pelagios workshop: rabinowitz, geodia

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Wikimapia assignment, spring 2007: student group project on Priene

timeline_sketch_Page_1Modeling Time and Place in an Interactive Spatial Timeline:

Adam RabinowitzThe University of Texas at [email protected]

Pelagios workshop, KCLMarch 24, 2011


Period term, prefixes and suffixes(e.g. Iron Age)

Culture(e.g. Greek)

Time start/end(e.g. start: 1000 BC; end: 800 BC)

Region(based on connectivity rather than coordinates)


Type of term

Period(e.g. Early + Iron Age + I + Greek + 1000-950 BC + Greece/The Aegean)


Site name(Lefkandi)

Latitude, Longitude

Site period(temporal extent of parent period at specific site)

Pleiades URI

Importance (zoom level)

Cultural importance (zoom level)

[{"title":"Agrigentum","point":{"lon":"13.592029809951782","lat":"37.28963204016098"},"options":{"serial_number":"000000968","zoom_level":"2","pleiades_uri":"http:\/\/\/places\/462086","cultural_importance":[{"culture":"greek","factor":"2"}],"periods":[{"term":"Archaic","culture":"Greek\/Sicilian","start":"580 B.C.","end":"480 B.C.","serial":"000001505","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001505&auth=http"},{"term":"Classical","culture":"Greek\/Sicilian","start":"480 B.C.","end":"406 B.C.","serial":"000001519","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001519&auth=http"},{"term":"Late Classical","culture":"Greek\/Sicilian","start":"406 B.C.","end":"332 B.C.","serial":"000001520","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001520&auth=http"},{"term":"Hellenistic","culture":"Greek\/Sicilian","start":"332 B.C.","end":"210 B.C.","serial":"000001521","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001521&auth=http"},{"term":"Republican","culture":"Roman\/Sicilian","start":"210 B.C.","end":"27 B.C.","serial":"000001654","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001654&auth=http"},{"term":"Early Empire","culture":"Roman\/Sicilian","start":"27 B.C.","end":"96 A.D.","serial":"000006394","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000006394&auth=http"},{"term":"High Empire","culture":"Roman\/Sicilian","start":"96 A.D.","end":"193 A.D.","serial":"000001662","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001662&auth=http"},{"term":"Late Empire","culture":"Roman\/Sicilian","start":"193 A.D.","end":"456 A.D.","serial":"000001664","image_link":"http:\/\/\/geodia\/modules\/geodia\/period_images.json?sernums=000001664&auth=http"}]},"start":"580 B.C.","end":"456 A.D."}]

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