans et Phillidelphits.-A Complete _List of their Names. . ---, - in this city: ' - '.• . . . . ..,„ _, ,;,. - . Mane or Tile Bard., Tina, The ship.Oetien Queen Arrlve2"'°' ' to * Near 'Williamsburg, May 6th, 1862.1 on ,Friday, banging 800 sick and ,wounded Dials Baornza : Having an opportunity of abtal46 - from the Virgitia Peninsula.. One sending you a few lines by one of the signal hundred and forty-five of the evierersle- o°tPt, / will embrace it, although the news I have to relate is gad. ton ged to Pennl Ylviuth re glitent3, end, °° We have Imen in a not in which'l went in - their arrival at New York being, known, Goy. and came out a ll v4144110 only evident,* of Curtin immediately dispatched Gen. Irwin, which I hese to show is where a buck shot through the leg of In* pantaloons. Col., Lees, and Wm. b. Moore to .provide for. lofted - Rot having time now I cannot give you the their Comfort, and . have them . meet .16 pla t . full particulars of 'the light, nor even of the delphis.- ' The following is Womplete list of loss our own company I sustained, but will do the Pennsylvanians : ..•.. . . -so as soon as I can les; in th e loss. Robert D. Hide, 95th, wounded, ' Philadelphia. On last Sunday we h g learned the rebels Joia.D. flallovray, 3d cayalm, - trg fever, Phil,. . had evacuated Yorktown, were ordered to XIV. 0: Nutting. MA, neural Brimusville. ; ,pursue them. Our di on (Hooker's) took, PrecTlVolf, 6191, typhoid fever, oTersoal chan t y.the lead. We passed ough Yorktown on OXlBowil/L'B6o, 'rounded in abdMurni lfeathille• Sunda aftarn d ceded to within y , oon, an proc . /9, T. -Bandcdf, 85th, sick, Sasertown. " A. 13.•g,,haets ah , pub , typhai fever, ph,,,,i0.,.. , frill miles of Williamsb g, where we halted John Keil.); 95th, typhoid fever, Philadelphia: for the night. We we ordered forward yes- John 8. Jeffries, -95t0; typhoid fever, Philadelphia.... tents) , morning. It co menced raining, and L. A. Day,K3d, typhoid fever, Centreville. rimed hard until this saint,The Jersey John o.'llaes, 96th, typhoid foyer, Philadelphia. v.-1-... " and ein the first to Ellialt Black, 83d, typhoid lever, Milledrevillo. - - ...gene was ahead of as 8.. B. Frew, 83d, diarvirom , simithis, ; ' engage,' the enemy. T' light commented I, Lindsay, 8&i, comp &wan, New Lebanon. ' about tae o'clock and ted until dark. The Wirt..Banimend, 93 ditYphold fever, Crawnardcounty.... enemy's * force was slim 70,000; halides theY Spencer Coulton, aki.typhold hirer, NIS Creel,- had rho advantage of s ng hatteties, antlin ' John Yeager, 831, typhoid fever, Erie county. Henry Payola*, Iliad,. typhoid fever, Geneseecounty_ front of these -works ' a wood Which they ' fatale Henke, 83d, diarrbrea, Wyneem e . , had cut down, which Eta . it It ota7 dititoolt , to Jaraohl3rayder, 03d, typhoid Saver, Erie county, : get at th --. OM. ••' '• ' Leinnelßabcock, Md,livercomplaint,Warret: coun' Ahead two o'clock tit Ist --mgiment were lkdney Palmui, Sid, chills and fere, Warren co. ,I . wau.,,,,, , 83,,,chm..., fever , 01 ,,,, , Erie .. ordered •to 'unstring' .kti patents, and prepare William Phillips,. 83d, =mpg; Ella ; .to go in . tothe -support- f the Sd regiment. 0..A. Dow, 83d, dpeistry and cold, , Beaver county. ", •We advanced through-,t fallen-timber; and D. Gray, 034, (amp fever, Waterford, Ede county, opened flit open.them. wen within about 100 A. Thornton, camp foyer and rheumatism, Erie co. WN hid 'to lie : dwn to load. After B. P. Peck, gild, camp fever, Erie enmity. ' . , Win' , Bc ot4.B 3di typhoid few, Erie irounty. .! yards. oni4ftWe ielleYs e enemy flanked us, Wm. Cochran, 834, consumption ; Crawford. : when e we wire ordcrad ttlilltteot• Firing, We E. M. Bannister,' S&L jaundice and fever; Ontario. .' retreated in gooderder, a nd fell back on ' our J. R. Shimmies, S&L inward piles and fever, Crawford, dth - and-sth - regiments,' where we Blade D. N. Kling; 834 ciarrhom and fever, Iluabsa. - _ ~.w . D .,, t, 834. kmr . d ja . ndi., Edo, Concord. stand. We fought here for SOM e time, when A. N. Belknap, 133 d, typhoid fever, Deaver. reinforcements 'tidied to iiitii assisitance..Bet-; H. B. McCurry, 02d, internal bleeding, Birmingham. fore we came out, Gan. Heintselman and stall, Joa. Barnes, 624, failing ey•adght, Clarion county.. . . -give _three times three phsers.for "Sickles' Jae. W•ir.43d, debility, Sterner county. ' ~,,_ .lirigado.” L'' C°6 " an 6214 - 8I'f4inlki beck, § ttott ' ottllict , ""too Before dark - we :captured their batteries and _Wm Itosyliim 024 typhoid four, nonigi,b,,,,..- compelled them le retmat, leaving most of K. Rya,, n en!, diarrhom, , Altoonai .• - ..: . , their dead on the field. We were on the left, WtttbE 6.4 d, bleeding lung and diarrbres„ plus- .Portor's e m u p theright. Our troops fol- lieeker; 624, dyseittry, aio, .;. lowed them up this morning- . and captured a J. W . Idel.ntosh, S&L typhoid hver, Allman, Alla great' manY.Pritigne"; . gheny. Twill-now Sifti you a list: of the killed, J. U. Watison, 62d, rh eumathon,Glarion county.- woinded and missing of Company B, Friend J: M. Watson, fad, measles, Indiana county. Rifle Guards : ,Y, Y. Bayard, 62d, liver complaint, Armstrong. , -Wm. G. Black, 624, typhoid fever,'Annstrong. W. H. Th L. Dillon, 62d, measles, Armstrong. •mnP Lentl.eva Buller! 97dr Measles. Armstrong. ' L. ti„fal, fen, Clarion. Wm. Volclough, Md. rheuxuathim, Pittsb .g urgh. WinalcCaln, 62d, dysentery and fryer, Armstrong. Wm. Turkey, cd, measles, Armstrong. JohnFleming, TM, debility, Armstrong. G. N. Ponteous, tal,- fever and debility; Armstrong. John W. Flowers, 82d, tamale, Allegheny ' Joseph Williams, 98th, camp fever, Philadelphia. Williams A. Patterson, 624, diarrhrea. Allegheny. A.M. Shoham,02d, liver complaint, chem. Ed:IL G. blatey, aid, dysentery, Jefferson. ...., ,. L. 15 %.ittLesey, 83d, typhoid ferer,,Erls. 'John Pietism,. ad. Osina), lien - - , Wm. Lindsey , Std, Wye, Hollidaysbu 'Mr= Hibienanith, 02d, typhoid feve r,_r,Armstrong. H. A. Fine, 83d, typhoid fever, Erie. Henry Gillis, 83d, fever end jaundice, Crawford. Joseph Brent, 501; Mamba:ea, Crawford, Henry Z. Willman, 112d, typhoid Barer, Yetuumo. Andrew Harriger, 82d, chili, Clarion. P. AL. Lowrey. ai, musk. andliver alfec'n, Arms's. Valentine Palmer, ezd, rheumatism, Chalice Co.. John B. Hays, eth Cavalry,„Injured, Philadelphia. Wm. It. linabold, &I Car.; Waned Oa mid disc., Philadelphia. yin Sblugler, Sd Cay., gravel and piles, Reeding. 'Jam"' ticcobet ad Ceenity. fever and chills,metair. Janie. B. Andrews, 54,ray.. rheumatism an d -----t Philadelphia. Geo. Harr* gm. billions &versed debility, Patel's.. B. A. Stewart, 83d, rheumatism and Jaundice, (pr. ford. Washington Bees, Gild, measles, Mailer. Geo. W., B. B Busman IMO, debility, Armstrong. James rown, 824:ttilialles. Asinstasa• George P. Steck, 624, rheumatism, Alleg heny city. Clarion.. Jaco B mythers, 63d, dy ry sente and thaw:lmam, •- . . James Cain, Md. rheumatism. Beaver. . :Hobert White, 62d. !glared, Waahlngton. - Alooutas Burr.uSo Mosul. 83d, Iced- and other corm, Crawford. .Thend, typhoid Wear. Claims. - , Stay W. Porter iC. rhertmathm, Cr. ' 'jlall.OLl G. Blanehard, TM, jaundice, Crawford. Lednig BeefrWilnel. diarrhoea, Allgahetly. Adad J. Bradley, 83d. kidneys affected, Crawford. 'Jacob Debra), Cr, rheumatism, Allegheny. . A. J. Johnami, SW, rbetunathan; Erie. . , . WM: McComb, 83d, typhoid 'fewer sad rheumatism, Wm. Gibbs; 624, dysenteM:Washinston. Wm. H. Campbell, B.ld, Jaandioe, Erie. John Ready, e2d, hemorrhage, Jefferson. ;3'r:Chp, John P. Harris, 83d, billion, fever, Crawford. 1, Itanda/1, gad;fever and rheumatism, Brie. 7 31111er, ilttiL typhoid Dryer, Crawford James' Plinakett,„62d, rupture, Allegheny. H. W. MB, 72d, debility Delaare. A. C. Crompton, 93th, rheumatism and fever, Phila. A. nipple, 72d, rheumatism and fiver.' Phila. Joseph Omer, 724.theurnatiem and rarer, Phila. L. J. Alexander, std scrstala, Allesßeny. - Heary.Hansounsg, 24 cavalry, pohemed. Pinta J. EL-Chammann, e2d.rhenntatiam - a . fever, Allegheny J. gleCraY, 62d. typhoid Serer a measles, artairizang. Mae. Bludealdner. md, fever and ague, Allegheny. Corporal Nugent, ad amdry, lever and ague, Phila.. James Calop4ll, Qd, Ilvar complaint.Allegheny. John Thompson, end, disease of leg;Allegbeny. Alfred / 3..Stinsmcn, 02d, Sarin., Kittanning. Bayard Smith, 83d, mullet Cranford. Orderly Beret.l. H. Penes, IJ. Delgliesh, Henry Aiken, M. H. /rein. The rut of the regiment loses heavily. OoL Dwight is a prisoner, (since dead,) Lieut. Col. Futuna badly wounded—and half the commissioned °Doers, killed and wounded. I must 'close. Phase send me all the-papers containing in accountof the battle. Address as. before. Wylie, Kiwis, Sergeant Bare, Sergeant Teunnie, myself and about twenty effective men are all we have left. I will wreto Boon. Your brother, Corporal ;8. , PALMER. Soldiers of Illinois Eigtiunt the New Constitution: CILIFORNId TO LITE TM= kEIIII2IIS. Danger of Famine in New Orleans and in Richmond. THE STEAMER NASHVILLE. *c., Se., ete [Special Dtepalch to the Gazette:] PHILADgLPRZA, Apt il 14.--The ship Wilder, which was chartered by the State . of Pennsyl- Tanis, to be need as a floating hospital at Yorktown, arrived in this';ity late last night, with one hundred and sixty irotinded soldiers, noise of them were seriously injured. The Richmond Ezaseiner, of nay lit, has the following announcement : "The Earl of , Dunmore, who run the blockade in the steamer 1 Nashville, on her last inward trip, arrived in this city on Tuesday, aed is stopping at the Exchange hotel. ' The Earl will spend a few days in Rich- mond and then:have for Canada by way of . Fortress Monroe: : Ile says the Nashville brought In twenty tons of powder, seven thoimindrifies, and a great number of blank- eta and shoes, Win our . Government permit llinl4Ockedo, ruining 'Barite nee our flag of trues for his convenience 7' - . - Confederate money', le refused ill\ Norfolk, and United States Treasury notes are above 'per In Richmond:, . •- :: Government boats are making regular trip to the city oUnculbli ' , - . . Passes arena yet allowed, except to per- sons haring special business at that place. - The Military Committee of the &mato, yes! terday, reported that they visited. the battle Said at laesMille, 44d, aittir the failest en- quiry the oircumstftreokr ef the case would ad- mit, are fully,satistitt‘tilat theailarao against Gait. Smith of drunkennosi is: without , foun- dation, and unsupported -by. theslightest evi- dence. They furthef say thaf he ie one of the first officers of hileranir,alWays ready and able to perform proniptly any‘duty assigned Soithern Caitrino, lifay 2likums Cairo dispatch, from Fort Wright, at noon; yester- day, gays : A -rebel tug has this moment rounded the point to reconnoiter. . Everything seems to, indicate renewed no- tivfly. Both aides were expecting an attaelt . momentarily. A deserter came "on board the flag boat Benton, yesterday, and -, states....that therebel ram, in the engagement of &Emden- was not sunk, as reported, but was terribly shattered. Our gunners undoubtedly -tired; most - of their shots above the water line, as they struck where the ram was heavily plated. _Experi- enced naval men are of the opinion had the same number of shots been fired at the water . line or below, it Would heir& sent every rebel craft to the . bottom. Tho deserter reported- that the ;abet fleet Jay off the forts busily en- gaged In repairing dainages, promising faith- tally to return in exactly forty-eight beefs. Faom Pll7/BBURCOL-4t is not expected that an attack would be made on the enenty'sph, mitten for several days. Oar siege guns,. are not in position. Gen. Lialleck is still advancing cautiously, fortifying as he sulvances. All his movements are predicated on the supposition that 'the enemy are in large force:at Corinth, and that he intends "makinga stand; Grand Junction, being fortified by Beauregard with the evi- dent intention of failing back there if beaten at Corinth: The number of the enemy's troops is esti- mated at lialleck's headquarters at from 120,000 t0'170,000. The Memphis paptirs, bf the 11th, received a dispatch from llatches, stating that.the Federal fleet bad returned to New Orleans. The Appeal, 'commenting upon the growing disposition on the part of eitizens to refuse Confederate notes, charaoterizes tho parties. as traitors. . The 2S-ihuns '& 4 r - ergot:dent `}says: The statement industrießtlyiirculatea that a num- ber of Dlinois.Regizitahts have 'did almost unanimously -for rind new Cenatitution to wholly, untrue. Ithvatt set afloat in order to discourage opposition to the instrument. The two. regiments + the Potomac, the Bth cavalry and 39th Wintry, are understootfo be unanimous agningt it. Letters from Springfield say thattthete is a high probability that It will defeated,lthenellifying section thirty, of article twoLaid the extraordinary clause, giving Jestiods qf thiPeace authority -to imprison-eitixens for I,tilirty days,,without appeal, being extremely Unpopular. A delegation from Columbus, Phi°, urged the claims' of that place rye a she fora Na- tional Armory before the Military Committee of the House to-day. The Judiciary Committee of the Rouse hitie agreed to reportin favors of the adids- slon of the.third member from California. In New Orleans there i.; imminent delver of a famine, and in Richmond, the headquar- ters of the rebellion, alb necessaries of life are almost beyond the ream of the-poorer classes. So much for SecessionX The-,House Commit*havi two bilk ready, one 4in 'eontiscatiop arid' the other on slavery. The Smite blelesff-Corkifillee On - this subject have had one or two niietings, and it ie cer- tain that It wilt report an effectlie bill to the Senate.' It will piobabitanthorixe the Pres- ident to selre the property of a- rebel without trial, and , to hold it tamporarily,-but will also Provide fora jury trial before the question is -conclusively. decided: Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, left Old Point lest evening, and arrived here to-d ay He expresses the opinion that the rebels wil evacuate Richmond without trying the chances of a pitched battle. Esit tatctr the 1/lacerall'inall it is seldom Let- ter performed, and rarely, ifever, put upon the stage in so superiors manner. The-medusa= foal erects, and some of the soenery, arebeatiL tiful, which reflects great credit on lianager. Henderson, who has given his undivided at: tuition to the reproduction of this moist popu_ .. lar drama. The lash scene, where Eva ascends among the angels, ie entirely original with the man- agement, and oerfainly very attractive. A light airy -cloud is made to part, by two scenes being gradually hibiled off to very slow and . harmonious music. Eva, dressed in pure white, is discovered just behind the and by some mechanical contrivance she is made to gradually ascend' an brained plane to the distance of forty feet, while a number of angel-like forme are slowly moved from the wings, who, together with Uncle Tom and Bt. Clair, stand motionless as marble statuary, with hands uplifted, poll:LC.23g to Eva. The street is grand, and elicits the approbation of . all who see it. But we have neither time nor space to ar- ticularise-further. Those who would spend a pleasant evening should visit the Theatre now, while this great moral drama is being formed. It is piece which has received the sanction of the clergy in the east, and has met with more unbounded imams than any written drama since' the days of Shakspeare. E EDMIINDSON 4 1.10., The same journal tayi. the only cendition . upon which the people of the South will ac., eept peace is the rimognition of the indeptind- emit,. not only of dominos: States, but orevery _border State whose people desire alliance with the Conte:ler:toy.. ' The, following dispatches are taken from rr The rovost Marshal of Memphin has or: 'direct' the arrest of all persons refusing to take Confederate money in payment of goods. The -Memphis...4p m / of the Ilth 'says: We have eartainintelligence which states thiit Rana* loit over tivethousand men by desert, tion,lhe eountry.between Tennessee ricer and Kentucky being full of them; The whole or the 40th Ohio 'deserted or disbanded on. the 7th, and, numbers of-Kentuckians-and hlis- aourians followed their example, in csoasa-: qaence of disaffection produced by the late anti-slavery movement in Congress. A report from Little Rock states that Gen., Curtis' division of ft:GP:Aare' army has nom-. inacoed a march upon the Capital of Arkan- sas. Gen. Steele is marching on the same point from Pocahontas. . Thefollowing official dispatches 'have been published: - From Batesville, Arkansas. Sr. Loma, May 14.—The correspondence of the St. Lonis Democrat; dated SatitsVille;-.4r-' Gen.aD da v l ea y nlotGhe - n s ; tidt aisb o th h i st divpsono n-and two.of Gen. Steele's-regiments, left here - to-. day for the North:- An -adegnate force is still here, however, for operations in this diree- eon. Our advanoe, under ben. OsterhowsTerossed the White river on the Bth, and took the road to Little:Reck, the capital, of the State. As many as 150 persons per djiy,have come forward and taken the oath of Allegiance, embracing j u dgesoninisters; and ninny . rif the most influential citizens. PM:Sentiment of therple is rapidly becoming . More and more loy The'newi of ouroccupation-Or this Piaott was received by Goy. Rector, at Little Rock, ou thobth, and produced great excitement.' Some of the citizens rulvized, peace; 'while others were rampant for defending the city to the het extremity. - nApthe folltig' day, the Governbi lensed -a prodamation 'galling on the State"' militia to repairjun:4oll4oy to the Capital, to repel the - Six thousand .Texan 'Angers were- daily ex- pedal at Little - Rock, hitt they were under or , dent for 'Corinth.. , Gierilla 'Tends' are beiog ionized in some seellentri Jorge ' mobs may be musterednt , 'the county iteats,lnt-no serious obstacles t o; our advance are feared. Albert Pike, at laSt accounts, was inn:camped at Baggy 'llepot; one hundred . Miles south:. west of Fortßmith. .11sea.7, drh., May 10.—The enemy, are re- potted tohave been a tAngastaijickson mat. ty. They took possession of all the ootton in. the neighbrirbood. ThAs are'rePortidlit con- siderable 'force at . .lacksonport and Batesville. Their destination is unknown. They are se.' ported to -bel,ooo or 10,000_ strong. - •-' Seventeen hundred ; boles of cotto n Were Earned herd, to-day. the terrible thrash_ : ins adtautlihned to Pope's eonamand; Tester- day; by price and Pan Dorn, we've had no farther.demonstration. Matte rs are word- Ingly quiet this morning. The following chanteteristio-message from -Jeff. Tho-nipiolfhas been,published,: Fort \ May 10.L..-Wo Missourians concluded to celebrate . to-ibiy, as !tbe anniver- sary ofthe Campjaekson massacre. IVe have shown the enemy that we . :gill own thekris- stsalppi river a nd; can ninths blockade when- ever,we Choose. We gave them a few bullets this morning to show them nor power. - After a hatilsothe scriinnusge-cf thirty minutes are bitsired down the river,,with two. and eight slightly wounded. Oar . officers Are all Safe:. Our gunboats arweninjare,d.-- All from the Commodore down . tp the powder bey th: bayed like soldiers commen.' ' 'l` ..ThC.A.Ppecsi publishes this dypatoli without WHIM , CONGREBB.-1/1118T BESSION,I 98 ASO 98 Ti3IRDRIM?, lust reosired so 'moats* stock of WALL PAPZBB, BOILDSRS. OYHOLgTXBIX&.OOOL* ' SATIN NIS LAINES, DAlfAtllid, Lecrz quitllate. dud every other ilrtiele in oar line which . bring et exceedingly Jew Dom '.• we aro of '. SlTlleinetaber On ea 98 THIRD STREW ells J'' W. W OOII WIILLII. ' . BILLIARD TABLES, with , Skiiip's Potent Catlike. tin Welt known to be superior to all others. Patented liaretaber,lB6o. From Washington. Wasnittorox;lday I 4 -The Army-bill) which passed the -House appropriates four hundred and twenty-one millions forthe year ending June. 1869. Beeides - this, two_lion- dred sad 'elghtfr *Mani hisio been voted during the resent . p session for current army expenses and deficiencies for thoptesont lila( year.- The Senate to-daY confirmed the 'appoint, went of Col . Qen Bristne S. Tyler as Brigadier The President bee nominikk.Shiphen.t. Borbridge, 0f•8y.., for a 'hailer poiltion. Owingto the storm but one boat came to- darfrmn -Fortrest Wifiree-,10-fltierriSbiae:. There Was hut:little news - brought and ,. tliai was: sent foniard- at . moon..' 'There was:no change of\ importance in the position ef 'Gen.: Ho liniketarmy•yesterdw •--'-- -, The ...information from the, main'body of pleOlellelesi, ainiy at Cumberland, is up o'iqook yesterday. Iu the, course of the day, they bad several skinitishis "'Stith .the'rebeis,: who were in', their immediate front, in foris.' earlyr.ninehunclredieleaseit Union . prisoners h re &hired here from, the South. If : ii v• .., -,—......;_...____.___. •. 1 MT;,rr. P".IrPLTON,BTIRZZT. NSW 'MAIL .New and secood•hand BALLS, .01/10.1 ' W. II3IfINGTOS ' htay 44 - 1862. - SICIATZ,-Mr. Wright, of Indiats;-present- ed•ketltion,, frOM the - citheris . a . f . oaltift,cengress to leave Mrthe; agitationref the negro question, and' atteiid nesif'ofpatting; down the rebellion. Oa motion of. Mr. of May., the resolution - to seaptad- thlfpiywieric ibe wit for . thp' meat of troops actirally em. 'played In Department Of the Was After"discussion; the:resolution was laid. over. . -The Wrlsoir ..kpprOPtiation bill was Aiken: 'Up, ordinal' consideration awl ithendment, 'the Senate wentinto executive .sesslon, and subsequently adjcuned, - , - - .Horaa—Air.• Wilton,'of Vt., reported bark from at ! Committee pa Trinting; ajoint tea.; 'olution" requiring the Superintendent of the! census to keep a record of the::_timpeel.of adults; males,"and hoods 3stitilles, - apdfree' TJUILIdINGE, kck, k Sir Orders by mail will rwetre,prcappkattaition. .131P.O . RTATIONS:=Per ships Nader-. laud, Jupiter, Henry., MIL Bonilisrd'aud Edward: trout Rotterdam—DOSrases "Woo Drop" Mu, and 86 pipes and% pips "Sellng's &beam" Mu. Per ship Mein. Prelaricke, from Bordeaux, and Anse, from les Rattails—SO cases "A Deignotret randy. Per alilp OCHS Skimmer, Otard,- Diigt-Sfediaus...-60 Sitaks' "Dupuy 4 . 00." Cognac Draudy, . , For J . 0,1N P. SALLOW/ gg Strati. Wow York. 4 - INDSEtig BLOOD' kiRAROHBRi .L kbe enres &reels, Pimples on the Taos, gore Etta,: an. V a tonic, its Duoivtr. rds, Lher Cormplalnt.'. re mit 'benignant, and ; recannot tall to benefit. ' Tao genuine article, prepared by the original in.: nter, D. LINDBZI4 is en sale by B. A..Tahne. stock .ft Co.. - R. B. &liars k CO., John X. Fulton, Joe. Park, Dr.-Lange, J. D. Cherry, t0.... mum JOLUtiBTON, nets Agent, . emir thnithneld and ethers. .. , .-.. Front Monterey, Lotrwriiiii,Mny id.--A dispatch received at ',entering, datetl, , Monterey, Idth, says a• reconnoissance party, under Brigadier-Gen- eral Smith, hitt as skirmish with rebel pickets on our right yesterday—killed two, wounding three, and capturing ere, - Our loss wail two. The party went within heifer idle of the 'rebel batteti, supported by a brigade of infantry. The •cemmanding General - snores his amp to-day ftiar mile' from bore; to the front.- V Our forces average -two; and ' a 'half' milei troth the intronehmentri ',• \ : Although the army Mores slowly,..becamie of thitna,turlo of,the..groktid neceseitating the binilding.Of-- corduroy-bridges, it fa gene undentood' that• -,an engagement will come off in the conrtie, of the week. *- \ ' Thrt StitiMillitary ' Claline.. Itemunsono, May .1.4.—80 r the info'rmation of partiesfhtertistedAt is proposed esi 'state that no elaims-can be-considaredly ihe board y -the act of the M ei 'of April, an. appointed ltti b enactfoi the adiiicibintion and. psi: moat of certain military claims, until the necessary: blanks imskronns for_ their.iettle- moat ehali harsi-bsen,:preparedrdneinotice of which, by publication, wilt be give*: ,:.,.- •-: i. ! The subJeet was discussed, and the . resolu- tion twilled. ' 1. M. Elliot, of Masa.; from' the &lett Cora , nduee on Confiscation retiorted, two bills. He'said the time for, the ! consideratitin of this subitat ought lia much-loom postpoli- ed. , )1e suggestodithUt tho bill be toads the spade' order for Monday _nest, , L This lint - Of thilwo bills, roported by tho Coannitto, Provides that all estates, enroPertY, n ioneyand,efreals - of persons holding, or, who may liereaftior . hold, °Moe under tho so-called Southern Confodersey, shall be forfeited to the United Stab* the proceedinge, to „blv brought In r`eer. ThaPiestdent is reguliad to !gene apietila. rebel=don, giving slaty,'day* Warning to , the OPENING SUMMER. MJI LLINERY. x. =MTN, No-123 redeial *rest, Alle- gheny, will open on THUS/MAI, /Dtb full 7ABIIIONABLIC BllNifEli ; To mbtob Abe regeenttally Invitee attention. mylo:std. CON.BI44.N.M.ENTS ' •• 10 has :itspk. ioo 40. , tibia prliaoliall. Hatter ' irlioloo _do' do' dm .- 75 pito= prima Applaßattar; air load Potatoes; ; Jaat malted aad. br.aala by rrazticoreslß. 114 fondaireot. 1.112,y large. stock i i U 1 t dextsmo .caries nom, Gam. reildix ROSS% VAMBXNAB, LANTANAA. MIA ELLEarsories. Aurrnuumulm e4m. MIAS, VIOXII/XWO, WALL no pazoX. 61, wbolo#l ,sad Total, # Peka.„ NOME ; hfr. - Caliert offered thefollowing: Perin. dad that .no - portfore- of the. appropriationin this . bill' shall be applied 65. 1 teoping. In!ltth , fogs or eqtdpp'ng negroesor - (tears ervice in the anny of the I:ratted Staten. Mr: Slovens, of ~ Pirs for: reasons which stated, hoped that this wren-we:al be Teta- Diaswain . .) , t ived .1: meg Ntae. at 110111PtY of- Idti dried 'Om/R. al mad Xta; +Walk - lea ariataU:,l7,!" 40 A. 1111N8RAVIkou *lt maw Libarty awl Mal loom. - Foot litca land lday oat atrivoltattqattkditi;ssw.thicksole uite ldtlo Imo bla wend sad q o . . Mr. Wickliffe raid !Levied *Alin to.,the War Department foilptirutatica.oa:thektivo jehcat, slates, d*henv t e hdewaastwed.; Ile harped to return' to their, mutate bad beed iletrattied trait in daing,:bre,atilltur'sfithciiity- Might.slailfs Itad been killed or 'hotly Wilts* author* ... . Theatre- ''''Th"7777_77•777mw7imaes.7' THE LATEST - NE VirS I LATEst .11110111.. KUROPE.: It has-been asserted that "sn—at thy . .• test of merit," aid in the production of Uncle By- yELEGBAIs Tom's Cabin at the Theatre It would seem that Manager Hendenon is meritorious. Uncle Ton has pow been running three even- ARRIVAL OF SICK AND Wuurivtai logs and the audienoes have inereased nightly, SOLDIERS AT PEIILADELPHIA. which is a confirmation of what we ' have heard from old Theatre goers a thous- and times over. "Give us good attraction; say they, and we wilt patronize you, but do not expect full houses when you can offer no par- ticider card." And this brings us at once to what we have to say. Sineethe days of Cor- della Howard, no child has, attempted the an- gelic character of Eva, in UncletTom's Cabin, that min compare with : thepresent petite star, Miss Marian Smith, who has been performing. at the Theatre since Monday last,. and who completes her sixth year this coming August. We have seen several little Misses attempt the character, but all have been placed far m the background when brought into •conipari- son with little Miss Smith. In faet she iso far in advanee of those who have played sthe part on the Pittsburgh ."boards," that com- parisons would be useless; since nothing could be gained. To particiderive, however, she appears Just as one would suppose a child would, placed in her circumstance*. Then, her advice to Too; ay and Uncle Tom is given in such a quiet,- calm tone of Voice, with Mich a derv* of af- fection, that all thhige considered, it is really surprising.- One would naturally suppose that most ohildrin,listenikk to the _ queef' lingo of Topsy &beat. "smiling Missile new dress, etc.," would be .;very apt to smile or commit some other slight indiscretion, which would mar the acme. Bat this is not the case with the little, simmer otwhein we speak. With her, ill 'of Tolisy's talk is carefully no- tedlike la, and then comes a gentle rebuke, in child- nguage, whiehle•sitre to cell forth the admiration of all inattendaue. In addition to this real acting of Mils Sthith'i; the public should know that, for one of hertenderyears, she sings exceedingly well, and . the tumultn- out-applause which has followed her songs of thro'-the Eye " and- "Eva to her Papa," the past- three nights, must hails not only been gratifying to herself, but also to her mother, Mrs. C. T. Smith, who per- senates Topsy, and adds very materially to the Intelsat of the piece, by faithfully stick- ing to the text, and giving every word, the correct accent of the Southern bred negro girl. Besides this, Mre. Smith dresses the chur- -1 acter in very good taste, and the peculiar roll of her eyes, when charged with theft by Aunt Ophelia, together with her purely African eon- tortion of the body, while engaged in conver- sation, is enough to mike one pronounce her nigger all over, from head to foot, from top to toe. Anil this constitutes good salting. You sit in the box, and do not think j of Mrs. Smith, but of a full blooded Southern darkey yoleped Topsy, who can sing an ex- militia song, and gracefully receive the plead- j its of the audience when it /a finished. For the part of St. Clair, Mr. McManus has been east, and more judicious selection could I not have been made. Mr. nleManne has played the part repeatedly before, and there is no altimeter which he assumes that he performs more properly in detail. His dying scene, surrounded as be is by faithful. Unole Tom,-Topsy, and some other attendants, Is the most affecting thing, next to the death of Eva, that we have seen on the -Pittsburgh stage for a long time, and the song "Eva in Heaven" appealed to delight every one. Mr. Mackey, In the part of the old slave Uncle Tom, seems to thoroughly understand his totfflness, and sots very Judielouely. His conversation with Eva and the old tyrant le- vee was tender andaffective, yet resolute and truthful. Mr. Mackey is a pains -taking ac- tor, and it is not unreasonable tosuppose that he will some day make his mark in his pro; fusion. Mr. Carden's Legree was goodin some re- spects, but would have been tar better had he - not ranted's° excessively, and tried to Imitate macre more closely. To be sure; this "tear- ing a paasion to tatters" may. timers please tha"gods" of the gallery, but then it is apt to mate all who appreciate natural acting turn away in 'disgust. Besides, the day ot ranting is past: Even Mi.'Porreet, who held a premintaln days gone by for roaring like a hull, in certain characters, has now drepped that style, and speaks in a natural tone of voice. The Aunt Ophelia of. Miss Kate Poster is not as good as some other Aunty o.'s that we hare NAIL Arxiivit of the Atepatter Ariligara- HALIPAX, .31ay 14.—This steamer Niagara has arrive d from Live rpool, with' dates of the 3d inst., and by telegraph via Queenstown to the 4th. The steamer Hibernian arrived out on the 2d instant. Lcciiegf, May 2.—The weekly cotton re- port iras 'received r by the Jura via Farther Point._ Flour is dull at a decline of 6d since Tuesday; salsa at 24s 6d@305. Wheat quiet and-2d lower; red_western at 10s®lls ; red. southern at 10.1®11s 2d; white western at Ils 9d®l2s, and white southern at 1 2n®12a 6d. Corn firmer-, mixed sells at Z's 6 4®285, and white at 325®335. 'Liverpool, May 3.—The sales of cotton to l day was 5,000 bales; he quotations are un- changed. The sales to speculators and ex- porters are 1,000 bales.„. I Breadstuff, quiet and steady. Corn steady. Provisions are very dull.' .London, May 3.—Consels 93% ®9314 - GitILALT BRITAIS.—The Paris correspondence of the London Daily Nom, writingun the let , inst:, says r. It is positively stated, to-day, in ,official circles, that the From:lh and English Ministers at Washington have. received in: atruction to attempt at , moral intervention j in the hope of putting an end to the American civil' war. A meeting; attended by about iO,OOO people, was hold at Acton, under Lynn, to consider the crisis in the cotton districts. A motion calling on the Government to ree- . egnize the Confederate -States of America, and i `adopt Mr. Cobden's proposed alteration in maritime law, was proposed. An amendment was offered calling on the Governments of , America, England aed France to crush the rebellion, but on a dliision the original mo- -1 ilea was carried by a considerable majority. The Ai London Times pnblishee a letter from Mr. Russell,explaining the/difficulties thrown in hie way by Secretary I Starton when he , sought to visit the man-of-war Rinaldo. He says the diflonitiee amounted virtually topro- hibition-,- and he thinks that Secretary Stan- ton would have ordered .away- the Rinaldo if he could. . ' On the 2cl inst. Sir G. L 0044144 that .the House of Commons would soon haVe an ample' opportunity' to discuss the questfon ofdefences, -as la would be his duty shortly to ask leave to, bring in a bill 4or . another loan for national d ; a . .I,IIODI BLOOD iii&Rel tt & BUZZ CMIII SOX Cancer, ••• ' ' ClUlearaill Aumisitiow '' 'llarotala,` .'-" , - Cutaneous' Diinaoni, / 47 11 P.4114.1 . ;9418, Pinill oe r se an th es e Fade, 7 . : Tetteidff.eistiani; Scald Head ; DiiPal)!lkk ., Cc . wenest, Old and Stubborn Ulcers; Rheumatic Disorders. 's Salt Illietua Mere Dimwits, Gen IDebility ind 4 Liver Complaint; - ,) Loss of Appetite.' \kn iow 411 its, . / Female Co ' plaints, ' . ' Zpilep ,or Fits,: Prunlysis or Palsy,. : Syphilitic Disea ' . l ' Caries of i Toazniza WITH AL T. L 0 Diliamii HAVING TIMM "omoui 0 , oaraayso CONDITION Of 3119 81.90 D, OTROITLATOe OASB OP DANI&L A.'.80 kJ": Da.: G. - H. Krrilak-.4 take gees kOriakini bbis ecilbat!lrretatinsaf ~ pared by yen eall!ed ' ".tairbeirs BLOOD lamail Ihad mffered Ibr 'dm pea wler 'Sam* .11.itek; broke oat mayheed and th0440-sakit todi fats am Ter/ amok and teak off the,lst iezetien 'die , ease made IL appearance; It: mins, 'baton-lay. ann and Leid benne the eltaniiihd at kilo ihiskta' ehse to expose a tharthl meal Ittidhissal on my head went so 1i r , that'.'iMaiminiall'ldameof; hone and had ante oat. 14 We - coy tielak spit*, glees opall hope or ever iteftfitt wells- le I ! i ! at ael* -latobtes aalltha t didme ,oe too& In September last, 1.13a41 'Mahatma' to try .• Lt Innovate. BLOOD: saiactumet Mast tonna I had no faith fa leamt" - modninne. bat alter I had used three bottles of BloodSearekeevth e ulcer. on my L lseed and - atnt:lkAtian tt!lsoa hut. tome -mei taken ife/itOi, hottleat.tad'aar stenoans'eettre4 eel/ exeept the ml retnefs44-treas tko I win also mate that I had the ttresisstfroa •My bad In my eraMMid leg,. Tb, Diaad. elm anted the Theumails - Tam now a itell., - .4mta. oriitort, en* sad young as Edlttrwhatif Mai tit: MiTs'';fetteisedIa 'Might tiOnade:'; e the _ dfsieae !.!1:4i7 "the,.;sait eo, had thst.whsM. tr.*Optti ?Ind Iftlad "iYiblzg 614•76 the blood not mit taa Dr , EaSoer. Asa a , ehotognmh taken of -410 " , by alz. Calm tb• stela, after / begia to a st evil. It - does not show* Impeatatedilai badita It litt dere I camnieneed-taktag tbe'lnidtesrlic an are theptentognephkrimi 'neer in" PoMeaMant agar 4.l•3a sWtaalaffatt*" ml : also Mite which was that; took, tlte Abed &samba male before Dr. ItorsT oonumentAmido. leg tt."'llitiqagit It . help d rao nines; &Lisa"- wirer kat math I got the kind made by xtr. Abniear. One battle-et has did in* more dory.'. two of the old. I ballets tile great deelittmilia4 . d oatter. hare ,nbeinnnianded tbnpke4Bueb. sr t great.maap,nt triads tor earthen Mein% and IL bolters it bin beiped tirobibeie at thank TOG itay publish thb . iipatarfori?.2-1-iwinikei that •• ' all whoars afEktedha. Tema inkebe cured. I Mein' . ttalrttletry NO. !its,stgest, and am efeb~it etvaeß Mlle Andenott's,ltalott ltarble ;Warke, Ed Wayne -*3P;ras. dt.D9171- 17:, Yvvinl4o. 0-PuAstn4 Ufa. lac isior•'-rb, ! Idor kt toad In both *ie .. for treattritan raw ti called "Miner iboatArse isoutaisticadd , aokth ed, toghs ma' kvetical Inktfielt6. Mind, hi Ildbdi olptiliC' Wails tailit . 4`e' =7:; 11 ? .. /10164 1 0A jt, ite#6:.'ollVlll4l- this Itamad .173514..14 *4 tekrit:ti6'4_,-*qw ,thite# tiligi,l4o)ta, fli: 44. *J. and but 14'414'&1" XiATF 044 rued *rife $ 03 4{ 144'4' A*: 44ffa ot the UspitiL *sad . Adr4l* - OPa WM ntiinike apil .Lalma, byl the ithiostel„.;l neso r fE4I4 ornawmoor. Hormrochohkeltriiiiiild my-404 aid my" 'eyes mak; laird/ 41410)4 Tbi Naar gob a wash: ' 71 :4 4:1121)4354 01 4 ,1...., ~, - zetnalmrib, Sili:6;lML:llitaiilt*Tlecr. Witdo6-11. 'eaeti ,4* .1';4 840 808.8 ;LSO a081iL: Seilbei "L I., hoff 3 7. ent/i _ th " . 1 % ovvr tatria.inti# wags twit maw tkag...X <Mkt txt ma* porlyik Seem! 117 *in* tto thittirm unable taa , skyteuefor 30 4tiiii•4 0 011/8 had : iLtionattaCX teed to"svissid ot twttioritattesrPtito city, but without 447 boucle; 60,-,VisitttftillY4;, byte) Itb.ltditfood rzeit,tottAtgifotiabi I`l . lla*l4llii'i-:r4i t * l figT4 4 lo 9l4, fikleint,;63l4 :i":"! .10 :441114*144a1k:' tinned well sbe nix &err Matins Boate;laalStatei-*tnotytitotoettiy: °11 ! ° q11444.4:1 '' oran,„vihri, iltdoft 0 „. 14 18151.1""C i fo 4114,- 97 ,x1i timo Me. ;weptMee ie tryinit to eampo.front the andm of*, anthrities. Mr. Calrert's propadUon was.rejetted. The MMus parsed the-Army Appropriation bill althont amendment. - On Motionadjourned. From Pitfalls:9th- Oakum, May 14.--A- special dispatch. him Cairo to the 21 , 44,- ray" Gen. /liftable's DI vision- bad forked a junction *Wanly Pops and now forms - the extreme left dour lin A spatial to the nem laa,-son- e. rusidAy. - Gen. Pope. moved forward hit column to re. take possession lost in the skirmish Of Friday last. The result was not known - when the eteamor left Pittsburgh. . As the steamer 01.4istor, With thiL .. .Fourth Atinnesota Regiment on balid. was - poseinfr Pars Lauding, en route for Pittibmili, Aar upper works gave way, killing alroped. kg several others., alarkpts by. Telesrapa Ciscansart 11.Ecening,-,13.,4 dull, and prices irregular fowl owgrad.% but la idkaad 14,10, andsonld be bought at st, but good inadecGeV inal.stock may be quoted at 8410@aja. ant ra at rilete 11 no change AZl`Glitn„ Whbal rpe 42l6tteettled and clowl to; specidatoni nowwith. one,. twin the market, and the only Dams are the' ziegular daalenn'tbey serum to pay Imo lON whilst tialdant ask Ine.- Than§ - ft load dmd tbr Yea Pork. with odes of 12,000 bbla. at. S1.0;'• 'igOod do. '- mond for Bacon &do at Gq but tenowantoktxl; there fdr demand fur Boa 3laids 3 iri .834 r. 100,C00 Its: Mumble= sold at op, alwa - sold out or tbs ntaticet. Therttiana elta*lnGra. Nair Toat,l47ii.-4...4caio..ici‘t . easier; gain 600 halal at wet of 17.500 bb's. at 14 fitatic7Wbesiget gab:213,300 bash; at 409forvlttuago fltednill 01,30 rot , whlte Anchigia„-, Cofb .llntniaoattligtj-S. bush. at MeV* Itrotok r at '0 :or.: r, .teud 0-1

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% -

A. .12

Esiointer, .

Cleveland and Pittelairgh Railroad.The Reoeiver of. the Cleveland and Pitts-,

. burghRailroad Company gives notice that the.._ assets of the companyare in •hie hands, sub--: jeet,to the directionof the United8tateiCourtfor the Northern District ofOhio ; that by theorders of the Coon Couitnoporthin of the earnings-":' of

ofthe -road can be applied to the payment of.


Company. All the earnings, after paying op--.-: mating expenses, rent and mortgage interest,.-... will be applied to the principal of those debts;;which are due and secured, amounting at the.:- resent time to about a million of dollars., -The accrued interest onthe throe old Mort- . 1Amps has 'all been providedforfrom the earn- , 1...--r'inga of the road, and the next interest .to be ;..... paidis on the funded debt mortgage . bonds 1',. +(given in exchange for the nuseauyed indtbG'edneas,)'on the lit day ofjuly, /862. The,-, kolder,a of the' river bonds, dividend bonds,ineome bonds and bills payable, who lowanot yet accepted the terms of compromise ;If-' AM them, with the approval of the Court,are notiAed to exchange their bonds andnotesbefore the 26th day of. June, 1862, or theywill not be entitled to redeye any portion of,hecomeInteresprotmise.tobe paid to those . who accept:The new bomb canbe obtained.iaexehange.for anyunsecured indebtedness, at the officeof the Company, In Cleveland, or, at No. 25William street, New York City, of R. C..Kingsley. ' '

-gilled on the Railroad.On Thursday last, the Bth instant, a boynamed Andrew:Topper, son of thilat• Josiah.Topper,-.431 Youngstown, iru run over onthePennsylvania' railroad, near Rerrod'a Cross--ing, about three-fourths mile west ofDerry yStation, Westmrelanding the last eighteenomonths, he had beenliring with 31r. -Renry Sledge., flf_, Unity-- township: Oil Rinds, the bth lust. 7 he left7- home, and was wandering through the countyanti/ the time of his death. As engine No.237 was pissing the abbve point, the deceasedwas- observed lying on the truth, with hisright leg horribly mutilated, two of the-toesOf the left' toot cut off, and his head cat andbrulsed to a considerable extent. Theaaai--.dent occurred about 2 o'clock p.-m. and helingered until 9p. m., whet death paan endZ 9 hissufferings.- -.

Smolt lip, on the Railroad.Thefait train' on the „Permsylvanii • Hail-,: 'toad-idea at Harrisburgon Monday:afternoon,----Eva Philadelphia,ran over &cow three miles" 'Mow Elizabethtown,and wasbadly.wreokaLforitostpassengir car instantly ciareenal,_ snA with its living cargo of humanity landedside uPwards about two yards from the track.The 'Second car was made assume asame-; what vertical position, the' platforin being'Ainiost-cfarried away, though none of th• own-paw* were hiirt. The sleeping car remainedstanding on the track uninjured. ell thepal-

._ :singers in the fltercar were _rescued, more orJessfrightened, with some five, Cr misCwrere•Ciats*boat the head and face, though -nobs-, Thsconductor orthe train (Mr:errPlitt) received ••contusion on the leftside of-the bead. -

~..City. Id ortatity:. • .-. •me numbee-cif deaths In this oily, !AvilaMay 2d to May 10th; a;r:raPorted by Di.A. G. McCandless,?I:yob:hurt* the Board Of ._ Health, Is as follows :.7 -, .••-•Males 6 Adults . . .... • 'Femaler... 4.1 Childien.:. 7 I -LO/ 1. 1........../0The diseases wero--Disease ofthe heart, 1;Asthma, 1; disease of the lungs 1-;" Spasms,-1; mmghstion of braia,'-ly.pbeutimula, 1;premature birth,!; small ; araohni-I ; rubcolbs. 1.

RIIXORZD largarearzu4r or Fasucasin leutraD has caused much summetioniu.diploroatio circles, and people_sro.. begin.nhig toInquire If we can fight them both. Bebay,i>iisunit one feat "eitablisbodi andthat is that Carnahan, thewe/l-known clothierand pershaat tailor, Federal street; below-theDiamond, Allegheny city; I...prepared, with avery heavy stockmtseasortablegoods, to sup-ma at/swamis, for cash onlyo with the verybest qualitiei of &Amalgam for 4,tlfaild orCalland be convinced; - • I. • -.

Ours or'Carr. W:H.7I3ItoWL—We-regrotto...Um:mos dhe. deathof Capt. W. H. Brown,• of Co. IT,, 6.3 d regiment, eldest son of. M. B;.• Brown,'Beg. His parentsbad goat, to For-tress Monroefor thepurpose ogbringing Mu'borne, and hadrasolumi-liarriebarg, where hedied yesterday afterntion..- The time of thefanarai-trill be annonneeti this afternoon:~.

. , .. . .

-...4.ljutoit-Xiir teor.-- Jola—lfing, a. 'podlialciti planrsaldlas la Welsid-olotaty,- 111,Was shot bu Saturday last, while out in dmwoods; bb a -rebel marauder. Ea was 'hot,lathelilp,and It 111 thought. his will mover._.,.

14.11107X707 t 2t11107. WAS.ranerday artestet brills Mayor's path*, aadcommitted to jail to aasworfor the tarylay ofwatt& from Mr. H. Vaaroorhes. '

. •Glt!rofrom 50 matt to $l,OO sliest With allbooks-1171d Id 118 Wood Orsoot,comer of Pathstmt. - • -

Arrasorros.—Don'tfall to oall at store-of our friend J. M. Burttotteil. the itrire isdaily crOviled, eiitir.liolies anxious re itimaresoaks of -the-bargains biris-&Wing"; -behatJQat opened Black Oround Embroidered G44-*dines for 123.C:worth .

DIED:zunrurri.,." is—on Woinaatai- mon*'fiat.;at * SABAII 4IDgek-Innezalwill WenAPaea laxoar, Jut.;11109744_ Pm. from tito itithiesc*of w.P?"4 .pleimusisoas.4....daryikw lielgAton nend;noooilirktnnelidge, to ygoeeng to* mem. tatokfatataattaa to attapo.*, ,r4 l l leo* Allegheny makoao it 83i

• 180W11.4te-threlehory. 7Andelseiihr a Mir--1:144/ ith14,14 tr, AP eig (41PL Ma n4 ,P6l, .44.017.06/itOstIO6IPIPOI:•:4%.,,


•!ntlarnikit :MORNING, MAY 15,

CITY AFF.II4mrorrictz '4,Prit or rrac am.lifirrsosoutt.vatnravartors. 'for th•.Gifsmste, by a. F. Shaw, Optialaa; 66 Fifthstrati_4o-lueted daily:111-Icy IsSiIADM.1062cd 67 _


-- 00 69 . :29 6-10

_Great Fireee the, Mountains.•The Harrisburg.papers notice a great fireprevaillig in the Blue Mountain. A gentle--•• tVtA who visited the the deseribes it as P'sw ,

•ftdl7 grand and sublime." Aleoough severalr , Milledistant from that city, the smoke hadthe_atmosphere a murky bee, and the•;min 'could be viewed steadily with the naked• .eyeas through smoked glass.Pram the summirto the base of the Mame-tato, there was one massive skeet offiarne,which consumed everything before it withas-tonishing rapidity. Lt • had already;swept.• over and cleared a space Of two or three bun-,' -deed acres, mid unless a heavy rain sets inits 'duration_ promises to be for an indefinite...period. -Fortunately it is in a locality whereshire are little orno impromments, and it isthought that the Ilanies performed a valuable'7 servicei rather than injury, In clearing the'.• soil..mauttain

for 6nel-tattoo, - The view of the burningat night ls•beautiful beyoad. de-- A Wheelirigiiapor states that the mountainalong thenue ofthe Baltimoreand OhioBail-_ soad,-fromCranberry Summitalmost to Pied--_moat, amen fire. At night the-light land-. MIenables one to see almost as plxas in. -=-•daylight.; -The fire finds it, way to !CM tops 'of pine- trees', from seventy to one hundred-;

- feet sad throes °oat A brilliant light, . over high,Mountains. These fires occuralmostevespring, and originate '.from . buzniug`every, to which efenuers'set fire ln elver-ingnew. land: At ; this time grist danger is-..ltPeralummee that the fences willbe-burned,and-hundreds of those interested are fighting- • - ;the llamas. - .•

The'Brusb Mountain,opposite Blairmace, has been on lire for some time, and themountain west of Tyrone city is also reportedin dames. Much valuable property has beendestroyed, including cord wood, fences, etc.-• _ ,

k t


J.0. Earl,P.RAM,3. 8. Dearing,J. GLuityger.

Captain Jacob Brim,Lieut. M. Miller,&Meant W. P.Corporal D. O. Young;Lieutenant Dentdeton,JohnDuck,


8.m.m.8..a. •X Lutton.David M.Euerdi,

Thomas Erriar,Cenral Croft,• •

Jolla Campbal,laralonJ. hloritgomez7.

CorPoialtalheirt,Nchnieder,iilaistdrotJose"ph Indday

A. 8. Kellar31.

D. Holmes.W. oolsmyeW.Ekbl.,C. P. woody,C. Frank.

Bank Note Quotations,Corrected especially for the Gazette 137)desire. Feld & Lire.' of .the National Bank.Note Reporter. Rates t'incertain at present:.

rtrniromin. Ey 14.1862.Disemai.Now England Mahe.. SouthDarkens- Co sal.New-York State..--. ;Virginia. Vnuerg 2New. City-

-.-, periWbeeling bathe.... 3New Jersey....-....n..: .XiVirgin5uet....... CoWePeru.. cP uh11z.)......... par: North Carolina..-. no talePenna. Plttsbnrh)- paritleorgia -.....--. notatePenna. ( harlot).-..., 4 Alabants....---.. DaleDslaware....- .-...: Lontslana -.-...- DealsIDist. or Kentucky

---... XMaryland. Baltimore. par Tennant,' ---- negateUmyland, Interior.- 2 Ohio-.. .

..._. _... parlowa

---.... 1 Indiana: fres..-- 3Kichlgan...... "----......_ 1 Indiana,bit mate. parIlilasooti-.---...--6210Illinois-.......-. WO-- 31160The above rehear. basedopen bankable:finds andnot for cola.

xclums-BeDin ramanargsta7:, on No1w-York itild Phil• Ishankoblo tondo

- The Manchester Railway.' The.Directors of the Manohester PassengerRailway'Fompany have determined to coatis-arpthe double treat from the Diamond, Al-legheny, to Bagaley's lane, this presenting a'Continuous double track from this city to apoint near tire western line of Allegheny,The timber is now being Plioed on the ground,and, the work of tracklaying will be com-menced this week.' This improiement willenable the company to make quicker timeover that part of the road upon which mostof their business Iles, and will of course beduly Appreciated by their Patrons. We arepleased to not* this evidence of.prosperity andenterprise on the part of the company,

• • ler,Aitad Tau. Company B, 3d cavalry ; G. P. Bab-cok, Comyany Bsd L. A. Babson, 3d cavalry ;W.H. Thompson;Company B, 83d; CharlesEvans, Com-pany D, 83d; Francis Banips, Company 8, 83 d ; J.Hotrmah, 11.SCoMpiny .898; JoannDotiogao, CompanyPE, 62d; E. lisocnaCompanyD, 83d ; Thomas Atkin,Company8,-83d ; Thomas H. Banger. Company 0,62d: Byron Smith.Company P. 113d; Mod B. Barn-hart. OomPao7 D• 68d. - •AT 11: 111T?117.1117 MUM TIOSTITAL.Wozdan linntly; goinpan;ilC, 83d.

John cr. Ikea, Coinpinrii, 83d, %wenn, Pa..

Nelson W. Carlton, Dardan'a PharPshoohnu : Bkhaygoon," Dardto's Sharpthootan; ADMTito, Company 8,3 d cavalry ;"*. &Moon; CompanyA. 83d; C. P. Jones, Company P, WM; W. Waters,00.0PukT bad 00411 7; Pt. Bumfan,"Cmpany D, 83d;Thomas Pughman, Company Cr, 83d; Samuel Gal.dna, ComPser Er ' 3. 1 00; U. H. Milani, cos-kapy 8, Pal; Richard- Darla Oanpany D,0 •Ponto,r, onappy De„B3d;-..r. P. Winner, Company'. 1t.. -41 avalrii, A. 0.-,Dulia%C•ooP(oo B."1. '

_ ,.

spECIAL NOTICES.- .asst. bargains in Carpet,, Oil Cloths, in,at J. Finch's Great Western Carpet Rouse,corner of GrantandFifth streets, opposite theCourt honse.'.,Movhig day is now past, andwe should suppose that _there is no personwho has movedbut -would need some of theabove goods, and as it is of interest to thepublic to know where toget everything la theCarpet aintoll,7olothJinn, good and-cheap,We would unhesitatingly say—Go to the GrantWestern Carpet Ilonse. That is the onlyhouse that we knosvgives such bargains. Anew lot will Wei opened this morning. Calland examine them.

lieti and'Wounded 'inCapt.Cpmpany.The most painful anxiety has been mini-.festetbaniOngthe-frienils et lifose men cum-posing the II: Capt Mass,who ari ittaaltedto_the Web ,ExAelsiorgad. and Who-werit in-the battleburg._ No,sails&Utory.list of thekilled. and.wounded has heretofore'beCepubliihed.-hay* joltbeen showullinirate letter thipt. John P. Glass, to,a. member of hisfamilyin this city, in which he states thattheir brigade war terribly cut up, and the'regiment to which they are attached lost, inkilled, woundedAnd inbesing, twenty-two percent.. In kis own nompanylbc casualties areairfollown ' - •

•,-Sergeant, JohnM.-Palton, Pittsburgh, killed.William Speith,killed.'Gems

John .I.lfernarr.wounded. . •B. AileghenY, ,wouidea•Al.itattutley, Pittsburgbi .mlhlng.Theabove•are' an -the' neineir- whichGlissenameritesibut Ifsf..telegraphedus. on Sundaj last; the zanier of 'Lfitut.,,DeZouche and Joint Verner maxi Amongthe woundid.

referring to the muster roltotithe cow=pane, published our-Taper:at:the tiMe oftheir departures we 'find- . 24".Stirgt..'P..:pc!Zomba;and pnratrilir:De Cori&rid A..1": Verner Rind -.Private -James; but no John I. Verneri-Ao written-1)YCapt. Gloss. Thename. of.Wm. Speith, whowas.kilit4 and George pond,- who was Mot-.tally wounded, do not-iippearupon the masterroll,, and they may not belong wails city.ItWill be seen that Mr.Itarnaley is the only;man Be u & Non of Mr. J. llamaley,,.of Seventh 'street,and was formerly employedora Compositor' Oho. A,the letter,wal writteninisisecilatelj after: Mie,battle, heMay hivrainco,.that turned uri-7.orit iwebabie'A/Ift been. taken Prisoner. -Cep( :Glair,Wi'are, pleased tostile; eloped,unharmed.' :Ill' WAS acting;Limit. Colonelof,the regiment during the battle, and speaks in:the highseti tortes- of the daringand brayer,:ofhie men. They rushed into thebattle withthe Most &Anti* :yells andfought gloriously,although theshells of


the enemy were burst-ing all around them.' •

Rintoran.--SainaeU Graham, MerchantGofe.lutcrumoYed_to_No. ad Marketstreet,one door from Third.street, and has Just re-Oeived blosecond eupply of Spring and Su..nier Goods, consisting- of the latest styles pfcloths, cassinieres and Vestingi, selected fromthe latest impotftatiena. , Gantlehuin desiringtheir olothing made up to lit theta,and at 20per coot. lees than at say other Merchant Tai-lor store, in the city, would do well to givehim an early eall, as his motto is "qtash agesand small prate."

Peanz oneamiCtorennicz.'.-Neeirce .hicCiee k Co. corner ofFederal -streetindDi. Jnzindzqtut.cif; Allegheny, hare Only earnedthe •Dame • of -fayfhlonable. Clothier'. • Theirsupply ofSpring Ind Summer goods are 'ofthe latest itykie.- • All th eir clothing is madeup under dlnsotlon, and is war-rantrito Si their anatomists: - In 'pricer theyare bound not to be undersold by ,an,y otherestabllehtuiont.::l}lv:thein'indst"'l4d Judgefar yoareeit We gtatsntstcoir[yon a good,.V.llOlll 4'02 SOLD /W:..-.ThrOUghout the In-diiii4ndVrimean Osumaigns, the only medi-cines- .which themeMrs• Able to canI.l*itoistaises Diiiatery,lloamand Fe-vor,-Were lippomnric'Mr,,mttr.Ointtnent.'Therefore let every 'Soltin6Cor' se• thiti haltsupplied with..them, ,Only :20cents per potorbox.


-.WK. POl4l/414 Carpenter and Joiner, Job-bing Shop Virgin 'alley, between Salthlieldstreet and ,Cherry bandy of House'done 01short notice and in work-manlike wanner.. Charges moderate.. Lame;your orders,. All wrdert proniptly. attended:- -

•°NAM'S CALLS will be :taken. at Runt'sBook Store, Masonic' Ball, itilttstreet, andat the Omnibus office, N0.405,Liberty street.Day or night, all orders left in either the two.pieces willbe ppromtly attended to.„,_

C ~Ne!.A w Roes Caaareoz.--The Rope Firepasji-of - the` Past Ward, Allegheny,which has been organised but a eatimemostrt. , bids fair to become one ofthe M., ergot's and effeaties oompaniee,iti':our sisteratty. They hive received Nils philadelphis.11110 hiss Clitbiiitible,agii:7ply of hose Will-bit 4430.,.gdinta..1111r7j0eimmediately. .-Ettiy:,hipe soon to have a eon.Tenient and oomfortabfe house, and the citi.sans of the ward, together with the Commit**ODFireEngines andRea, shouldreader them 1all the aid and-assistance possible: 1

Doirroa Baia, Water Careand, Homo-pattde Phis!elan.; tar Rainbow'rcelebrated Tram: for :Rup: "Ocrtner ofPenn and yfayne strati—J. Priam; aornar of fltaitt,idkt,Di , stregts,commenced this "morning; 'r .tto olpsi.Out blackand fang Dress Silks at. linnet''."rsdnoedprice$.

attenDoejnsrier.—Dr. C. 8111, 210.148 Rio st.,do#I.l.lniaebesof .tko Dental profes-

Coersor,Hoix.-4"htter reeeirod, from W.U.Denniston, ofthe'rriimiltiffire;tieder dataof Mey sth, Atates...that angler, ,Maut.Yranos Demulst.on, intended to start for homeisad& pr two:. Bereceived a bullet 'madIn-the araribit, wowtha "vitt -aud'illbowi betAdswill not&nut him fruit

L2Nsi, y OD* pure at iseatties Auden, at , BarkerA C0.., 69 Kukla':street. Ufa aril': be sold °bap.lilATEJ;;Akailot ,Mito, to arrns.4../ke. ado bi—: 66,1 - • RUTIIIIII,IIIIIItOB.

' r s.

•.., ' . .

._.___.___,_7._............i..............~...PEOLDISIMIDAtIi -BUNN.GAZETTE. " ...." , Hittite :..ofinllitinsithittlf.''' ' ~.'• ' -,- , - '- '~ ._,-: . . ' . •

'- Thefollowing' letteils front-Caporal Winttil, flirek.'-eittil- lillic- 7reded Petuasylva7 ' /L.Palinitr, of the Friend Eines, to itsbrother

titans etPhillidelphits.-A Complete_List oftheir Names. = . ---, •-in•this city: ' - '.• •.. • •. . . .

...,„ _, ,;,.

- . Mane or Tile Bard., Tina,The ship.Oetien Queen Arrlve2"'°' 'to* "

_Near'Williamsburg, May 6th, 1862.1on,Friday, banging 800 sick and ,wounded Dials Baornza: Having an opportunity ofabtal46- from the Virgitia Peninsula.. One sending you a few lines by one of the signalhundred and forty-five of the evierersle- o°tPt, / will embrace it, although the news I


have torelate is gad.tonged to PennlYlviuth re glitent3, end, °° We have Imen in a not in which'l went in-their arrival at New York being,known, Goy. and came out all v4144110 only evident,* ofCurtin immediately dispatched Gen. Irwin, which I hese to show is where a buck shotthrough the leg of In* pantaloons.Col.,Lees, and Wm.b. Moore to .provide for. lofted


- Rot having time now I cannot give you thetheir Comfort, and. have them. meet .16 plat. full particulars of 'the light, nor even of thedelphis.- ' The following is • Womplete list of loss our own company I sustained, but will dothe Pennsylvanians : ..•.. . . -so as soon as I can les; inth e loss.Robert D. Hide, 95th, wounded, 'Philadelphia. On last Sunday we h glearned the rebelsJoia.D. flallovray, 3d cayalm,-trg fever, Phil,. . had evacuated Yorktown, were ordered toXIV. 0: Nutting. MA, neural Brimusville. ; ,pursue them. Our di on (Hooker's) took,PrecTlVolf, 6191, typhoid fever, oTersoal chan ty.the lead. We passed ough Yorktown onOXlBowil/L'B6o, 'rounded in abdMurni •lfeathille• Sunda aftarn d ceded to withiny , oon, an proc. /9, T.-Bandcdf, 85th, sick, Sasertown. " •A. 13.•g,,haetsah, pub

, typhai fever, ph,,,,i0.,.. , frill miles of Williamsb g, where we haltedJohnKeil.); 95th, typhoid fever, Philadelphia: for the night. We we ordered forward yes-John 8. Jeffries,-95t0; typhoid fever, Philadelphia.... tents), morning. It co menced raining, andL. A.Day,K3d, typhoid fever, Centreville. rimed hard until this saint,The JerseyJohn o.'llaes, 96th, typhoid foyer, Philadelphia. v.-1-... "

and ein the first toEllialt Black, 83d, typhoid lever, Milledrevillo. - - ...gene was ahead of as8.. B. Frew, 83d, diarvirom,simithis, ; - ' engage,' the enemy. T' • light commentedI, Lindsay, 8&i, comp &wan, New Lebanon. ' about tae o'clock and ted until dark. TheWirt..Banimend, 93ditYphold fever, Crawnardcounty.... enemy's *force was slim 70,000; halidestheYSpencer Coulton, aki.typhold hirer, NIS Creel,- had rho advantage ofs ng hatteties,antlin 'John Yeager, 831, typhoid fever, Erie county.Henry Payola*, Iliad,. typhoid fever, Geneseecounty_ front of these -works ' a wood Which they 'fatale Henke,83d, diarrbrea,Wyneeme. • , hadcut down, which Eta .it Itota7 dititoolt, toJaraohl3rayder, 03d, typhoid Saver, Erie county, : getat th--.OM. ••' - - '• 'Leinnelßabcock, Md,livercomplaint,Warret: coun' • Ahead two o'clock tit Ist --mgiment werelkdney Palmui, Sid, chills andfere, Warren co. -,I. wau.,,,,,,83,,,chm..., fever, 01,,,,,Erie .. ordered •to 'unstring' .kti patents, and prepareWilliam Phillips,. 83d, =mpg;Ella • ; .to go in. tothe -support- f the Sd regiment.0..A. Dow, 83d, dpeistry and cold, ,Beaver county. ", •We advanced through-,t fallen-timber; andD. Gray, 034, (amp fever, Waterford, Ede county, opened flit open.them.wen withinabout 100A. Thornton,camp foyer and rheumatism, Erie co. WN hid 'to lie: dwn to load. AfterB. P. Peck, gild, camp fever, Erie enmity. ' . ,Win' ,Bcot4.B3di typhoid few, Erie irounty. . ! yards.

oni4ftWe ielleYs e enemyflankedus,Wm. Cochran,834, consumption; Crawford. : • whenewe wire ordcrad ttlilltteot• Firing, WeE. M. Bannister,' S&L jaundiceand fever; Ontario. .' retreated in gooderder, and fell back on' ourJ.R. Shimmies,S&L inwardpilesand fever, Crawford, dth - and-sth - regiments,' where we Blade •

D.N. Kling; 834 ciarrhomand fever, Iluabsa. - _ •~.w. D.,,t, 834. kmr.d ja.ndi., Edo, Concord. stand. Wefought here for SOMe time, whenA. N. Belknap, 133d, typhoid fever, Deaver. reinforcements 'tidiedto iiitii assisitance..Bet-;H. B. McCurry,02d, internal bleeding, Birmingham. fore we came out, Gan. Heintselman and stall,Joa.Barnes, 624, failingey•adght, Clarion county.. . . -give _three times three phsers.for "Sickles'Jae. W•ir.43d, debility, Sterner county. '

~,,_ .lirigado.”L'' C°6"an• 62 14- 8I'f4inlki beck, § ttott' ottllict,""too .- • Before dark-we:captured their batteries and_Wm Itosyliim 024 typhoid four, nonigi,b,,,,..- -

compelled them le retmat, leaving most ofK. Rya,, nen!, diarrhom,,Altoonai .• - ..:

- . , their dead on the field. We were on the left,WtttbE6.4 d, bleeding lung and diarrbres„ plus- .Portor's emup theright. Ourtroops fol-lieeker;624, dyseittry, aio, .;.- lowed them up this morning-. and captured a

J. W. Idel.ntosh, S&L typhoid hver, Allman, Alla great' manY.Pritigne"; .gheny. -

• Twill-now Sifti you a list: of the killed,. .

J. U. Watison, 62d, rheumathon,Glarion county.- woinded and missing of Company B, FriendJ:M. Watson, fad, measles, Indiana county. • Rifle Guards :,Y, Y.Bayard, 62d, liver complaint, Armstrong. • , •-Wm. G.Black, 624, typhoidfever,'Annstrong.W. H.Th

L.Dillon, 62d, measles, Armstrong.•mnPLentl.eva Buller! 97dr Measles. Armstrong.' L. ti„fal, fen, Clarion.Wm. Volclough, Md. rheuxuathim, Pittsb.gurgh. •WinalcCaln, 62d, dysentery and fryer, Armstrong.Wm. Turkey, cd, measles, Armstrong.JohnFleming, TM, debility,Armstrong.G. N.Ponteous, tal,- fever and debility; Armstrong.John W. Flowers, 82d, tamale, Allegheny 'Joseph Williams, 98th, camp fever, Philadelphia.Williams A. Patterson, 624, diarrhrea.Allegheny.A.M. Shoham,02d, liver complaint, chem. -Ed:IL G. blatey, aid, dysentery, Jefferson. ...., , . •L. 15%.ittLesey, 83d, typhoid ferer,,Erls.'John Pietism,. ad. Osina),lien - - , •Wm. Lindsey

, Std, Wye, Hollidaysbu'Mr= Hibienanith, 02d, typhoid fever,_r,Armstrong.H. A.Fine, 83d, typhoid fever, Erie.Henry Gillis, 83d, fever end jaundice, Crawford.Joseph Brent, 501; Mamba:ea, Crawford,Henry Z.Willman, 112d, typhoid Barer, Yetuumo.Andrew Harriger, 82d, chili, Clarion.P. AL. Lowrey. ai, musk.andliveralfec'n, Arms's.Valentine Palmer, ezd, rheumatism, Chalice Co..JohnB. Hays, eth Cavalry,„Injured,Philadelphia.Wm. It. linabold, &I Car.; Waned Oa mid disc.,Philadelphia.yin Sblugler,Sd Cay., gravel and piles,Reeding.'Jam"' ticcobet ad Ceenity. fever andchills,metair.Janie. B.Andrews, 54,ray.. rheumatism and-----tPhiladelphia.

•Geo. Harr* gm. billions &versed debility, Patel's..B. A. Stewart, 83d, rheumatism and Jaundice, ( Bees, Gild, measles, Mailer.Geo. W.,

B. BBusman IMO, debility, Armstrong.James rown, 824:ttilialles. Asinstasa•George P.Steck, 624, rheumatism, Alleg heny city.

Clarion..JacoBmythers, 63d, dyrysenteand thaw:lmam,•- . .JamesCain, Md. rheumatism. Beaver. . •:Hobert White, 62d. !glared, Waahlngton. -AlooutasBurr.uSo Mosul. 83d, Iced-and other corm, Crawford..Thend, typhoid Wear. Claims. - • ,Stay W. Porter iC.rhertmathm, Cr. ''jlall.OLl G. Blanehard, TM, jaundice,Crawford.Lednig BeefrWilnel. diarrhoea, Allgahetly.Adad J. Bradley, 83d. kidneys affected, Crawford.'Jacob Debra), Cr, rheumatism, Allegheny. .A. J. Johnami,SW, rbetunathan; Erie. . , .WM: McComb, 83d, typhoid 'fewersad rheumatism,Wm. Gibbs; 624, dysenteM:Washinston.Wm. H. Campbell, B.ld, Jaandioe,Erie.John Ready, e2d, hemorrhage, Jefferson.;3'r:Chp, John P. Harris, 83d, billion, fever, Crawford.1, Itanda/1, gad;feverand rheumatism, Brie.731111er, ilttiL typhoid Dryer, CrawfordJames' Plinakett,„62d,rupture, Allegheny.H.W. MB, 72d, debility Delaare.A. C. Crompton, 93th, rheumatism and fever, Phila.A. nipple,72d, rheumatism and fiver.' Phila.Joseph Omer, 724.theurnatiemand rarer, Phila.L. J.Alexander, std scrstala, Allesßeny. -Heary.Hansounsg, 24 cavalry, pohemed. PintaJ. EL-Chammann, e2d.rhenntatiam-a.fever, AlleghenyJ. gleCraY, 62d.typhoid Serer a measles, artairizang.Mae., fever and ague, Allegheny.Corporal Nugent,ad amdry, lever and ague, Phila..James Calop4ll, Qd, Ilvar complaint.Allegheny.John Thompson, end, disease of leg;Allegbeny.Alfred /3..Stinsmcn,02d, Sarin., Kittanning.Bayard Smith,83d, mullet Cranford.

OrderlyBeret.l. H. Penes, IJ. Delgliesh,Henry Aiken, M. H. /rein.The rut of the regiment loses heavily.OoL Dwight is a prisoner, (since dead,)Lieut.Col. Futuna badly wounded—and half thecommissioned °Doers, killed and wounded.I must 'close. Phase send me all the-paperscontaining in accountof the battle. Addressas. before. Wylie, Kiwis, Sergeant Bare,Sergeant Teunnie, myself and about twentyeffective men are all we have left. I willwreto Boon. Your brother,Corporal ;8.,PALMER.

Soldiers of Illinois Eigtiunt the NewConstitution:CILIFORNId TO LITE TM= kEIIII2IIS.Danger of Famine in New Orleans andin Richmond.


[Special Dtepalch to the Gazette:]PHILADgLPRZA, Apt il 14.--Theship Wilder,which was chartered by the State.of Pennsyl-Tanis, to be need as a floating hospital atYorktown, arrived in this';ity late last night,with one hundred and sixty irotinded soldiers,noise of them were seriously injured.The Richmond Ezaseiner, of nay lit, hasthe following announcement : "The Earl of ,Dunmore, whorun the blockade in the steamer 1Nashville, on her last inward trip, arrived inthis city on Tuesday, aed is stopping at theExchange hotel. 'The Earl will spend a few days in Rich-mond and then:have for Canada by wayof.Fortress Monroe: : Ile says the Nashvillebrought In twenty tons of powder, seventhoimindrifies, and a great number of blank-eta and shoes, Win our .Government permitllinl4Ockedo, ruining 'Barite neeour flag oftrues for his convenience7' • - .-

Confederate money', le refused ill\ Norfolk,and United States Treasury notes are above'per InRichmond:, • . •- • ::

Government boats aremaking regular trip..

to the city oUnculbli ' , - . .Passes arena yet allowed, except to per-sons haring special business at that place.

- TheMilitary Committee of the &mato, yes!terday, reported that they visited. the battleSaidat laesMille, 44d, aittir the failest en-quiry the oircumstftreokr ef the case would ad-mit, arefully,satistitt‘tilat theailarao againstGait. Smith of drunkennosi is: without, foun-dation, and unsupported -by.theslightest evi-dence. They furthef say thaf he ie one ofthefirst officers of hileranir,alWays ready andable to perform proniptly any‘duty assigned

Soithern •Caitrino, lifay 2likums Cairodispatch, from Fort Wright, at noon; yester-day, gays : A -rebel tug has this momentrounded the point to reconnoiter. . •Everything seems to, indicate renewed no- •tivfly. Both aides were expecting an attaelt.momentarily.—

A deserter came "on board the flag boatBenton, yesterday, and-,states....that therebelram, in the engagement of&Emden-was notsunk, as reported, but was terribly shattered.Our gunners undoubtedly -tired; most -of theirshots above the water line, as they struckwhere the ram was heavily plated. _Experi-enced naval men are of the opinion had thesame number of shots been fired at the water.line or below, it Would heir& sent every rebelcraft to the. bottom. Tho deserter reported-that the ;abet fleet Jay off the forts busily en-gaged In repairing dainages,promising faith-tally to return in exactly forty-eight beefs.Faom Pll7/BBURCOL-4t is not expected thatan attack would be made on the enenty'sph,mitten for several days. Oar siege guns,. arenot in position.Gen. Lialleck is still advancing cautiously,fortifying as he sulvances. All his movementsare predicated on the supposition that 'theenemy are in largeforce:at Corinth,and thathe intends "makinga stand; Grand Junction,being fortified by Beauregard with the evi-dent intention offailing back there if beatenat Corinth:Thenumber of the enemy's troops is esti-mated at lialleck's headquarters at from120,000 t0'170,000.The Memphis paptirs, bf the 11th, receiveda dispatch from llatches, stating that.theFederal fleet bad returned to New Orleans.TheAppeal, 'commentingupon the growingdisposition on the part of eitizens to refuseConfederate notes, charaoterizes tho parties.astraitors. .

. -The 2S-ihuns '&4r -ergot:dent `}says: Thestatement industrießtlyiirculatea thata num-ber of Dlinois.Regizitahts have 'did almostunanimously -for rind new Cenatitution towholly, untrue. Ithvatt setafloat in order todiscourage opposition to the instrument.The two.regiments + the Potomac, the Bthcavalry and 39th Wintry, are understootfobe unanimous agningt it. Letters fromSpringfield say thattthete is a high probabilitythat Itwill defeated,lthenellifying sectionthirty, of article twoLaid the extraordinaryclause, giving Jestiods qfthiPeace authority-to imprison-eitixens for I,tilirty days,,withoutappeal, being extremely Unpopular. •A delegation from Columbus, Phi°, urgedthe claims' of that place rye a she fora Na-tional Armory before theMilitary Committeeof the House to-day.The Judiciary Committee of the Rousehitie agreed to reportin favors of the adids-slon of the.third member from California.In New Orleans there i.; imminent delverofa famine, and in Richmond, the headquar-ters of the rebellion, alb necessaries of life arealmost beyond the ream of the-poorer classes.So much for SecessionXThe-,House Commit*havi two bilk ready,one 4in 'eontiscatiop arid' the other onslavery.TheSmiteblelesff-Corkifillee On -this subjecthave had one or two niietings, and it ie cer-tain that It wilt report an effectlie bill to theSenate.' It will piobabitanthorixe the Pres-ident to selre the property of a-rebel withouttrial, and , to hold it tamporarily,-but willalsoProvide fora jury trial before the question is-conclusively. decided:Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, left OldPoint lest evening, and arrived here to-d ayHe expresses the opinion that therebels wilevacuateRichmond without trying the chancesof a pitched battle.

Esit tatctr the 1/lacerall'inall it isseldom Let-terperformed, and rarely, ifever, put upon thestage in so superiors manner. The-medusa=foal erects, and some of the soenery, arebeatiLtiful, which reflects great credit on lianager.Henderson, who has given his undivided at:tuition to the reproduction of this moist popu_ ..lar drama.Thelash scene, where Eva ascends amongthe angels, ie entirely original with the man-agement, and oerfainly very attractive. Alight airy -cloud is made to part, by two scenesbeing gradually hibiled off to very slow and.harmonious music. Eva, dressed in purewhite, is discovered justbehind the andby some mechanical contrivance she is madeto gradually ascend' an brainedplane to thedistance of forty feet, while a number ofangel-like forme are slowly moved from thewings, who, together with Uncle Tom and Bt.Clair, stand motionless as marble statuary,with hands uplifted, poll:LC.23g to Eva. Thestreet is grand, and elicits the approbation of.all whosee it.But we have neither time nor space to ar-ticularise-further. Those who would spend apleasant evening should visit the Theatrenow,while this great moral drama is beingformed. Itis • piece which has received thesanction of the clergy in the east, and hasmet with more unbounded imams than anywritten drama since' the days of Shakspeare.


The same journal tayi. the only cendition.upon which the people of the South will ac.,eept peace is therimognition of the indeptind-emit,. not only ofdominos: States, but orevery_border State whose people desire alliance withthe Conte:ler:toy.. 'The, following dispatches are taken fromrrThe rovost Marshal of Memphin has or:'direct' the arrest ofall persons refusing to takeConfederate money in payment of goods.The -Memphis...4pm/ of the Ilth 'says:We have eartainintelligence which states thiitRana* loit over tivethousand men by desert,tion,lhe eountry.between Tennessee ricer andKentucky being full of them; - The whole orthe 40th Ohio 'deserted or disbanded on. the7th, and, numbers of-Kentuckians-and hlis-aourians followed their example, in csoasa-:qaence of disaffection produced by the lateanti-slavery movement in Congress.A report from Little Rock states that Gen.,Curtis' division of ft:GP:Aare' army has nom-.inacoed a march upon the Capital of Arkan-sas. Gen. Steele is marching on the samepoint fromPocahontas. .Thefollowing official dispatches 'have beenpublished: -

From Batesville, Arkansas.Sr. Loma, May 14.—The correspondence ofthe St. Lonis Democrat; dated SatitsVille;-.4r-'Gen.aD davlea ynlotGhe -n s; tidtaisb othhist divpsonon-andtwo.of Gen. Steele's-regiments, left here - for the North:- An-adegnate force is stillhere, however, for operations in this diree-eon.

Our advanoe, under ben. OsterhowsTerossedthe White river on the Bth, and took theroadtoLittle:Reck, the capital, of the State.As many as 150 persons per djiy,have comeforward and taken the oath of Allegiance,embracing j udgesoninisters; and ninny .rif themost influential citizens. PM:Sentiment of. . .therple is rapidly becoming. More and moreloyThe'newi ofouroccupation-Or this Piaottwas received by Goy. Rector, at Little Rock,ou thobth, and produced great excitement.'Some of the citizens rulvized, peace; 'whileothers were rampant for defending the city tothehet extremity. • - - •

nApthe folltig' day, the Governbi lensed-a prodamation 'galling on the State"' militia torepairjun:4oll4oy to the Capital, to repel the-Six thousand .Texan 'Angers were- daily ex-pedal at Little-Rock, hitt they wereunder or,dent for 'Corinth.. ,Gierilla 'Tends' are beiog ionized in someseellentri Jorge 'mobs may be musterednt ,'the county iteats,lnt-no serious obstacles to;our advance are feared.Albert Pike, at laSt accounts, was inn:campedat Baggy 'llepot; one hundred. Miles south:.west of Fortßmith.

.11sea.7, drh., May 10.—Theenemy, are •re-potted tohave been atAngastaijickson mat.ty. They took possession ofall the ootton in.the neighbrirbood. ThAs are'rePortidlitcon-siderable 'force at ..lacksonport and Batesville.Their destinationis unknown. They arese.'ported to-bel,ooo or 10,000_strong. • - ••-' Seventeen • hundred; boles of cotton WereEarned herd, to-day.the terrible thrash_ :ins adtautlihned to Pope's eonamand;Tester-day; by price and Pan •Dorn, we've had nofarther.demonstration. Matters are word-Ingly quiet this morning. •Thefollowing chanteteristio-message from-Jeff. Tho-nipiolfhas been,published,:Fort \ May 10.L..-Wo Missouriansconcluded to celebrate. to-ibiy, as !tbe anniver-sary ofthe Campjaekson massacre. IVe haveshown theenemy that we. :gill own thekris-stsalppi river and; can ninths blockade when-ever,we Choose. We gavethem a few bulletsthis morning to show them norpower. -Aftera hatilsothe scriinnusge-cf thirty minutes arebitsired down the river,,with two. andeight slightly wounded. Oar . officersAre allSafe:. Our gunboats arweninjare,d.-- All fromthe Commodore down. tp the powder bey th:bayed like soldierscommen.' ' • 'l`..ThC.A.Ppecsi publishes this dypatoli without


98 ASO 98 Ti3IRDRIM?,lust reosired so 'moats*stock of



Lecrz quitllate.

• .dud every other ilrtiele inoar line which .bring et exceedingly Jew Dom '.•we aro of'.SlTlleinetaber Onea98 THIRD STREWells J'' W. WOOIIWIILLII. ' .

BILLIARD TABLES, with ,Skiiip'sPotent Catlike.tin Welt known to be superiortoall others. Patented liaretaber,lB6o..FromWashington.

._ Wasnittorox;lday I 4 -The Army-bill)whichpassed the -House appropriates fourhundred and twenty-one millions forthe yearending June.1869. Beeides-this, two_lion-dred sad 'elghtfr *Mani hisio been votedduring theresent.psession for current armyexpenses and deficiencies for thoptesont lila(year.- -

The Senate to-daY confirmed the 'appoint,went of Col.QenBristne S. Tyler as Brigadier

• The President bee nominikk.Shiphen.t.Borbridge, 0f•8y.., for a 'hailer poiltion.Owingto the storm but one boat came to-darfrmn-Fortrest Wifiree-,10-fltierriSbiae:.There Was hut:little news- brought and,. tliaiwas: sent foniard- at . moon..' 'There was:nochange of\ importance in the positionef 'Gen.:Holiniketarmy•yesterdw • •--'-- - -

-, „The ...information from the, main'body ofpleOlellelesi, ainiy at Cumberland, is upo'iqook yesterday. Iu the, course of the day,they bad several skinitishis "'Stith .the'rebeis,:who were in', their immediate front, in foris.'earlyr.ninehunclredieleaseitUnion .prisonersh re &hired here from, the South.If

:iiv• .., -,—......;_...____.___. • •. 1


.New and secood•hand

BALLS, .01/10.1• " • ' W. II3IfINGTOS ' htay 44 -1862.- SICIATZ,-Mr.Wright, of Indiats;-present-ed•ketltion,, frOM the-citheris . a.f.oaltift,cengress to leaveMrthe;agitationrefthe negro question, and' atteiidnesif'ofpatting; down therebellion.Oa motion of. Mr. of May., theresolution-to seaptad-thlfpiywieric ibewit for. thp' meat of troops actirally em.'played In Department Of the WasAfter"discussion;the:resolution was laid.over. . •

-TheWrlsoir..kpprOPtiation bill was Aiken:'Up, ordinal' consideration awl ithendment,'theSenate wentinto executive .sesslon, andsubsequently adjcuned,-, - -.Horaa—Air.• Wilton,'ofVt., reportedbarkfrom at! Committee pa Trinting; ajoint tea.;'olution" requiring the Superintendent of the!census to keep a record of the::_timpeel.ofadults; males,"and hoods 3stitilles,-apdfree'

TJUILIdINGE,kck, kSirOrders by mail willrwetre,prcappkattaition.

.-.131P.O.RTATIONS:=Per ships Nader-.laud, Jupiter, Henry.,MIL Bonilisrd'aud Edward:troutRotterdam—DOSrases "Woo Drop" Mu, and 86pipes and% pips "Sellng's &beam"Mu.Per ship Mein. Prelaricke, from Bordeaux, andAnse, from les Rattails—SO cases "A Deignotretrandy.•Peralilp OCHSSkimmer,Otard,-Diigt-Sfediaus...-60 Sitaks'"Dupuy 4.00." Cognac Draudy, . ,For J .0,1N P. SALLOW/gg Strati. Wow York.4-INDSEtig BLOOD' kiRAROHBRi.Lkbe enres &reels, Pimpleson the Taos, goreEtta,:an. V a tonic, itsDuoivtr.

rds, Lher Cormplalnt.'.re mit 'benignant, and;recannot tall to benefit. ' • •Taogenuine article, prepared by the original in.:nter, D. LINDBZI4 is en sale by B. A..Tahne.stock .ft Co..- R. B. &liars k CO., John X. Fulton,Joe. Park, Dr.-Lange, J. D. Cherry, t0....mum JOLUtiBTON, nets Agent,. emir thnithneld and ethers. ..

, .-.. Front Monterey,Lotrwriiiii,Mny id.--A dispatch receivedat ',entering, datetl,, Monterey, Idth, says a•reconnoissance party, under Brigadier-Gen-eral Smith,hittasskirmish with rebel picketsonour right yesterday—killed two, woundingthree,and capturing ere,- Our loss wail two.The party went withinheifer idleof the'rebelbatteti,supported bya brigade of infantry.The •cemmanding General -snores his ampto-dayftiar mile' from bore; to thefront.- VOurforces average-two; and 'a 'half' mileitroth the intronehmentri •'' • ',• - --\:Although the army Mores slowly,..becamieof thitna,turlo of,the..groktid neceseitating thebinilding.Of-- corduroy-bridges, it fa geneundentood' that•-,an engagement will comeoff in the conrtie, of the week. *-



• ' Thrt StitiMillitary ' Claline..Itemunsono, May.1.4.—80 r the info'rmationof partiesfhtertistedAt is proposed esi 'statethatno elaims-can be-considaredly ihe boardy -theact of the Mei 'of April, an.appointedlttib enactfoi the adiiicibintion and. psi:moat of certain military claims, until thenecessary: blanks imskronns for_ their.iettle-moat ehali harsi-bsen,:preparedrdneinotice ofwhich, bypublication, wiltbe give*: ,:.,.- •-: i.

!The subJeet was discussed,and the. resolu-tion twilled. ' „ • • 1.M. Elliot, of Masa.; from' the &lett •Cora ,nduee on Confiscation retiorted, two bills.He'said the time for, the!consideratitin of thissubitat ought lia much-loom postpoli-ed. , )1e suggestodithUt tho bill be toads thespade' order for Monday_nest, ,

... LThis lint-Of thilwo bills, roported by thoCoannitto, Provides that all estates, enroPertY,nioneyand,efreals-ofpersons holding, or, whomay liereaftior.hold, °Moe under tho so-calledSouthern Confodersey, shall be forfeited to theUnited Stab* theproceedinge, to „blvbroughtIn r`eer.ThaPiestdent is reguliad to • !gene apietila.rebel=don, giving slaty,'day* Warning to, the

OPENING SUMMER. MJILLINERY.x.=MTN, No-123redeial *rest, Alle-gheny, will open on THUS/MAI, /Dtb • full

7ABIIIONABLIC BllNifEli ;To mbtob Abe regeenttally Invitee attention.mylo:std.

CON.BI44.N.M.ENTS ' • •10has :itspk.ioo 40. ,tibia prliaoliall.Hatter • 'irlioloo _do' do' dm.-75 pito= prima Applaßattar; •air load Potatoes; ; - • •Jaatmalted by

rrazticoreslß.114 fondaireot.1.112,ylarge.stock ii U 1 t dextsmo .caries nom, Gam.reildix ROSS% VAMBXNAB, LANTANAA. MIAELLEarsories. Aurrnuumulme4m.MIAS, VIOXII/XWO, WALL nopazoX.61, wbolo#l,sad Total, # Peka.„NOME ; •


_ hfr.-Caliert offered thefollowing: that .no-portfore-ofthe. appropriationinthis. bill' shall be applied 65. 1teoping. In!ltth,fogsor eqtdpp'ng negroesor - (tearservice in the anny of the I:ratted Staten.Mr: Slovens, of~Pirs for:reasons whichstated, hoped that this wren-we:albe Teta-

Diaswain . .), t ived.1: meg Ntae. at 110111PtY of- Idti dried 'Om/ mad Xta; +Walk-leaariataU:,l7,!"40 A. 1111N8RAVIkou*lt mawLibarty awl Mal

loom. -Foot litca landlday oatatrivoltattqattkditi;ssw.thicksole uite ldtloImo bla wend sad qo. .

Mr. Wickliffe raid !Levied *Alin to.,theWar Department foilptirutatica.oa:thektivojehcat,slates,d*henv tehdewaastwed.; Ile harpedto return' totheir, mutate bad beed iletrattied trait indaing,:bre,atilltur'sfithciiity- Might.slailfsItad been killed or 'hotly Wilts* author*... .

Theatre- ''''Th"7777_77•777mw7imaes.7'• • THE LATEST-NEVirS I LATEst .11110111..KUROPE.:It has-been asserted that "sn—at thy. • •

.•test of merit," aid in the production ofUncle • By- yELEGBAIsTom's Cabin at the Theatre It would seem•

that Manager Hendenon is meritorious.Uncle Ton has pow been running three even- ARRIVAL OF SICK AND Wuurivtailogs and the audienoes have inereasednightly, SOLDIERS AT PEIILADELPHIA.which is a confirmation of what we 'have heard from old Theatre goers a thous-and times over. "Give us good attraction; saythey, and we wilt patronize you, but do notexpectfull houses when you can offer no par-ticider card." And this brings us at once towhat we have to say. Sineethe days of Cor-della Howard, no child has, attempted the an-gelic characterof Eva, in UncletTom's Cabin,that min compare with: thepresent petite star,Miss MarianSmith, whohas been the Theatre since Monday last,. and whocompletes hersixth year this coming August.We have seen several little Misses attemptthe character, but all have been placed far mthe background when brought into •conipari-son with little Miss Smith. In faet she isofar in advanee of those who have playedsthepart on the Pittsburgh ."boards," that com-parisons wouldbe useless; since nothingcouldbe gained.To particiderive, however, she appears Justas one would suppose a child would, placed inher circumstance*. Then, her advice to Too;ay and Uncle Tom isgiven in such a quiet,-calm tone of Voice, with Mich a derv* of af-fection, that all thhige considered, it is reallysurprising.- One would naturally supposethat most ohildrin,listenikk to the_ queef'lingo of Topsy &beat. "smiling Missile newdress, etc.," would be .;very apt to smile orcommit some other slight indiscretion, whichwould mar the acme. Bat this is not thecase with the little, simmer otwhein we speak.Withher, ill 'of Tolisy's talk is carefully no-tedlike la,and then comesa gentle rebuke, in child-nguage, whiehle•sitre to cell forth theadmiration of all inattendaue. • In additionto this real acting of Mils Sthith'i;the publicshould know that, for one of hertenderyears,she sings exceedingly well, and.the tumultn-out-applause which hasfollowed her songs ofthro'-the Eye " and- "Eva to her• Papa," the past-three nights, must hails notonly been gratifying to herself, but also toher mother, Mrs. C. T. Smith, who per-senates Topsy, and adds very materially tothe Intelsatof the piece, by faithfully stick-ingto the text, and giving every word, the

• correct accent of the Southern bred negro girl.Besides this, Mre. Smith dresses the chur--1 acter in very good taste, and the peculiarrollofher eyes, when charged with theft by AuntOphelia, together with herpurelyAfrican eon-tortion of thebody, while engaged in conver-sation, is enough to mike one pronounce hernigger all over, from head to foot, from topto toe. Anil this what.liconstitutes goodsalting. Yousit in the box, and do not thinkjof Mrs. Smith, but ofa full blooded Southerndarkey yoleped Topsy, who can sing an ex-militia song,and gracefullyreceive the plead-jits of the audience when it /a finished.Forthe part of St. Clair, Mr. McManus hasbeen east, and • more judiciousselectioncouldI not have been made. Mr. nleManne hasplayed the part repeatedly before,and thereis no altimeter which he assumes that heperforms more properly in detail. His dyingscene, surrounded as be is by faithful. UnoleTom,-Topsy, and some other attendants, Isthe most affecting thing, next to the death ofEva, that we have seen on the -Pittsburghstage for a long time, and the song "Eva inHeaven" appealed to delight every one.Mr.Mackey, In the part of the old slaveUncle Tom, seems to thoroughly understandhis totfflness, and sots very Judielouely. Hisconversation with Eva and the old tyrant le-vee was tender andaffective, yetresolute andtruthful. Mr. Mackey is a pains -taking ac-tor, and it is not unreasonable tosuppose thathe will some day make his mark in his pro;fusion.Mr. Carden's Legree was goodin somere-spects, but would have been tarbetter had he-not ranted's° excessively, and tried to Imitatemacre more closely. To be sure; this "tear-ing a paasion to tatters" may. timers pleasetha"gods" of the gallery, but then it is aptto mate all who appreciate natural actingturn away in 'disgust. Besides, the day otranting is past: Even Mi.'Porreet, who helda premintaln days gone by for roaring like ahull, in certain characters, has now dreppedthat style, and speaks in a natural tone ofvoice.

The Aunt Ophelia of. Miss Kate Poster isnot as good as some other Aunty o.'s that wehare NAIL •

Arxiivit of the Atepatter Ariligara-HALIPAX, .31ay 14.—This steamer Niagarahas arrive d from Live rpool, with' dates of the3d inst., and by telegraph via Queenstown tothe 4th.The steamer Hibernian arrived out on the2d instant.Lcciiegf, May 2.—The weekly cotton re-port iras 'received rby the Jura via FartherPoint._ Flour is dull at a decline of 6d sinceTuesday; salsa at 24s 6d@305. Wheat quietand-2d lower; red_western at 10s®lls ; red.southern at 10.1®11s 2d; white western at Ils9d®l2s, and white southernat 12n®12a 6d.Corn firmer-, mixed sells at Z's 64®285, andwhite at 325®335.'Liverpool, May 3.—The sales of cotton tolday was 5,000 bales; he quotations are un-changed. The sales to speculators and ex-porters are 1,000 bales.„. IBreadstuff, quiet and steady. Cornsteady.Provisions are very dull.'.London, May 3.—Consels 93%®9314 -GitILALT BRITAIS.—The Paris correspondenceof the London Daily Nom, writingun the let,inst:, says r. It is positively stated, to-day, in,official circles, that the From:lh and EnglishMinisters at Washington have. received in:atruction to attempt at ,moral interventionjin the hope of putting an end to theAmericancivil' war. A meeting; attended by aboutiO,OOO people, was hold at Acton, underLynn,to consider the crisis in the cotton districts.A motion calling on theGovernment to ree-.egnize the Confederate -States of America, and i`adopt Mr. Cobden's proposed alteration inmaritime law, was proposed. An amendmentwas offered calling on the Governments of, America, England aed France to crush therebellion, but on a dliision the original mo--1 ilea was carried by a • considerable majority.The

AiLondon Times pnblishee a letter fromMr.Russell,explaining the/difficulties thrownin hie way by Secretary I Starton when he,sought to visit the man-of-war Rinaldo. Hesays the diflonitiee amounted virtually topro-hibition-,-and he thinks that Secretary Stan-ton would have ordered .away-the Rinaldo ifhe could. .

' On the 2cl inst. SirG. L0044144 that .theHouse ofCommons would soon haVe anample'opportunity'to discuss the questfon ofdefences,-as la would be his dutyshortly toask leave to,bring in a bill 4or .another loan for national



BLOOD iii&Rel tt


Cancer, -••• ' '

''ClUlearaillAumisitiow • ''

'llarotala,` .'-"

, - Cutaneous' Diinaoni,• /4711P.4114.1 .;9418,Pinilloer sean th ese Fade, 7 .

: Tetteidff.eistiani;Scald Head;DiiPal)!lkk .,

Cc .wenest,Old and Stubborn Ulcers;Rheumatic Disorders. 's

Salt IllietuaMere Dimwits,

Gen IDebilityind 4Liver Complaint;- - ,)Loss ofAppetite.' \kn

iow 411its, . /

Female Co 'plaints, '. 'Zpilep ,orFits,:Prunlysis or Palsy,.:

- Syphilitic Disea '.l' Cariesof i

Toazniza WITH ALT.L 0 DiliamiiHAVING TIMM "omoui 0,oaraaysoCONDITION Of 3119 81.90D, OTROITLATOe

OASB OP DANI&L A.'.80kJ":•

Da.: G.-H. Krrilak-.4 take gees kOriakinibbis ecilbat!lrretatinsaf~pared by yen eall!ed '".tairbeirs BLOOD lamailIhad mffered Ibr 'dm pea wler'Sam* .11.itek;broke oat mayheed and th0440-sakit todi fatsam Ter/ amok and teak off the,lstiezetien 'die, •ease made IL appearance; It: mins, 'baton-lay.ann

and Leid benne the eltaniiihdatkilo ihiskta'ehse to expose a tharthl meal Ittidhissalon myhead went so 1ir , that'.'iMaiminiall'ldameof;honeand had

ante oat. • 14We-coytielak spit*,glees opall hope oreveriteftfitt wells-le I!i!at ael* -latobtes aalltha• t didme •,oe too& In September last, 1.13a41 'Mahatma' totry .•Lt Innovate. BLOOD: saiactumetMast tonna Ihad no faith fa leamt"-modninne. batalter Ihad used threebottles of BloodSearekeevtheulcer. on myLlseedand -atnt:lkAtian tt!lsoahut. tome-mei taken ife/itOi, hottleat.tad'aarstenoans'eettre4 eel/ exeept the mlretnefs44-treas tkoI win also mate that Ihad the ttresisstfroa••Mybad In myeraMMidleg, . Tb, Diaad.elm anted the Theumails - Tam now a itell.,-.4mta.oriitort, en* sad youngas Edlttrwhatif Maitit:MiTs'';fetteisedIa'Might tiOnade:';ethe _dfsieae !.!1:4i7 "the,.;sait eo, had*Optti ?Ind Iftlad "iYiblzg 614•76 theblood not mittaa Dr,EaSoer. Asa a,ehotognmh taken of •-410" , by alz. Calm tb• stela,after / begia toast -evil. It- does notshow* Impeatatedilai badita Itlitt dereIcamnieneed-taktag tbe'lnidtesrlican are theptentognephkrimi 'neer in"PoMeaMantagar4.l•3asWtaalaffatt*"ml: also Mitewhich was

that; took, tlte Abed &sambamale before— Dr. ItorsT oonumentAmido.leg tt."'llitiqagit d rao nines; &Lisa"-wirerkat math I got the kind made by xtr.Abniear.One battle-et has didin* more dory.'.two of the old. I ballets tile great deelittmilia4 .doatter. hare ,nbeinnnianded tbnpke4Bueb. •sr t • great.maap,nt triads tor earthen Mein%and ILbolters itbin beiped tirobibeieat thank TOGitay publishthb.iipatarfori?.2-1-iwinikei that • •• 'all whoars afEktedha. Tema inkebe cured. IMein' .ttalrttletryNO. !its,stgest, andam efeb~itetvaeßMlle Andenott's,ltalottltarble;Warke, Ed Wayne-*3P;ras. dt.D9171-: • -


Yvvinl4o. 0-PuAstn4 Ufa. lac isior•'-rb,!Idorkt toad In both*ie..•for treattritanraw ticalled "Miner iboatArse isoutaisticadd,aokthed, toghs ma' kvetical Inktfielt6.Mind, hi IldbdiolptiliC' Wails tailit. 4`e'=7:;11? ../10164.° 10A jt, ite#6:.'ollVlll4l-this Itamad .173514..14*4 tekrit:ti6'4_,-*qw,thite# tiligi,l4o)ta, fli:44.*J. andbut 14'414'&1"XiATF 044rued *rife$034{144'4'A*: 44ffa ot the UspitiL *sad .Adr4l*-OPaWM ntiinike apil .Lalma, byl the ithiostel„.;lnesor fE4I4ornawmoor. Hormrochohkeltriiiiiildmy-404 aid my" 'eyes mak; laird/ 41410)4TbiNaargob

a wash: ' 71:44:1121)435401 4,1....,~,-zetnalmrib, Sili:6;lML:llitaiilt*Tlecr.Witdo6-11. 'eaeti ,4*.1';•

4 840 808.8;LSO a081iL:Seilbei "L I.,hoff3 7. ent/i_ th" .1% ovvrtatria.inti# wags twit maw tkag...X <Mkttxtma*porlyik Seem! 117*in*tto thittirmunable taa,skyteuefor • 304tiiii•40 011/8 had:iLtionattaCX teedto"svissid ot twttioritattesrPtitocity,but without 447 boucle; 60,-,VisitttftillY4;,byte) Itb.ltditfood rzeit,tottAtgifotiabiI`l.lla*l4llii'i-:r4it *lfigT44lo9l4,fikleint,;63l4 :i":"! .10 :441114*144a1k:'tinnedwell sbe nix

&err Matins Boate;laalStatei-*tnotytitotoettiy:°11!°1°"° q11444.4:1' '

• oran,„vihri,iltdoft 0„.14

18151.1""C ifo 4114,-• 97,x1itimo Me.;weptMee

ie tryinit to eampo.front the andm of*,anthrities.Mr. Calrert's propadUon was.rejetted.The MMus parsed the-Army Appropriationbill althont amendment. -On Motionadjourned.

From Pitfalls:9th-Oakum, May 14.--A- special dispatch. himCairo to the 21 ,44,- ray" Gen. /liftable's DI-vision- badforked a junction *Wanly Popsand now forms-the extreme leftdourlinA spatial to the nem laa,-son- e.rusidAy.-Gen. Pope. moved forward hit column to re.take possession lost in the skirmish Of Fridaylast. Theresult was not known -when theeteamor left Pittsburgh. .-As the steamer 01.4istor, With thiL...FourthAtinnesota Regiment on balid. was-poseinfrPars Lauding, en route for Pittibmili, Aarupper works gave way, killing several others.,

alarkpts by. TelesrapaCiscansart 11.Ecening,-,13.,4 dull, andprices irregular fowlowgrad.% but la idkaad 14,10,andsonld be bought at st, but good inadecGeVinal.stock may be quoted at 8410@aja. antra atrilete 11 no change AZl`Glitn„ Whbal •rpe 42l6tteettledandclowl to;,. twin the market,and theonly Dams are the'ziegular daalenn'tbey serum to pay Imo lON whilsttialdant ask Ine.- Than§ -ft load dmd tbr YeaPork. with odes of 12,000 bbla. at. S1.0;'• 'igOod do. '-mond for Bacon &do at Gq but tenowantoktxl; •there fdr demand fur Boa 3laids 3iri

.834r.100,C00 Its: Mumble=sold at op, alwa -sold out or tbsntaticet. Therttiana elta*lnGra.Nair Toat,l47ii.-4...4caio..ici‘t .easier; gain600halalat wet of17.500 bb's. at 14 fitatic7Wbesigetgab:213,300 bash; at 409forvlttuagofltednill01,30 rot , whlte Anchigia„-, Cofb .llntniaoattligtj-S.bush. at MeV* Itrotokr at'0 :or.: r, • •



- 0-1