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  • I Test Your l ~ 1

    Vocabular 2 Test Your Vocabulary 2 is the second in a series of five beSI - selling Test Your Vocabulary books . This fully revised and updated edition features 60 varied and enjoyable vocabulary tests covering the most important words and phrases needed by pre-intermediate level students.

    60 tests for practising essential vocabulary at pre-intermediate level

    Wide variety of tests. including crosswords. cartoons, fHl-the-gaps. and many more Tips on learning vocabulary A-Z word list and full answer key

    Ideal for self-studY and classroom use

    Advanced Upper Intermediate Intermediate Pre-intermediate Elementary Beginner

    Published and distributed by Pearson Education Limited

    Adults 16+ 12-15 Primary

    COVllt deSIgned by Tan Toas DeSign

    Covel photog'aph s"ppllea D'/ Photonica

    Also look out for:

    I Test Your l ~ 1

    Vocal 2


  • Test Your Vocabu ary 2

    Peter Watcyn-Jones and Olivia Johnston

    P ItNO I,I.N RNO .. ""

  • Pearson Education l.lmited Contents Edinburgh Gate Harlow

    Esse~ CM20 2JE, England To the studenl N 31 M"'" 52 and Associated Companies throughout the world 32 ".".,., 2 54

    1 In the kilchen 33 Verbs and I"ICU1S 3 ,. ISBN 0 582 451671 2 Adjectives with the same 34 Adjectrves: t/Wlgs 58

    ",.,.,.,. 2 35 Fifth Impression 2005 FNi\ 00:1 vegetables 60 3 In the garden 3 First published In Sweden by Kursvei'Ksamhetens IMag 1979 36 PITa", """" 62 4 In the study 4 Published by Penguin Books 1985, 1996 37 Fun and leisure 1 64 This edition published 2002 5 Things to buy 6 38 Fun and leisure 2 66

    Te~t copyright C Peter Watcyn-Jones 1979, 2002 6 _"" 1 8 39 Places to live 68 Text copyright C Olivia Johnston 2002 7 Bedroom things 10 40 P"",", 70

    8 Famify lile 12 41 ptyases 3 72 Designed and typeset by Pantek Arts Ud, Maidstone, Kent 9 JI'" 14 42 Test Yourlormal devised by Peter WatcynJones More prepositions 74 Illustrations by Rupert Besley, Mart in Fish, Vince Silcock and Mark Watkinson 10 Verbs and nouns 1 16 43 Maths 76 Printed in China. SWTClO5 11's get technical 17 44 ElectrICal things 78

    12 ArOlXld the house 18 45 Verbs: thR\ person 80 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in 8 retrieval 13 Verbs: sayhg 20 46 Verbs: going places 82 system, or transmitted in sny form or by any means. electronic;, mechanical, 14 Mooey 22 47 British and American Eng~ 84 photocopying, recording orothBrwise, withoot the prior written permission of the 15 Prepositions 01 rT'IO'Ie!l"Iert 24 48 86 Publishers. Kinota Island

    16 In the town 26 49 Soort 88 Published by Pearson Education Limited in association with Penguin Books Ltd, both 17 In the Jivng room 28 50 Films and TV 90 companies being Sl.bsidiaries 01 Pearson pic. 18 Choose the word 30 51 Opposites: adjectives 92

    19 Focx:t and an 32 52 Oloose the word 93 20 What's the matter? 34 53 """-"'" ""'-'" 94 21 In the bathroom 36 54 verbs: lISing yc:AX hands 95 22 Adjectives: people 38 55 Abstract nouns 96 23

    """'" 40 56 .tI.qectrves crossword 9B

    24 Word Ql"OlIPS 42 57 -, 100 25 Prepositions 43 58 Definitions 101 2. Verbs and nouns 2 44 59 Too many words 102 27 Mo

  • To the student This book will help you to learn new English words while having fun at the same time. Many of the tests use pictures - such as the tests on the things in the house, fruit and vegetables, sports. clothes and places in town. Others are based on word types - for example, verbs, adjectives and prepositions. There are also lests on pairs of words thai go together. opposites, and woo:Is that people otten mix up. Use the coolents list to find the right lest for you. Or go through the book and choose one that lOOkS interesting Of has drawings that you like. So if you fee! like doing a crossword, choose a crossword. If you feel like looking al cartoons. try one of the Phrases tests where you match words to a picture. If a lest is fun to do, this is one of the best ways of learning new words fast. There's no need to start at the beginning and work through every lesl in the book. The tests al the end are no more diffICult than the ones al the beginning.

    There are tip boxes on nearly every page. They will give you exira help and information. They will also give you ideas on how to learn new words.

    To really learn a new word, you will need to do each test more than once. So use a pencil 10 write the answers in the book when you test yourself. Then, check your answers and look carefully at the words you didn't know or got wrong. Finally, rub out your answers ready for the next time you try that test. Each test wi. take you between five and fifteen minutes the first time you do ii , but the nexltime you win probably be much quicker.

    The tests in this book do not get harder as you go from Test 1 to Test 60. However, the five books in the Test Your Vocabulary series are carefully graded from Book 1 (fOf beginnernj to Book 5, which is for advanced students. If you find this book is too easy, try the next one up. If you find it is too hard, try the next one down.

    Good luck with learning the words in this book. And we hope that you will en}oy using the words in real situations once you've learnt them here.

    Peter Watcyn-Jones and Olivia Johnston

    1 In the kitchen Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to the correct words.

    bowl - q-

  • 2 Adjectives w ith the .

    same meaning Find words with the same meaning in the word square (~ J, t- 1) and write them down.

    wonderful fantastic 9 cheap 2 awful 10 sad

    3 wei rd 11 exciting

    enormous 12 unattractive

    5 good-looking 13 ricll

    6 uninteresting ,. angry

    7 impolite 15 frightening

    8 intell igent

    W L 0 F E S Y P P A H N U T E A A I F Y I N G S T 0 A T T A A C T I V E P L E G 0 E V I S N E P X E N I T H A I L L I N G A S E A A A W A Y 0 U T U Y L G U Y U T E A A I B L E A 0 Y H 0 F A N T A S T I C C G T E E S L U A M I N T L N L 0 G S T A A N G E 0 E I A A U M I G A L E S T V A E 0 H A E 0 A A F I N E 0 W E F U A I 0 U S F 0 A B

    p To form the opposite 01 some adie(:l ives, we can put a prefi)( in front Of them. The prefix un- is the corrmonesl one meaning not. for example unattractive, uninteresting, unintelligent, unpopular. The prefix Im- also means not. II IS less common than un- and it can Oftot go in Iront 01 words thaI begin with m or p, for example impolite , impossible and immoral.

    2 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    3 In the garden Write the numbers ' to 14 next to the correct words.

    apple tree - q- garage

    back door ladder

    balcony [awn bins leaves

    chimney path

    fence pool

    front door steps



    Test YOUI Vocabulary 2 3

  • 4 In the study Write the numbers 1 to 14 next to the correct words.



    calenda r



    filing cabinet


    fountain pen


    pencil sharpener



    scissors stapler


    I ~ 4 Tes! Your Voca bulary 2




    ~ ~-

    ~ .. ~ ...




    ~ ." 10 =;. ,

    ~S - , -


    8 9

    11 12

    fP .- .... ... e - ' .::- -"',~ ~ """

    13 14

    Another word fOf a biro is a ballpoint. The word biro comes from the name of the man who Invented the first ballpoint pen in 1938, the Hungarian Lazlo Biro, lallo's biros became very popular with pilots because they worked well at high altitudes.

    There are other English words thaI come from the names of Inventors. The word sandwich is Pfobably the most famous one. The sandwich was invented In 1762 by the Earl of Sandwich. In 1762 he put a piece of cooked meat between two slices of bread so that he could carry on plaYing cards while he was eating.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 5

  • 5 Things to buy Write the correct phrase from the bOx under each picture,

    a bag of a bar of a boWe of a box of a bunch of a carton of a dozen a jar of a loaf of a packet of

    a pot of a ron of a lin of a tub of a t\:lee ef

    I i~ "-. ~ "' , r/ . .. ;"l . . . . a tube of 2 3

    toothpaste jam tomatoes

    " .

    ~ " . , ,~, ~. \ . . . . ~"!1. j ", ; " 4 5 6

    flowers eggs olive oil


    , , .

    . . - ;] ,,~ ; ~,, "' . ' . '

    . .

    7 8 9 matches chocolate bread

    , Test Your Vocabulary 2




    I ~ It ~ ;~ ~1: '~_\ ~-JI'" 11 12

    biscuits orange juice yoghurt

    14 15 doughnuts toilet paper popcorn

    In BnIISh Eng~Sh we use the word can lor drinkS: a can of beer I co/a I lemonade. We use the word tin for food: a tin of tomatoes I beans I apricots . In American English the word can IS used for food and drinks.

    We don't JUst use the word bar w~h chocolate. We also use il with soap. In formal situatlOflS, we talk about a bouquet or flOwers, not a bunch.

    As she came off the plane, the president was given 8 bouquet 01 flowers.

    Test Your Vocabula ry 2 7

  • 6 Phrases 1 Match the words to the pictures. Write the letters a to h in the balloons.

    a Don't worry. [ won't. b Thanks. I'll need it.

    c Same to you.

    d Sure. What's the problem?

    e I'm bored.

    Me too.

    9 Nor do I.



    I'm afraid I'm using it.

    COM you do m" a (OVO",.?

    Good luck in your 8~om.

    6 Tes! Your Vocabulary 2



    Don't W'orlc. too nord.

    What'. the moth,,,.?




    I don"t go out very "",c/o.



    The expression Me too and Me neither are shghtly less formal ways of saying So am I ISo do I and Nor am II Nor do I. They only la)(ist in the first person singular. We can't, for example, say ~or I-hm Ro;tRcr. ['he negallve form Me neither IS less common than the positwe torm Me roo .

    The expression Same to you is short for The same to you.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 9

  • 7 Bedroom things Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to the correct words.

    alarm dock q



    chest of drawers



    duvet 2






    3 4

    5 6 .'

    " 0 " .,


    h P ~ R1

    0 ...

    p ~

    "'cS..,. '@ , ,

    J ,0, il ":Jl ~l~ , 0 ~ . , ~

    10 Test Your Vocabulary 2







    G:JG:J ~ I.

    .n ~ G:::55 , - "':i --

    12 , / ,

    '". }) / . ", , ~ v7. ,\


    The word duvet IS French. There are other French words thai have become part of the English language, for example cafe, restaurant, garage, bouquet and menu. How many WOfds can you think of that have become part of your language?


    A word-web is a useful way of recording new words. Choose a subject that you like and write one word In the middle of a big piece of paper. Vv'hich words in English or your own language come into your Mad? Use a dicl ionafy \0 build up your web. Here IS an example of a word-web based on the word house.


    CH~AV Test Your VOcabulary 2


  • 8 Family life A Read Heidi's words and write the names of the people 00 the famity


    My name's HeidI. I'm married to Kerlm. We have two chi ldren, Aisha and Leila. My mum, Wendy, died when I was a teenager. My dad, Keith , got married to Katrina fourteen years ago. J've got one sister, Gina, and one

    ~rother, Andy. Gina's married to Jean-Claude, who's French. fhey've got a little girl called Ju lie and a boy of twelve :alled Michael. My brother Andy was ma rried to a girl called :aroline but Ihey got divorced. Luckily t hey didn't have my children. Now he's married to a girl called Susanna.

    L----.JII I I II I L-I -------,I ,---I ------,I D ~ ~ ~Ql~ I II II II I

    12 Tesl Your Vocabulary 2

    B What do they an say about family lile? Choose the correct word for each gap.

    aunt brother-in-law oousins daughter-in-Law ex-wife faiRer iA law grandparents husband sister-in-law

    son-in-law stepmother uncle wife

    Keri lll : My (I) fatne,.-in -/aw Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company. Aisllfl: My (2) Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat

    everythi ng on my plate. Lei/a: My (3) Andy should get divorced again. I don't like

    his wife, Susanna. Heidi: ! like my (4) ___ __ Katrina very much. She's like a real

    mother to me. KeitlJ: My (5) ____ ~' Kerim, is a really reliable person. [ couldn' t

    manage the business withou t him. Gil/a: I don't get on very well with my (6) ____ ~, Susanna. I get

    on much better with Andy's (7) , Ca roline. /. Clmuie; My (8) Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his

    (9) Susanna very much. She complains about everything. Jlllie; My (10) Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us

    next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France. Michael: I'm trying to teach my (11 ) Kei th and Katrina to

    speak French. They're really slow! Susalll/a: My (12) Andy prefers his sisters to me. Kl'itll: [ get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nea rly everyone.

    I have a problem with my (13) _ _ _ _ Susanna.

    p The plural of sister-in-law and brother-in-law IS sisters-in-law and brothers-In-law

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 13

  • 9 Jobs Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

    accountant Elfhiteel camerawoman carpenter disc jockey night attendant journalist librarian mechanic plumber

    presenter sales rep sound engineer tOlJ( guide traffic warden

    Everyone in my family works rea lly hard.

    1 At the moment, my father is designing a hospital. He's an architect

    2 My mother is on a plane somewhere above the Atlan tic Ocean . She's not on a business trip or on holiday. She's a _ ___ _ _

    3 My sister Marsha is asleep at the moment bu t she was playing records at a radio station all last night. She's a ______ _

    4 My brother Dave makes kitchen cupboa rds and dining room tllbles. He's a ______ _

    5 My brother Frank is probably putting a ticket on a car. That ticket means somebody has to pay a fi ne. Frank is a _ _ _ ___ _

    6 My other brother, Andrew, is mending somebody's hot water system. He's a _ _____ _

    7 My aunt Lu isa counts up other people's mo ney. She tells people how much tax they need to pay. She's an ___ ___ _

    B My uncle Martin is probably putting books back on a shel f. He's a

    14 Test Your Voc abulary 2

    9 My cOllsi n Luigi is fixin g somebody's car. He's a ______ _

    10 My cousin Annabel works for a make-up company. She's trying to sell their products in Frankfurt this week. She's a ______ _

    11 My aunt Sue is working with a film crew in Africa. She operates the camera. She's a ____ __ _

    12 My uncle Tim is working with the same film crew. He has to re

  • 10 Verbs and nouns 1 A



    3 4

    5 6

    Match the verbs to Ihe nouns.

    Verbs Nouns 1 boil a a hole ld 2 dial b a lV programme 3 dig c a video 4 feed d some water 5 pou, e the coffee 6 record the dog 7 rent 9 the number

    8 lear h the plants 9 tidy the room 10 water your jeans

    Complete each sentence with the correct verb + noun. I'm going to make some pasta. First [ need to boil some water. Be careful or you'll _____ _ _ on the nail in that fence. Can you _ _____ , please? He's looking hungry. Can you ? Or would you prefer tea? 1 always forget to and then they suddenly die. If we're going to plant that tree, we need to ___ ____ first.

    7 J' m going out tonight. Can you _ ______ for me? It's on Channel 4 at eight o'clock.

    8 I'm having some friends round tonight. [ must _ _ ____ _ It's in a terrible mess.

    9 There's nothing good on TV tonight. Let's _ _____ _ 10 We have to call Lisa. My hands are wet. Can you _ _ _ ___ ,

    p The verb rent has two meanings: to pay money to use somelhing.

    I need to rent a car this weekend so I can drive to Wales. to lend something In return for money. She rents rooms to students.

    16 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    1 1 Let's get technical Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.


    answerphone Internet

    click ~ floppy disk printer program recharge

    e-mail screen


    Could you prin t another _ _ --'C"O~p~y'---- of this letter. I want to keep one and give o ne to Steve.

    My _ _ _ ____ address is ][email protected]. 3 Tina's got a good computer _ _ _ ____ which teaches you

    to type in ten lessons.

    4 You can find some really cheap air tickets on the ______ _

    5 If you look at a computer all day, your eyes get ti red.

    6 I've got a colour . It's very fast and can print up to ten pages a minute.

    7 Put the in the computer and save your work on it

    8 Move the mouse slowly on the mat and _ ___ ___ on the left button.

    9 This mobile phone isn't working. I need to _ _____ _ it.

    10 J'm going to draw a map and it to Selina. She's coming here this afternoon and she doesn't know the way.

    11 Martin wasn't in so I left a message on his ___ _ _ _ _

    p The words program and programme both eXist In British Engfish. The fOlTTl program is used lor computers, while the form programme is used lor TV. tn American English, there is only one form: program .

    The spelling of disk with a k, is only used for computer disks. The word is spell with a c when H relElfS to music. fOf example compact disc. disc ;ockey.

    Test You. Vocabulary 2 17

  • 12 Around the house Match the things that go together. Draw tines from each word on the lett to the correct word 00 the right.









    hot water bottle


    ~ ... S . ti>.EJ .dll~

    _z_~ batteries ___ "'- brush ___ saucer








    18 Test Your Vocabulary 2


    ) ,









    The word brush can be used with anolher noun to show what the brush IS used for: paint bnJsh, hairbrush, toothbrush, clothes brush, make-up brush.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 19

  • 13 Verbs : saying Write the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose from the following:


    ag"'" guess

    argue introduce

    -eeeteI& describe promise pronounce refuse

    reply suggest thank



    What shall I buy Linda for her birthday: a CD or a book? I can't decide

    2 Can you _ _______ the man who stole you r bag?






    'How old are you?' '['m not telling. You'll have to _ ______ _

    Don't _______ _ this to anyone. I don't want anyone else to know.

    How ca n I ___ _____ you rOf all your kindness?

    _____ ___ we go to the Picasso exhibitio n this morning and have lunch at the art gallery.

    I don't understand this chemistry. Ca n you _ to me?

    _ _ _ __ it

    8 I fe ll sorry fo r her and when she asked me to help her, [ couldn't

    9 [ usually - --- --c-- - with Jim about films and books. We li ke the same sort of things.

    20 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    10 In class we sometimes ________ politics and big news stories.

    11 Please ________ you won 't tell anyone else. It's a secret between us.

    12 They often _ _______ about money because he says she spends too much.

    13 They walll an answer to their quest ions. We have to ________ to their leiter th is week.

    14 When you come to New York, ['I[ ________ you to all my friends.

    15 You don'I ________ the b in the word rllI/lII/).

    p There are severa! ways of remembellng the meaning 01 new words. You can wllte a translatlOfl. draw a piclure, WI1te an example senlenca USing Ihe word, wnle an explanation rn English or your own language. On Ihis page. you win learn lhe meanings ol lhe verbs from the example sentences_ You may a!so be able 10 WIlle a lronsfatlOfllnlo your own language 01 some of the verbs.

    Tesl Your VocabulalY 2 21

  • 14 Money Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the Past Simple.

    cost count earn find hide lose -ffIake. pay save steal



    This company made a profit of 25 million last year.

    _ ___ up all my pocket money to buy these.

    It only ____ 3,000.

    22 Test Your Vocabulary 2




    ____ _ 3 mi!lion from the bank.

    _____ the money under this tree.

    _ _ __ 250,000 last year.

    7 ____ 5 in the street.

    9 ____ 40 for this haircut.

    8 When I ____ it


    yesterday, there was more.

    ____ all my money in Las Vegas.

    p In thiS test. ail the WQ(ds you have to write in the gaps are verbs. Try making a money word-web thai uses verbs. nouns and adjectIVes. You can include the verbs from this test. Start like this:

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 23

  • 15 Prepositions of movement

    Write the missing prepositions in the sentences below.



    ! watched the schoolchildren walking _-'POoC'",'---_ my house on their way to school.

    a) from @past c) along

    The two boys ran the road.

    a) opposite b) against c) across

    She put the hat her wardrobe.

    a) on top of b) over c) through

    4 They spen t the day walking _ ____ the river bank.

    a) across b) ilbove c) along

    5 The helicopter flew _ _ _ _ _ the town and we saw people in their gardens.

    a) on top of b) along c) over

    6 The leopard moved slowly ____ _ the long grass.

    a) t hrough b} between c) inside

    7 The old man fe ll ___ _ _ bed and hurt his arm .

    a) away from b) in fron t of c) out of

    8 I heard the police officer say, 'Move away _ _ ___ the car.'

    a) of b) from c) out

    24 Tes t Your Vocabulary 2

    9 We drove _____ the castle gates.

    a) between bJ in to c) th rough

    10 The frog jumped out of the lake _ ____ a stone ncar my foot.

    a) on top of b) above c) onto

    11 I waved at her and she walked _____ me slowly smiling.

    a) towards b) nea r c) between

    12 They were ti red after running _____ the fi eld three times.

    a) over b) near c) round

    p Drawing pictures is a good way of remembering the meaning of prepositions. TIle pictures can be Quite Simple. For example:

    onto off

    0\ I I I U\ into '0 out of

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 25

  • 16 In the town Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to lhe correct word!":.

    art gallery

    department store




    pedestrian crossi ng

    rou ndabout

    sea fron t

    shoppi ng mall

    tourist information

    town hiltl

    underground station


    _ 2_

    26 Test Your Vocabulary 2












    In London, the underground is often called the tube. People say; 'Where is the nearest tube station?' 'Can we get there by tube?' 'What lime iii the last lube?'

    In New YOfk, the subway is the eQuwalenl of the London Underground. In Washingtoo DC, it is called the Metro.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 27

  • 17 In t he living room Write the numbers 1 to 16 next to the correct words.

    armchair -L




    fruit bowl


    music system 2

    pain ting


    remote control




    table mat


    video recorder

    4 5 6

    28 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    , , , , ,

    , "




    8 9

    11 12 ~ ..

    13 14


    Other phrases meaning Ihe same as music system are stereo, stereo system and sound system .

    The phrase VIdeo recorder IS usually shortened to video: Tum the video on A video IS also the lim that you watch on a video. I've got TitanIC on video. I've rented It from our local video shop

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 29

  • 18 Choose the word Choose lhe WOf"d to best complete each sentence.

    When you pay fo r something, you usually get a receipt

    a) recipe @ receipt c) bill

    2 We had a very time in London last summer.

    a) fun b) nice c) funny

    3 Wou.ld you this letter to the post office, please?

    a) send b) take c) bring

    4 The on the west coast of Scot land is really beauti ful.

    a) scenery b) natu re c) view

    5 Elana has a job at a chemist's. a ) half-time b) spare-time c) part-time

    6 I saw a very gOOd advertised in the paper this week.

    a) job b) work c) occupation

    7 _____ to see the manager, please.

    a) will b) want c) would

    8 Is t here anything _ ___ _ you'd like me to get you?

    a) else b) again c) ot her

    9 These shoes don't ___ __ ' They're much too big.

    a) su it b) pass c) fi t

    30 Test Your Voca bulary 2

    10 When we were in Spain last year, we _____ al a fabulous hotel overlooking the beach.

    al stayed b) stopped c) lived

    11 The doctor gave her a _ _ ___ for some medicine.

    a) recipe b) statemen t c) prescription

    12 J hale doing Ihe _____ , especially cleaning the windows.


    a) jobs b) housework c) homework

    Sometimes language learners are confused by two Of three words that sound similar or have s(ghUy Similar meanings. Or else an Engilsh word is Similar to a word in their language so they think It means the same thing. If you know wI1lch words contuse you, you can solve the pmblem by writHl9 example sentences. For example. if receipt, recipe and bill confuse you. check the meaning 1'1 a dictiooary, then write a sentence USIfIQ each one

    The P In receipt IS Silent. We do not pronounce it

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 31

  • 19 Food and drink Complete the crossword. Each answer is related to food .


    You can make it with lettuce and tomatoes.

    6 The meal from a pig-7 Tomato ____ is popular o n spaghetti.

    8 U's made from milk and tastes iI bit sour.

    9 Pcople oft en eat It at the cinema.

    12 floss is pi nk, very sweet and looks like cotton wool.

    14 They aTC not good for your teeth.

    17 They arc small dry fruits. They are sometimes In cereals, chocolate or on top of ice cream.

    18 Hot ___ _ is a good d rink for winter nights.

    20 They cat and grow a lot of this in China, India and Japan.

    22 A pirre of beer. II 's often eaten with chips.

    23 drinks arc drinks that don', have alco hol in them.

    2S An ice ____ is icc with a flavour, on a stick.

    26 These little pink things are a kind of seafood.

    28 The meal from cows.


    2 It 's a sweet rou nd cake, covered with suga r, wi th jam or cream in the middle.

    3 You look at it before you order rood in a restaurant.

    4 Vanilla is a very po pular ___ _ of ice cream.



    It's sweet and Is made by bees. It's uswilly on t he table with the salt.

    10 Spaghetti and ravioli are types of ___ _

    11 An egg dish. It can be made with chees(' or potatoes, for examp]('.

    32 TaSI Your Vocabularv 2

    13 ____ cola doesn't have sugar in it.

    15 Mineral water that has gas in it is _ _ _ _

    16 They're very small meals.

    18 A lot of people have a bowl of II with milk and sugar for breakfast.

    19 The meat from young sheep. 21 Mineral water without gas is _ _ _ _

    24 ____ oil is made in most Mediterranean countries.

    27 Food that isn't cooked Is ___ _

    p The word diet IS usually a noun. She ~ on a special vegetarian diet. He's on a diet because he wants to lose welgh/. II can also be used as an adj8Cllve III phrases hke diet co/a /Iemonade.

    Te~ t Your Vocabula ry 2 33

  • 20 What 's the matter? What is each person saying? Write the correct words under each picture.

    J've burnt my finger. J've got a bad knee.

    My shoulder hurts.

    I've got a broken toe.

    My elbow hurts.

    I've bitten my tongue.

    I've got stomach ache.

    My lips are sore.

    1 rile got a bad knee. 2

    34 Test Your Vocabulary 2








    The expression I've got a bad .. . means I've got a pain in my ... It can be used Wl1h most parts of the body. For example I've got a bad back I knee I fool I leg I eye I throat . We don't use ~ v.ilh head. I've get e &a6 Rea8.

    The word tummy is often used for stomach. It is more informal than stomach.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 35

  • 21 In the bathroom Write the numbers 1 to 19 nexllo the correct words.

    basin 9 shower bath soap

    bath mal sponge

    brush tap

    comb toilet

    make-up toilet paper 8 perfume toothbrush 3

    razor toothpaste

    scales towel


    12 -+-:1


    36 Tesl Vour Vocabulary 2

    I{ " [J



    ... - ... .

    /", "


    ' . ...-.

    , +



    In a battlroom. we wash O\.lr hands In a basin We do not calli! a basin If IllS ',n a kitchen: we call II a sink.

    In American English, a lap Is called a faucet The word scales, like scissors, IS always plural me scales are in the

    bathroom cupboard NOT 1he sssiee 19 oR Ihe eal~

    Test Your Vocabu lar y 2 31

  • 22 Adjectives : peop le Complele the sentences below with the correct adjectiveS.


    bad-tempered lazy

    bbossy calm se

  • 2 3 Clothes Write the numbers 1 to 20 next to the correct words.

    bikini _ 4_ shorts

    b" slippers

    dressi ng gown sweatshirt

    fleece swimming costume

    gloves swimm ing trunks

    knickers tigh ts

    nightie tracksuit

    pyjamas trainers sandals T-shirt

    sca rf underpants

    1 2 3 ~

  • 24 Word groups Complete each group of words on the left with a word from the box. Then write Ihe name for each group in the grid.












    sha rk, seal, monkey, whale

    wavy, straight, blonde,

    raincoat, anorak, fleece,

    pigeon, goos(', eagle, cousin, uncle, aunt,

    bee, ant, fly,

    beer, water, petrol,

    keyboard, flute, gullar,

    pound, dollar, yen ,

    cleaner, writer, engineer,

    snake, crocodile, tortoise,

    sofa, bookcase, wardrobe,

    mm milD .... -

    -.. 2 HH-+_ ~ i-=-t--t--t--t--


    5 R-+++=-8-'--6 H-+++=-H-7 ~H-=t-+::+-+SH-+++,-9

    .. _111 10 FH-"t-11 ~t--t--t--t--~t--t--12~LJ~-L~~~L-



    curly EUTo



    nephew pullover

    51001 swan


    p People usually find it easier to learn new words In a set. Try adding three mOM words to each of the sets on thiS page.

    42 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    25 Preposit ions Look at the plan of the boat. Then complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.


    The Barcelona Deck is ____ Car Deck R.

    2 One of the restaurants is _____ the shop and the Sunset Bar.

    3 The Seaview Lounge is _ ____ the restaurant.

    4 There arc cabins _____ the Copenhagen Deck.

    5 The Observation Deck is the Captain's Bridge.

    6 You can find out your cabin number the reception desk.

    7 You can h,we a meal _____ one of the restaurlmts.

    8 There arc sleps going up ____ _ the Observation Deck. 9 You have to go through the shop jf you go _____ the

    Seagull Club the restaurant.

    p A pubhc silting room, for example al a hole!, al an airport or on a boa1. IS called a lounge.

    A deck means the part of a ooa.l where people can walk or sit outSide. A bedroom on a boal is called a cabin.

    In a building we talk about floors: My flat is on the third floor. SuI on a boal, we talk about decks: Our cabin is on the Copenhagen Deck.

    TeSl Your Vocabulary 2 43

  • 26 Verbs and nouns 2 A Match the verbs to the I1QUns.

    Verbs Nouns bum a a bank I i ,

    2 crash b a message

    3 drop c litter

    4 fail d some flowers

    5 pick e the car

    6 repair the kitchen floor

    7 mb 9 the Internet

    B ",rt h the washing machine

    9 sweep your exam

    10 take your hand

    B Complete each sentence with Ihe correct verb + noun.

    Be careful. You're going to burn you,.. hand on the ho t fryi ng pan.

    2 A gang in Los Ange les tried to _________ on a Sunday. They forgo t it was closed!

    3 Can you ca ll a plumber? [ need someone to

    4 Ca n you go into the garden and _ _ _ ______ for the dinner table tonight?

    5 I have to _________ before the guests come. It's really dirty.

    6 There's a new cafe where YOlL can _________ or write e-mails while you have a coffee.

    44 Test Your VocaDulary 2

    7 There's ice on the road. You should slow down or YOll'lI

    8 There's rubbish all down the street. Why do some people always ______ 1

    9 We're going ou t. If anyone calls, can you ________ ~ please?

    10 You've worked really hard. J'm sure you won't

    p The word Infernet is often shonened to Net. I was surfing the Net yesterday and I found a really interesting website The word litter is used for rubbish In the street. not In a house.

    There's a litter bin al the end of lhe street. BUT We keep our rubbish bm under the kitchen sink.

    Tesl Your Vocabulary 2 45

  • 27 More money Complete the crossword. Each answer is related to money.


    I don', have enough money for thai motorbike. I can't ___ iI .

    4 American money.

    S You carry your money in It.

    6 He gave the taxi driver 10 and told him to keep the ___ .

    8 You can use this plastic thing instead of money when you buy things. (6,4)

    11 The highest one in Brita in is a 50 one.

    13 You can gel money from II when the bank is shut. (The clue for 14 Down will hel p you!)

    15 There arc one hundred pence in one __ _

    16 You are _ __ if you don', have a lot of money.


    1 If you don', keep your money under your bed, you probably keep it in a bank

    2 This person is the boss of a bank.

    3 If you want to send someone money. it's sa fer to send a ___ .



    But you mustn't forget to sign it.

    A British SO pence _ __ Is silver and has seven sides.

    There arc one hundred of these in a pound.

    9 You are ___ if you have a lot of money.

    10 There aTC one hundred of these in a dollar.

    12 Th is Is the money of most of the countries of Europe.

    14 Th is is a person's secret number for getting mOll~y hom a cashpoin t.

    46 Test Your VOcabulary 2

    p Scotland has Its own notes: 5, 10, :20 and 50. They are produced by the Bank of Scotland and look sightly different trom the notes produced by the Bank of England. The Scot\lSh notes are worth the same as the EngbSh ones and are valid aI over Britain.

    There are two pkJrals for the word penny: pence and pennies. Vv'hen talklng aboul the price of something, we use the form pence or the short fOfm p . I paid eiDMy-five pencR for Ihis biro. OR Here's fifty p. Can you get me some chewing gum? We use the torm pennies when we are talking about the actual COIOS. "ve got a lot of COinS in my purse but I haven't got any pennies.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 47

  • 28 Verbs: thinking and feeling

    Write the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose from the following:


    believe dislike dream ~ feel forgive hope imagine mind miss prefer suffer think wonder worry

    They said they'd be here at four o'clock and it's four now. I expect they'll be here any minute.

    2 'Where sha ll we go fo r lunch?'

    3 4

    5 6 7

    'I don't . You choose.' Dan', ____ about me. I' ll be very careful. He was really sorry about being late so I decided to him. ____ it Isn 't going to rain. We're having a picnic later. ____ who this letter is fro m. It looks like Hannah's writi ng. ____ In love. It's the most important thing in this world.

    8 I haven't seen s', m for fifteen years. I can't ____ wha t he looks l ike now.

    9 10



    I rea lly ____ people who tal k during films. Which navour ice crea m do you ___ ~. coffee or chocolate? After a long swi m, I always really hungry and th irsty. She died quietly in her sleep. She didn't at all.

    13 J'm gOing to work in Austra lia but if I ____ my friends and famil y a lot, I'm com ing back.

    14 You would look nice with short hair. 00 you ever ____ of cutt ing it?

    15 My dog often makes noises when he's asleep . 00 dogs ____ ,

    p If someooe effers you choices and you are happy With all 01 them. It IS more poille Ie say I don( mind lhan / don( care

    The vert> mind Is used in a lot of other spoken EngnSh phrases, 10( el!arTlple Would you mind if .. ? Never mind, Mind your own business

    48 Te st You r Vocabulary 2

    29 Sport Name the sports in the pictures. Then match each sport to the place where people do it. Choose from the words in the box.



    circuit COU

  • 30 An imals Write the numbers 1 to 18 next to the correct words. Then put the words in the correct group in the table. There are two words lor each group.

    ,n! -.L eagle penguin

    butterfly _ __ fo, pigeon calf kangaroo rhirlOceros

    cheetah koala bear sha rk

    dee, lamb snail

    dolphin ost rich worm

    2 3

    5 6

    8 9


    50 Test Your VOcabulary 2

    Australian animals African animals Birds that can't fly

    European animals Baby farm animals Animals in the sea



    Insects Garden creatures (not insects)


    One way of praclJSlflg the names of arlImais IS With the Chain Game. One person says an anrnaJ, for example shari

  • 31 Music Complete the crossword. Each answer is related to music.

    Across A CD or cassette with a collection of songs or music by the same artist.

    6 A large group of musicians who play different instruments.

    7 In this kind of music the words are spoken not sung.

    9 lmagille is John Lennon's most famo us __ _

    11 It's like a piano but it's electric.

    14 Country and _ __ music.


    2 A group of musicians who play rock or pop music.

    3 Some singers hold it very dose to their mouths.

    4 The most importan t thing for a singer.

    S Celine Dian's latest _ _ _ has sold millions of copies .

    8 This music has a grcat _ __ ' It makes you want to dance.

    9 A CD or cassette with just one or two songs. 10 A rock or pop concert.

    12 You hit these musical inst ruments with your hands or with sticks.

    13 J heard this song on the radio this morning and now I can't get the _ _ _ out of my head.

    52 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    p Counlry and Westan musiC IS sometimes called Country mUSIC for short. It is popular music from the southern and westan Uniled Slates. Dolly Parton and Garth Brooks are two famous Country and Western singers.

    Test Your Vocabu lary 2 53

  • 32 Phrases 2 Match the words to the pictures. Write the letters a to j in the balloons.

    a Yes, that's ri,!.!ht. How did YOll know?

    b Never mma . It doesn't matter.

    e No problem. Go ahead.

    d That's awlul. I'm 50 sorry.

    e Of course I can.

    Really? I think he prefers you.

    9 Not too bad. thanks.

    h What a shame! Why not?

    Yes, isn't it Rrea!!

    It's really good to see you, too.

    1 2

    3 4

    54 TeSI Your Vocabu lary 2





  • 33 Verbs and nouns 3 A Match the verbs to the nouns.

    Verbs Nouns add a a picture

    -4-2 correct b a saucepan

    3 fill c flour and eggs

    4 hang d rubber gloves

    5 mix e some string

    6 practise f the cheque

    7 sign 9 the mistakes

    B tie h the piano

    9 woo, the train

    10 miss two and two

    B Complete each sentence with the correct verb + noun.

    1 He's bad at maths. He can 't even add two and two

    2 Let's go now or we'll

    3 You should ~ ________ to clean the bath. That cleaning stuff is bad for your hands.

    4 If you want to be in the concert, you have to ~ ______ _ every day.

    5 [want to ~ ________ on th is wall.

    6 Let's _________ round this box to keep it shut.

    7 Can you _ _______ ~ in my hom ework, please?

    56 Test Your Vocabulaly 2

    8 She wrote the date and the amount of money but she forgot to

    9 To make these biscuits you have to fi rst ~ _______ _

    10 Can you _________ with water? I'm going to make



    The word stuff is very common. especially In spoken English. We often use It when we don', know exactly what something is made of. In 10. above. It means a cleaning product It can also mean a type of food or drink. I like thaI stuff you made for supper yesterday .

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 57

  • 34 Adject ives : things Write the missing words under the pictures. Choose from the following:


    baggy checked cotton grey heavy leather metal patterned ~ rubber silver spotted

    a plastic rose





    tight torn woollen

    ,---- 3 cardigan trousers

    , 6 , shirt dressing gown


    7 a B , 9 , scarf dress top

    " Test Your Vocabu lary 2

    10 11 , ___ _ 12 boots belt socks

    13 , ___ _ 14 buckle earrings

    15 , 16 a rucksack neece

    p The colour grey is spell gray in American English . Rubber txlots are often called wellington boots in British English. They

    are an example of things named after their inventor. The Duke of Wellington invented them In the nineteenth century. See the TIp for Test 4 on page 5 lor more examples 01 things named after their InventOfS.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 "

  • 35 Fruit and vegetables Write the numbers 1 to 14 next to the correct words.

















    60 Test Your Voc ab ulary 2



    5 6

    7 e#. B 9 , , " ' '. . ' ,

    , ,

    , '



    11 12

    13 14

    Fruit and vegetables, or food, work well as word groups for playing the Chain Game. See the Tfp for Test 30 on page 51.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 61

  • 36 Phrasal verbs Choose the correct particle to complete each sentence. Choose from the following.

    away down forward -iA- in off off on out out out up up up up

    'Do you know your next-door neighbours?' 'No, they only moved in last week.'

    2 Can you turn t he TV a li tt le bit, please. I'm trying to do my homework.

    3 Can you turn the vol ume, please. I want 10 hear the news.

    4 He gave playing football last year after breaking his Jeg.

    S How did you work the answer to the malhs problem?

    6 J can't see a thing. I'm going to switch _____ another light.

    7 I have to clear _ ____ the mess. Can you help me, please?

    8 If you make a mistake, jllst cross it ___ __ and write the correct answer above.

    9 She's really happy because she's jllst fou nd _ ____ that she's expecting a baby.

    10 Please switch ___ __ your engine before you fill your car with pet rol.

    62 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    11 She's a liar. She makes _____ stories all the time.

    12 Please fill _____ this form and sign it at the bottom.

    13 We can't fix this computer mOtlse. You'd better just throw it

    14 We're driving her to tile station . Do you want to come and see h" _____ too?

    15 We're really looking _____ to our holiday in Thailand.

    p A phrasal verb IS a verb and a particle hke up, off or out which has a different meaning from lhe verb on its own. For example get 0: receive BUT get back = return.

    Some phrasal verbs have an object. lor example look up. Sometimes we can put the object between the verb and the particle. Look up these words in the dictionary. OR Look these words up in the dictionary.

    TeS1 Your Vocabulary 2 63

  • 37 Fun and leisure 1 Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to the correct words.

    art exhibition


    birthday party

    boat trip





    , -

    64 TeSI Your Vocabulary 2


    fi reworks


    magic show













    The word /np can go with other nouns besides boat. car trip, coach trip, busmess trip, day tnp. A day tnp IS a pleasure trip thaI IS done If) one day .

    The word show can also go with aihe!' nouns: fashion show. dog show, flower show. quiz show A qUIz show IS a TV compel lhOfl where people answer QuestlOllS.

    Test Your Vocabu lary 2 65

  • 38 Fun and leisure 2 Complete the crossword. Each answer is related to fun and leisure. Put the jumbled letters in order to get the answers to each clue. Ac ross

    3 A good way of seei ng Paris is to take a boa t __ down the Seine. (RIM)

    5 In an __ all the words are sung. (PAROE) 7 You can send a card to the person you love on February 14th. It's

    _ _ 's Day. (LAVTENJEN) 8 There were th irty bands from all over the world at the music _ _

    (LASTIFEV) 11 They spent the day __ in New York. They went lip the Em pire

    State Buildi ng, then they took a fe rry to the Statue of LIberty. (NEIGHSITGES)

    13 The __ in this competition is a holiday for two in the Bahamas. (ZEPIR)

    14 The best __ at the fu nfalr was the ghost train. (DIRE) 15 I've got a blanket and lOIS of food in this basket. We're gOlng for a

    __ in the park. (NICC IP) 16 She bought a __ ticket for 1 and won 2 million. (ROTrELY)


    When you tell a good one, people laugh. (KOJE) 2 Children d ress up as ghosts and witches on __ . It 's on October

    31st. (WHOLENALE) 3 J' ll show you a really good card _ _ . Choose a card and ['II tell

    you what it is. (CRIKn 4 You go to t he theatre to see one. (YALP)

    66 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    6 Their silver wooding __ was last week. They've been married twenty-five years. (N EVARSAYRIN)

    9 She was too scared to go on any of the rides at the theme __ (KPRA)

    10 When they got married, they had a huge white __ cake. (DEWDING)

    11 A lot of people like to go to the __ for their summer holidays. (DAISEES)

    12 A __ is something you enjoy doing in your free time. (BHOYB)

    p People who have been manied for fifty years celebl"ale their go/den weddlflg CY"lniversary. People who have been married for SIxty years celebrate their diamond weddlr"lQ an!Wefsary.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 67

  • 39 Places to live Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to the correct WOI'"ds.

    beach h ut

    block of flats

    carava n




    ho tel







    _ 2_

    68 Test Your Vocabulary 2








    ."" UW

    ' 00 ':





    A cottage IS always in a VIllage or In the country. A small house In a town IS not called a collage.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 69

  • 40 People Write the correct words from the box under each picture.

    bride customer director employer model owner parent patient pup~ reader rider ihief-

    policeman and 2 doctor and thief

    A . ~ 3 teacher and 4 writer and

    5 _ ____ 'nd 6 shop assistant and employee

    70 Tesl Yo ur VOCabulary 2

    7 _____ and child 8 photographer and

    9 and actor 10 and groom


    '" J


    11 horse and 12 dog and

    p A person studying at school is a pupil A person sludyll'19 at college or university IS a student

    We can say a shop assistant or a sales aSSISlant

    Test Yo u. Vocabulary 2 71

  • 41 Phrases 3

    3 4

    72 Tes t Your Vocabulary 2



    The phrase Shut up means Be quiet. il lS QUite rude but not as fUde as Shut it and Shut your mouth .

    We can also say Bad luck instead or Hard luck

    Tesl Your Vocabulary 2 73

  • 42 More prepos itions Write the missing prepositions in the sentences.

    I've known him fo,- twelve years now.

    @rar bl since c) in

    2 I must be home _ _ ___ 11.30 at the latest.

    alan b) by c) after

    3 We're really looking fonvard ______ seeing you next weekend.

    al for bl a t c) to

    4 What are you doing _ _____ three and four this afternoon?

    al during b) between c) before

    5 [ haven', seen John ______ he got ma rried.

    al until b) since c) before

    6 What time do you usually get up ______ the mornings?

    alan bl at c) in

    7 I always get up afte r eleven ______ Sunday mornings.

    alan bl at c) in

    8 My son's rea l ly scared _ ____ dogs.

    alof bl for c) with

    9 There's no point ______ washing your hair just before you go swimming.

    a) of b) with c) in

    74 Test Your VOcabulary 2

    10 I'm really bored listening to her stories about college.

    a) from b) in c) with

    11 Are you interested going for a boat tr ip this weekend?

    al from b) in c) by

    12 She fill ed a basket frui t and flowe rs.

    a) by blof c) with

    p The best way to remember the meaning of many prepositionS IS with an example sentence. Wri\lf1g a list of the prepositions with a one-word translation next 10 each one will not be useful. In each or these sentences in your language, you might use a different word for In. She 's in bed. /'11 see you in the morning. In my opinion ,.. Are you interested in seeing my photos?

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 75

  • 43 Matns A Write the numbers 1 to 9 next to the correct words,



    parallel lines






    76 Tes1 Your Vocabulary 2




    rigl1t angle








    8 Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box.

    A quarter A third An eighth divided by equals Hall minus nought per cent ~ Point times

    fifteen _ --lPl1'Ou., __ fifteen: thirty

    2 eighty-three _____ twenty-nine = fifty-four

    3 ninety-n.ine nine = eleven

    4 three thirteen ", thi rty-nine

    5 of forty-four is twen ty-two.

    6 of forty-four is eleven.

    7 _____ of twenty-seven is nine.

    8 of sixteen is two.

    9 Eight plus eight sixteen .

    10 Ten of a hundred and fifty is f ifteen.

    11 five is the same as one ha lf.

    12 Another word for zero is ____ _

    The word nought IS not used In American English We never say noughr for telephone numbers. Most British people say o .

    'My number is 0 two 0 double seven four eight double 0 three one.' (02077480031)

    Tes t Your VOCablJ la ry 2 77

  • 4 4 Electrical,~~ i ngs next to the COfTee bers 1 to 15 Write the num

    desk lamp


    electric razor


    hair drier



    light bulb


    . g machine SCWU1


    tumble drier

    Um deaner vacu

    I ng machine was 11




    Vocabulary 2 78 Test Your



    5 6

    7 8 9

    10 11 12

    13 14 15

    p n or a verb. I g lsanou Th' wo

  • 45 Verbs : third person The verbs in the box are very common in the third person. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from the box in lhe Present Simple.


    become belong depend disappear exist fit happen matter mean seem sound suit -take- taste turn

    It _ _ tca

  • 46 Verbs : going places Complete each sentence with a verb from the box in the correct fOlTTl.






    cross escape race f9a9R. return


    sa' follow

    lake off huny jog tour travel

    land turn

    When you reach _ __ '-""""'-_ __ the crossroads, turn left. The college is on the right.

    OUT helicopter _ ______ __ over the sea and r could sec lots of fishing boats.

    Please let's ____ ____ " We're going to be really late for the meeting.

    [ like to work on my new bike because I save money and get exercise at the same time.

    I wenl 10 California in 1998 and I _ _____ __ for a second visit last December.

    6 I' m trying to get fit so I usually put on my t rainers and go _________ in the evening.

    7 The plane _ ________ at Kennedy airport and all the passengers got out.

    8 The two swimmers _ ________ down the pool as fast as they could go.

    9 They drove slowly ahead of us in thei r ca r ,md we _________ them in our van.

    82 Tesl Your Vocabulary 2

    10 We gOI in the boat and _ ________ across the water to the island.

    11 We had to spend the night at the airport because there was a terrible storm and our plane couldn 't ___ _____ _

    12 When we got to the roundabout, we _________ Iefl.

    13 At the party I couldn'I _________ from that boring man who never slopped talking about his com puter.

    14 It 's very difficult to ____ _____ that road because it's very busy and there are no Irtlffic lights.

    15 We _________ to Glasgow by train and came back on a coach.

    16 I wenl to China last year and _________ the country


    with a group of other students.

    The Past Simple of travel is travelleel In British English and traveled in AmeriCan English.

    TeS! Your Vocabulary 2 S3

  • 47 Brit ish and American English

    How do the Americans say these words? Choose from the words in the box.

    ~ cookies eraser fall fries gas station movie theater purse store truck

    1 British English: sweets America n English: candy

    3 Briti sh English: c hips American English: __ _

    5 British English: autumn Ameri ca n English : _ _ _

    84 Test Yo ur Vocabular y 2

    2 British Engl ish: lorry American English: __ _

    4 British English: rubber American English: _ _ _

    6 British English: biscuits American English: __ _

    7 British English: petrol station 8 British English: cinema American English: _ _ _ _ American English: __ _

    9 British English: handbag 10 British English: shop


    American English: __ _ American English: __ _

    AmeIican spelling 1$ dfferenl from British n some words. Wotds thai end ore 51'1 Bntlsh English are spell er In Amencan English. Wotds that end -our If) British EnglISh are spelt -or In Arnerlcan Enghsh.

    British spelling American spelling theatre thealer

    "'''''' cenler

    """ "'" "",,", ""',,

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 85

  • 48 Kinuta Island Look at the map and complete the labels with the correct words from the box.



    6 16

    3 --'+11







    86 Tes t Your Vocabulary 2

    Cave Coast Farm field Hitls Lake MS\:JAlaiAs Ocean Path Port Rainforest Rock Stones Stream VaNey wildlife reserve

    Eagle Mounta ins

    2 Wakanukl

    3 The Coast

    4 corn

    5 I

  • 49 Sport Complete the crossword. Each word is related to sport.


    2 You wear it to see when you're swimming underwater.

    3 All ath letes have to ___ if they wanl to do well.

    5 It's used by tennis players.

    7 You don', want to do this when you acc motor-racing.

    8 In the l

  • 50 Films and Write the numbers 1 to 12 next to the correct words.




    documenta ry

    horror film


    love story



    science fiction film


    weather forecast


    9Q Test Your Vocab ulary 2












    Probably the most popular TV programmes are soaps. They are stOlies about the everyday life of a group of people. Most soaps are on TV four or five times a week and they go on for many years. Is there a special word for a soap In your language?

    Test Yo ur Vocabulary 2 91

  • 51 Oppos ites : adject ives What's the opposite of each word on the left? Choose from the words on the right.

    strong we a k. attractive

    2 generous boring

    3 exciting calm

    4 simple careless

    5 hard-working complicated

    6 careful depressed

    7 deep 'azy

    8 quiet mean

    9 happy noisy

    10 ugly old-fashioned

    11 tidy ordinary

    12 unusual sensible

    13 modern shallow

    14 nervous untidy

    15 silly -

    p Don', forget the difference between boring and bored, exciting and excited, mteresting and interested, depressing and depressed. The-ed words deSCribe the person who has the feehng; the -ing words descrlbe what gives them that feeHng. I got bored watching Tv. The programme was boring. I got depressed I,s/ening to Sandy. Sandy was depressing.

    Students of Er;glish sometimes gel confused about the words sensible and sensitive. Sensible means clever or practical; sensitive means easily hurt or upset.

    92 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    Choose the word Choose the word to best complete each sentence.


    His pa rents don't at night.


    aJ/ow him to stay out later than 10.30

    b) let c) suggest It was very difficul t to see the road th rough the _ ___ _ fog. a) thick b) strong c) deep

    3 That bee just ----c-:- me on t he arm. a) bit b) stung c) waved

    4 I wan', go to the party _ _____ Robert is in vited too. a) unless b) except c) but

    5 Please be careful with that glass d ish. It's really ____ _

    6 a) precious b) popular c) patterned You can't change ______ coins at the bank. You can on ly change notes. a) strange b) fore ign c) different

    7 She felt very _ ____ when she didn' t get the job. a) upset b) shy c) unfriendly

    8 The train now ______ at platform 11 is the 14.45 to Brigh ton. a) lying b) resting c) standing

    9 This newspaper says that women drivers have _____ _ accidents t han men. a) fewer b) better c) lower

    10 I love __ ,,--_ _ food with lots of pepper in it but it always makes me th irsty. a) heated b) spicy c) lively

    11 I'm choosing number ten - it's my ______ number. a) warm b) happy c) lucky

    12 The shopping malJ is always of people on Saturday afternoon . a) crowded b) fu ll c) busy

    p There is anolher tesl like lhis one on page 30. Test Your VOcabulary 2 93

  • 53 Compound nouns Match the correct words from the box with each of the words below. The clues will help you.

    2 3 4 5 6


    8 9

    10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    bin hall

    child clock code drink fiction -tooe- forecast lenses licence lights park reserve store loy

    gown water


    iunk food Food that is not very healthy or good for you. weather It's useful to check it before you have a picnic.

    alarm It wa kes you up in the morning. soft It could be a bear or a tiger on a ch ild's bed. contact Some people wear them instead of glasses. driving In Britain, you can't get one until you' re


    mineral It doesn't come out o f your kitchen tap. town This is the centre of local government. department It's a la rge .shop with a lot of floors. theme It's full of rollercoasters and other rides. nature II's a huge park where anima ls and pla n IS

    are safe. rubbish Things you throwaway go in it. post These numbers or letters show your address. only He or she doesn't have any brothers or sisters. traffic Cars stop when they' re red. soft There isn 't any alcohol in it . dressing You put this on instead of getting dressed. science A story that probably has spaceships in it.

    P tn the test aboVe, can you lind the compclU'ld ~ns lhat mean the same as these Amencan Enghsh ones: driver's license. ZiP code, bathrobe? 94 Test Your Vocabulary 2

    54 Verbs: using your hands Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the correct form.

    clear lift

    collect cover point prepare


    deliver i>'S6-louch

    fight pull Iype

    hOld jOin put shake wave

    1 Press the button on the left to turn it off. 2 'Look,' he Scl id and ____ at the light in the sky.

    knock shave

    3 You have to the bott le before you pour out the medicine.

    4 Help me move til is wardrobe. Vou push and J'll ____ _ 5 I always use an e lectric razor to _____ . It's nice and quick.

    6 I had to ____ a meal fo r twenty people last week. 7 When we met again, I put my arms around him and ____ _

    him tight. 8 I tried to _____ the box but it was too heavy.

    9 If you _____ the melon in the fridge, il will stay nice and fresh.

    10 Ou r postman the letters before we get up. 11 Please don't those chairs. I've just pai nted them and

    the paint 's sti ll wet.

    12 The horse broke lis leg in the race and the vet had to _____ It. 13 The two children didn't get on and _____ all the time. 14 We _____ on the door but there was nobody at home. 15 We stood on the platform and _ ____ goodbye.

    16 She lots of pretty shells on the beach last summer. 17 When i t boils, the saucepan . Here's the lid. 18 YOll the tahle and J'iI do the washing-up, 19

    20 The carpenter _ ___ the two pi('{:CS of wood with glue and nails. How many words can you _____ per minute?

    Test YOU! vocabulary 2 95

  • 55 Abstract nouns Complete the sentences below with abstract nouns. Choose from the following:

    accident adventure course crime deScription fact group height Illness memory opinion peace

    permission purpose ,eason religion ",51 result nJ~ sec

  • 56 Adjectives crossword Complete the crossword. Choose from the adjeCtives in the oox.

    final flat fresh general glad grateful honest main natural pale plain pleased private real

    sharp shiny single smooth special useful


    1 This bread is _ _ ' J've just bought i t . 3 This is the _ _ call for flight AZ23l. Please go immediately to

    Gate II.

    6 He never tells lies. He's very _ _

    8 Let's take a map. it might be __ if we get 10sl.

    9 I'm so _ _ they're gett ing married. They're made for each other.

    11 She was really _ _ with her exam results. She got 98%,

    13 In summer she's quite brown but in winter she always looks _ _

    14 Would YOU like two _ _ beds or one double bed?

    16 'didn't understand every word but I got the _ _ idea,

    17 I had soup to start with and fis h for the __ cou rse,

    Dow n

    1 This packet is very _ _ ' It must be a CD or a picture, (The opposite of round, )

    2 Your legs are very _ _ , Have you iust shaved them? (The opposite of rOllgll,)

    4 I don't think tha t Is her __ hai r colour, Last time r saw her, she had black hair,

    5 These roses are __ ' They a ren' t plastic,

    7 Use t his kn ife to cut the meat. It's very __

    98 Test Your Voca bulary 2

    9 Thank you so much. I'm very _ _ to you for all your help.

    10 I want a _ _ while shirt without any stripes or patterns.

    11 Can I speak to you in __ ? I don' t wan t the others to hear.

    12 He doesn't drink ord inary tea. He only drin ks a _ _ kind of fru it lea.

    15 I've cleaned the windows. They' re lovely and _ _ now.

    p Thefe a-eWe adjectrves in this crossword thai end n -ai, We can rnaj.;e adveIbs out of aI of them by adOOg -/y, For example generally, finally, naturally,

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 99

  • 57 Anagrams An anagram has the same lettefS as another word, but in a different order. Sort out these anagrams.

    1 Change beard into something you can eat.

    2 Change asleep into a word used by polite people.

    3 Change below into a part of the body.

    4 Change cheap into a fruit.

    S Change hated into the opposite of life. 6 Change heart into our planet.

    7 Change rose into another word for painful.

    8 Change thing into the opposite of day.

    9 Change danger into a place outside the house.

    10 Change grown into the opposite of right.

    11 Change laid into what you do when you make a phone call .

    12 Changed signed into what architects do.

    13 Change means into what Lucy and John are examples of.

    14 Change h orse into the place where the land meets the sea.

    15 Chan ge recent into the middle of a town .

    rtf)) TRUE TOYS is an anagram of TEST YOUR. r And BRAVO LUCY A is an anagram of VOCABULARY. 100 TeSI Your Vocabulary 2


    58 Definit ions Complete each sentence with the correct ending on the right.

    1 A rude child is impolite is angry 2 An antique desk is wrong 3 A bright student is short 4 A difficult task enjoys meeting 5 A cross parent peo~e 6 A keen student is enthusiastic 7 A crazy person is faint

    6 An unoccupied house is usually well 9 A dull book is hard 10 An incorrect answer is impoli te 11 A brief message doesn't cost 12 A dim ligh t anything

    13 A warm person is very hungry

    14 A starving child is one that's near

    15 A tin y thing your house

    16 A free ticket is very old

    17 A healthy person is mad

    16 A poisonous mushroom is uninteresting

    19 A sociable person is intelligent

    20 A local shop is friendly is very, very small

    is empty

    wil l make you sick

    p This joke may help you to remember the word poisonous. Baby snake: Are we poisonous, Mum? Mother snake: Yes, we are. Why do you want to know? Baby snake: Because I've lust bitlGn my tongue.

    Test Your Vocabulary 2 101

  • 59 Too many words Replace the words in darker type with one word only from the box.


    accidentally adults escalators escape lonely neighbours

    century 9'eed\'

    correctly couple electrcric illegal independent joke

    population queue return snacks urgent useless

    It cost 2 for children to get into the exhibition and 5 for grown-up people. adults

    2 The window was broken by acc ide nt.

    3 This broken knife is of no use.

    4 James tra nslated every word without making any mistakes.

    5 The two people who live together in the flat next door have invited us to supper tomorrow.

    6 Three prisoners tried to get out o f prison at the weekend.

    7 Driving a ca r without a d riving licence is aga inst the law .

    8 Mex ico City has a very high nu mbe r of peop le livi ng in it.

    9 There are a lot of moving staircases in t ha i department store.

    102 Tes t Your VOcabulary 2

    10 We stood In a line of people waiting outside the ci nema.

    They sct out al 8.30 and didn't get back until 11.30 at nigh t.

    12 Com puters are one of the most important inventions of the last hundred years.

    13 She is able 10 look after herself and enjoys travelling on her own.

    14 I'm not hungry. There were Jots o f little things to ca l at the party.

    15 Have you heard the funny story about the man who bought a penguin?

    16 We've got some very friendly people Jiving next door.

    17 She is very keen on eati ng and eats too much .

    18 He is a lways on his own and doesn 't have any fri e nds.

    19 This lettler is important and has to get there immediately.

    20 This car alarm is made using a compute r c hip.

    p The word for len yea-s is a decade The word for 1, 000 yeas IS a millennium The wad for tOO ye3fS is ... Sony! II"s l4l 10 you to work that one out!

    Test Your VOcabulary 2 103

  • 60 Same word , different meaning

    In each pair of sentences below, the missing word is the same but ils meaning is different. can you 'NOfk out ....mal the missing woros are?







    As the president got out of h is car, he gave the crowd a big wave A big wave carried the surfer all the way back to the beach.

    She lives in a ____ _ right in the centre of Boston. Please keep these photos _____ " Pack them at the bo ttom of your suitcase.

    I looked for my glasses for twenty minutes before I found them on my ____ _ She's got a really important job. She's the _ ___ of a big bank.

    In English. a sentence should always begin with a _ ___ Jener. Is Wellington o r Auckland th e ____ of New Zealand?

    We travelled from London to Glasgow by

    This is Mr Davies, the new athletics _ ___ _

    He had blue eyes and hair. As a child I used to love going to the _ _ ___ ' I really cn joyed going on all the rides.

    104 Test Your Vocabulary 2








    Our train at 6 .30 tomorrow morning. The lawn was covered with from the two trees at the bottom of the garden.

    The band's fin! si ngle became a number one ____ all over the world. Be careful! If you your finge r with that hammer, it will really hurt.

    Ca n you give me a _____ to the station? I'm really late for my train. Her office is on the fourteenth floor. Let's take the

    He never spends any money. He's so ____ _ What does this word _ ___ ,

    Would you like some strawberry _____ on your toast? There was a terrible traffic _____ and it took us an hour to get there.

    She shouldn't wear bright pink. It doesn't ____ her. He wore a dark grey _ ___ to the wedding.

    Lois of silty English tokes are based on pairs 01 wordS which are spelt the same bul have different meanlflQS. Here are some examples. Question: 'Nlly is a calendar like a palm tree? Answer: Because they are bolh full 01 dales

    Question: Are your eyes ever checked? Answer: No. they're always plain blue A: Have you f'IOticed any change in me? B: No. why? A: I've Just swallowed some coins.

    Test Your Voca.bulary 2 105


    Answers Test 8 K 13 reply B I boil some water 14 introduce 1 fatht'r-In-I~w Z teM your jeans 15 pronounce

    Test 1 bins 8 7 a box of 2 aunt "1 feed the dog TeSl14 bowl 4 l"himney Z 8 Jbarof 3 uncle 4 pour tile coffee I made bread board 10 fence 10 9 a 10M of " stepmother 5 water the plants 2 stole cloth 7 front door 13 10 a packet of 5 son-in-law 6 dig a hole 3 saved corkscrew] I garage 1 II a carton of 6 sister-in-law 7 reoord a 1V

    " hid electric kettle I ladder 9 IZapOlof 7 ex-wtfe programme 5 cost frying pan 3 lawn 12 13 a bag of 8 brother-in-law 8 tidy the room 6 earnt jug 6 leaves :1 14 a roll of 9 wife 9 rent a Video 7 found mug2 path 14 15 a tubor 10 cousins JO dial the number 8 counted saucepan 9 pool 6 Test 6 ] I grandpM('nts Test 11 9 paid tea towel IZ steps 5

    Id 12 husband I copy 10 lost tin opcner 5 Test 4 2, 13 daughter-in-law Z e-mail toaster 8 Test 15 biro ~ 3b Test 9 3 program I b) past Test 2 calculator JO

    " I archltoxt 4 internN 2 r) anoss

    ] fantastic calendar ] "

    2 fligh t attendant S screen 3a)ontopof 2 terrible desk 2 61> 3 disc jockey 6 prin ter 4 c) along :I strange diary 14 7 g 4 carpenter 7 floppy disk 5 c) over 4 huge filjng cabinet 9

    " 5 traffic warden S click 6 a) through

    5 attractive fountain pen ] 2 6 plumber 9 recharge 7 c) out of 6 boring paper 7 Test 7 7 accountant 10 fax 8 b) from 7 rude pencil 3 alarm clock 4 8 librarian II answerphone 9 c) through 8 clever pencil sharpener 6 b


    fruit bowl 2 II omclelle 10 bossy 11 litard reptiles IS pound kangaroo 5 lamp 10 13 diet 11 selflsh 12 stool furniture 16 poor koala bear 3

    mu~ic system 3 IS sparkling 12 serious Test 25 Down lamb 17 painting 7 16 snacks endi ng in _y 1 below 1 account

    ostrich 10 plano 9 18 cereal

    naughty 2 between 2 manager penguin 7

    remote control 14 191amb sllly 3 next to 3 cheque

    pilleon 18 shelves IS 21 stl11 6 coin rhinoceros IS sofa 5 24 olive ending In -fid

    4 on shark 12 speakers 16 27 raw beautiful

    5 above 7 pence snatl 4

    ... 9 rich table mat 13 wonderful 10 cellls worm 16 TV 12 Test 20 7 in video recorder 6 I I've got a bad knee. ending in - ious ",0

    12 Euro Australian animals 2 My elbow hurts. IndUSlrlous 9 from, to 14 rlN kanllaroo

    Test 18 3 I've burnt my finger. religious Test 28 koala bear 1 b) receipt 4 I've got a broken toe. Tesl26 2 b) nice 5 My lips are sore. ending In -e(1 A

    1 expect Arrican animals 3 b) take 6 I've bitten my tongue. blue-eyed 11 burn your hand

    2 mind cheetah 4 a) scenery 7 I've got stomach ache. darkhalred 2, crash the car

    3 worry rhinoceros 5 c) partlime 8 My shoulder hurts. Test 23 3, drop litter

    4 forgive

    6 a) job bikini 4 41 fall your exam 5 hope Birds thai can't fly

    7 b) want Test 21 bra II sd pick some flowers 6 wonder ostrich

    8 a) else basin 9 dressing gown 18 h repai r the 7 believe penguin

    9 c) fit bath 4 fleece 9 washing machine 8 imagine European animals 10 a) stayed bath mat 16 gloves 20 7, rob a bank 9 dislike d,,, 11 c) prescription brush 3 knickers I 8, surf the Internet 10 prefer 10' 12 b) housework combS nightie 14 9 I sweep the kitchen 11 feel

    make-up 17 pyjamas 6 800' 12 suffer Baby farm animals Test 19 perfume 19 sandals IS lOb take a message 13 miss calf Across raWf 7 scarf 7 14 think lamb I salad scales 6 B IS dream 6 pork shampoo 12 shorts 5 1 burn your hand

    Animals In th~ sea

    7 sauce shower 18 slippers 13 2 rob a bank Test 29 dolphin

    8 yoghurt soap 11 sweatshIrt 2 3 repair the washing I tennis court shark

    9 popcorn sponge 15 swimming costullle 17 machine 2 baseball pi tch Birds 12 candy tap 14 swimming trunks iO 4 pick some flowers 3 football pitch eagle 14 sweets tollet 10 tights 3 5 sweep the kitchen 4 athletics track 17 nuts lollet paper 5 tracksuit 19 800' 5 mol or-racing circuit

    pigeon trainers 12 18 chocolate toothbrush 2 T-shirt 8

    6 surf the Internet 6 ice-skating rink Insects 20 rice toothpaste I underpants 16

    7 crash the car 7 swimming pool ant Z2 steak towel 13 8 drop litter 8 golf course butterfly 23 soft Test 24 9 take a message 9 basketball court Garden creatures (not 25 lolly Test 22 1 whale animals 10 fail your exam 10 boxing ring 26 prawns 1 friend ly 2 curly hair

    insects) 28 beef 2 loud 3 pullover clothes

    Test 27 Test 30 snail 3 studious Across ant 6 worm

    Down 4 helpful 4 swan birds 1 afford butterfly 8 2 doughnut 5 blg.headed 5 nephew relatives 4 dollar calf 13 3 mf'nu 6 beetle Insects 4 flavour

    6 bad-tempered 7 milk liquids 5 purse cheetah 1

    7 lazy 6 change deer 14 5 honey 8 shy 8 trumpet lnstrumems 8 credit card dolphin 9 6 pepper 9 Euro money

    10 pasta 9 calm 10 cashier I"'"

    I I note eagle I I 13 cashpolnt fox 2

    ". Answllrs Answers '"

  • A '~ S W [,"S AN S W ERS

    Test 31 7 correct the mlstake5 14 off Test 40 Across 8 sign the cheque IS forward

    3 divided by 8 raced 1 thief " limes 9 followed

    I album 9 mix flour and eggs 6 orchesl ra 10 fill a saucepan Test 37

    2 patient 5 Half iO sailed

    7 rap art exhibition 7 3 pupil 6 A quarter 11 take orf

    9 song Test 34 barbecue 6 4 reader 7 A third 12 turned

    11 keybOilrd I plastic birthday part)' 3 5 employer 8 An eighth 13 escape

    1-1 Western 2 woollen boat trip 5 6 customer 9 equals 14 cross

    Down 300ggy carni\'al I I 7 parent 10 per cenl 15 travelled

    2 band 4 tight circus 9 8 model II l'olnt 16 toured

    3 microphone 5 checked funfalr 1 9 director 12 nought 6 striped fireworks 12 10 bride

    Test 47 4 voice 7 Spoiled go-karting R II rider

    Test 44 1 candy 5 hit 8 patterned magic show" 12 owner

    desk lamp 8 2 truck 8 beat 9 torn musical \0

    drill 3 3 fries 9 sjngh~ 10 rubber rollercoaster 2 Test 41

    eleclric razor 13 " eraser 10 gig II leather 1 d) fim 10 5 fall 12 drums 12 COttOIl Test 38 2 b) hair drier 7 6 cookies 13 tune 13 metal Across 30) heater I 7 gas station

    Test 32 14 silver 3 trip '0 Iron" 8 movie theater

    I b) IS heavy 5 opera 5 ,) light bulb 5 9 purse

    2j) 16 grey 7 Valentlne 6 h) plug II 10 store

    3 g) 8 festival 7,) sewing machine 6

    4 c) Test 35 11 sigh tseeing 8 g) switch 14 Test 48

    beans 4 13 prize tumble drier IS I Eagle r.lountains 5 i) carrot 6 14 ride Test 42 vacuum cleaner 2 2 Wakanuki Cave 6 h1 cucumber 7 15 picnic 1 a) for J The Coast Path 7,)

    washing machine 12

    80 grapes 9 16 lottery 2 b) by wire 9 4 corn field

    9.) leeks II Down 3 c) to 5 Katoomba Farm

    lemon 14 I joke 4 b) between Test 45 6 The Rakuku Hills 10 d) lettuce 10 2 hallowc2 sct"ms 8 wildlife reserve

    A pear 5 4 play 7 a) on 3 exist 9 The South Coears 2 mask 5 out cave iO pyramid 2 15 fit 3 train

    n 6 on cottage 8 ft'Ctnngle 7 5 racket I add two and twO 7 up hotel 6 right angle I Test 46 7 crash 2 miss the train 8 out house 4 sphere 9 1 reach 8 goal 3 we~r rubber gloves 9 out 1l0usebolll 3 lqUilrc 3 2 flew 9 net 4 practise the plano 10 off p..llace 12 t ri~ngle 6 3 hurry 12 pass 5 hang a picture 11 up prison 5 " cycling 15 fan 6 tie some strlnl:\ 12 In tellt I 11 5 returned 17 overtake

    13 away I plus 6 logging 18 love 2 minus 7 landed

    '" Answers Answers



    Down 8 c) standing 3 shape 14 single Test 58 7 illegal 1 kick 9 a) fewer 4 result 16 general 1 Is impoli te 8 population 2 match 10 b) spicy 5 war 17 main 2 is very old 9 escalators 4 race 11 c) lucky 6 crime Down 3 is in telligent 10 queue 6 coach 12 b) full 7 opinion 1 fla t 4 is hard 11 return 8 goggles 8 silence 2 smooth 5 is angry 12 century Test 53 10 team 1 food 9 peace 4 natural 6 is enthusiastic 13 independent 11 helmet 2 fore


    Word list collect 54 diN 19 eXp


    fries 47 height 55 frightening 2

    K helmet 49 kangaroo 30

    make up 36

    (rom 15 helpful 22

    nil 49 pl!ach 57

    front door 3 keep 54

    make-up 21 no15y 51

    fruit bowl 17 hide 1'1 keyboard 31

    mana!l:er 27 note 27 pear 35

    frying pan I hills 48 !;icl; 49

    market 16 nought 43 peas 35

    full 52 hit 31 kitchen (Ioor 26

    mask 49 nuts 19 pedestrian crossing 16

    fun 18 hobby 38 knee 20

    match 49 "'0'

    funfair 37 hold 54 knickers 23

    matter 45 0 pence 27

    funny 18 hOmework 18 knock 54

    mattress 7 occupation 18 pencil ..

    furious 2 honest 56 koala bear 30

    mean 45 ocean 48 pencil sharpener 4

    honey 19 mechanic 9 of 15

    penguin 30

    G hope 28 l

    memory 55 off 36 pepper 19

    garage 3 horror film 50 ladder 3

    menu 19 Old 58 per cent 4J

    garden 57 hot water bottle 12 lake 48

    message 26 old-fashioned 51 perfume 21

    gas sta tion 47 hot water bottle top 12 lamb 19

    metal 34 olive 19 permission 55

    gave up 36 hotel 39 lamp 17

    microphone 31 OllJelette 19 piano 17

    general 56 house 39 land 46

    mJlk24 on 25 pick 26

    generous 51 houseboat 39 lawn 3

    mind 28 on lOp of 15 picnic 38

    gig 31 housework 18 lazy 22

    mineral water 53 only child 53 plcHire 33

    glad 56 huge 2 leaves 3

    minus 43 onto 15 pigeon 30

    gloves 23 hungry 58 leather 34

    mirror 7 opera 38 pillow 7

    goal 49 hurry 46 leeks 35

    miss 28 opinion 55 PIN 27

    goggles 49 lemon 35

    mbtakes 33 orchestra 3 I pineapl)le 35

    go-kaMing 37 let 52

    mix 33 ordinary 51 plain 56

    golf course 29 Ice-skating rink 29 lettuce 35

    model 40 ostrich 30 plasHc 34

    good-looking 2 Illegal 59 librarian 9

    modem 51 Olher 18 play 38

    grandparents 8 Illness 55 lift 54

    motor-racing circui t 29 out 15 pleue 57

    grapes 35 imagine 28 light bulb 44

    mountains 48 out of IS pleased 56

    grateful 56 Impolite 2 lips 20

    move III 36 over 15 plug 44

    greedy 59 In 25 litter 26

    movie theater 47 overtake 49 plumber 9

    grey 34 In front of IS lived 18

    mug I owner 40 plus 43

    group 55 Independent 59 lively 52

    mushrooms 35 P point 43

    guess 13 Inexpensive 2 lizard 24

    music system 17 pooJ3

    Inside 15 loaf 5

    musical 37 packet 5 poor 27

    H Intelligent 2 lolly 19

    paint 12 popcorn 19

    hair drier 44 Internet II lon ely 59

    N painting 17 popular 52

    half 43 Interview 50 look forward 36

    nail 12 palace 39 population 59

    half-time 18 Introduce 13 lose 14

    names 57 pale 56 pork 19

    Halloween 38 Iron 44 lottery 38

    nalUral56 paper 4 port 48

    hammer 12 loud 22

    nalUre 18 parallel lines 43 post code 53

    hand 26 J love 49 nature reserve 53 parent 40 po"

    hang 33 tam 60 love story 50 near 15 park 38 pound 24

    happen 45 tar 5 lower 52

    needle 12 pan-time 18 pour 10

    happy 51 job 18 lucky 52 neighbours 59 pass 18 praclbe 33

    hard 58 log 46 lying 52 nervous 51 past 15 prawns 19

    hard-working 51 join 54 net 49 pasta 19 precious 52

    head 60 lake 38 M

    news 50 path 3 prefer 28

    heated 52 lournalist9 mad 58

    JU:xt to 25 patient 40 prepare 54

    heater 44 lug I magiC Show 37

    nice 18 patterned 34 prescription 18

    heavy 34 junk food 53 ma lll 56

    night 57 pavement 16 presenler 9

    make 14 nightie 23 pay 14 press 54 peace 55 printer II

    '" Wo,d list Word Ii$! m


    prison 39 right ,Ulglr 43 shel"c~ 17 stepmother 8 tluilling 2 U private 56 rob 26 shifl y 56 steps 3 through 15 ugly 2 prize 38 rock 48 shoot 54 still 19 throwaway 36 unattractivr 2 program II roll 5 shopping mall [6 stomach ache 20 tidy 10 uncle 8 promise 13 rollercoaster 37 shorr 57 ~tonrs 4S tie 33 underground station 16 pronounce 13 round 15 shorts 23 stool 24 tight 34 underpants 23 pull 54 roundabout 16 shoulder 20 stopped IS tights 23 unfriendly 52 pupil 40 rubber 4 ~howrr 21 store 47 timrs 43 unhappy 2 purposr 55 rubber gloves 33 shy 22 strange 2 tin 5 uninteresting 2 purse 27 rubbish bin 53 sick 58 strawberries 35 tin opener I unless 52 pyjamas 23 rude 2 sightseeing 38 ~tream 48 to 25 untidy 51 pyramid 43 rule 55 sign 33 string 33 loastl'T I until 42

    Q ruler 4 silence 55 striped 34 toe 20 unusual 51

    silly 51 slrong 5 I lollct 21 up 36 queue 59 5 silver 34 studious 22 toilet paper 21 upsrt 52 quiet 51 sad 2 simple 51 stung 52 tongue 20 urgent 59

    R sail 46 since 42 suggest 13 toothbrush 21 useful 56 race 46 salad 19 single 3\ suit 18 loothpaste 21 useless 59 racket 49 sales rep 9 siSler-In-law 8 surf 26 torch 12 rainforest 48 sandals 23 slippers 2:1 swan 24 torn 34 rap 31 sauce 19 small 58 sweiluhirt 2.1 touch 54


    raspbcrrlrs 35 sauct'piIn I smooth 56 sweep 26 lour 46 vacuum cleaner 44

    raw 19 5.1UCepan lid 12 snacks 19 SWt'ets 19 tour guide 9 Valentinr 38

    razor 21 saucrr 12 snail 30 swimming costumr 23 tourist information 16 valley 48

    save 14 swimming pool 29 towards 15 viuro ret:order 17 reach 46 scales 21 SQ.1P 21 towel 21 view 18

    reader 40 scarf 23 sof.:! 17

    swimming trllnk~ 23 !Own hall 16 voice 31

    real 56 soft 19 swilCh 44 reason 55 scenery 18 soft drink 53 SWitch off 36

    tracksuit 23 W r('(eipt 18 science fiction mm 50 soft toy 53 SWitch on 36 traffic Ilghts 53 want 18 ret:harge 11 scissors " song 31

    trMfic warden 9 war 55 score 49 T train 33

    ret:ipe 18 son-in-law 8 tabl r mat 17 trainers 23 wardrobe 7

    scrcen 11 ret:ord 10 sore 57 take 18 warm 52 sea front 16 travel 46 rectangle 43

    seaside 38 sound 45 take off 46 triangle 43 washing m,Khine 26

    refuse 13 sound engineer 9 water \0 religion 55 secret 55 spare-lime 18

    tap 21 trick 38 watcrml"lon 35 see off 36 taste 45 trip 38

    remotl" control 17 sparkling 19 wave 54 seem 45 tra towel 1 trouble 55

    rent 10 speakrrs 17 team 49 truck 47 waved 52

    selfish 22 weak 51 repair 26

    send 18 special 56 tear 10 trumpet 24 repeat 13

    sensiblr 51 speC'd 55 trnnis court 29 T-shirt 23 wealthy 2

    reply 13 sphrre 43 tent 39 tub 5 wear 33

    srrious 22 weather forecast 50 rest 55 spicy 52 terrible 2 tube 5 restillg 52 sewing machine 44 sponge 21 terrifying 2 tumblr drier 44 wedding .18 shakl" 54 weird 2 result 55 spotted 34 thank \3 tunc 31 shallow 51 Western 31 rl"turn 46 square 43 themt' p~rk 53 turn 45 rhinocrros 30 shampoo 21 standing 52 thick 52 turn down 36 whale 24 rhythm 31 shape 55 st ~rter 4 thief 40 turn up 36 wife 8

    shark 30 will 18 rice 19

    sharp 56 statement "

    think 28 TV 17 rich 2 stayeshave 54 with 42 ride 38 steak 19 thriller 50 type 54 rider 40 sheet 7 stral 14 wonder 28

    ,,, Word list WOrd list ,,,

  • wonderful 2 woollen 34 work 18 work out 36

    120 Word list

    worm 30 worry 28 would 18 wrong 57


    y yoghurt 19